1 /*
2 ===========================================================================
3 Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
4 Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Tim Angus
6 This file is part of Tremulous.
8 Tremulous is free software; you can redistribute it
9 and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
10 published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
11 or (at your option) any later version.
13 Tremulous is distributed in the hope that it will be
14 useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 GNU General Public License for more details.
18 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 along with Tremulous; if not, write to the Free Software
20 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
21 ===========================================================================
22 */
24 #include "tr_local.h"
26 /*
28 This file does all of the processing necessary to turn a raw grid of points
29 read from the map file into a srfGridMesh_t ready for rendering.
31 The level of detail solution is direction independent, based only on subdivided
32 distance from the true curve.
34 Only a single entry point:
36 srfGridMesh_t *R_SubdividePatchToGrid( int width, int height,
37 								drawVert_t points[MAX_PATCH_SIZE*MAX_PATCH_SIZE] ) {
39 */
42 /*
43 ============
44 LerpDrawVert
45 ============
46 */
LerpDrawVert(drawVert_t * a,drawVert_t * b,drawVert_t * out)47 static void LerpDrawVert( drawVert_t *a, drawVert_t *b, drawVert_t *out ) {
48 	out->xyz[0] = 0.5f * (a->xyz[0] + b->xyz[0]);
49 	out->xyz[1] = 0.5f * (a->xyz[1] + b->xyz[1]);
50 	out->xyz[2] = 0.5f * (a->xyz[2] + b->xyz[2]);
52 	out->st[0] = 0.5f * (a->st[0] + b->st[0]);
53 	out->st[1] = 0.5f * (a->st[1] + b->st[1]);
55 	out->lightmap[0] = 0.5f * (a->lightmap[0] + b->lightmap[0]);
56 	out->lightmap[1] = 0.5f * (a->lightmap[1] + b->lightmap[1]);
58 	out->color[0] = (a->color[0] + b->color[0]) >> 1;
59 	out->color[1] = (a->color[1] + b->color[1]) >> 1;
60 	out->color[2] = (a->color[2] + b->color[2]) >> 1;
61 	out->color[3] = (a->color[3] + b->color[3]) >> 1;
62 }
64 /*
65 ============
66 Transpose
67 ============
68 */
Transpose(int width,int height,drawVert_t ctrl[MAX_GRID_SIZE][MAX_GRID_SIZE])69 static void Transpose( int width, int height, drawVert_t ctrl[MAX_GRID_SIZE][MAX_GRID_SIZE] ) {
70 	int		i, j;
71 	drawVert_t	temp;
73 	if ( width > height ) {
74 		for ( i = 0 ; i < height ; i++ ) {
75 			for ( j = i + 1 ; j < width ; j++ ) {
76 				if ( j < height ) {
77 					// swap the value
78 					temp = ctrl[j][i];
79 					ctrl[j][i] = ctrl[i][j];
80 					ctrl[i][j] = temp;
81 				} else {
82 					// just copy
83 					ctrl[j][i] = ctrl[i][j];
84 				}
85 			}
86 		}
87 	} else {
88 		for ( i = 0 ; i < width ; i++ ) {
89 			for ( j = i + 1 ; j < height ; j++ ) {
90 				if ( j < width ) {
