1--       _________ __                 __
2--      /   _____//  |_____________ _/  |______     ____  __ __  ______
3--      \_____  \\   __\_  __ \__  \\   __\__  \   / ___\|  |  \/  ___/
4--      /        \|  |  |  | \// __ \|  |  / __ \_/ /_/  >  |  /\___ \
5--     /_______  /|__|  |__|  (____  /__| (____  /\___  /|____//____  >
6--             \/                  \/          \//_____/            \/
7--  ______________________                           ______________________
8--                        T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
9--         Stratagus - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
11--      (c) Copyright 1998-2019 by Lutz Sammer, Jimmy Salmon and Andrettin
13--      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
14--      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15--      the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
16--      (at your option) any later version.
18--      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19--      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21--      GNU General Public License for more details.
23--      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24--      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
25--      Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
28UnitTypeFiles = {}
30Units = {
31	"upgrade-holy-order", "upgrade-mercenary-company", "upgrade-trading-company",
32	"upgrade-wood-plow", "upgrade-iron-tipped-wood-plow", "upgrade-iron-plow",
33	"upgrade-ironworking",
34	"upgrade-masonry",
35	"upgrade-mathematics", "upgrade-engineering", "upgrade-architecture", "upgrade-philosophy", "upgrade-gunpowder",
36	"upgrade-egyptian-civilization",
37	"upgrade-elven-civilization",
38	"upgrade-latin-civilization",
39	"unit-latin-legionary", "unit-latin-veteran-legionary", "unit-latin-centurion",
40	"unit-latin-javelineer",
41	"unit-latin-town-hall", "unit-latin-farm", "unit-latin-barracks", "unit-latin-smithy", "unit-latin-stables",
42	"upgrade-germanic-civilization",
43	"upgrade-faction-asa-tribe", "upgrade-faction-jarling-tribe", "upgrade-faction-karling-tribe", "upgrade-faction-skeldung-tribe", "upgrade-faction-thielung-tribe", "upgrade-faction-thralling-tribe", "upgrade-faction-yngling-tribe",
44	"unit-germanic-worker", "unit-germanic-warrior", "unit-germanic-veteran-warrior", "unit-germanic-chieftain", "unit-germanic-spearman", "unit-germanic-archer",
45	"unit-germanic-priest",
46	"unit-germanic-transport-ship",
47	"unit-germanic-town-hall", "unit-germanic-farm", "unit-germanic-barracks",
48	"unit-germanic-carpenters-shop", "unit-germanic-smithy", "unit-germanic-temple", "unit-germanic-market",
49	"unit-germanic-dock",
50	"upgrade-germanic-broad-sword", "upgrade-germanic-long-spear", "upgrade-germanic-bronze-shield",
51	"upgrade-germanic-barbed-arrow",
52	"upgrade-greek-civilization",
53	"upgrade-norse-civilization",
54	"upgrade-faction-dane-tribe", "upgrade-faction-geat-tribe", "upgrade-faction-gute-tribe", "upgrade-faction-sitone-tribe", "upgrade-faction-swede-tribe",
55	"upgrade-faction-denmark", "upgrade-faction-gautland", "upgrade-faction-gotland", "upgrade-faction-norway", "upgrade-faction-sweden",
56	"unit-norse-swordsman", "unit-norse-veteran-swordsman", "unit-norse-heroic-swordsman",
57--	"unit-norse-longship",
58	"unit-norse-town-hall",
59	"unit-norse-farm", "unit-norse-barracks",
60	"unit-norse-lumber-mill", "unit-norse-smithy",
61	"unit-norse-temple", "unit-norse-market",
62	"unit-norse-watch-tower",
63	"unit-norse-dock",
64	"unit-norse-palisade",
65	"upgrade-slavic-civilization",
66	"unit-slavic-swordsman",
67	"upgrade-teuton-civilization",
68	"upgrade-faction-bavarian-tribe",
69	"upgrade-faction-saxon-tribe", "upgrade-faction-chauci-tribe", "upgrade-faction-cherusci-tribe", "upgrade-faction-varini-tribe",
70	"upgrade-faction-frisian-tribe",
71	"upgrade-faction-lombard-tribe",
72	"upgrade-faction-austria", "upgrade-faction-bavaria", "upgrade-faction-carinthia",
73	"upgrade-faction-thuringia",
74	"upgrade-faction-baden", "upgrade-faction-swabia", "upgrade-faction-switzerland", "upgrade-faction-wurtemberg",
75	"upgrade-faction-cologne", "upgrade-faction-franconia", "upgrade-faction-hesse",
76	"upgrade-faction-saxony", "upgrade-faction-brandenburg", "upgrade-faction-bremen", "upgrade-faction-brunswick", "upgrade-faction-magdeburg", "upgrade-faction-mecklenburg", "upgrade-faction-prussia", "upgrade-faction-westphalia",
77	"upgrade-faction-friesland",
78	"upgrade-faction-brabant", "upgrade-faction-drenthe", "upgrade-faction-holland", "upgrade-faction-netherlands", "upgrade-faction-overijssel",
79	"upgrade-faction-lombardy",
80	"upgrade-faction-holy-rome",
81	"unit-teuton-worker", "unit-teuton-swordsman", "unit-teuton-veteran-swordsman", "unit-teuton-heroic-swordsman",
82	"unit-teuton-spearman",
83	"unit-teuton-archer",
84	"unit-teuton-gunpowder-infantry",
85	"unit-teuton-ritter", "unit-teuton-knight-lord",
86	"unit-teuton-priest",
87	"unit-teuton-catapult",
88	"unit-teuton-kogge",
89	"unit-norse-longship",
90	"unit-teuton-town-hall", "unit-teuton-stronghold",
91	"unit-teuton-farm", "unit-teuton-barracks",
92	"unit-teuton-lumber-mill", "unit-teuton-smithy", "unit-teuton-masons-shop",
93	"unit-teuton-stables", "unit-teuton-temple", "unit-teuton-market", "unit-teuton-university",
94	"unit-teuton-watch-tower", "unit-teuton-guard-tower", "unit-teuton-catapult-tower",
95	"unit-teuton-dock",
96	"unit-teuton-wall",
97	"upgrade-teuton-spatha", "upgrade-frank-spatha", "upgrade-teuton-pike", "upgrade-teuton-iron-shield", "upgrade-teuton-bodkin-arrow",
98	"upgrade-teuton-catapult-projectile-1", "upgrade-teuton-catapult-projectile-2",
99	"upgrade-teuton-coinage", "upgrade-teuton-writing", "upgrade-teuton-alchemy",
100	"upgrade-anglo-saxon-civilization",
101	"upgrade-faction-angle-tribe", "upgrade-faction-avione-tribe", "upgrade-faction-bernice-tribe", "upgrade-faction-charude-tribe", "upgrade-faction-cantware-tribe", "upgrade-faction-dere-tribe", "upgrade-faction-gumeninga-tribe", "upgrade-faction-jute-tribe", "upgrade-faction-lindisfaran-tribe", "upgrade-faction-mierce-tribe", "upgrade-faction-teuton-tribe",
102	"upgrade-faction-bernicia", "upgrade-faction-deira", "upgrade-faction-east-anglia", "upgrade-faction-englaland", "upgrade-faction-essex", "upgrade-faction-jutland", "upgrade-faction-kent", "upgrade-faction-mercia", "upgrade-faction-middle-anglia", "upgrade-faction-middlesex", "upgrade-faction-northumbria", "upgrade-faction-sussex", "upgrade-faction-wessex",
103	"upgrade-english-civilization",
104	"upgrade-faction-england", "upgrade-faction-scotland",
105	"upgrade-suebi-civilization",
106	"upgrade-faction-suebi-tribe", "upgrade-faction-semnone-tribe",
107	"upgrade-faction-marcomanni-tribe", "upgrade-faction-quadi-tribe", "upgrade-faction-buri-tribe",
108	"upgrade-faction-alamanni-tribe",
109	"upgrade-faction-hermunduri-tribe", "upgrade-faction-thuringian-tribe",
110	"upgrade-faction-galicia",
111	"unit-suebi-swordsman",
112	"upgrade-frankish-civilization",
113	"upgrade-faction-ampsivarii-tribe", "upgrade-faction-batavian-tribe", "upgrade-faction-chamavi-tribe", "upgrade-faction-chatti-tribe", "upgrade-faction-frank-tribe", "upgrade-faction-sugambri-tribe", "upgrade-faction-ubii-tribe",
114	"upgrade-faction-austrasia", "upgrade-faction-burgundia", "upgrade-faction-east-francia", "upgrade-faction-francia", "upgrade-faction-neustria", "upgrade-faction-salia",
115	"unit-frank-swordsman", "unit-frank-veteran-swordsman", "unit-frank-heroic-swordsman", "unit-frank-spearman",
116	"unit-frank-horseman", "unit-frank-knight-lord",
117	"upgrade-gothic-civilization",
118	"upgrade-faction-bastarnae-tribe", "upgrade-faction-burgundian-tribe", "upgrade-faction-gepidae-tribe", "upgrade-faction-goth-tribe", "upgrade-faction-herulian-tribe", "upgrade-faction-lugii-tribe", "upgrade-faction-ostrogoth-tribe", "upgrade-faction-rugian-tribe", "upgrade-faction-silingae-tribe", "upgrade-faction-turcilingian-tribe", "upgrade-faction-vandal-tribe", "upgrade-faction-visigoth-tribe",
119	"upgrade-faction-burgundy", "upgrade-faction-gothia", "upgrade-faction-ostrogothia", "upgrade-faction-vandalia", "upgrade-faction-visigothia",
120	"unit-gothic-horse-rider", "unit-gothic-horse-lord",
121	"unit-celt-farm",
122	"upgrade-celt-civilization",
123	"upgrade-faction-norlund-clan", "upgrade-faction-oinling-clan", "upgrade-faction-shadowcharm-clan", "upgrade-faction-shinsplitter-clan", "upgrade-faction-shorbear-clan", "upgrade-faction-whitesteel-clan",
124	"upgrade-faction-kal-kartha", "upgrade-faction-knalga",
125	"upgrade-dwarven-civilization",
126	"unit-dwarven-miner", "unit-dwarven-skilled-miner", "unit-dwarven-expert-miner",
127	"unit-dwarven-runesmith", "unit-dwarven-runemaster", "unit-dwarven-arcanister",
128	"unit-dwarven-militia",
129	"unit-dwarven-axefighter", "unit-dwarven-steelclad", "unit-dwarven-thane",
130	"unit-dwarven-guard", "unit-dwarven-stalwart", "unit-dwarven-sentinel",
131	"unit-dwarven-scout", "unit-dwarven-pathfinder", "unit-dwarven-explorer",
132	"unit-dwarven-thunderer",
133	"unit-dwarven-yale-rider", "unit-dwarven-yale-lord", "unit-dwarven-ballista",
134	"unit-dwarven-witness", "unit-dwarven-annalist", "unit-dwarven-loremaster",
135	"unit-dwarven-gryphon-rider",
136	"unit-dwarven-transport-ship", "unit-dwarven-ballista-warship",
137	"unit-dwarven-town-hall", "unit-dwarven-stronghold",
138	"unit-dwarven-mushroom-farm", "unit-dwarven-barracks",
139	"unit-dwarven-lumber-mill", "unit-dwarven-smithy", "unit-dwarven-masons-shop",
140	"unit-dwarven-yale-pen", "unit-dwarven-temple", "unit-dwarven-market",
141	"unit-dwarven-academy",
142	"unit-dwarven-sentry-tower", "unit-dwarven-guard-tower", "unit-dwarven-ballista-tower", "unit-dwarven-cannon-tower",
143	"unit-dwarven-dock",
144	"unit-dwarven-wall",
145	"upgrade-dwarven-broad-axe", "upgrade-dwarven-great-axe", "upgrade-dwarven-shield-1", "upgrade-dwarven-shield-2",
146	"upgrade-dwarven-long-spear", "upgrade-dwarven-pike",
147	"upgrade-dwarven-sharp-throwing-axe", "upgrade-dwarven-bearded-throwing-axe", "upgrade-dwarven-ballista-bolt-1", "upgrade-dwarven-ballista-bolt-2",
148	"upgrade-dwarven-coinage", "upgrade-dwarven-runewriting", "upgrade-dwarven-alchemy",
149	"upgrade-faction-brising-clan", "upgrade-faction-lyr",
150	"unit-brising-miner", "unit-brising-skilled-miner", "unit-brising-expert-miner", "unit-brising-militia",
151	"unit-brising-smithy",
152	"upgrade-faction-eikinskjaldi-clan", "upgrade-faction-goldhoof-clan", "upgrade-faction-joruvellir", "upgrade-faction-yawning-yales",
153	"unit-joruvellir-scout", "unit-joruvellir-pathfinder", "unit-joruvellir-explorer",
154	"unit-joruvellir-yale-rider", "unit-joruvellir-yale-lord",
155	"unit-joruvellir-yale-pen",
156	"upgrade-faction-surghan-mercenaries",
157	"unit-surghan-mercenary-axefighter", "unit-surghan-mercenary-steelclad", "unit-surghan-mercenary-thane",
158	"upgrade-gnomish-civilization",
159	"upgrade-faction-acthnic-tribe", "upgrade-faction-derro-tribe", "upgrade-faction-sagan-tribe",
160	"unit-gnomish-worker", "unit-gnomish-recruit", "unit-gnomish-duelist", "unit-gnomish-master-at-arms", "unit-gnomish-herbalist", "unit-gnomish-caravan",
161	"unit-gnomish-town-hall", "unit-gnomish-farm", "unit-gnomish-barracks",
162	"unit-deep-gnomish-worker", "unit-deep-gnomish-recruit", "unit-deep-gnomish-duelist", "unit-deep-gnomish-master-at-arms", "unit-deep-gnomish-herbalist",
163	"unit-derro-worker", "unit-derro-thug", "unit-derro-executioner", "unit-derro-shadowguard",
164	"upgrade-goblin-civilization",
165	"upgrade-faction-aelak-tribe", "upgrade-faction-issudru-tribe", "upgrade-faction-mabom-tribe", "upgrade-faction-sigre-tribe",
166	"upgrade-faction-aurvangling-tribe", "upgrade-faction-dreadskull-tribe", "upgrade-faction-khag-tribe", "upgrade-faction-lggi-tribe", "upgrade-faction-prideblade-tribe", "upgrade-faction-wildfang-tribe",
167	"upgrade-faction-aurvang", "upgrade-faction-driftwood", "upgrade-faction-ezmarria", "upgrade-faction-myridia", "upgrade-faction-stilgar", "upgrade-faction-tenebris",
168	"unit-goblin-worker", "unit-goblin-militia", "unit-goblin-magnate",
169	"unit-goblin-swordsman", "unit-goblin-barbarian", "unit-goblin-warlord", "unit-goblin-spearman",
170	"unit-goblin-archer", "unit-goblin-headhunter", "unit-goblin-shadowstalker",
171	"unit-goblin-gunpowder-infantry",
172	"unit-goblin-thief", "unit-goblin-shaman",
173	"unit-goblin-war-machine", "unit-goblin-glider",
174	"unit-goblin-transport-ship", "unit-goblin-warship",
175	"unit-goblin-town-hall", "unit-goblin-stronghold",
176	"unit-goblin-mess-hall", "unit-goblin-farm", "unit-goblin-lumber-mill", "unit-goblin-smithy", "unit-goblin-masons-shop",
177	"unit-goblin-temple", "unit-goblin-market", "unit-goblin-academy",
178	"unit-goblin-watch-tower", "unit-goblin-guard-tower", "unit-goblin-catapult-tower",
179	"unit-goblin-dock",
180	"unit-goblin-wall",
181	"unit-goblin-banner",
182	"upgrade-goblin-broad-sword", "upgrade-goblin-long-sword", "upgrade-goblin-rimmed-shield", "upgrade-goblin-embossed-shield",
183	"upgrade-goblin-long-spear", "upgrade-goblin-pike",
184	"upgrade-goblin-barbed-arrow", "upgrade-goblin-bodkin-arrow",
185	"upgrade-goblin-catapult-projectile-1", "upgrade-goblin-catapult-projectile-2",
186	"upgrade-goblin-coinage", "upgrade-goblin-writing", "upgrade-goblin-alchemy",
187	"upgrade-kobold-civilization",
188	"unit-kobold-footpad", "unit-kobold-slasher", "unit-kobold-champion",
189	"unit-elven-swordsman", "unit-elven-priest",
190	"unit-orc-spearthrower", "unit-orc-sea-orc", "unit-orc-shaman",
191	"unit-ettin",
192	"unit-ettin-town-hall",
193	"unit-caravan",
194	"unit-minecart",
195--	"unit-adelobasileus-cromptoni", "unit-galerix-exilis", "unit-megacricetodon-collongensis", "unit-rat",
196	"unit-adelobasileus-cromptoni", "unit-galerix-exilis", "unit-rat",
197	"unit-goat", "unit-boar", "unit-horse",
198	"unit-wolf",
199	"unit-slime", "unit-yale", "unit-gryphon", "unit-wyrm", "unit-water-elemental",
200	"unit-unicorn",
201	"unit-settlement-site",
202	"unit-gold-rock", "unit-gold-deposit", "unit-gold-mine",
203	"unit-silver-rock", "unit-silver-deposit", "unit-silver-mine",
204	"unit-copper-rock", "unit-copper-deposit", "unit-copper-mine",
205	"unit-iron-deposit", "unit-iron-mine",
206	"unit-mithril-deposit", "unit-mithril-mine",
207	"unit-coal-deposit", "unit-coal-mine",
208	"unit-diamond-rock", "unit-diamond-deposit", "unit-diamond-mine",
209	"unit-emerald-rock", "unit-emerald-deposit", "unit-emerald-mine",
210	"unit-yale-cave", "unit-yale-hunting-lodge",
211	"unit-mercenary-camp",
212--	"unit-cavern-entrance",
213--	"unit-portal",
214	"unit-road", "unit-railroad",
215	"unit-carrots", "unit-cheese", "unit-wyrm-heart", "unit-potion-of-healing", "unit-elixir-of-dexterity", "unit-elixir-of-intelligence", "unit-elixir-of-strength", "unit-elixir-of-vitality",
216	"upgrade-free-workers", "upgrade-serfdom",
217	"upgrade-shield-wall", "upgrade-svinfylking",
218	"upgrade-deity-odin", "upgrade-deity-thor", "upgrade-deity-loki", "upgrade-deity-heimdall", "upgrade-deity-hel", "upgrade-deity-tyr",
219	"upgrade-deity-gathaarl",
220	"upgrade-deity-christian-god",
221	"upgrade-deity-domain-air", "upgrade-deity-domain-earth", "upgrade-deity-domain-fire", "upgrade-deity-domain-water", "upgrade-deity-domain-aether", "upgrade-deity-domain-metal", "upgrade-deity-domain-wood", "upgrade-deity-domain-ice", "upgrade-deity-domain-lightning", "upgrade-deity-domain-chaos", "upgrade-deity-domain-order", "upgrade-deity-domain-death", "upgrade-deity-domain-life", "upgrade-deity-domain-darkness", "upgrade-deity-domain-light", "upgrade-deity-domain-sun", "upgrade-deity-domain-moon",
222	"upgrade-deity-domain-courage", "upgrade-deity-domain-justice", "upgrade-deity-domain-temperance", "upgrade-deity-domain-wisdom", "upgrade-deity-domain-charity", "upgrade-deity-domain-faith", "upgrade-deity-domain-hope", "upgrade-deity-domain-love",
223	"upgrade-deity-domain-envy", "upgrade-deity-domain-gluttony", "upgrade-deity-domain-greed", "upgrade-deity-domain-lust", "upgrade-deity-domain-pride", "upgrade-deity-domain-sloth", "upgrade-deity-domain-wrath", "upgrade-deity-domain-fear",
224	"upgrade-deity-domain-archery", "upgrade-deity-domain-magic", "upgrade-deity-domain-metalworking", "upgrade-deity-domain-poetry", "upgrade-deity-domain-trickery", "upgrade-deity-domain-warfare"
227if (OldDefineUnitType == nil) then
228	OldDefineUnitType = DefineUnitType
231function DefineUnitType(unit_type, data)
232	local town_hall = false
233	local resource_mine = false
234	local smithy = false
235	local market = false
236	local dock = false
237	if (data.Class == "town-hall" or data.Class == "stronghold") then
238		town_hall = true
239	elseif ((data.GivesResource and data.BuildingRules == nil and data.GivesResource ~= "trade") or data.Class == "lumber-mill") then
240		resource_mine = true
241	elseif (data.Class == "smithy") then
242		smithy = true
243	elseif (data.Class == "market") then
244		market = true
245	elseif (data.Class == "dock") then
246		dock = true
247	end
249	if (data.Parent ~= nil) then
250		OldDefineUnitType(unit_type, {Parent = data.Parent})
251		data.Parent = nil
252		if ((GetUnitTypeData(unit_type, "Class") == "town-hall" or GetUnitTypeData(unit_type, "Class") == "stronghold") and data.Class == nil) then
253			town_hall = true
254		elseif (
255			(GetUnitTypeData(unit_type, "GivesResource") ~= "" and GetUnitTypeData(unit_type, "GivesResource") ~= "trade" and data.GivesResource == nil and data.BuildingRules == nil)
256			or (GetUnitTypeData(unit_type, "Class") == "lumber-mill" and data.Class == nil)
257		) then
258			resource_mine = true
259		elseif (GetUnitTypeData(unit_type, "Class") == "smithy" and data.Class == nil) then
260			smithy = true
261		elseif (GetUnitTypeData(unit_type, "Class") == "market" and data.Class == nil) then
262			market = true
263		elseif (GetUnitTypeData(unit_type, "Class") == "dock" and data.Class == nil) then
264			dock = true
265		end
266	end
268	data.OnInit = InitializeUnit
270	if (town_hall) then
271		data.BuildingRules = {
272			"and", {
273				"ontop", { Type = "unit-settlement-site", ReplaceOnDie = true, ReplaceOnBuild = true },
274			}
275		}
276	elseif (resource_mine) then
277		data.BuildingRules = {
278			"and", {
279				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-settlement-site" },
280				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Class = "town-hall" },
281				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Class = "stronghold" },
282				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Class = "fortress" }
283			}
284		}
285	elseif (smithy) then
286		data.BuildingRules = {
287			"and", {
288				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-settlement-site" },
289				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Class = "town-hall" },
290				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Class = "stronghold" },
291				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Class = "fortress" },
293				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-gold-deposit" },
294				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-gold-mine" },
295				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-silver-deposit" },
296				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-silver-mine" },
297				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-copper-deposit" },
298				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-copper-mine" },
299				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-iron-deposit" },
300				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-iron-mine" },
301				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-mithril-deposit" },
302				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-mithril-mine" },
303				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-coal-deposit" },
304				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-coal-mine" },
305				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-diamond-deposit" },
306				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-diamond-mine" },
307				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-emerald-deposit" },
308				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-emerald-mine" },
310--				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-yale-cave" },
311--				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-yale-hunting-lodge" },
312--				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-dwarven-lumber-mill" },
313--				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-germanic-carpenters-shop" },
314--				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-dwarven-yale-pen" },
315--				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Type = "unit-joruvellir-yale-pen" }
316			}
317		}
318	elseif (market) then
319		data.BuildingRules = {
320			"and", {
321				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Class = "market" }
322			}
323		}
324	elseif (dock) then
325		data.BuildingRules = {
326			"and", {
327				"distance", { Distance = 3, DistanceType = ">", Class = "dock" }
328			}
329		}
330	end
332	OldDefineUnitType(unit_type, data)
335-- Load the animations for the units.
339--	Define unit-types.
341--	NOTE: Save can generate this table.
