1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  *	Copyright (c) 1991-2021 by the GMT Team (https://www.generic-mapping-tools.org/team.html)
4  *	See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
5  *
6  *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *	it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  *	the Free Software Foundation; version 3 or any later version.
9  *
10  *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  *	GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  *	Contact info: www.generic-mapping-tools.org
16  *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
17 /*
18  * Brief synopsis: grd2cpt reads a 2d binary gridded grdfile and creates a continuous-color-
19  * palette CPT, with a non-linear histogram-equalized mapping between
20  * hue and data value.  (The linear mapping can be made with grd2cpt.)
21  *
22  * Creates a cumulative distribution function f(z) describing the data
23  * in the grdfile.  f(z) is sampled at z values supplied by the user
24  * [with -S option] or guessed from the sample mean and standard deviation.
25  * f(z) is then found by looping over the grd array for each z and counting
26  * data values <= z.  Once f(z) is found then a master CPT is resampled
27  * based on a normalized f(z).
28  *
29  * Author:	Walter H. F. Smith
30  * Date:	1-JAN-2010
31  * Version:	6 API
32  *
33  */
35 #include "gmt_dev.h"
37 #define THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME	"grd2cpt"
38 #define THIS_MODULE_MODERN_NAME	"grd2cpt"
39 #define THIS_MODULE_LIB		"core"
40 #define THIS_MODULE_PURPOSE	"Make linear or histogram-equalized color palette table from grid"
41 #define THIS_MODULE_KEYS	"<G{+,>C},ED)=f"
42 #define THIS_MODULE_NEEDS	""
43 #define THIS_MODULE_OPTIONS	"->RVhbo"
45 #define GRD2CPT_N_LEVELS	11	/* The default number of levels if nothing is specified */
47 struct GRD2CPT_CTRL {
48 	struct GRD2CPT_In {
49 		bool active;
50 	} In;
51 	struct GRD2CPT_Out {	/* -> */
52 		bool active;
53 		char *file;
54 	} Out;
55 	struct GRD2CPT_A {	/* -A<transp>[+a] */
56 		bool active;
57 		unsigned int mode;
58 		double value;
59 	} A;
60 	struct GRD2CPT_C {	/* -C<cpt> or -C<color1>,<color2>[,<color3>,...] */
61 		bool active;
62 		char *file;
63 	} C;
64 	struct GRD2CPT_D {	/* -D[i|o] */
65 		bool active;
66 		unsigned int mode;
67 	} D;
68 	struct GRD2CPT_E {	/* -E<nlevels>[+c][+f<file>] */
69 		bool active;
70 		bool cdf;
71 		char *file;
72 		unsigned int levels;
73 	} E;
74 	struct GRD2CPT_F {	 /* -F[r|R|h|c][+c[<label>]] */
75 		bool active;
76 		bool cat;
77 		unsigned int model;
78 		char *label;
79 	} F;
80 	struct GRD2CPT_G {	/* -Glow/high for input CPT truncation */
81 		bool active;
82 		double z_low, z_high;
83 	} G;
84 	struct GRD2CPT_H {	/* -H */
85 		bool active;
86 	} H;
87 	struct GRD2CPT_I {	/* -I[z][c] */
88 		bool active;
89 		unsigned int mode;
90 	} I;
91 	struct GRD2CPT_L {	/* -L<min_limit>/<max_limit> */
92 		bool active;
93 		bool minimum_given, maximum_given;
94 		double min, max;
95 	} L;
96 	struct GRD2CPT_M {	/* -M */
97 		bool active;
98 	} M;
99 	struct GRD2CPT_N {	/* -N */
100 		bool active;
101 	} N;
102 	struct GRD2CPT_Q {	/* -Q[i|o] */
103 		bool active;
104 		unsigned int mode;
105 	} Q;
106 	struct GRD2CPT_T {	/* -T<start>/<stop>/<inc> or -T<n_levels> */
107 		bool active;
108 		bool interpolate;
109 		unsigned int mode;	/* 0 or 1 (-Tn) */
110 		unsigned int n_levels;
111 		double low, high, inc;
112 		char *file;
113 	} T;
114 	struct GRD2CPT_S {	/* -S<kind> */
115 		bool active;
116 		int kind; /* -1 symmetric +-zmin, +1 +-zmax, -2 = +-Minx(|zmin|,|zmax|), +2 = +-Max(|zmin|,|zmax|), 0 = min to max [Default] */
117 	} S;
118 	struct GRD2CPT_W {	/* -W[w] */
119 		bool active;
120 		bool wrap;
121 	} W;
122 	struct GRD2CPT_Z {	/* -Z */
123 		bool active;
124 	} Z;
125 };
New_Ctrl(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT)127 static void *New_Ctrl (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT) {	/* Allocate and initialize a new control structure */
128 	struct GRD2CPT_CTRL *C;
130 	C = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, 1, struct GRD2CPT_CTRL);
132 	/* Initialize values whose defaults are not 0/false/NULL */
133 	C->G.z_low = C->G.z_high = GMT->session.d_NaN;	/* No truncation */
134 	return (C);
135 }
Free_Ctrl(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GRD2CPT_CTRL * C)137 static void Free_Ctrl (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GRD2CPT_CTRL *C) {	/* Deallocate control structure */
138 	if (!C) return;
139 	gmt_M_str_free (C->Out.file);
140 	gmt_M_str_free (C->C.file);
141 	gmt_M_str_free (C->E.file);
142 	gmt_M_str_free (C->F.label);
143 	gmt_M_str_free (C->T.file);
144 	gmt_M_free (GMT, C);
145 }
usage(struct GMTAPI_CTRL * API,int level)147 static int usage (struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API, int level) {
148 	const char *name = gmt_show_name_and_purpose (API, THIS_MODULE_LIB, THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME, THIS_MODULE_PURPOSE);
149 	const char *H_OPT = (API->GMT->current.setting.run_mode == GMT_MODERN) ? " [-H]" : "";
150 	if (level == GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE) return (GMT_NOERROR);
151 	GMT_Usage (API, 0, "usage: %s %s [-A<transparency>[+a]] [-C<cpt>] [-D[i|o]] [-E[<nlevels>][+c][+f<file>]] "
152 		"[-F[R|r|h|c][+c[<label>]]] [-G<zlo>/<zhi>]%s [-I[c][z]] [-L<min_limit>/<max_limit>] [-M] [-N] [-Q[i|o]] "
153 		"[%s] [-Sh|l|m|u] [-T<start>/<stop>/<inc>|<n>] [%s] [-W[w]] [-Z] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]\n",
156 	if (level == GMT_SYNOPSIS) return (GMT_MODULE_SYNOPSIS);
159 	gmt_ingrid_syntax (API, 0, "Name of one or more grid files");
161 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-A<transparency>[+a]");
162 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set constant transparency for all colors; append +a to also include back-, for-, and nan-colors [0].");
