1 /*	SCCS Id: @(#)dungeon.c	3.4	1999/10/30	*/
2 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5 #include "hack.h"
6 #include "dgn_file.h"
7 #include "dlb.h"
8 #include "display.h"
11 #define DUNGEON_FILE	"dungeon"
13 #define X_START		"x-strt"
14 #define X_LOCATE	"x-loca"
15 #define X_GOAL		"x-goal"
17 struct proto_dungeon {
18 	struct	tmpdungeon tmpdungeon[MAXDUNGEON];
19 	struct	tmplevel   tmplevel[LEV_LIMIT];
20 	s_level *final_lev[LEV_LIMIT];	/* corresponding level pointers */
21 	struct	tmpbranch  tmpbranch[BRANCH_LIMIT];
23 	int	start;	/* starting index of current dungeon sp levels */
24 	int	n_levs;	/* number of tmplevel entries */
25 	int	n_brs;	/* number of tmpbranch entries */
26 };
28 int n_dgns;				/* number of dungeons (used here,  */
29 					/*   and mklev.c)		   */
30 static branch *branches = (branch *) 0;	/* dungeon branch list		   */
32 struct lchoice {
33 	int idx;
34 	schar lev[MAXLINFO];
35 	schar playerlev[MAXLINFO];
36 	xchar dgn[MAXLINFO];
37 	char menuletter;
38 };
40 static void FDECL(Fread, (genericptr_t, int, int, dlb *));
41 STATIC_DCL xchar FDECL(dname_to_dnum, (const char *));
42 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(find_branch, (const char *, struct proto_dungeon *));
43 STATIC_DCL mapseen* FDECL(find_level_by_custom_name, (const char *));
44 STATIC_DCL xchar FDECL(parent_dnum, (const char *, struct proto_dungeon *));
45 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(level_range, (XCHAR_P,int,int,int,struct proto_dungeon *,int *));
46 STATIC_DCL xchar FDECL(parent_dlevel, (const char *, struct proto_dungeon *));
47 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(correct_branch_type, (struct tmpbranch *));
48 STATIC_DCL branch *FDECL(add_branch, (int, int, struct proto_dungeon *));
49 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(add_level, (s_level *));
50 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(init_level, (int,int,struct proto_dungeon *));
51 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(possible_places, (int, boolean *, struct proto_dungeon *));
52 STATIC_DCL xchar FDECL(pick_level, (boolean *, int));
53 STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(place_level, (int, struct proto_dungeon *));
54 #ifdef WIZARD
55 STATIC_DCL const char *FDECL(br_string, (int));
56 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(print_branch, (winid, int, int, int, BOOLEAN_P, struct lchoice *));
57 #endif
59 STATIC_DCL void NDECL(shuffle_planes);
60 #endif
62 mapseen *mapseenchn = (struct mapseen *)0;
63 /*STATIC_DCL void FDECL(free_mapseen, (mapseen *));*/
64 STATIC_DCL mapseen *FDECL(load_mapseen, (int));
65 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(save_mapseen, (int, mapseen *));
66 STATIC_DCL mapseen *FDECL(find_mapseen, (d_level *));
67 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(print_mapseen, (winid,mapseen *, boolean, boolean, boolean));
68 STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(interest_mapseen, (mapseen *));
69 STATIC_DCL char *FDECL(seen_string, (xchar, const char *));
70 STATIC_DCL const char *FDECL(br_string2, (branch *));
72 #ifdef DEBUG
73 #define DD	dungeons[i]
74 STATIC_DCL void NDECL(dumpit);
76 STATIC_OVL void
dumpit()77 dumpit()
78 {
79 	int	i;
80 	s_level	*x;
81 	branch *br;
83 	for(i = 0; i < n_dgns; i++)  {
84 	    fprintf(stderr, "\n#%d \"%s\" (%s):\n", i,
85 				DD.dname, DD.proto);
86 	    fprintf(stderr, "    num_dunlevs %d, dunlev_ureached %d\n",
87 				DD.num_dunlevs, DD.dunlev_ureached);
88 	    fprintf(stderr, "    depth_start %d, ledger_start %d\n",
89 				DD.depth_start, DD.ledger_start);
90 	    fprintf(stderr, "    flags:%s%s%s\n",
91 		    DD.flags.rogue_like ? " rogue_like" : "",
92 		    DD.flags.maze_like  ? " maze_like"  : "",
93 		    DD.flags.hellish    ? " hellish"    : "");
94 	    getchar();
95 	}
96 	fprintf(stderr,"\nSpecial levels:\n");
97 	for(x = sp_levchn; x; x = x->next) {
98 	    fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): ", x->proto, x->rndlevs);
99 	    fprintf(stderr, "on %d, %d; ", x->dlevel.dnum, x->dlevel.dlevel);
100 	    fprintf(stderr, "flags:%s%s%s%s\n",
101 		    x->flags.rogue_like	? " rogue_like" : "",
102 		    x->flags.maze_like  ? " maze_like"  : "",
103 		    x->flags.hellish    ? " hellish"    : "",
104 		    x->flags.town       ? " town"       : "");
105 	    getchar();
106 	}
107 	fprintf(stderr,"\nBranches:\n");
108 	for (br = branches; br; br = br->next) {
109 	    fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s, end1 %d %d, end2 %d %d, %s\n",
110 		br->id,
111 		br->type == BR_STAIR ? "stair" :
112 		    br->type == BR_NO_END1 ? "no end1" :
113 		    br->type == BR_NO_END2 ? "no end2" :
114 		    br->type == BR_PORTAL  ? "portal"  :
115 					     "unknown",
116 		br->end1.dnum, br->end1.dlevel,
117 		br->end2.dnum, br->end2.dlevel,
118 		br->end1_up ? "end1 up" : "end1 down");
119 	}
120 	getchar();
121 	fprintf(stderr,"\nDone\n");
122 	getchar();
123 }
124 #endif
126 /* Save the dungeon structures. */
127 void
save_dungeon(fd,perform_write,free_data)128 save_dungeon(fd, perform_write, free_data)
129     int fd;
130     boolean perform_write, free_data;
131 {
132     branch *curr, *next;
133     mapseen *curr_ms, *next_ms;
134     int    count;
136     if (perform_write) {
137 	bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &n_dgns, sizeof n_dgns);
138 	bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) dungeons, sizeof(dungeon) * (unsigned)n_dgns);
139 	bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &dungeon_topology, sizeof dungeon_topology);
140 	bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) tune, sizeof tune);
142 	for (count = 0, curr = branches; curr; curr = curr->next)
143 	    count++;
144 	bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &count, sizeof(count));
146 	for (curr = branches; curr; curr = curr->next)
147 	    bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) curr, sizeof (branch));
149 	count = maxledgerno();
150 	bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &count, sizeof count);
151 	bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) level_info,
152 			(unsigned)count * sizeof (struct linfo));
153 	bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &inv_pos, sizeof inv_pos);
155     for (count = 0, curr_ms = mapseenchn; curr_ms; curr_ms = curr_ms->next)
156         count++;
157     bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &count, sizeof(count));
159     for (curr_ms = mapseenchn; curr_ms; curr_ms = curr_ms->next)
160         save_mapseen(fd, curr_ms);
161     }
163     if (free_data) {
164 	for (curr = branches; curr; curr = next) {
165 	    next = curr->next;
166 	    free((genericptr_t) curr);
167 	}
168 	branches = 0;
169     for (curr_ms = mapseenchn; curr_ms; curr_ms = next_ms) {
170         next_ms = curr_ms->next;
171         if (curr_ms->custom)
172             free((genericptr_t)curr_ms->custom);
173         free((genericptr_t) curr_ms);
174     }
175     mapseenchn = 0;
176     }
177 }
179 /* Restore the dungeon structures. */
180 void
restore_dungeon(fd)181 restore_dungeon(fd)
182     int fd;
183 {
184     branch *curr, *last;
185     mapseen *curr_ms, *last_ms;
186     int    count, i;
188     mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &n_dgns, sizeof(n_dgns));
189     mread(fd, (genericptr_t) dungeons, sizeof(dungeon) * (unsigned)n_dgns);
190     mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &dungeon_topology, sizeof dungeon_topology);
191     mread(fd, (genericptr_t) tune, sizeof tune);
193     last = branches = (branch *) 0;
195     mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &count, sizeof(count));
196     for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
197 	curr = (branch *) alloc(sizeof(branch));
198 	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) curr, sizeof(branch));
199 	curr->next = (branch *) 0;
200 	if (last)
201 	    last->next = curr;
202 	else
203 	    branches = curr;
204 	last = curr;
205     }
207     mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &count, sizeof(count));
208     if (count >= MAXLINFO)
209 	panic("level information count larger (%d) than allocated size", count);
210     mread(fd, (genericptr_t) level_info, (unsigned)count*sizeof(struct linfo));
211     mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &inv_pos, sizeof inv_pos);
213     mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &count, sizeof(count));
214     last_ms = (mapseen *) 0;
215     for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
216         curr_ms = load_mapseen(fd);
217         curr_ms->next = (mapseen *) 0;
218         if (last_ms)
219             last_ms->next = curr_ms;
220         else
221             mapseenchn = curr_ms;
222         last_ms = curr_ms;
223     }
224 }
226 static void
Fread(ptr,size,nitems,stream)227 Fread(ptr, size, nitems, stream)
228 	genericptr_t	ptr;
229 	int	size, nitems;
230 	dlb	*stream;
231 {
232 	int cnt;
234 	if((cnt = dlb_fread(ptr, size, nitems, stream)) != nitems) {
235 	    panic(
236  "Premature EOF on dungeon description file!\r\nExpected %d bytes - got %d.",
237 		  (size * nitems), (size * cnt));
238 	    terminate(EXIT_FAILURE);
239 	}
240 }
242 STATIC_OVL xchar
dname_to_dnum(s)243 dname_to_dnum(s)
244 const char	*s;
245 {
246 	xchar	i;
248 	for (i = 0; i < n_dgns; i++)
249 	    if (!strcmp(dungeons[i].dname, s)) return i;
251 	panic("Couldn't resolve dungeon number for name \"%s\".", s);
252 	/*NOT REACHED*/
253 	return (xchar)0;
254 }
256 s_level *
find_level(s)257 find_level(s)
258 	const char *s;
259 {
260 	s_level *curr;
261 	for(curr = sp_levchn; curr; curr = curr->next)
262 	    if (!strcmpi(s, curr->proto)) break;
263 	return curr;
264 }
266 mapseen *
find_level_by_custom_name(s)267 find_level_by_custom_name(s)
268 const char *s;
269 {
270     mapseen *mptr;
271     for (mptr = mapseenchn; mptr; mptr = mptr->next)
272 	if (mptr->custom && !strcmpi(s, mptr->custom)) break;
273     return mptr;
274 }
277 /**
278  * Returns the next plane to go to.
279  *
280  * Returns NULL if on Astral Plane or not in endgame.
281  */
282 s_level *
get_next_elemental_plane(lev)283 get_next_elemental_plane(lev)
284 d_level *lev;
285 {
286 	if (!In_endgame(lev)) {
287 		pline("get_next_elemental_plane not in Endgame.");
288 		return (s_level *)0;
289 	}
291 	s_level *curr = find_level("astral"),
292 	        *plane = (s_level *)0;
293 	for (curr = sp_levchn; curr; curr = curr->next) {
294 	    if (on_level(lev, &(curr->dlevel))) {
295 	    	return plane;
296 	    }
297 	    plane = curr;
298 	}
299 	return (s_level *)0;
300 }
302 /**
303  * Returns the first elemental plane of the endgame.
304  */
305 d_level *
get_first_elemental_plane()306 get_first_elemental_plane()
307 {
308 	s_level *curr,
309 	        *dummy = find_level("dummy");
310 	for (curr = find_level("astral"); curr; curr = curr->next) {
311 	    if (curr->next == dummy) {
312 		return &curr->dlevel;
313 	    }
314 	}
315 	return (d_level *)0;
316 }
317 #endif
319 /* Find the branch that links the named dungeon. */
320 STATIC_OVL int
find_branch(s,pd)321 find_branch(s, pd)
322 	const char *s;		/* dungeon name */
323 	struct proto_dungeon *pd;
324 {
325 	int i;
327 	if (pd) {
328 	    for (i = 0; i < pd->n_brs; i++)
329 		if (!strcmp(pd->tmpbranch[i].name, s)) break;
330 	    if (i == pd->n_brs) panic("find_branch: can't find %s", s);
331 	} else {
332 	    /* support for level tport by name */
333 	    branch *br;
334 	    const char *dnam;
336 	    for (br = branches; br; br = br->next) {
337 		dnam = dungeons[br->end2.dnum].dname;
338 		if (!strcmpi(dnam, s) ||
339 			(!strncmpi(dnam, "The ", 4) && !strcmpi(dnam + 4, s)))
340 		    break;
341 	    }
342 	    i = br ? ((ledger_no(&br->end1) << 8) | ledger_no(&br->end2)) : -1;
343 	}
344 	return i;
345 }
348 /*
349  * Find the "parent" by searching the prototype branch list for the branch
350  * listing, then figuring out to which dungeon it belongs.