343DefineUnitType("unit-template-unit", {
344	Name = "Unit",
345	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31}, -- default tile and box size
346	Animations = "animations-melee-unit-new",
347	DrawLevel = 40,
348	SelectableByRectangle = true,
349	ButtonPopup = "popup-unit"
352DefineUnitType("unit-template-building", {
353	Name = "Building",
354	TileSize = {2, 2}, BoxSize = {63, 63}, -- default tile and box size
355	Animations = "animations-building",
356	DrawLevel = 40,
357	SightRange = 2,
358	Building = true,
359	VisibleUnderFog = true,
360	SelectableByRectangle = true,
361	SalvageFactor = 75,
362	ButtonLevel = "build-structure-level",
363	ButtonPopup = "popup-building"
366DefineUnitType("unit-template-sapient-unit", {
367	Name = "Sapient Unit",
368	Parent = "unit-template-unit",
369	NeutralMinimapColor = {192, 192, 192},
370	Strength = 10,
371	Dexterity = 10,
372	Intelligence = 10,
373	Charisma = 10,
374	Organic = true,
375	Mana = {Enable = false, Max = 0, Value = 0, Increase = 1},
376	Traits = {"upgrade-ambitious", "upgrade-clumsy", "upgrade-cruel", "upgrade-dextrous", "upgrade-dim", "upgrade-dutiful", "upgrade-genius", "upgrade-intelligent", "upgrade-keen", "upgrade-limping", "upgrade-mighty", "upgrade-near-sighted", "upgrade-old", "upgrade-pious", "upgrade-quick", "upgrade-reckless", "upgrade-resilient", "upgrade-slow", "upgrade-strong", "upgrade-weak", "upgrade-wise"}
382DefineUnitType("unit-minecart", {
383	Name = "Minecart",
384	Parent = "unit-template-unit",
385	Class = "minecart",
386	Civilization = "neutral",
387	Description = "Minecarts are useful to gather resources from mines in greater bulk.",
388	Image = {"file", "teuton/units/minecart.png", "size", {64, 64}},
389	Animations = "animations-minecart", Icon = "icon-teuton-minecart",
390	Costs = {"time", 60, "copper", 300, "lumber", 300},
391	RepairHp = 4,
392	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
393	Speed = 7,
394	HitPoints = 110,
395	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {42, 42},
396	SightRange = 4,
397	AutoRepairRange = 4,
398	MaxAttackRange = 1,
399	Priority = 55,
400	Points = 50,
401	Demand = 1,
402	SalvageFactor = 75,
403	Type = "land",
404	Coward = true,
405	RightMouseAction = "harvest",
406	Rail = true,
407	RequirementsString = "Engineering",
408	CanGatherResources = {
409		{
410			"resource-id", "gold",
411			"file-when-loaded", "teuton/units/minecart_with_gold.png",
412			"resource-capacity", 200,
413			"resource-step", 6,
414			"wait-at-resource", 12,
415			"wait-at-depot", 150
416		},
417		{
418			"resource-id", "silver",
419			"file-when-loaded", "teuton/units/minecart_with_silver.png",
420			"resource-capacity", 200,
421			"resource-step", 6,
422			"wait-at-resource", 12,
423			"wait-at-depot", 150
424		},
425		{
426			"resource-id", "copper",
427			"file-when-loaded", "teuton/units/minecart_with_copper.png",
428			"resource-capacity", 200,
429			"resource-step", 6,
430			"wait-at-resource", 12,
431			"wait-at-depot", 150
432		},
433		{
434			"resource-id", "iron",
435			"file-when-loaded", "teuton/units/minecart_with_iron.png",
436			"resource-capacity", 200,
437			"resource-step", 6,
438			"wait-at-resource", 12,
439			"wait-at-depot", 150
440		},
441		{
442			"resource-id", "mithril",
443			"file-when-loaded", "teuton/units/minecart_with_silver.png",
444			"resource-capacity", 200,
445			"resource-step", 6,
446			"wait-at-resource", 12,
447			"wait-at-depot", 150
448		},
449		{
450			"resource-id", "coal",
451			"file-when-loaded", "teuton/units/minecart_with_coal.png",
452			"resource-capacity", 200,
453			"resource-step", 6,
454			"wait-at-resource", 12,
455			"wait-at-depot", 150
456		},
457		{
458			"resource-id", "diamonds",
459			"file-when-loaded", "teuton/units/minecart_with_silver.png",
460			"resource-capacity", 200,
461			"resource-step", 6,
462			"wait-at-resource", 12,
463			"wait-at-depot", 150
464		},
465		{
466			"resource-id", "emeralds",
467			"file-when-loaded", "teuton/units/minecart_with_gold.png",
468			"resource-capacity", 200,
469			"resource-step", 6,
470			"wait-at-resource", 12,
471			"wait-at-depot", 150
472		}
473	},
474	Sounds = {
475		"selected", "gold-mine-selected",
476		"step", "step-dirt",
477		"step-dirt", "step-dirt",
478		"step-gravel", "step-gravel",
479		"step-mud", "step-mud",
480		"step-stone", "step-stone",
481		"step-grass", "step-leaves",
482		"dead", "explosion"
483	}
484} )
486DefineUnitType("unit-caravan", {
487	Name = "Caravan",
488	Parent = "unit-template-unit",
489	Class = "caravan",
490	Civilization = "neutral",
491	Description = "Caravans are used by various different cultures to perform commerce.",
492	Image = {"file", "neutral/units/caravan.png", "size", {64, 64}},
493	Animations = "animations-gnomish-caravan", Icon = "icon-caravan",
494	Costs = {"time", 250, "copper", 900, "lumber", 900},
495	RepairHp = 4,
496	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
497	Speed = 5,
498	HitPoints = 110,
499	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {63, 63},
500	SightRange = 4,
501	Priority = 55,
502	Points = 50,
503	Demand = 1,
504	Type = "land",
505	Coward = true,
506	RightMouseAction = "harvest",
507	MaxOnBoard = 2,
508	CanTransport = {"Building", "false", "GroundAttack", "false", "Fauna", "false", "SaveCargo", "false", "Mounted", "false"}, -- forbidding ground attack as an ugly way of making ballistas not be able to enter the transporter; and forbidding "SaveCargo" is an ugly way of making caravans not be able to enter other caravans
509	AttackFromTransporter = true,
510	SaveCargo = true,
511	Trader = true,
512	CanGatherResources = {
513		{
514			"resource-id", "trade",
515			"resource-capacity", 400,
516			"resource-step", 4,
517			"wait-at-resource", 6,
518			"wait-at-depot", 150
519		}
520	},
521	Sounds = {
522		"selected", "click",
523		"dead", "explosion",
524		"step", "step-dirt",
525		"step-dirt", "step-dirt",
526		"step-grass", "step-leaves",
527		"step-gravel", "step-gravel",
528		"step-mud", "step-mud",
529		"step-stone", "step-stone",
530	}
531} )
533DefineUnitType("unit-template-base-deposit", {
534	Name = "Deposit",
535	Parent = "unit-template-building",
536	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
537	Costs = {"time", 150},
538	Construction = "construction-land2",
539	HitPoints = 25500,
540	RepairHp = 4,
541	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1, "stone", 1},
542	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
543	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
544	Priority = 0,
545	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
546	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
547	Type = "land",
548	StartingResources = {50000},
549	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-industrious", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-diligence", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
550	Sounds = {
551		"selected", "click",
552--		"acknowledge", "gold-mine-acknowledge",
553--		"ready", "gold-mine-ready",
554--		"help", "gold-mine-help",
555		"dead", "building-destroyed"
556	}
557} )
559DefineUnitType("unit-settlement-site", {
560	Name = "Settlement Site",
561	Parent = "unit-template-building",
562	Description = "A site which is a prime spot for establishing a settlement.",
563	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/settlement_site.png", "size", {128, 128}},
564	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/settlement_site_shadow.png", "size", {128, 128}},
565	Icon = "icon-settlement-site",
566	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
567	Construction = "construction-land2",
568	HitPoints = 25500,
569	RepairHp = 4,
570	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1, "stone", 1},
571	TileSize = {4, 4}, BoxSize = {127, 127},
572	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
573	Priority = 0,
574	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-4x4-place",
575	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
576	Type = "land",
577	Indestructible = true,
578	Sounds = {
579		"selected", "click",
580--		"acknowledge", "gold-mine-acknowledge",
581--		"ready", "gold-mine-ready",
582--		"help", "gold-mine-help",
583		"dead", "building-destroyed"
584	}
585} )
587DefineUnitType("unit-template-base-mine", {
588	Name = "Mine",
589	Parent = "unit-template-building",
590	Animations = "animations-active-building",
591	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
592	Construction = "construction-land-active",
593	RepairHp = 4,
594	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
595	HitPoints = 650,
596	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
597--	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
598	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 1,
599	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
600	Priority = 20, AnnoyComputerFactor = 20,
601	Points = 160,
602	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
603	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
604	Type = "land",
605	BuilderOutside = true,
606	CanHarvest = true,
607	MaxHarvesters = 10,
608	BurnPercent = 50,
609	BurnDamageRate = 1,
610	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-industrious", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-diligence", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
611	Sounds = {
612		"selected", "click",
613--		"acknowledge", "gold-mine-acknowledge",
614--		"ready", "gold-mine-ready",
615--		"help", "gold-mine-help",
616		"dead", "building-destroyed"
617	}
618} )
620DefineUnitType("unit-template-deposit", {
621	Name = "Deposit",
622	Parent = "unit-template-base-deposit",
623	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-dwindling", "upgrade-item-prefix-replenishing", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-replenishment"},
624	Sounds = {
625		"selected", "gold-mine-selected"
626	}
627} )
629DefineUnitType("unit-template-mine", {
630	Name = "Mine",
631	Parent = "unit-template-base-mine",
632	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-dwindling", "upgrade-item-prefix-replenishing", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-replenishment"},
633	Sounds = {
634		"selected", "gold-mine-selected"
635	}
636} )
638DefineUnitType("unit-gold-deposit", {
639	Name = "Gold Deposit",
640	Parent = "unit-template-deposit",
641	Description = "Gold deposits contain deep veins of gold, which can be gainfully mined after the proper infrastructure is put into place.",
642	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_deposit.png", "size", {96, 96}},
643	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_deposit_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
644	Icon = "icon-gold-deposit",
645	GivesResource = "gold"
646} )
648DefineUnitType("unit-gold-mine", {
649	Name = "Gold Mine",
650	Parent = "unit-template-mine",
651	Class = "gold-mine",
652	Civilization = "neutral",
653	Description = "Gold is a crucial metal for most societies, as it serves both as a durable stock of value, and as a means of exchange with which a myriad of goods and services can be traded for.",
654	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_mine.png", "size", {96, 96}},
655	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_mine_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
656	LightImage = {"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_mine_light.png"},
657	Icon = "icon-gold-mine",
658--	Costs = {"time", 200, "copper", 700, "lumber", 450},
659	Costs = {"time", 200, "lumber", 2050},
660	BuildingRules = { "and", { "ontop", { Type = "unit-gold-deposit", ReplaceOnDie = true, ReplaceOnBuild = true } } },
661	GivesResource = "gold",
662	ButtonPos = 12,
663	ButtonKey = "g",
664	ButtonHint = "Build ~!Gold Mine",
665	BuildingRulesString = "Must be built on top of a Gold Deposit",
666	Variations = {
667		{
668			"variation-id", "default",
669			"upgrade-forbidden", "upgrade-engineering"
670		},
671		{
672			"variation-id", "rail",
673			"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_mine_rail.png",
674			"light-file", "neutral/buildings/gold_mine_rail_light.png",
675			"upgrade-required", "upgrade-engineering"
676		}
677	}
678} )
680DefineUnitType("unit-silver-deposit", {
681	Name = "Silver Deposit",
682	Parent = "unit-template-deposit",
683	Description = "Silver deposits often contain deep veins of silver, which can be gainfully mined after the proper infrastructure is put into place.",
684	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/silver_deposit.png", "size", {96, 96}},
685	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/silver_deposit_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
686	Icon = "icon-silver-deposit",
687	GivesResource = "silver"
688} )
690DefineUnitType("unit-silver-mine", {
691	Name = "Silver Mine",
692	Parent = "unit-template-mine",
693	Class = "silver-mine",
694	Civilization = "neutral",
695	Description = "Silver is a crucial metal for most societies, as it serves both as a durable stock of value, and as a means of exchange with which a myriad of goods and services can be traded for. Although not as valuable as gold, silver is still a highly sought-after metal.",
696	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/silver_mine.png", "size", {96, 96}},
697	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/silver_mine_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
698	LightImage = {"file", "neutral/buildings/silver_mine_light.png"},
699	Icon = "icon-silver-mine",
700	Costs = {"time", 200, "lumber", 2050},
701	BuildingRules = { "and", { "ontop", { Type = "unit-silver-deposit", ReplaceOnDie = true, ReplaceOnBuild = true } } },
702	GivesResource = "silver",
703	ButtonPos = 11,
704	ButtonKey = "v",
705	ButtonHint = "Build Sil~!ver Mine",
706	BuildingRulesString = "Must be built on top of a Silver Deposit"
707} )
709DefineUnitType("unit-copper-deposit", {
710	Name = "Copper Deposit",
711	Parent = "unit-template-deposit",
712	Description = "Copper deposits contain deep veins of copper, which can be gainfully mined after the proper infrastructure is put into place.",
713	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/copper_deposit.png", "size", {96, 96}},
714	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/copper_deposit_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
715	Icon = "icon-copper-deposit",
716	GivesResource = "copper"
717} )
719DefineUnitType("unit-copper-mine", {
720	Name = "Copper Mine",
721	Parent = "unit-template-mine",
722	Class = "copper-mine",
723	Civilization = "neutral",
724	Description = "More common than either gold or silver, copper has a multitude of uses. It not only serves as a stock of value and means of exchange, but also as a material for utensils and as an ingredient to the making of bronze.",
725	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/copper_mine.png", "size", {96, 96}},
726	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/copper_mine_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
727	LightImage = {"file", "neutral/buildings/copper_mine_light.png"},
728	Icon = "icon-copper-mine",
729	Costs = {"time", 200, "lumber", 2050},
730	BuildingRules = { "and", { "ontop", { Type = "unit-copper-deposit", ReplaceOnDie = true, ReplaceOnBuild = true } } },
731	GivesResource = "copper",
732	ButtonPos = 10,
733	ButtonKey = "c",
734	ButtonHint = "Build ~!Copper Mine",
735	BuildingRulesString = "Must be built on top of a Copper Deposit"
736} )
738DefineUnitType("unit-iron-deposit", {
739	Name = "Iron Deposit",
740	Parent = "unit-template-deposit",
741	Description = "Iron deposits contain deep veins of iron, which can be gainfully mined after the proper infrastructure is put into place.",
742	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/iron_deposit.png", "size", {96, 96}},
743	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/iron_deposit_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
744	Icon = "icon-iron-deposit",
745	GivesResource = "iron"
746} )
748DefineUnitType("unit-iron-mine", {
749	Name = "Iron Mine",
750	Parent = "unit-template-mine",
751	Class = "iron-mine",
752	Civilization = "neutral",
753	Description = "Iron is a relatively common metal, but working it requires a substantially higher degree of knowledge of metallurgy than working metals like copper, silver or gold.",
754	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/iron_mine.png", "size", {96, 96}},
755	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/iron_mine_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
756	LightImage = {"file", "neutral/buildings/iron_mine_light.png"},
757	Icon = "icon-iron-mine",
758	Costs = {"time", 200, "lumber", 2050},
759	BuildingRules = { "and", { "ontop", { Type = "unit-iron-deposit", ReplaceOnDie = true, ReplaceOnBuild = true } } },
760	GivesResource = "iron",
761	BuildingRulesString = "Must be built on top of a Iron Deposit",
762	RequirementsString = "Ironworking"
763} )
765DefineUnitType("unit-mithril-deposit", {
766	Name = "Mithril Deposit",
767	Parent = "unit-template-deposit",
768	Description = "Mithril deposits contain deep veins of extremely valuable mithril, which can be gainfully mined after the proper infrastructure is put into place.",
769	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/mithril_deposit.png", "size", {96, 96}},
770	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/mithril_deposit_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
771	Icon = "icon-mithril-deposit",
772	GivesResource = "mithril"
773} )
775DefineUnitType("unit-mithril-mine", {
776	Name = "Mithril Mine",
777	Parent = "unit-template-mine",
778	Class = "mithril-mine",
779	Civilization = "neutral",
780	Description = "Of the inhabited worlds, mithril is only found in Nidavellir, and even there it is an exceedingly rare metal. Both lighter and more resistant than iron, mithril is highly sought-after for crafting weapons and armor, though its enormous expense ensures that only very few can afford it.",
781	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/mithril_mine.png", "size", {96, 96}},
782	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/mithril_mine_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
783	LightImage = {"file", "neutral/buildings/mithril_mine_light.png"},
784	Icon = "icon-mithril-mine",
785	Costs = {"time", 200, "lumber", 2050},
786	BuildingRules = { "and", { "ontop", { Type = "unit-mithril-deposit", ReplaceOnDie = true, ReplaceOnBuild = true } } },
787	GivesResource = "mithril",
788	BuildingRulesString = "Must be built on top of a Mithril Deposit",
789	RequirementsString = "Ironworking"
790} )
792DefineUnitType("unit-coal-deposit", {
793	Name = "Coal Deposit",
794	Parent = "unit-template-deposit",
795	Description = "Coal deposits contain deep stores of coal, which can be gainfully mined after the proper infrastructure is put into place.",
796	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/coal_deposit.png", "size", {96, 96}},
797	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/coal_deposit.png", "size", {96, 96}},
798	Icon = "icon-coal-deposit",
799	GivesResource = "coal"
800} )
802DefineUnitType("unit-coal-mine", {
803	Name = "Coal Mine",
804	Parent = "unit-template-mine",
805	Class = "coal-mine",
806	Civilization = "neutral",
807	Description = "Coal is a valuable heating material.",
808	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/coal_mine.png", "size", {96, 96}},
809	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/coal_mine_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
810	Icon = "icon-coal-mine",
811	Costs = {"time", 200, "lumber", 2050},
812	BuildingRules = { "and", { "ontop", { Type = "unit-coal-deposit", ReplaceOnDie = true, ReplaceOnBuild = true } } },
813	GivesResource = "coal",
814	BuildingRulesString = "Must be built on top of a Coal Deposit"
815} )
817DefineUnitType("unit-diamond-deposit", {
818	Name = "Diamond Deposit",
819	Parent = "unit-template-deposit",
820	Description = "Diamond deposits contain deep sources of diamonds, which can be gainfully mined after the proper infrastructure is put into place.",
821	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/diamond_deposit.png", "size", {96, 96}},
822	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/copper_deposit_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
823	Icon = "icon-diamond-deposit",
824	GivesResource = "diamonds"
825} )
827DefineUnitType("unit-diamond-mine", {
828	Name = "Diamond Mine",
829	Parent = "unit-template-mine",
830	Class = "diamond-mine",
831	Civilization = "neutral",
832	Description = "Diamonds are highly valuable gems, so that the discovery of deposits containing them will quickly result in the construction of a mine.",
833	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/diamond_mine.png", "size", {96, 96}},
834	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/copper_mine_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
835	LightImage = {"file", "neutral/buildings/copper_mine_light.png"},
836	Icon = "icon-diamond-mine",
837	Costs = {"time", 200, "lumber", 2050},
838	BuildingRules = { "and", { "ontop", { Type = "unit-diamond-deposit", ReplaceOnDie = true, ReplaceOnBuild = true } } },
839	GivesResource = "diamonds",
840	BuildingRulesString = "Must be built on top of a Diamond Deposit"
841} )
843DefineUnitType("unit-emerald-deposit", {
844	Name = "Emerald Deposit",
845	Parent = "unit-template-deposit",
846--	Description = "Emerald deposits contain deep sources of emeralds, which can be gainfully mined after the proper infrastructure is put into place.",
847	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/emerald_deposit.png", "size", {96, 96}},
848	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_deposit_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
849	Icon = "icon-emerald-deposit",
850	GivesResource = "emeralds"
851} )
853DefineUnitType("unit-emerald-mine", {
854	Name = "Emerald Mine",
855	Parent = "unit-template-mine",
856	Class = "emerald-mine",
857	Civilization = "neutral",
858--	Description = "Emeralds are valuable gems, and can be mined for high profits.",
859	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/emerald_mine.png", "size", {96, 96}},
860	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_mine_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
861	LightImage = {"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_mine_light.png"},
862	Icon = "icon-emerald-mine",
863	Costs = {"time", 200, "lumber", 2050},
864	BuildingRules = { "and", { "ontop", { Type = "unit-emerald-deposit", ReplaceOnDie = true, ReplaceOnBuild = true } } },
865	GivesResource = "emeralds",
866	BuildingRulesString = "Must be built on top of an Emerald Deposit"
867} )
869DefineUnitType("unit-gold-rock", {
870	Name = "Gold Rock",
871	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_1.png", "size", {43, 43}},
872	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_1_shadow.png", "size", {43, 43}},
873	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-gold-rock",
874	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
