1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright 1995-2017 Spencer Kimball, Peter Mattis, and others -->
3<component type="desktop">
4  <id>org.gimp.GIMP</id>
6  <!--
7      The tag 'metadata_license' means the licence of this file, not the whole
8      product; see https://people.freedesktop.org/~hughsient/appdata/
9      as of 20.09.2013. The CC0 licence is GPL compatible, see
10      https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#GPLCompatibleLicenses
11      as of 20.09.2013
12  -->
13  <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
14  <project_license>GPL-3.0+ AND LGPL-3.0+</project_license>
15  <developer_name>The GIMP team</developer_name>
16  <_name>GNU Image Manipulation Program</_name>
17  <_summary>Create images and edit photographs</_summary>
18  <description>
19    <_p>
20      GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a
21      freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching,
22      image composition and image authoring.
23    </_p>
24    <_p>
25      It has many capabilities. It can be used as a simple paint
26      program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online
27      batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, an
28      image format converter, etc.
29    </_p>
30    <_p>
31      GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is designed to be
32      augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about
33      anything. The advanced scripting interface allows everything
34      from the simplest task to the most complex image manipulation
35      procedures to be easily scripted. GIMP is available for Linux,
36      Microsoft Windows and OS X.
37    </_p>
38  </description>
39  <url type="bugtracker">https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp/issues/new</url>
40  <url type="donation">https://www.gimp.org/donating/</url>
41  <url type="help">https://www.gimp.org/docs/</url>
42  <url type="homepage">https://www.gimp.org/</url>
43  <screenshots>
44    <screenshot type="default">
45      <image>https://www.gimp.org/screenshots/Screenshot-gimp-2.10-painting.jpg</image>
46      <_caption>Painting in GIMP</_caption>
47    </screenshot>
48    <screenshot type="default">
49      <image>https://www.gimp.org/screenshots/Screenshot-gimp-2.10-photo-editing.jpg</image>
50      <_caption>Photo editing in GIMP</_caption>
51    </screenshot>
52  </screenshots>
53  <update_contact>gimp-developer-list_at_gnome.org</update_contact>
54  <keywords>
55    <keyword>GIMP</keyword>
56    <keyword>Photoshop</keyword>
57  </keywords>
58  <kudos>
59    <kudo>HiDpiIcon</kudo>
60    <kudo>HighContrast</kudo>
61    <kudo>ModernToolkit</kudo>
62    <kudo>UserDocs</kudo>
63  </kudos>
64  <project_group>GNOME</project_group>
65  <translation type="gettext">gimp20</translation>
67  <launchable type="desktop-id">gimp.desktop</launchable>
68  <provides>
69    <binary>gimp-2.10</binary>
70    <!-- Fix the ID renaming, and things like past reviews made on the
71         older ID in software installers. -->
72    <id>gimp.desktop</id>
73  </provides>
75  <releases>
76    <release version="2.10.30" date="2021-12-19">
77      <description>
78        <_p>
79          GIMP 2.10.30 fixes many bugs, updates backend implementations
80          to follow OS evolutions, improves metadata support as well as
81          support of several formats, such as PSD and AVIF.
82        </_p>
83      </description>
84    </release>
86    <release version="2.10.28" date="2021-09-14">
87      <description>
88        <_p>
89          GIMP 2.10.28 fixes a build issue of GIMP 2.10.26, where some
90          theme data was not properly installed.
91        </_p>
92      </description>
93    </release>
94    <release version="2.10.26" date="2021-09-05">
95      <description>
96        <_p>
97          GIMP 2.10.26 is a bug fix release, containing dozens of
98          fixes, both in core, scripts and plug-in code.