351  */
352 STATIC_OVL xchar
parent_dnum(s,pd)353 parent_dnum(s, pd)
354 const char	   *s;	/* dungeon name */
355 struct proto_dungeon *pd;
356 {
357 	int	i;
358 	xchar	pdnum;
360 	i = find_branch(s, pd);
361 	/*
362 	 * Got branch, now find parent dungeon.  Stop if we have reached
363 	 * "this" dungeon (if we haven't found it by now it is an error).
364 	 */
365 	for (pdnum = 0; strcmp(pd->tmpdungeon[pdnum].name, s); pdnum++)
366 	    if ((i -= pd->tmpdungeon[pdnum].branches) < 0)
367 		return(pdnum);
369 	panic("parent_dnum: couldn't resolve branch.");
370 	/*NOT REACHED*/
371 	return (xchar)0;
372 }
374 /*
375  * Return a starting point and number of successive positions a level
376  * or dungeon entrance can occupy.
377  *
378  * Note: This follows the acouple (instead of the rcouple) rules for a
379  *	 negative random component (rand < 0).  These rules are found
380  *	 in dgn_comp.y.  The acouple [absolute couple] section says that
381  *	 a negative random component means from the (adjusted) base to the
382  *	 end of the dungeon.
383  */
384 STATIC_OVL int
level_range(dgn,base,rand,chain,pd,adjusted_base)385 level_range(dgn, base, rand, chain, pd, adjusted_base)
386 	xchar	dgn;
387 	int	base, rand, chain;
388 	struct proto_dungeon *pd;
389 	int *adjusted_base;
390 {
391 	int lmax = dungeons[dgn].num_dunlevs;
393 	if (chain >= 0) {		 /* relative to a special level */
394 	    s_level *levtmp = pd->final_lev[chain];
395 	    if (!levtmp) panic("level_range: empty chain level!");
397 	    base += levtmp->dlevel.dlevel;
398 	} else {			/* absolute in the dungeon */
399 	    /* from end of dungeon */
400 	    if (base < 0) base = (lmax + base + 1);
401 	}
403 	if (base < 1 || base > lmax)
404 	    panic("level_range: base value out of range. base: %d, lmax; %d",base,lmax);
406 	*adjusted_base = base;
408 	if (rand == -1) {	/* from base to end of dungeon */
409 	    return (lmax - base + 1);
410 	} else if (rand) {
411 	    /* make sure we don't run off the end of the dungeon */
412 	    return (((base + rand - 1) > lmax) ? lmax-base+1 : rand);
413 	} /* else only one choice */
414 	return 1;
415 }
417 STATIC_OVL xchar
parent_dlevel(s,pd)418 parent_dlevel(s, pd)
419 	const char	*s;
420 	struct proto_dungeon *pd;
421 {
422 	int i, j, num, base, dnum = parent_dnum(s, pd);
423 	branch *curr;
426 	i = find_branch(s, pd);
427 	num = level_range(dnum, pd->tmpbranch[i].lev.base,
428 					      pd->tmpbranch[i].lev.rand,
429 					      pd->tmpbranch[i].chain,
430 					      pd, &base);
432 	/* KMH -- Try our best to find a level without an existing branch */
433 	i = j = rn2(num);
434 	do {
435 		if (++i >= num) i = 0;
436 		for (curr = branches; curr; curr = curr->next)
437 			if ((curr->end1.dnum == dnum && curr->end1.dlevel == base+i) ||
438 				(curr->end2.dnum == dnum && curr->end2.dlevel == base+i))
439 				break;
440 	} while (curr && i != j);
441 	return (base + i);
442 }
444 /* Convert from the temporary branch type to the dungeon branch type. */
445 STATIC_OVL int
correct_branch_type(tbr)446 correct_branch_type(tbr)
447     struct tmpbranch *tbr;
448 {
449     switch (tbr->type) {
450 	case TBR_STAIR:		return BR_STAIR;
451 	case TBR_NO_UP:		return tbr->up ? BR_NO_END1 : BR_NO_END2;
452 	case TBR_NO_DOWN:	return tbr->up ? BR_NO_END2 : BR_NO_END1;
453 	case TBR_PORTAL:	return BR_PORTAL;
454     }
455     impossible("correct_branch_type: unknown branch type");
456     return BR_STAIR;
457 }
459 /*
460  * Add the given branch to the branch list.  The branch list is ordered
461  * by end1 dungeon and level followed by end2 dungeon and level.  If
462  * extract_first is true, then the branch is already part of the list
463  * but needs to be repositioned.
464  */
465 void
insert_branch(new_branch,extract_first)466 insert_branch(new_branch, extract_first)
467    branch *new_branch;
468    boolean extract_first;
469 {
470     branch *curr, *prev;
471     long new_val, curr_val, prev_val;
473     if (extract_first) {
474 	for (prev = 0, curr = branches; curr; prev = curr, curr = curr->next)
475 	    if (curr == new_branch) break;
477 	if (!curr) panic("insert_branch: not found");
478 	if (prev)
479 	    prev->next = curr->next;
480 	else
481 	    branches = curr->next;
482     }
483     new_branch->next = (branch *) 0;
485 /* Convert the branch into a unique number so we can sort them. */
486 #define branch_val(bp) \
487 	((((long)(bp)->end1.dnum * (MAXLEVEL+1) + \
488 	  (long)(bp)->end1.dlevel) * (MAXDUNGEON+1) * (MAXLEVEL+1)) + \
489 	 ((long)(bp)->end2.dnum * (MAXLEVEL+1) + (long)(bp)->end2.dlevel))
491     /*
492      * Insert the new branch into the correct place in the branch list.
493      */
494     prev = (branch *) 0;
495     prev_val = -1;
496     new_val = branch_val(new_branch);
497     for (curr = branches; curr;
498 		    prev_val = curr_val, prev = curr, curr = curr->next) {
499 	curr_val = branch_val(curr);
500 	if (prev_val < new_val && new_val <= curr_val) break;
501     }
502     if (prev) {
503 	new_branch->next = curr;
504 	prev->next = new_branch;
505     } else {
506 	new_branch->next = branches;
507 	branches = new_branch;
508     }
509 }
511 /* Add a dungeon branch to the branch list. */
512 STATIC_OVL branch *
add_branch(dgn,child_entry_level,pd)513 add_branch(dgn, child_entry_level, pd)
514     int dgn;
515     int child_entry_level;
516     struct proto_dungeon *pd;
517 {
518     static int branch_id = 0;
519     int branch_num;
520     branch *new_branch;
522     branch_num = find_branch(dungeons[dgn].dname,pd);
523     new_branch = (branch *) alloc(sizeof(branch));
524     new_branch->next = (branch *) 0;
525     new_branch->id = branch_id++;
526     new_branch->type = correct_branch_type(&pd->tmpbranch[branch_num]);
527     new_branch->end1.dnum = parent_dnum(dungeons[dgn].dname, pd);
528     new_branch->end1.dlevel = parent_dlevel(dungeons[dgn].dname, pd);
529     new_branch->end2.dnum = dgn;
530     new_branch->end2.dlevel = child_entry_level;
531     new_branch->end1_up = pd->tmpbranch[branch_num].up ? TRUE : FALSE;
533     insert_branch(new_branch, FALSE);
534     return new_branch;
535 }
537 /*
538  * Add new level to special level chain.  Insert it in level order with the
539  * other levels in this dungeon.  This assumes that we are never given a
540  * level that has a dungeon number less than the dungeon number of the
541  * last entry.
542  */
543 STATIC_OVL void
add_level(new_lev)544 add_level(new_lev)
545     s_level *new_lev;
546 {
547 	s_level *prev, *curr;
549 	prev = (s_level *) 0;
550 	for (curr = sp_levchn; curr; curr = curr->next) {
551 	    if (curr->dlevel.dnum == new_lev->dlevel.dnum &&
552 		    curr->dlevel.dlevel > new_lev->dlevel.dlevel)
553 		break;
554 	    prev = curr;
555 	}
556 	if (!prev) {
557 	    new_lev->next = sp_levchn;
558 	    sp_levchn = new_lev;
559 	} else {
560 	    new_lev->next = curr;
561 	    prev->next = new_lev;
562 	}
563 }
565 STATIC_OVL void
init_level(dgn,proto_index,pd)566 init_level(dgn, proto_index, pd)
567 	int dgn, proto_index;
568 	struct proto_dungeon *pd;
569 {
570 	s_level	*new_level;
571 	struct tmplevel *tlevel = &pd->tmplevel[proto_index];
573 	pd->final_lev[proto_index] = (s_level *) 0; /* no "real" level */
574 #ifdef WIZARD
575 	if (!wizard)
576 #endif
577 	    if (tlevel->chance <= rn2(100)) return;
579 	pd->final_lev[proto_index] = new_level =
580 					(s_level *) alloc(sizeof(s_level));
581 	/* load new level with data */
582 	Strcpy(new_level->proto, tlevel->name);
583 	new_level->boneid = tlevel->boneschar;
584 	new_level->dlevel.dnum = dgn;
585 	new_level->dlevel.dlevel = 0;	/* for now */
587 	new_level->flags.town = !!(tlevel->flags & TOWN);
588 	new_level->flags.hellish = !!(tlevel->flags & HELLISH);
589 	new_level->flags.maze_like = !!(tlevel->flags & MAZELIKE);
590 	new_level->flags.rogue_like = !!(tlevel->flags & ROGUELIKE);
591 	new_level->flags.align = ((tlevel->flags & D_ALIGN_MASK) >> 4);
592 	if (!new_level->flags.align)
593 	    new_level->flags.align =
594 		((pd->tmpdungeon[dgn].flags & D_ALIGN_MASK) >> 4);
596 	new_level->rndlevs = tlevel->rndlevs;
597 	new_level->next    = (s_level *) 0;
598 }
600 STATIC_OVL int
possible_places(idx,map,pd)601 possible_places(idx, map, pd)
602     int idx;		/* prototype index */
603     boolean *map;	/* array MAXLEVEL+1 in length */
604     struct proto_dungeon *pd;
605 {
606     int i, start, count;
607     s_level *lev = pd->final_lev[idx];
609     /* init level possibilities */
610     for (i = 0; i <= MAXLEVEL; i++) map[i] = FALSE;
612     /* get base and range and set those entried to true */
613     count = level_range(lev->dlevel.dnum, pd->tmplevel[idx].lev.base,
614 					pd->tmplevel[idx].lev.rand,
615 					pd->tmplevel[idx].chain,
616 					pd, &start);
617     for (i = start; i < start+count; i++)
618 	map[i] = TRUE;
620     /* mark off already placed levels */
621     for (i = pd->start; i < idx; i++) {
622 	if (pd->final_lev[i] && map[pd->final_lev[i]->dlevel.dlevel]) {
623 	    map[pd->final_lev[i]->dlevel.dlevel] = FALSE;
624 	    --count;
625 	}
626     }
628     return count;
629 }
631 /* Pick the nth TRUE entry in the given boolean array. */
632 STATIC_OVL xchar
pick_level(map,nth)633 pick_level(map, nth)
634     boolean *map;	/* an array MAXLEVEL+1 in size */
635     int nth;
636 {
637     int i;
638     for (i = 1; i <= MAXLEVEL; i++)
639 	if (map[i] && !nth--) return (xchar) i;
640     panic("pick_level:  ran out of valid levels");
641     return 0;
642 }
644 #ifdef DDEBUG
645 static void FDECL(indent,(int));
647 static void
indent(d)648 indent(d)
649 int d;
650 {
651     while (d-- > 0) fputs("    ", stderr);
652 }
653 #endif
655 /*
656  * Place a level.  First, find the possible places on a dungeon map
657  * template.  Next pick one.  Then try to place the next level.  If
658  * sucessful, we're done.  Otherwise, try another (and another) until
659  * all possible places have been tried.  If all possible places have
660  * been exausted, return false.
