1. This is dataplot macro   ploterrorbars.dp
2. Purpose: Superimpose error bars on an (existing) plot
3. Date: October 17, 2011 ==> January 17, 2012
4. Assumption: A plot already exists
5. Input:
6.   yplotucl (vector) = 95% upper confidence limits (formed in dexomp1.dp)
7.   yplotlcl (vector) = 95% lower confidence limits (formed in dexomp1.dp)
8.   xplotm   (vector) = ordering vector    xplotm(1) = the x-position for the 1st mean
9.   color1, color2, color3, . . . (strings) = color for the lines
10.                                             color1 = the color for factor id 1
11.   bartype (string) = line type for the error bars (default = solid)
13. Note: If no error bars appear, then make ylim wider and replot
15. Note: If this routine is preceeded by    call dexmp.dp, then need    x1tic offset
16.                                          before calling ploterrorbars.dp
17.       but if this routine is preceeded by    dex mean plot . . ., then not needed.
19. -----start point-----
21let pausesw = 0
23if pausesw = 1
24   print " "
25   print "At the beginning of    ploterrorbars.dp:"
26   . print xplotm yplotlcl yplotm yplotucl
27   . print color1 color2 color3 nplotm
28   . pause
29end if
31let string colordez = blue
32if colordef exists; let string colordez = ^colordef; end if
34. -----Step 1: Generate the plot-----
36lines solid
37if bartype exists
38   lines ^bartype
39end if
40let nzz = number yplotlcl
41print nzz
42. pause
43loop for jdummy = 1 1 nzz
44   .
45   let jdummy2 = jdummy
46   if xplotm exists
47      let jdummy2 = xplotm(jdummy)
48   end if
49   .
50   line color ^colordez
51   if color^jdummy2 exists
52      line color ^color^jdummy2
53   end if
54   .
55   let yp1 = yplotlcl(jdummy)
56   let yp2 = yplotucl(jdummy)
57   . print "jdummy jdummy2 yp1 yp2 = ^jdummy ^jdummy2 ^yp1 ^yp2"
58   . pause
59   drawdddd jdummy2 yp1 jdummy2 yp2
60   .
61   if pausesw = 1
62      print jdummy jdummy2 yp1 yp2
63      if ibatch not exist or ibatch = 0; pause; end if
64   end if
65   .
66end loop
68line color blue
70. Note: If no error bars appear, then make ylim wider and replot