1;;; This is a test game that mentions *everything*.
3;;; Comments and symbols or strings beginning with xxx
4;;; will be filtered out when comparing with the set of
5;;; defined symbols.
7(game-module "all"
8  (base-game "")
9  (base-module "")
10  (blurb "xxxyyy")
11  (default-base-module "")
12  (design-notes "")
13  (instructions "")
14  (notes "")
15  (picture-name "xxxzzz")
16  (title "xxx")
17  (variants
18   (real-time)
19   (see-all)
20   (sequential)
21   (world-seen)
22   (world-size)
23   (economy)
24   (people)
25   (supply)
26   )
27  (version "")
28  (original-module)
29  (original-variants)
30  (original-version)
31  )
33(unit-type xxxunit
34  (start-with 1)
35  (acp-damage-effect nil)
36  (acp-independent 0)
37  (acp-max 1)
38  (acp-min 0)
39  (acp-morale-effect nil)
40  (acp-per-turn 1)
41  (acp-per-turn-max 0)
42  (acp-per-turn-min 0)
43  (acp-season-effect nil)
44  (acp-temperature-effect nil)
45  (acp-to-change-side 0)
46  (acp-to-detonate 0)
47  (acp-to-disband 0)
48  (acp-to-fire 0)
49  (acp-to-move 0)
50  (acp-to-transfer-part 0)
51  (action-priority 0)
52  (advanced 0)
53  (ai-peace-garrison 0)
54  (ai-tactical-range 1)
55  (ai-war-garrison 0)
56  (already-seen 0)
57  (already-seen-independent 0)
58  (assign-number 0)
59  (attack 0)
60  (available 1)
61  (can-be-self 0)
62  (can-research 0)
63  (capacity 0)
64  (char "")
65  (colonizer 0)
66  (consumption-temperature-effect nil)
67  (country-units-max 0)
68  (courage-max 0)
69  (courage-min 0)
70  (cp 1)
71  (cp-attrition 0)
72  (cp-per-self-build 0)
73  (cp-to-self-build 0)
74  (cxp-max 0)
75  (cxp-on-capture-effect 0)
76  (defend 0)
77  (description-format nil)
78  (detonate-on-death 0)
79  (direct-control 1)
80  (encounter-result '((vanish nil "")))
81  (facility 0)
82  (facility-total-max 0)
83  (fire-angle-max 0)
84  (free-acp 0)
85  (free-mp 0)
86  (generic-char "")
87  (generic-name "")
88  (help "")
89  (hit-falloff-range 0)
90  (hp-max 1)
91  (hp-per-disband 0)
92  (hp-per-detonation 0)
93  (hp-recovery 0)
94  (hp-to-recover 0)
95  (image-name "")
96  (independent-growth-chance 0)
97  (independent-near-start 0)
98  (independent-takeover-chance 0)
99  (initial-seen-radius 0)
100  (long-name "")
101  (lost-revolt-chance 0)
102  (lost-vanish-chance 0)
103  (lost-wreck-chance 0)
104  (minimal-size-goal 0)
105  (mobile-total-max 0)
106  (morale-max 0)
107  (morale-recovery 0)
108  (move-range 0)
109  (mp-to-leave-world 0)
110  (namer "")
111  (name "")
112  (name-internal "")
113  (naval 0)
114  (notes nil)
115  (obsolete 0)
116  (occupant-total-max 0)
117  (opinion-max 0)
118  (opinion-min 0)
119  (point-value 0)
120  (parts-max 1)
121  (possible-sides nil)
122  (range 0)
123  (range-min 0)
124  (reach 0)
125  (revolt-at-opinion-min 0)
126  (revolt-chance 0)
127  (road-to-edge-chance 0)
128  (see-always 0)
129  (see-occupants 0)
130  (see-terrain-if-captured 0)
131  (self-changeable 0)
132  (self-resurrects 0)
133  (short-name "")
134  (speed 0)
135  (speed-max 0)
136  (speed-damage-effect nil)
137  (speed-min 0)
138  (speed-wind-effect nil)
139  (spot-action 1)
140  (spur-chance 0)
141  (spur-range 0)
142  (spy-chance 0)
143  (spy-range 0)
144  (stack-order 0)
145  (start-with 0)
146  (tech-from-ownership 0)
147  (tech-leakage 0)
148  (tech-max 0)
149  (tech-per-turn-max 0)
150  (tech-to-build 0)
151  (tech-to-own 0)
152  (tech-to-see 0)
153  (tech-to-use 0)
154  (temperature-attrition nil)
155  (type-in-game-max -1)
156  (type-per-side-max -1)
157  (unit-growth-chance 0)
158  (unit-takeover-chance 0)
159  (use-own-cell 0)
160  (vision-range 0)
161  (vision-bend 0)
162  (wrecked-type 1)
163  (zz-b 0)
164  (zz-bb 0)
165  (zz-transport 0)
166  (zz-c 0)
167  (zz-cm 0)
168  (zz-cc 0)
169  (zz-bw 0)
170  )
172(unit-type xxxunit2)
174(terrain-type xxxterrain
175  (alt-percentile-max 0)
176  (alt-percentile-min 0)
177  (capacity 0)
178  (char "")
179  (clouds-max 0)
180  (clouds-min 0)
181  (country-growth-chance 0)
182  (country-people-chance 0)
183  (country-takeover-chance 0)
184  (country-terrain-max 0)
185  (country-terrain-min 0)
186  (elevation-max 0)
187  (elevation-min 0)
188  (help "")
189  (image-name "")
190  (independent-people-chance 0)
191  (liquid 0)
192  (maze-passage-occurrence 0)
193  (maze-room-occurrence 0)
194  (name "")
195  (notes nil)
196  (occurrence 0)
197  (people-max 0)
198  (river-chance 0)
199  (subtype 0)
200  (subtype-x 0)
201  (temperature-average 0)
202  (temperature-max 0)
203  (temperature-min 0)
204  (temperature-variability 0)
205  (thickness 0)
206  (wet-percentile-max 0)
207  (wet-percentile-min 0)
208  (wind-force-average 0)
209  (wind-force-max 0)
210  (wind-force-min 0)
211  (wind-force-variability 0)
212  (wind-variability 0)
213  (zz-fr 0)
214  )
216(terrain-type xxxterrain2
217  (subtype border)
218  )
219(terrain-type xxxterrain3
220  (subtype connection)
221  )
222(terrain-type xxxterrain4
223  (subtype coating)
224  )
226(material-type xxxmaterial
227  (char "m")
228  (help "")
229  (image-name "")
230  (initial-treasury 0)
231  (name "")
232  (notes nil)
233  (people 0)
234  (resource-icon 0)
235  (treasury 0)
236  )
238(advance-type xxxadvance
239  (help "")
240  (image-name "")
241  (name "")
242  (notes nil)
243  (rp 1)
244  )
246;(print false)
247;(print true)
249(add xxxunit start-with 1)
251;;; Variables.
253(set action-movies nil)
254(set action-notices nil)
255(set advantage-default 1)
256(set advantage-max 3)
257(set advantage-min 1)
258(set ai-advanced-unit-separation 0)
259(set ai-badtask-remove-chance 0)
260(set ai-badtask-max-retries 0)
261(set ai-badtask-reserve-chance 0)
262(set ai-may-resign 0)
263(set alt-blob-density 0)
264(set alt-blob-height 0)
265(set alt-blob-size 0)
266(set alt-smoothing 0)
267(set bigicons 0)
268(set calendar nil)
269(set combat-model 0)
270(set contour-color "red")
271(set country-border-color "blue")
272(set country-radius-max 0)
273(set country-radius-min 0)
274(set country-separation-max 0)
275(set country-separation-min 0)
276(set create-units-from-specs true)
277(set default-namer "")
278(set disband-unfinished-units 0)
279(set edge-road-density 0)
280(set edge-terrain 0)
281(set elapsed-real-time 0)
282(set event-movies nil)
283(set event-narratives nil)
284(set event-notices nil)
285(set extra-turn-chance 0)
286(set feature-namers nil)
287(set feature-types nil)
288(set frontline-color "green")
289(set grid-color "")
290(set growth-stop-chance 0)
291(set indepside-can-build 0)
292(set indepside-can-develop 0)
293(set indepside-can-research 0)
294(set indepside-has-ai 0)
295(set indepside-has-treasury 0)
296(set initial-date "")
297(set initial-date-max "")
298(set initial-date-min "")
299(set initial-day-part 0)
300(set initial-year-part 0)
301(set last-turn 100)
302(set maze-passage-density 0)
303(set maze-room-density 0)
304(set meridian-color "black")
305(set no-indepside-ingame 0)
306;(set player-mix-default nil)
307;(set player-mix-required nil)
308(set player-sides-locked 0)
309(set random-state 0)
310(set real-time-for-game 0)
311(set real-time-per-side 0)
312(set real-time-per-turn 0)
313(set river-sink-terrain 0)
314(set zz-run-serial-number 12345)
315(set salvage-unfinished-cps 0)
316(set salvage-unfinished-materials 0)
317(set scorefile-name "")
318(set season-names nil)
319(set see-all 1)
320(set see-terrain-always 0)
321(set see-weather-always 0)
322(set self-required 0)
323(set shoreline-color "blue")
324(set side-can-research 0)
325(set side-color-library nil)
326(set side-library nil)
327(set sides-max 9)
328(set sides-min 1)
329(set synthesis-methods nil)
330(set synthesis-done nil)
331(set temperature-floor 0)
332(set temperature-floor-elevation 0)
333(set temperature-moderation-range 0)
334(set terrain-seen 0)
335(set turn 0)
336(set unit-name-color "white")
337(set units-in-game-max 100)
338(set units-per-side-max 100)
339(set unseen-char "")
340(set unseen-color "")
341(set use-side-priority 0)
342(set wet-blob-density 0)
343(set wet-blob-height 0)
344(set wet-blob-size 0)
345(set wet-smoothing 0)
346(set wind-mix-range 0)
348;;; Tables.
350(table accident-damage)
351(table accident-hit-chance)
352(table accident-vanish-chance)
353(table acp-night-effect)
354(table acp-for-retreat)
355(table acp-occupant-effect)
356(table acp-to-add-terrain)
357(table acp-to-attack)
358(table acp-to-be-fired-on)
359(table acp-to-build)
360(table acp-to-capture)
361(table acp-to-change-type)
362(table acp-to-create)
363(table acp-to-defend)
364(table acp-to-enter-unit)
365(table acp-to-extract)
366(table acp-to-load)
367(table acp-to-remove-terrain)
368(table acp-to-produce)
369(table acp-to-repair)
370(table acp-to-develop)
371(table acp-to-toolup)
372(table acp-to-unload)
373(table advance-add-maxcells)
374(table advance-add-production)
375(table advance-consumption-per-rp)
376(table advance-mult-maxcells)
377(table advance-multiply-production)
378(table advance-needed-to-build)
379(table advance-needed-to-research)
380(table adjacent-terrain-effect)
381(table alter-terrain-range)
382(table altitude-max)
383(table altitude-min)
384(table attack-range)
385(table attack-range-min)
386(table attack-terrain-effect)
387(table attrition)
388(table auto-repair)
389(table auto-repair-range)
390(table base-consumption)
391(table base-production)
392(table body-height)
393(table bridge)
394(table build-range)
395(table builder-can-reuse-cp)
396(table can-enter-independent)
397(table capacity-negation)
398(table capture-chance)
399(table cellwide-protection-against)
400(table cellwide-protection-for)
401(table change-on-exhaustion-chance)
402(table coating-depth-max)
403(table coating-depth-min)
404(table consumption-as-occupant)
405(table consumption-on-creation)
406(table consumption-per-add-terrain)
407(table consumption-per-attack)
408(table consumption-per-build)
409(table consumption-per-fire)
410(table consumption-per-move)
411(table consumption-per-repair)
412(table control-range)
413(table conversion)
414(table conversion-default)
415(table counterattack)
416(table countercapture)
417(table cp-on-creation)
418(table cp-per-build)
419(table create-range)
420(table cxp-per-capture)
421(table cxp-per-combat)
422(table damage)
423(table damage-cxp-effect)
424(table defend-terrain-effect)
425(table detonate-on-approach-range)
426(table detonate-on-capture)
427(table detonate-on-hit)
428(table detonation-accident-chance)
429(table detonation-damage-at)
430(table detonation-damage-adjacent)
431(table detonation-terrain-damage-chance)
432(table detonation-terrain-range)
433(table detonation-unit-range)
434(table drawable-terrain)
435(table eye-height)
436(table favored-terrain)
437(table ferry-on-entry)
438(table ferry-on-departure)
439(table fire-attack-terrain-effect)
440(table fire-damage)
441(table fire-defend-terrain-effect)
442(table fire-hit-chance)
443(table gives-to-treasury)
444(table hp-min)
445(table hp-to-garrison)
446(table hit-at-max-range-effect)
447(table hit-by)
448(table hit-chance)
449(table hit-cxp-effect)
450(table hp-per-repair)
451(table hp-to-repair)
452(table hp-per-starve)
453(table in-length)
454(table independent-density)
455(table independent-capture-chance)
456(table load-max)
457(table looks-like)
458(table lose-track-chance)
459(table lost-surrender-chance)
460(table material-per-production)
461(table material-per-remove-terrain)
462(table material-to-add-terrain)
463(table material-to-act)
464(table material-to-attack)
465(table material-to-build)
466(table material-to-change-type)
467(table material-to-create)
468(table material-to-extract)
469(table material-to-fire)
470(table material-to-move)
471(table material-to-produce)
472(table material-to-remove-terrain)
473(table material-to-repair)
474(table material-to-develop)
475(table morale-hit)
476(table morale-hit-by)
477(table morale-on-creation)
478(table morale-terrain-effect)
479(table mp-to-enter-own)
480(table mp-to-enter-terrain)
481(table mp-to-enter-unit)
482(table mp-to-enter-zoc)
483(table mp-to-leave-terrain)
484(table mp-to-leave-unit)
485(table mp-to-leave-zoc)
486(table mp-to-traverse)
487(table mp-to-traverse-zoc)
488(table occ-add-maxcells)
489(table occ-multiply-maxcells)
490(table occupant-add-production)
491(table occupant-base-production)
492(table occupant-can-construct)
493(table occupant-can-have-occupants)
494(table occupant-combat)
495(table occupant-escape-chance)
496(table occupant-max)
497(table occupant-multiply-production)
498(table occupant-supply-potential)
499(table occupant-vision)
500(table opinions-on-creation)
501(table out-length)
502(table people-consumption)
503(table people-production)
504(table people-see-chance)
505(table people-surrender-chance)
506(table people-surrender-effect)
507(table productivity)
508(table productivity-adjacent)
509(table productivity-max)
510(table productivity-min)
511(table protection)
512(table recycleable-material)
513(table retreat-chance)
514(table road-chance)
515(table road-into-chance)
516(table scuttle-chance)
517(table see-chance)
518(table see-chance-adjacent)
519(table see-chance-at)
520(table see-material-always)
521(table see-mistake-chance)
522(table see-others-if-captured)
523(table size-limit-without-advance)
524(table size-limit-without-occupant)
525(table speed-occupant-effect)
526(table spy-quality)
527(table spy-track-chance)
528(table stack-protection)
529(table supply-capacity-deterioration)
530(table supply-capacity-threshold)
531(table supply-deterioration)
532(table supply-enemy-interdiction)
533(table supply-importance)
534(table supply-in-max)
535(table supply-interdiction-adjacent)
536(table supply-interdiction-adjacent-for-material)
537(table supply-interdiction-at)
538(table supply-interdiction-at-for-material)
539(table supply-in-threshold)
540(table supply-in-weight)
541(table supply-neutral-interdiction)
542(table supply-on-creation)
543(table supply-on-completion)
544(table supply-out-max)
545(table supply-out-threshold)
546(table supply-per-disband)
547(table supply-potential)
548(table supply-potential-terrain-effect)
549(table supply-starve-weight)
550(table surrender-chance)
551(table surrender-chance-per-attack)
552(table surrender-range)
553(table takes-from-treasury)
554(table tech-crossover)
555(table tech-per-develop)
556(table temperature-protection)
557(table terrain-consumption)
558(table terrain-damaged-type)
559(table terrain-density)
560(table terrain-production)
561(table terrain-capacity-x)
562(table terrain-exhaustion-type)
563(table terrain-initial-supply)
564(table terrain-storage-x)
565(table tp-damage)
566(table tp-max)
567(table tp-per-toolup)
568(table tp-to-build)
569(table tp-attrition)
570(table tp-crossover)
571(table track-chance)
572(table unit-capacity-x)
573(table unit-consumption-per-cp)
574(table unit-consumption-per-size)
575(table unit-consumption-to-grow)
576(table unit-control-chance)
577(table unit-control-chance-adjacent)
578(table unit-control-chance-at)
579(table unit-control-range)
580(table unit-initial-supply)
581(table unit-size-as-occupant)
582(table unit-size-in-terrain (u* t* 0))
583(table unit-storage-x)
584(table unload-max)
585(table vanishes-on)
586(table visibility)
587(table vision-night-effect)
588(table weapon-height)
589(table withdraw-chance-per-attack)
590(table wrecks-on)
591(table zoc-into-terrain)
592(table zoc-from-terrain-effect)
593(table zoc-range)
594(table zz-basic-hit-worth)
595(table zz-basic-capture-worth)
596(table zz-basic-transport-worth)
598;;; The world.
600(world 100
601  (axial-tilt 30)
602  (circumference 1000)
603  (day-length 10)
604  (year-length 400)
605  (daylight-fraction 0)
606  (twilight-fraction 0)
607  )
609(area 20 20
610  (cell-width 10)
611  (height 25)
612  (latitude 40)
613  (longitude 180)
614  (projection 0)
615  (sun 1 1)
616  (temperature-year-cycle)
617  (width 30)
618  )
620(area (aux-terrain 1 "fnsifunosiv"))
621(area (cloud-bottoms "ababababababa"))
622(area (cloud-heights "ababababababa"))
623(area (clouds "ababababababa"))
624(area (control-sides "ababababababa"))
625(area (elevations "dvandkjanldfadreo"))
626(area (features (("foo" "typ") ("bar" "tap")) "abababaaba"))
627(area (material 0 "dadkjnadvadfadf"))
628(area (people-sides "ababababababa"))
629(area (temperatures "uhgfuhpoafnpuoafpjh"))
630;(area (terrain "40a"))					; Causes crashes due to resizing
631(area (winds "ababababababa"))
632(area (user "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa"))
634(doctrine xxxdefault-doctrine
635  (construction-run)
636  (rearm-percent 20)
637  (repair-percent 20)
638  (resupply-percent 20)
639  (locked false)
640  )
642(doctrine xxxbe-aggressive
643  )
645;;; Sides.
649(side 1
650  (name "Oneia")
651  (long-name "Nation of Oneia")
652  (short-name "ON")
653  (noun "Oneian")
654  (plural-noun "Oneiaa")
655  (adjective "Oneian")
656  (color "green,blue")
657  (emblem-name "star")
658  (feature-namers)
659  (names-locked true)
660  (units)
661  (class "test")
662  (active true)
663  (ever-active true)
664  (status draw)
665  (advantage 1)
666  (advantage-min 1)
667  (advantage-max 3)
668  (initial-center-at 1 1)
669  (controlled-by 0)
670  (trusts)
671  (trades)
672  (next-numbers (xxxunit 46))
673  (unit-namers)
674  (feature-namers)
675  (tech)
676  (init-tech)
677  (action-priorities)
678  (already-seen)
679  (terrain-view)
680  (terrain-view-dates)
681  (aux-terrain-view)
682  (aux-terrain-view-dates)
683  (unit-views)
684  (material-view)
685  (material-view-dates)
686  (temperature-view)
687  (temperature-view-dates)
688  (cloud-view)
689  (cloud-bottom-view)
690  (cloud-height-view)
691  (cloud-view-dates)
692  (wind-view)
693  (wind-view-dates)
694  (turn-time-used 3)
695  (total-time-used 15)
696  (timeouts 3)
697  (timeouts-used 0)
698  (finished-turn false)
699  (willing-to-draw false)
700  (default-doctrine xxxdefault-doctrine)
701  (doctrines (u* xxxdefault-doctrine) (xxxunit xxxbe-aggressive))
702  (doctrines-locked false)
703  (standing-order xxxunit (always) (move-to 1 2 3 4) )
704  (self-unit 0)
705  (priority 1)
706  (scores (1 3) (2 15))
707  (loss-counts)
708  (gain-counts)
709  (attack-stats)
710  (hit-stats)
711  (ui-data)
712  (ai-data)
713  (player 1)
714  (advance)
715  (treasury)
716  )
718(side 2
719  (active false)
720  (status win)
721  )
723(side 3
724  (status lose)
725  )
727(side 4
728  (controlled-by 1)
729  )
732  (color "black")
733  )
735;;; Players.