661  */
662 STATIC_OVL boolean
place_level(proto_index,pd)663 place_level(proto_index, pd)
664     int proto_index;
665     struct proto_dungeon *pd;
666 {
667     boolean map[MAXLEVEL+1];	/* valid levels are 1..MAXLEVEL inclusive */
668     s_level *lev;
669     int npossible;
670 #ifdef DDEBUG
671     int i;
672 #endif
674     if (proto_index == pd->n_levs) return TRUE;	/* at end of proto levels */
676     lev = pd->final_lev[proto_index];
678     /* No level created for this prototype, goto next. */
679     if (!lev) return place_level(proto_index+1, pd);
681     npossible = possible_places(proto_index, map, pd);
683     for (; npossible; --npossible) {
684 	lev->dlevel.dlevel = pick_level(map, rn2(npossible));
685 #ifdef DDEBUG
686 	indent(proto_index-pd->start);
687 	fprintf(stderr,"%s: trying %d [ ", lev->proto, lev->dlevel.dlevel);
688 	for (i = 1; i <= MAXLEVEL; i++)
689 	    if (map[i]) fprintf(stderr,"%d ", i);
690 	fprintf(stderr,"]\n");
691 #endif
692 	if (place_level(proto_index+1, pd)) return TRUE;
693 	map[lev->dlevel.dlevel] = FALSE;	/* this choice didn't work */
694     }
695 #ifdef DDEBUG
696     indent(proto_index-pd->start);
697     fprintf(stderr,"%s: failed\n", lev->proto);
698 #endif
699     return FALSE;
700 }
703 struct level_map {
704 	const char *lev_name;
705 	d_level *lev_spec;
706 } level_map[] = {
707 	{ "advcal",	&advcal_level },
708 	{ "air",	&air_level },
709 	{ "asmodeus",	&asmodeus_level },
710 	{ "astral",	&astral_level },
711 	{ "baalz",	&baalzebub_level },
712 	{ "bigroom",	&bigroom_level },
713 	{ "castle",	&stronghold_level },
714 	{ "earth",	&earth_level },
715 	{ "fakewiz1",	&portal_level },
716 	{ "fire",	&fire_level },
717 	{ "juiblex",	&juiblex_level },
718 	{ "knox",	&knox_level },
719 	{ "nymph",	&nymph_level },
720 #ifdef BLACKMARKET
721 	{ "blkmar",     &blackmarket_level },
722 #endif /* BLACKMARKET */
723 	{ "medusa",	&medusa_level },
724 	{ "oracle",	&oracle_level },
725 	{ "orcus",	&orcus_level },
727 	{ "rogue",	&rogue_level },
728 #endif
729 	{ "sanctum",	&sanctum_level },
730 	{ "valley",	&valley_level },
731 	{ "water",	&water_level },
732 	{ "wizard1",	&wiz1_level },
733 	{ "wizard2",	&wiz2_level },
734 	{ "wizard3",	&wiz3_level },
736 	{ "minend",	&mineend_level },
737 	{ "soko1",	&sokoend_level },
738 #endif
739 	{ X_START,	&qstart_level },
740 	{ X_LOCATE,	&qlocate_level },
741 	{ X_GOAL,	&nemesis_level },
742 	{ "minetn",	&minetown_level },
743 	{ "town",	&town_level },
744 	{ "moria3",	&moria_level },
745 	{ "",		(d_level *)0 }
746 };
748 void
init_dungeons()749 init_dungeons()		/* initialize the "dungeon" structs */
750 {
751 	dlb	*dgn_file;
752 	register int i, cl = 0, cb = 0;
753 	register s_level *x;
754 	struct proto_dungeon pd;
755 	struct level_map *lev_map;
756 	struct version_info vers_info;
758 	pd.n_levs = pd.n_brs = 0;
760 	dgn_file = dlb_fopen_area(DUNGEON_AREA, DUNGEON_FILE, RDBMODE);
761 	if (!dgn_file) {
762 	    char tbuf[BUFSZ];
763 	    Sprintf(tbuf, "Cannot open dungeon description - \"%s",
765 #ifdef DLBRSRC /* using a resource from the executable */
766 	    Strcat(tbuf, "\" resource!");
767 #else /* using a file or DLB file */
768 # if defined(DLB)
769 	    Strcat(tbuf, "\" from ");
770 #  ifdef PREFIXES_IN_USE
771 	    Strcat(tbuf, "\n\"");
772 	    if (fqn_prefix[DATAPREFIX]) Strcat(tbuf, fqn_prefix[DATAPREFIX]);
773 #  else
774 	    Strcat(tbuf, "\"");
775 #  endif
776 	    Strcat(tbuf, DLBFILE);
777 # endif
778 	    Strcat(tbuf, "\" file!");
779 #endif
780 #ifdef WIN32
781 	    interject_assistance(1, INTERJECT_PANIC, (genericptr_t)tbuf,
782 				 (genericptr_t)fqn_prefix[DATAPREFIX]);
783 #endif
784 	    panic("%s", tbuf);
785 	}
787 	/* validate the data's version against the program's version */
788 	Fread((genericptr_t) &vers_info, sizeof vers_info, 1, dgn_file);
789 	/* we'd better clear the screen now, since when error messages come from
790 	 * check_version() they will be printed using pline(), which doesn't
791 	 * mix with the raw messages that might be already on the screen
792 	 */
793 	if (iflags.window_inited) clear_nhwindow(WIN_MAP);
794 	if (!check_version(&vers_info, DUNGEON_FILE, TRUE))
795 	    panic("Dungeon description not valid.");
797 	/*
798 	 * Read in each dungeon and transfer the results to the internal
799 	 * dungeon arrays.
800 	 */
801 	sp_levchn = (s_level *) 0;
802 	Fread((genericptr_t)&n_dgns, sizeof(int), 1, dgn_file);
803 	if (n_dgns >= MAXDUNGEON)
804 	    panic("init_dungeons: too many dungeons");
806 	for (i = 0; i < n_dgns; i++) {
807 	    Fread((genericptr_t)&pd.tmpdungeon[i],
808 				    sizeof(struct tmpdungeon), 1, dgn_file);
809 #ifdef WIZARD
810 	    if(!wizard)
811 #endif
812 	      if(pd.tmpdungeon[i].chance && (pd.tmpdungeon[i].chance <= rn2(100))) {
813 		int j;
815 		/* skip over any levels or branches */
816 		for(j = 0; j < pd.tmpdungeon[i].levels; j++)
817 		    Fread((genericptr_t)&pd.tmplevel[cl], sizeof(struct tmplevel),
818 							1, dgn_file);
820 		for(j = 0; j < pd.tmpdungeon[i].branches; j++)
821 		    Fread((genericptr_t)&pd.tmpbranch[cb],
822 					sizeof(struct tmpbranch), 1, dgn_file);
823 		n_dgns--; i--;
824 		continue;
825 	      }
827 	    Strcpy(dungeons[i].dname, pd.tmpdungeon[i].name);
828 	    Strcpy(dungeons[i].proto, pd.tmpdungeon[i].protoname);
829 	    dungeons[i].boneid = pd.tmpdungeon[i].boneschar;
831 	    if(pd.tmpdungeon[i].lev.rand)
832 		dungeons[i].num_dunlevs = (xchar)rn1(pd.tmpdungeon[i].lev.rand,
833 						     pd.tmpdungeon[i].lev.base);
834 	    else dungeons[i].num_dunlevs = (xchar)pd.tmpdungeon[i].lev.base;
836 	    if(!i) {
837 		dungeons[i].ledger_start = 0;
838 		dungeons[i].depth_start = 1;
839 		dungeons[i].dunlev_ureached = 1;
840 	    } else {
841 		dungeons[i].ledger_start = dungeons[i-1].ledger_start +
842 					      dungeons[i-1].num_dunlevs;
843 		dungeons[i].dunlev_ureached = 0;
844 	    }
846 	    dungeons[i].flags.hellish = !!(pd.tmpdungeon[i].flags & HELLISH);
847 	    dungeons[i].flags.maze_like = !!(pd.tmpdungeon[i].flags & MAZELIKE);
848 	    dungeons[i].flags.rogue_like = !!(pd.tmpdungeon[i].flags & ROGUELIKE);
849 	    dungeons[i].flags.align = ((pd.tmpdungeon[i].flags & D_ALIGN_MASK) >> 4);
850 	    /*
851 	     * Set the entry level for this dungeon.  The pd.tmpdungeon entry
852 	     * value means:
853 	     *		< 0	from bottom (-1 == bottom level)
854 	     *		  0	default (top)
855 	     *		> 0	actual level (1 = top)
856 	     *
857 	     * Note that the entry_lev field in the dungeon structure is
858 	     * redundant.  It is used only here and in print_dungeon().
859 	     */
860 	    if (pd.tmpdungeon[i].entry_lev < 0) {
861 		dungeons[i].entry_lev = dungeons[i].num_dunlevs +
862 						pd.tmpdungeon[i].entry_lev + 1;
863 		if (dungeons[i].entry_lev <= 0) dungeons[i].entry_lev = 1;
864 	    } else if (pd.tmpdungeon[i].entry_lev > 0) {
865 		dungeons[i].entry_lev = pd.tmpdungeon[i].entry_lev;
866 		if (dungeons[i].entry_lev > dungeons[i].num_dunlevs)
867 		    dungeons[i].entry_lev = dungeons[i].num_dunlevs;
868 	    } else { /* default */
869 		dungeons[i].entry_lev = 1;	/* defaults to top level */
870 	    }
872 	    if (i) {	/* set depth */
873 		branch *br;
874 		schar from_depth;
875 		boolean from_up;
877 		br = add_branch(i, dungeons[i].entry_lev, &pd);
879 		/* Get the depth of the connecting end. */
880 		if (br->end1.dnum == i) {
881 		    from_depth = depth(&br->end2);
882 		    from_up = !br->end1_up;
883 		} else {
884 		    from_depth = depth(&br->end1);
885 		    from_up = br->end1_up;
886 		}
888 		/*
889 		 * Calculate the depth of the top of the dungeon via
890 		 * its branch.  First, the depth of the entry point:
891 		 *
892 		 *	depth of branch from "parent" dungeon
893 		 *	+ -1 or 1 depending on a up or down stair or
894 		 *	  0 if portal
895 		 *
896 		 * Followed by the depth of the top of the dungeon:
897 		 *
898 		 *	- (entry depth - 1)
899 		 *
900 		 * We'll say that portals stay on the same depth.
901 		 */
902 		dungeons[i].depth_start = from_depth
903 					+ (br->type == BR_PORTAL ? 0 :
904 							(from_up ? -1 : 1))
905 					- (dungeons[i].entry_lev - 1);
906 	    }
908 	    /* this is redundant - it should have been flagged by dgn_comp */
909 	    if(dungeons[i].num_dunlevs > MAXLEVEL)
910 		dungeons[i].num_dunlevs = MAXLEVEL;
912 	    pd.start = pd.n_levs;	/* save starting point */
913 	    pd.n_levs += pd.tmpdungeon[i].levels;
914 	    if (pd.n_levs > LEV_LIMIT)
915 		panic("init_dungeon: too many special levels");
916 	    /*
917 	     * Read in the prototype special levels.  Don't add generated
918 	     * special levels until they are all placed.
919 	     */
920 	    for(; cl < pd.n_levs; cl++) {
921 		Fread((genericptr_t)&pd.tmplevel[cl],
922 					sizeof(struct tmplevel), 1, dgn_file);
923 		init_level(i, cl, &pd);
924 	    }
925 	    /*
926 	     * Recursively place the generated levels for this dungeon.  This
927 	     * routine will attempt all possible combinations before giving
928 	     * up.
929 	     */
930 	    if (!place_level(pd.start, &pd))
931 		panic("init_dungeon:  couldn't place levels");
932 #ifdef DDEBUG
933 	    fprintf(stderr, "--- end of dungeon %d ---\n", i);
934 	    fflush(stderr);
935 	    getchar();
936 #endif
937 	    for (; pd.start < pd.n_levs; pd.start++)
938 		if (pd.final_lev[pd.start]) add_level(pd.final_lev[pd.start]);
941 	    pd.n_brs += pd.tmpdungeon[i].branches;
942 	    if (pd.n_brs > BRANCH_LIMIT)
943 		panic("init_dungeon: too many branches");
944 	    for(; cb < pd.n_brs; cb++)
945 		Fread((genericptr_t)&pd.tmpbranch[cb],
946 					sizeof(struct tmpbranch), 1, dgn_file);
947 	}
948 	(void) dlb_fclose(dgn_file);
950 	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) tune[i] = 'A' + rn2(7);
951 	tune[5] = 0;
953 	/*
954 	 * Find most of the special levels and dungeons so we can access their
955 	 * locations quickly.
956 	 */
957 	for (lev_map = level_map; lev_map->lev_name[0]; lev_map++) {
958 		x = find_level(lev_map->lev_name);
959 		if (x) {
960 			assign_level(lev_map->lev_spec, &x->dlevel);
961 			if (!strncmp(lev_map->lev_name, "x-", 2)) {
962 				/* This is where the name substitution on the
963 				 * levels of the quest dungeon occur.
964 				 */
965 				Sprintf(x->proto, "%s%s", urole.filecode, &lev_map->lev_name[1]);
966 			} else if (lev_map->lev_spec == &knox_level) {
967 				branch *br;
968 				/*
969 				 * Kludge to allow floating Knox entrance.  We
970 				 * specify a floating entrance by the fact that
971 				 * its entrance (end1) has a bogus dnum, namely
972 				 * n_dgns.