163 	if (gmt_list_cpt (API->GMT, 'C')) return (GMT_CPT_READ_ERROR);	/* Display list of available color tables */
164 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-D[i|o]");
165 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set back- and foreground color to match the bottom/top limits "
166 		"in the output CPT [Default (-D or -Do) uses color output table]. Append i "
167 		"to match the bottom/top values in the input CPT instead.");
168 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-E[<nlevels>][+c][+f<file>]");
169 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set CPT to go from grid zmin to zmax (i.e., a linear scale). "
170 		"Alternatively, append <nlevels> to sample equidistant color levels from zmin to zmax. "
171 		"Instead, append +c to use the cumulative density function (cdf) to set color bounds. "
172 		"Append +f<file> to save the CDF table to a file.");
173 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-F[R|r|h|c][+c[<label>]]");
174 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Select the color model for output [Default uses the input model]:");
175 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "R: Output r/g/b or grayscale or colorname.");
176 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "r: Output r/g/b only.");
177 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "h: Output h-s-v.");
178 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "c: Output c/m/y/k.");
179 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "One modifier controls generation of categorical labels:");
180 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "+c Output a discrete CPT in categorical CPT format. "
181 		"The <label>, if appended, sets the labels for each category. It may be a "
182 		"comma-separated list of category names, or <start>[-] where we automatically build "
183 		"labels from <start> (a letter or an integer). Append - to build range labels <start>-<start+1>.");
184 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-G<zlo>/<zhi>");
185 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Truncate incoming CPT to be limited to the z-range <zlo>/<zhi>. "
186 		"To accept one of the incoming limits, set that limit to NaN.");
187 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-H Modern mode only: Also write CPT to standard output [Default just saves as current CPT].");
188 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-I[c][z]");
189 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Invert sense of CPT in one or two ways:");
190 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "c: Invert sense of color table as well as back- and foreground color [Default].");
191 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "z: Invert sign of z-values in the color table (takes affect before -G, T are consulted).");
192 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-L<min_limit>/<max_limit>");
193 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Limit the range of the data.  Node values outside this range are set to NaN. "
194 		"To only give min or max limit, set the other to - [Default uses actual min,max of data].");
195 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-M Use GMT defaults to set back-, foreground, and NaN colors [Default uses color table].");
196 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-N Do not write back-, foreground, and NaN colors [Default will].");
197 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-Q[i|o]");
198 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Assign a logarithmic colortable [Default is linear]. Append mode:");
199 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "i: z-values are actually log10(z). Assign colors and write z [Default].");
200 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "o: z-values are z, but take log10(z), assign colors and write z.");
201 	GMT_Option (API, "R");
202 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-Sh|l|m|u");
203 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Force color tables to be symmetric about 0. Append one modifier:");
204 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "l: (low) for values symmetric about zero from -|zmin| to +|zmin|.");
205 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "u: (upper) for values symmetric about zero from -|zmax| to +|zmax|.");
206 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "m: (min) for values symmetric about zero -+min(|zmin|,|zmax|).");
207 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "h: (high) for values symmetric about zero -+max(|zmin|,|zmax|).");
208 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-T<start>/<stop>/<inc>|<n>");
209 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "CDF sample points should range from <start> to <stop> by <inc>. "
210 		"Alternatively, use -T<n> to select <n> points from a cumulative normal distribution [%d]. "
211 		"Here, <start> maps to data min and <stop> maps to data max (but see -L) "
212 		"[Default uses equidistant steps for a Gaussian CDF].", GRD2CPT_N_LEVELS);
213 	GMT_Option (API, "V");
214 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-W[w]");
215 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Do not interpolate color palette. Alternatively, append w for a wrapped CPT.");
216 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-Z Force a continuous color palette [Default is discontinuous, i.e., constant color intervals].");
217 	GMT_Option (API, "bo,h,o,.");
219 	return (GMT_MODULE_USAGE);
220 }
parse(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GRD2CPT_CTRL * Ctrl,struct GMT_OPTION * options)222 static int parse (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GRD2CPT_CTRL *Ctrl, struct GMT_OPTION *options) {
223 	/* This parses the options provided to grdcut and sets parameters in CTRL.
