1 /***************************************************************************
2  *   Copyright (C) 2008-2009 by ������ �.�.                                *
3  *   valexlin@gmail.com                                                    *
4  *                                                                         *
5  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
6  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
7  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
8  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
11  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
13  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
16  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
17  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
18  *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
19  ***************************************************************************/
21 #ifndef _mainwnd_h
22 #define _mainwnd_h
24 #include <QWidget>
25 #include <QImage>
27 //class QTimer;
28 //class QImage;
29 class QCheckBox;
30 class QPushButton;
31 class QToolButton;
32 class QComboBox;
33 class QSpinBox;
34 class QLabel;
35 class QSpinBox;
36 class QStatusBar;
38 class GMyLiveThread;
39 class GAFThread;
40 class GEOSCaptureWnd;
41 class QBlinkLabel;
42 class GHistogramWnd;
44 class GEOSRecWnd: public QWidget
45 {
47 public:
48 	GEOSRecWnd();
49 	~GEOSRecWnd();
50 protected slots:
51 	void slotReconnect();
52 	void slotSelFile();
53 	void slotStart();
54 	void slotStop();
55 	//void slotStartTimeout();
56 	//void slotWorkTimeout();
57 	void slotAESelected(int ae_ind);
58 	void slotDofPressed();
59 	void slotISOSelected(int iso_ind);
60 	void slotAvSelected(int av_ind);
61 	void slotTvSelected(int tv_ind);
62 	void slotWbSelected(int wb_ind);
63 	void slotWbTempSelected(int wb_temp);
64 	void slotShowImageChanged(int);
65 	void slotOptions();
66 	void slotAbout();
67 	void slotFocusNear3();
68 	void slotFocusNear2();
69 	void slotFocusNear1();
70 	void slotFocusFar1();
71 	void slotFocusFar2();
72 	void slotFocusFar3();
73 	void slotZoom5x();
74 	void slotAutoFocus();
75 	void slotStopAutoFocus();
76 	void slotCameraAF();
77 	void slotHistogram();
78 	void slotTimeTimerSwitch(bool);
79 	void slotFramesTimerSwitch(bool);
80 protected:
81 	virtual void customEvent(QEvent* event);
82 	virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event);
83 private:
84 	QString giveNextName(const QString& path);
85 	void shutdown();
86 	void loadSettings();
87 	void saveSettings();
88 private:
89 	//QTimer* StartTimer;
90 	QBlinkLabel* blinkLabel;
91 	QToolButton* reconnBtn;
92 	QToolButton* selFileBtn;
93 	QPushButton* startBtn;
94 	QPushButton* stopBtn;
95 	QComboBox* AEModeBox;
96 	QToolButton* dofBtn;
97 	QComboBox* isoBox;
98 	QComboBox* avBox;
99 	QComboBox* tvBox;
100 	QComboBox* wbBox;
101 	QSpinBox* wbTempBox;
102 	QLabel* fpsLabel;
103 	QCheckBox* showBox;
104 	QToolButton* focusNear3Btn;
105 	QToolButton* focusNear2Btn;
106 	QToolButton* focusNear1Btn;
107 	QToolButton* focusFar1Btn;
108 	QToolButton* focusFar2Btn;
109 	QToolButton* focusFar3Btn;
110 	QToolButton* zoom5xBtn;
111 	QToolButton* AFBtn;
112 	QToolButton* AFCamBtn;
113 	QToolButton* HistBtn;
114 	QToolButton* optionsBtn;
115 	QStatusBar* statusBar;
116 	QLabel* framesLabel;
117 	QLabel* timeLabel;
118 	QCheckBox* timeTimerBox;
119 	QSpinBox* timeTimerSpinBox;
120 	QCheckBox* framesTimerBox;
121 	QSpinBox* framesTimerSpinBox;
122 	GMyLiveThread* LiveThread;
123 	GAFThread* AFThread;
124 	GEOSCaptureWnd* CaptureWnd;
125 	GHistogramWnd* HistogramWnd;
126 	struct GSavedSettings
127 	{
128 		QString Path;
129 		int Av;
130 		int Tv;
131 		int ISO;
132 		int Wb;
133 		int WbTemp;
134 		int AEMode;
135 		int AFMode;
136 		int BufferSize;
137 		bool UseStabFPS;
138 		bool ShowWhiteBox;
139 	};
140 	struct GSavedSettings CurrSettings;
141 	struct GSavedSettings BackupSettings;
142 };
144 #endif	// _mainwnd_h