1. This is dataplot macro     dexsp_write_factor_levels.dp      10/29/18
2. Purpose: Write out the factor levels for the dexsp.dp  macros
3. Date: 10/29/18
4. Note: This routine is called by   dexsp.dp
5. Input:
6.    k                      (parameter) = number of factors
7.    xplott, yplot, tagplot (vectors)   = plot output vectors from previous dex mean plot
8.    numlevva               (vector)    = number of levels of each factor
10. Output:
11.    Horzontal axis tic annotation gets wrrten out on an existing dex scatter plot
12.    Note: When number of levels is moderate or large,
13.          then an abbreviated annotation will be written out.
15. -----start point-----
17. print numlevva
18. pause
20let bugswwfl = 0
21. let pausesw = 0
23if bugswwfl = 1
24   print " "; print " "; print "At beginning of dexmp_write_factor_levels.dp"
25   print xplot yplot tagplot subset tagplot 1 to 99
26   print junk.out xplot yplot tagplot subset tagplot 1 to 99
27   if pausesw = 1; pause; end if
28   print "k = ^k"
29   if pausesw = 1; pause; end if
30   . print numlevva
31   . pause
32end if
34. -----Step 1: extract out each (factor,level) combination-----
36if bugswwfl = 1
37   print " "; print " "; print "At (dexspp_write_factor_levels.dp, step 1): extract xploti for each (factor,level) combinations"
38   if pausesw = 1; pause; end if
39end if
41delete index1z indexz2 xplotz1
42tabulate mean xplot tagplot
43skip 1
44read dpst1f.dat indexz1 xplotz1
46let numlevto = sum numlevva
47retain indexz1 xplotz1 for i = 1 1 numlevto
49let numlevvc = cumulative sum numlevva
50let jstart = 0
51loop for jfact = 1 1 k
52   let numlevfa = numlevva(jfact)
53   let jstart = jstart + 1
54   let jstop = jstart + numlevfa -1
55   let indexz2 = ^jfact for i = jstart 1 jstop
56   let jstart = jstop
57  end loop
59let xplot = xplotz1
60let tagplot = indexz2
62if bugswwfl = 1; "At end of step 1:"
63   print xplot tagplot for i = 1 1 30
64   if pausesw = 1; pause; end if
65end if
67. ----Step 2: Loop through the k factors, extract annotation strings and write them out-----
69let yp = 18
70just center; hw 2 1
72loop for jfact = 1 1 k
73   .
74   . -----Step 2.1: Form the annotation strings (if numlevfa >= 5, then smaller than numlevfa)-----
75   .
76   if bugswwfl = 1
77      print " "; print " "; print "======Step 2.1: jfact = ^jfact======";
78      print "At (dexmp_write_factor_levels.dp, step 1): form annotation strings"
79      if pausesw = 1; pause; end if
80   end if
81   .
82   delete xpv indexv stoutv numlevfa
83   let xpv = xplot
84   retain xpv subset tagplot ^jfact
85   .
86   if bugswwfl = 1; print xpv
87      if pausesw = 1; pause; end if
88   end if
90   let numlevfa = number xpv
91   let indexv = 1 1 numlevfa
92   .
93   if bugswwfl = 1; print "numlevfa = ^numlevfa"
94      if pausesw = 1; pause; end if
95      print xpv indexv
96      if pausesw = 1; pause; end if
97   end if
98   .
99   if numlevfa =  1; let string stoutv = 1  ;                                                 end if
100   if numlevfa =  2; let string stoutv = - +;                                                 end if
101   if numlevfa =  3; let string stoutv = - 0 +;                                               end if
102   if numlevfa =  4; let string stoutv = 1 2 3 4;                                             end if
103   if numlevfa =  5; let string stoutv = 1 3 5;     retain xpv indexv subset indexv 1 3 5;    end if
104   if numlevfa =  6; let string stoutv = 1 . . 6;   retain xpv indexv subset indexv 1 3 4 6;  end if
105   if numlevfa =  7; let string stoutv = 1 3 5 7;   retain xpv indexv subset indexv 1 3 5 7;  end if
106   if numlevfa =  8; let string stoutv = 1 . . 8;   retain xpv indexv subset indexv 1 4 5 8;  end if
107   if numlevfa =  9; let string stoutv = 1 5 9;     retain xpv indexv subset indexv 1 5 9;    end if
108   if numlevfa = 10; let string stoutv = 1 4 7 10;  retain xpv indexv subset indexv 1 4 7 10; end if
109   if numlevfa = 11; let string stoutv = 1 6 11;    retain xpv indexv subset indexv 1 6 11;   end if
110   if numlevfa = 12; let string stoutv = 1 5 8 12;  retain xpv indexv subset indexv 1 5 8 12; end if
111   if numlevfa = 13; let string stoutv = 1 7 13;    retain xpv indexv subset indexv 1 7 13;   end if
112   if numlevfa = 14; let string stoutv = 1 5 10 14; retain xpv indexv subset indexv 5 10 14;  end if
113   if numlevfa = 15; let string stoutv = 1 8 15;    retain xpv indexv subset indexv 1 8 15;   end if
114   if numlevfa = 16; let string stoutv = 1 . . 16;  retain xpv indexv subset indexv 1 8 9 16; end if
115   if numlevfa >= 17;
116      let evenodd = mod(numlevfa,2)
117      if evenodd = 1
118         let midzz = (numlevfa + 1)/2
119         let string stoutv = 1 ^midzz ^numlevfa
120         retain xpv indexv subset indexv 1 ^midzz ^numlevfa
121      end if
122      if evenodd = 0
123         let midzz = (numlevfa)/2
124         let midzzm = midzz-1
125         let midzzp = midzz+1
126         let string stoutv = 1 ^midzzm ^midzzp ^numlevfa
127         retain xpv indexv subset indexv 1 ^midzzm ^midzzp ^numlevfa
128      end if
129   end if
130   .
131   . -----Step 2.2: Write out the strings-----
132   .
133   if bugswwfl = 1
134      print " "; print " "; print "At (dexmp_write_factor_levels.dp, step 2.2)"
135      print "jfact = ^jfact"
136      print xpv indexv
137      if pausesw = 1; pause; end if
138   end if
139   .
140   let nstoutv = number of words stoutv
141   if stoutv not exist
142      print "Error-stoutv not exists"
143      if pausesw = 1; pause; end if
144   end if
145   .
146   if bugswwfl = 1
147      print "stoutv = ^stoutv"
148      print "nstoutv = ^nstoutv"
149      if pausesw = 1; pause; end if
150   end if
152   loop for jword = 1 1 nstoutv
153      let stout = string word stoutv ^jword
154      let xp = xpv(^jword)
155      color blue;
156      if colorl exists
157         let ncolorl = number of words colorl
158         if jword <= ncolorl; let stcolorl = string word colorl ^jword; color ^stcolorl; end if
159      end if
160      moveds xp yp; text ^stout
161   end loop
162end loop
164. -----Step 99: Finish up-----
166if bugswwfl = 1
167   print " "; print " "; print "At end of dexmp_write_factor_levels.dp"
168   if pausesw = 1; pause; end if
169end if