973 				 */
974 				for (br = branches; br; br = br->next)
975 				    if (on_level(&br->end2, &knox_level)) break;
977 				if (br) br->end1.dnum = n_dgns;
978 				/* adjust the branch's position on the list */
979 				insert_branch(br, TRUE);
981 			} else if (lev_map->lev_spec == &advcal_level) {
982 				branch *br;
983 				/*
984 				 * Kludge to allow floating Knox entrance.  We
985 				 * specify a floating entrance by the fact that
986 				 * its entrance (end1) has a bogus dnum, namely
987 				 * n_dgns.
988 				 */
989 				for (br = branches; br; br = br->next)
990 				    if (on_level(&br->end2, &advcal_level)) break;
992 				if (br) br->end1.dnum = n_dgns;
993 				/* adjust the branch's position on the list */
994 				insert_branch(br, TRUE);
995 #endif
996 			}
997 		}
998 	}
999 /*
1000  *	I hate hardwiring these names. :-(
1001  */
1002 	quest_dnum = dname_to_dnum("The Quest");
1003 	sokoban_dnum = dname_to_dnum("Sokoban");
1004 	mines_dnum = dname_to_dnum("The Gnomish Mines");
1005 	tower_dnum = dname_to_dnum("Vlad's Tower");
1006 	mall_dnum = dname_to_dnum("Town");
1007 /*
1008 #ifdef BLACKMARKET
1009 	blackmarket_dnum = dname_to_dnum("The Black Market");
1010 #endif
1011 */
1012 	sheol_dnum = dname_to_dnum("Sheol");
1014 	/* one special fixup for dummy surface level */
1015 	if ((x = find_level("dummy")) != 0) {
1016 	    i = x->dlevel.dnum;
1017 	    /* the code above puts earth one level above dungeon level #1,
1018 	       making the dummy level overlay level 1; but the whole reason
1019 	       for having the dummy level is to make earth have depth -1
1020 	       instead of 0, so adjust the start point to shift endgame up */
1021 	    if (dunlevs_in_dungeon(&x->dlevel) > 1 - dungeons[i].depth_start)
1022 		dungeons[i].depth_start -= 1;
1023 	    /* TO DO: strip "dummy" out all the way here,
1024 	       so that it's hidden from <ctrl/O> feedback. */
1025 	}
1028 	shuffle_planes();
1029 #endif
1031 #ifdef DEBUG
1032 	dumpit();
1033 #endif
1034 }
1037 void
shuffle_planes()1038 shuffle_planes() /* randomizes order of elemental planes */
1039 {
1040 	/* original order */
1041 	s_level *dummy  = find_level("dummy") ,
1042 	        *earth  = find_level("earth") ,
1043 		*air    = find_level("air"),
1044 		*fire   = find_level("fire"),
1045 		*water  = find_level("water"),
1046 		*astral = find_level("astral");
1047 	s_level *array[] = { water, fire, air, earth };
1048 	int j, pos;
1049 	s_level *tmp;
1051 	/* Fisher-Yates shuffle aka Knuth shuffle */
1052 	for(j = 3; j > 0; j--) {
1053 		pos = rn2(j+1);
1054 		tmp = array[pos]; array[pos] = array[j]; array[j] = tmp;
1055 	}
1057 	/* reorder planes */
1058 	astral->next = array[3];
1059 	for(j = 3; j > 0; j--) {
1060 		array[j]->next = array[j-1];
1061 	}
1062 	array[0]->next = dummy;
1063 }
1064 #endif
1066 xchar
dunlev(lev)1067 dunlev(lev)	/* return the level number for lev in *this* dungeon */
1068 d_level	*lev;
1069 {
1070 	return(lev->dlevel);
1071 }
1073 xchar
dunlevs_in_dungeon(lev)1074 dunlevs_in_dungeon(lev)	/* return the lowest level number for *this* dungeon*/
1075 d_level	*lev;
1076 {
1077 	return(dungeons[lev->dnum].num_dunlevs);
1078 }
1080 xchar
deepest_lev_reached(noquest)1081 deepest_lev_reached(noquest) /* return the lowest level explored in the game*/
1082 boolean noquest;
1083 {
1084 	/* this function is used for three purposes: to provide a factor
1085 	 * of difficulty in monster generation; to provide a factor of
1086 	 * difficulty in experience calculations (botl.c and end.c); and
1087 	 * to insert the deepest level reached in the game in the topten
1088 	 * display.  the 'noquest' arg switch is required for the latter.
1089 	 *
1090 	 * from the player's point of view, going into the Quest is _not_
1091 	 * going deeper into the dungeon -- it is going back "home", where
1092 	 * the dungeon starts at level 1.  given the setup in dungeon.def,
1093 	 * the depth of the Quest (thought of as starting at level 1) is
1094 	 * never lower than the level of entry into the Quest, so we exclude
1095 	 * the Quest from the topten "deepest level reached" display
1096 	 * calculation.  _However_ the Quest is a difficult dungeon, so we
1097 	 * include it in the factor of difficulty calculations.
1098 	 */
1099 	register int i;
1100 	d_level tmp;
1101 	register schar ret = 0;
1103 	for(i = 0; i < n_dgns; i++) {
1104 	    if((tmp.dlevel = dungeons[i].dunlev_ureached) == 0) continue;
1105 	    if(!strcmp(dungeons[i].dname, "The Quest") && noquest) continue;
1107 	    tmp.dnum = i;
1108 	    if(depth(&tmp) > ret) ret = depth(&tmp);
1109 	}
1110 	return((xchar) ret);
1111 }
1113 /* return a bookkeeping level number for purpose of comparisons and
1114  * save/restore */
1115 xchar
ledger_no(lev)1116 ledger_no(lev)
1117 d_level	*lev;
1118 {
1119 	return((xchar)(lev->dlevel + dungeons[lev->dnum].ledger_start));
1120 }
1122 /*
1123  * The last level in the bookkeeping list of level is the bottom of the last
1124  * dungeon in the dungeons[] array.
1125  *
1126  * Maxledgerno() -- which is the max number of levels in the bookkeeping
1127  * list, should not be confused with dunlevs_in_dungeon(lev) -- which
1128  * returns the max number of levels in lev's dungeon, and both should
1129  * not be confused with deepest_lev_reached() -- which returns the lowest
1130  * depth visited by the player.
1131  */
1132 xchar
maxledgerno()1133 maxledgerno()
1134 {
1135     return (xchar) (dungeons[n_dgns-1].ledger_start +
1136 				dungeons[n_dgns-1].num_dunlevs);
1137 }
1139 /* return the dungeon that this ledgerno exists in */
1140 xchar
ledger_to_dnum(ledgerno)1141 ledger_to_dnum(ledgerno)
1142 xchar	ledgerno;
1143 {
1144 	register int i;
1146 	/* find i such that (i->base + 1) <= ledgerno <= (i->base + i->count) */
1147 	for (i = 0; i < n_dgns; i++)
1148 	    if (dungeons[i].ledger_start < ledgerno &&
1149 		ledgerno <= dungeons[i].ledger_start + dungeons[i].num_dunlevs)
1150 		return (xchar)i;
1152 	panic("level number out of range [ledger_to_dnum(%d)]", (int)ledgerno);
1153 	/*NOT REACHED*/
1154 	return (xchar)0;
1155 }
1157 /* return the level of the dungeon this ledgerno exists in */
1158 xchar
ledger_to_dlev(ledgerno)1159 ledger_to_dlev(ledgerno)
1160 xchar	ledgerno;
1161 {
1162 	return((xchar)(ledgerno - dungeons[ledger_to_dnum(ledgerno)].ledger_start));
1163 }
1165 /* returns the depth of a level, in floors below the surface	*/
1166 /* (note levels in different dungeons can have the same depth).	*/
1167 schar
depth(lev)1168 depth(lev)
1169 d_level	*lev;
1170 {
1171 	return((schar)( dungeons[lev->dnum].depth_start + lev->dlevel - 1));
1172 }
1174 boolean
on_level(lev1,lev2)1175 on_level(lev1, lev2)	/* are "lev1" and "lev2" actually the same? */
1176 d_level	*lev1, *lev2;
1177 {
1178 	return((boolean)((lev1->dnum == lev2->dnum) && (lev1->dlevel == lev2->dlevel)));
1179 }
1181 /* is this level referenced in the special level chain? */
1182 s_level *
Is_special(lev)1183 Is_special(lev)
1184 d_level	*lev;
1185 {
1186 	s_level *levtmp;
1188 	for (levtmp = sp_levchn; levtmp; levtmp = levtmp->next)
1189 	    if (on_level(lev, &levtmp->dlevel)) return(levtmp);
1191 	return((s_level *)0);
1192 }
1194 /*
1195  * Is this a multi-dungeon branch level?  If so, return a pointer to the
1196  * branch.  Otherwise, return null.
1197  */
1198 branch *
Is_branchlev(lev)1199 Is_branchlev(lev)
1200 	d_level	*lev;
1201 {
1202 	branch *curr;
1204 	for (curr = branches; curr; curr = curr->next) {
1205 	    if (on_level(lev, &curr->end1) || on_level(lev, &curr->end2))
1206 		return curr;
1207 	}
1208 	return (branch *) 0;
1209 }
1211 /* goto the next level (or appropriate dungeon) */
1212 void
next_level(at_stairs)1213 next_level(at_stairs)
1214 boolean	at_stairs;
1215 {
1216 	if (at_stairs && u.ux == sstairs.sx && u.uy == sstairs.sy) {
1217 		/* Taking a down dungeon branch. */
1218 		goto_level(&sstairs.tolev, at_stairs, FALSE, FALSE);
1219 	} else {
1220 		/* Going down a stairs or jump in a trap door. */
1221 		d_level	newlevel;
1223 		newlevel.dnum = u.uz.dnum;
1224 		newlevel.dlevel = u.uz.dlevel + 1;
1225 		goto_level(&newlevel, at_stairs, !at_stairs, FALSE);
1226 	}
1227 }
1229 /* goto the previous level (or appropriate dungeon) */
1230 void
prev_level(at_stairs)1231 prev_level(at_stairs)
1232 boolean	at_stairs;
1233 {
1234 	if (at_stairs && u.ux == sstairs.sx && u.uy == sstairs.sy) {
1235 		/* Taking an up dungeon branch. */
1236 		/* KMH -- Upwards branches are okay if not level 1 */
1237 		/* (Just make sure it doesn't go above depth 1) */
1238 		if(!u.uz.dnum && u.uz.dlevel == 1 && !u.uhave.amulet) done(ESCAPED);
1239 		else goto_level(&sstairs.tolev, at_stairs, FALSE, FALSE);
1240 	} else {
1241 		/* Going up a stairs or rising through the ceiling. */
1242 		d_level	newlevel;
1243 		newlevel.dnum = u.uz.dnum;
1244 		newlevel.dlevel = u.uz.dlevel - 1;
1245 		goto_level(&newlevel, at_stairs, FALSE, FALSE);
1246 	}
1247 }
1249 void
u_on_newpos(x,y)1250 u_on_newpos(x, y)
1251 int x, y;
1252 {
1253 	u.ux = x;
1254 	u.uy = y;
1255 #ifdef CLIPPING
1256 	cliparound(u.ux, u.uy);
1257 #endif
1258 #ifdef STEED
1259 	/* ridden steed always shares hero's location */
1260 	if (u.usteed) u.usteed->mx = u.ux, u.usteed->my = u.uy;
1261 #endif
1262 }
1264 void
u_on_sstairs()1265 u_on_sstairs() {	/* place you on the special staircase */
1267 	if (sstairs.sx) {
1268 	    u_on_newpos(sstairs.sx, sstairs.sy);
1269 	} else {
1270 	    /* code stolen from goto_level */
1271 	    int trycnt = 0;
1272 	    xchar x, y;
1273 #ifdef DEBUG
1274 	    pline("u_on_sstairs: picking random spot");
1275 #endif
1276 #define badspot(x,y) ((levl[x][y].typ != ROOM && levl[x][y].typ != CORR) || MON_AT(x, y))
1277 	    do {
1278 		x = rnd(COLNO-1);
1279 		y = rn2(ROWNO);
1280 		if (!badspot(x, y)) {
1281 		    u_on_newpos(x, y);
1282 		    return;
1283 		}
1284 	    } while (++trycnt <= 500);
1285 	    panic("u_on_sstairs: could not relocate player!");
1286 #undef badspot
1287 	}
1288 }
1290 void
u_on_upstairs()1291 u_on_upstairs()	/* place you on upstairs (or special equivalent) */
1292 {
1293 	if (xupstair) {
1294 		u_on_newpos(xupstair, yupstair);
1295 	} else
1296 		u_on_sstairs();
1297 }
1299 void
u_on_dnstairs()1300 u_on_dnstairs()	/* place you on dnstairs (or special equivalent) */
1301 {
1302 	if (xdnstair) {
1303 		u_on_newpos(xdnstair, ydnstair);
1304 	} else
1305 		u_on_sstairs();
1306 }
1308 boolean
On_stairs(x,y)1309 On_stairs(x, y)
1310 xchar x, y;
1311 {
1312 	return((boolean)((x == xupstair && y == yupstair) ||
1313 	       (x == xdnstair && y == ydnstair) ||
1314 	       (x == xdnladder && y == ydnladder) ||
1315 	       (x == xupladder && y == yupladder) ||
1316 	       (x == sstairs.sx && y == sstairs.sy)));
1317 }
1319 boolean
Is_botlevel(lev)1320 Is_botlevel(lev)
1321 d_level *lev;
1322 {
1323 	return((boolean)(lev->dlevel == dungeons[lev->dnum].num_dunlevs));
1324 }
1326 boolean
Can_dig_down(lev)1327 Can_dig_down(lev)
1328 d_level *lev;
1329 {
1330 	return((boolean)(!level.flags.hardfloor
1331 	    && !Is_botlevel(lev) && !Invocation_lev(lev)));
1332 }
1334 /*
1335  * Like Can_dig_down (above), but also allows falling through on the
1336  * stronghold level.  Normally, the bottom level of a dungeon resists
1337  * both digging and falling.