99        </_p>
100      </description>
101    </release>
102    <release version="2.10.24" date="2021-03-28">
103      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2021/03/29/gimp-2-10-24-released/</url>
104      <description>
105        <_p>
106          GIMP 2.10.24 is again mostly a bug fix release. Notable changes:
107        </_p>
108        <ul>
109          <_li>
110            GeoTIFF metadata support added
111          </_li>
112          <_li>
113            PDF import now proposes an option to load layers in reverse
114            orders and allows fractional pixel density
115          </_li>
116          <_li>
117            Raw image import updated to handle API changes in darktable 3.6 and over
118          </_li>
119          <_li>
120            File format improved support: HEIF, PSP, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, DDS, BMP, PSD
121          </_li>
122          <_li>
123            Many fixes and improvements to the metadata viewer and editor
124          </_li>
125          <_li>
126            New Kabyle translation
127          </_li>
128          <_li>
129            Off-canvas point snapping (to grid, guides, paths) made possible
130          </_li>
131        </ul>
132      </description>
133    </release>
134    <release version="2.10.22" date="2020-10-04">
135      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2020/10/04/gimp-2-10-22-released/</url>
136      <description>
137        <_p>
138          GIMP 2.10.22 is mainly a bug fix release. Notable changes:
139        </_p>
140        <ul>
141          <_li>
142            HEIF support improvements: optional exporting with high bit depth,
143            AVIF importing and exporting
144          </_li>
145          <_li>
146            Multiple improvements in Corel PaintShop Pro support
147          </_li>
148          <_li>
149            "Sample merged" now available in GEGL operation tool options
150          </_li>
151          <_li>
152            "Sample merged" is now enabled by default for color picking
153          </_li>
154          <_li>
155            The option enabling OpenCL support has been moved to the
156            Playground tab in Preferences
157          </_li>
158          <_li>
159            Matting Levin is now the default engine of Foreground Select
160            tool as it performs a lot better
161          </_li>
162          <_li>
163            New progressive performance logs and dashboard updates
164          </_li>
165          <_li>
166            Verbose debug now shows Flatpak info when relevant
167          </_li>
168          <_li>
169            Various bug fixes
170          </_li>
171        </ul>
172      </description>
173    </release>
174    <release version="2.10.20" date="2020-06-07">
175      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2020/06/07/gimp-2-10-20-released/</url>
176      <description>
177        <_p>
178          GIMP 2.10.20 comes with new features as well as important bugfixes.
179          Notable changes:
180        </_p>
181        <ul>
182          <_li>
183            Tool groups now expand on hover rather than click by default
184          </_li>
185          <_li>
186            Non-destructive cropping now available by cropping the canvas rather
187            than actual pixels
188          </_li>
189          <_li>
190            Better PSD support: exporting of 16-bit files now available,
191            reading/writing channels in the right order
192          </_li>
193          <_li>
194            On-canvas controls for the Vignette filter
195          </_li>
196          <_li>
197            New filters: Bloom, Focus Blur, Lens Blur, Variable Blur
198          </_li>
199          <_li>
200            Over 30 bugfixes
201          </_li>
202        </ul>
203      </description>
204    </release>
205    <release version="2.10.18" date="2020-02-23">
206      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2020/02/24/gimp-2-10-18-released/</url>
207      <description>
208        <_p>
209          GIMP 2.10.18 fixes some critical bugs, introduces naive support for CMYK PSD files,
210          and adds a higher-contrast variation of the symbolic icon theme.
211        </_p>
212      </description>
213    </release>
214    <release version="2.10.16" date="2020-02-19">
215      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2020/02/24/gimp-2-10-18-released/</url>
216      <description>
217        <_p>
218          GIMP 2.10.16 delivers several major usability improvements, a new tool
219          for transformations in 3D space, new release checker, and the usual amount
220          of bug fixes. Notable improvements:
221        </_p>
222        <ul>
223          <_li>
224            Tools are now grouped in the toolbox by default
225          </_li>
226          <_li>
227            Sliders now use a compact style with improved user interaction
228          </_li>
229          <_li>
230            Vastly improved user experience for the transformation preview
231          </_li>
232          <_li>
233            Dockable areas now highlighted when a dockable dialog is being dragged
234          </_li>
235          <_li>
236            New 3D Transform tool to rotate and pan items
237          </_li>
238          <_li>
239            Much smoother brush outline motion on the canvas
240          </_li>
241          <_li>
242            Consolidated user interface for merging down and anchoring layers
243          </_li>
244          <_li>
245            Update check to notify users that a new release/installer is available
246          </_li>
247        </ul>
248      </description>
249    </release>
250    <release version="2.10.14" date="2019-10-27">
251      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2019/10/27/gimp-2-10-14-released/</url>
