1 // Emacs style mode select	 -*- C++ -*-
2 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 //
4 // $Id:$
5 //
6 // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
7 //
8 // This source is available for distribution and/or modification
9 // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
10 // published by id Software. All rights reserved.
11 //
12 // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License
15 // for more details.
16 //
17 // $Log:$
18 //
20 //		Cheat code. See *_sbar.cpp for status bars.
21 //
22 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 #include "d_protocol.h"
25 #include "gstrings.h"
26 #include "c_cvars.h"
27 #include "c_dispatch.h"
28 #include "d_event.h"
29 #include "gi.h"
30 #include "d_net.h"
31 #include "doomstat.h"
32 #include "g_level.h"
34 EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, ticker);
35 EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, noisedebug);
36 EXTERN_CVAR (Int, am_cheat);
38 struct cheatseq_t
39 {
40 	BYTE *Sequence;
41 	BYTE *Pos;
42 	BYTE DontCheck;
43 	BYTE CurrentArg;
44 	BYTE Args[2];
45 	bool (*Handler)(cheatseq_t *);
46 };
48 static bool CheatCheckList (event_t *ev, cheatseq_t *cheats, int numcheats);
49 static bool CheatAddKey (cheatseq_t *cheat, BYTE key, bool *eat);
50 static bool Cht_Generic (cheatseq_t *);
51 static bool Cht_Music (cheatseq_t *);
52 static bool Cht_BeholdMenu (cheatseq_t *);
53 static bool Cht_PumpupMenu (cheatseq_t *);
54 static bool Cht_AutoMap (cheatseq_t *);
55 static bool Cht_ChangeLevel (cheatseq_t *);
56 static bool Cht_ChangeStartSpot (cheatseq_t *);
57 static bool Cht_WarpTransLevel (cheatseq_t *);
58 static bool Cht_MyPos (cheatseq_t *);
59 static bool Cht_Sound (cheatseq_t *);
60 static bool Cht_Ticker (cheatseq_t *);
62 BYTE CheatPowerup[7][10] =
63 {
64 	{ 'i','d','b','e','h','o','l','d','v', 255 },
65 	{ 'i','d','b','e','h','o','l','d','s', 255 },
66 	{ 'i','d','b','e','h','o','l','d','i', 255 },
67 	{ 'i','d','b','e','h','o','l','d','r', 255 },
68 	{ 'i','d','b','e','h','o','l','d','a', 255 },
69 	{ 'i','d','b','e','h','o','l','d','l', 255 },
70 	{ 'i','d','b','e','h','o','l','d', 255 },
71 };
72 BYTE CheatPowerup1[11][7] =
73 {
74 	{ 'g','i','m','m','e','a',255 },
75 	{ 'g','i','m','m','e','b',255 },
76 	{ 'g','i','m','m','e','c',255 },
77 	{ 'g','i','m','m','e','d',255 },
78 	{ 'g','i','m','m','e','e',255 },
79 	{ 'g','i','m','m','e','f',255 },
80 	{ 'g','i','m','m','e','g',255 },
81 	{ 'g','i','m','m','e','h',255 },
82 	{ 'g','i','m','m','e','i',255 },
83 	{ 'g','i','m','m','e','j',255 },
84 	{ 'g','i','m','m','e','z',255 },
85 };
86 BYTE CheatPowerup2[8][10] =
87 {
88 	{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p','b',255 },
89 	{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p','i',255 },
90 	{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p','m',255 },
91 	{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p','h',255 },
92 	{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p','p',255 },
93 	{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p','s',255 },
94 	{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p','t',255 },
95 	{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p',255 },
96 };
98 // Smashing Pumpkins Into Small Piles Of Putrid Debris.
