1 /*
2  *
3  *  Copyright (C) 1998-2010, OFFIS e.V.
4  *  All rights reserved.  See COPYRIGHT file for details.
5  *
6  *  This software and supporting documentation were developed by
7  *
8  *    OFFIS e.V.
9  *    R&D Division Health
10  *    Escherweg 2
11  *    D-26121 Oldenburg, Germany
12  *
13  *
14  *  Module: dcmpstat
15  *
16  *  Author: Marco Eichelberg
17  *
18  *  Purpose:
19  *    classes: DVPSPresentationLUT
20  *
21  */
23 #include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h"    /* make sure OS specific configuration is included first */
24 #include "dcmtk/ofstd/ofstring.h"
25 #include "dcmtk/dcmpstat/dvpspl.h"
26 #include "dcmtk/dcmimgle/dcmimage.h"    /* for class DiLookupTable, DicomImage */
27 #include "dcmtk/dcmpstat/dvpsdef.h"     /* for constants and macros */
28 #include "dcmtk/dcmnet/dimse.h"
30 /* --------------- class DVPSPresentationLUT --------------- */
compareDiLookupTable(DiLookupTable * lut)32 OFBool DVPSPresentationLUT::compareDiLookupTable(DiLookupTable *lut)
33 {
34   if ((presentationLUT == DVPSP_table) && lut
35      && (0 == lut->compareLUT(presentationLUTData, presentationLUTDescriptor))) return OFTrue;
36   return OFFalse;
37 }
createDiLookupTable()39 DiLookupTable *DVPSPresentationLUT::createDiLookupTable()
40 {
41   DiLookupTable *result = NULL;
42   if (presentationLUT == DVPSP_table) result = new DiLookupTable(presentationLUTData, presentationLUTDescriptor);
43   return result;
44 }
invert()46 OFCondition DVPSPresentationLUT::invert()
47 {
48   OFCondition status = EC_Normal;
49   switch (presentationLUT)
50   {
51       case DVPSP_identity:
52           presentationLUT = DVPSP_inverse;
53           break;
54       case DVPSP_inverse:
55           presentationLUT = DVPSP_identity;
56           break;
57       case DVPSP_table:
58           status = EC_IllegalCall;
59           if (haveTable())
60           {
61               DiLookupTable *lut = new DiLookupTable(presentationLUTData, presentationLUTDescriptor);
62               if (lut && (lut->mirrorTable(0x2))) status = EC_Normal;       // flag = 0x2: mirror only original LUT data
63               delete lut;
64           }
65           break;
66       case DVPSP_lin_od:
67           status = EC_IllegalCall;
68           break;
70   }
71   return status;
72 }
activate(DicomImage * image,OFBool printLUT)74 OFBool DVPSPresentationLUT::activate(DicomImage *image, OFBool printLUT)
75 {
76   if (image==NULL) return OFFalse;
78   int result=0;
79   switch (presentationLUT)
80   {
81     case DVPSP_identity:
82       if (printLUT)
83       {
84         // in DICOM print, IDENTITY should not invert a MONOCHROME1 image
85         result = image->setPresentationLutShape(ESP_Default);
86       }
87       else
88       {
89       	result = image->setPresentationLutShape(ESP_Identity);
90       }
91       if (!result)
92         DCMPSTAT_WARN("unable to set identity presentation LUT shape, ignoring.");
93       break;
94     case DVPSP_inverse:
95       if (!printLUT)
96         result = image->setPresentationLutShape(ESP_Inverse);
97       if (!result)
98         DCMPSTAT_WARN("unable to set inverse presentation LUT shape, ignoring.");
99       break;
100     case DVPSP_lin_od:
101       result = image->setPresentationLutShape(ESP_LinOD);
102       if (!result)
103         DCMPSTAT_WARN("unable to set linear optical density presentation LUT shape, ignoring.");
104       break;
105     case DVPSP_table:
106       if (printLUT)
107         result = image->setVoiLut(presentationLUTData, presentationLUTDescriptor, &presentationLUTExplanation);
108       else
109         result = image->setPresentationLut(presentationLUTData, presentationLUTDescriptor, &presentationLUTExplanation);
110       if (!result)
111         DCMPSTAT_WARN("unable to set presentation LUT, ignoring.");
112       break;
113   }
114   if (result) return OFTrue; else return OFFalse;
115 }
activateInverseLUT(DicomImage * image)117 OFBool DVPSPresentationLUT::activateInverseLUT(DicomImage *image)
118 {
119   int result = 0;
120   if ((image != NULL) && (presentationLUT == DVPSP_table))
121   {
122       result = image->setInversePresentationLut(presentationLUTData, presentationLUTDescriptor);
123       if (!result)
124         DCMPSTAT_WARN("unable to set inverse presentation LUT, ignoring.");
125   }
126   if (result) return OFTrue; else return OFFalse;
127 }
isInverse()129 OFBool DVPSPresentationLUT::isInverse()
130 {
131   OFBool result = OFFalse;
132   switch (presentationLUT)
133   {
134     case DVPSP_identity:
135     case DVPSP_lin_od:
136       break;
137     case DVPSP_inverse:
138       result = OFTrue;
139       break;
140     case DVPSP_table:
141       if ((presentationLUTDescriptor.getVM()==3)&&(presentationLUTData.getLength() > 0))
142       {
143         DiLookupTable *lut = new DiLookupTable(presentationLUTData, presentationLUTDescriptor);
144         if (lut && (lut->getFirstValue() > lut->getLastValue())) result = OFTrue;
145         delete lut;
146       }
147       break;
148   }
149   return result;
150 }