252      <description>
253        <_p>
254        GIMP 2.10.14 is again mostly a bug fix release, making GIMP rock-solid.
255        Furthermore many old filters got finally ported to GEGL.
257        Of course it also has a few noteworthy improvements:
258        </_p>
259        <ul>
260          <_li>
261          View menu: new "Show All" option to reveal pixels outside the canvas boundary
262          </_li>
263          <_li>
264          Filters: new "Clipping" option to allow layer resize when relevant
265          </_li>
266          <_li>
267          Foreground Select tool: new "Grayscale" Preview Mode
268          </_li>
269          <_li>
270          Foreground Select tool: color/opacity selector for "Color" preview
271          </_li>
272          <_li>
273          Free Select tool: improved copy-paste interaction
274          </_li>
275          <_li>
276          Transform tools: new Image transform type to transform the whole image
277          </_li>
278          <_li>
279          Preferences: new "Allow editing on non-visible layers" setting
280          </_li>
281          <_li>
282          HEIF import/export: color profile support
283          </_li>
284          <_li>
285          PDF export: text layers in layer groups now exported as texts
286          </_li>
287          <_li>
288          TIFF import: now asks how to process unspecified TIFF channels
289          </_li>
290        </ul>
291      </description>
292    </release>
293    <release version="2.10.12" date="2019-06-12">
294      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2019/06/12/gimp-2-10-12-released/</url>
295      <description>
296        <_p>
297        GIMP 2.10.12 is a significant bug fix release, which is to be expected
298        after a 2.10.10 with so many changes!
299        Still, very cool improvements are also available, in particular for
300        curves editing:
301        </_p>
302        <ul>
303          <_li>
304          Improved curves interaction overall
305          </_li>
306          <_li>
307          A few enhancements specific to the Curves tool
308          </_li>
309          <_li>
310          Layer support in TIFF
311          </_li>
312          <_li>
313          Discovery of user-installed fonts in Windows
314          </_li>
315          <_li>
316          Incremental mode in the Dodge/Burn tool
317          </_li>
318          <_li>
319          Free Select tool creates preliminary selection
320          </_li>
321        </ul>
322      </description>
323    </release>
324    <release version="2.10.10" date="2019-04-07">
325      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2019/04/07/gimp-2-10-10-released/</url>
326      <description>
327        <_p>
328          GIMP 2.10.10 is quite a big update with many new features and
329          bug fixes. Notable improvements include:
330        </_p>
331        <ul>
332          <_li>
333          Bucket Fill tool: new "Fill by line art detection" for not
334          perfectly closed line art zones
335          </_li>
336          <_li>
337          Bucket Fill tool can now quickly color-pick with Ctrl+click
338          </_li>
339          <_li>
340          Bucket Fill tool allows holding the mouse when filling
341          "similar colors" and "by line art detection"
342          </_li>
343          <_li>
344          Scale tool scales around center even when using numeric input
345          </_li>
346          <_li>
347          Unified Transform tool now defaults to preserving aspect ratio
348          when scaling up or down
349          </_li>
350          <_li>
351          Add "Constrain handles" and "Around center" options to the
352          perspective-transform tool's GUI
353          </_li>
354          <_li>
355          New generic canvas modifier 'Alt + middle click' to pick
356          layers
357          </_li>
358          <_li>
359          Parametric brushes now 32-bit float to avoid posterization
360          </_li>
361          <_li>
362          Clipboard brushes and pattern can now be duplicated
363          </_li>
364          <_li>
365          Failure to edit locked layers will blink to shift attention to
366          the cause of the error
367          </_li>
368          <_li>
369          New on-canvas GUI (simple lines) for circular, linear, and
370          zoom motion blur
371          </_li>
372          <_li>
373          Several optimizations including faster layer group rendering
374          </_li>
375          <_li>
376          Swap and cache files are not saved in the configuration
377          directory anymore
378          </_li>
379          <_li>
380          Various file saving/exporting made more robust to error by not
381          saving partial files
382          </_li>
383          <_li>
384          HiDPI support improvements
385          </_li>
386          <_li>
387          New preference to choose the default export file type
388          </_li>
389          <_li>
390          New option to export PNG, JPEG and TIFF with a color profile;
