1 // DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is automatically generated, edit file under project/java dir
2 // This string is autogenerated by ChangeAppSettings.sh, do not change spaces amount anywhere
3 package org.warmux;
5 import android.app.Activity;
6 import android.content.Context;
7 import java.util.Vector;
8 import android.view.KeyEvent;
10 class Globals {
11 	public static String ApplicationName = "Warmux";
13 	public static String AppLibraries[] = { "sdl", "sdl_mixer", "png", "sdl_image" };
15 	public static final boolean Using_SDL_1_3 = false;
17 	// Should be zip file
18 	public static String DataDownloadUrl = "!Data|http://download.gna.org/warmux/android/android-data-11.04.zip";
20 	// Set this value to true if you're planning to render 3D using OpenGL - it eats some GFX resources, so disabled for 2D
21 	public static boolean NeedDepthBuffer = false;
23 	public static boolean SwVideoMode = true;
25 	public static boolean HorizontalOrientation = true;
27 	// prevent device from going to suspend mode
28 	public static boolean InhibitSuspend = true;
30 	// Readme text to be shown on download page
31 	public static String ReadmeText = "^nYou may press \"Home\" now - the data will be downloaded in backgroundnPlease also visit http://www.warmux.org for more info".replace("^","\n");
33 	public static String CommandLine = "warmux";
35 	public static boolean AppUsesMouse = true;
37 	public static boolean AppNeedsTwoButtonMouse = false;
39 	public static boolean AppNeedsArrowKeys = false;
41 	public static boolean AppNeedsTextInput = true;
43 	public static boolean AppUsesJoystick = false;
45 	public static boolean AppHandlesJoystickSensitivity = false;
47 	public static boolean AppUsesMultitouch = false;
49 	public static boolean NonBlockingSwapBuffers = true;
51 	public static int AppTouchscreenKeyboardKeysAmount = 0;
53 	public static int AppTouchscreenKeyboardKeysAmountAutoFire = 0;
55 	// Phone-specific config, TODO: move this to settings
56 	public static boolean DownloadToSdcard = true;
57 	public static boolean PhoneHasTrackball = false;
58 	public static boolean PhoneHasArrowKeys = false;
59 	public static boolean UseAccelerometerAsArrowKeys = false;
60 	public static boolean UseTouchscreenKeyboard = true;
61 	public static int TouchscreenKeyboardSize = 1;
62 	public static int TouchscreenKeyboardTheme = 2;
63 	public static int TouchscreenKeyboardTransparency = 2;
64 	public static int AccelerometerSensitivity = 2;
65 	public static int AccelerometerCenterPos = 2;
66 	public static int TrackballDampening = 0;
67 	public static int AudioBufferConfig = 0;
68 	public static boolean OptionalDataDownload[] = null;
69 	public static final int LEFT_CLICK_NORMAL = 0;
70 	public static final int LEFT_CLICK_NEAR_CURSOR = 1;
71 	public static final int LEFT_CLICK_WITH_MULTITOUCH = 2;
72 	public static final int LEFT_CLICK_WITH_PRESSURE = 3;
73 	public static final int LEFT_CLICK_WITH_KEY = 4;
74 	public static final int LEFT_CLICK_WITH_TIMEOUT = 5;
75 	public static final int LEFT_CLICK_WITH_TAP = 6;
76 	public static final int LEFT_CLICK_WITH_TAP_OR_TIMEOUT = 7;
77 	public static int LeftClickMethod = AppNeedsTwoButtonMouse ? LEFT_CLICK_WITH_TAP_OR_TIMEOUT : LEFT_CLICK_NORMAL;
78 	public static int LeftClickKey = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER;
79 	public static int LeftClickTimeout = 3;
80 	public static final int RIGHT_CLICK_NONE = 0;
81 	public static final int RIGHT_CLICK_WITH_MULTITOUCH = 1;
82 	public static final int RIGHT_CLICK_WITH_PRESSURE = 2;
83 	public static final int RIGHT_CLICK_WITH_KEY = 3;
84 	public static final int RIGHT_CLICK_WITH_TIMEOUT = 4;
85 	public static int RightClickTimeout = 4;
86 	public static int RightClickMethod = AppNeedsTwoButtonMouse ? RIGHT_CLICK_WITH_MULTITOUCH : RIGHT_CLICK_NONE;
87 	public static int RightClickKey = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU;
88 	public static boolean MoveMouseWithJoystick = false;
89 	public static int MoveMouseWithJoystickSpeed = 0;
90 	public static int MoveMouseWithJoystickAccel = 0;
91 	public static boolean ClickMouseWithDpad = false;
92 	public static boolean RelativeMouseMovement = AppNeedsTwoButtonMouse; // Laptop touchpad mode
93 	public static int RelativeMouseMovementSpeed = 2;
94 	public static int RelativeMouseMovementAccel = 0;
95 	public static boolean ShowScreenUnderFinger = false;
96 	public static boolean KeepAspectRatio = false;
97 	public static int ClickScreenPressure = 0;
98 	public static int ClickScreenTouchspotSize = 0;
99 	public static int RemapHwKeycode[] = new int[SDL_Keys.JAVA_KEYCODE_LAST];
100 	public static int RemapScreenKbKeycode[] = new int[6];
101 	public static boolean ScreenKbControlsShown[] = new boolean[8]; /* Also joystick and text input button added */
102 	public static int ScreenKbControlsLayout[][] = new int[8][4];
103 	public static int RemapMultitouchGestureKeycode[] = new int[4];
104 	public static boolean MultitouchGesturesUsed[] = new boolean[4];
105 	public static int MultitouchGestureSensitivity = 1;
106 	public static int TouchscreenCalibration[] = new int[4];
107 	public static String DataDir = new String("");
108 	public static boolean SmoothVideo = false;
109 	public static boolean MultiThreadedVideo = false;
110 }