99 static BYTE CheatNoclip[] =		{ 'i','d','s','p','i','s','p','o','p','d',255 };
100 static BYTE CheatNoclip2[] =	{ 'i','d','c','l','i','p',255 };
101 static BYTE CheatMus[] =		{ 'i','d','m','u','s',0,0,255 };
102 static BYTE CheatChoppers[] =	{ 'i','d','c','h','o','p','p','e','r','s',255 };
103 static BYTE CheatGod[] =		{ 'i','d','d','q','d',255 };
104 static BYTE CheatAmmo[] =		{ 'i','d','k','f','a',255 };
105 static BYTE CheatAmmoNoKey[] =	{ 'i','d','f','a',255 };
106 static BYTE CheatClev[] =		{ 'i','d','c','l','e','v',0,0,255 };
107 static BYTE CheatMypos[] =		{ 'i','d','m','y','p','o','s',255 };
108 static BYTE CheatAmap[] =		{ 'i','d','d','t',255 };
110 static BYTE CheatQuicken[] =	{ 'q','u','i','c','k','e','n',255 };
111 static BYTE CheatKitty[] =		{ 'k','i','t','t','y',255 };
112 static BYTE CheatRambo[] =		{ 'r','a','m','b','o',255 };
113 static BYTE CheatShazam[] =		{ 's','h','a','z','a','m',255 };
114 static BYTE CheatPonce[] =		{ 'p','o','n','c','e',255 };
115 static BYTE CheatSkel[] =		{ 's','k','e','l',255 };
116 static BYTE CheatNoise[] =		{ 'n','o','i','s','e',255 };
117 static BYTE CheatTicker[] =		{ 't','i','c','k','e','r',255 };
118 static BYTE CheatEngage[] =		{ 'e','n','g','a','g','e',0,0,255 };
119 static BYTE CheatChicken[] =	{ 'c','o','c','k','a','d','o','o','d','l','e','d','o','o',255 };
120 static BYTE CheatMassacre[] =	{ 'm','a','s','s','a','c','r','e',255 };
121 static BYTE CheatRavMap[] =		{ 'r','a','v','m','a','p',255 };
123 static BYTE CheatSatan[] =		{ 's','a','t','a','n',255 };
124 static BYTE CheatCasper[] =		{ 'c','a','s','p','e','r',255 };
125 static BYTE CheatNRA[] =		{ 'n','r','a',255 };
126 static BYTE CheatClubMed[] =	{ 'c','l','u','b','m','e','d',255 };
127 static BYTE CheatLocksmith[] =	{ 'l','o','c','k','s','m','i','t','h',255 };
128 static BYTE CheatIndiana[] =	{ 'i','n','d','i','a','n','a',255 };
129 static BYTE CheatSherlock[] =	{ 's','h','e','r','l','o','c','k',255 };
130 static BYTE CheatVisit[] =		{ 'v','i','s','i','t',0,0,255 };
131 static BYTE CheatPig[] =		{ 'd','e','l','i','v','e','r','a','n','c','e',255 };
132 static BYTE CheatButcher[] =	{ 'b','u','t','c','h','e','r',255 };
133 static BYTE CheatConan[] =		{ 'c','o','n','a','n',255 };
134 static BYTE CheatMapsco[] =		{ 'm','a','p','s','c','o',255 };
135 static BYTE CheatWhere[] =		{ 'w','h','e','r','e',255 };
136 #if 0
137 static BYTE CheatClass1[] =		{ 's','h','a','d','o','w','c','a','s','t','e','r',255 };
138 static BYTE CheatClass2[] =		{ 's','h','a','d','o','w','c','a','s','t','e','r',0,255 };
139 static BYTE CheatInit[] =		{ 'i','n','i','t',255 };
140 static BYTE CheatScript1[] =	{ 'p','u','k','e',255 };
141 static BYTE CheatScript2[] =	{ 'p','u','k','e',0,255 };
142 static BYTE CheatScript3[] =	{ 'p','u','k','e',0,0,255 };
143 #endif
145 static BYTE CheatSpin[] =		{ 's','p','i','n',0,0,255 };
146 static BYTE CheatRift[] =		{ 'r','i','f','t',0,0,255 };
147 static BYTE CheatGPS[] =		{ 'g','p','s',255 };
148 static BYTE CheatGripper[] =	{ 'g','r','i','p','p','e','r',255 };
149 static BYTE CheatLego[] =		{ 'l','e','g','o',255 };
150 static BYTE CheatDots[] =		{ 'd','o','t','s',255 };
151 static BYTE CheatScoot[] =		{ 's','c','o','o','t',0,255 };
152 static BYTE CheatDonnyTrump[] =	{ 'd','o','n','n','y','t','r','u','m','p',255 };
153 static BYTE CheatOmnipotent[] =	{ 'o','m','n','i','p','o','t','e','n','t',255 };
154 static BYTE CheatJimmy[] =		{ 'j','i','m','m','y',255 };
155 static BYTE CheatBoomstix[] =	{ 'b','o','o','m','s','t','i','x',255 };
156 static BYTE CheatStoneCold[] =	{ 's','t','o','n','e','c','o','l','d',255 };
157 static BYTE CheatElvis[] =		{ 'e','l','v','i','s',255 };
158 static BYTE CheatTopo[] =		{ 't','o','p','o',255 };
160 //[BL] Graf will probably get rid of this
161 static BYTE CheatJoelKoenigs[] =	{ 'j','o','e','l','k','o','e','n','i','g','s',255 };
162 static BYTE CheatDavidBrus[] =		{ 'd','a','v','i','d','b','r','u','s',255 };
163 static BYTE CheatScottHolman[] =	{ 's','c','o','t','t','h','o','l','m','a','n',255 };
164 static BYTE CheatMikeKoenigs[] =	{ 'm','i','k','e','k','o','e','n','i','g','s',255 };