875	Costs = {"time", 150},
876	HitPoints = 25500,
877	DrawLevel = 40,
878	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
879	SightRange = 1,
880	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
881	Priority = 0,
882--	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
883--	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
884	Type = "land",
885	StartingResources = {500, 1000},
886	NumDirections = 1,
887	Building = false, VisibleUnderFog = true,
888	GivesResource = "gold", CanHarvest = true,
889	HarvestFromOutside = true,
890	Variations = {
891		{
892			"variation-id", "1",
893			"resource-min", 501
894		},
895		{
896			"variation-id", "2",
897			"resource-min", 501,
898			"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_2.png",
899			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_2_shadow.png"
900		},
901		{
902			"variation-id", "3",
903			"resource-min", 501,
904			"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_3.png",
905			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_3_shadow.png"
906		},
907		{
908			"variation-id", "4",
909			"resource-min", 501,
910			"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_4.png",
911			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_4_shadow.png"
912		},
913		{
914			"variation-id", "small-1",
915			"resource-max", 500,
916			"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_small_1.png",
917			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_small_1_shadow.png"
918		},
919		{
920			"variation-id", "small-2",
921			"resource-max", 500,
922			"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_small_2.png",
923			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_small_2_shadow.png"
924		},
925		{
926			"variation-id", "small-3",
927			"resource-max", 500,
928			"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_small_3.png",
929			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_small_3_shadow.png"
930		},
931		{
932			"variation-id", "small-4",
933			"resource-max", 500,
934			"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_small_4.png",
935			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_small_4_shadow.png"
936		}
937	},
938	Sounds = {
939		"selected", "metal-selected",
940--		"acknowledge", "gold-mine-acknowledge",
941--		"ready", "gold-mine-ready",
942--		"help", "gold-mine-help",
943--		"dead", "building-destroyed"
944	}
945} )
947DefineUnitType("unit-silver-rock", {
948	Name = "Silver Rock",
949	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/silver_rock_1.png", "size", {43, 43}},
950	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/silver_rock_1_shadow.png", "size", {43, 43}},
951	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-silver-rock",
952	Offset = {0, -2},
953	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
954	Costs = {"time", 150},
955	HitPoints = 25500,
956	DrawLevel = 40,
957	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
958	SightRange = 1,
959	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
960	Priority = 0,
961--	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
962	Type = "land",
963	StartingResources = {1000},
964	NumDirections = 1,
965	Building = false, VisibleUnderFog = true,
966	GivesResource = "silver", CanHarvest = true,
967	HarvestFromOutside = true,
968	Variations = {
969		{
970			"variation-id", "1"
971		},
972		{
973			"variation-id", "2",
974			"file", "neutral/buildings/silver_rock_2.png",
975			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/silver_rock_2_shadow.png"
976		},
977		{
978			"variation-id", "3",
979			"file", "neutral/buildings/silver_rock_3.png",
980			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/silver_rock_3_shadow.png"
981		},
982		{
983			"variation-id", "4",
984			"file", "neutral/buildings/silver_rock_4.png",
985			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/silver_rock_4_shadow.png"
986		}
987	},
988	Sounds = {
989		"selected", "metal-selected",
990--		"acknowledge", "gold-mine-acknowledge",
991--		"ready", "gold-mine-ready",
992--		"help", "gold-mine-help",
993--		"dead", "building-destroyed"
994	}
995} )
997DefineUnitType("unit-copper-rock", {
998	Name = "Copper Rock",
999	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/copper_rock_1.png", "size", {43, 43}},
1000	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/copper_rock_1_shadow.png", "size", {43, 43}},
1001	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-copper-rock",
1002	Offset = {0, -2},
1003	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
1004	Costs = {"time", 150},
1005	HitPoints = 25500,
1006	DrawLevel = 40,
1007	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
1008	SightRange = 1,
1009	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
1010	Priority = 0,
1011--	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
1012	Type = "land",
1013	StartingResources = {1000},
1014	NumDirections = 1,
1015	Building = false, VisibleUnderFog = true,
1016	GivesResource = "copper", CanHarvest = true,
1017	HarvestFromOutside = true,
1018	Variations = {
1019		{
1020			"variation-id", "1"
1021		},
1022		{
1023			"variation-id", "2",
1024			"file", "neutral/buildings/copper_rock_2.png",
1025			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/copper_rock_2_shadow.png"
1026		},
1027		{
1028			"variation-id", "3",
1029			"file", "neutral/buildings/copper_rock_3.png",
1030			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/copper_rock_3_shadow.png"
1031		},
1032		{
1033			"variation-id", "4",
1034			"file", "neutral/buildings/copper_rock_4.png",
1035			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/copper_rock_4_shadow.png"
1036		}
1037	},
1038	Sounds = {
1039		"selected", "metal-selected",
1040--		"acknowledge", "gold-mine-acknowledge",
1041--		"ready", "gold-mine-ready",
1042--		"help", "gold-mine-help",
1043--		"dead", "building-destroyed"
1044	}
1045} )
1047DefineUnitType("unit-diamond-rock", {
1048	Name = "Diamond Rock",
1049	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/diamond_rock_1.png", "size", {43, 43}},
1050	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/copper_rock_1_shadow.png", "size", {43, 43}},
1051	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-diamond-rock",
1052	Offset = {0, -2},
1053	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
1054	Costs = {"time", 150},
1055	HitPoints = 25500,
1056	DrawLevel = 40,
1057	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
1058	SightRange = 1,
1059	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
1060	Priority = 0,
1061--	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
1062	Type = "land",
1063	StartingResources = {1000},
1064	NumDirections = 1,
1065	Building = false, VisibleUnderFog = true,
1066	GivesResource = "diamonds", CanHarvest = true,
1067	HarvestFromOutside = true,
1068	Variations = {
1069		{
1070			"variation-id", "1"
1071		},
1072		{
1073			"variation-id", "2",
1074			"file", "neutral/buildings/diamond_rock_2.png",
1075			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/copper_rock_2_shadow.png"
1076		},
1077		{
1078			"variation-id", "3",
1079			"file", "neutral/buildings/diamond_rock_3.png",
1080			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/copper_rock_3_shadow.png"
1081		},
1082		{
1083			"variation-id", "4",
1084			"file", "neutral/buildings/diamond_rock_4.png",
1085			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/copper_rock_4_shadow.png"
1086		}
1087	},
1088	Sounds = {
1089		"selected", "metal-selected",
1090--		"acknowledge", "gold-mine-acknowledge",
1091--		"ready", "gold-mine-ready",
1092--		"help", "gold-mine-help",
1093--		"dead", "building-destroyed"
1094	}
1095} )
1097DefineUnitType("unit-emerald-rock", {
1098	Name = "Emerald Rock",
1099	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/emerald_rock_1.png", "size", {43, 43}},
1100	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_1_shadow.png", "size", {43, 43}},
1101	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-emerald-rock",
1102	Offset = {0, -2},
1103	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
1104	Costs = {"time", 150},
1105	HitPoints = 25500,
1106	DrawLevel = 40,
1107	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
1108	SightRange = 1,
1109	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
1110	Priority = 0,
1111--	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
1112	Type = "land",
1113	StartingResources = {1000},
1114	NumDirections = 1,
1115	Building = false, VisibleUnderFog = true,
1116	GivesResource = "emeralds", CanHarvest = true,
1117	HarvestFromOutside = true,
1118	Variations = {
1119		{
1120			"variation-id", "1"
1121		},
1122		{
1123			"variation-id", "2",
1124			"file", "neutral/buildings/emerald_rock_2.png",
1125			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_2_shadow.png"
1126		},
1127		{
1128			"variation-id", "3",
1129			"file", "neutral/buildings/emerald_rock_3.png",
1130			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_3_shadow.png"
1131		},
1132		{
1133			"variation-id", "4",
1134			"file", "neutral/buildings/emerald_rock_4.png",
1135			"shadow-file", "neutral/buildings/gold_rock_4_shadow.png"
1136		}
1137	},
1138	Sounds = {
1139		"selected", "metal-selected",
1140--		"acknowledge", "gold-mine-acknowledge",
1141--		"ready", "gold-mine-ready",
1142--		"help", "gold-mine-help",
1143--		"dead", "building-destroyed"
1144	}
1145} )
1147DefineUnitType("unit-wood-pile", {
1148	Name = "Wood Pile",
1149	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/wood_pile_1.png", "size", {43, 43}},
1150	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-wood-pile",
1151	NeutralMinimapColor = {165, 42, 42},
1152	Costs = {"time", 150},
1153	HitPoints = 25500,
1154	DrawLevel = 40,
1155	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
1156	SightRange = 1,
1157	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
1158	Priority = 0,
1159--	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
1160	Type = "land",
1161	StartingResources = {400},
1162	NumDirections = 1,
1163	Building = false, VisibleUnderFog = true,
1164	GivesResource = "lumber", CanHarvest = true,
1165	HarvestFromOutside = true,
1166	Variations = {
1167		{
1168			"variation-id", "1"
1169		},
1170		{
1171			"variation-id", "2",
1172			"file", "neutral/buildings/wood_pile_2.png"
1173		},
1174		{
1175			"variation-id", "3",
1176			"file", "neutral/buildings/wood_pile_3.png"
1177		},
1178		{
1179			"variation-id", "4",
1180			"file", "neutral/buildings/wood_pile_4.png"
1181		}
1182	},
1183	Sounds = {
1184		"selected", "tree-selected",
1185--		"acknowledge", "gold-mine-acknowledge",
1186--		"ready", "gold-mine-ready",
1187--		"help", "gold-mine-help",
1188--		"dead", "building-destroyed"
1189	}
1190} )
1192DefineUnitType("unit-stone-pile", {
1193	Name = "Stone Pile",
1194	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/stone_pile.png", "size", {43, 43}},
1195	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/stone_pile_shadow.png", "size", {43, 43}},
1196	Animations = "animations-decoration", Icon = "icon-stone-pile",
1197	NeutralMinimapColor = {92, 92, 92},
1198	Costs = {"time", 150},
1199	HitPoints = 25500,
1200	DrawLevel = 40,
1201	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
1202	SightRange = 1,
1203	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
1204	Priority = 0,
1205--	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
1206	Type = "land",
1207--	StartingResources = {200, 400},
1208	StartingResources = {400},
1209	NumDirections = 1,
1210	Building = false, VisibleUnderFog = true,
1211	GivesResource = "stone", CanHarvest = true,
1212	HarvestFromOutside = true,
1213	Variations = {
1214		{
1215			"variation-id", "1",
1216			"resource-min", 201
1217		},
1218		{
1219			"variation-id", "2",
1220			"resource-min", 201
1221		},
1222		{
1223			"variation-id", "3",
1224			"resource-min", 201
1225		},
1226		{
1227			"variation-id", "4",
1228			"resource-min", 201
1229		},
1230		{
1231			"variation-id", "small-1",
1232			"resource-max", 200
1233		},
1234		{
1235			"variation-id", "small-2",
1236			"resource-max", 200
1237		},
1238		{
1239			"variation-id", "small-3",
1240			"resource-max", 200
1241		},
1242		{
1243			"variation-id", "small-4",
1244			"resource-max", 200
1245		}
1246	},
1247	Sounds = {
1248		"selected", "click",
1249--		"acknowledge", "gold-mine-acknowledge",
1250--		"ready", "gold-mine-ready",
1251--		"help", "gold-mine-help",
1252--		"dead", "building-destroyed"
1253	}
1254} )
1256DefineUnitType("unit-template-lair", {
1257	Name = "Lair",
1258	Parent = "unit-template-base-deposit",
1259	Inexhaustible = true,
1260	HitPoints = 800
1261} )
1263DefineUnitType("unit-template-hunting-lodge", {
1264	Name = "Hunting Lodge",
1265	Parent = "unit-template-base-mine",
1266	Inexhaustible = true,
1267	MaxHarvesters = 3
1268} )
1270DefineUnitType("unit-yale-cave", {
1271	Name = "Yale Cave",
1272	Parent = "unit-template-lair",
1273	Description = "Yales shelter in the caves and under the cliffs of the rocky world of Nidavellir.",
1274	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/yale_cave.png", "size", {96, 96}},
1275	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/yale_cave_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
1276	Icon = "icon-yale-cave",
1277	GivesResource = "leather",
1278	SpawnUnits = {"unit-yale"},
1279	Sounds = {
1280		"selected", "yale-pen-selected"
1281	}
1282} )
1284DefineUnitType("unit-yale-hunting-lodge", {
1285	Name = "Yale Hunting Lodge",
1286	Parent = "unit-template-hunting-lodge",
1287	Class = "yale-hunting-lodge",
1288	Civilization = "neutral",
1289	Description = "Before the development of farming, the dwarves of Nidavellir hunted and foraged to survive. Yales were one of the principal animals hunted by them, providing food for nourishment and leather for clothing.",
1290	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/yale_hunting_lodge.png", "size", {96, 96}},
1291	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/yale_hunting_lodge_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
1292	Icon = "icon-yale-hunting-lodge",
1293	Costs = {"time", 200, "lumber", 2050},
1294	Supply = 6,
1295	BuildingRules = { "and", { "ontop", { Type = "unit-yale-cave", ReplaceOnDie = true, ReplaceOnBuild = true } } },
1296	GivesResource = "leather",
1297	BuildingRulesString = "Must be built on top of a Yale Cave",
1298	Variations = {
1299		{
1300			"variation-id", "yale-hunting-lodge",
1301			"upgrade-forbidden", "upgrade-dwarven-civilization"
1302		},
1303		{
1304			"variation-id", "dwarven-yale-hunting-lodge",
1305			"file", "dwarf/buildings/yale_hunting_lodge.png",
1306			"icon", "icon-dwarven-yale-hunting-lodge",
1307			"upgrade-required", "upgrade-dwarven-civilization",
1308			"terrain-forbidden", "snow",
1309			"forbidden-season", "winter"
1310		},
1311		{
1312			"variation-id", "dwarven-yale-hunting-lodge-snow-winter",
1313			"file", "dwarf/buildings/yale_hunting_lodge_snow.png",
1314			"icon", "icon-dwarven-yale-hunting-lodge",
1315			"upgrade-required", "upgrade-dwarven-civilization",
1316			"terrain", "dirt",
1317			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1318			"terrain", "grass",
1319			"terrain", "snow",
1320			"season", "winter"
1321		},
1322		{
1323			"variation-id", "dwarven-yale-hunting-lodge-snow",
1324			"file", "dwarf/buildings/yale_hunting_lodge_snow.png",
1325			"icon", "icon-dwarven-yale-hunting-lodge",
1326			"upgrade-required", "upgrade-dwarven-civilization",
1327			"terrain", "snow"
1328		}
1329	},
1330	Sounds = {
1331		"selected", "yale-pen-selected"
1332	}
1333} )
1335DefineUnitType("unit-tree-stump", {
1336	Name = "Tree Stump",
1337	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/tree_stump.png", "size", {72, 72}},
1338	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
1339	Animations = "animations-tree-stump", Icon = "icon-tree-stump",
1340	HitPoints = 20,
1341	DrawLevel = 30,
1342	TileSize = {2, 2}, BoxSize = {63, 63},
1343	SightRange = 1,
1344	Armor = 2, Missile = "missile-none",
1345	Type = "land",
1346	CanTargetLand = true, CanTargetSea = true, CanTargetAir = true,
1347	NumDirections = 1,
1348	BoardSize = 100, -- to prevent this unit from being loaded into transporters
1349	VisibleUnderFog = true,
1350	MaxOnBoard = 1,
1351	CanTransport = {"Organic", "only", "Mounted", "false"},
1352	SaveCargo = true,
1353	StartingResources = {200},
1354	GivesResource = "lumber", CanHarvest = true,
1355	HarvestFromOutside = true,
1356	Building = true,
1357	RightMouseAction = "rally-point",
1358	Variations = {
1359		{
1360			"variation-id", "1"
1361		},
1362		{
1363			"variation-id", "2",
1364			"file", "neutral/buildings/tree_stump_2.png"
1365		},
1366		{
1367			"variation-id", "3",
1368			"file", "neutral/buildings/tree_stump_3.png"
1369		},
1370		{
1371			"variation-id", "4",
1372			"file", "neutral/buildings/tree_stump_4.png"
1373		},
1374		{
1375			"variation-id", "5",
1376			"file", "neutral/buildings/tree_stump_5.png"
1377		}
1378	},
1379	Sounds = {
1380		"selected", "tree-selected",
1381--		"acknowledge", "dwarven-sentry-tower-acknowledge",
1382--		"ready", "dwarven-sentry-tower-ready",
1383--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
1384		"dead", "building-destroyed"
1385	}
1386} )
1388DefineUnitType("unit-hole", {
1389	Name = "Hole",
1390	Image = {"file", "tilesets/cave/neutral/buildings/hole.png", "size", {64, 64}},
1391	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
1392	Animations = "animations-tree-stump", Icon = "icon-hole",
1393	HitPoints = 50,
1394	DrawLevel = 30,
1395	TileSize = {2, 2}, BoxSize = {63, 63},
1396	SightRange = 1,
1397	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
1398	Type = "land",
1399	CanTargetLand = true, CanTargetSea = true, CanTargetAir = true,
1400	NumDirections = 1,
1401	BoardSize = 100, -- to prevent this unit from being loaded into transporters
1402	VisibleUnderFog = true,
1403	MaxOnBoard = 1,
1404	CanTransport = {"Organic", "only", "Mounted", "false"},
1405	SaveCargo = true,
1406	Sounds = {
1407		"selected", "click",
1408--		"acknowledge", "dwarven-sentry-tower-acknowledge",
1409--		"ready", "dwarven-sentry-tower-ready",
1410--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
1411		"dead", "building-destroyed"
1412	}
1413} )
1415DefineUnitType("unit-cavern-entrance", {
1416	Name = "Cavern Entrance",
1417	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/cavern_entrance.png", "size", {96, 96}},
1418	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/cavern_entrance_shadow.png", "size", {96, 96}},
1419	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-cavern-entrance",
1420	Description = "Cavern entrances connect different surface levels.",
1421	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
1422	Costs = {"time", 150},
1423	HitPoints = 25500,
1424	DrawLevel = 40,
1425	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
1426	SightRange = 1,
1427	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
1428	Priority = 0,
1429	Type = "land",
1430	NumDirections = 1,
1431	BoardSize = 100, -- to prevent this unit from being loaded into transporters
1432	VisibleUnderFog = true,
1433	Indestructible = true,
1434	Building = true,
1435	Variations = {
1436		{
1437			"variation-id", "gray"
1438		},
1439		{
1440			"variation-id", "brown",
1441			"file", "neutral/buildings/cavern_entrance_brown.png",
1442			"icon", "icon-cavern-entrance-brown"
1443		}
1444	},
1445	Sounds = {
1446		"selected", "click"
1447	}
1448} )
1450DefineUnitType("unit-portal", {
1451	Name = "Portal",
1452	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/portal_frame.png", "size", {96, 96}},
1453	LightImage = {"file", "neutral/buildings/portal.png"},
1454	Animations = "animations-portal", Icon = "icon-portal",
1455	Description = "Portals establish a link between different worlds or planes, though they are invisible to all but those who have attuned themselves to that which is magical.",
1456	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
1457	Costs = {"time", 150},
1458	HitPoints = 0,
1459	DrawLevel = 10,
1460	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
1461	SightRange = 1,
1462	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
1463	Priority = 0,
1464	Type = "land",
1465	NumDirections = 1,
1466	BoardSize = 100, -- to prevent this unit from being loaded into transporters
1467--	VisibleUnderFog = true,
1468	Indestructible = true,
1469	Ethereal = true,
1470	NonSolid = true,
1471	Sounds = {
1472		"selected", "click"
1473	}
1474} )
1476DefineUnitType("unit-water-portal", {
1477	Name = "Portal",
1478	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/portal_frame.png", "size", {96, 96}},
1479	LightImage = {"file", "neutral/buildings/portal.png"},
1480	Animations = "animations-portal", Icon = "icon-portal",
1481	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
1482	Costs = {"time", 150},
1483	HitPoints = 0,
1484	DrawLevel = 10,
1485	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
1486	SightRange = 1,
1487	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
1488	Priority = 0,
1489	Type = "naval",
1490	NumDirections = 1,
1491	BoardSize = 100, -- to prevent this unit from being loaded into transporters
1492--	VisibleUnderFog = true,
1493	Indestructible = true,
1494	Ethereal = true,
1495	NonSolid = true,
1496	Sounds = {
1497		"selected", "click"
1498	}
1499} )
1501DefineUnitType("unit-mushroom", {
1502	Name = "Mushroom",
1503	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/mushroom.png", "size", {32, 32}},
1504	Animations = "animations-mushroom-patch", Icon = "icon-mushroom",
1505	HitPoints = 0,
1506	DrawLevel = 5,
1507	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
1508	SightRange = 0,
1509	Missile = "missile-none",
1510	Priority = 0,
1511	Type = "land",
1512	IsNotSelectable = true,
1513	Decoration = true,
1514	NumDirections = 1,
1515	Indestructible = true,
1516	VisibleUnderFog = true,
1517	Diminutive = true,
1518	Variations = {
1519		{
1520			"variation-id", "red"
1521		},
1522		{
1523			"variation-id", "orange"
1524		},
1525		{
1526			"variation-id", "green"
1527		},
1528		{
1529			"variation-id", "yellow"
1530		}
1531	},
1532	Sounds = {}
1535DefineUnitType("unit-mushroom-patch", {
1536	Name = "Mushroom Patch",
1537	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/mushrooms.png", "size", {32, 32}},
1538	Animations = "animations-mushroom-patch", Icon = "icon-mushroom",
1539	HitPoints = 0,
1540	DrawLevel = 5,
1541	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
1542	SightRange = 0,
1543	Missile = "missile-none",
1544	Priority = 0,
1545	Type = "land",
1546	IsNotSelectable = true,
1547	Decoration = true,
1548	NumDirections = 1,
1549	Indestructible = true,
1550	VisibleUnderFog = true,
1551	Diminutive = true,
1552	Variations = {
1553		{
1554			"variation-id", "red"
1555		},
1556		{
1557			"variation-id", "orange"
1558		},
1559		{
1560			"variation-id", "green"
1561		},
1562		{
1563			"variation-id", "yellow"
1564		}
1565	},
1566	Sounds = {}
1569DefineUnitType("unit-flowers", {
1570	Name = "Flowers",
1571	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/flowers.png", "size", {32, 32}},