224 	 * Any GMT common options will override values set previously by other commands.
225 	 * It also replaces any file names specified as input or output with the data ID
226 	 * returned when registering these sources/destinations with the API.
227 	 */
229 	int n;
230 	unsigned int n_errors = 0, pos = 0, n_files[2] = {0, 0};
231 	char txt_a[GMT_LEN512] = {""}, txt_b[GMT_LEN32] = {""}, *c = NULL;
232 	char *T_arg = NULL, *S_arg = NULL;
233 	struct GMT_OPTION *opt = NULL;
234 	struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API = GMT->parent;
236 	for (opt = options; opt; opt = opt->next) {
237 		switch (opt->option) {
239 			case '<':	/* Input files */
240 				Ctrl->In.active = true;
241 				n_files[GMT_IN]++;
242 				if (GMT_Get_FilePath (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IN, GMT_FILE_REMOTE, &(opt->arg))) n_errors++;;
243 				break;
244 			case '>':	/* Got named output file */
245 				if (n_files[GMT_OUT]++ == 0) Ctrl->Out.file = strdup (opt->arg);
246 				break;
248 			/* Processes program-specific parameters */
250 			case 'A':	/* Sets transparency [-A<transp>[+a]] */
251 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->A.active);
252 				Ctrl->A.active = true;
253 				if (opt->arg[0] == '+') {	/* Old syntax */
254 					Ctrl->A.mode = 1;
255 					Ctrl->A.value = 0.01 * atof (&opt->arg[1]);
256 				}
257 				else if ((c = strstr (opt->arg, "+a"))) {
258 					Ctrl->A.mode = 1;
259 					c[0] = '\0';
260 					Ctrl->A.value = 0.01 * atof (opt->arg);
261 					c[0] = '+';
262 				}
263 				else
264 					Ctrl->A.value = 0.01 * atof (opt->arg);
265 				break;
266 			case 'C':	/* Get CPT */
267 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->C.active);
268 				Ctrl->C.active = true;
269 				if (opt->arg[0]) Ctrl->C.file = strdup (opt->arg);
270 				break;
271 			case 'D':	/* Set fore/back-ground to match end-colors */
272 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->D.active);
273 				Ctrl->D.active = true;
274 				Ctrl->D.mode = 1;
275 				if (opt->arg[0] == 'i') Ctrl->D.mode = 2;
276 				break;
277 			case 'E':	/* Use n levels */
278 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->E.active);
279 				Ctrl->E.active = true;
280 				if (opt->arg[0]) {	/* Got an argument */
281 					if (gmt_validate_modifiers (GMT, opt->arg, 'E', "cf", GMT_MSG_ERROR)) n_errors++;
282 					if ((c = gmt_first_modifier (GMT, opt->arg, "cf")) ) {
283 						while (gmt_getmodopt (GMT, 'E', c, "cf", &pos, txt_a, &n_errors) && n_errors == 0) {
284 							switch (txt_a[0]) {
285 								case 'c': Ctrl->E.cdf = true;	break;	/* Determine Cumulative Density Function */
286 								case 'f':
287 									if (txt_a[1])
288 										Ctrl->E.file = strdup (&txt_a[1]);
289 									else {
290 										GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -E: No filename given via +f\n");
291 										n_errors++;
292 									}
293 									break;	/* Incremental distance */
294 								default: break;	/* These are caught in gmt_getmodopt so break is just for Coverity */
295 							}
296 						}
297 						c[0] = '\0';	/* Chop off the modifiers */
298 					}
299 					if (sscanf (opt->arg, "%d", &Ctrl->E.levels) != 1) {
300 						GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -E: Cannot decode value given\n");
301 						n_errors++;
302 					}
303 					if (c) c[0] = '+';	/* Restore modifiers */
304 				}
305 				break;
306 			case 'F':	/* Set color model for output */
307 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->F.active);
308 				if (gmt_validate_modifiers (GMT, opt->arg, 'F', "c", GMT_MSG_ERROR)) n_errors++;
309 				if (gmt_get_modifier (opt->arg, 'c', txt_a)) {
310 					Ctrl->F.cat = true;
311 					if (txt_a[0]) Ctrl->F.label = strdup (txt_a);
312 				}
313 				Ctrl->F.active = true;
314 				switch (txt_a[0]) {
315 					case 'r': Ctrl->F.model = GMT_RGB + GMT_NO_COLORNAMES; break;
316 					case 'h': Ctrl->F.model = GMT_HSV; break;
317 					case 'c': Ctrl->F.model = GMT_CMYK; break;
318 					default:  Ctrl->F.model = GMT_RGB; break;
319 				}
320 				break;
321 			case 'G':	/* truncate incoming CPT */
322 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->G.active);
323 				Ctrl->G.active = true;