91 					// swap the value
92 					temp = ctrl[i][j];
93 					ctrl[i][j] = ctrl[j][i];
94 					ctrl[j][i] = temp;
95 				} else {
96 					// just copy
97 					ctrl[i][j] = ctrl[j][i];
98 				}
99 			}
100 		}
101 	}
103 }
106 /*
107 =================
108 MakeMeshNormals
110 Handles all the complicated wrapping and degenerate cases
111 =================
112 */
MakeMeshNormals(int width,int height,drawVert_t ctrl[MAX_GRID_SIZE][MAX_GRID_SIZE])113 static void MakeMeshNormals( int width, int height, drawVert_t ctrl[MAX_GRID_SIZE][MAX_GRID_SIZE] ) {
114 	int		i, j, k, dist;
115 	vec3_t	normal;
116 	vec3_t	sum;
117 	int		count = 0;
118 	vec3_t	base;
119 	vec3_t	delta;
120 	int		x, y;
121 	drawVert_t	*dv;
122 	vec3_t		around[8], temp;
123 	qboolean	good[8];
124 	qboolean	wrapWidth, wrapHeight;
125 	float		len;
126 static	int	neighbors[8][2] = {
127 	{0,1}, {1,1}, {1,0}, {1,-1}, {0,-1}, {-1,-1}, {-1,0}, {-1,1}
128 	};
130 	wrapWidth = qfalse;
131 	for ( i = 0 ; i < height ; i++ ) {
132 		VectorSubtract( ctrl[i][0].xyz, ctrl[i][width-1].xyz, delta );
133 		len = VectorLengthSquared( delta );
134 		if ( len > 1.0 ) {
135 			break;
136 		}
137 	}
138 	if ( i == height ) {
139 		wrapWidth = qtrue;
140 	}
142 	wrapHeight = qfalse;
143 	for ( i = 0 ; i < width ; i++ ) {
144 		VectorSubtract( ctrl[0][i].xyz, ctrl[height-1][i].xyz, delta );
145 		len = VectorLengthSquared( delta );
146 		if ( len > 1.0 ) {
147 			break;
148 		}
149 	}
150 	if ( i == width) {
151 		wrapHeight = qtrue;
152 	}
155 	for ( i = 0 ; i < width ; i++ ) {
156 		for ( j = 0 ; j < height ; j++ ) {
157 			count = 0;
158 			dv = &ctrl[j][i];
159 			VectorCopy( dv->xyz, base );
160 			for ( k = 0 ; k < 8 ; k++ ) {
161 				VectorClear( around[k] );
162 				good[k] = qfalse;
164 				for ( dist = 1 ; dist <= 3 ; dist++ ) {
165 					x = i + neighbors[k][0] * dist;
166 					y = j + neighbors[k][1] * dist;
167 					if ( wrapWidth ) {
168 						if ( x < 0 ) {
169 							x = width - 1 + x;
170 						} else if ( x >= width ) {
171 							x = 1 + x - width;
172 						}
173 					}
174 					if ( wrapHeight ) {
175 						if ( y < 0 ) {
176 							y = height - 1 + y;
177 						} else if ( y >= height ) {
178 							y = 1 + y - height;
179 						}
180 					}
182 					if ( x < 0 || x >= width || y < 0 || y >= height ) {
183 						break;					// edge of patch
184 					}
185 					VectorSubtract( ctrl[y][x].xyz, base, temp );
186 					if ( VectorNormalize2( temp, temp ) == 0 ) {
187 						continue;				// degenerate edge, get more dist
188 					} else {
189 						good[k] = qtrue;
190 						VectorCopy( temp, around[k] );
191 						break;					// good edge
192 					}
193 				}
194 			}
196 			VectorClear( sum );
197 			for ( k = 0 ; k < 8 ; k++ ) {
198 				if ( !good[k] || !good[(k+1)&7] ) {
199 					continue;	// didn't get two points
200 				}
201 				CrossProduct( around[(k+1)&7], around[k], normal );