1338  */
1339 boolean
Can_fall_thru(lev)1340 Can_fall_thru(lev)
1341 d_level *lev;
1342 {
1343 	return((boolean)(Can_dig_down(lev) || Is_stronghold(lev)));
1344 }
1346 /*
1347  * True if one can rise up a level (e.g. cursed gain level).
1348  * This happens on intermediate dungeon levels or on any top dungeon
1349  * level that has a stairwell style branch to the next higher dungeon.
1350  * Checks for amulets and such must be done elsewhere.
1351  */
1352 boolean
Can_rise_up(x,y,lev)1353 Can_rise_up(x, y, lev)
1354 int	x, y;
1355 d_level *lev;
1356 {
1357     /* can't rise up from inside the top of the Wizard's tower */
1358     /* KMH -- or in sokoban */
1359     if (In_endgame(lev) || In_sokoban(lev) ||
1360 			(Is_wiz1_level(lev) && In_W_tower(x, y, lev)))
1361 	return FALSE;
1362     return (boolean)(lev->dlevel > 1 ||
1363 		(dungeons[lev->dnum].entry_lev == 1 && ledger_no(lev) != 1 &&
1364 		 sstairs.sx && sstairs.up));
1365 }
1367 /*
1368  * It is expected that the second argument of get_level is a depth value,
1369  * either supplied by the user (teleport control) or randomly generated.
1370  * But more than one level can be at the same depth.  If the target level
1371  * is "above" the present depth location, get_level must trace "up" from
1372  * the player's location (through the ancestors dungeons) the dungeon
1373  * within which the target level is located.  With only one exception
1374  * which does not pass through this routine (see level_tele), teleporting
1375  * "down" is confined to the current dungeon.  At present, level teleport
1376  * in dungeons that build up is confined within them.
1377  */
1378 void
get_level(newlevel,levnum)1379 get_level(newlevel, levnum)
1380 d_level *newlevel;
1381 int levnum;
1382 {
1383 	branch *br;
1384 	xchar dgn = u.uz.dnum;
1386 	if (levnum <= 0) {
1387 	    /* can only currently happen in endgame */
1388 	    levnum = u.uz.dlevel;
1389 	} else if (levnum > dungeons[dgn].depth_start
1390 			    + dungeons[dgn].num_dunlevs - 1) {
1391 	    /* beyond end of dungeon, jump to last level */
1392 	    levnum = dungeons[dgn].num_dunlevs;
1393 	} else {
1394 	    /* The desired level is in this dungeon or a "higher" one. */
1396 	    /*
1397 	     * Branch up the tree until we reach a dungeon that contains the
1398 	     * levnum.
1399 	     */
1400 	    if (levnum < dungeons[dgn].depth_start) {
1402 		do {
1403 		    /*
1404 		     * Find the parent dungeon of this dungeon.
1405 		     *
1406 		     * This assumes that end2 is always the "child" and it is
1407 		     * unique.
1408 		     */
1409 		    for (br = branches; br; br = br->next)
1410 			if (br->end2.dnum == dgn) break;
1411 		    if (!br)
1412 			panic("get_level: can't find parent dungeon");
1414 		    dgn = br->end1.dnum;
1415 		} while (levnum < dungeons[dgn].depth_start);
1416 	    }
1418 	    /* We're within the same dungeon; calculate the level. */
1419 	    levnum = levnum - dungeons[dgn].depth_start + 1;
1420 	}
1422 	newlevel->dnum = dgn;
1423 	newlevel->dlevel = levnum;
1424 }
1426 boolean
In_quest(lev)1427 In_quest(lev)	/* are you in the quest dungeon? */
1428 d_level *lev;
1429 {
1430 	return((boolean)(lev->dnum == quest_dnum));
1431 }
1433 boolean
In_mines(lev)1434 In_mines(lev)	/* are you in the mines dungeon? */
1435 d_level	*lev;
1436 {
1437 	return((boolean)(lev->dnum == mines_dnum));
1438 }
1440 boolean
In_sheol(lev)1441 In_sheol(lev)	/* are you in Sheol? */
1442 d_level	*lev;
1443 {
1444 	return((boolean)(lev->dnum == sheol_dnum));
1445 }
1447 /*
1448  * Return the branch for the given dungeon.
1449  *
1450  * This function assumes:
1451  *	+ This is not called with "Dungeons of Doom".
1452  *	+ There is only _one_ branch to a given dungeon.
1453  *	+ Field end2 is the "child" dungeon.
1454  */
1455 branch *
dungeon_branch(s)1456 dungeon_branch(s)
1457     const char *s;
1458 {
1459     branch *br;
1460     xchar  dnum;
1462     dnum = dname_to_dnum(s);
1464     /* Find the branch that connects to dungeon i's branch. */
1465     for (br = branches; br; br = br->next)
1466 	if (br->end2.dnum == dnum) break;
1468     if (!br) panic("dgn_entrance: can't find entrance to %s", s);
1470     return br;
1471 }
1473 /*
1474  * This returns true if the hero is on the same level as the entrance to
1475  * the named dungeon.
1476  *
1477  * Called from do.c and mklev.c.
1478  *
1479  * Assumes that end1 is always the "parent".
1480  */
1481 boolean
at_dgn_entrance(s)1482 at_dgn_entrance(s)
1483     const char *s;
1484 {
1485     branch *br;
1487     br = dungeon_branch(s);
1488     return((boolean)(on_level(&u.uz, &br->end1) ? TRUE : FALSE));
1489 }
1491 boolean
In_V_tower(lev)1492 In_V_tower(lev)	/* is `lev' part of Vlad's tower? */
1493 d_level	*lev;
1494 {
1495 	return((boolean)(lev->dnum == tower_dnum));
1496 }
1498 boolean
On_W_tower_level(lev)1499 On_W_tower_level(lev)	/* is `lev' a level containing the Wizard's tower? */
1500 d_level	*lev;
1501 {
1502 	return (boolean)(Is_wiz1_level(lev) ||
1503 			 Is_wiz2_level(lev) ||
1504 			 Is_wiz3_level(lev));
1505 }
1507 boolean
In_W_tower(x,y,lev)1508 In_W_tower(x, y, lev)	/* is <x,y> of `lev' inside the Wizard's tower? */
1509 int	x, y;
1510 d_level	*lev;
1511 {
1512 	if (!On_W_tower_level(lev)) return FALSE;
1513 	/*
1514 	 * Both of the exclusion regions for arriving via level teleport
1515 	 * (from above or below) define the tower's boundary.
1516 	 *	assert( updest.nIJ == dndest.nIJ for I={l|h},J={x|y} );
1517 	 */
1518 	if (dndest.nlx > 0)
1519 	    return (boolean)within_bounded_area(x, y, dndest.nlx, dndest.nly,
1520 						dndest.nhx, dndest.nhy);
1521 	else
1522 	    impossible("No boundary for Wizard's Tower?");
1523 	return FALSE;
1524 }
1526 boolean
In_hell(lev)1527 In_hell(lev)	/* are you in one of the Hell levels? */
1528 d_level	*lev;
1529 {
1530 	return((boolean)(dungeons[lev->dnum].flags.hellish));
1531 }
1533 void
find_hell(lev)1534 find_hell(lev)	/* sets *lev to be the gateway to Gehennom... */
1535 d_level *lev;
1536 {
1537 	lev->dnum = valley_level.dnum;
1538 	lev->dlevel = 1;
1539 }
1541 void
goto_hell(at_stairs,falling)1542 goto_hell(at_stairs, falling)	/* go directly to hell... */
1543 boolean	at_stairs, falling;
1544 {
1545 	d_level lev;
1547 	find_hell(&lev);
1548 	goto_level(&lev, at_stairs, falling, FALSE);
1549 }
1551 void
assign_level(dest,src)1552 assign_level(dest, src)		/* equivalent to dest = source */
1553 d_level	*dest, *src;
1554 {
1555 	dest->dnum = src->dnum;
1556 	dest->dlevel = src->dlevel;
1557 }
1559 void
assign_rnd_level(dest,src,range)1560 assign_rnd_level(dest, src, range)	/* dest = src + rn1(range) */
1561 d_level	*dest, *src;
1562 int range;
1563 {
1564 	dest->dnum = src->dnum;
1565 	dest->dlevel = src->dlevel + ((range > 0) ? rnd(range) : -rnd(-range)) ;
1567 	if(dest->dlevel > dunlevs_in_dungeon(dest))
1568 		dest->dlevel = dunlevs_in_dungeon(dest);
1569 	else if(dest->dlevel < 1)
1570 		dest->dlevel = 1;
1571 }
1573 int
induced_align(pct)1574 induced_align(pct)
1575 int	pct;
1576 {
1577 	s_level	*lev = Is_special(&u.uz);
1578 	aligntyp al;
1580 	if (lev && lev->flags.align)
1581 		if(rn2(100) < pct) return(lev->flags.align);
1583 	if(dungeons[u.uz.dnum].flags.align)
1584 		if(rn2(100) < pct) return(dungeons[u.uz.dnum].flags.align);
1586 	al = rn2(3) - 1;
1587 	return(Align2amask(al));
1588 }
1590 boolean
Invocation_lev(lev)1591 Invocation_lev(lev)
1592 d_level *lev;
1593 {
1594 	return((boolean)(In_hell(lev) && !In_sheol(lev) &&
1595 		lev->dlevel == (dungeons[lev->dnum].num_dunlevs - 1)));
1596 }
1598 /* use instead of depth() wherever a degree of difficulty is made
1599  * dependent on the location in the dungeon (eg. monster creation).
1600  */
1601 xchar
level_difficulty()1602 level_difficulty()
1603 {
1604 	if (In_endgame(&u.uz))
1605 		return((xchar)(depth(&sanctum_level) + u.ulevel/2));
1606 	else
1607 		if (u.uhave.amulet)
1608 			return(deepest_lev_reached(FALSE));
1609 		else
1610 			return((xchar) depth(&u.uz));
1611 }
1613 /* Take one word and try to match it to a level.
1614  * Recognized levels are as shown by print_dungeon().