324 				n_errors += gmt_get_limits (GMT, 'G', opt->arg, 0, &Ctrl->G.z_low, &Ctrl->G.z_high);
325 				break;
326 			case 'H':	/* Modern mode only: write CPT to stdout */
327 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->H.active);
328 				Ctrl->H.active = true;
329 				break;
330 			case 'I':	/* Invert table */
331 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->I.active);
332 				Ctrl->I.active = true;
333 				if ((Ctrl->I.mode = gmt_parse_inv_cpt (GMT, opt->arg)) == UINT_MAX)
334 					n_errors++;
335 				break;
336 			case 'L':	/* Limit data range */
337 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->L.active);
338 				Ctrl->L.active = true;
339 				if ((n = sscanf (opt->arg, "%[^/]/%s", txt_a, txt_b)) != 2) {
340 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -L: Cannot decode two limits\n");
341 					n_errors++;
342 				}
343 				else {	/* Assign limits unless give as "-" which means to skip that limit */
344 					if (strcmp (txt_a, "-")) Ctrl->L.min = atof (txt_a), Ctrl->L.minimum_given = true;
345 					if (strcmp (txt_b, "-")) Ctrl->L.max = atof (txt_b), Ctrl->L.maximum_given = true;
346 				}
347 				break;
348 			case 'M':	/* Override fore/back/NaN using GMT defaults */
349 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->M.active);
350 				Ctrl->M.active = true;
351 				break;
352 			case 'N':	/* Do not write F/B/N colors */
353 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->N.active);
354 				Ctrl->N.active = true;
355 				break;
356 			case 'Q':	/* Logarithmic data */
357 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->Q.active);
358 				Ctrl->Q.active = true;
359 				if (opt->arg[0] == 'o')	/* Input data is z, but take log10(z) before interpolation colors */
360 					Ctrl->Q.mode = 2;
361 				else			/* Input is log10(z) */
362 					Ctrl->Q.mode = 1;
363 				break;
364 			case 'T':	/* Sets sample range */
365 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->T.active);
366 				Ctrl->T.active = true;
367 				T_arg = opt->arg;
368 				break;
369 			case 'S':	/* Force symmetry */
370 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->S.active);
371 				Ctrl->S.active = true;
372 				S_arg = opt->arg;
373 				break;
374 			case 'W':	/* Do not interpolate colors */
375 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->W.active);
376 				if (opt->arg[0] == 'w')
377 					Ctrl->W.wrap = true;
378 				else
379 					Ctrl->W.active = true;
380 				break;
381 			case 'Z':	/* Continuous colors */
382 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->Z.active);
383 				Ctrl->Z.active = true;
384 				break;
386 			default:	/* Report bad options */
387 				n_errors += gmt_default_error (GMT, opt->option);
388 				break;
389 		}
390 	}
392 	if (T_arg) {	/* Must handle old or new syntax */
393 		if (strchr ("-+_=", T_arg[0]) && T_arg[1] == '\0') {	/* Old -Targs for symmetry given */
394 			if (gmt_M_compat_check (GMT, 5)) {	/* OK to parse that? */
395 				GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_COMPAT, "Option -T-|+|_|= is deprecated; use -Sl|u|m|h instead.\n");
396 				Ctrl->S.active = true;
397 				if (!S_arg) Ctrl->T.active = false;
398 				switch (T_arg[0]) {
399 					case '-': Ctrl->S.kind = -1; break; /* Symmetric with |zmin| range */
400 					case '+': Ctrl->S.kind = +1; break; /* Symmetric with |zmax| range */
401 					case '_': Ctrl->S.kind = -2; break; /* Symmetric with min(|zmin|,|zmax|) range */
402 					case '=': Ctrl->S.kind = +2; break; /* Symmetric with max(|zmin|,|zmax|) range */
403 					default: break;
404 				}
405 			}
406 			else {
407 				GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -T: Cannot decode values %s\n", T_arg);
408 				n_errors++;
409 			}
410 		}
411 		else {	/* Got correct modern args */
412 			if (strchr (T_arg, '/')) {	/* Gave low/high/inc */
413 				if (sscanf (T_arg, "%lf/%lf/%lf", &Ctrl->T.low, &Ctrl->T.high, &Ctrl->T.inc) != 3) {
414 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -T: Cannot decode values\n");
415 					n_errors++;
416 				}
417 				Ctrl->T.mode = 0;
418 			}
419 			else if (T_arg[0]) {	/* Gave -T<nlevels> */
420 				Ctrl->T.n_levels = atoi (T_arg);
421 				Ctrl->T.mode = 1;
422 			}
423 		}
424 	}