1572	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-flowers",
1573	HitPoints = 0,
1574	DrawLevel = 5,
1575	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
1576	SightRange = 0,
1577	Missile = "missile-none",
1578	Priority = 0,
1579	Type = "land",
1580	IsNotSelectable = true,
1581	Decoration = true,
1582	NumDirections = 1,
1583	Indestructible = true,
1584	VisibleUnderFog = true,
1585	Diminutive = true,
1586	Vegetable = true,
1587	Variations = {
1588		{
1589			"variation-id", "forest",
1590			"terrain", "grass",
1591			"terrain", "dirt",
1592			"terrain", "snow"
1593		},
1594		{
1595			"variation-id", "swamp",
1596			"file", "neutral/decorations/flowers_swamp_1.png",
1597			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1598			"terrain", "mud",
1599			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1600			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1601		},
1602		{
1603			"variation-id", "swamp",
1604			"file", "neutral/decorations/flowers_swamp_2.png",
1605			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1606			"terrain", "mud",
1607			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1608			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1609		},
1610		{
1611			"variation-id", "swamp",
1612			"file", "neutral/decorations/flowers_swamp_3.png",
1613			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1614			"terrain", "mud",
1615			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1616			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1617		}
1618	},
1619	Sounds = {}
1620} )
1622DefineUnitType("unit-large-flower", {
1623	Name = "Large Flower",
1624	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/large_flower_1.png", "size", {32, 32}},
1625	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-large-flower",
1626	HitPoints = 0,
1627	DrawLevel = 5,
1628	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
1629	SightRange = 0,
1630	Missile = "missile-none",
1631	Priority = 0,
1632	Type = "land",
1633	IsNotSelectable = true,
1634	Decoration = true,
1635	NumDirections = 1,
1636	Indestructible = true,
1637	VisibleUnderFog = true,
1638	Diminutive = true,
1639	Vegetable = true,
1640	Variations = {
1641		{
1642			"variation-id", "forest",
1643			"terrain", "grass",
1644			"terrain", "dirt",
1645			"terrain", "snow"
1646		},
1647		{
1648			"variation-id", "forest",
1649			"file", "neutral/decorations/large_flower_2.png",
1650			"terrain", "grass",
1651			"terrain", "dirt",
1652			"terrain", "snow"
1653		},
1654		{
1655			"variation-id", "forest",
1656			"file", "neutral/decorations/large_flower_3.png",
1657			"terrain", "grass",
1658			"terrain", "dirt",
1659			"terrain", "snow"
1660		},
1661		{
1662			"variation-id", "swamp",
1663			"file", "neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_1.png",
1664			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1665			"terrain", "mud",
1666			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1667			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1668		},
1669		{
1670			"variation-id", "swamp",
1671			"file", "neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_2.png",
1672			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1673			"terrain", "mud",
1674			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1675			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1676		},
1677		{
1678			"variation-id", "swamp",
1679			"file", "neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_3.png",
1680			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1681			"terrain", "mud",
1682			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1683			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1684		},
1685		{
1686			"variation-id", "swamp",
1687			"file", "neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_4.png",
1688			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1689			"terrain", "mud",
1690			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1691			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1692		},
1693		{
1694			"variation-id", "swamp",
1695			"file", "neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_5.png",
1696			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1697			"terrain", "mud",
1698			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1699			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1700		},
1701		{
1702			"variation-id", "swamp",
1703			"file", "neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_6.png",
1704			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1705			"terrain", "mud",
1706			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1707			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1708		},
1709		{
1710			"variation-id", "swamp",
1711			"file", "neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_7.png",
1712			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1713			"terrain", "mud",
1714			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1715			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1716		},
1717		{
1718			"variation-id", "swamp",
1719			"file", "neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_8.png",
1720			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1721			"terrain", "mud",
1722			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1723			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1724		},
1725		{
1726			"variation-id", "swamp",
1727			"file", "neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_9.png",
1728			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1729			"terrain", "mud",
1730			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1731			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1732		},
1733		{
1734			"variation-id", "swamp",
1735			"file", "neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_10.png",
1736			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1737			"terrain", "mud",
1738			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1739			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1740		},
1741		{
1742			"variation-id", "swamp",
1743			"file", "neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_11.png",
1744			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1745			"terrain", "mud",
1746			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1747			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1748		},
1749		{
1750			"variation-id", "swamp",
1751			"file", "neutral/decorations/large_flower_swamp_12.png",
1752			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1753			"terrain", "mud",
1754			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1755			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1756		}
1757	},
1758	Sounds = {}
1759} )
1761DefineUnitType("unit-fern", { Name = "Fern",
1762	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/fern.png", "size", {48, 48}},
1763	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-fern",
1764	HitPoints = 0,
1765	DrawLevel = 5,
1766	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
1767	SightRange = 0,
1768	Missile = "missile-none",
1769	Priority = 0,
1770	Type = "land",
1771	IsNotSelectable = true,
1772	Decoration = true,
1773	NumDirections = 1,
1774	Indestructible = true,
1775	VisibleUnderFog = true,
1776	Diminutive = true,
1777	Vegetable = true,
1778	Variations = {
1779		{
1780			"variation-id", "forest",
1781			"terrain", "grass",
1782			"terrain", "dirt",
1783			"terrain", "snow"
1784		},
1785		{
1786			"variation-id", "swamp",
1787			"file", "neutral/decorations/fern_swamp_1.png",
1788			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1789			"terrain", "mud",
1790			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1791			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1792		},
1793		{
1794			"variation-id", "swamp",
1795			"file", "neutral/decorations/fern_swamp_2.png",
1796			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1797			"terrain", "mud",
1798			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1799			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1800		},
1801		{
1802			"variation-id", "swamp",
1803			"file", "neutral/decorations/fern_swamp_3.png",
1804			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1805			"terrain", "mud",
1806			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1807			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1808		},
1809		{
1810			"variation-id", "swamp",
1811			"file", "neutral/decorations/fern_swamp_4.png",
1812			"terrain", "dry-mud",
1813			"terrain", "mud",
1814			"terrain", "cave-floor",
1815			"terrain", "rockbound-cave-floor"
1816		}
1817	},
1818	Sounds = {}
1819} )
1821DefineUnitType("unit-twigs", {
1822	Name = "Twigs",
1823	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/twigs.png", "size", {32, 32}},
1824	Animations = "animations-decoration", Icon = "icon-twigs",
1825	HitPoints = 0,
1826	DrawLevel = 5,
1827	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
1828	SightRange = 0,
1829	Missile = "missile-none",
1830	Priority = 0,
1831	Type = "land",
1832	IsNotSelectable = true,
1833	Decoration = true,
1834	NumDirections = 1,
1835	Indestructible = true,
1836	VisibleUnderFog = true,
1837	Diminutive = true,
1838	Variations = {
1839		{
1840			"variation-id", "1"
1841		},
1842		{
1843			"variation-id", "2"
1844		},
1845		{
1846			"variation-id", "3"
1847		},
1848		{
1849			"variation-id", "4"
1850		},
1851		{
1852			"variation-id", "5"
1853		},
1854		{
1855			"variation-id", "6"
1856		},
1857		{
1858			"variation-id", "7"
1859		},
1860		{
1861			"variation-id", "8"
1862		},
1863		{
1864			"variation-id", "9"
1865		},
1866		{
1867			"variation-id", "10"
1868		},
1869		{
1870			"variation-id", "11"
1871		},
1872		{
1873			"variation-id", "12"
1874		},
1875		{
1876			"variation-id", "13"
1877		},
1878		{
1879			"variation-id", "14"
1880		},
1881		{
1882			"variation-id", "15"
1883		},
1884		{
1885			"variation-id", "16"
1886		},
1887		{
1888			"variation-id", "17"
1889		},
1890		{
1891			"variation-id", "18"
1892		},
1893		{
1894			"variation-id", "19"
1895		},
1896		{
1897			"variation-id", "20"
1898		},
1899		{
1900			"variation-id", "21"
1901		},
1902		{
1903			"variation-id", "22"
1904		},
1905		{
1906			"variation-id", "23"
1907		},
1908		{
1909			"variation-id", "24"
1910		},
1911		{
1912			"variation-id", "25"
1913		}
1914	},
1915	Sounds = {} }
1918DefineUnitType("unit-log", {
1919	Name = "Log",
1920	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/log.png", "size", {56, 56}},
1921	Animations = "animations-decoration-old", Icon = "icon-log",
1922	NeutralMinimapColor = {165, 42, 42},
1923	HitPoints = 20,
1924	DrawLevel = 40,
1925	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
1926	SightRange = 0,
1927	Armor = 2, Missile = "missile-none",
1928	Priority = 0,
1929	Type = "land",
1930	NumDirections = 1,
1931	VisibleUnderFog = true,
1932	StartingResources = {400},
1933	GivesResource = "lumber", CanHarvest = true,
1934	HarvestFromOutside = true,
1935	Sounds = {
1936		"selected", "tree-selected"
1937	}
1940DefineUnitType("unit-bones", { Name = "Bones",
1941	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/bones.png", "size", {32, 32}},
1942	Animations = "animations-decoration", Icon = "icon-bones",
1943	HitPoints = 0,
1944	DrawLevel = 5,
1945	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
1946	SightRange = 0,
1947	Missile = "missile-none",
1948	Priority = 0,
1949	Type = "land",
1950	IsNotSelectable = true,
1951	Decoration = true,
1952	NumDirections = 1,
1953	Indestructible = true,
1954	VisibleUnderFog = true,
1955	Diminutive = true,
1956	Variations = {
1957		{
1958			"variation-id", "1"
1959		},
1960		{
1961			"variation-id", "2"
1962		},
1963		{
1964			"variation-id", "3"
1965		},
1966		{
1967			"variation-id", "4"
1968		}
1969	},
1970	Sounds = {} }
1973DefineUnitType("unit-wyrm-skeleton", {
1974	Name = "Wyrm Skeleton",
1975	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/wyrm_skeleton.png", "size", {128, 32}},
1976	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-wyrm-skeleton",
1977	HitPoints = 0,
1978	DrawLevel = 5,
1979	TileSize = {4, 1}, BoxSize = {127, 31},
1980	SightRange = 0,
1981	Missile = "missile-none",
1982	Priority = 0,
1983	Type = "land",
1984	IsNotSelectable = true,
1985	Decoration = true,
1986	NumDirections = 1,
1987	Indestructible = true,
1988	VisibleUnderFog = true,
1989	Variations = {
1990		{
1991			"variation-id", "non-horned"
1992		},
1993		{
1994			"variation-id", "horned",
1995			"file", "neutral/decorations/wyrm_skeleton_horned.png"
1996		}
1997	},
1998	Sounds = {} }
2001DefineUnitType("unit-small-rocks", { Name = "Small Rocks",
2002	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/small_rocks.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2003	Animations = "animations-decoration", Icon = "icon-small-rocks",
2004	HitPoints = 0,
2005	DrawLevel = 5,
2006	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2007	SightRange = 0,
2008	Missile = "missile-none",
2009	Priority = 0,
2010	Type = "land",
2011	IsNotSelectable = true,
2012	Decoration = true,
2013	NumDirections = 1,
2014	Indestructible = true,
2015	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2016	Diminutive = true,
2017	Gravel = true, -- makes them play the gravel step sound when stepped upon
2018	Variations = {
2019		{
2020			"variation-id", "1"
2021		},
2022		{
2023			"variation-id", "2"
2024		},
2025		{
2026			"variation-id", "3"
2027		},
2028		{
2029			"variation-id", "4"
2030		},
2031		{
2032			"variation-id", "5"
2033		},
2034		{
2035			"variation-id", "6"
2036		}
2037	},
2038	Sounds = {} }
2041DefineUnitType("unit-stalagmites", {
2042	Name = "Stalagmites",
2043	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/stalagmites.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2044	Animations = "animations-decoration", Icon = "icon-stalagmites",
2045	HitPoints = 0,
2046	DrawLevel = 5,
2047	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2048	SightRange = 0,
2049	Missile = "missile-none",
2050	Priority = 0,
2051	Type = "land",
2052	IsNotSelectable = true,
2053	Decoration = true,
2054	NumDirections = 1,
2055	Indestructible = true,
2056	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2057	Diminutive = true,
2058	Variations = {
2059		{
2060			"variation-id", "1"
2061		},
2062		{
2063			"variation-id", "2"
2064		},
2065		{
2066			"variation-id", "3"
2067		},
2068		{
2069			"variation-id", "4"
2070		}
2071	},
2072	Sounds = {} }
2075function VolcanicCraterSpit(unit) -- this is called every second
2076	OrderUnit(GetUnitVariable(unit, "Player"), GetUnitVariable(unit, "Ident"), {GetUnitVariable(unit, "PosX"), GetUnitVariable(unit, "PosY")}, GetUnitVariable(unit, "MapLayer"), nil, nil, "stop")
2077	if (GetCurrentQuest() ~= "the-wyrm") then
2078		if (SyncRand(10) == 0) then -- one chance in thirty to happen (that is, this is going to happen on average once every half minute)
2079			if (SyncRand(2) == 0) then
2080				local target_x = GetUnitVariable(unit,"PosX") + SyncRand(GetUnitVariable(unit,"AttackRange") + GetUnitTypeData(GetUnitVariable(unit, "Ident"), "TileWidth") + GetUnitVariable(unit,"AttackRange")) - GetUnitVariable(unit,"AttackRange")
2081				local target_y = GetUnitVariable(unit,"PosY") + SyncRand(GetUnitVariable(unit,"AttackRange") + GetUnitTypeData(GetUnitVariable(unit, "Ident"), "TileHeight") + GetUnitVariable(unit,"AttackRange")) - GetUnitVariable(unit,"AttackRange")
2082				OrderUnit(GetUnitVariable(unit, "Player"), GetUnitVariable(unit, "Ident"), {GetUnitVariable(unit, "PosX"), GetUnitVariable(unit, "PosY")}, GetUnitVariable(unit, "MapLayer"), {target_x, target_y}, GetUnitVariable(unit, "MapLayer"), "attack-ground")
2083			else
2084				if (GetNumUnitsAt(PlayerNumNeutral, "unit-miasma", {0, 0}, {512, 512}, GetUnitVariable(unit, "MapLayer")) < GetNumUnitsAt(PlayerNumNeutral, "unit-volcanic-crater", {0, 0}, {512, 512}, GetUnitVariable(unit, "MapLayer"))) then
2085					CreateUnit("unit-miasma", PlayerNumNeutral, {GetUnitVariable(unit, "PosX"), GetUnitVariable(unit, "PosY")}, GetUnitVariable(unit, "MapLayer"))
2086				end
2087			end
2088		end
2089	end
2092DefineUnitType("unit-volcanic-crater", {
2093	Name = "Volcanic Crater",
2094	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/volcanic_crater.png", "size", {64, 64}},
2095	Animations = "animations-volcanic-crater", Icon = "icon-volcanic-crater",
2096	HitPoints = 0,
2097	DrawLevel = 30,
2098	TileSize = {2, 2}, BoxSize = {63, 63},
2099	SightRange = 0,
2100	FireDamage = 80, Missile = "missile-flaming-catapult-rock",
2101	Priority = 0,
2102	Type = "land",
2103	MaxAttackRange = 2,
2104	GroundAttack = true,
2105	CanAttack = true,
2106	CanTargetLand = true, CanTargetSea = true,
2107	IsNotSelectable = true,
2108	Decoration = true,
2109	NumDirections = 1,
2110	Indestructible = true,
2111	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2112	Accuracy = 0,
2113	OnEachSecond = VolcanicCraterSpit,
2114	Sounds = {} }
2117DefineUnitType("unit-glyph", {
2118	Name = "Glyph",
2119	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/glyph.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2120	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
2121	Animations = "animations-decoration", Icon = "icon-glyph",
2122	HitPoints = 0,
2123	DrawLevel = 4,
2124	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2125	SightRange = 0,
2126	Missile = "missile-none",
2127	Priority = 0,
2128	Type = "land",
2129	NonSolid = true,
2130	NumDirections = 1,
2131	Indestructible = true,
2132	BoardSize = 100, -- to prevent this unit from being loaded into transporters
2133	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2134	Variations = {
2135		{
2136			"variation-id", "1"
2137		},
2138		{
2139			"variation-id", "2"
2140		},
2141		{
2142			"variation-id", "3"
2143		},
2144		{
2145			"variation-id", "4"
2146		},
2147		{
2148			"variation-id", "5"
2149		},
2150		{
2151			"variation-id", "6"
2152		},
2153		{
2154			"variation-id", "7"
2155		},
2156		{
2157			"variation-id", "8"
2158		},
2159		{
2160			"variation-id", "9"
2161		},
2162		{
2163			"variation-id", "10"
2164		},
2165		{
2166			"variation-id", "11"
2167		},
2168		{
2169			"variation-id", "12"
2170		},
2171		{
2172			"variation-id", "13"
2173		},
2174		{
2175			"variation-id", "14"
2176		},
2177		{
2178			"variation-id", "15"
2179		},
2180		{
2181			"variation-id", "16"
2182		},
2183		{
2184			"variation-id", "17"
2185		},
2186		{
2187			"variation-id", "18"
2188		},
2189		{
2190			"variation-id", "19"
2191		},
2192		{
2193			"variation-id", "20"
2194		},
2195		{
2196			"variation-id", "21"
2197		},
2198		{
2199			"variation-id", "22"
2200		},
2201		{
2202			"variation-id", "23"
2203		},
2204		{
2205			"variation-id", "24"
2206		}
2207	},
2208	Sounds = {
2209		"selected", "click",
2210		"used", "magic-holy",
2211--		"acknowledge", "gold-mine-acknowledge",
2212--		"ready", "gold-mine-ready",
2213--		"help", "gold-mine-help",
2214		"dead", "building-destroyed"
2215	}
2218DefineUnitType("unit-stairs", {
2219	Name = "Stairs",
2220	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/stairs.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2221	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
2222	Animations = "animations-decoration", Icon = "icon-stairs",
2223	HitPoints = 0,
2224	DrawLevel = 5,
2225	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2226	SightRange = 0,
2227	Missile = "missile-none",
2228	Priority = 0,
2229	Type = "land",
2230	IsNotSelectable = true,
2231	Decoration = true,
2232	NumDirections = 1,
2233	Indestructible = true,
2234	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2235	NonSolid = true,
2236	Variations = {
2237		{
2238			"variation-id", "1"
2239		},
2240		{
2241			"variation-id", "2"
2242		}
2243	},
2244	Sounds = {} }
2247DefineUnitType("unit-door", {
2248	Name = "Door",
2249	Image = {"file", "tilesets/dungeon/neutral/decorations/door_left.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2250	Animations = "animations-door", Icon = "icon-door",
2251	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
2252	HitPoints = 10,
2253	DrawLevel = 30,
2254	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2255	SightRange = 1,
2256	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
2257	Priority = 0,
2258	Type = "land",
2259	NumDirections = 1,
2260	BoardSize = 100, -- to prevent this unit from being loaded into transporters
2261	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2262	Obstacle = true,
2263	AirUnpassable = true,
2264	Variations = {
2265		{
2266			"variation-id", "left"
2267		},
2268		{
2269			"variation-id", "right",
2270			"file", "tilesets/dungeon/neutral/decorations/door_right.png"
2271		}
2272	},
2273	Sounds = {
2274		"selected", "click",
2275		"dead", "building-destroyed"
2276	}
2279DefineUnitType("unit-shelf", {
2280	Name = "Shelf",
2281	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/shelf.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2282	Animations = "animations-decoration", Icon = "icon-shelf",
2283	HitPoints = 0,
2284	DrawLevel = 5,
2285	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2286	SightRange = 0,
2287	Missile = "missile-none",
2288	Priority = 0,
2289	Type = "land",
2290	IsNotSelectable = true,
2291	Decoration = true,
2292	NumDirections = 1,
2293	Indestructible = true,
2294	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2295	NonSolid = true,
2296	Variations = {
2297		{
2298			"variation-id", "1"
2299		},
2300		{
2301			"variation-id", "2"
2302		},
2303		{
2304			"variation-id", "3"
2305		},
2306		{
2307			"variation-id", "4"
2308		},
2309		{
2310			"variation-id", "5"
2311		}
2312	},
2313	Sounds = {} }
2316DefineUnitType("unit-outer-wall-decoration", { Name = "Outer Wall Decoration",
2317	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/outer_wall_decoration.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2318	Animations = "animations-decoration", Icon = "icon-outer-wall-decoration",
2319	HitPoints = 0,
2320	DrawLevel = 5,
2321	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2322	SightRange = 0,
2323	Missile = "missile-none",
2324	Priority = 0,
2325	Type = "land",
2326	IsNotSelectable = true,
2327	Decoration = true,
2328	NumDirections = 1,
2329	Indestructible = true,
2330	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2331	NonSolid = true,
2332	Variations = {
2333		{
2334			"variation-id", "1"
2335		},
2336		{
2337			"variation-id", "2"
2338		},
2339		{
2340			"variation-id", "3"
2341		}
2342	},
2343	Sounds = {} }
2346DefineUnitType("unit-inner-wall-decoration", { Name = "Inner Wall Decoration",
2347	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/inner_wall_decoration.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2348	Animations = "animations-decoration", Icon = "icon-inner-wall-decoration",
2349	HitPoints = 0,
2350	DrawLevel = 5,
2351	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2352	SightRange = 0,
2353	Missile = "missile-none",
2354	Priority = 0,
2355	Type = "land",
2356	IsNotSelectable = true,
2357	Decoration = true,
2358	NumDirections = 1,
2359	Indestructible = true,
2360	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2361	NonSolid = true,