1615  */
1616 schar
lev_by_name(nam)1617 lev_by_name(nam)
1618 const char *nam;
1619 {
1620     schar lev = 0;
1621     s_level *slev;
1622     mapseen *mseen;
1623     d_level dlev;
1624     const char *p;
1625     int idx, idxtoo;
1626     char buf[BUFSZ];
1628     /* look at the player's custom level annotations first */
1629     if ((mseen = find_level_by_custom_name(nam)) != 0) {
1630 	dlev = mseen->lev;
1631     } else {
1632 	/* no matching annotation, check whether they used a name we know */
1634 	/* allow strings like "the oracle level" to find "oracle" */
1635 	if (!strncmpi(nam, "the ", 4)) nam += 4;
1636 	if ((p = strstri(nam, " level")) != 0 && p == eos((char*)nam) - 6) {
1637 	    nam = strcpy(buf, nam);
1638 	    *(eos(buf) - 6) = '\0';
1639 	}
1640 	/* hell is the old name, and wouldn't match; gehennom would match its
1641 	   branch, yielding the castle level instead of the valley of the dead */
1642 	if (!strcmpi(nam, "gehennom") || !strcmpi(nam, "hell")) {
1643 	    if (In_V_tower(&u.uz)) nam = " to Vlad's tower";  /* branch to... */
1644 	    else nam = "valley";
1645 	}
1647 	if ((slev = find_level(nam)) != 0)
1648 	    dlev = slev->dlevel;
1649     }
1651     if (mseen || slev) {
1652 	/* found a match, see if it's reachable from here */
1653 	idx = ledger_no(&dlev);
1654 	if ((dlev.dnum == u.uz.dnum ||
1655 		/* within same branch, or else main dungeon <-> gehennom */
1656 		(u.uz.dnum == valley_level.dnum &&
1657 			dlev.dnum == medusa_level.dnum) ||
1658 		(u.uz.dnum == medusa_level.dnum &&
1659 			dlev.dnum == valley_level.dnum)) &&
1660 	    (	/* either wizard mode or else seen and not forgotten */
1661 #ifdef WIZARD
1662 	     wizard ||
1663 #endif
1664 		(level_info[idx].flags & (FORGOTTEN|VISITED)) == VISITED)) {
1665 	    lev = depth(&dlev);
1666 	}
1667     } else {	/* not a specific level; try branch names */
1668 	idx = find_branch(nam, (struct proto_dungeon *)0);
1669 	/* "<branch> to Xyzzy" */
1670 	if (idx < 0 && (p = strstri(nam, " to ")) != 0)
1671 	    idx = find_branch(p + 4, (struct proto_dungeon *)0);
1673 	if (idx >= 0) {
1674 	    idxtoo = (idx >> 8) & 0x00FF;
1675 	    idx &= 0x00FF;
1676 	    if (  /* either wizard mode, or else _both_ sides of branch seen */
1677 #ifdef WIZARD
1678 		wizard ||
1679 #endif
1680 		((level_info[idx].flags & (FORGOTTEN|VISITED)) == VISITED &&
1681 		 (level_info[idxtoo].flags & (FORGOTTEN|VISITED)) == VISITED)) {
1682 		if (ledger_to_dnum(idxtoo) == u.uz.dnum) idx = idxtoo;
1683 		dlev.dnum = ledger_to_dnum(idx);
1684 		dlev.dlevel = ledger_to_dlev(idx);
1685 		lev = depth(&dlev);
1686 	    }
1687 	}
1688     }
1689     return lev;
1690 }
1692 #ifdef WIZARD
1694 /* Convert a branch type to a string usable by print_dungeon(). */
1695 STATIC_OVL const char *
br_string(type)1696 br_string(type)
1697     int type;
1698 {
1699     switch (type) {
1700 	case BR_PORTAL:	 return "Portal";
1701 	case BR_NO_END1: return "Connection";
1702 	case BR_NO_END2: return "One way stair";
1703 	case BR_STAIR:	 return "Stair";
1704     }
1705     return " (unknown)";
1706 }
1708 /* Print all child branches between the lower and upper bounds. */
1709 STATIC_OVL void
print_branch(win,dnum,lower_bound,upper_bound,bymenu,lchoices)1710 print_branch(win, dnum, lower_bound, upper_bound, bymenu, lchoices)
1711     winid win;
1712     int   dnum;
1713     int   lower_bound;
1714     int   upper_bound;
1715     boolean bymenu;
1716     struct lchoice *lchoices;
1717 {
1718     branch *br;
1719     char buf[BUFSZ];
1720     anything any;
1722     /* This assumes that end1 is the "parent". */
1723     for (br = branches; br; br = br->next) {
1724 	if (br->end1.dnum == dnum && lower_bound < br->end1.dlevel &&
1725 					br->end1.dlevel <= upper_bound) {
1726 	    Sprintf(buf,"   %s to %s: %d",
1727 		    br_string(br->type),
1728 		    dungeons[br->end2.dnum].dname,
1729 		    depth(&br->end1));
1730 	    if (bymenu) {
1731 		lchoices->lev[lchoices->idx] = br->end1.dlevel;
1732 		lchoices->dgn[lchoices->idx] = br->end1.dnum;
1733 		lchoices->playerlev[lchoices->idx] = depth(&br->end1);
1734 		any.a_void = 0;
1735 		any.a_int = lchoices->idx + 1;
1736 		add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, MENU_DEFCNT, &any, lchoices->menuletter,
1737 				0, ATR_NONE, buf, MENU_UNSELECTED);
1738 		if (lchoices->menuletter == 'z') lchoices->menuletter = 'A';
1739 		else if (lchoices->menuletter == 'Z') lchoices->menuletter = 'a';
1740 		else lchoices->menuletter++;
1741 		lchoices->idx++;
1742 	    } else
1743 		putstr(win, 0, buf);
1744 	}
1745     }
1746 }
1748 /* Print available dungeon information. */
1749 schar
print_dungeon(bymenu,rlev,rdgn)1750 print_dungeon(bymenu, rlev, rdgn)
1751 boolean bymenu;
1752 schar *rlev;
1753 xchar *rdgn;
1754 {
1755     int     i, last_level, nlev;
1756     char    buf[BUFSZ];
1757     boolean first;
1758     s_level *slev;
1759     dungeon *dptr;
1760     branch  *br;
1761     anything any;
1762     struct lchoice lchoices;
1764     winid   win = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);
1765     if (bymenu) {
1766 	start_menu(win);
1767 	lchoices.idx = 0;
1768 	lchoices.menuletter = 'a';
1769     }
1771     for (i = 0, dptr = dungeons; i < n_dgns; i++, dptr++) {
1772 	nlev = dptr->num_dunlevs;
1773 	if (nlev > 1)
1774 	    Sprintf(buf, "%s: levels %d to %d", dptr->dname, dptr->depth_start,
1775 						dptr->depth_start + nlev - 1);
1776 	else
1777 	    Sprintf(buf, "%s: level %d", dptr->dname, dptr->depth_start);
1779 	/* Most entrances are uninteresting. */
1780 	if (dptr->entry_lev != 1) {
1781 	    if (dptr->entry_lev == nlev)
1782 		Strcat(buf, ", entrance from below");
1783 	    else
1784 		Sprintf(eos(buf), ", entrance on %d",
1785 			dptr->depth_start + dptr->entry_lev - 1);
1786 	}
1787 	if (bymenu) {
1788 	    any.a_void = 0;
1789 	    add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, MENU_DEFCNT, &any, 0, 0, iflags.menu_headings, buf, MENU_UNSELECTED);
1790 	} else
1791 	    putstr(win, 0, buf);
1793 	/*
1794 	 * Circle through the special levels to find levels that are in
1795 	 * this dungeon.
1796 	 */
1797 	for (slev = sp_levchn, last_level = 0; slev; slev = slev->next) {
1798 	    if (slev->dlevel.dnum != i) continue;
1800 	    /* print any branches before this level */
1801 	    print_branch(win, i, last_level, slev->dlevel.dlevel, bymenu, &lchoices);
1803 	    Sprintf(buf, "   %s: %d", slev->proto, depth(&slev->dlevel));
1804 	    if (Is_stronghold(&slev->dlevel))
1805 		Sprintf(eos(buf), " (tune %s)", tune);
1806 	    if (bymenu) {
1807 	    	/* If other floating branches are added, this will need to change */
1809 	    	if ((i != advcal_level.dnum) && (i != knox_level.dnum)) {
1810 #else
1811 	    	if (i != knox_level.dnum) {
1812 #endif
1813 			lchoices.lev[lchoices.idx] = slev->dlevel.dlevel;
1814 			lchoices.dgn[lchoices.idx] = i;
1815 		} else {
1816 			lchoices.lev[lchoices.idx] = depth(&slev->dlevel);
1817 			lchoices.dgn[lchoices.idx] = 0;
1818 		}
1819 		lchoices.playerlev[lchoices.idx] = depth(&slev->dlevel);
1820 		any.a_void = 0;
1821 		any.a_int = lchoices.idx + 1;
1822 		add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, MENU_DEFCNT, &any, lchoices.menuletter,
1823 				0, ATR_NONE, buf, MENU_UNSELECTED);
1824 		if (lchoices.menuletter == 'z') lchoices.menuletter = 'A';
1825 		else if (lchoices.menuletter == 'Z') lchoices.menuletter = 'a';
1826 		else lchoices.menuletter++;
1827 		lchoices.idx++;
1828 	    } else
1829 		putstr(win, 0, buf);
1831 	    last_level = slev->dlevel.dlevel;
1832 	}
1833 	/* print branches after the last special level */
1834 	print_branch(win, i, last_level, MAXLEVEL, bymenu, &lchoices);
1835     }
1837     /* Print out floating branches (if any). */
1838     for (first = TRUE, br = branches; br; br = br->next) {
1839 	if (br->end1.dnum == n_dgns) {
1840 	    if (first) {
1841 	    	if (!bymenu) {
1842 		    putstr(win, 0, "");
1843 		    putstr(win, 0, "Floating branches");
1844 		}
1845 		first = FALSE;
1846 	    }
1847 	    Sprintf(buf, "   %s to %s",
1848 			br_string(br->type), dungeons[br->end2.dnum].dname);
1849 	    if (!bymenu)
1850 		putstr(win, 0, buf);
1851 	}
1852     }
1853     if (bymenu) {
1854     	int n;
1855 	menu_item *selected;
1856 	int idx;
1858 	end_menu(win, "Level teleport to where:");
1859 	n = select_menu(win, PICK_ONE, &selected);
1860 	destroy_nhwindow(win);
1861 	if (n > 0) {
1862 		idx = selected[0].item.a_int - 1;
1863 		free((genericptr_t)selected);
1864 		if (rlev && rdgn) {
1865 			*rlev = lchoices.lev[idx];
1866 			*rdgn = lchoices.dgn[idx];
1867 			return lchoices.playerlev[idx];
1868 		}
1869 	}
1870 	return 0;
1871     }
1873     /* I hate searching for the invocation pos while debugging. -dean */
1874     if (Invocation_lev(&u.uz)) {
1875 	putstr(win, 0, "");
1876 	Sprintf(buf, "Invocation position @ (%d,%d), hero @ (%d,%d)",
1877 		inv_pos.x, inv_pos.y, u.ux, u.uy);
1878 	putstr(win, 0, buf);
1879     }
1880     /*
1881      * The following is based on the assumption that the inter-level portals
1882      * created by the level compiler (not the dungeon compiler) only exist
1883      * one per level (currently true, of course).
1884      */
1885     else if (Is_earthlevel(&u.uz) || Is_waterlevel(&u.uz)
1886 				|| Is_firelevel(&u.uz) || Is_airlevel(&u.uz)) {
1887 	struct trap *trap;
1888 	for (trap = ftrap; trap; trap = trap->ntrap)
1889 	    if (trap->ttyp == MAGIC_PORTAL) break;
1891 	putstr(win, 0, "");
1892 	if (trap)
1893 	    Sprintf(buf, "Portal @ (%d,%d), hero @ (%d,%d)",
1894 		trap->tx, trap->ty, u.ux, u.uy);
1895 	else
1896 	    Sprintf(buf, "No portal found.");
1897 	putstr(win, 0, buf);
1898     }
1900     display_nhwindow(win, TRUE);
1901     destroy_nhwindow(win);
1902     return 0;
1903 }
1904 #endif /* WIZARD */
1906 /* Record that the player knows about a branch from a level. This function
1907  * will determine whether or not it was a "real" branch that was taken.
1908  * This function should not be called for a transition done via level
1909  * teleport or via the Eye.