425 	if (S_arg) {	/* Must handle old or new syntax */
426 		if (strchr ("hlmu", S_arg[0]) && S_arg[1] == '\0') {	/* New -S for symmetry */
427 			switch (S_arg[0]) {
428 				case 'l': Ctrl->S.kind = -1; break; /* Symmetric with |zmin| range */
429 				case 'u': Ctrl->S.kind = +1; break; /* Symmetric with |zmax| range */
430 				case 'm': Ctrl->S.kind = -2; break; /* Symmetric with min(|zmin|,|zmax|) range */
431 				case 'h': Ctrl->S.kind = +2; break; /* Symmetric with max(|zmin|,|zmax|) range */
432 				default: break;
433 			}
434 		}
435 		else if (gmt_M_compat_check (GMT, 5)) {	/* Old-style -S range */
436 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_COMPAT, "Option -S<start>/<stop>/<inc> or -S<n> is deprecated; use -T instead.\n");
437 			if (strchr (S_arg, '/')) {	/* Gave low/high/inc */
438 				if (sscanf (S_arg, "%lf/%lf/%lf", &Ctrl->T.low, &Ctrl->T.high, &Ctrl->T.inc) != 3) {
439 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -T: Cannot decode values %s\n", S_arg);
440 					n_errors++;
441 				}
442 				Ctrl->T.mode = 0;
443 			}
444 			else if (S_arg[0]) {	/* Gave -S<nlevels> */
445 				Ctrl->T.n_levels = atoi (S_arg);
446 				Ctrl->T.mode = 1;
447 			}
448 			if (!T_arg) Ctrl->S.active = false;
449 			Ctrl->T.active = true;
450 		}
451 		else {
452 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -S: Cannot decode values %s\n", S_arg);
453 			n_errors++;
454 		}
455 	}
457 	if (Ctrl->H.active && GMT->current.setting.run_mode == GMT_CLASSIC) {
458 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "Option -H: Only available in modern mode - ignored in classic mode\n");
459 		Ctrl->H.active = false;
460 	}
461 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->C.active && Ctrl->C.file == NULL,
462 			"Options -C: No CPT argument given\n");
463 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, n_files[GMT_IN] < 1, "No grid name(s) specified.\n");
464 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->W.active && Ctrl->Z.active,
465 					"Options -W and -Z cannot be used simultaneously\n");
466 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->F.cat && Ctrl->Z.active,
467 	                                "Options -F+c and -Z cannot be used simultaneously\n");
468 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->L.active && Ctrl->L.minimum_given && Ctrl->L.maximum_given && Ctrl->L.min >= Ctrl->L.max,
469 					"Option -L: min_limit must be less than max_limit.\n");
470 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->T.active && Ctrl->T.mode == 0 && (Ctrl->T.high <= Ctrl->T.low || Ctrl->T.inc <= 0.0),
471 					"Option -S: Bad arguments\n");
472 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->T.active && Ctrl->T.mode == 1  && Ctrl->T.n_levels == 0,
473 					"Option -S: Bad arguments\n");
474 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->T.active && (Ctrl->S.active || Ctrl->E.active),
475 					"Option -T: Cannot be combined with -E nor -S option.\n");
476 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->E.file && !Ctrl->E.cdf, "Option -E modifier +f is only valid if +c is used\n");
477 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, n_files[GMT_OUT] > 1, "Only one output destination can be specified\n");
478 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->A.active && (Ctrl->A.value < 0.0 || Ctrl->A.value > 1.0),
479 					"Option -A: Transparency must be n 0-100 range [0 or opaque]\n");
481 	return (n_errors ? GMT_PARSE_ERROR : GMT_NOERROR);
482 }
grd2cpt_free_the_grids(struct GMTAPI_CTRL * API,struct GMT_GRID ** G,char ** grdfile,uint64_t n)484 GMT_LOCAL int grd2cpt_free_the_grids (struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API, struct GMT_GRID **G, char **grdfile, uint64_t n) {
485 	/* Free what we are pointing to */
486 	uint64_t k;
487 	for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
488 		gmt_M_str_free (grdfile[k]);
489 		if (GMT_Destroy_Data (API, &G[k]) != GMT_NOERROR)
490 			return (API->error);
491 	}
492 	return (GMT_NOERROR);
493 }
495 #define bailout(code) {gmt_M_free_options (mode); return (code);}
496 #define Return(code) {Free_Ctrl (GMT, Ctrl); gmt_end_module (GMT, GMT_cpy); bailout (code);}
498 EXTERN_MSC int gmtlib_compare_observation (const void *a, const void *b);
