2Shader version: 500
3gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
40:? Sequence
50:34  Function Definition: @main( ( temp 4-component vector of float)
60:34    Function Parameters:
70:?     Sequence
80:35      't1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform texture1D)
90:36      't2' (layout( set=1 binding=2) uniform texture2D)
100:37      't3' (layout( set=2 binding=1) uniform texture3D)
110:38      direct index (layout( row_major std430) buffer 4-component vector of float)
120:38        @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of 4-component vector of float)
130:38          't4' (layout( set=3 binding=1 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of 4-component vector of float @data})
140:38          Constant:
150:38            0 (const uint)
160:38        Constant:
170:38          0 (const int)
180:39      indirect index (layout( row_major std430) buffer uint)
190:39        @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint)
200:39          't5' (layout( set=3 binding=2 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
210:39          Constant:
220:39            0 (const uint)
230:39        right-shift ( temp int)
240:39          Constant:
250:39            0 (const int)
260:39          Constant:
270:39            2 (const int)
280:40      't6' (layout( set=3 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform textureBuffer)
290:42      's1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform sampler)
300:43      's2' (layout( set=2 binding=2) uniform sampler)
310:45      'u1' (layout( set=1 binding=1 rgba32f) uniform image1D)
320:46      'u2' (layout( set=2 binding=2 rgba32f) uniform image2D)
330:47      'u3' (layout( set=2 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform image3D)
340:49      imageLoad ( temp float)
350:49        'u4' (layout( set=1 binding=4 r32f) uniform imageBuffer)
360:49        Constant:
370:49          0 (const int)
380:50      indirect index (layout( row_major std430) buffer uint)
390:50        @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint)
400:50          'u5' (layout( set=2 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
410:50          Constant:
420:50            0 (const uint)
430:50        right-shift ( temp int)
440:50          Constant:
450:50            0 (const int)
460:50          Constant:
470:50            2 (const int)
480:51      direct index (layout( row_major std430) buffer float)
490:51        @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float)
500:51          'u6' (layout( set=3 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
510:51          Constant:
520:51            0 (const uint)
530:51        Constant:
540:51          0 (const int)
550:52      'u7' (layout( set=4 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
560:53      'u8' (layout( set=5 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
570:55      cb1: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std140) uniform int)
580:55        'anon@0' (layout( set=6 binding=1 row_major std140) uniform block{layout( row_major std140) uniform int cb1})
590:55        Constant:
600:55          0 (const uint)
610:56      tb1: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer int)
620:56        'anon@1' (layout( binding=7 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer int tb1})
630:56        Constant:
640:56          0 (const uint)
650:58      Branch: Return with expression
660:58        Constant:
670:58          0.000000
680:58          0.000000
690:58          0.000000
700:58          0.000000
710:34  Function Definition: main( ( temp void)
720:34    Function Parameters:
730:?     Sequence
740:34      move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
750:?         '@entryPointOutput' (layout( location=0) out 4-component vector of float)
760:34        Function Call: @main( ( temp 4-component vector of float)
770:?   Linker Objects
780:?     's1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform sampler)
790:?     's2' (layout( set=2 binding=2) uniform sampler)
800:?     't1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform texture1D)
810:?     't2' (layout( set=1 binding=2) uniform texture2D)
820:?     't3' (layout( set=2 binding=1) uniform texture3D)
830:?     't4' (layout( set=3 binding=1 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of 4-component vector of float @data})
840:?     't5' (layout( set=3 binding=2 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
850:?     't6' (layout( set=3 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform textureBuffer)
860:?     'u1' (layout( set=1 binding=1 rgba32f) uniform image1D)
870:?     'u2' (layout( set=2 binding=2 rgba32f) uniform image2D)
880:?     'u3' (layout( set=2 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform image3D)
890:?     'u4' (layout( set=1 binding=4 r32f) uniform imageBuffer)
900:?     'u5' (layout( set=2 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
910:?     'u6' (layout( set=3 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
920:?     'u7' (layout( set=4 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
930:?     'u8' (layout( set=5 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
940:?     'anon@0' (layout( set=6 binding=1 row_major std140) uniform block{layout( row_major std140) uniform int cb1})
950:?     'anon@1' (layout( binding=7 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer int tb1})
960:?     '@entryPointOutput' (layout( location=0) out 4-component vector of float)
99Linked fragment stage:
102Shader version: 500
103gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
1040:? Sequence
1050:34  Function Definition: @main( ( temp 4-component vector of float)
1060:34    Function Parameters:
1070:?     Sequence
1080:35      't1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform texture1D)
1090:36      't2' (layout( set=1 binding=2) uniform texture2D)
1100:37      't3' (layout( set=2 binding=1) uniform texture3D)
1110:38      direct index (layout( row_major std430) buffer 4-component vector of float)
1120:38        @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of 4-component vector of float)
1130:38          't4' (layout( set=3 binding=1 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of 4-component vector of float @data})