202 				if ( VectorNormalize2( normal, normal ) == 0 ) {
203 					continue;
204 				}
205 				VectorAdd( normal, sum, sum );
206 				count++;
207 			}
208 			if ( count == 0 ) {
209 //printf("bad normal\n");
210 				count = 1;
211 			}
212 			VectorNormalize2( sum, dv->normal );
213 		}
214 	}
215 }
218 /*
219 ============
220 InvertCtrl
221 ============
222 */
InvertCtrl(int width,int height,drawVert_t ctrl[MAX_GRID_SIZE][MAX_GRID_SIZE])223 static void InvertCtrl( int width, int height, drawVert_t ctrl[MAX_GRID_SIZE][MAX_GRID_SIZE] ) {
224 	int		i, j;
225 	drawVert_t	temp;
227 	for ( i = 0 ; i < height ; i++ ) {
228 		for ( j = 0 ; j < width/2 ; j++ ) {
229 			temp = ctrl[i][j];
230 			ctrl[i][j] = ctrl[i][width-1-j];
231 			ctrl[i][width-1-j] = temp;
232 		}
233 	}
234 }
237 /*
238 =================
239 InvertErrorTable
240 =================
241 */
InvertErrorTable(float errorTable[2][MAX_GRID_SIZE],int width,int height)242 static void InvertErrorTable( float errorTable[2][MAX_GRID_SIZE], int width, int height ) {
243 	int		i;
244 	float	copy[2][MAX_GRID_SIZE];
246 	Com_Memcpy( copy, errorTable, sizeof( copy ) );
248 	for ( i = 0 ; i < width ; i++ ) {
249 		errorTable[1][i] = copy[0][i];	//[width-1-i];
250 	}
252 	for ( i = 0 ; i < height ; i++ ) {
253 		errorTable[0][i] = copy[1][height-1-i];
254 	}
256 }
258 /*
259 ==================
260 PutPointsOnCurve
261 ==================
262 */
PutPointsOnCurve(drawVert_t ctrl[MAX_GRID_SIZE][MAX_GRID_SIZE],int width,int height)263 static void PutPointsOnCurve( drawVert_t	ctrl[MAX_GRID_SIZE][MAX_GRID_SIZE],
264 							 int width, int height ) {
265 	int			i, j;
266 	drawVert_t	prev, next;
268 	for ( i = 0 ; i < width ; i++ ) {
269 		for ( j = 1 ; j < height ; j += 2 ) {
270 			LerpDrawVert( &ctrl[j][i], &ctrl[j+1][i], &prev );
271 			LerpDrawVert( &ctrl[j][i], &ctrl[j-1][i], &next );
272 			LerpDrawVert( &prev, &next, &ctrl[j][i] );
273 		}
274 	}
277 	for ( j = 0 ; j < height ; j++ ) {
278 		for ( i = 1 ; i < width ; i += 2 ) {
279 			LerpDrawVert( &ctrl[j][i], &ctrl[j][i+1], &prev );
280 			LerpDrawVert( &ctrl[j][i], &ctrl[j][i-1], &next );
281 			LerpDrawVert( &prev, &next, &ctrl[j][i] );
282 		}
283 	}
284 }
286 /*
287 =================
288 R_CreateSurfaceGridMesh
289 =================
290 */
R_CreateSurfaceGridMesh(int width,int height,drawVert_t ctrl[MAX_GRID_SIZE][MAX_GRID_SIZE],float errorTable[2][MAX_GRID_SIZE])291 srfGridMesh_t *R_CreateSurfaceGridMesh(int width, int height,
292 								drawVert_t ctrl[MAX_GRID_SIZE][MAX_GRID_SIZE], float errorTable[2][MAX_GRID_SIZE] ) {
293 	int i, j, size;
294 	drawVert_t	*vert;
295 	vec3_t		tmpVec;
296 	srfGridMesh_t *grid;
298 	// copy the results out to a grid
299 	size = (width * height - 1) * sizeof( drawVert_t ) + sizeof( *grid );
302 	grid = /*ri.Hunk_Alloc*/ ri.Malloc( size );
303 	Com_Memset(grid, 0, size);