GMT_grd2cpt(void * V_API,int mode,void * args)500 EXTERN_MSC int GMT_grd2cpt (void *V_API, int mode, void *args) {
501 	uint64_t ij, k, ngrd = 0, nxyg, nxy = 0, nfound, ngood;
502 	unsigned int row, col, j, cpt_flags = 0;
503 	int signed_levels, error = 0;
504 	size_t n_alloc = GMT_TINY_CHUNK;
505 	bool write = false, interpolate = true;
507 	char format[GMT_BUFSIZ] = {""}, **grdfile = NULL;
509 	double *z = NULL, wesn[4], mean, sd, wsum = 0.0, scale;
511 	struct CDF_CPT {
512 		double	z;	/* Data value  */
513 		double	f;	/* Cumulative distribution function f(z)  */
514 	} *cdf_cpt = NULL;
516 	struct GMT_OPTION *opt = NULL;
517 	struct GMT_PALETTE *Pin = NULL, *Pout = NULL;
518 	struct GMT_GRID **G, *W = NULL;
519 	struct GMT_OBSERVATION *pair = NULL;
520 	struct GRD2CPT_CTRL *Ctrl = NULL;
521 	struct GMT_CTRL *GMT = NULL, *GMT_cpy = NULL;
522 	struct GMT_OPTION *options = NULL;
523 	struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API = gmt_get_api_ptr (V_API);	/* Cast from void to GMTAPI_CTRL pointer */
525 	/*----------------------- Standard module initialization and parsing ----------------------*/
527 	if (API == NULL) return (GMT_NOT_A_SESSION);
528 	if (mode == GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE) return (usage (API, GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE));	/* Return the purpose of program */
529 	options = GMT_Create_Options (API, mode, args);	if (API->error) return (API->error);	/* Set or get option list */
531 	if ((error = gmt_report_usage (API, options, 0, usage)) != GMT_NOERROR) bailout (error);	/* Give usage if requested */
533 	/* Parse the command-line arguments */
535 	if ((GMT = gmt_init_module (API, THIS_MODULE_LIB, THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME, THIS_MODULE_KEYS, THIS_MODULE_NEEDS, NULL, &options, &GMT_cpy)) == NULL) bailout (API->error); /* Save current state */
536 	if (GMT_Parse_Common (API, THIS_MODULE_OPTIONS, options)) Return (API->error);
537 	Ctrl = New_Ctrl (GMT);	/* Allocate and initialize a new control structure */
538 	if ((error = parse (GMT, Ctrl, options)) != 0) Return (error);
540 	/*---------------------------- This is the grd2cpt main code ----------------------------*/
542 	if (!Ctrl->C.active) {	/* No table specified; set GMT->current.setting.cpt table */
543 		Ctrl->C.active = true;
544 		Ctrl->C.file = strdup (GMT->current.setting.cpt);
545 	}
547 	if (!Ctrl->E.active) Ctrl->E.levels = (Ctrl->T.n_levels > 0) ? Ctrl->T.n_levels : GRD2CPT_N_LEVELS;	/* Default number of levels */
548 	if (Ctrl->E.cdf && Ctrl->E.levels == 0) Ctrl->E.levels = GRD2CPT_N_LEVELS;
549 	if (Ctrl->M.active) cpt_flags |= GMT_CPT_NO_BNF;		/* bit 0 controls if BFN is determined by parameters */
550 	if (Ctrl->D.mode == 2) cpt_flags |= GMT_CPT_EXTEND_BNF;		/* bit 1 controls if BF will be set to equal bottom/top rgb value */
551 	if (Ctrl->Z.active) cpt_flags |= GMT_CPT_CONTINUOUS;	/* Controls if final CPT should be continuous in case input is a list of colors */
553 	if ((Pin = GMT_Read_Data (API, GMT_IS_PALETTE, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_NONE, cpt_flags, NULL, Ctrl->C.file, NULL)) == NULL) {
554 		Return (API->error);
555 	}
556 	if ((API->error = gmt_validate_cpt_parameters (GMT, Pin, Ctrl->C.file, &interpolate, &(Ctrl->Z.active))))
557 			Return (API->error)
559 	if (Ctrl->I.mode & GMT_CPT_Z_REVERSE)	/* Must reverse the z-values before anything else */
560 		gmt_scale_cpt (GMT, Pin, -1.0);
562 	if (Ctrl->G.active) {	/* Attempt truncation */
563 		struct GMT_PALETTE *Ptrunc = gmt_truncate_cpt (GMT, Pin, Ctrl->G.z_low, Ctrl->G.z_high);	/* Possibly truncate the CPT */
564 		if (Ptrunc == NULL)
565 			Return (EXIT_FAILURE);
566 		Pin = Ptrunc;
567 	}
568 	if (Ctrl->W.wrap) Pin->is_wrapping = true;	/* A cyclic CPT has been requested */
570 	write = (GMT->current.setting.run_mode == GMT_CLASSIC || Ctrl->H.active);	/* Only output to stdout in classic mode and with -H in modern mode */
572 	GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Processing input grid(s)\n");
574 	gmt_M_memset (wesn, 4, double);
575 	if (GMT->common.R.active[RSET]) gmt_M_memcpy (wesn, GMT->common.R.wesn, 4, double);	/* Subset */