2362	Variations = {
2363		{
2364			"variation-id", "1"
2365		},
2366		{
2367			"variation-id", "2"
2368		},
2369		{
2370			"variation-id", "3"
2371		}
2372	},
2373	Sounds = {} }
2376DefineUnitType("unit-floor-decoration", { Name = "Floor Decoration",
2377	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/floor_decoration.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2378	Animations = "animations-decoration", Icon = "icon-floor-decoration",
2379	HitPoints = 0,
2380	DrawLevel = 5,
2381	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2382	SightRange = 0,
2383	Missile = "missile-none",
2384	Priority = 0,
2385	Type = "land",
2386	IsNotSelectable = true,
2387	Decoration = true,
2388	NumDirections = 1,
2389	Indestructible = true,
2390	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2391	Diminutive = true,
2392	Variations = {
2393		{
2394			"variation-id", "1"
2395		},
2396		{
2397			"variation-id", "2"
2398		},
2399		{
2400			"variation-id", "3"
2401		}
2402	},
2403	Sounds = {} }
2406DefineUnitType("unit-dwarven-dead-body", {
2407	Name = "Dead Body",
2408	Image = {"file", "neutral/units/dwarven_corpse.png", "size", {72, 72}},
2409	Animations = "animations-dead-body", Icon = "icon-dwarven-miner",
2410	HitPoints = 255,
2411	DrawLevel = 30,
2412	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2413	SightRange = 1,
2414	Missile = "missile-none",
2415	Priority = 0,
2416	Type = "land",
2417	Vanishes = true,
2418	Detritus = true,
2419	Sounds = {}
2420} )
2422DefineUnitType("unit-gnomish-dead-body", {
2423	Name = "Dead Body",
2424	Image = {"file", "neutral/units/gnomish_goblin_and_kobold_corpses.png", "size", {72, 72}},
2425	Animations = "animations-gnomish-dead-body", Icon = "icon-dwarven-miner",
2426	HitPoints = 255,
2427	DrawLevel = 30,
2428	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2429	SightRange = 1,
2430	Missile = "missile-none",
2431	Priority = 0,
2432	Type = "land",
2433	Vanishes = true,
2434	Detritus = true,
2435	Sounds = {}
2436} )
2438DefineUnitType("unit-goblin-dead-body", {
2439	Name = "Dead Body",
2440	Image = {"file", "neutral/units/gnomish_goblin_and_kobold_corpses.png", "size", {72, 72}},
2441	Animations = "animations-goblin-dead-body", Icon = "icon-dwarven-miner",
2442	HitPoints = 255,
2443	DrawLevel = 30,
2444	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2445	SightRange = 1,
2446	Missile = "missile-none",
2447	Priority = 0,
2448	Type = "land",
2449	Vanishes = true,
2450	Detritus = true,
2451	Sounds = {}
2452} )
2454DefineUnitType("unit-human-dead-body", {
2455	Name = "Dead Body",
2456	Image = {"file", "neutral/units/human_corpse.png", "size", {72, 72}},
2457	Animations = "animations-dead-body", Icon = "icon-dwarven-miner",
2458	HitPoints = 255,
2459	DrawLevel = 30,
2460	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2461	SightRange = 1,
2462	Missile = "missile-none",
2463	Priority = 0,
2464	Type = "land",
2465	Vanishes = true,
2466	Detritus = true,
2467	Sounds = {}
2468} )
2470DefineUnitType("unit-kobold-dead-body", {
2471	Name = "Dead Body",
2472	Image = {"file", "neutral/units/gnomish_goblin_and_kobold_corpses.png", "size", {72, 72}},
2473	Animations = "animations-kobold-dead-body", Icon = "icon-dwarven-miner",
2474	HitPoints = 255,
2475	DrawLevel = 30,
2476	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2477	SightRange = 1,
2478	Missile = "missile-none",
2479	Priority = 0,
2480	Type = "land",
2481	Vanishes = true,
2482	Detritus = true,
2483	Sounds = {}
2484} )
2486DefineUnitType("unit-troll-dead-body", {
2487	Name = "Dead Body",
2488	Image = {"file", "troll/units/corpse.png", "size", {72, 72}},
2489	Animations = "animations-dead-body", Icon = "icon-dwarven-miner",
2490	HitPoints = 255,
2491	DrawLevel = 30,
2492	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2493	SightRange = 1,
2494	Missile = "missile-none",
2495	Priority = 0,
2496	Type = "land",
2497	Vanishes = true,
2498	Detritus = true,
2499	Sounds = {}
2500} )
2502--DefineUnitType("unit-dead-sea-body", { Name = "Dead Body",
2503--	Image = {"file", "neutral/units/corpses.png", "size", {72, 72}},
2504--	Animations = "animations-dead-sea-body", Icon = "icon-dwarven-miner",
2505--	HitPoints = 255,
2506--	DrawLevel = 30,
2507--	TileSize = {2, 2}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2508--	SightRange = 1,
2509--	Missile = "missile-none",
2510--	Priority = 0,
2511--	Type = "naval",
2512--	Vanishes = true,
2513--	Sounds = {} } )
2515DefineUnitType("unit-raft", {
2516	Name = "Raft",
2517	Image = {"file", "neutral/units/raft.png", "size", {72, 72}},
2518	Animations = "animations-raft", Icon = "icon-raft",
2519	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
2520	HitPoints = 15,
2521	DrawLevel = 30,
2522	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {42, 42},
2523	SightRange = 1,
2524	Missile = "missile-none",
2525	Priority = 0,
2526	Type = "naval",
2527	Bridge = true,
2528	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2529	Sounds = {
2530		"selected", "click",
2531		"dead", "ship-destroyed"
2532	}
2533} )
2535DefineUnitType("unit-scepter-of-fire", {
2536	Name = "Scepter of Fire",
2537	Image = {"file", "neutral/items/scepter.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2538	Animations = "animations-item", Icon = "icon-scepter",
2539	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
2540	HitPoints = 1,
2541	DrawLevel = 30,
2542	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2543	SightRange = 1,
2544	Missile = "missile-none",
2545	Priority = 0,
2546	Type = "land",
2547	NumDirections = 1,
2548	Item = true,
2549	Sounds = {
2550		"selected", "click",
2551		"used", "gold-coins"
2552	}
2553} )
2555DefineUnitType("unit-gold-coins", {
2556	Name = "Gold Coins",
2557	Image = {"file", "neutral/items/gold_coins.png", "size", {12, 13}},
2558	Animations = "animations-item", Icon = "icon-gold-coins",
2559	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
2560	HitPoints = 1,
2561	DrawLevel = 30,
2562	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2563	SightRange = 1,
2564	Missile = "missile-none",
2565	Priority = 0,
2566	Type = "land",
2567	NumDirections = 1,
2568	PowerUp = true,
2569	GivesResource = "gold",
2570	StartingResources = {5},
2571	Sounds = {
2572		"selected", "click",
2573		"used", "gold-coins"
2574	}
2575} )
2577DefineUnitType("unit-gold-sack", {
2578	Name = "Gold Sack",
2579	Image = {"file", "neutral/items/gold_sack.png", "size", {16, 14}},
2580	Animations = "animations-item", Icon = "icon-gold-sack",
2581	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
2582	HitPoints = 1,
2583	DrawLevel = 30,
2584	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2585	SightRange = 1,
2586	Missile = "missile-none",
2587	Priority = 0,
2588	Type = "land",
2589--	GivesResource = "gold", CanHarvest = true,
2590	NumDirections = 1,
2591	PowerUp = true,
2592	GivesResource = "gold",
2593	StartingResources = {100},
2594	Sounds = {
2595		"selected", "click",
2596		"used", "gold-coins"
2597	}
2598} )
2600DefineUnitType("unit-gold-chest", {
2601	Name = "Chest",
2602	Image = {"file", "neutral/items/chest.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2603	Animations = "animations-gold-chest", Icon = "icon-chest",
2604	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
2605	HitPoints = 100,
2606	DrawLevel = 30,
2607	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2608	SightRange = 1,
2609	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
2610	Priority = 0,
2611	Type = "land",
2612	NumDirections = 1,
2613	Sounds = {
2614		"selected", "click",
2615		"dead", "building-destroyed"} } )
2617DefineUnitType("unit-gold-and-gems-chest", {
2618	Name = "Chest",
2619	Image = {"file", "neutral/items/chest.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2620	Animations = "animations-gold-and-gems-chest", Icon = "icon-chest",
2621	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
2622	HitPoints = 100,
2623	DrawLevel = 30,
2624	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2625	SightRange = 1,
2626	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
2627	Priority = 0,
2628	Type = "land",
2629	NumDirections = 1,
2630	Sounds = {
2631		"selected", "click",
2632		"dead", "building-destroyed"} } )
2634DefineUnitType("unit-alchemy-bench", {
2635	Name = "Alchemy Bench",
2636	Image = {"file", "neutral/items/alchemy_bench.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2637	Animations = "animations-alchemy-bench", Icon = "icon-alchemy-bench",
2638	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
2639	HitPoints = 5,
2640	DrawLevel = 30,
2641	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2642	SightRange = 1,
2643	Armor = 2, Missile = "missile-none",
2644	Priority = 0,
2645	Type = "land",
2646	NumDirections = 1,
2647	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
2648	DeathExplosion = DeathExplosion,
2649	Obstacle = true,
2650	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2651	Sounds = {
2652		"selected", "click",
2653		"dead", "building-destroyed"
2654	}
2655} )
2657DefineUnitType("unit-table", {
2658	Name = "Table",
2659	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/table.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2660	Animations = "animations-table", Icon = "icon-table",
2661	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
2662	HitPoints = 5,
2663	DrawLevel = 30,
2664	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2665	SightRange = 1,
2666	Armor = 2, Missile = "missile-none",
2667	Priority = 0,
2668	Type = "land",
2669	NumDirections = 1,
2670	Obstacle = true,
2671	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2672	Variations = {
2673		{
2674			"variation-id", "1"
2675		},
2676		{
2677			"variation-id", "2"
2678		},
2679		{
2680			"variation-id", "3"
2681		},
2682		{
2683			"variation-id", "4"
2684		},
2685		{
2686			"variation-id", "5"
2687		},
2688		{
2689			"variation-id", "6"
2690		},
2691		{
2692			"variation-id", "7"
2693		},
2694		{
2695			"variation-id", "8"
2696		},
2697		{
2698			"variation-id", "9"
2699		},
2700		{
2701			"variation-id", "10"
2702		},
2703		{
2704			"variation-id", "11"
2705		},
2706		{
2707			"variation-id", "12"
2708		},
2709		{
2710			"variation-id", "13"
2711		},
2712		{
2713			"variation-id", "14"
2714		},
2715		{
2716			"variation-id", "15"
2717		},
2718		{
2719			"variation-id", "16"
2720		},
2721		{
2722			"variation-id", "17"
2723		},
2724		{
2725			"variation-id", "18"
2726		},
2727		{
2728			"variation-id", "19"
2729		},
2730		{
2731			"variation-id", "20"
2732		},
2733		{
2734			"variation-id", "21"
2735		},
2736		{
2737			"variation-id", "22"
2738		},
2739		{
2740			"variation-id", "23"
2741		},
2742		{
2743			"variation-id", "24"
2744		},
2745		{
2746			"variation-id", "25"
2747		},
2748		{
2749			"variation-id", "26"
2750		},
2751		{
2752			"variation-id", "27"
2753		},
2754		{
2755			"variation-id", "28"
2756		},
2757		{
2758			"variation-id", "29"
2759		}
2760	},
2761	Sounds = {
2762		"selected", "click",
2763		"dead", "building-destroyed"
2764	}
2765} )
2767DefineUnitType("unit-chair", {
2768	Name = "Chair",
2769	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/chair.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2770	Animations = "animations-chair", Icon = "icon-furniture",
2771	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
2772	HitPoints = 3,
2773	DrawLevel = 30,
2774	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2775	SightRange = 1,
2776	Armor = 2, Missile = "missile-none",
2777	Priority = 0,
2778	Type = "land",
2779	NumDirections = 1,
2780	Obstacle = true,
2781	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2782	Variations = {
2783		{
2784			"variation-id", "1"
2785		},
2786		{
2787			"variation-id", "2"
2788		},
2789		{
2790			"variation-id", "3"
2791		},
2792		{
2793			"variation-id", "4"
2794		}
2795	},
2796	Sounds = {
2797		"selected", "click",
2798		"dead", "building-destroyed"
2799	}
2800} )
2802DefineUnitType("unit-bed", {
2803	Name = "Bed",
2804	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/bed.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2805	Animations = "animations-bed", Icon = "icon-bed",
2806	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
2807	HitPoints = 5,
2808	DrawLevel = 30,
2809	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2810	SightRange = 1,
2811	Armor = 2, Missile = "missile-none",
2812	Priority = 0,
2813	Type = "land",
2814	NumDirections = 1,
2815	Obstacle = true,
2816	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2817	Variations = {
2818		{
2819			"variation-id", "1"
2820		},
2821		{
2822			"variation-id", "2"
2823		}
2824	},
2825	Sounds = {
2826		"selected", "click",
2827		"dead", "building-destroyed"
2828	}
2829} )
2831DefineUnitType("unit-potion-of-decay", {
2832	Name = "Potion of Decay",
2833	Image = {"file", "neutral/items/potion_blue.png", "size", {16, 16}},
2834	Animations = "animations-potion", Icon = "icon-blue-potion",
2835	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
2836	HitPoints = 1,
2837	DrawLevel = 30,
2838	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2839	SightRange = 1,
2840	Missile = "missile-none",
2841	Priority = 0,
2842	Type = "land",
2843	NumDirections = 1,
2844	PowerUp = true,
2845	HitPointHealing = -15,
2846	Sounds = {
2847		"selected", "click",
2848		"used", "potion"
2849	}
2850} )
2852DefineUnitType("unit-potion-of-slowness", {
2853	Name = "Potion of Slowness",
2854	Image = {"file", "neutral/items/potion_purple.png", "size", {16, 16}},
2855	Animations = "animations-potion", Icon = "icon-purple-potion",
2856	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
2857	HitPoints = 1,
2858	DrawLevel = 30,
2859	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2860	SightRange = 1,
2861	Missile = "missile-none",
2862	Priority = 0,
2863	Type = "land",
2864	NumDirections = 1,
2865	PowerUp = true,
2866	Slows = true,
2867	Sounds = {
2868		"selected", "click",
2869		"used", "potion"
2870	}
2871} )
2873DefineUnitType("unit-barrel", {
2874	Name = "Barrel",
2875	Image = {"file", "neutral/items/barrel.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2876	Animations = "animations-barrel", Icon = "icon-barrel",
2877	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
2878	HitPoints = 5,
2879	DrawLevel = 30,
2880	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2881	SightRange = 1,
2882	Armor = 2, Missile = "missile-none",
2883	Priority = 0,
2884	Type = "land",
2885	NumDirections = 1,
2886	Drops = {"unit-potion-of-healing", "unit-potion-of-decay", "unit-potion-of-slowness"},
2887	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2888	Obstacle = true,
2889	Variations = {
2890		{
2891			"variation-id", "1"
2892		},
2893		{
2894			"variation-id", "2",
2895			"file", "neutral/items/barrel_2.png"
2896		}
2897	},
2898	Sounds = {
2899		"selected", "click",
2900		"dead", "building-destroyed"
2901	}
2902} )
2904DefineUnitType("unit-explosive-barrel", {
2905	Name = "Explosive Barrel",
2906	Image = {"file", "neutral/items/explosive_barrel.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2907	Animations = "animations-barrel", Icon = "icon-barrel",
2908	NeutralMinimapColor = {128, 128, 0},
2909	HitPoints = 5,
2910	DrawLevel = 30,
2911	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2912	SightRange = 1,
2913	Armor = 2, Missile = "missile-none",
2914	Priority = 0,
2915	Type = "land",
2916	NumDirections = 1,
2917	VisibleUnderFog = true,
2918	Obstacle = true,
2919	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
2920	DeathExplosion = DeathExplosion,
2921	Sounds = {
2922		"selected", "click",
2923		"dead", "building-destroyed"
2924	}
2925} )
2927DefineUnitType("unit-gryphon-feather", {
2928	Name = "Gryphon Feather",
2929	Image = {"file", "neutral/items/gryphon_feather.png", "size", {28, 26}},
2930	Animations = "animations-item", Icon = "icon-gryphon-feather",
2931	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
2932	HitPoints = 1,
2933	DrawLevel = 30,
2934	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2935	SightRange = 1,
2936	Missile = "missile-none",
2937	Priority = 0,
2938	Type = "land",
2939	NumDirections = 1,
2940	Item = true,
2941	Sounds = {}
2942} )
2944DefineUnitType("unit-caltrops", {
2945	Name = "Caltrops",
2946	Image = {"file", "neutral/items/caltrops.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2947	Animations = "animations-decoration", Icon = "icon-caltrops",
2948	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
2949	HitPoints = 10,
2950	DrawLevel = 30,
2951	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2952	SightRange = 1,
2953	PiercingDamage = 10, Missile = "missile-none",
2954	Priority = 0,
2955	Type = "land",
2956	NumDirections = 1,
2957	Trap = true,
2958	PierceDamage = true,
2959	Variations = {
2960		{
2961			"variation-id", "1"
2962		},
2963		{
2964			"variation-id", "2"
2965		},
2966		{
2967			"variation-id", "3"
2968		},
2969		{
2970			"variation-id", "4"
2971		},
2972		{
2973			"variation-id", "5"
2974		},
2975		{
2976			"variation-id", "6"
2977		}
2978	},
2979	Sounds = {
2980		"selected", "click"
2981	}
2982} )
2984DefineUnitType("unit-trap", {
2985	Name = "Trap",
2986	Image = {"file", "neutral/items/trap.png", "size", {32, 32}},
2987	Animations = "animations-trap", Icon = "icon-trap",
2988	NeutralMinimapColor = {255, 255, 0},
2989	HitPoints = 15,
2990	DrawLevel = 30,
2991	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
2992	SightRange = 1,
2993	PiercingDamage = 15, Missile = "missile-none",
2994	Priority = 0,
2995	Type = "land",
2996	NumDirections = 1,
2997	Trap = true,
2998	PierceDamage = true,
2999	Sounds = {
3000		"selected", "click",
3001		"hit", "axe-attack"
3002	}
3003} )
3005DefineUnitType("unit-roaming-fog", {
3006	Name = "Roaming Fog",
3007	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/roaming_fog.png", "size", {498, 277}},
3008	Animations = "animations-roaming-fog", Icon = "icon-roaming-fog",
3009	NeutralMinimapColor = {192, 192, 192},
3010	Speed = 3,
3011	HitPoints = 1,
3012	DrawLevel = 45,
3013	TileSize = {15, 8}, BoxSize = {497, 276},
3014	SightRange = 1,
3015	Missile = "missile-none",
3016	MaxAttackRange = 1,
3017	Priority = 37,
3018	Points = 1,
3019	Demand = 1,
3020	Type = "fly",
3021	IsNotSelectable = true,
3022	RightMouseAction = "move",
3023	RandomMovementProbability = 100,
3024	NumDirections = 1,
3025	Diminutive = true,
3026	Transparency = 50,
3027	Decoration = true,
3028	Indestructible = true,
3029	VisibleUnderFog = false,
3030	Sounds = {
3031		"selected", "click",
3032--		"acknowledge", "bat-selected",
3033--		"ready", "bat-selected",
3034--		"help", "critter-help",
3035--		"dead", "rat-dead"
3036	}
3037} )
3039DefineUnitType("unit-roaming-fog-small", {
3040	Name = "Roaming Fog",
3041	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/roaming_fog_small.png", "size", {256, 171}},
3042	Animations = "animations-roaming-fog", Icon = "icon-roaming-fog",
3043	NeutralMinimapColor = {192, 192, 192},
3044	Speed = 3,
3045	HitPoints = 1,
3046	DrawLevel = 45,
3047	TileSize = {8, 5}, BoxSize = {255, 169},
3048	SightRange = 1,
3049	Missile = "missile-none",
3050	MaxAttackRange = 1,
3051	Priority = 37,
3052	Points = 1,
3053	Demand = 1,
3054	Type = "fly",
3055	IsNotSelectable = true,
3056	RightMouseAction = "move",
3057	RandomMovementProbability = 100,
3058	NumDirections = 1,
3059	Diminutive = true,
3060	Transparency = 50,
3061	Decoration = true,
3062	Indestructible = true,
3063	VisibleUnderFog = false,
3064	Sounds = {
3065		"selected", "click",
3066--		"acknowledge", "bat-selected",
3067--		"ready", "bat-selected",
3068--		"help", "critter-help",
3069--		"dead", "rat-dead"
3070	}
3071} )
3073DefineUnitType("unit-miasma", {
3074	Name = "Miasma",
3075	Image = {"file", "neutral/decorations/miasma.png", "size", {128, 128}},
3076	Animations = "animations-roaming-fog", Icon = "icon-miasma",
3077	NeutralMinimapColor = {192, 192, 192},
3078	Speed = 3,
3079	HitPoints = 30, -- miasma lives for 30 seconds
3080	DrawLevel = 45,
3081	TileSize = {4, 4}, BoxSize = {127, 127},
3082	SightRange = 1,
3083	Missile = "missile-none",
3084	MaxAttackRange = 1,
3085	Priority = 37,
3086	Points = 1,
3087	Demand = 1,
3088	Type = "fly",
3089	IsNotSelectable = true,
3090	RightMouseAction = "move",
3091	RandomMovementProbability = 100,
3092	NumDirections = 1,
3093	Diminutive = true,
3094	Transparency = 50,
3095	Decoration = true,
3096	Indestructible = true,
3097	VisibleUnderFog = false,
3098	RegenerationRate = -1,
3099	Sounds = {
3100		"selected", "click",
3101--		"acknowledge", "bat-selected",
3102--		"ready", "bat-selected",
3103--		"help", "critter-help",
3104--		"dead", "rat-dead"
3105	}
3106} )
3108--DefineUnitType("unit-destroyed-1x1-place", { Name = "Destroyed 1x1 Place",
3109--	Image = {"size", {32, 32}},
3110--	Animations = "animations-destroyed-place", Icon = "icon-dwarven-miner",
3111--	HitPoints = 255,
3112--	DrawLevel = 10,
3113--	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
3114--	SightRange = 2,
3115--	Missile = "missile-none",
3116--	Priority = 0,
3117--	Type = "land",
3118--	Building = true, VisibleUnderFog = true,
3119--	Vanishes = true,
3120--	Sounds = {} } )
3122DefineUnitType("unit-destroyed-2x2-place", {
3123	Name = "Destroyed 2x2 Place",
3124	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/destroyed_site.png", "size", {64, 64}},
3125	Animations = "animations-destroyed-place", Icon = "icon-dwarven-miner",
3126	HitPoints = 255,
3127	DrawLevel = 10,
3128	TileSize = {2, 2}, BoxSize = {63, 63},
3129	SightRange = 1,
3130	Missile = "missile-none",
3131	Priority = 0,
3132	Type = "land",
3133	Building = true, VisibleUnderFog = true,
3134	Vanishes = true,
3135	Sounds = {}
3138DefineUnitType("unit-destroyed-3x3-place", {
3139	Name = "Destroyed 3x3 Place",
3140	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/destroyed_site.png", "size", {64, 64}},
3141	Animations = "animations-destroyed-place", Icon = "icon-dwarven-miner",
3142	HitPoints = 255,
3143	DrawLevel = 10,
3144	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
3145	SightRange = 1,
3146	Missile = "missile-none",
3147	Priority = 0,
3148	Type = "land",
3149	Building = true, VisibleUnderFog = true,
3150	Vanishes = true,
3151	Sounds = {}
3154--DefineUnitType("unit-destroyed-3x3-place-water", { Name = "Destroyed 3x3 Place Water",
3155--	Image = {"size", {64, 64}},
3156--	Animations = "animations-destroyed-place-water", Icon = "icon-dwarven-miner",
3157--	HitPoints = 255,
3158--	DrawLevel = 10,
3159--	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
3160--	SightRange = 0,
3161--	Missile = "missile-none",
3162--	Priority = 0,
3163--	Type = "naval",
3164--	Building = true, VisibleUnderFog = true,
3165--	Vanishes = true,
3166--	Sounds = {} } )
3168DefineUnitType("unit-destroyed-4x4-place", {
3169	Name = "Destroyed 4x4 Place",
3170	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/destroyed_site.png", "size", {64, 64}},
3171	Animations = "animations-destroyed-place", Icon = "icon-dwarven-miner",
3172	HitPoints = 255,
3173	DrawLevel = 10,
3174	TileSize = {4, 4}, BoxSize = {127, 127},
3175	SightRange = 1,
3176	Missile = "missile-none",
3177	Priority = 0,
