2Claus Leth Gregersen:
3    new sort of teamgame:
4    I don't know if you ever played Z but the idea is to add some areas
5    on the map you have to conquer. Which you do by flying over it.
6    (maybe the diamonds used as checkpoints on race maps could be reused)
7    Each team has a total number of lives, not split out on the individuals, so
8    they share them between them. Each area will every 30 second or so produce an
9    extra life to the team who posesses it. Winner is the team who survive longest.
10    I'm not sure how this would work in practise, maybe it takes too many players..
12Mark Boyns:
13    Even pieces of this are good ideas.  Shared team lives could make team
14    games more interesting.  Conquering areas could be neat if there were
15    4 such areas and 4 players per team.  The first team to conquer all 4
16    at the same time wins.
18Claus Leth Gregersen:
19    ##############################################################################
20    ##                         cccc             |  |  |                         ##
21    ##                                          |  |  |                     1   ##
22    ##                                          |  |  |                  *      ##
23    ##                     v   cccc             |  |  |                         ##
24    ##      ######################################################################
25    ##                                          |                               ##
26    ##                          *               |                             <-##
27    ##->                                        |                               ##
28    ##                                          |                               ##
29    ######################################################################      ##
30    ##                                          |                               ##
31    ##->                        *               |                               ##
32    ##                                          |                             <-##
33    ##                                          |                               ##
34    ##        ####################################################################
35    ##                         CCCC             |  |  |                         ##
36    ##                                          |  |  |                    *    ##
37    ##                                          |  |  |                     2   ##
38    ##                     V   CCCC             |  |  |                         ##
39    ##############################################################################
41    1 and 2 are where the teams are located
43    # is walls
45    * is areas that has to be conquered.
47    |
48    |  is laser fences i imagine that the laser shot isn't moving, just a long
49    |  long beam that lives for 5-10 frames, then recharges for some frames and
50       fire again. (yeah i played too many video games when i was a kid)
52    c are cannons that aims instead of firing at random, should be able to turn
53    with
54      a decent speed.
56    V are spark volcano's, map needs gravity then, will make a nice
57      sparkling effect
60    -> and <- should be firing heat seekers or torpedos, just to spice it up a bit.
62    Would be great if cannons and fences could belong to the team that controls
63    the area which they're closest at, or just be owned by a team.
65    I know that human readable maps is desired, and that there isn't many
66    readable AscII chars left, well maybe allow the map file to contain overrides
67    for the meaning of each symbol? like:
69    Define c cannon  T1
70    Define C cannon  T2
71    Define v volcano T1
72    Define V volcano T2
73    Define | laserFence
75    where T1 & T2 says which team it belongs to.
76    that way old maps will work, and we got a way to add alot of new map features.
77    I doubt that anyone would use all the different types of features in 1 map
78    anyway. The way it is now, there is too little room for making funny stuff.
80    Oh i talk too much and code too little...
82    /Claus Leth Gregersen.