737(player 0)
739(player 1
740  (name "Joe")
741  (config-name "xxx")
742  (display-name "screen")
743  (ai-type-name "stupid")
744  (password "IUL8h786m")
745  (initial-advantage 1)
746  )
748;;; Units.
752(unit xxxunit
753  (@ 5 2 10000)
754  (# 3)
755  (cp 1)
756  (cxp 0)
757  (hp 1)
758  (in 0)
759  (m 0)
760  (mo 0)
761  (n "CPT Socks")
762  (nb 34)
763  (opinions 0 0)
764  (os 1)
765  (s 1)
766  (sym xxxfoo)
767  (tp 0 0 0)
768  (trk)
769  (z 15000)
770  (x
771   (xxxhi xxxthere)
772   (appear 2)
773   (disappear 4)
774   (sides)
775   )
776  (acp 1)
777  (acp0 10)
778  (am 3)
779  (prod)
780  (size 0)
781  (reach 0)
782  (usedcells 0)
783  (maxcells 0)
784  (curadv 0)
785  (cpstash 0)
786  (popul 0)
787  (autobuild 0)
788  (autoresearch 0)
789  (autoplan 0)
790  (a (move 4 2 15000))
791  (plan passive
792   (ai-control 1)
793   (asleep 1)
794   (delayed 1)
795   (final-turn 1)
796   (formation 1 0 no-goal)
797   (initial-turn 1)
798   (reserve 1)
799   (supply-alarm 0)
800   (supply-is-low 0)
801   (tasks
802    (build)
803    (capture)
804    (collect)
805    (disband)
806    (hit-position)
807    (hit-unit)
808    (move-dir)
809    (move-to)
810    (occupy)
811    (pickup)
812    (produce)
813    (repair)
814    (develop)
815    (resupply)
816    (sentry)
817    )
818   (wait 0)
819   (wait-transport 0)
820   )
821  )
823(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (add-terrain)))
824(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (alter-terrain)))
825(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (attack)))
826(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (build)))
827(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (capture)))
828(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (change-side)))
829(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (change-type)))
830(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (create-at)))
831(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (create-in)))
832(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (detonate)))
833(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (disband)))
834(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (enter)))
835(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (extract)))
836(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (fire-at)))
837(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (fire-into)))
838(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (overrun)))
839(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (produce)))
840(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (remove-terrain)))
841(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (repair)))
842(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (develop)))
843(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (toolup)))
844(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (transfer)))
845(xxxunit 1 1 1 (a (transfer-part)))
847(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan none))
848(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan offensive))
849(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan defensive))
850(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan exploratory))
851(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan colonizing))
852(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan improving))
854(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan offensive (goal 1 0 no-goal)))
855(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan offensive (goal 1 0 won-game)))
856(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan offensive (goal 1 0 lost-game)))
857(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan offensive (goal 1 0 world-is-known)))
858(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan offensive (goal 1 0 vicinity-is-known)))
859(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan offensive (goal 1 0 positions-known)))
860(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan offensive (goal 1 0 cell-is-occupied)))
861(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan offensive (goal 1 0 vicinity-is-held)))
862(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan offensive (goal 1 0 has-unit-type)))
863(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan offensive (goal 1 0 has-unit-type-near)))
864(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan offensive (goal 1 0 has-material-type)))
865(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan offensive (goal 1 0 keep-formation)))
866(xxxunit 1 1 1 (plan offensive (goal 1 0 find-spot-to-build)))
868;;; Agreements.
870(agreement 1
871  (type-name "test")
872  (name "Treaty of Testing")
873  (terms "Be excellent to one another!")
874  (drafters 1)
875  (proposers 1)
876  (signers 1)
877  (willing-to-sign 1)
878  (known-to side*)
879  (enforcement 0)
880  (state 0)
881  )
883;;; Scorekeepers.
885(scorekeeper 1
886  (applies-to 0)
887  (do last-side-wins)
888  (initial 0)
889  (known-to 0)
890  (notes "test")
891  (title "First Test SK")
892  (trigger)
893  (triggered 0)
894  (when)
895  )
897(scorekeeper 2
898  (do last-alliance-wins)
899  )
901;;; History.
903(exu -2 xxxunit 1 1 0)
905(evt 0 log-started all)
906(evt 0 game-started all)
907(evt 1 side-joined all)
908(evt 1 side-lost all)
909(evt 1 side-withdrew all)
910(evt 1 side-won all)
911(evt 1 unit-created all)
912(evt 1 unit-completed all)
913(evt 1 unit-acquired all)
914(evt 1 unit-moved all)
915(evt 1 unit-assaulted all)
916(evt 1 unit-damaged all)
917(evt 1 unit-captured all)
918(evt 1 unit-killed all)
919(evt 1 unit-wrecked all)
920(evt 1 unit-vanished all)
921(evt 1 unit-garrisoned all)
922(evt 1 unit-revolted all)
923(evt 1 unit-surrendered all)
924(evt 1 unit-disbanded all)
925(evt 1 unit-died-in-accident all)
926(evt 1 unit-wrecked-in-accident all)
927(evt 1 unit-died-from-temperature all)
928(evt 1 unit-starved all)
929(evt 1 unit-merged all)
930(evt 1 unit-left-world all)
931(evt 1 unit-gone all)
932(evt 1 unit-type-changed all)
933(evt 1 unit-name-changed all)
934(evt 1 game-ended all)
935(evt 1 game-saved all)
936(evt 1 game-restarted all)
937(evt 1 log-ended all)
938(evt 1 action-ok all)
939(evt 1 action-error all)
940(evt 1 cannot-do all)
941(evt 1 insufficient-acp all)
942(evt 1 insufficient-material all)
943(evt 1 action-done all)
944(evt 1 insufficient-mp all)
945(evt 1 blocking-zoc all)
946(evt 1 cannot-leave-world all)
947(evt 1 destination-full all)
948(evt 1 overrun-failed all)
949(evt 1 overrun-succeeded all)
950(evt 1 capture-failed all)
951(evt 1 capture-succeeded all)
952(evt 1 fire-into-outside-world all)
953(evt 1 too-far all)
954(evt 1 too-near all)
955(evt 1 build-completed all)
957;;; Imagery
959(imf "xxximf"
960  ((8 8 tile border connection transition)
961   (embed "yyy") (embed-at 0 0) (embed-size 8 8)
962   (color (pixel-size 1) (palette) (actual 8 8) "0000000000000000")
963   (mono "0000000000000000")
964   (mask "0000000000000000")
965   (file "heyhey" std 1 1)
966  ))
968;;; Misc
970(namer xxxnamer
971  )
973;;; other keywords
975(define xxxrandom-list
976  (quote (
977    undefine
978    independent-units
979    include
980    namer
981    text
982    print
983    restrict
984    appear
985    disappear
986    feelings
987    quote
988    list
989    append
990    remove
991    if
992    else
993    end-if
994    m*
995    a*
996    non-unit
997    non-material
998    non-terrain
999    non-advance
1000    constant
1001    subarea
1002    xform
1003    by-bits
1004    by-char
1005    by-name
1006    random
1007    grammar
1008    junky
1009    tasks
1010    reset
1011    stop
1012    end
1013    cell
1014    no-x
1015    river-x
1016    valley-x
1017    road-x
1018    over-nothing
1019    over-own
1020    over-border
1021    over-all
1022    usual
1023    reject
1024    any
1025    capitalize
1026    cond
1027    and
1028    or
1029    not
1030    =
1031    /=
1032    <
1033    <=
1034    >
1035    >=
1036    sum
1037    before-turn
1038    after-turn
1039    after-action
1040    after-event
1041    make-fractal-percentile-terrain
1042    make-random-terrain
1043    make-earthlike-terrain
1044    make-maze-terrain
1045    make-rivers
1046    make-countries
1047    make-independent-units
1048    make-initial-materials
1049    name-units-randomly
1050    name-geographical-features
1051    make-roads
1052    make-random-date
1053    make-weather
1054    always
1055    near
1056    )