165 static BYTE CheatCharlesJacobi[] =	{ 'c','h','a','r','l','e','s','j','a','c','o','b','i',255 };
166 static BYTE CheatAndrewBenson[] =	{ 'a','n','d','r','e','w','b','e','n','s','o','n',255 };
167 static BYTE CheatDeanHyers[] =		{ 'd','e','a','n','h','y','e','r','s',255 };
168 static BYTE CheatMaryBregi[] =		{ 'm','a','r','y','b','r','e','g','i',255 };
169 static BYTE CheatAllen[] =			{ 'a','l','l','e','n',255 };
170 static BYTE CheatDigitalCafe[] =	{ 'd','i','g','i','t','a','l','c','a','f','e',255 };
171 static BYTE CheatJoshuaStorms[] =	{ 'j','o','s','h','u','a','s','t','o','r','m','s',255 };
172 static BYTE CheatLeeSnyder[] =		{ 'l','e','e','s','n','y','d','e','r',0,0,255 };
173 static BYTE CheatKimHyers[] =		{ 'k','i','m','h','y','e','r','s',255 };
174 static BYTE CheatShrrill[] =		{ 's','h','e','r','r','i','l','l',255 };
176 static BYTE CheatTNTem[] =		{ 't','n','t','e','m',255 };
178 static cheatseq_t DoomCheats[] =
179 {
180 	{ CheatMus,				0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_Music },
181 	{ CheatPowerup[6],		0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_BeholdMenu },
182 	{ CheatMypos,			0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_MyPos },
183 	{ CheatAmap,			0, 0, 0, {0,0},				Cht_AutoMap },
184 	{ CheatGod,				0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDDQD,0},		Cht_Generic },
185 	{ CheatAmmo,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDKFA,0},		Cht_Generic },
186 	{ CheatAmmoNoKey,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDFA,0},		Cht_Generic },
187 	{ CheatNoclip,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOCLIP,0},	Cht_Generic },
188 	{ CheatNoclip2,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOCLIP,0},	Cht_Generic },
189 	{ CheatPowerup[0],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDV,0},	Cht_Generic },
190 	{ CheatPowerup[1],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDS,0},	Cht_Generic },
191 	{ CheatPowerup[2],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDI,0},	Cht_Generic },
192 	{ CheatPowerup[3],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDR,0},	Cht_Generic },
193 	{ CheatPowerup[4],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDA,0},	Cht_Generic },
194 	{ CheatPowerup[5],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDL,0},	Cht_Generic },
195 	{ CheatChoppers,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_CHAINSAW,0},	Cht_Generic },
196 	{ CheatClev,			0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_ChangeLevel }
197 };
199 static cheatseq_t HereticCheats[] =
200 {
201 	{ CheatNoise,			0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_Sound },
202 	{ CheatTicker,			0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_Ticker },
203 	{ CheatRavMap,			0, 0, 0, {0,0},				Cht_AutoMap },
204 	{ CheatQuicken,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_GOD,0},		Cht_Generic },
205 	{ CheatKitty,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOCLIP,0},	Cht_Generic },
206 	{ CheatRambo,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDFA,0},		Cht_Generic },
207 	{ CheatShazam,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_POWER,0},		Cht_Generic },
208 	{ CheatPonce,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_HEALTH,0},	Cht_Generic },
209 	{ CheatSkel,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_KEYS,0},		Cht_Generic },
210 	{ CheatChicken,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_MORPH,0},		Cht_Generic },
211 	{ CheatMassacre,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_MASSACRE,0},	Cht_Generic },
212 	{ CheatEngage,			0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_ChangeLevel },
213 	{ CheatPowerup1[0],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEA,0},	Cht_Generic },
214 	{ CheatPowerup1[1],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEB,0},	Cht_Generic },
215 	{ CheatPowerup1[2],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEC,0},	Cht_Generic },
216 	{ CheatPowerup1[3],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIED,0},	Cht_Generic },
217 	{ CheatPowerup1[4],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEE,0},	Cht_Generic },
218 	{ CheatPowerup1[5],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEF,0},	Cht_Generic },
219 	{ CheatPowerup1[6],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEG,0},	Cht_Generic },
220 	{ CheatPowerup1[7],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEH,0},	Cht_Generic },
221 	{ CheatPowerup1[8],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEI,0},	Cht_Generic },
222 	{ CheatPowerup1[9],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEJ,0},	Cht_Generic },
223 	{ CheatPowerup1[10],	0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEZ,0},	Cht_Generic },
224 	{ CheatAmmo,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_TAKEWEAPS,0},	Cht_Generic },
225 	{ CheatGod,				0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOWUDIE,0},	Cht_Generic },
226 };
228 static cheatseq_t HexenCheats[] =
229 {
230 	{ CheatSatan,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_GOD,0},		Cht_Generic },
231 	{ CheatCasper,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOCLIP,0},	Cht_Generic },
232 	{ CheatNRA,				0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDFA,0},		Cht_Generic },
233 	{ CheatClubMed,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_HEALTH,0},	Cht_Generic },
234 	{ CheatLocksmith,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_KEYS,0},		Cht_Generic },
235 	{ CheatIndiana,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_ALLARTI,0},	Cht_Generic },
236 	{ CheatSherlock,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_PUZZLE,0},	Cht_Generic },
237 	{ CheatVisit,			0, 0, 0, {0,0},				Cht_WarpTransLevel },
238 	{ CheatPig,				0, 0, 0, {CHT_MORPH,0},		Cht_Generic },
239 	{ CheatButcher,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_MASSACRE,0},	Cht_Generic },
240 	{ CheatConan,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_TAKEWEAPS,0},	Cht_Generic },
241 	{ CheatWhere,			0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_MyPos },
242 	{ CheatMapsco,			0, 0, 0, {0,0},				Cht_AutoMap }
243 };
245 static cheatseq_t StrifeCheats[] =
246 {
247 	{ CheatSpin,			0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_Music },
248 	{ CheatGPS,				0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_MyPos },
249 	{ CheatTopo,			0, 0, 0, {0,0},				Cht_AutoMap },
250 	{ CheatDots,			0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_Ticker },
251 	{ CheatOmnipotent,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDDQD,0},		Cht_Generic },
252 	{ CheatGripper,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOVELOCITY,0},Cht_Generic },
253 	{ CheatJimmy,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_KEYS,0},		Cht_Generic },
254 	{ CheatBoomstix,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDFA,0},		Cht_Generic },
255 	{ CheatElvis,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOCLIP,0},	Cht_Generic },
256 	{ CheatStoneCold,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_MASSACRE,0},	Cht_Generic },
257 	{ CheatPowerup2[7],		0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_PumpupMenu },
258 	{ CheatPowerup2[0],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDS,0},	Cht_Generic },
259 	{ CheatPowerup2[1],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_PUMPUPI,0},	Cht_Generic },
260 	{ CheatPowerup2[2],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_PUMPUPM,0},	Cht_Generic },
261 	{ CheatPowerup2[3],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_PUMPUPH,0},	Cht_Generic },
262 	{ CheatPowerup2[4],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_PUMPUPP,0},	Cht_Generic },
263 	{ CheatPowerup2[5],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_PUMPUPS,0},	Cht_Generic },
264 	{ CheatPowerup2[6],		0, 0, 0, {CHT_PUMPUPT,0},	Cht_Generic },
265 	{ CheatRift,			0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_ChangeLevel },
266 	{ CheatDonnyTrump,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_DONNYTRUMP,0},Cht_Generic },
267 	{ CheatScoot,			0, 0, 0, {0,0},				Cht_ChangeStartSpot },
268 	{ CheatLego,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_LEGO,0},		Cht_Generic },
269 };
271 static cheatseq_t ChexCheats[] =
272 {
273 	{ CheatKimHyers,		0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_MyPos },
274 	{ CheatShrrill,			0, 0, 0, {0,0},				Cht_AutoMap },
275 	{ CheatDavidBrus,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDDQD,0},		Cht_Generic },
276 	{ CheatScottHolman,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDKFA,0},		Cht_Generic },
277 	{ CheatMikeKoenigs,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDFA,0},		Cht_Generic },
278 	{ CheatCharlesJacobi,	0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOCLIP,0},	Cht_Generic },
279 	{ CheatAndrewBenson,	0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDV,0},	Cht_Generic },
280 	{ CheatDeanHyers,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDS,0},	Cht_Generic },
281 	{ CheatMaryBregi,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDI,0},	Cht_Generic },
282 	{ CheatAllen,			0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDR,0},	Cht_Generic },
283 	{ CheatDigitalCafe,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDA,0},	Cht_Generic },
284 	{ CheatJoshuaStorms,	0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDL,0},	Cht_Generic },
285 	{ CheatJoelKoenigs,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_CHAINSAW,0},	Cht_Generic },
286 	{ CheatLeeSnyder,		0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_ChangeLevel },
287 	{ CheatMus,				0, 1, 0, {0,0},				Cht_Music },
288 };
290 static cheatseq_t SpecialCheats[] =
291 {
292 	{ CheatTNTem,		0, 0, 0, {CHT_MASSACRE,0},	Cht_Generic }
293 };
CVAR(Bool,allcheats,false,CVAR_ARCHIVE)297 CVAR(Bool, allcheats, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
299 // Respond to keyboard input events, intercept cheats.
300 // [RH] Cheats eat the last keypress used to trigger them
301 bool ST_Responder (event_t *ev)
302 {
303 	bool eat = false;
305 	if (!allcheats)
306 	{
307 		cheatseq_t *cheats;
308 		int numcheats;
310 		switch (gameinfo.gametype)
311 		{
312 		case GAME_Doom:
313 			cheats = DoomCheats;
314 			numcheats = countof(DoomCheats);
315 			break;
317 		case GAME_Heretic:
318 			cheats = HereticCheats;
319 			numcheats = countof(HereticCheats);
320 			break;
322 		case GAME_Hexen:
323 			cheats = HexenCheats;
324 			numcheats = countof(HexenCheats);
325 			break;
327 		case GAME_Strife:
328 			cheats = StrifeCheats;
329 			numcheats = countof(StrifeCheats);
330 			break;
332 		case GAME_Chex:
333 			cheats = ChexCheats;
334 			numcheats = countof(ChexCheats);
335 			break;
337 		default:
338 			return false;
339 		}
340 		return CheatCheckList(ev, cheats, numcheats);
341 	}
342 	else
343 	{
344 		static cheatseq_t *cheatlists[] = { DoomCheats, HereticCheats, HexenCheats, StrifeCheats, ChexCheats, SpecialCheats };
345 		static int counts[] = { countof(DoomCheats), countof(HereticCheats)-2, countof(HexenCheats),
346 								countof(StrifeCheats), countof(ChexCheats)-1, countof(SpecialCheats) };
348 		for (size_t i=0; i<countof(cheatlists); i++)
349 		{
350 			if (CheatCheckList(ev, cheatlists[i], counts[i])) return true;
351 		}
352 	}
353 	return false;
354 }
CheatCheckList(event_t * ev,cheatseq_t * cheats,int numcheats)356 static bool CheatCheckList (event_t *ev, cheatseq_t *cheats, int numcheats)
357 {
358 	bool eat = false;
360 	if (ev->type == EV_KeyDown)
361 	{
362 		int i;
364 		for (i = 0; i < numcheats; i++, cheats++)
365 		{
366 			if (CheatAddKey (cheats, (BYTE)ev->data2, &eat))
367 			{
368 				if (cheats->DontCheck || !CheckCheatmode ())
369 				{
370 					eat |= cheats->Handler (cheats);
371 				}
372 			}
373 			else if (cheats->Pos - cheats->Sequence > 2)
374 			{ // If more than two characters into the sequence,
375 			  // eat the keypress, just so that the Hexen cheats
376 			  // with T in them will work without unbinding T.
377 				eat = true;
378 			}
379 		}
380 	}
381 	return eat;
382 }
384 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
385 //
386 // FUNC CheatAddkey
387 //
388 // Returns true if the added key completed the cheat, false otherwise.
389 //
390 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
CheatAddKey(cheatseq_t * cheat,BYTE key,bool * eat)392 static bool CheatAddKey (cheatseq_t *cheat, BYTE key, bool *eat)
393 {
394 	if (cheat->Pos == NULL)
395 	{
396 		cheat->Pos = cheat->Sequence;
397 		cheat->CurrentArg = 0;
398 	}
399 	if (*cheat->Pos == 0)
400 	{
401 		*eat = true;
402 		cheat->Args[cheat->CurrentArg++] = key;
403 		cheat->Pos++;
404 	}
405 	else if (key == *cheat->Pos)
406 	{
407 		cheat->Pos++;
408 	}
409 	else
410 	{
411 		cheat->Pos = cheat->Sequence;
412 		cheat->CurrentArg = 0;
413 	}
414 	if (*cheat->Pos == 0xff)
415 	{
416 		cheat->Pos = cheat->Sequence;
417 		cheat->CurrentArg = 0;
418 		return true;
419 	}
420 	return false;
421 }
423 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
424 //
426 //
427 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cht_Generic(cheatseq_t * cheat)429 static bool Cht_Generic (cheatseq_t *cheat)
430 {
431 	Net_WriteByte (DEM_GENERICCHEAT);
432 	Net_WriteByte (cheat->Args[0]);
433 	return true;
434 }
Cht_Music(cheatseq_t * cheat)436 static bool Cht_Music (cheatseq_t *cheat)
437 {
438 	char buf[9] = "idmus xx";
440 	buf[6] = cheat->Args[0];
441 	buf[7] = cheat->Args[1];
442 	C_DoCommand (buf);
443 	return true;
444 }
Cht_BeholdMenu(cheatseq_t * cheat)446 static bool Cht_BeholdMenu (cheatseq_t *cheat)
447 {
448 	Printf ("%s\n", GStrings("STSTR_BEHOLD"));
449 	return false;
450 }
Cht_PumpupMenu(cheatseq_t * cheat)452 static bool Cht_PumpupMenu (cheatseq_t *cheat)
453 {
454 	// How many people knew about the PUMPUPT cheat, since
455 	// it isn't printed in the list?
456 	Printf ("Bzrk, Inviso, Mask, Health, Pack, Stats\n");
457 	return false;
458 }
Cht_AutoMap(cheatseq_t * cheat)460 static bool Cht_AutoMap (cheatseq_t *cheat)
461 {
462 	if (automapactive)
463 	{
464 		am_cheat = (am_cheat + 1) % 3;
465 		return true;
466 	}
467 	else
468 	{
469 		return false;
470 	}
471 }
Cht_ChangeLevel(cheatseq_t * cheat)473 static bool Cht_ChangeLevel (cheatseq_t *cheat)
474 {
475 	char cmd[10] = "idclev xx";
477 	cmd[7] = cheat->Args[0];
478 	cmd[8] = cheat->Args[1];
479 	C_DoCommand (cmd);
480 	return true;
481 }
Cht_ChangeStartSpot(cheatseq_t * cheat)483 static bool Cht_ChangeStartSpot (cheatseq_t *cheat)
484 {
485 	char cmd[64];
487 	mysnprintf (cmd, countof(cmd), "changemap %s %c", level.MapName.GetChars(), cheat->Args[0]);
488 	C_DoCommand (cmd);
489 	return true;
490 }
Cht_WarpTransLevel(cheatseq_t * cheat)492 static bool Cht_WarpTransLevel (cheatseq_t *cheat)
493 {
494 	char cmd[11] = "hxvisit xx";
495 	cmd[8] = cheat->Args[0];
496 	cmd[9] = cheat->Args[1];
497 	C_DoCommand (cmd);
498 	return true;
499 }
Cht_MyPos(cheatseq_t * cheat)501 static bool Cht_MyPos (cheatseq_t *cheat)
502 {
503 	C_DoCommand ("toggle idmypos");
504 	return true;
505 }
Cht_Ticker(cheatseq_t * cheat)507 static bool Cht_Ticker (cheatseq_t *cheat)
508 {
509 	ticker = !ticker;
510 	Printf ("%s\n", GStrings(ticker ? "TXT_CHEATTICKERON" : "TXT_CHEATTICKEROFF"));
511 	return true;
512 }
Cht_Sound(cheatseq_t * cheat)514 static bool Cht_Sound (cheatseq_t *cheat)
515 {
516 	noisedebug = !noisedebug;
517 	Printf ("%s\n", GStrings(noisedebug ? "TXT_CHEATSOUNDON" : "TXT_CHEATSOUNDOFF"));
518 	return true;
519 }