1140:38          Constant:
1150:38            0 (const uint)
1160:38        Constant:
1170:38          0 (const int)
1180:39      indirect index (layout( row_major std430) buffer uint)
1190:39        @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint)
1200:39          't5' (layout( set=3 binding=2 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
1210:39          Constant:
1220:39            0 (const uint)
1230:39        right-shift ( temp int)
1240:39          Constant:
1250:39            0 (const int)
1260:39          Constant:
1270:39            2 (const int)
1280:40      't6' (layout( set=3 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform textureBuffer)
1290:42      's1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform sampler)
1300:43      's2' (layout( set=2 binding=2) uniform sampler)
1310:45      'u1' (layout( set=1 binding=1 rgba32f) uniform image1D)
1320:46      'u2' (layout( set=2 binding=2 rgba32f) uniform image2D)
1330:47      'u3' (layout( set=2 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform image3D)
1340:49      imageLoad ( temp float)
1350:49        'u4' (layout( set=1 binding=4 r32f) uniform imageBuffer)
1360:49        Constant:
1370:49          0 (const int)
1380:50      indirect index (layout( row_major std430) buffer uint)
1390:50        @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint)
1400:50          'u5' (layout( set=2 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
1410:50          Constant:
1420:50            0 (const uint)
1430:50        right-shift ( temp int)
1440:50          Constant:
1450:50            0 (const int)
1460:50          Constant:
1470:50            2 (const int)
1480:51      direct index (layout( row_major std430) buffer float)
1490:51        @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float)
1500:51          'u6' (layout( set=3 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
1510:51          Constant:
1520:51            0 (const uint)
1530:51        Constant:
1540:51          0 (const int)
1550:52      'u7' (layout( set=4 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
1560:53      'u8' (layout( set=5 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
1570:55      cb1: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std140) uniform int)
1580:55        'anon@0' (layout( set=6 binding=1 row_major std140) uniform block{layout( row_major std140) uniform int cb1})
1590:55        Constant:
1600:55          0 (const uint)
1610:56      tb1: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer int)
1620:56        'anon@1' (layout( binding=7 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer int tb1})
1630:56        Constant:
1640:56          0 (const uint)
1650:58      Branch: Return with expression
1660:58        Constant:
1670:58          0.000000
1680:58          0.000000
1690:58          0.000000
1700:58          0.000000
1710:34  Function Definition: main( ( temp void)
1720:34    Function Parameters:
1730:?     Sequence
1740:34      move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
1750:?         '@entryPointOutput' (layout( location=0) out 4-component vector of float)
1760:34        Function Call: @main( ( temp 4-component vector of float)
1770:?   Linker Objects
1780:?     's1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform sampler)
1790:?     's2' (layout( set=2 binding=2) uniform sampler)
1800:?     't1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform texture1D)
1810:?     't2' (layout( set=1 binding=2) uniform texture2D)
1820:?     't3' (layout( set=2 binding=1) uniform texture3D)
1830:?     't4' (layout( set=3 binding=1 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of 4-component vector of float @data})
1840:?     't5' (layout( set=3 binding=2 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
1850:?     't6' (layout( set=3 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform textureBuffer)
1860:?     'u1' (layout( set=1 binding=1 rgba32f) uniform image1D)
1870:?     'u2' (layout( set=2 binding=2 rgba32f) uniform image2D)
1880:?     'u3' (layout( set=2 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform image3D)
1890:?     'u4' (layout( set=1 binding=4 r32f) uniform imageBuffer)
1900:?     'u5' (layout( set=2 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
1910:?     'u6' (layout( set=3 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
1920:?     'u7' (layout( set=4 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
1930:?     'u8' (layout( set=5 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
1940:?     'anon@0' (layout( set=6 binding=1 row_major std140) uniform block{layout( row_major std140) uniform int cb1})
1950:?     'anon@1' (layout( binding=7 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer int tb1})
1960:?     '@entryPointOutput' (layout( location=0) out 4-component vector of float)
198Uniform reflection:
199t1: offset -1, type 8b5d, size 1, index -1, binding 21
200t2: offset -1, type 8b5e, size 1, index -1, binding 22
201t3: offset -1, type 8b5f, size 1, index -1, binding 26
202t4.@data: offset 0, type 8b52, size 1, index 0, binding -1
203t5.@data: offset 0, type 1405, size 0, index 1, binding -1
204t6: offset -1, type 8dc2, size 1, index -1, binding 23
205s1: offset -1, type 0, size 1, index -1, binding 11
206s2: offset -1, type 0, size 1, index -1, binding 17
207u1: offset -1, type 904c, size 1, index -1, binding 31
208u2: offset -1, type 904d, size 1, index -1, binding 42
209u3: offset -1, type 904e, size 1, index -1, binding 43
210u4: offset -1, type 9051, size 1, index -1, binding 34
211u5.@data: offset 0, type 1405, size 0, index 2, binding -1
212u6.@data: offset 0, type 1406, size 1, index 3, binding -1
213cb1: offset 0, type 1404, size 1, index 4, binding -1
214tb1: offset 0, type 1404, size 1, index 5, binding -1
216Uniform block reflection:
217t4: offset -1, type ffffffff, size 0, index -1, binding 21
218t5: offset -1, type ffffffff, size 0, index -1, binding 22
219u5: offset -1, type ffffffff, size 0, index -1, binding 44
220u6: offset -1, type ffffffff, size 0, index -1, binding 34
221cb: offset -1, type ffffffff, size 4, index -1, binding 51
222tb: offset -1, type ffffffff, size 4, index -1, binding 27
224Vertex attribute reflection: