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Name Date Size #Lines LOC




CHANGESH A D02-Apr-19921.3 KiB4534

ImakefileH A D03-May-20221.3 KiB4436

MakefileH A D28-Mar-199616.5 KiB548375

Makefile.noImH A D12-Jul-19882 KiB9666

READMEH A D28-Mar-19961.5 KiB4229

animate.cH A D03-May-20224.8 KiB260245

background.hH A D02-Apr-199221 21

card.hH A D08-Jul-198739 32

color.hH A D08-Jul-1987299 2212

comp.cH A D28-Mar-19969.4 KiB395380

drawcard.cH A D03-May-20228.8 KiB349277

end.cH A D01-Apr-19922.1 KiB10986

extern.cH A D03-May-20222.9 KiB10594

fill.xbmH A D12-Jul-198812 KiB167166

init.cH A D08-Jul-19871.2 KiB6856

mille.cH A D03-May-20222.6 KiB146124

mille.hH A D28-Mar-19963.1 KiB166105

misc.cH A D03-May-20221.9 KiB10582

move.cH A D03-May-20228.6 KiB422365

print.cH A D08-Jul-198765 61

roll.cH A D03-May-2022750 4731

save.cH A D03-May-20221.9 KiB10571

types.cH A D08-Jul-1987597 3828

ui.cH A D03-May-202216.5 KiB811694

ui.hH A D27-Mar-19963 KiB10685

varpush.cH A D03-May-20221.4 KiB6349

xmille.manH A D28-Mar-19962 KiB5857


1Notes on porting xmille:
3	The bitmaps in 'cards' are set up for a color display, they probably
4will not be readable in monocrome without a bit of editing.  Also, the
5card display routines insist on color, so those will need fixing as well.
7	The major porting headache of mille is roll.c.  You'll probably
8have to fix it for your machine, it's terrible now -- but that's what came
9with it and it works on *my* machine...
11	I'll cheerfully accept bug reports in xmille, and may even be
12willing to maintain a current version; but I wash my hands of this mess by
13putting it into the public domain, I don't care what you do with it.
15	May 28, 1987
17	keith packard
19	keithp@copper.tek.com	(at least for now)
21	reed!dinadan!keith	(at home)
25xmille compiles nicely on my Sparc LX running Solaris 2.5.  You have to
26cd to the  "cards" and "control" directories and run "make" there,
27though.  But it will work, I'm happy to point out!  BTW, I use gcc to
30I haven't cleaned up the mess at all;  matter of fact, I've contributed
31to it I'm sure.  I threw in some code for enabling the keyboard to work.
32I am going to leave the Makefile's there just the way they are on my machine.
33If you find you need to rerun imake, you may have to tinker with the
34Makefile's to get it to compile- I did.  But it shouldn't be too hard.
35-Mike 3/28/96
36 schwager@wwa.com
39P.S.  TO get it to run in "Debug" mode, simply rename the executable as
40"a.out" and run a.out.  It checks $0, and prints various junk along the