305 	grid->widthLodError = /*ri.Hunk_Alloc*/ ri.Malloc( width * 4 );
306 	Com_Memcpy( grid->widthLodError, errorTable[0], width * 4 );
308 	grid->heightLodError = /*ri.Hunk_Alloc*/ ri.Malloc( height * 4 );
309 	Com_Memcpy( grid->heightLodError, errorTable[1], height * 4 );
310 #else
311 	grid = ri.Hunk_Alloc( size );
312 	Com_Memset(grid, 0, size);
314 	grid->widthLodError = ri.Hunk_Alloc( width * 4 );
315 	Com_Memcpy( grid->widthLodError, errorTable[0], width * 4 );
317 	grid->heightLodError = ri.Hunk_Alloc( height * 4 );
318 	Com_Memcpy( grid->heightLodError, errorTable[1], height * 4 );
319 #endif
321 	grid->width = width;
322 	grid->height = height;
323 	grid->surfaceType = SF_GRID;
324 	ClearBounds( grid->meshBounds[0], grid->meshBounds[1] );
325 	for ( i = 0 ; i < width ; i++ ) {
326 		for ( j = 0 ; j < height ; j++ ) {
327 			vert = &grid->verts[j*width+i];
328 			*vert = ctrl[j][i];
329 			AddPointToBounds( vert->xyz, grid->meshBounds[0], grid->meshBounds[1] );
330 		}
331 	}
333 	// compute local origin and bounds
334 	VectorAdd( grid->meshBounds[0], grid->meshBounds[1], grid->localOrigin );
335 	VectorScale( grid->localOrigin, 0.5f, grid->localOrigin );
336 	VectorSubtract( grid->meshBounds[0], grid->localOrigin, tmpVec );
337 	grid->meshRadius = VectorLength( tmpVec );
339 	VectorCopy( grid->localOrigin, grid->lodOrigin );
340 	grid->lodRadius = grid->meshRadius;
341 	//
342 	return grid;
343 }
345 /*
346 =================
347 R_FreeSurfaceGridMesh
348 =================
349 */
R_FreeSurfaceGridMesh(srfGridMesh_t * grid)350 void R_FreeSurfaceGridMesh( srfGridMesh_t *grid ) {
351 	ri.Free(grid->widthLodError);
352 	ri.Free(grid->heightLodError);
353 	ri.Free(grid);
354 }
356 /*
357 =================
358 R_SubdividePatchToGrid
359 =================
360 */
R_SubdividePatchToGrid(int width,int height,drawVert_t points[MAX_PATCH_SIZE * MAX_PATCH_SIZE])361 srfGridMesh_t *R_SubdividePatchToGrid( int width, int height,
362 								drawVert_t points[MAX_PATCH_SIZE*MAX_PATCH_SIZE] ) {
363 	int			i, j, k, l;
364 	drawVert_t_cleared( prev );
365 	drawVert_t_cleared( next );
366 	drawVert_t_cleared( mid );
367 	float		len, maxLen;
368 	int			dir;
369 	int			t;
370 	drawVert_t	ctrl[MAX_GRID_SIZE][MAX_GRID_SIZE];
371 	float		errorTable[2][MAX_GRID_SIZE];
373 	for ( i = 0 ; i < width ; i++ ) {
374 		for ( j = 0 ; j < height ; j++ ) {
375 			ctrl[j][i] = points[j*width+i];
376 		}
377 	}
379 	for ( dir = 0 ; dir < 2 ; dir++ ) {
381 		for ( j = 0 ; j < MAX_GRID_SIZE ; j++ ) {
382 			errorTable[dir][j] = 0;
383 		}
385 		// horizontal subdivisions
386 		for ( j = 0 ; j + 2 < width ; j += 2 ) {
387 			// check subdivided midpoints against control points
389 			// FIXME: also check midpoints of adjacent patches against the control points
390 			// this would basically stitch all patches in the same LOD group together.
392 			maxLen = 0;
393 			for ( i = 0 ; i < height ; i++ ) {
394 				vec3_t		midxyz;
395 				vec3_t		midxyz2;
396 				vec3_t		dir;
397 				vec3_t		projected;
398 				float		d;
400 				// calculate the point on the curve
401 				for ( l = 0 ; l < 3 ; l++ ) {
402 					midxyz[l] = (ctrl[i][j].xyz[l] + ctrl[i][j+1].xyz[l] * 2
403 							+ ctrl[i][j+2].xyz[l] ) * 0.25f;
404 				}
406 				// see how far off the line it is
407 				// using dist-from-line will not account for internal
408 				// texture warping, but it gives a lot less polygons than
409 				// dist-from-midpoint
410 				VectorSubtract( midxyz, ctrl[i][j].xyz, midxyz );
411 				VectorSubtract( ctrl[i][j+2].xyz, ctrl[i][j].xyz, dir );
412 				VectorNormalize( dir );
414 				d = DotProduct( midxyz, dir );
415 				VectorScale( dir, d, projected );
416 				VectorSubtract( midxyz, projected, midxyz2);
417 				len = VectorLengthSquared( midxyz2 );			// we will do the sqrt later
418 				if ( len > maxLen ) {
419 					maxLen = len;
420 				}
421 			}
423 			maxLen = sqrt(maxLen);
425 			// if all the points are on the lines, remove the entire columns
426 			if ( maxLen < 0.1f ) {
427 				errorTable[dir][j+1] = 999;
428 				continue;
429 			}
431 			// see if we want to insert subdivided columns
432 			if ( width + 2 > MAX_GRID_SIZE ) {
433 				errorTable[dir][j+1] = 1.0f/maxLen;
434 				continue;	// can't subdivide any more
435 			}
437 			if ( maxLen <= r_subdivisions->value ) {
438 				errorTable[dir][j+1] = 1.0f/maxLen;
439 				continue;	// didn't need subdivision
440 			}
442 			errorTable[dir][j+2] = 1.0f/maxLen;
444 			// insert two columns and replace the peak
445 			width += 2;
446 			for ( i = 0 ; i < height ; i++ ) {
447 				LerpDrawVert( &ctrl[i][j], &ctrl[i][j+1], &prev );
448 				LerpDrawVert( &ctrl[i][j+1], &ctrl[i][j+2], &next );
449 				LerpDrawVert( &prev, &next, &mid );
451 				for ( k = width - 1 ; k > j + 3 ; k-- ) {
452 					ctrl[i][k] = ctrl[i][k-2];
453 				}
454 				ctrl[i][j + 1] = prev;
455 				ctrl[i][j + 2] = mid;
456 				ctrl[i][j + 3] = next;
457 			}
459 			// back up and recheck this set again, it may need more subdivision
460 			j -= 2;
462 		}
464 		Transpose( width, height, ctrl );
465 		t = width;
466 		width = height;
467 		height = t;
468 	}
471 	// put all the aproximating points on the curve
472 	PutPointsOnCurve( ctrl, width, height );
474 	// cull out any rows or columns that are colinear
475 	for ( i = 1 ; i < width-1 ; i++ ) {
476 		if ( errorTable[0][i] != 999 ) {
477 			continue;
478 		}
479 		for ( j = i+1 ; j < width ; j++ ) {
480 			for ( k = 0 ; k < height ; k++ ) {
481 				ctrl[k][j-1] = ctrl[k][j];
482 			}
483 			errorTable[0][j-1] = errorTable[0][j];
484 		}
485 		width--;
486 	}
488 	for ( i = 1 ; i < height-1 ; i++ ) {
489 		if ( errorTable[1][i] != 999 ) {
490 			continue;
491 		}
492 		for ( j = i+1 ; j < height ; j++ ) {
493 			for ( k = 0 ; k < width ; k++ ) {
494 				ctrl[j-1][k] = ctrl[j][k];
495 			}
496 			errorTable[1][j-1] = errorTable[1][j];
497 		}
498 		height--;
499 	}
501 #if 1
502 	// flip for longest tristrips as an optimization
503 	// the results should be visually identical with or
504 	// without this step
505 	if ( height > width ) {
506 		Transpose( width, height, ctrl );
507 		InvertErrorTable( errorTable, width, height );
508 		t = width;
509 		width = height;
510 		height = t;
511 		InvertCtrl( width, height, ctrl );
512 	}
513 #endif
515 	// calculate normals
516 	MakeMeshNormals( width, height, ctrl );
518 	return R_CreateSurfaceGridMesh( width, height, ctrl, errorTable );
519 }
521 /*
522 ===============
523 R_GridInsertColumn
524 ===============
525 */
R_GridInsertColumn(srfGridMesh_t * grid,int column,int row,vec3_t point,float loderror)526 srfGridMesh_t *R_GridInsertColumn( srfGridMesh_t *grid, int column, int row, vec3_t point, float loderror ) {
527 	int i, j;
528 	int width, height, oldwidth;
529 	drawVert_t ctrl[MAX_GRID_SIZE][MAX_GRID_SIZE];
530 	float errorTable[2][MAX_GRID_SIZE];
531 	float lodRadius;
532 	vec3_t lodOrigin;
534 	oldwidth = 0;
535 	width = grid->width + 1;
536 	if (width > MAX_GRID_SIZE)
537 		return NULL;
538 	height = grid->height;
539 	for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
540 		if (i == column) {
541 			//insert new column
542 			for (j = 0; j < grid->height; j++) {
543 				LerpDrawVert( &grid->verts[j * grid->width + i-1], &grid->verts[j * grid->width + i], &ctrl[j][i] );
544 				if (j == row)
545 					VectorCopy(point, ctrl[j][i].xyz);
546 			}
547 			errorTable[0][i] = loderror;
548 			continue;
549 		}
550 		errorTable[0][i] = grid->widthLodError[oldwidth];
551 		for (j = 0; j < grid->height; j++) {
552 			ctrl[j][i] = grid->verts[j * grid->width + oldwidth];
553 		}
554 		oldwidth++;
555 	}
556 	for (j = 0; j < grid->height; j++) {
557 		errorTable[1][j] = grid->heightLodError[j];
558 	}
559 	// put all the aproximating points on the curve
560 	//PutPointsOnCurve( ctrl, width, height );
561 	// calculate normals
562 	MakeMeshNormals( width, height, ctrl );
564 	VectorCopy(grid->lodOrigin, lodOrigin);
565 	lodRadius = grid->lodRadius;
566 	// free the old grid
567 	R_FreeSurfaceGridMesh(grid);
568 	// create a new grid
569 	grid = R_CreateSurfaceGridMesh( width, height, ctrl, errorTable );
570 	grid->lodRadius = lodRadius;
571 	VectorCopy(lodOrigin, grid->lodOrigin);
572 	return grid;
573 }
575 /*
576 ===============
577 R_GridInsertRow
578 ===============
579 */
R_GridInsertRow(srfGridMesh_t * grid,int row,int column,vec3_t point,float loderror)580 srfGridMesh_t *R_GridInsertRow( srfGridMesh_t *grid, int row, int column, vec3_t point, float loderror ) {
581 	int i, j;
582 	int width, height, oldheight;
583 	drawVert_t ctrl[MAX_GRID_SIZE][MAX_GRID_SIZE];
584 	float errorTable[2][MAX_GRID_SIZE];
585 	float lodRadius;
586 	vec3_t lodOrigin;
588 	oldheight = 0;
589 	width = grid->width;
590 	height = grid->height + 1;
591 	if (height > MAX_GRID_SIZE)
592 		return NULL;
593 	for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
594 		if (i == row) {
595 			//insert new row
596 			for (j = 0; j < grid->width; j++) {
597 				LerpDrawVert( &grid->verts[(i-1) * grid->width + j], &grid->verts[i * grid->width + j], &ctrl[i][j] );
598 				if (j == column)
599 					VectorCopy(point, ctrl[i][j].xyz);
600 			}
601 			errorTable[1][i] = loderror;
602 			continue;
603 		}
604 		errorTable[1][i] = grid->heightLodError[oldheight];
605 		for (j = 0; j < grid->width; j++) {
606 			ctrl[i][j] = grid->verts[oldheight * grid->width + j];
607 		}
608 		oldheight++;
609 	}
610 	for (j = 0; j < grid->width; j++) {
611 		errorTable[0][j] = grid->widthLodError[j];
612 	}
613 	// put all the aproximating points on the curve
614 	//PutPointsOnCurve( ctrl, width, height );
615 	// calculate normals
616 	MakeMeshNormals( width, height, ctrl );
618 	VectorCopy(grid->lodOrigin, lodOrigin);
619 	lodRadius = grid->lodRadius;
620 	// free the old grid
621 	R_FreeSurfaceGridMesh(grid);
622 	// create a new grid
623 	grid = R_CreateSurfaceGridMesh( width, height, ctrl, errorTable );
624 	grid->lodRadius = lodRadius;
625 	VectorCopy(lodOrigin, grid->lodOrigin);
626 	return grid;
627 }