577 	G = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_alloc, struct GMT_GRID *);	/* Potentially an array of grids */
578 	grdfile = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_alloc, char *);	/* Potentially an array of gridfile names */
580 	for (opt = options, k = 0; opt; opt = opt->next) {
581 		if (opt->option != '<') continue;	/* We are only processing input files here */
583 		if ((G[k] = GMT_Read_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_CONTAINER_AND_DATA, wesn, opt->arg, NULL)) == NULL) {
584 			error = grd2cpt_free_the_grids (API, G, grdfile, k);
585 			gmt_M_free (GMT, G);
586 			gmt_M_free (GMT, grdfile);
587 			Return ((error) ? error : API->error);
588 		}
589 		grdfile[k] = strdup (opt->arg);
590 		if (k && !(G[k]->header->n_columns == G[k-1]->header->n_columns && G[k]->header->n_rows == G[k-1]->header->n_rows)) {
591 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Grids do not have the same domain!\n");
592 			error = grd2cpt_free_the_grids (API, G, grdfile, k);
593 			gmt_M_free (GMT, G);
594 			gmt_M_free (GMT, grdfile);
595 			Return ((error) ? error : API->error);
596 		}
598 		k++;
599 		if (k == n_alloc) {
600 			size_t old_n_alloc = n_alloc;
601 			n_alloc += GMT_TINY_CHUNK;
602 			G = gmt_M_memory (GMT, G, n_alloc, struct GMT_GRID *);
603 			gmt_M_memset (&(G[old_n_alloc]), n_alloc - old_n_alloc, struct GMT_GRID *);	/* Set to NULL */
604 			grdfile = gmt_M_memory (GMT, grdfile, n_alloc, char *);
605 			gmt_M_memset (&(grdfile[old_n_alloc]), n_alloc - old_n_alloc, char *);	/* Set to NULL */
606 		}
607 	}
609 	ngrd = k;
610 	if (ngrd < n_alloc) {
611 		G = gmt_M_memory (GMT, G, ngrd, struct GMT_GRID *);
612 		grdfile = gmt_M_memory (GMT, grdfile, ngrd, char *);
613 	}
615 	nxyg = G[0]->header->nm * ngrd;
617 	if (Ctrl->E.cdf) {
618 		pair = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, nxyg, struct GMT_OBSERVATION);
619 		W = gmt_duplicate_grid (GMT, G[0], GMT_DUPLICATE_ALLOC);
620 		/* Determine the area weights */
621 		gmt_get_cellarea (GMT, W);
622 	}
624 	/* Loop over the files and find NaNs.  If set limits, may create more NaNs  */
625 	/* We use the G[0]->header to keep limits representing all the grids */
627 	nfound = 0;
628 	mean = sd = 0.0;
629 	if (Ctrl->L.active) {	/* Loop over the grdfiles, and set anything outside the limiting values to NaN.  */
630 		G[0]->header->z_min = (Ctrl->L.minimum_given) ? Ctrl->L.min : G[0]->header->z_max;
631 		G[0]->header->z_max = (Ctrl->L.maximum_given) ? Ctrl->L.max : G[0]->header->z_min;
632 		for (k = 0; k < ngrd; k++) {	/* For each grid */
633 			gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, G[k], row, col, ij) {
634 				if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G[k]->data[ij]))
635 					nfound++;
636 				else {
637 					if (Ctrl->L.minimum_given && G[k]->data[ij] < Ctrl->L.min) {
638 						nfound++;
639 						G[k]->data[ij] = GMT->session.f_NaN;
640 					}
641 					else if (Ctrl->L.maximum_given && G[k]->data[ij] > Ctrl->L.max) {
642 						nfound++;
643 						G[k]->data[ij] = GMT->session.f_NaN;
644 					}
645 					else if (Ctrl->E.cdf) {
646 						pair[nxy].value    = G[k]->data[ij];
647 						pair[nxy++].weight = W->data[ij];
648 						wsum += W->data[ij];
649 					}
650 					else {
651 						mean += G[k]->data[ij];
652 						sd += G[k]->data[ij] * G[k]->data[ij];
653 						if (!Ctrl->L.minimum_given && G[k]->data[ij] < Ctrl->L.min) Ctrl->L.min = G[k]->data[ij];
654 						if (!Ctrl->L.maximum_given && G[k]->data[ij] > Ctrl->L.max) Ctrl->L.max = G[k]->data[ij];
655 					}
656 				}
657 			}
658 		}
659 		if (!Ctrl->L.minimum_given) G[0]->header->z_min = Ctrl->L.min;
660 		if (!Ctrl->L.maximum_given) G[0]->header->z_max = Ctrl->L.max;
661 	}
662 	else {
663 		Ctrl->L.min = G[0]->header->z_max;	/* This is just to double check G[k]->header->z_min, G[k]->header->z_max  */
664 		Ctrl->L.max = G[0]->header->z_min;
665 		for (k = 0; k < ngrd; k++) {	/* For each grid */
666 			gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, G[k], row, col, ij) {
667 				if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G[k]->data[ij]))
668 					nfound++;
669 				else if (Ctrl->E.cdf) {
670 					pair[nxy].value    = G[k]->data[ij];