1910  */
1911 void
recbranch_mapseen(source,dest)1912 recbranch_mapseen(source, dest)
1913 	d_level *source;
1914 	d_level *dest;
1915 {
1916 	mapseen *mptr;
1917 	branch* br;
1919 	/* not a branch */
1920 	if (source->dnum == dest->dnum) return;
1922 	/* we only care about forward branches */
1923 	for (br = branches; br; br = br->next) {
1924 		if (on_level(source, &br->end1) && on_level(dest, &br->end2)) break;
1925 		if (on_level(source, &br->end2) && on_level(dest, &br->end1)) return;
1926 	}
1928 	/* branch not found, so not a real branch. */
1929 	if (!br) return;
1931 	if ((mptr = find_mapseen(source))) {
1932 		if (mptr->br && br != mptr->br)
1933 			impossible("Two branches on the same level?");
1934 		mptr->br = br;
1935 	} else {
1936 		impossible("Can't note branch for unseen level (%d, %d)",
1937 			source->dnum, source->dlevel);
1938 	}
1939 }
1941 /* add a custom name to the current level */
1942 int
donamelevel()1943 donamelevel()
1944 {
1945 	mapseen *mptr;
1946 	char qbuf[QBUFSZ];	/* Buffer for query text */
1947 	char nbuf[BUFSZ];	/* Buffer for response */
1948 	int len;
1950 	if (!(mptr = find_mapseen(&u.uz))) return 0;
1952 	if (mptr->custom) {
1953 		Sprintf(qbuf,"Replace previous annotation \"%s\" with?", mptr->custom);
1954 	} else {
1955 		Sprintf(qbuf,"What do you want to call this dungeon level?");
1956 	}
1957 	getlin(qbuf, nbuf);
1959 	if (index(nbuf, '\033')) return 0;
1961 	len = strlen(nbuf) + 1;
1962 	if (mptr->custom) {
1963 		free((genericptr_t)mptr->custom);
1964 		mptr->custom = (char *)0;
1965 		mptr->custom_lth = 0;
1966 	}
1968 	if (*nbuf) {
1969 		mptr->custom = (char *) alloc(sizeof(char) * len);
1970 		mptr->custom_lth = len;
1971 		strcpy(mptr->custom, nbuf);
1972 	}
1974 	return 0;
1975 }
1977 /* find the particular mapseen object in the chain */
1978 /* may return 0 */
1979 STATIC_OVL mapseen *
find_mapseen(lev)1980 find_mapseen(lev)
1981 d_level *lev;
1982 {
1983 	mapseen *mptr;
1985 	for (mptr = mapseenchn; mptr; mptr = mptr->next)
1986 		if (on_level(&(mptr->lev), lev)) break;
1988 	return mptr;
1989 }
1991 void
forget_mapseen(ledger_no)1992 forget_mapseen(ledger_no)
1993 int ledger_no;
1994 {
1995 	mapseen *mptr;
1997 	for (mptr = mapseenchn; mptr; mptr = mptr->next)
1998 		if (dungeons[mptr->lev.dnum].ledger_start +
1999 			mptr->lev.dlevel == ledger_no) break;
2001 	/* if not found, then nothing to forget */
2002 	if (mptr) {
2003 		mptr->feat.forgot = 1;
2004 		mptr->br = (branch *)0;
2006 		/* custom names are erased, not forgotten until revisted */
2007 		if (mptr->custom) {
2008 			mptr->custom_lth = 0;
2009 			free((genericptr_t)mptr->custom);
2010 			mptr->custom = (char *)0;
2011 		}
2013 		memset((genericptr_t) mptr->rooms, 0, sizeof(mptr->rooms));
2014 	}
2015 }
2017 STATIC_OVL void
save_mapseen(fd,mptr)2018 save_mapseen(fd, mptr)
2019 int fd;
2020 mapseen *mptr;
2021 {
2022 	branch *curr;
2023 	int count;
2025 	count = 0;
2026 	for (curr = branches; curr; curr = curr->next) {
2027 		if (curr == mptr->br) break;
2028 		count++;
2029 	}
2031 	bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &count, sizeof(int));
2032 	bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &mptr->lev, sizeof(d_level));
2033 	bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &mptr->feat, sizeof(mapseen_feat));
2034 	bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &mptr->custom_lth, sizeof(unsigned));
2035 	if (mptr->custom_lth)
2036 		bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) mptr->custom,
2037 		sizeof(char) * mptr->custom_lth);
2038 	bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &mptr->rooms, sizeof(mptr->rooms));
2039 }
2041 STATIC_OVL mapseen *
load_mapseen(fd)2042 load_mapseen(fd)
2043 int fd;
2044 {
2045 	int branchnum, count;
2046 	mapseen *load;
2047 	branch *curr;
2049 	load = (mapseen *) alloc(sizeof(mapseen));
2050 	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &branchnum, sizeof(int));
2052 	count = 0;
2053 	for (curr = branches; curr; curr = curr->next) {
2054 		if (count == branchnum) break;
2055 		count++;
2056 	}
2057 	load->br = curr;
2059 	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &load->lev, sizeof(d_level));
2060 	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &load->feat, sizeof(mapseen_feat));
2061 	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &load->custom_lth, sizeof(unsigned));
2062 	if (load->custom_lth > 0) {
2063 		load->custom = (char *) alloc(sizeof(char) * load->custom_lth);
2064 		mread(fd, (genericptr_t) load->custom,
2065 			sizeof(char) * load->custom_lth);
2066 	} else load->custom = (char *) 0;
2067 	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &load->rooms, sizeof(load->rooms));
2069 	return load;
2070 }
2072 /* Remove all mapseen objects for a particular dnum.
2073  * Useful during quest expulsion to remove quest levels.
2074  */
2075 void
remdun_mapseen(dnum)2076 remdun_mapseen(dnum)
2077 int dnum;
2078 {
2079 	mapseen *mptr, *prev;
2081 	prev = mapseenchn;
2082 	if (!prev) return;
2083 	mptr = prev->next;
2085 	for (; mptr; prev = mptr, mptr = mptr->next) {
2086 		if (mptr->lev.dnum == dnum) {
2087 			prev->next = mptr->next;
2088 			free((genericptr_t) mptr);
2089 			mptr = prev;
2090 		}
2091 	}
2092 }
2094 void
init_mapseen(lev)2095 init_mapseen(lev)
2096 d_level *lev;
2097 {
2098 	/* Create a level and insert in "sorted" order.  This is an insertion
2099 	 * sort first by dungeon (in order of discovery) and then by level number.
2100 	 */
2101 	mapseen *mptr;
2102 	mapseen *init;
2103 	mapseen *old;
2105 	init = (mapseen *) alloc(sizeof(mapseen));
2106 	(void) memset((genericptr_t)init, 0, sizeof(mapseen));
2107 	init->lev.dnum = lev->dnum;
2108 	init->lev.dlevel = lev->dlevel;
2110 	if (!mapseenchn) {
2111 		mapseenchn = init;
2112 		return;
2113 	}
2115 	/* walk until we get to the place where we should
2116 	 * insert init between mptr and mptr->next
2117 	 */
2118 	for (mptr = mapseenchn; mptr->next; mptr = mptr->next) {
2119 		if (mptr->next->lev.dnum == init->lev.dnum) break;
2120 	}
2121 	for (; mptr->next; mptr = mptr->next) {
2122 		if ((mptr->next->lev.dnum != init->lev.dnum) ||
2123 			(mptr->next->lev.dlevel > init->lev.dlevel)) break;
2124 	}
2126 	old = mptr->next;
2127 	mptr->next = init;
2128 	init->next = old;
2129 }
2131 #define INTEREST(feat) \
2132 	((feat).nfount) || \
2133 	((feat).nsink) || \
2134 	((feat).nthrone) || \
2135 	((feat).naltar) || \
2136 	((feat).nshop) || \
2137 	((feat).ntemple) || \
2138 	((feat).ntree)
2139 	/*
2140 	|| ((feat).water) || \
2141 	((feat).ice) || \
2142 	((feat).lava)
2143 	*/
2145 /* returns true if this level has something interesting to print out */
2146 STATIC_OVL boolean
interest_mapseen(mptr)2147 interest_mapseen(mptr)
2148 mapseen *mptr;
2149 {
2150 	return (on_level(&u.uz, &mptr->lev) ||
2151 		((!mptr->feat.forgot) &&
2152 		 (INTEREST(mptr->feat) ||
2153 		  (mptr->custom) ||
2154 		  (mptr->br)))
2155 	);
2156 }
2158 /* recalculate mapseen for the current level */
2159 void
recalc_mapseen()2160 recalc_mapseen()
2161 {
2162 	mapseen *mptr;
2163 	struct monst *shkp;
2164 	unsigned x, y, ridx;
2166 	/* Should not happen in general, but possible if in the process
2167 	 * of being booted from the quest.  The mapseen object gets
2168 	 * removed during the expulsion but prior to leaving the level
2169 	 */
2170 	if (!(mptr = find_mapseen(&u.uz))) return;
2172 	/* reset all features */
2173 	memset((genericptr_t) &mptr->feat, 0, sizeof(mapseen_feat));
2175 	/* track rooms the hero is in */
2176 	for (x = 0; x < sizeof(u.urooms); x++) {
2177 		if (!u.urooms[x]) continue;
2179 		ridx = u.urooms[x] - ROOMOFFSET;
2180 		if (rooms[ridx].rtype < SHOPBASE ||
2181 			((shkp = shop_keeper(u.urooms[x])) && inhishop(shkp)))
2182 			mptr->rooms[ridx] |= MSR_SEEN;
2183 		else
2184 			/* shops without shopkeepers are no shops at all */
2185 			mptr->rooms[ridx] &= ~MSR_SEEN;
2186 	}
2188 	/* recalculate room knowledge: for now, just shops and temples
2189 	 * this could be extended to an array of 0..SHOPBASE
2190 	 */
2191 	for (x = 0; x < sizeof(mptr->rooms); x++) {
2192 		if (mptr->rooms[x] & MSR_SEEN) {
2193 			if (rooms[x].rtype >= SHOPBASE) {
2194 #ifdef BLACKMARKET
2195 				/* don't record the large single shop room on the blackmarket level */
2196 				if (rooms[x].rtype != BLACKSHOP) {
2197 #endif
2198 				if (!mptr->feat.nshop)
2199 					mptr->feat.shoptype = rooms[x].rtype;
2200 				else if (mptr->feat.shoptype != rooms[x].rtype)
2201 					mptr->feat.shoptype = 0;
2202 				mptr->feat.nshop = min(mptr->feat.nshop + 1, 3);
2203 #ifdef BLACKMARKET
2204 				}
2205 #endif
2206 			} else if (rooms[x].rtype == TEMPLE)
2207 				/* altar and temple alignment handled below */
2208 				mptr->feat.ntemple = min(mptr->feat.ntemple + 1, 3);
2209 		}
2210 	}
2212 	/* Update styp with typ if and only if it is in sight or the hero can
2213 	 * feel it on their current location (i.e. not levitating).  This *should*
2214 	 * give the "last known typ" for each dungeon location.  (At the very least,
2215 	 * it's a better assumption than determining what the player knows from
2216 	 * the glyph and the typ (which is isn't quite enough information in some
2217 	 * cases).
2218 	 *
2219 	 * It was reluctantly added to struct rm to track.  Alternatively
2220 	 * we could track "features" and then update them all here, and keep
2221 	 * track of when new features are created or destroyed, but this
2222 	 * seemed the most elegant, despite adding more data to struct rm.
2223 	 *
2224 	 * Although no current windowing systems (can) do this, this would add the
2225 	 * ability to have non-dungeon glyphs float above the last known dungeon
2226 	 * glyph (i.e. items on fountains).
