1 /* $Header: d:/cvsroot/tads/TADS2/appctx.h,v 1.2 1999/05/17 02:52:14 MJRoberts Exp $ */
3 /*
4  *   Copyright (c) 1997, 2002 Michael J. Roberts.  All Rights Reserved.
5  *
6  *   Please see the accompanying license file, LICENSE.TXT, for information
7  *   on using and copying this software.
8  */
9 /*
10 Name
11   appctx.h - Application container context definitions
12 Function
13   Defines structures related to the TADS runtime application
14 Notes
16 Modified
17    9/05/98 CNebel   - Spliced off from trd.h.
18 */
20 #ifndef APPCTX_H
21 #define APPCTX_H
23 #ifdef __cplusplus
24 extern "C" {
25 #endif
27 /*
28  *   Application container context.  The TADS run-time is a subsystem that
29  *   can be invoked from different types of applications; in fact, even
30  *   when only the standard stand-alone run-time is considered, multiple
31  *   application containers must be supported because of differences
32  *   between operating systems.  The application container context is an
33  *   optional mechanism that the main application can use to provide
34  *   structured interaction between itself and the TADS run-time subsystem.
35  *
36  *   The function pointers contained herein are intended to allow the
37  *   run-time subsystem to call the host system to notify it of certain
38  *   events, or obtain optional services from the host system.  Any of
39  *   these function pointers can be null, in which case the run-time
40  *   subsystem will skip calling them.
41  *
42  *   Note that each function has an associated callback context.  This
43  *   allows the host system to recover any necessary context information
44  *   when the callback is invoked.
45  */
46 typedef struct appctxdef appctxdef;
47 struct appctxdef
48 {
49     /*
50      *   Get the .GAM file name.  The run-time will call this only if it
51      *   can't find a game file to load through some other means first.
52      *   The run-time determines the game file first by looking at the
53      *   command line, then by checking to see if a .GAM file is attached
54      *   to the executable.  If none of these checks yields a game, the
55      *   run-time will call this routine to see if the host system wants
56      *   to provide a game.  This routine can be implemented on a GUI
57      *   system, for example, to display a dialog prompting the user to
58      *   select a game file to open.  A trivial implementation of this
59      *   routine (that merely returns false) is okay.
60      *
61      *   This routine should return true (any non-zero value) if it
62      *   provides the name of a file to open, false (zero) if not.
63      */
64     int (*get_game_name)(void *appctxdat, char *buf, size_t buflen);
65     void *get_game_name_ctx;
67     /*
68      *   Set the .GAM file name.  When the run-time determines the name of
69      *   the file it will use to read the game, it calls this routine.
70      *   The host system should note the game filename if it will need to
71      *   access the game file itself (for example, to load resources).
72      */
73     void (*set_game_name)(void *appctxdat, const char *fname);
74     void *set_game_name_ctx;
76     /*
77      *   Set the root path for individual resources.  By default, we use the
78      *   directory containing the game file, but this can be used to override
79      *   that.
80      */
81     void (*set_res_dir)(void *appctxdat, const char *fname);
82     void *set_res_dir_ctx;
84     /*
85      *   Set the resource map address in the game file.  If the .GAM
86      *   reader encounters a resource map in the file, it calls this
87      *   routine with the seek offset of the first resource.  Each
88      *   resource's address is given as an offset from this point.
89      *
90      *   fileno is the file number assigned by the host system in
91      *   add_resfile.  File number zero is always the .GAM file.
92      */
93     void (*set_resmap_seek)(void *appctxdat, unsigned long seekpos,
94                             int fileno);
95     void *set_resmap_seek_ctx;
97     /*
98      *   Add a resource entry.  The 'ofs' entry is the byte offset of the
99      *   start of the resource, relative to the seek position previously
100      *   set with set_resmap_seek.  'siz' is the size of the resource in
101      *   bytes; the resource is stored as contiguous bytes starting at the
102      *   given offset for the given size.  Note that resources may be
103      *   added before the resource map seek position is set, so the host
104      *   system must simply store the resource information for later use.
105      *   The 'fileno' is zero for the .GAM file, or the number assigned by
106      *   the host system in add_resfile for other resource files.
107      */
108     void (*add_resource)(void *appctxdat, unsigned long ofs,
109                          unsigned long siz, const char *nm, size_t nmlen,
110                          int fileno);
111     void *add_resource_ctx;
113     /*
114      *   Find a resource entry.  If the resource can be found, this must
115      *   return an osfildef* handle to the resource, with its seek position
116      *   set to the first byte of the resource data, and set *res_size to
117      *   the size in bytes of the resource data in the file.  If the
118      *   resource cannot be found, returns null.
119      */
120     osfildef *(*find_resource)(void *appctxdat,
121                                const char *resname, size_t resnamelen,
122                                unsigned long *res_size);
123     void *find_resource_ctx;
125     /*
126      *   Add a resource file.  The return value is a non-zero file number
127      *   assigned by the host system; we'll use this number in subsequent
128      *   calls to add_resource to add the resources from this file.
129      *
130      *   After calling this routine to add the file, we'll parse the file
131      *   and add any resources using add_resource.
132      */
133     int (*add_resfile)(void *appctxdat, const char *fname);
134     void *add_resfile_ctx;
136     /*
137      *   Determine if a resource exists.  Returns true if the resource can
138      *   be loaded, false if not.  The resource name is in the standard
139      *   URL-style format.
140      */
141     int (*resfile_exists)(void *appctxdat, const char *res_name,
142                           size_t res_name_len);
143     void *resfile_exists_ctx;
145     /*
146      *   Resource file path.  If we should look for resource files in a
147      *   different location than the .GAM file, the host system can set
148      *   this to a path that we should use to look for resource files.  If
149      *   it's null, we'll look in the directory that contains the .GAM
150      *   file.  Note that if the path is provided, it must be set up with
151      *   a trailing path separator character, so that we can directly
152      *   append a name to this path to form a valid fully-qualified
153      *   filename.
154      */
155     const char *ext_res_path;
157     /*
158      *   File safety level get/set.  During initialization, we'll call the
159      *   host system to tell it the file safety level selected by the user
160      *   on the command line; if the host system is saving preference
161      *   information, it should temporarily override its saved preferences
162      *   and use the command line setting (and it may, if appropriate,
163      *   want to save the command line setting as the saved preference
164      *   setting, depending on how it handles preferences).  During
165      *   execution, any time the game tries to open a file (using the
166      *   fopen built-in function), we'll call the host system to ask it
167      *   for the current setting, and use this new setting rather than the
168      *   original command line setting.
169      *
170      *   Refer to bif.c for information on the meanings of the file safety
171      *   levels.
172      */
173     void (*set_io_safety_level)(void *ctx, int level);
174     int  (*get_io_safety_level)(void *ctx);
175     void  *io_safety_level_ctx;
177     /*
178      *   Name of run-time application for usage messages.  If this is
179      *   null, the default run-time application name will be used for
180      *   usage messages.
181      */
182     const char *usage_app_name;
183 };
185 #ifdef __cplusplus
186 }
187 #endif
189 #endif