391          always export PSD with a color profile
392          </_li>
393          <_li>
394          New DDS format loading/exporting plug-in
395          </_li>
396          <_li>
397          Full rewrite of the Spyrogimp plug-in with more options and
398          better interaction
399          </_li>
400        </ul>
401      </description>
402    </release>
403    <release version="2.10.8" date="2018-11-07">
404      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2018/11/08/gimp-2-10-8-released/</url>
405      <description>
406        <_p>
407          GIMP 2.10.8 is mostly a bug fix and optimization release. In
408          particular, it includes:
409        </_p>
410        <ul>
411          <_li>
412          Adaptative chunk size when rendering projections, improving
413          responsiveness dynamically
414          </_li>
415          <_li>
416          Detection of RawTherapee (version 5.5 and above) improved on
417          Windows
418          </_li>
419          <_li>
420          XCF compatibility information in the Save dialog more
421          understandable and discoverable
422          </_li>
423          <_li>
424          Various performance log tools added and log recording made
425          available in the Dashboard dock
426          </_li>
427        </ul>
428      </description>
429    </release>
430    <release version="2.10.6" date="2018-08-19">
431      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2018/08/19/gimp-2-10-6-released/</url>
432      <description>
433        <_p>
434          GIMP 2.10.6 comes with a lot of bug fixes, optimizations and
435          features. Most notable changes are:
436        </_p>
437        <ul>
438          <_li>
439          Text layers can now represent vertical texts (with various
440          character orientations and line directions)
441          </_li>
442          <_li>
443          New "Little Planet" (gegl:stereographic-projection) filter
444          </_li>
445          <_li>
446          New "Long Shadow" filter
447          </_li>
448          <_li>
449          The "Straighten" option of the Measure Tool now allows
450          vertical straightening
451          </_li>
452          <_li>
453          Drawable previews are now rendered asynchronously and layer
454          group previews can be disabled in Preferences
455          </_li>
456          <_li>
457          New "async" field in the Dashboard "misc" group, showing the
458          number of async operations currently running
459          </_li>
460          <_li>
461          File format filtering in Open/Save/Export dialogs made less
462          confusing
463          </_li>
464          <_li>
465          New language (having GIMP translated in 81 languages now):
466          Marathi
467          </_li>
468        </ul>
469      </description>
470    </release>
471    <release version="2.10.4" date="2018-07-04">
472      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2018/07/04/gimp-2-10-4-released/</url>
473      <description>
474        <_p>
475          GIMP 2.10.4 includes a lot of bug fixes as well as various
476          optimizations. Most notable changes are:
477        </_p>
478        <ul>
479          <_li>
480          Straightening in Measurement tool: layers can be rotated using
481          the measurement line as horizon
482          </_li>
483          <_li>
484          Fast startup: fonts loading is not blocking startup anymore
485          </_li>
486          <_li>
487          Fonts Tagging with the same user interface as for brushes,
488          patterns, and gradients
489          </_li>
490          <_li>
491          PSD support: a pre-composited version of a PSD image can be
492          imported
493          </_li>
494          <_li>
495          Dashboard update: new "Memory" group and improved "Swap"
496          group showing various metrics
497          </_li>
498        </ul>
499      </description>
500    </release>
501    <release version="2.10.2" date="2018-05-20">
502      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2018/05/20/gimp-2-10-2-released/</url>
503      <description>
504        <_p>
505          This second release in the GIMP 2.10 series, so soon after
506          2.10.0, is mostly the usual bug-fixing version after a major
507          release, with a few dozen bugs fixed.
508        </_p>
509        <_p>
510          It also features a new plug-in for the support of the HEIF
511          format, both for importing and exporting, as well as 2 new
512          filters: "Spherize" and "Recursive Transform". These are
513          nice examples of our relaxed feature policy in stable micro
514          releases.
515        </_p>
516      </description>
517    </release>
519    <release version="2.10.0" date="2018-04-27">
520      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2018/04/27/gimp-2-10-0-released/</url>
521      <description>
522        <_p>
523          First release of the 2.10 series which prominently features
524          the port to a new image processing engine, GEGL.
