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ChangeLogH A D28-Jun-20094.9 KiB10789

Makefile.amH A D27-Jun-2009235 42

Makefile.inH A D27-Jun-200914.7 KiB491426

READMEH A D28-Jun-20092 KiB3422

TODOH A D22-Mar-20091.7 KiB3533


1Toy Cars is a physics based 2-D racer.
3There are three modes of play.
4i) Timed Race: You just race around the track and try to get the best time you can.
5ii) Hot Potato: Inspired by an old arcade game I do not know the name of. One car has a bomb sitting on top of it. If you crash into this car the bomb jumps to your car. When the time runs out, the bomb explodes and the player carrying it explodes with it and loses the game thereby rendering the other players the winners.
6iii) Knock 'Em Out: Like in the old Micromachines game on some old game consoles. All players are on the same screen, and the screen follows the player in the lead. If you go off the screen you are knocked out. All players are restarted once there is one player left. When all players except one are knocked out the remaining player earns one point.
8Many vehicles per game can take part, some human controlled, some computer controlled.
10A separate track editor is included in the standard distribution.
12Support for the XBox 360 Gamepad has been implemented for the Mac OS X and Windows versions. In Mac OS X one needs to install a driver first. The driver recommended is the one available here: http://tattiebogle.net/index.php/ProjectRoot/Xbox360Controller/OsxDriver
14In Linux or Mac OS X one can install new tracks and cars in the ~/.toycars/ directory and the game should find them there and allow one to play them.
16Player 1: arrow keys
17Player 2: w,s,a,d
18Player 3: i,k,j,l
19Player 4: 8,5,4,6 (on the keypad)
21Press 'c' to change camera mode.
23If there are more than two human controlled players in the game, then auto acceleration will be enabled. In this case the use of the accelerate key will be unnecessary.
25Run toycars -h to see a list of available command line options.
27Known issues:
28* Slow downs may occur when using more than one car model in a single game. This is due to not having enough vram to hold all the sprite data.
29* Minimaps are not displayed correctly in the windows version.
31Created by Ruben Zilibowitz