3178	Type = "land",
3179	Building = true, VisibleUnderFog = true,
3180	Vanishes = true,
3181	Sounds = {}
3184DefineUnitType("unit-revealer", {
3185	Name = "Revealer",
3186	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-eagle-eye",
3187	HitPoints = 1,
3188	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {1, 1},
3189	SightRange = 12,
3190	Missile = "missile-none",
3191	Priority = 0,
3192	DecayRate = 1,
3193	Type = "fly",
3194	VisibleUnderFog = true,
3195	NonSolid = true,
3196	Revealer = true,
3197	DetectCloak = true,
3198	HiddenInEditor = true,
3199	Sounds = {}
3200} )
3202DefineUnitType("unit-ethereal-revealer", {
3203	Name = "Ethereal Revealer",
3204	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-eagle-eye",
3205	HitPoints = 1,
3206	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {1, 1},
3207	SightRange = 12,
3208	Missile = "missile-none",
3209	Priority = 0,
3210	DecayRate = 1,
3211	Type = "fly",
3212	VisibleUnderFog = true,
3213	NonSolid = true,
3214	Revealer = true,
3215	DetectCloak = true,
3216	HiddenInEditor = true,
3217	EtherealVision = 1,
3218	Sounds = {}
3219} )
3221-- Template Units
3223DefineUnitType("unit-template-worker", {
3224	Name = "Worker",
3225	Parent = "unit-template-sapient-unit",
3226	Class = "worker",
3227	Costs = {"time", 45, "copper", 400},
3228	Speed = 10,
3229	HitPoints = 30,
3230	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
3231	SightRange = 4,
3232	AutoRepairRange = 4,
3233	BasicDamage = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
3234	MaxAttackRange = 1,
3235	Accuracy = 8,
3236	Evasion = 9,
3237	Priority = 50,
3238	Points = 30,
3239	Demand = 1,
3240	Gender = "male",
3241	Type = "land",
3242	RightMouseAction = "harvest",
3243	CanAttack = true, RepairRange = 1,
3244	CanTargetLand = true,
3245	Coward = true,
3246	Flesh = true,
3247	ButtonPos = 1,
3248	ButtonKey = "w",
3249	ButtonHint = "Train ~!Worker",
3250	AiDrops = {"unit-christmas-hat"},
3251	CanGatherResources = {
3252		{
3253			"resource-id", "gold",
3254			"resource-capacity", 100,
3255			"resource-step", 4,
3256			"wait-at-resource", 12,
3257			"wait-at-depot", 150
3258		},
3259		{
3260			"resource-id", "silver",
3261			"resource-capacity", 100,
3262			"resource-step", 4,
3263			"wait-at-resource", 12,
3264			"wait-at-depot", 150
3265		},
3266		{
3267			"resource-id", "copper",
3268			"resource-capacity", 100,
3269			"resource-step", 4,
3270			"wait-at-resource", 12,
3271			"wait-at-depot", 150
3272		},
3273		{
3274			"resource-id", "iron",
3275			"resource-capacity", 100,
3276			"resource-step", 4,
3277			"wait-at-resource", 12,
3278			"wait-at-depot", 150
3279		},
3280		{
3281			"resource-id", "mithril",
3282			"resource-capacity", 100,
3283			"resource-step", 4,
3284			"wait-at-resource", 12,
3285			"wait-at-depot", 150
3286		},
3287		{
3288			"resource-id", "lumber",
3289			"resource-capacity", 100,
3290			"resource-step", 4,
3291			"wait-at-resource", 12,
3292			"wait-at-depot", 150
3293		},
3294		{
3295			"resource-id", "stone",
3296			"resource-capacity", 100,
3297			"resource-step", 4,
3298			"wait-at-resource", 12,
3299			"wait-at-depot", 150
3300		},
3301		{
3302			"resource-id", "limestone",
3303			"resource-capacity", 100,
3304			"resource-step", 4,
3305			"wait-at-resource", 12,
3306			"wait-at-depot", 150
3307		},
3308		{
3309			"resource-id", "coal",
3310			"resource-capacity", 100,
3311			"resource-step", 4,
3312			"wait-at-resource", 12,
3313			"wait-at-depot", 150
3314		},
3315		{
3316			"resource-id", "jewelry",
3317			"resource-capacity", 100,
3318			"resource-step", 4,
3319			"wait-at-resource", 12,
3320			"wait-at-depot", 150
3321		},
3322		{
3323			"resource-id", "furniture",
3324			"resource-capacity", 100,
3325			"resource-step", 4,
3326			"wait-at-resource", 12,
3327			"wait-at-depot", 150
3328		},
3329		{
3330			"resource-id", "leather",
3331			"resource-capacity", 100,
3332			"resource-step", 4,
3333			"wait-at-resource", 12,
3334			"wait-at-depot", 150
3335		},
3336		{
3337			"resource-id", "diamonds",
3338			"resource-capacity", 100,
3339			"resource-step", 4,
3340			"wait-at-resource", 12,
3341			"wait-at-depot", 150
3342		},
3343		{
3344			"resource-id", "emeralds",
3345			"resource-capacity", 100,
3346			"resource-step", 4,
3347			"wait-at-resource", 12,
3348			"wait-at-depot", 150
3349		}
3350	},
3351	Sounds = {
3352		"step", "step-dirt",
3353		"step-dirt", "step-dirt",
3354		"step-gravel", "step-gravel",
3355		"step-mud", "step-mud",
3356		"step-stone", "step-stone",
3357		"step-grass", "step-leaves"
3358	}
3359} )
3361DefineUnitType("unit-template-skilled-miner", {
3362	Name = "Skilled Miner",
3363	Parent = "unit-template-worker",
3364	Class = "skilled-miner",
3365	Costs = {"copper", 600},
3366	HitPoints = 40,
3367	BasicDamage = 6,
3368	Accuracy = 9,
3369	Points = 45,
3370	Level = 2,
3371	CopperGatheringBonus = 2,
3372	SilverGatheringBonus = 2,
3373	GoldGatheringBonus = 2,
3374	IronGatheringBonus = 2,
3375	MithrilGatheringBonus = 2,
3376	CoalGatheringBonus = 2,
3377	GemsGatheringBonus = 2
3378} )
3380DefineUnitType("unit-template-expert-miner", {
3381	Name = "Expert Miner",
3382	Parent = "unit-template-skilled-miner",
3383	Class = "expert-miner",
3384	Costs = {"copper", 900},
3385	HitPoints = 50,
3386	BasicDamage = 7,
3387	Accuracy = 10,
3388	Points = 60,
3389	Level = 3,
3390	Inventory = true,
3391	CopperGatheringBonus = 4,
3392	SilverGatheringBonus = 4,
3393	GoldGatheringBonus = 4,
3394	IronGatheringBonus = 4,
3395	MithrilGatheringBonus = 4,
3396	CoalGatheringBonus = 4,
3397	GemsGatheringBonus = 4
3398} )
3400DefineUnitType("unit-template-journeyman-smith", {
3401	Name = "Journeyman Smith",
3402	Parent = "unit-template-worker",
3403	Class = "journeyman-smith",
3404	Costs = {"copper", 600},
3405	HitPoints = 55,
3406	BasicDamage = 9,
3407	Armor = 2,
3408	Accuracy = 10,
3409	Evasion = 10,
3410	Points = 55,
3411	Level = 2,
3412	JewelryGatheringBonus = 2,
3413	Coward = false
3414} )
3416DefineUnitType("unit-template-master-smith", {
3417	Name = "Master Smith",
3418	Parent = "unit-template-journeyman-smith",
3419	Class = "master-smith",
3420	Costs = {"copper", 900},
3421	HitPoints = 65,
3422	BasicDamage = 10,
3423	Points = 70,
3424	Level = 3,
3425	Inventory = true,
3426	JewelryGatheringBonus = 4
3427} )
3429DefineUnitType("unit-template-grandmaster-smith", {
3430	Name = "Grandmaster Smith",
3431	Parent = "unit-template-master-smith",
3432	Class = "master-smith",
3433	Costs = {"copper", 1350},
3434	HitPoints = 75,
3435	BasicDamage = 12,
3436	Points = 85,
3437	Level = 4,
3438	JewelryGatheringBonus = 6
3439} )
3441DefineUnitType("unit-template-militia", {
3442	Name = "Militia",
3443	Parent = "unit-template-sapient-unit",
3444	Class = "militia",
3445	Speed = 10,
3446	HitPoints = 30,
3447	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
3448	SightRange = 4,
3449	Armor = 1, BasicDamage = 6, Missile = "missile-none",
3450	MaxAttackRange = 1,
3451	Accuracy = 10,
3452	Evasion = 10,
3453	Priority = 50,
3454	Points = 30,
3455	Demand = 1,
3456	Gender = "male",
3457	Type = "land",
3458	RightMouseAction = "attack",
3459	CanAttack = true,
3460	CanTargetLand = true,
3461	Flesh = true,
3462	AiDrops = {"unit-christmas-hat"},
3463	Sounds = {
3464		"step", "step-dirt",
3465		"step-dirt", "step-dirt",
3466		"step-grass", "step-leaves",
3467		"step-gravel", "step-gravel",
3468		"step-mud", "step-mud",
3469		"step-stone", "step-stone"
3470	}
3471} )
3473DefineUnitType("unit-template-merchant", {
3474	Name = "Merchant",
3475	Parent = "unit-template-sapient-unit",
3476	Class = "merchant",
3477	Strength = 10,
3478	Dexterity = 11,
3479	Intelligence = 12,
3480	Charisma = 12,
3481	Speed = 10,
3482	HitPoints = 45,
3483	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
3484	SightRange = 4,
3485	BasicDamage = 6, Missile = "missile-none",
3486	MaxAttackRange = 1,
3487	Accuracy = 10,
3488	Evasion = 12,
3489	Priority = 50,
3490	Points = 75,
3491	Demand = 1,
3492	Gender = "male",
3493	Type = "land",
3494	RightMouseAction = "harvest",
3495	CanAttack = true,
3496	CanTargetLand = true,
3497	Coward = true,
3498	Flesh = true,
3499	ButtonPos = 1,
3500	ButtonKey = "m",
3501	ButtonHint = "Train ~!Merchant",
3502	Trader = true,
3503	AiDrops = {"unit-christmas-hat"},
3504	CanGatherResources = {
3505		{
3506			"resource-id", "trade",
3507			"resource-capacity", 100,
3508			"resource-step", 4,
3509			"wait-at-resource", 6,
3510			"wait-at-depot", 150
3511		}
3512	},
3513	Sounds = {
3514		"step", "step-dirt",
3515		"step-dirt", "step-dirt",
3516		"step-gravel", "step-gravel",
3517		"step-mud", "step-mud",
3518		"step-stone", "step-stone",
3519		"step-grass", "step-leaves"
3520	}
3521} )
3523DefineUnitType("unit-template-heroic-merchant", {
3524	Name = "Heroic Merchant",
3525	Parent = "unit-template-merchant",
3526	Class = "heroic-merchant",
3527	Costs = {"time", 120, "copper", 1200},
3528	Strength = 10,
3529	Dexterity = 12,
3530	Intelligence = 13,
3531	Charisma = 14,
3532	HitPoints = 60,
3533	BasicDamage = 7,
3534	Evasion = 14,
3535	Points = 90,
3536	Level = 3,
3537	LeadershipAura = 1,
3538	Inventory = true,
3539	CanGatherResources = {
3540		{
3541			"resource-id", "trade",
3542			"resource-step", 8
3543		}
3544	}
3545} )
3547DefineUnitType("unit-template-infantry", {
3548	Name = "Infantry",
3549	Parent = "unit-template-sapient-unit",
3550	Class = "infantry",
3551	Costs = {"time", 60, "copper", 600},
3552	Strength = 11,
3553	Speed = 10,
3554	HitPoints = 60,
3555	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
3556	SightRange = 4,
3557	Armor = 2, BasicDamage = 9, Missile = "missile-none",
3558	MaxAttackRange = 1,
3559	Accuracy = 10,
3560	Evasion = 10,
3561	Priority = 60,
3562	Points = 50,
3563	Demand = 1,
3564	Gender = "male",
3565	Type = "land",
3566	RightMouseAction = "attack",
3567	CanAttack = true,
3568	CanTargetLand = true,
3569	Flesh = true,
3570	CanCastSpell = {"spell-stun"},
3571	AutoCastActive = {"spell-stun"},
3572	ButtonPos = 1,
3573	AiDrops = {"unit-christmas-hat"},
3574	Sounds = {
3575		"step", "step-dirt",
3576		"step-dirt", "step-dirt",
3577		"step-gravel", "step-gravel",
3578		"step-mud", "step-mud",
3579		"step-stone", "step-stone",
3580		"step-grass", "step-leaves"
3581	}
3582} )
3584DefineUnitType("unit-template-veteran-infantry", {
3585	Name = "Veteran Infantry",
3586	Parent = "unit-template-infantry",
3587	Class = "veteran-infantry",
3588	Costs = {"time", 90, "copper", 900},
3589	Strength = 12,
3590	Dexterity = 12,
3591	Intelligence = 11,
3592	Charisma = 11,
3593	HitPoints = 75,
3594	BasicDamage = 10,
3595	Points = 75,
3596	Level = 2,
3597	Type = "land",
3598	RightMouseAction = "attack",
3599	CanAttack = true,
3600	CanTargetLand = true,
3601	AiDrops = {"unit-horn", "unit-amulet", "unit-ring"}
3604DefineUnitType("unit-template-heroic-infantry", {
3605	Name = "Heroic Infantry",
3606	Parent = "unit-template-veteran-infantry",
3607	Class = "heroic-infantry",
3608	Costs = {"time", 120, "copper", 1200},
3609	Strength = 13,
3610	Dexterity = 12,
3611	Intelligence = 12,
3612	Charisma = 12,
3613	HitPoints = 90,
3614	BasicDamage = 12,
3615	Points = 100,
3616	Level = 3,
3617	Type = "land",
3618	RightMouseAction = "attack",
3619	Inventory = true,
3620	Mana = {Enable = true, Max = 225, Value = 225, Increase = 1},
3621	AiDrops = {"unit-crown"}
3624DefineUnitType("unit-template-spearman", {
3625	Name = "Spearman",
3626	Parent = "unit-template-infantry",
3627	Class = "spearman",
3628	Costs = {"time", 50, "copper", 400, "lumber", 100},
3629	BasicDamage = 5, -- reduced damage, since it is cheaper, and because it has a bonus against mounted units
3630	BonusAgainstMounted = 100,
3631	Armor = 1,
3632	WeaponClasses = {"spear"},
3633	PierceDamage = true,
3634	CanCastSpell = {"spell-puncture"},
3635	AutoCastActive = {"spell-puncture"},
3636	ButtonPos = 2,
3637	Sounds = {
3638		"hit", "spear-attack",
3639		"miss", "spear-miss"
3640	}
3643DefineUnitType("unit-template-veteran-spearman", {
3644	Name = "Veteran Spearman",
3645	Parent = "unit-template-spearman",
3646	Class = "veteran-spearman",
3647	Costs = {"time", 75, "copper", 600, "lumber", 150},
3648	Strength = 12,
3649	Dexterity = 12,
3650	Intelligence = 11,
3651	Charisma = 11,
3652	HitPoints = 75,
3653	BasicDamage = 6,
3654	Points = 75,
3655	Level = 2,
3656	AiDrops = {"unit-horn", "unit-amulet", "unit-ring"}
3659DefineUnitType("unit-template-heroic-spearman", {
3660	Name = "Heroic Spearman",
3661	Parent = "unit-template-veteran-spearman",
3662	Class = "heroic-spearman",
3663	Costs = {"time", 100, "copper", 800, "lumber", 200},
3664	Strength = 13,
3665	Dexterity = 12,
3666	Intelligence = 12,
3667	Charisma = 12,
3668	HitPoints = 90,
3669	BasicDamage = 7,
3670	Points = 100,
3671	Level = 3,
3672	Inventory = true,
3673	Mana = {Enable = true, Max = 225, Value = 225, Increase = 1},
3674	AiDrops = {"unit-crown"}
3677DefineUnitType("unit-template-archer", {
3678	Name = "Shooter",
3679	Parent = "unit-template-sapient-unit",
3680	Class = "shooter",
3681	Costs = {"time", 70, "copper", 500, "lumber", 150},
3682	Dexterity = 11,
3683	Speed = 10,
3684	HitPoints = 40,
3685	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
3686	SightRange = 6,
3687	BasicDamage = 9,
3688	Missile = "missile-arrow",
3689	FireMissile = "missile-flaming-arrow",
3690	MaxAttackRange = 5,
3691	Accuracy = 10,
3692	Evasion = 10,
3693	Priority = 55,
3694	Points = 60,
3695	Demand = 1,
3696	Gender = "male",
3697	Type = "land",
3698	RightMouseAction = "attack",
3699	CanAttack = true,
3700	CanTargetLand = true, CanTargetSea = true, CanTargetAir = true,
3701	Flesh = true,
3702	AttackFromTransporter = true,
3703	ButtonPos = 3,
3704	RequirementsString = "Lumber Mill",
3705	AiDrops = {"unit-christmas-hat"},
3706	Sounds = {
3707		"step", "step-dirt",
3708		"step-dirt", "step-dirt",
3709		"step-gravel", "step-gravel",
3710		"step-mud", "step-mud",
3711		"step-stone", "step-stone",
3712		"step-grass", "step-leaves"
3713	}
3714} )
3716DefineUnitType("unit-template-veteran-shooter", {
3717	Name = "Veteran Shooter",
3718	Parent = "unit-template-archer",
3719	Class = "veteran-shooter",
3720	Costs = {"time", 105, "copper", 750, "lumber", 225},
3721	Strength = 11,
3722	Dexterity = 12,
3723	Intelligence = 11,
3724	Charisma = 11,
3725	HitPoints = 50,
3726	BasicDamage = 10,
3727	Accuracy = 11,
3728	Points = 90,
3729	Level = 2,
3730	AiDrops = {"unit-horn", "unit-amulet", "unit-ring"}
3731} )
3733DefineUnitType("unit-template-heroic-shooter", {
3734	Name = "Heroic Shooter",
3735	Parent = "unit-template-veteran-shooter",
3736	Class = "heroic-shooter",
3737	Costs = {"time", 140, "copper", 1000, "lumber", 300},
3738	Strength = 12,
3739	Dexterity = 13,
3740	Intelligence = 12,
3741	Charisma = 12,
3742	HitPoints = 60,
3743	BasicDamage = 11,
3744	Accuracy = 12,
3745	Points = 120,
3746	Level = 3,
3747	Mana = {Enable = true, Max = 225, Value = 225, Increase = 1},
3748	Inventory = true,
3749	CanCastSpell = {"spell-precise-shot"},
3750	AutoCastActive = {"spell-precise-shot"},
3751	AiDrops = {"unit-crown"}
3752} )
3754DefineUnitType("unit-template-gunpowder-infantry", {
3755	Name = "Gunpowder Infantry",
3756	Parent = "unit-template-archer",
3757	Class = "gunpowder-infantry",
3758	Costs = {"time", 70, "copper", 800, "lumber", 0},
3759	BasicDamage = 18,
3760	Missile = "missile-bullet",
3761	FireMissile = "missile-bullet",
3762	MaxAttackRange = 4,
3763	Accuracy = 7,
3764	Priority = 55,
3765	Points = 95,
3766	PierceDamage = true,
3767	WeaponClasses = {"gun"},
3768	Mana = {Enable = true, Max = 75, Value = 75, Increase = 1},
3769	CanCastSpell = {"spell-precise-shot"},
3770	AutoCastActive = {"spell-precise-shot"},
3771	Gender = "male",
3772	RequirementsString = "Smithy and Gunpowder"
3773} )
3775DefineUnitType("unit-template-thief", {
3776	Name = "Thief",
3777	Parent = "unit-template-sapient-unit",
3778	Class = "thief",
3779	Costs = {"time", 45, "copper", 400},
3780	Dexterity = 11,
3781	Intelligence = 11,
3782	Charisma = 11,
3783	Speed = 10,
3784	HitPoints = 40,
3785	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
3786	SightRange = 4,
3787	BasicDamage = 6, Missile = "missile-none",
3788	MaxAttackRange = 1,
3789	Backstab = 100,
3790	Accuracy = 12,
3791	Evasion = 12,
3792	Mugging = 50,
3793	Priority = 50,
3794	Points = 30,
3795	Demand = 1,
3796	Gender = "male",
3797	Type = "land",
3798	RightMouseAction = "attack",
3799	CanAttack = true,
3800	CanTargetLand = true,
3801	Flesh = true,
3802	HiddenOwnership = true,
3803	CanCastSpell = {"spell-puncture"},
3804	AutoCastActive = {"spell-puncture"},
3805	AiDrops = {"unit-christmas-hat"},
3806	Sounds = {
3807		"step", "step-dirt",
3808		"step-dirt", "step-dirt",
3809		"step-gravel", "step-gravel",
3810		"step-mud", "step-mud",
3811		"step-stone", "step-stone",
3812		"step-grass", "step-leaves"
3813	}
3814} )
3816DefineUnitType("unit-template-cavalry", {
3817	Name = "Cavalry",
3818	Parent = "unit-template-sapient-unit",
3819	Class = "cavalry",
3820	Costs = {"time", 90, "copper", 900},
3821	Strength = 12,
3822	Dexterity = 11,
3823	Intelligence = 11,
3824	Charisma = 11,
3825	Speed = 13,
3826	HitPoints = 75,
3827	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {42, 42},
3828	SightRange = 4,
3829	Armor = 2, BasicDamage = 10, Missile = "missile-none",
3830	MaxAttackRange = 1,
3831	Accuracy = 10,
3832	Evasion = 9,
3833	ChargeBonus = 5,
3834	Priority = 63,
3835	Points = 75,
3836	Demand = 2,
3837	Gender = "male",
3838	Level = 2,
3839	Type = "land",
3840	RightMouseAction = "attack",
3841	CanAttack = true,
3842	CanTargetLand = true,
3843	Mounted = true,
3844	Flesh = true,
3845	Mana = {Enable = true, Max = 150, Value = 150, Increase = 1},
3846	ButtonPos = 4,
3847	AiDrops = {"unit-christmas-hat", "unit-horn", "unit-amulet", "unit-ring"},
3848	Sounds = {
3849		"step", "step-dirt",
3850		"step-dirt", "step-dirt",
3851		"step-gravel", "step-gravel",
3852		"step-mud", "step-mud",
3853		"step-stone", "step-stone",
3854		"step-grass", "step-leaves"
3855	}
3856} )
3858DefineUnitType("unit-template-heroic-cavalry", {
3859	Name = "Heroic Cavalry",
3860	Parent = "unit-template-cavalry",
3861	Class = "heroic-cavalry",
3862	Costs = {"time", 120, "copper", 1200},
3863	Strength = 13,
3864	Dexterity = 12,
3865	Intelligence = 12,
3866	Charisma = 12,
3867	HitPoints = 90,
3868	BasicDamage = 12,
3869	Points = 100,
3870	Level = 3,
3871	Inventory = true,
3872	Mana = {Enable = true, Max = 225, Value = 225, Increase = 1},
3873	CanCastSpell = {"spell-stun"},
3874	AutoCastActive = {"spell-stun"},
3875	AiDrops = {"unit-crown"}
3876} )
3878DefineUnitType("unit-template-desert-cavalry", {
3879	Name = "Desert Cavalry",
3880	Parent = "unit-template-cavalry",
3881	Class = "desert-cavalry",
3882	Speed = 12,
3883	DehydrationImmunity = 1
3884} )
3886DefineUnitType("unit-template-heroic-desert-cavalry", {
3887	Name = "Heroic Desert Cavalry",
3888	Parent = "unit-template-heroic-cavalry",
3889	Class = "heroic-desert-cavalry",
3890	Costs = {"time", 120, "copper", 1200},
3891	Speed = 12,
3892	DehydrationImmunity = 1
3893} )
3895DefineUnitType("unit-template-spear-cavalry", {
3896	Name = "Spear Cavalry",
3897	Parent = "unit-template-sapient-unit",
3898	Class = "spear-cavalry",
3899	Costs = {"time", 90, "copper", 900},
3900	Strength = 12,
3901	Dexterity = 11,
3902	Intelligence = 11,
3903	Charisma = 11,
3904	Speed = 13,
3905	HitPoints = 75,
3906	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {42, 42},
3907	SightRange = 4,
3908	Armor = 2, BasicDamage = 8, Missile = "missile-none",
3909	MaxAttackRange = 1,
3910	Accuracy = 10,
3911	Evasion = 9,
3912	ChargeBonus = 10,
3913	Priority = 63,
3914	Points = 75,
3915	Demand = 2,
3916	Gender = "male",
3917	Level = 2,
3918	Type = "land",
3919	RightMouseAction = "attack",
3920	CanAttack = true,
3921	CanTargetLand = true,
3922	Mounted = true,
3923	Flesh = true,
3924	Mana = {Enable = true, Max = 150, Value = 150, Increase = 1},
3925	ButtonPos = 4,
3926	AiDrops = {"unit-christmas-hat", "unit-horn", "unit-amulet", "unit-ring"},
3927	Sounds = {
3928		"step", "step-dirt",
3929		"step-dirt", "step-dirt",
3930		"step-gravel", "step-gravel",
3931		"step-mud", "step-mud",
3932		"step-stone", "step-stone",
3933		"step-grass", "step-leaves"
3934	}
3935} )
3937DefineUnitType("unit-template-heroic-spear-cavalry", {
3938	Name = "Heroic Spear Cavalry",
3939	Parent = "unit-template-spear-cavalry",
3940	Class = "heroic-spear-cavalry",
3941	Costs = {"time", 120, "copper", 1200},
3942	Strength = 13,
3943	Dexterity = 12,
3944	Intelligence = 12,
3945	Charisma = 12,
3946	HitPoints = 90,
3947	BasicDamage = 10,
3948	Points = 100,
3949	Level = 3,
3950	Inventory = true,
3951	Mana = {Enable = true, Max = 225, Value = 225, Increase = 1},
3952	CanCastSpell = {"spell-stun"},
3953	AutoCastActive = {"spell-stun"},
3954	AiDrops = {"unit-crown"}
3955} )
3957DefineUnitType("unit-template-priest", {
3958	Name = "Priest",
3959	Parent = "unit-template-sapient-unit",
3960	Class = "priest",
3961	Costs = {"time", 80, "copper", 700},
3962	Intelligence = 12,
3963	Charisma = 12,
3964	Speed = 8,
3965	HitPoints = 40,
3966	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
3967	SightRange = 9,
3968	BasicDamage = 6, Missile = "missile-none",
3969	MaxAttackRange = 1,
3970	Accuracy = 8,
3971	Evasion = 8,
3972	Priority = 70,
3973	Points = 60,
3974	Demand = 1,
3975	Gender = "male",
3976	Type = "land",
3977	RightMouseAction = "attack",
3978	Coward = true,
3979	CanAttack = true,
3980	CanTargetLand = true,
3981	Flesh = true,
3982	Mana = {Enable = true, Max = 190, Value = 190, Increase = 1},
3983	ButtonPos = 1,
3984	RequirementsString = "Any Deity or Religion",
3985	AiDrops = {"unit-christmas-hat", "unit-crown", "unit-amulet", "unit-ring", "unit-scroll", "unit-book"},
3986	DropSpells = {"spell-detachment", "spell-forgetfulness", "spell-retraining"},
3987	Sounds = {
3988		"step", "step-dirt",
3989		"step-dirt", "step-dirt",
3990		"step-gravel", "step-gravel",
3991		"step-mud", "step-mud",
3992		"step-stone", "step-stone",
3993		"step-grass", "step-leaves"
3994	}
3995} )
3997DefineUnitType("unit-template-veteran-priest", {
3998	Name = "Veteran Priest",
3999	Parent = "unit-template-priest",
4000	Class = "veteran-priest",
4001	Costs = {"time", 120, "copper", 1050},
4002	Intelligence = 13,
4003	Charisma = 13,
4004	HitPoints = 50,
4005	Points = 90,
4006	Level = 2,
4007	Mana = {Enable = true, Max = 380, Value = 380, Increase = 1}
4008} )
4010DefineUnitType("unit-template-high-priest", {
4011	Name = "High Priest",
4012	Parent = "unit-template-veteran-priest",
4013	Class = "high-priest",
4014	Costs = {"time", 160, "copper", 1400},
4015	Intelligence = 14,
4016	Charisma = 14,
4017	HitPoints = 60,
4018	Points = 120,
4019	Level = 3,
4020	Mana = {Enable = true, Max = 570, Value = 570, Increase = 1}
4021} )
4023DefineUnitType("unit-template-flying-rider", {
4024	Name = "Flying Rider",
4025	Parent = "unit-template-sapient-unit",
4026	Class = "flying-rider",
4027	Costs = {"time", 250, "copper", 1750, "lumber", 750},
4028	Strength = 12,
4029	Dexterity = 13,
4030	Intelligence = 12,
4031	Charisma = 12,
4032	Speed = 14,
4033	HitPoints = 100,
4034	DrawLevel = 60,
4035	TileSize = {2, 2}, BoxSize = {63, 63},
4036	SightRange = 6,
4037	BasicDamage = 12, Missile = "missile-arrow",
4038	MaxAttackRange = 5,
4039	Accuracy = 10,
4040	Evasion = 10,
4041	Priority = 65,
4042	Points = 100,
4043	Level = 3,
4044	Demand = 2,
4045	Mana = {Enable = true, Max = 225, Value = 225, Increase = 1},
4046	Gender = "male",
4047	Type = "fly",
4048	RightMouseAction = "attack",
4049	CanAttack = true,
4050	CanTargetLand = true, CanTargetSea = true, CanTargetAir = true,
4051	DetectCloak = true,
4052	Flesh = true,
4053	Mounted = true,
4054	Inventory = true,
4055	CanCastSpell = {"spell-precise-shot"},
4056	AutoCastActive = {"spell-precise-shot"},
4057	ButtonPos = 6,
4058	AiDrops = {"unit-christmas-hat", "unit-horn", "unit-crown", "unit-amulet", "unit-ring"},
4059	Sounds = {
4060	}
4061} )
4063DefineUnitType("unit-template-siege-engine", {
4064	Name = "Siege Engine",
4065	Parent = "unit-template-unit",
4066	Class = "siege-engine",
4067	Costs = {"time", 250, "copper", 900, "lumber", 900},
4068	RepairHp = 4,
4069	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
4070	Speed = 5,
4071	HitPoints = 110,
4072	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {63, 63},
4073	SightRange = 9,
4074--	BasicDamage = 75,
4075	BasicDamage = 60,
4076	Missile = "missile-catapult-sandstone-rock",
4077	FireMissile = "missile-flaming-catapult-rock",
4078	MinAttackRange = 2, MaxAttackRange = 8,
4079	Accuracy = 8,
4080	Evasion = 2,
4081	Priority = 70,
4082	Points = 100,
4083	Demand = 2,
4084	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4085	Type = "land",
4086	RightMouseAction = "attack",
4087	GroundAttack = true,
4088	CanAttack = true,
4089	CanTargetLand = true, CanTargetSea = true,
4090	NoFriendlyFire = true, -- don't attack a target if friendly units would get hurt too
4091	ButtonPos = 5,
4092	RequirementsString = "Lumber Mill, Smithy and Engineering",
4093	Sounds = {
4094		"selected", "click",
4095		"step", "step-dirt",
4096		"step-dirt", "step-dirt",
4097		"step-gravel", "step-gravel",
4098		"step-mud", "step-mud",
4099		"step-stone", "step-stone",
4100		"step-grass", "step-leaves"
4101	}
4104DefineUnitType("unit-template-catapult", {
4105	Name = "Catapult",
4106	Parent = "unit-template-siege-engine",
4107	Accuracy = 7,
4108	Missile = "missile-catapult-sandstone-rock",
4109	FireMissile = "missile-flaming-catapult-rock",
4110	BonusAgainstBuildings = 25
4113DefineUnitType("unit-template-ballista", {
4114	Name = "Ballista",
4115	Parent = "unit-template-siege-engine"
4118DefineUnitType("unit-template-ship", {
4119	Name = "Ship",
4120	Parent = "unit-template-unit",
4121	RepairHp = 4,
4122	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
4123--	Corpse = "unit-dead-sea-body",
4124	Type = "naval",
4125	Sounds = {
4126		"selected", "ship-selected",
4127		"ready", "ship-selected",
4128		"acknowledge", "ship-move",
4129		"dead", "ship-destroyed"
4130	}
4133DefineUnitType("unit-template-transport-ship", {
4134	Name = "Transport",
4135	Parent = "unit-template-ship",
4136	Class = "transport-ship",
4137	Animations = "animations-transport-ship",
4138	Costs = {"time", 70, "copper", 600, "lumber", 2100},
4139	Speed = 8,
4140	HitPoints = 150,
4141	MaxOnBoard = 3,
4142	TileSize = {2, 2}, BoxSize = {63, 63},
4143	SightRange = 4,
4144	Armor = 5,
4145	Missile = "missile-none",
4146	MaxAttackRange = 1,
4147	GarrisonedRangeBonus = 1,
4148	Evasion = 5,
4149	Priority = 70, AnnoyComputerFactor = 15,
4150	Points = 40,
4151	Demand = 2,
4152	CanTargetLand = true, CanTargetSea = true, CanTargetAir = true,
4153	RightMouseAction = "harvest",
4154	CanTransport = {"LandUnit", "only"},
4155	SideAttack = true,
4156	CanDock = true,
4157	AttackFromTransporter = true,
4158	Trader = true,
4159	ButtonPos = 1,
4160	ButtonKey = "t",
4161	ButtonHint = "Build ~!Transport",
4162	RequirementsString = "Lumber Mill",
4163	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-slowness", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-speed", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-swiftness", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
4164	CanGatherResources = {
4165		{
4166			"resource-id", "trade",
4167			"resource-capacity", 600,
4168			"resource-step", 4,
4169			"wait-at-resource", 6,
4170			"wait-at-depot", 150
4171		}
4172	}
4175DefineUnitType("unit-template-siege-warship", {
4176	Name = "Siege Warship",
4177	Parent = "unit-template-ship",
4178	Class = "siege-warship",
4179	Animations = "animations-siege-warship",
4180	Costs = {"time", 90, "copper", 700, "lumber", 3150},
4181	Speed = 8,
4182	HitPoints = 100,
4183	TileSize = {2, 2}, BoxSize = {63, 63},
4184	SightRange = 8,
4185	Armor = 10,
4186	BasicDamage = 35,
4187	Missile = "missile-catapult-sandstone-rock",
4188	FireMissile = "missile-flaming-catapult-rock",
4189	MaxAttackRange = 4,
4190	Accuracy = 8,
4191	Evasion = 5,
4192	Priority = 65, AnnoyComputerFactor = 20,
4193	Points = 130,
4194	Demand = 2,
4195	CanTargetLand = true, CanTargetSea = true, CanTargetAir = true,
4196	RightMouseAction = "attack",
4197	SideAttack = true,
4198	CanAttack = true,
4199	CanDock = true,
4200	GroundAttack = true,
4201	NoFriendlyFire = true, -- don't attack a target if friendly units would get hurt too
4202	RequirementsString = "Lumber Mill, Smithy and Engineering",
4203	Sounds = {
4204		"fire-missile", "catapult-attack"
4205	}
4208DefineUnitType("unit-template-town-hall", {
4209	Name = "Town Hall",
4210	Parent = "unit-template-building",
4211	Class = "town-hall",
4212	Costs = {"time", 255, "copper", 1200, "lumber", 2400},
4213	RepairHp = 4,
4214	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
4215	Construction = "construction-town-hall",
4216	HitPoints = 1000, -- 1200 with masonry
4217	TileSize = {4, 4}, BoxSize = {127, 127},
4218	SightRange = 6,
4219	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 5,
4220	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
4221	Priority = 35, AnnoyComputerFactor = 45,
4222	Points = 200,
4223	Supply = 5,
4224	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-4x4-place",
4225	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4226	Type = "land",
4227	TownHall = true,
4228	MetalImprove = true, LumberImprove = true, StoneImprove = true,
4229	BuilderOutside = true,
4230	RecruitHeroes = true,
4231	IncreasesLuxuryDemand = true,
4232	CanStore = {"copper", "silver", "gold", "iron", "mithril", "lumber", "stone", "limestone", "coal", "jewelry", "furniture", "leather", "diamonds", "emeralds"},
4233	Drops = {"unit-wood-pile"},
4234	RightMouseAction = "rally-point",
4235	BurnPercent = 50,
4236	BurnDamageRate = 1,
4237	ButtonPos = 1,
4238	ButtonKey = "h",
4239	ButtonHint = "Build Town ~!Hall",
4240	ResourceDemand = {"jewelry", 5, "furniture", 5, "leather", 5},
4241	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-industrious", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-diligence", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
4242	AiDrops = {"unit-hammer", "unit-mining-pick", "unit-christmas-hat", "unit-crown", "unit-amulet", "unit-ring", "unit-scroll", "unit-book"}, -- worker-related items, as well as those we would expect a center of administration to have
4243	DropSpells = {"spell-detachment", "spell-forgetfulness", "spell-retraining"},
4244	BuildingRulesString = "Must be built on a Settlement Site",
4245	Sounds = {
4246		"selected", "town-hall-selected",
4247--		"acknowledge", "town-hall-acknowledge",
4248		"ready", "town-hall-ready",
4249--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4250		"dead", "building-destroyed"
4251	}
4252} )
4254DefineUnitType("unit-template-stronghold", {
4255	Name = "Stronghold",
4256	Parent = "unit-template-town-hall",
4257	Class = "stronghold",
4258	Animations = "animations-stronghold",
4259	Costs = {"time", 200, "copper", 2000, "lumber", 2100, "stone", 1500},
4260	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1, "stone", 1},
4261	HitPoints = 1167, -- 1400 with masonry
4262	SightRange = 9,
4263	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 8,
4264	BasicDamage = 9,
4265	MaxAttackRange = 6,
4266	GarrisonedRangeBonus = 1,
4267	Accuracy = 10,
4268	Missile = "missile-arrow",
4269	FireMissile = "missile-flaming-arrow",
4270	Priority = 37, AnnoyComputerFactor = 40,
4271	Points = 600,
4272	MaxOnBoard = 3,
4273	CanTransport = {"LandUnit", "only", "Organic", "only", "Fauna", "false"},
4274	CanAttack = true,
4275	CanTargetLand = true, CanTargetSea = true, CanTargetAir = true,
4276	AttackFromTransporter = true,
4277	SaveCargo = true,
4278	PierceDamage = true,
4279	ButtonLevelForTransporter = "garrison-level",
4280	Drops = {"unit-stone-pile"},
4281	AiDrops = {}, -- worker-related items, as well as those we would expect a center of administration to have; and military ones, since this is a stronghold
4282	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-suffix-of-the-colossus"},
4283	RequirementsString = "Barracks and Masonry",
4284	Sounds = {
4285		"selected", "fortress-selected",
4286--		"acknowledge", "town-hall-acknowledge",
4287		"ready", "fortress-ready",
4288--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4289		"fire-missile", "bow"
4290	}
4291} )
4293DefineUnitType("unit-template-farm", {
4294	Name = "Farm",
4295	Parent = "unit-template-building",
4296	Class = "farm",
4297	Costs = {"time", 100, "copper", 500, "lumber", 750},
4298	RepairHp = 4,
4299	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
4300	Construction = "construction-land",
4301	HitPoints = 334, -- 400 with masonry
4302	TileSize = {2, 2}, BoxSize = {63, 63},
4303	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 2,
4304	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
4305	Priority = 20, AnnoyComputerFactor = 45,
4306	Points = 100,
4307	Supply = 4,
4308--	HydratingAura = 1,
4309	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-2x2-place",
4310	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4311	Drops = {"unit-cheese", "unit-carrots", "unit-wood-pile"},
4312	Type = "land",
4313	BuilderOutside = true,
4314	IncreasesLuxuryDemand = true,
4315	BurnPercent = 50,
4316	BurnDamageRate = 1,
4317	ButtonPos = 2,
4318	ButtonKey = "f",
4319	ButtonHint = "Build ~!Farm",
4320	ResourceDemand = {"furniture", 1, "leather", 1},
4321	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
4322	Sounds = {
4323		"selected", "farm-selected",
4324--		"acknowledge", "farm-acknowledge",
4325		"ready", "farm-ready",
4326--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4327		"dead", "building-destroyed"
4328	}
4329} )
4331DefineUnitType("unit-template-barracks", {
4332	Name = "Barracks",
4333	Parent = "unit-template-building",
4334	Class = "barracks",
4335	Costs = {"time", 200, "copper", 700, "lumber", 1350},
4336	RepairHp = 4,
4337	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
4338	Construction = "construction-land",
4339	HitPoints = 667, -- 800 with masonry
4340	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
4341	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 2,
4342	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
4343	Priority = 30, AnnoyComputerFactor = 35,
4344	Points = 160,
4345	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
4346	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4347	Type = "land",
4348	BuilderOutside = true,
4349	IncreasesLuxuryDemand = true,
4350	GarrisonTraining = true,
4351	Drops = {"unit-wood-pile"},
4352	RightMouseAction = "rally-point",
4353	CostModifier = 25,
4354	BurnPercent = 50,
4355	BurnDamageRate = 1,
4356	ButtonPos = 3,
4357	ButtonKey = "b",
4358	ButtonHint = "Build ~!Barracks",
4359	ResourceDemand = {"furniture", 3, "leather", 3},
4360	AiDrops = {"unit-club"},
4361	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-industrious", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-diligence", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
4362	Sounds = {
4363		"selected", "barracks-selected",
4364--		"acknowledge", "barracks-acknowledge",
4365		"ready", "barracks-ready",
4366--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4367		"dead", "building-destroyed"
4368	}
4369} )
4371DefineUnitType("unit-template-lumber-mill", {
4372	Name = "Lumber Mill",
4373	Parent = "unit-template-building",
4374	Class = "lumber-mill",
4375	Costs = {"time", 150, "copper", 600, "lumber", 1350},
4376	RepairHp = 4,
4377	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
4378	ImproveProduction = {"lumber", 25},
4379	Construction = "construction-land",
4380	HitPoints = 500, -- 600 with masonry
4381	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
4382	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 2,
4383	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
4384	Priority = 25, AnnoyComputerFactor = 15,
4385	Points = 150,
4386	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
4387	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4388	Type = "land",
4389	LumberImprove = true,
4390	CanStore = {"lumber"},
4391	BuilderOutside = true,
4392	CanHarvest = true, -- cannot produce a resource inherently, but can produce furniture through a button
4393	Inexhaustible = true,
4394	IncreasesLuxuryDemand = true,
4395	MaxHarvesters = 5,
4396	Drops = {"unit-wood-pile"},
4397	CostModifier = 25,
4398	BurnPercent = 50,
4399	BurnDamageRate = 1,
4400	ButtonPos = 4,
4401	ButtonKey = "l",
4402	ButtonHint = "Build ~!Lumber Mill",
4403	ResourceDemand = {"jewelry", 1, "furniture", 3, "leather", 3},
4404	BuildingRulesString = "Cannot be built close to town halls",
4405	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-industrious", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-diligence", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
4406	Sounds = {
4407		"selected", "lumber-mill-selected",
4408--		"acknowledge", "dwarven-lumber-mill-acknowledge",
4409		"ready", "storehouse-ready",
4410--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4411		"dead", "building-destroyed"
4412	}
4413} )
4415DefineUnitType("unit-template-smithy", {
4416	Name = "Smithy",
4417	Parent = "unit-template-building",
4418	Class = "smithy",
4419--	Costs = {"time", 200, "copper", 800, "lumber", 450, "oil", 100},
4420	Costs = {"time", 200, "copper", 800, "lumber", 1650},
4421	RepairHp = 4,
4422	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
4423	Construction = "construction-land-active",
4424	Animations = "animations-active-building",
4425	HitPoints = 646, -- 775 with masonry
4426	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
4427	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 2,
4428	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
4429	Priority = 15, AnnoyComputerFactor = 20,
4430	Points = 170,
4431	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
4432	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4433	Type = "land",
4434	BuilderOutside = true,
4435	MetalImprove = true,
4436	CanHarvest = true, -- cannot produce a resource inherently, but can produce jewelry through a button
4437	Inexhaustible = true,
4438	IncreasesLuxuryDemand = true,
4439	MaxHarvesters = 5,
4440	CanStore = {"copper", "silver", "gold", "iron", "mithril", "coal", "diamonds", "emeralds"},
4441	Drops = {"unit-wood-pile"},
4442	CostModifier = 25,
4443	BurnPercent = 50,
4444	BurnDamageRate = 1,
4445	ButtonPos = 5,
4446	ButtonKey = "s",
4447	ButtonHint = "Build ~!Smithy",
4448	AiDrops = {"unit-hammer", "unit-mining-pick", "unit-club", "unit-crown", "unit-amulet", "unit-ring"},
4449	ResourceDemand = {"jewelry", 1, "furniture", 3, "leather", 3},
4450	BuildingRulesString = "Cannot be built close to town halls or mines",
4451	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-industrious", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-diligence", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
4452	Sounds = {
4453		"selected", "smithy-selected",
4454--		"acknowledge", "dwarven-lumber-mill-acknowledge",
4455		"ready", "smithy-ready",
4456--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4457		"dead", "building-destroyed"
4458	}
4459} )
4461DefineUnitType("unit-template-masons-shop", {
4462	Name = "Mason's Shop",
4463	Parent = "unit-template-building",
4464	Class = "masons-shop",
4465	Costs = {"time", 150, "copper", 600, "lumber", 1350},
4466	RepairHp = 4,
4467	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
4468	ImproveProduction = {"stone", 25},
4469	Construction = "construction-land",
4470	HitPoints = 500, -- 600 with masonry
4471	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
4472	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 2,
4473	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
4474	Priority = 25, AnnoyComputerFactor = 15,
4475	Points = 150,
4476	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
4477	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4478	Type = "land",
4479	StoneImprove = true,
4480	CanStore = {"stone"},
4481	BuilderOutside = true,
4482	IncreasesLuxuryDemand = true,
4483	MaxHarvesters = 5,
4484	Drops = {"unit-wood-pile", "unit-stone-pile"},
4485	CostModifier = 25,
4486	BurnPercent = 50,
4487	BurnDamageRate = 1,
4488	ResourceDemand = {"jewelry", 1, "furniture", 3, "leather", 3},
4489	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-industrious", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-diligence", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
4490	Sounds = {
4491		"selected", "storehouse-selected",
4492--		"acknowledge", "dwarven-lumber-mill-acknowledge",
4493		"ready", "storehouse-ready",
4494--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4495		"dead", "building-destroyed"
4496	}
4497} )
4499DefineUnitType("unit-template-stables", {
4500	Name = "Stables",
4501	Parent = "unit-template-building",
4502	Class = "stables",
4503	Costs = {"time", 150, "copper", 1000, "lumber", 900},
4504	RepairHp = 4,
4505	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
4506	Construction = "construction-land",
4507	HitPoints = 417, -- 500 with masonry
4508	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
4509	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 2,
4510	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
4511	Priority = 15, AnnoyComputerFactor = 15,
4512	Points = 210,
4513	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
4514	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4515	Type = "land",
4516	BuilderOutside = true,
4517	IncreasesLuxuryDemand = true,
4518	Drops = {"unit-wood-pile"},
4519	CostModifier = 25,
4520	BurnPercent = 50,
4521	BurnDamageRate = 1,
4522	ButtonPos = 6,
4523	ButtonKey = "e",
4524	ButtonHint = "Build Stabl~!es",
4525	ResourceDemand = {"furniture", 1, "leather", 3},
4526	RequirementsString = "Lumber Mill",
4527	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-industrious", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-diligence", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
4528	Sounds = {
4529		"selected", "stables-selected",
4530--		"acknowledge", "dwarven-lumber-mill-acknowledge",
4531		"ready", "stables-ready",
4532--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4533		"dead", "building-destroyed"
4534	}
4535} )
4537DefineUnitType("unit-template-temple", {
4538	Name = "Temple",
4539	Parent = "unit-template-building",
4540	Class = "temple",
4541	Costs = {"time", 175, "copper", 900, "lumber", 1500},
4542	RepairHp = 4,
4543	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
4544	Construction = "construction-land",
4545	HitPoints = 584, -- 700 with masonry
4546	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
4547	SightRange = 3,
4548	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 2,
4549	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
4550	Priority = 15, AnnoyComputerFactor = 35,
4551	Points = 240,
4552	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
4553	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4554	Type = "land",
4555	BuilderOutside = true,
4556	IncreasesLuxuryDemand = true,
4557	RightMouseAction = "rally-point",
4558	Drops = {"unit-wood-pile"},
4559	CostModifier = 25,
4560	BurnPercent = 50,
4561	BurnDamageRate = 1,
4562	RegenerationAura = 1,
4563	ButtonPos = 7,
4564	ButtonKey = "p",
4565	ButtonHint = "Build Tem~!ple",
4566	UnitStock = {"unit-potion-of-healing", 6},
4567	ResourceDemand = {"jewelry", 4, "furniture", 4, "leather", 4},
4568	RequirementsString = "Lumber Mill",
4569	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-industrious", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-diligence", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
4570	AiDrops = {"unit-crown", "unit-amulet", "unit-ring", "unit-scroll", "unit-book", "unit-potion-of-healing", "unit-elixir-of-dexterity", "unit-elixir-of-intelligence", "unit-elixir-of-strength", "unit-elixir-of-vitality"},
4571	DropSpells = {"spell-detachment", "spell-forgetfulness", "spell-retraining"},
4572	Sounds = {
4573		"selected", "temple-selected",
4574--		"acknowledge", "dwarven-lumber-mill-acknowledge",
4575		"ready", "temple-ready",
4576--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4577		"dead", "building-destroyed"
4578	}
4579} )
4581DefineUnitType("unit-template-university", {
4582	Name = "University",
4583	Parent = "unit-template-building",
4584	Class = "university",
4585	Costs = {"time", 175, "copper", 900, "lumber", 1500},
4586	RepairHp = 4,
4587	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
4588	Construction = "construction-land",
4589	HitPoints = 584, -- 700 with masonry
4590	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
4591	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 2,
4592	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
4593	Priority = 15, AnnoyComputerFactor = 35,
4594	Points = 240,
4595	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
4596	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4597	Type = "land",
4598	BuilderOutside = true,
4599	IncreasesLuxuryDemand = true,
4600	RightMouseAction = "rally-point",
4601	Drops = {"unit-wood-pile"},
4602	CostModifier = 25,
4603	BurnPercent = 50,
4604	BurnDamageRate = 1,
4605	ResourceDemand = {"jewelry", 4, "furniture", 4, "leather", 4},
4606	RequirementsString = "Lumber Mill",
4607	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-industrious", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-diligence", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
4608	AiDrops = {"unit-amulet", "unit-ring", "unit-scroll", "unit-book", "unit-potion-of-healing", "unit-elixir-of-dexterity", "unit-elixir-of-intelligence", "unit-elixir-of-strength", "unit-elixir-of-vitality"},
4609	DropSpells = {"spell-detachment", "spell-forgetfulness", "spell-retraining"},
4610	Sounds = {
4611		"selected", "temple-selected",
4612--		"acknowledge", "dwarven-lumber-mill-acknowledge",
4613		"ready", "temple-ready",
4614--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4615		"dead", "building-destroyed"
4616	}
4617} )
4619DefineUnitType("unit-template-watch-tower", {
4620	Name = "Watch Tower",
4621	Parent = "unit-template-building",
4622	Class = "watch-tower",
4623	Costs = {"time", 60, "copper", 550, "lumber", 300, "stone", 300},
4624	RepairHp = 4,
4625	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1, "stone", 1},
4626	Construction = "construction-land",
4627	HitPoints = 167, -- 200 with masonry