525          The most outstanding changes are:
526        </_p>
527        <ul>
528          <_li>
529            High bit depth color processing (16/32-bit per color channel)
530          </_li>
531          <_li>
532	    Color management is a core feature now, most widgets
533	    and preview areas are color-managed
534          </_li>
535          <_li>
536	    On-canvas effect preview, with split view for before/after
537	    processing pixels
538          </_li>
539          <_li>
540            Multi-threaded and hardware-accelerated rendering,
541            processing and painting
542          </_li>
543          <_li>
544            Most tools improved, several new transformation tools
545          </_li>
546          <_li>
547	    Improved support for many image formats, in particular better
548	    PSD importing
549          </_li>
550          <_li>
551            Newly supported image formats: OpenEXR, RGBE, WebP, HGT…
552          </_li>
553          <_li>
554            Improved digital painting: canvas rotation and
555            flipping, symmetry painting, MyPaint brushes…
556          </_li>
557          <_li>
558	    Metadata viewing and editing for Exif, XMP, IPTC, and DICOM
559          </_li>
560          <_li>
561            Basic HiDPI support: automatically or user-selected icon size
562          </_li>
563          <_li>
564            New themes for GIMP: Light, Gray, Dark, and System
565          </_li>
566          <_li>
567            And much, much more…
568          </_li>
569        </ul>
570      </description>
571    </release>
573    <release version="2.10.0~rc2" date="2018-04-17" type="development">
574      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2018/04/17/gimp-2-10-0-rc2-released/</url>
575      <description>
576        <_p>
577        In this second release candidate before GIMP 2.10.0, while
578        debugging is still a prime target, a new focus has been put on
579        speed and optimization in order to provide a smoother painting
580        experience. Bigger changes are:
581        </_p>
582        <ul>
583          <_li>Major core optimizations for painting and display,
584          including parallelized painting code</_li>
585          <_li>Symmetries are now preserved in XCF files (saved as image
586          parasites)</_li>
587          <_li>"Light" and "Dark" themes rewritten from scratch to get
588          rid of various usability issues. "Lighter" and "Darker" themes
589          removed.</_li>
590          <_li> New GimpToolGyroscope on-canvas control, currently used
591          for the Panorama Projection filter. The widget provides
592          on-canvas interaction for 3D rotation (yaw, pitch, roll).</_li>
593          <_li>Plug-in debugging improved to output stack traces from
594          plug-ins with --stack-trace-mode command line option not only
595          on receiving signals but also on warnings and critical errors
596          when "fatal-warnings" debug key is set</_li>
597        </ul>
598      </description>
599    </release>
600    <release version="2.10.0~rc1" date="2018-03-26" type="development">
601      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2018/03/26/gimp-2-10-0-rc1-released/</url>
602      <description>
603        <_p>
604        GIMP 2.10.0-RC1 is the first release candidate before GIMP
605        2.10.0 stable release, with a focus on debugging and stability.
606        Other than the many bug fixes, most notable improvements are:
607        </_p>
608        <ul>
609          <_li>New dashboard dockable to monitor GIMP resource usage</_li>
610          <_li>New debug dialog to produce back traces and other debug
611          data, encouraging to report bugs</_li>
612          <_li>Unsaved images can now be recovered after a crash</_li>
613          <_li>Layer masks on layer groups</_li>
614          <_li>JPEG 2000 support improved for high bit depth and various
615          color spaces</_li>
616          <_li>Screenshot and color picking improved on various platforms</_li>
617          <_li>Metadata defaults preferences now available</_li>
618          <_li>Various GUI polishing</_li>
619        </ul>
620      </description>
621    </release>
623    <release version="2.9.8" date="2017-12-12" type="development">
624      <url type="details">https://www.gimp.org/news/2017/12/12/gimp-2-9-8-released/</url>
625      <description>
626        <_p>GIMP 2.9.8 introduces on-canvas gradient
627        editing and various enhancements while focusing on bugfixing
628        and stability.</_p>
629        <ul>
630          <_li>On-canvas gradient editing</_li>
631          <_li>Notification when an image is over/underexposed</_li>
632          <_li>Better and faster color management</_li>
633          <_li>Support for color picker and screenshots in Wayland on KDE Plasma</_li>
634          <_li>Paste in place feature</_li>
635          <_li>Many usability improvements</_li>
636          <_li>Manual can be displayed in the user's preferred language</_li>
637          <_li>Improvements for the Wavelet Decompose filter</_li>
638          <_li>Improved compatibility with Photoshop .psd files</_li>
639          <_li>New support for password-protected PDF</_li>
640          <_li>New support for HGT format (Digital Elevation Model data)</_li>
641        </ul>
642      </description>
643    </release>
644    <release version="2.9.6" date="2017-08-24" type="development" />
645    <release version="2.9.4" date="2016-07-13" type="development" />
646    <release version="2.9.2" date="2015-11-27" type="development" />
648    <release version="2.8.22" date="2017-05-11"/>
649    <release version="2.8.20" date="2017-02-01"/>
650    <release version="2.8.18" date="2016-07-14"/>
651    <release version="2.8.16" date="2015-11-22"/>
652    <release version="2.8.14" date="2014-08-26"/>
653    <release version="2.8.12" date="2014-08-25"/>
654    <release version="2.8.10" date="2013-11-28"/>
655    <release version="2.8.8"  date="2013-11-03" />
656    <release version="2.8.6"  date="2013-06-21"/>
657    <release version="2.8.4"  date="2013-02-05"/>
658    <release version="2.8.2"  date="2012-08-24"/>
659    <release version="2.8.0"  date="2012-05-03"/>
660  </releases>
661  <content_rating type="oars-1.1" />