2227 	 *
2228 	 * (vision-related styp update done in loop below)
2229 	 */
2230 	if (!Levitation)
2231 		levl[u.ux][u.uy].styp = levl[u.ux][u.uy].typ;
2233 	for (x = 0; x < COLNO; x++) {
2234 		for (y = 0; y < ROWNO; y++) {
2235 			/* update styp from viz_array */
2236 			if (viz_array[y][x] & IN_SIGHT)
2237 				levl[x][y].styp = levl[x][y].typ;
2239 			switch (levl[x][y].styp) {
2240 			/*
2241 			case ICE:
2242 				mptr->feat.ice = 1;
2243 				break;
2244 			case POOL:
2245 			case MOAT:
2246 			case WATER:
2247 				mptr->feat.water = 1;
2248 				break;
2249 			case LAVAPOOL:
2250 				mptr->feat.lava = 1;
2251 				break;
2252 			*/
2253 			case TREE:
2254 				mptr->feat.ntree = min(mptr->feat.ntree + 1, 3);
2255 				break;
2256 			case FOUNTAIN:
2257 				mptr->feat.nfount = min(mptr->feat.nfount + 1, 3);
2258 				break;
2259 			case THRONE:
2260 				mptr->feat.nthrone = min(mptr->feat.nthrone + 1, 3);
2261 				break;
2262 			case SINK:
2263 				mptr->feat.nsink = min(mptr->feat.nsink + 1, 3);
2264 				break;
2265 			case ALTAR:
2266 				if (!mptr->feat.naltar)
2267 					mptr->feat.msalign = Amask2msa(levl[x][y].altarmask & ~AM_SHRINE);
2268 				else if (mptr->feat.msalign != Amask2msa(levl[x][y].altarmask & ~AM_SHRINE))
2269 					mptr->feat.msalign = MSA_NONE;
2271 				mptr->feat.naltar = min(mptr->feat.naltar + 1, 3);
2272 				break;
2273 			}
2274 		}
2275 	}
2276 }
2278 int
dooverview()2279 dooverview()
2280 {
2281 	winid win;
2282 	mapseen *mptr;
2283 	boolean first;
2284 	boolean printdun;
2285 	int lastdun=-1;
2287 	first = TRUE;
2289 	/* lazy intialization */
2290 	(void) recalc_mapseen();
2292 	win = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);
2294 	for (mptr = mapseenchn; mptr; mptr = mptr->next) {
2296 		/* only print out info for a level or a dungeon if interest */
2297 		if (interest_mapseen(mptr)) {
2298 			printdun = (first || lastdun != mptr->lev.dnum);
2299 			/* if (!first) putstr(win, 0, ""); */
2300 			print_mapseen(win, mptr, printdun, FALSE, FALSE);
2302 			if (printdun) {
2303 				first = FALSE;
2304 				lastdun = mptr->lev.dnum;
2305 			}
2306 		}
2307 	}
2309 	display_nhwindow(win, TRUE);
2310 	destroy_nhwindow(win);
2312 	return 0;
2313 }
2315 #ifdef DUMP_LOG
2316 int
dumpoverview()2317 dumpoverview()
2318 {
2319 	mapseen *mptr;
2320 	boolean printdun;
2321 	int lastdun=-1;
2322 	boolean first = TRUE;
2323 	boolean previous_was_interesting = FALSE;
2325 	first = TRUE;
2327 	/* lazy intialization */
2328 	(void) recalc_mapseen();
2330 	for (mptr = mapseenchn; mptr; mptr = mptr->next) {
2331 		/* try to find out if the last branch printed something */
2332 		if (!first && lastdun != mptr->lev.dnum && previous_was_interesting) {
2333 			dump_html("</li>\n", "");
2334 			previous_was_interesting = FALSE;
2335 		}
2336 		/* only print out info for a level or a dungeon if interest */
2337 		if (interest_mapseen(mptr)) {
2338 			previous_was_interesting = TRUE;
2339 			printdun = (first || lastdun != mptr->lev.dnum);
2341 			if (first) {
2342 				/* Always print header as there will at least
2343 				 * be the output of the current level */
2344 				dump_title("Dungeon overview");
2345 				dump_list_start();
2346 			}
2347 			/* currently dumping is always at the end of the game */
2348 			print_mapseen(0, mptr, printdun, TRUE, TRUE);
2350 			if (printdun) {
2351 				first = FALSE;
2352 				lastdun = mptr->lev.dnum;
2353 			}
2354 		}
2355 	}
2356 	if (!first) {
2357 		dump_html("</li>\n", "");
2358 		dump_list_end();
2359 	}
2361 	return 0;
2362 }
2363 #endif
2365 STATIC_OVL char *
seen_string(x,obj)2366 seen_string(x, obj)
2367 xchar x;
2368 const char *obj;
2369 {
2370 	/* players are computer scientists: 0, 1, 2, n */
2371 	switch(x) {
2372 	case 0: return "no";
2373 	/* an() returns too much.  index is ok in this case */
2374 	case 1: return index(vowels, *obj) ? "an" : "a";
2375 	case 2: return "some";
2376 	case 3: return "many";
2377 	}
2379 	return "(unknown)";
2380 }
2382 /* better br_string */
2383 STATIC_OVL const char *
br_string2(br)2384 br_string2(br)
2385 branch *br;
2386 {
2387 	/* Special case: quest portal says closed if kicked from quest */
2388 	boolean closed_portal =
2389 		(br->end2.dnum == quest_dnum && u.uevent.qexpelled);
2390 	switch(br->type)
2391 	{
2392 	case BR_PORTAL:	 return closed_portal ? "Sealed portal" : "Portal";
2393 	case BR_NO_END1: return "Connection";
2394 	case BR_NO_END2: return (br->end1_up) ? "One way stairs up" :
2395 		"One way stairs down";
2396 	case BR_STAIR:	 return (br->end1_up) ? "Stairs up" : "Stairs down";
2397 	}
2399 	return "(unknown)";
2400 }
2402 STATIC_OVL const char*
shop_string(rtype)2403 shop_string(rtype)
2404 int rtype;
2405 {
2406 	/* Yuck, redundancy...but shclass.name doesn't cut it as a noun */
2407 	switch(rtype) {
2408 		case SHOPBASE:
2409 			return "a general store";
2410 		case ARMORSHOP:
2411 			return "an armor shop";
2412 		case SCROLLSHOP:
2413 			return "a scroll shop";
2414 		case POTIONSHOP:
2415 			return "a potion shop";
2416 		case WEAPONSHOP:
2417 			return "a weapon shop";
2418 		case FOODSHOP:
2419 			return "a delicatessen store";
2420 		case RINGSHOP:
2421 			return "a jewelry store";
2422 		case WANDSHOP:
2423 			return "a wand shop";
2424 		case BOOKSHOP:
2425 			return "a bookstore";
2426 		case CANDLESHOP:
2427 			return "a lighting shop";
2428 		case TOOLSHOP:
2429 			return "a tool shop";
2431 			return "a music store";
2432 		case TINSHOP:
2433 			return "a tin shop";
2434 		case PETSHOP:
2435 			return "a pet store";
2436 		case BLACKSHOP:
2437 			return "the Blackmarket";
2438 		default:
2439 			/* In case another patch adds a shop type that doesn't exist,
2440 			 * do something reasonable like "a shop".
2441 			 */
2442 			warning("Unknown shop number: %d", rtype);
2443 			return "shop";
2444 	}
2445 }
2447 /* some utility macros for print_mapseen */
2448 #define TAB "   "
2449 #define BULLET ""
2451 #define COMMA (i++ > 0 ? ", " : PREFIX)
2452 #define ADDNTOBUF(nam, var) { if (var) \
2453 	Sprintf(eos(buf), "%s%s " nam "%s", COMMA, seen_string((var), (nam)), \
2454 	((var) != 1 ? "s" : "")); }
2455 #define ADDTOBUF(nam, var) { if (var) Sprintf(eos(buf), "%s " nam, COMMA); }
2457 STATIC_OVL void
print_mapseen(win,mptr,printdun,dump,final)2458 print_mapseen(win, mptr, printdun, dump, final)
2459 winid win;
2460 mapseen *mptr;
2461 boolean printdun;
2462 boolean dump; /**< if information should be dumped to file */
2463 boolean final; /**< if game is finished */
2464 {
2465 	char buf[BUFSZ];
2466 	int i, depthstart;
2468 	/* Damnable special cases */
2469 	/* The quest and knox should appear to be level 1 to match
2470 	 * other text.
2471 	 */
2472 	if (mptr->lev.dnum == quest_dnum || mptr->lev.dnum == knox_level.dnum)
2473 		depthstart = 1;
2474 	else
2475 		depthstart = dungeons[mptr->lev.dnum].depth_start;
2477 	if (printdun) {
2478 		/* Sokoban lies about dunlev_ureached and we should
2479 		 * suppress the negative numbers in the endgame.
2480 		 */
2481 		if (dungeons[mptr->lev.dnum].dunlev_ureached == 1 ||
2482 			mptr->lev.dnum == sokoban_dnum || In_endgame(&mptr->lev))
2483 			Sprintf(buf, "%s:", dungeons[mptr->lev.dnum].dname);
2484 		else
2485 			Sprintf(buf, "%s: levels %d to %d",
2486 				dungeons[mptr->lev.dnum].dname,
2487 				depthstart, depthstart +
2488 				dungeons[mptr->lev.dnum].dunlev_ureached - 1);
2489 		if (!dump) {
2490 			putstr(win, ATR_INVERSE, buf);
2491 		} else {
2492 #ifdef DUMP_LOG
2493 			dump_text("  %s\n", buf);
2494 			dump_html("<li>%s\n", buf);
2495 #endif
2496 		}
2497 	}
2499 #ifdef DUMP_LOG
2500 	dump_definition_list_start();
2501 #endif
2502 	/* calculate level number */
2503 	i = depthstart + mptr->lev.dlevel - 1;
2504 	if (Is_astralevel(&mptr->lev))
2505 		Sprintf(buf, TAB "Astral Plane:");
2506 	else if (In_endgame(&mptr->lev))
2507 		/* Negative numbers are mildly confusing, since they are never
2508 		 * shown to the player, except in wizard mode.  We could show
2509 		 * "Level -1" for the earth plane, for example.  Instead,
2510 		 * show "Plane 1" for the earth plane to differentiate from
2511 		 * level 1.  There's not much to show, but maybe the player
2512 		 * wants to #annotate them for some bizarre reason.
2513 		 */
2514 		Sprintf(buf, TAB "Plane %i:", -i);
2515 	else
2516 		Sprintf(buf, TAB "Level %d:", i);
2518 #ifdef WIZARD
2519 	/* wizmode prints out proto dungeon names for clarity */
2520 	if (wizard || final) {
2521 		s_level *slev;
2522 		if ((slev = Is_special(&mptr->lev)))
2523 			Sprintf(eos(buf), " [%s]", slev->proto);
2524 	}
2525 #endif
2527 	if (mptr->custom)
2528 		Sprintf(eos(buf), " (%s)", mptr->custom);
2530 	/* print out glyph or something more interesting? */
2531 	Sprintf(eos(buf), "%s", on_level(&u.uz, &mptr->lev) ?
2532 		(final ? " <- You were here" : " <- You are here") : "");
2533 	if (!dump) {
2534 		putstr(win, ATR_BOLD, buf);
2535 	} else {
2536 #ifdef DUMP_LOG
2537 		dump_definition_list_dt(buf);
2538 #endif
2539 	}
2541 	if (mptr->feat.forgot) {
2542 #ifdef DUMP_LOG
2543 		if (dump) dump_definition_list_end();
2544 #endif
2545 		return;
2546 	}
2548 	if (INTEREST(mptr->feat)) {
2549 		buf[0] = 0;
2551 		i = 0; /* interest counter */
2553 		/* List interests in an order vaguely corresponding to
2554 		 * how important they are.
2555 		 */
2556 		if (mptr->feat.nshop > 1)
2557 			ADDNTOBUF("shop", mptr->feat.nshop)
2558 		else if (mptr->feat.nshop == 1)
2559 			Sprintf(eos(buf), "%s%s", COMMA,
2560 				shop_string(mptr->feat.shoptype));
2562 		/* Temples + non-temple altars get munged into just "altars" */
2563 		if (!mptr->feat.ntemple || mptr->feat.ntemple != mptr->feat.naltar)
2564 			ADDNTOBUF("altar", mptr->feat.naltar)
2565 		else
2566 			ADDNTOBUF("temple", mptr->feat.ntemple)
2568 		/* only print out altar's god if they are all to your god */
2569 		if (Amask2align(Msa2amask(mptr->feat.msalign)) == u.ualign.type)
2570 			Sprintf(eos(buf), " to %s", align_gname(u.ualign.type));
2572 		ADDNTOBUF("fountain", mptr->feat.nfount)
2573 		ADDNTOBUF("sink", mptr->feat.nsink)
2574 		ADDNTOBUF("throne", mptr->feat.nthrone)
2575 		ADDNTOBUF("tree", mptr->feat.ntree);
2576 		/*
2577 		ADDTOBUF("water", mptr->feat.water)
2578 		ADDTOBUF("lava", mptr->feat.lava)
2579 		ADDTOBUF("ice", mptr->feat.ice)
2580 		*/
2582 		/* capitalize afterwards */
2583 		i = strlen(PREFIX);
2584 		*buf = highc(*buf);
2586 		if (!dump) {
2587 			putstr(win, 0, buf);
2588 		} else {
2589 #ifdef DUMP_LOG
2590 			dump_definition_list_dd(buf);
2591 #endif
2592 		}
2593 	}
2595 	/* print out branches */
2596 	if (mptr->br) {
2597 		Sprintf(buf, PREFIX "%s to %s", br_string2(mptr->br),
2598 			dungeons[mptr->br->end2.dnum].dname);
2600 		/* since mapseen objects are printed out in increasing order
2601 		 * of dlevel, clarify which level this branch is going to
2602 		 * if the branch goes upwards.  Unless it's the end game
2603 		 */
2604 		if (mptr->br->end1_up && !In_endgame(&(mptr->br->end2)))
2605 			Sprintf(eos(buf), ", level %d", depth(&(mptr->br->end2)));
2606 		if (!dump) {
2607 			putstr(win, 0, buf);
2608 		} else {
2609 #ifdef DUMP_LOG
2610 			dump_definition_list_dd(buf);
2611 #endif
2612 		}
2613 	}
2615 #ifdef DUMP_LOG
2616 	if (dump) dump_definition_list_end();
2617 #endif
2618 }
2620 /** Get annotation for a specific level. */
2621 char *
get_annotation(lev)2622 get_annotation(lev)
2623 d_level *lev;
2624 {
2625 	mapseen *mptr;
2627 	if (!(mptr = find_mapseen(&u.uz))) {
2628 		return NULL;
2629 	} else {
2630 		return mptr->custom;
2631 	}
2632 }
2634 /** Return a generic description of the current level like "plane" for the
2635  * planes, "tower" for Vlad's tower, or "dungeon" for a normal level. */
2636 const char *
get_generic_level_description(lev)2637 get_generic_level_description(lev)
2638 d_level *lev;
2639 {
2640 	if (Is_astralevel(lev)) {
2641 		return "astral plane";
2642 	} else if (In_endgame(lev)) {
2643 		return "plane";
2644 	} else if (Is_sanctum(lev)) {
2645 		return "sanctum";
2646 	} else if (Is_blackmarket(lev)) {
2647 		return "blackmarket";
2648 	} else if (In_sokoban(lev)) {
2649 		return "puzzle";
2650 	} else if (In_V_tower(lev)) {
2651 		return "tower";
2652 	} else if (level.flags.sky) {
2653 		return "ground";
2654 	} else {
2655 		return "dungeon";
2656 	}
2657 }
2659 /*dungeon.c*/