4628	TileSize = {2, 2}, BoxSize = {63, 63},
4629	SightRange = 9,
4630	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 4,
4631	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
4632	Priority = 55, AnnoyComputerFactor = 50,
4633	Points = 95,
4634	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-2x2-place",
4635	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4636	Type = "land",
4637	CanTargetLand = true, CanTargetSea = true, CanTargetAir = true,
4638	DetectCloak = true,
4639	MaxOnBoard = 1,
4640	CanTransport = {"LandUnit", "only", "Organic", "only", "Fauna", "false"},
4641	AttackFromTransporter = true,
4642	SaveCargo = true,
4643	BuilderOutside = true,
4644	Drops = {"unit-wood-pile", "unit-stone-pile"},
4645--	RightMouseAction = "attack",
4646	BurnPercent = 50,
4647	BurnDamageRate = 1,
4648	ButtonPos = 8,
4649	ButtonKey = "t",
4650	ButtonHint = "Build Watch ~!Tower",
4651	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-the-colossus", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
4652	Sounds = {
4653		"selected", "tower-selected",
4654--		"acknowledge", "dwarven-sentry-tower-acknowledge",
4655		"ready", "tower-ready",
4656--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4657		"dead", "building-destroyed"
4658	}
4659} )
4661DefineUnitType("unit-template-guard-tower", {
4662	Name = "Guard Tower",
4663	Parent = "unit-template-building",
4664	Class = "guard-tower",
4665	Animations = "animations-guard-tower",
4666	Costs = {"time", 140, "copper", 500, "lumber", 225, "stone", 225},
4667	RepairHp = 4,
4668	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1, "stone", 1},
4669	Construction = "construction-land",
4670	HitPoints = 217, -- 260 with masonry
4671	TileSize = {2, 2}, BoxSize = {63, 63},
4672	SightRange = 9,
4673	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 4,
4674	Armor = 5,
4675	BasicDamage = 9,
4676	MaxAttackRange = 6,
4677	Accuracy = 10,
4678	GarrisonedRangeBonus = 1,
4679	Missile = "missile-arrow",
4680	FireMissile = "missile-flaming-arrow",
4681	Priority = 50, AnnoyComputerFactor = 60,
4682	Points = 200,
4683	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-2x2-place",
4684	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4685	Type = "land",
4686	CanAttack = true,
4687	CanTargetLand = true, CanTargetSea = true, CanTargetAir = true,
4688	DetectCloak = true,
4689	MaxOnBoard = 1,
4690	CanTransport = {"LandUnit", "only", "Organic", "only", "Fauna", "false"},
4691	AttackFromTransporter = true,
4692	SaveCargo = true,
4693	PierceDamage = true,
4694	Drops = {"unit-wood-pile", "unit-stone-pile"},
4695	BurnPercent = 50,
4696	BurnDamageRate = 1,
4697	RequirementsString = "Lumber Mill and Masonry",
4698	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-the-colossus", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
4699	Sounds = {
4700		"selected", "tower-selected",
4701--		"acknowledge", "dwarven-sentry-tower-acknowledge",
4702		"ready", "tower-ready",
4703--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4704		"dead", "building-destroyed",
4705		"fire-missile", "bow"
4706	}
4707} )
4709DefineUnitType("unit-template-heavy-tower", {
4710	Name = "Heavy Tower",
4711	Parent = "unit-template-building",
4712	Class = "heavy-tower",
4713	Animations = "animations-heavy-tower",
4714	Costs = {"time", 190, "copper", 1000, "lumber", 450, "stone", 450},
4715	RepairHp = 4,
4716	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1, "stone", 1},
4717	Construction = "construction-land",
4718	HitPoints = 267, -- 320 with masonry
4719	TileSize = {2, 2}, BoxSize = {63, 63},
4720	SightRange = 9,
4721	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 4,
4722	Armor = 5,
4723	BasicDamage = 40,
4724	MinAttackRange = 2,	MaxAttackRange = 7,
4725	Accuracy = 8,
4726	Missile = "missile-catapult-sandstone-rock",
4727	FireMissile = "missile-flaming-catapult-rock",
4728	Priority = 60, AnnoyComputerFactor = 70,
4729	Points = 250,
4730	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-2x2-place",
4731	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4732	Type = "land",
4733	CanAttack = true,
4734	CanTargetLand = true, CanTargetSea = true,
4735	DetectCloak = true,
4736	Drops = {"unit-wood-pile", "unit-stone-pile"},
4737	BurnPercent = 50,
4738	BurnDamageRate = 1,
4739	RequirementsString = "Lumber Mill, Smithy, Engineering and Masonry",
4740	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-the-colossus", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
4741	Sounds = {
4742		"selected", "tower-selected",
4743--		"acknowledge", "dwarven-sentry-tower-acknowledge",
4744		"ready", "tower-ready",
4745--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4746		"dead", "building-destroyed",
4747		"fire-missile", "catapult-attack"
4748	}
4749} )
4751DefineUnitType("unit-template-cannon-tower", {
4752	Name = "Cannon Tower",
4753	Parent = "unit-template-heavy-tower",
4754	Class = "cannon-tower",
4755	BasicDamage = 65,
4756	Accuracy = 9,
4757	Missile = "missile-cannon-ball",
4758	FireMissile = "missile-cannon-ball",
4759	Points = 300,
4760	BluntDamage = true,
4761	RequirementsString = "Lumber Mill, Smithy, Masonry, Engineering and Gunpowder",
4762	Sounds = {
4763		"fire-missile", "dragonstick"
4764	}
4765} )
4767DefineUnitType("unit-template-market", {
4768	Name = "Market",
4769	Parent = "unit-template-building",
4770	Class = "market",
4771	Costs = {"time", 200, "copper", 800, "lumber", 1350},
4772	RepairHp = 4,
4773	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
4774	Construction = "construction-land",
4775	HitPoints = 917, -- 1100 with masonry
4776	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
4777	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 2,
4778	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
4779	Priority = 30, AnnoyComputerFactor = 20,
4780	Points = 170,
4781	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
4782	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4783	Type = "land",
4784	BuilderOutside = true,
4785	Market = true,
4786	IncreasesLuxuryDemand = true,
4787	GivesResource = "trade",
4788	CanStore = {"trade"},
4789	CanHarvest = true,
4790	Inexhaustible = true,
4791	StartingResources = {1000},
4792	Drops = {"unit-wood-pile"},
4793	RightMouseAction = "rally-point",
4794	CostModifier = 25,
4795	BurnPercent = 50,
4796	BurnDamageRate = 1,
4797	TradeCost = 30,
4798	ResourceDemand = {"jewelry", 3, "furniture", 3, "leather", 3},
4799	RequirementsString = "Lumber Mill",
4800	BuildingRulesString = "Cannot be built close to other markets",
4801	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-industrious", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-diligence", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
4802	SoldUnits = {"unit-hammer", "unit-mining-pick", "unit-club", "unit-short-spear", "unit-long-spear", "unit-pike", "unit-hand-cannon", "unit-horn", "unit-christmas-hat", "unit-crown", "unit-amulet", "unit-ring", "unit-scroll", "unit-book", "unit-cheese", "unit-carrots", "unit-potion-of-healing", "unit-elixir-of-dexterity", "unit-elixir-of-intelligence", "unit-elixir-of-strength", "unit-elixir-of-vitality"},
4803	AiDrops = {"unit-christmas-hat", "unit-crown", "unit-amulet", "unit-ring"},
4804	DropSpells = {"spell-detachment", "spell-forgetfulness", "spell-retraining"},
4805	Sounds = {
4806		"selected", "market-selected",
4807--		"acknowledge", "dwarven-lumber-mill-acknowledge",
4808		"ready", "market-ready",
4809--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4810		"dead", "building-destroyed"
4811	}
4812} )
4814DefineUnitType("unit-template-dock", {
4815	Name = "Dock",
4816	Parent = "unit-template-building",
4817	Class = "dock",
4818	Costs = {"time", 200, "copper", 800, "lumber", 1350},
4819	RepairHp = 4,
4820	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
4821	Construction = "construction-dock",
4822	HitPoints = 917, -- 1100 with masonry
4823	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
4824	OwnershipInfluenceRange = 2,
4825	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
4826	Priority = 30, AnnoyComputerFactor = 20,
4827	Points = 170,
4828--	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
4829	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4830	Type = "land",
4831	BuilderOutside = true,
4832	ShoreBuilding = true,
4833	GivesResource = "trade",
4834	CanStore = {"trade", "oil"},
4835	CanHarvest = true,
4836	Inexhaustible = true,
4837	IncreasesLuxuryDemand = true,
4838	StartingResources = {1000},
4839--	Drops = {"unit-wood-pile"},
4840	RightMouseAction = "rally-point",
4841	CostModifier = 25,
4842	BurnPercent = 50,
4843	BurnDamageRate = 1,
4844	ButtonPos = 9,
4845	ButtonKey = "d",
4846	ButtonHint = "Build ~!Dock",
4847	ResourceDemand = {"jewelry", 3, "furniture", 3, "leather", 3},
4848	RequirementsString = "Lumber Mill",
4849	BuildingRulesString = "Cannot be built close to other docks",
4850	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-industrious", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-diligence", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
4851	Sounds = {
4852		"selected", "dock-selected",
4853--		"acknowledge", "dwarven-lumber-mill-acknowledge",
4854		"ready", "dock-ready",
4855--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4856		"dead", "building-destroyed"
4857	}
4858} )
4860DefineUnitType("unit-template-palisade", {
4861	Name = "Palisade",
4862	Class = "palisade",
4863	Animations = "animations-building",
4864	Costs = {"time", 30, "copper", 20, "lumber", 30},
4865	Construction = "construction-land-1x1",
4866	RepairHp = 4,
4867	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
4868	HitPoints = 100,
4869	DrawLevel = 39,
4870	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
4871	SightRange = 1,
4872	Armor = 5, Missile = "missile-none",
4873	Priority = 0, AnnoyComputerFactor = 45,
4874	Points = 1,
4875--	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-1x1-place",
4876	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4877	Type = "land",
4878	Building = true, VisibleUnderFog = true, Wall = true,
4879	BuilderOutside = true,
4880	HiddenInEditor = true,
4881	Sounds = {
4882		"dead", "building-destroyed"
4883	}
4884} )
4886DefineUnitType("unit-template-wall", {
4887	Name = "Wall",
4888	Class = "wall",
4889	Animations = "animations-building",
4890	Costs = {"time", 30, "copper", 40, "stone", 60},
4891	Construction = "construction-land-1x1",
4892	RepairHp = 4,
4893	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "stone", 1},
4894	HitPoints = 200,
4895	DrawLevel = 39,
4896	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
4897	SightRange = 1,
4898	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
4899	Priority = 0, AnnoyComputerFactor = 45,
4900	Points = 1,
4901--	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-1x1-place",
4902	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
4903	Type = "land",
4904	Building = true, VisibleUnderFog = true, Wall = true,
4905	BuilderOutside = true,
4906	HiddenInEditor = true,
4907	RequirementsString = "Masonry",
4908	Sounds = {
4909		"dead", "building-destroyed"
4910	}
4911} )
4913-- Load the different civilizations
4930-- Other civilizations' units
4932DefineUnitType("unit-orc-spearthrower", {
4933	Name = "Spearthrower",
4934	Parent = "unit-template-archer",
4935	Civilization = "orc",
4936--	Description = "Amongst orcs, throwing spears are often regarded as a cowardly weapon; but even orcs, especially youths and those of slight build, are pragmatic enough to use them in spite of this. Orcish spearthrowers are seldom well equipped, and have no semblance of training. Even as poorly handled as they are, their weapons can still be quite deadly, and the wielders thereof rarely march alone.",
4937	Image = {"file", "dwarf/units/dwarven_scout.png", "size", {72, 72}},
4938	Animations = "animations-weapon-thrower", Icon = "icon-orc-spearthrower",
4939	Missile = "missile-javelin",
4940	WeaponClasses = {"javelin"},
4941	PierceDamage = true,
4942--	Corpse = "unit-dwarven-dead-body",
4943	HiddenInEditor = true,
4944	Sounds = {
4945		"selected", "basic-dwarf-voices-selected-group",
4946		"acknowledge", "basic-dwarf-voices-acknowledge",
4947		"ready", "dwarven-scout-ready",
4948--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
4949		"dead", "basic-dwarf-voices-dead"
4950	}
4951} )
4953DefineUnitType("unit-orc-sea-orc", {
4954	Name = "Sea Orc",
4955	Parent = "unit-template-unit",
4956	Class = "marine-infantry",
4957	Civilization = "orc",
4958--	Description = "While often viewed as inferior to their land-loving counterparts, sea orcs represent a great leap for all orcs as they have adapted to aquatic environments. These orcs use their ships to raid the coasts of the Eelhome Sea. With their curved swords they are competent warriors, although their poor fighting skills on land do represent a strategic weakness.",
4959--	Image = {"file", "dwarf/units/dwarven_axefighter.png", "size", {72, 72}},
4960	Animations = "animations-dwarven-axefighter", Icon = "icon-orc-sea-orc",
4961	Costs = {"time", 60, "copper", 600},
4962	Speed = 10,
4963	HitPoints = 60,
4964	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
4965	SightRange = 4,
4966	Armor = 2, BasicDamage = 9, Missile = "missile-none",
4967	MaxAttackRange = 1,
4968	Priority = 60,
4969	Points = 50,
4970	Demand = 1,
4971--	Corpse = "unit-dwarven-dead-body",
4972	Type = "land",
4973	RightMouseAction = "attack",
4974	CanAttack = true,
4975	CanTargetLand = true,
4976	WeaponClasses = {"sword", "thrusting-sword"},
4977	HackDamage = true,
4978	HiddenInEditor = true,
4979	Sounds = {
4980		"hit", "sword-attack",
4981		"miss", "attack-miss"
4982	}
4983} )
4985DefineUnitType("unit-orc-shaman", {
4986	Name = "Shaman",
4987	Parent = "unit-template-unit",
4988	Class = "priest",
4989	Civilization = "orc",
4990--	Description = "Orc shamans are the guardians of orcish magic. Respected among orcish tribes, they form the Orcish Council, which makes important decisions for the whole orcish community and arbitrates the many conflicts that arise between tribes of this argumentative race.",
4991--	Image = {"file", "dwarf/units/dwarven_axefighter.png", "size", {72, 72}},
4992	Animations = "animations-dwarven-axefighter", Icon = "icon-orc-shaman",
4993	Costs = {"time", 60, "copper", 600},
4994	Speed = 10,
4995	HitPoints = 60,
4996	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
4997	SightRange = 4,
4998	Armor = 2, BasicDamage = 9, Missile = "missile-none",
4999	MaxAttackRange = 1,
5000	Priority = 60,
5001	Points = 50,
5002	Demand = 1,
5003--	Corpse = "unit-dwarven-dead-body",
5004	Type = "land",
5005	RightMouseAction = "attack",
5006	CanAttack = true,
5007	CanTargetLand = true,
5008	BluntDamage = true,
5009	HiddenInEditor = true
5010} )
5012DefineUnitType("unit-water-elemental", {
5013	Name = "Water Elemental",
5014	Parent = "unit-template-unit",
5015--	Description = "These creatures inhabit the primordial water plane of Nun. Although in many respects they act like a living being, they seem to be nearly entirely made out of water, putting in doubt just what they really are.",
5016--	Image = {"file", "dwarf/units/dwarven_axefighter.png", "size", {72, 72}},
5017	Animations = "animations-dwarven-axefighter", Icon = "icon-water-elemental",
5018	Costs = {"time", 70, "copper", 500, "lumber", 150},
5019	Speed = 8,
5020	HitPoints = 60,
5021	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {36, 36},
5022	SightRange = 3,
5023	BasicDamage = 12, Missile = "missile-none",
5024	MaxAttackRange = 3,
5025	Priority = 63,
5026	Points = 100,
5027	Demand = 1,
5028	Type = "land",
5029	RightMouseAction = "attack",
5030	CanAttack = true,
5031	CanTargetLand = true, CanTargetSea = true, CanTargetAir = true,
5032	HiddenInEditor = true,
5033	Sounds = {
5034		"dead", "squishy-hit",
5035		"hit", "squishy-attack",
5036		"miss", "squishy-miss"
5037	}
5038} )
5040DefineUnitType("unit-long-swordsman", {
5041	Name = "Long Swordsman",
5042	Parent = "unit-template-unit",
5043	Image = {"file", "neutral/units/long_swordsman.png", "size", {72, 72}},
5044	Animations = "animations-static-npc", Icon = "icon-long-swordsman",
5045	Costs = {"time", 60, "copper", 600},
5046	Speed = 10,
5047	HitPoints = 60,
5048	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
5049	SightRange = 4,
5050	Armor = 2, BasicDamage = 9, Missile = "missile-none",
5051	MaxAttackRange = 1,
5052	Priority = 60,
5053	Points = 50,
5054	Demand = 1,
5055	Corpse = "unit-human-dead-body",
5056	Type = "land",
5057--	RightMouseAction = "attack",
5058	CanAttack = false, -- since it doesn't have attack animations as of now
5059--	CanTargetLand = true,
5060	Indestructible = true, -- because it doesn't have death animations
5061	WeaponClasses = {"sword"},
5062	HackDamage = true,
5063	NumDirections = 1,
5064	HiddenInEditor = true,
5065	Sounds = {
5066		"selected", "click",
5067		"dead", "basic-human-voices-dead"
5068	}
5069} )
5071-- define the mercenary camp after the rest because it refers to unit types of the civilizations
5072DefineUnitType("unit-mercenary-camp", {
5073	Name = "Mercenary Camp",
5074	Parent = "unit-template-building",
5075	Civilization = "neutral",
5076	Class = "mercenary-camp",
5077	Description = "This camp houses a number of mercenary groups, who offer their talents for hire.",
5078	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/mercenary_camp.png", "size", {96, 99}},
5079	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/mercenary_camp_shadow.png", "size", {96, 99}},
5080	NeutralMinimapColor = {192, 192, 192},
5081	Animations = "animations-mercenary-camp", Icon = "icon-mercenary-camp",
5082	Costs = {"time", 200, "copper", 700, "lumber", 1350},
5083	RepairHp = 4,
5084	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
5085	Construction = "construction-land",
5086	HitPoints = 800,
5087	TileSize = {3, 3}, BoxSize = {95, 95},
5088	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
5089	Priority = 30, AnnoyComputerFactor = 35,
5090	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-3x3-place",
5091	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
5092	Type = "land",
5093	Drops = {"unit-wood-pile"},
5094	RightMouseAction = "rally-point",
5095	BurnPercent = 50,
5096	BurnDamageRate = 1,
5097	RecruitHeroes = true,
5098	UnitStock = {
5099		"unit-dwarven-axefighter", 4, "unit-surghan-mercenary-axefighter", 4, "unit-dwarven-guard", 4, "unit-dwarven-scout", 3, "unit-joruvellir-scout", 3, "unit-dwarven-thunderer", 3, "unit-dwarven-yale-rider", 2, "unit-joruvellir-yale-rider", 2, "unit-dwarven-ballista", 1, "unit-dwarven-gryphon-rider", 1,
5100		"unit-goblin-thief", 6, "unit-goblin-swordsman", 4, "unit-goblin-spearman", 4, "unit-goblin-archer", 3, "unit-goblin-gunpowder-infantry", 3, "unit-goblin-war-machine", 1, "unit-goblin-glider", 1,
5101		"unit-kobold-footpad", 4,
5102		"unit-ettin", 1,
5103		"unit-latin-legionary", 4, "unit-latin-javelineer", 3,
5104		"unit-norse-swordsman", 4,
5105		"unit-slavic-swordsman", 4,
5106		"unit-troll-warrior", 2
5107	},
5108	Affixes = {"upgrade-item-prefix-frail", "upgrade-item-prefix-impregnable", "upgrade-item-prefix-sturdy", "upgrade-item-prefix-vulnerable", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-frailty", "upgrade-item-suffix-of-vulnerability"},
5109	Sounds = {
5110		"selected", "click",
5111--		"acknowledge", "barracks-acknowledge",
5112--		"ready", "barracks-ready",
5113--		"help", "basic-dwarf-voices-help",
5114		"dead", "building-destroyed"
5115	}
5116} )
5119DefineUnitType("unit-dungeon-wall", {
5120	Name = "Dungeon Wall",
5121	TerrainType = "dungeon-wall",
5122	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/glyph.png", "size", {32, 32}},
5123	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-english-lumber-mill",
5124	Costs = {"time", 30, "copper", 40, "stone", 60},
5125	Construction = "construction-land-1x1",
5126	RepairHp = 4,
5127	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1, "stone", 1},
5128	HitPoints = 200,
5129	DrawLevel = 39,
5130	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
5131	SightRange = 1,
5132	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
5133	Priority = 0, AnnoyComputerFactor = 45,
5134	Points = 1,
5135--	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-1x1-place",
5136	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
5137	Type = "land",
5138	Indestructible = true, Building = true, VisibleUnderFog = true, Wall = true,
5139	BuilderOutside = true,
5140	HiddenInEditor = true,
5141	Sounds = {
5142		"dead", "building-destroyed"
5143	}
5144} )
5146DefineUnitType("unit-road", {
5147	Name = "Road",
5148	Civilization = "neutral",
5149	Class = "road",
5150	Description = "The construction of roads allows trade caravans - and armies - to more efficiently move from one point to another.",
5151	TerrainType = "road",
5152	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/road.png", "size", {32, 32}},
5153	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/road_shadow.png", "size", {32, 32}},
5154	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-road",
5155	Costs = {"time", 30, "copper", 20, "lumber", 15, "stone", 15},
5156	Construction = "construction-land-1x1",
5157	RepairHp = 4,
5158	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1, "stone", 1},
5159	HitPoints = 40,
5160	DrawLevel = 39,
5161	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
5162	SightRange = 1,
5163	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
5164	SpeedBonus = 1,
5165	Priority = 0, AnnoyComputerFactor = 45,
5166	Points = 1,
5167--	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-1x1-place",
5168	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
5169	Type = "land",
5170	Building = true, VisibleUnderFog = true,
5171	BuilderOutside = true,
5172	HiddenInEditor = true,
5173	RequirementsString = "Masonry",
5174	Sounds = {
5175		"dead", "building-destroyed"
5176	}
5177} )
5179DefineUnitType("unit-railroad", {
5180	Name = "Railroad",
5181	Civilization = "neutral",
5182	Class = "railroad",
5183	Description = "Railways allow the usage of certain vehicles - such as minecarts.\n\nNote: Railroads grant their speed bonus to all land units, not just rail units.",
5184	TerrainType = "railroad",
5185	Image = {"file", "neutral/buildings/railroad.png", "size", {32, 32}},
5186	Shadow = {"file", "neutral/buildings/railroad_shadow.png", "size", {32, 32}},
5187	Animations = "animations-building", Icon = "icon-railroad",
5188	Costs = {"time", 30, "copper", 350, "lumber", 150},
5189	Construction = "construction-land-1x1",
5190	RepairHp = 4,
5191	RepairCosts = {"copper", 1, "lumber", 1},
5192	HitPoints = 40,
5193	DrawLevel = 39,
5194	TileSize = {1, 1}, BoxSize = {31, 31},
5195	SightRange = 1,
5196	Armor = 20, Missile = "missile-none",
5197	SpeedBonus = 1,
5198	Priority = 0, AnnoyComputerFactor = 45,
5199	Points = 1,
5200--	Corpse = "unit-destroyed-1x1-place",
5201	ExplodeWhenKilled = "missile-explosion",
5202	Type = "land",
5203	Building = true, VisibleUnderFog = true,
5204	BuilderOutside = true,
5205	HiddenInEditor = true,
5206	RequirementsString = "Engineering",
5207	Sounds = {
5208		"dead", "building-destroyed"
5209	}
5210} )