671 					pair[nxy++].weight = W->data[ij];
672 					wsum += W->data[ij];
673 				}
674 				else {
675 					if (G[k]->data[ij] < Ctrl->L.min) Ctrl->L.min = G[k]->data[ij];
676 					if (G[k]->data[ij] > Ctrl->L.max) Ctrl->L.max = G[k]->data[ij];
677 					mean += G[k]->data[ij];
678 					sd += G[k]->data[ij] * G[k]->data[ij];
679 				}
680 			}
681 		}
682 		G[0]->header->z_min = Ctrl->L.min;
683 		G[0]->header->z_max = Ctrl->L.max;
684 	}
686 	if (Ctrl->E.cdf) {
687 		gmt_free_grid (GMT, &W, true);	/* Done with the area weights grid */
688 		/* Sort observations on z */
689 		qsort (pair, nxy, sizeof (struct GMT_OBSERVATION), gmtlib_compare_observation);
690 		/* Compute normalized cumulative weights */
691 		scale = 1.0 / wsum;	/* Do avoid division later */
692 		wsum = 0.0;	/* Do this in double precision since GMT_OBSERVATION is just float */
693 		for (k = 0; k < nxy; k++) {	/* Build CDF from tiny to 1 */
694 			pair[k].weight *= scale;
695 			wsum += pair[k].weight;
696 			pair[k].weight = (gmt_grdfloat)wsum;
697 		}
698 		if (Ctrl->E.file) {	/* Save the CDF to file */
699 			uint64_t dim[4] = {1, 1, nxy, 2};
700 			struct GMT_DATASET *CDF = NULL;
701 			struct GMT_DATASEGMENT *S = NULL;
702 			if ((CDF = GMT_Create_Data (API, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_IS_POINT, 0, dim, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL)) == NULL) {
703 				GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Unable to allocate memory for CDF output.\n");
704 				Return (GMT_MEMORY_ERROR);
705 			}
706 			S = CDF->table[0]->segment[0];
707 			for (k = 0; k < nxy; k++) {
708 				S->data[GMT_X][k] = pair[k].value;
709 				S->data[GMT_Y][k] = pair[k].weight;
710 			}
712 				GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Unable to write CDF output.\n");
713 				Return (API->error);
714 			}
715 		}
716 	}
718 	if (Ctrl->E.active && Ctrl->E.levels == 0) {	/* Use existing CPT structure, just linearly change z */
719 		if ((Pout = GMT_Duplicate_Data (API, GMT_IS_PALETTE, GMT_DUPLICATE_ALLOC, Pin)) == NULL) return (API->error);
720 		gmt_stretch_cpt (GMT, Pout, Ctrl->L.min, Ctrl->L.max);
721 		if (Ctrl->I.mode & GMT_CPT_C_REVERSE)
722 			gmt_invert_cpt (GMT, Pout);	/* Also flip the colors */
723 		cpt_flags = 0;
724 		if (Ctrl->N.active) cpt_flags |= GMT_CPT_NO_BNF;	/* bit 0 controls if BFN will be written out */
725 		if (Ctrl->D.mode == 1) cpt_flags |= GMT_CPT_EXTEND_BNF;	/* bit 1 controls if BF will be set to equal bottom/top rgb value */
726 		if (Ctrl->F.active) Pout->model = Ctrl->F.model;
727 		if (Ctrl->F.cat) Pout->categorical = GMT_CPT_CATEGORICAL_VAL;
728 		if (write && GMT_Write_Data (API, GMT_IS_PALETTE, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_NONE, cpt_flags, NULL, Ctrl->Out.file, Pout) != GMT_NOERROR) {
729 			Return (API->error);
730 		}
731 		if (!write)
732 			gmt_save_current_cpt (GMT, Pout, cpt_flags);	/* Save for use by session, if modern */
733 		grd2cpt_free_the_grids (API, G, grdfile, ngrd);
734 		gmt_M_free (GMT, G);
735 		gmt_M_free (GMT, grdfile);
737 		Return (GMT_NOERROR);
738 	}
740 	ngood = nxyg - nfound;	/* This is the number of non-NaN points for the cdf function  */
741 	mean /= ngood;
742 	sd /= ngood;
743 	sd = sqrt (sd - mean * mean);
744 	if (gmt_M_is_verbose (GMT, GMT_MSG_WARNING)) {
745 		sprintf (format, "Mean and S.D. of data are %s %s\n",
746 		         GMT->current.setting.format_float_out, GMT->current.setting.format_float_out);
747 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, format, mean, sd);
748 	}
750 	/* Decide how to make steps in z.  */
751 	if (Ctrl->T.active && Ctrl->T.mode == 0) {	/* Use predefined levels and interval */
752 		unsigned int i, j;
754 		Ctrl->E.levels = (G[0]->header->z_min < Ctrl->T.low) ? 1 : 0;
755 		Ctrl->E.levels += urint (floor((Ctrl->T.high - Ctrl->T.low)/Ctrl->T.inc)) + 1;
756 		if (G[0]->header->z_max > Ctrl->T.high) Ctrl->E.levels++;
757 		cdf_cpt = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, Ctrl->E.levels, struct CDF_CPT);
758 		if (G[0]->header->z_min < Ctrl->T.low) {
759 			cdf_cpt[0].z = G[0]->header->z_min;
760 			cdf_cpt[1].z = Ctrl->T.low;
761 			i = 2;
762 		}
763 		else {
764 			cdf_cpt[0].z = Ctrl->T.low;
765 			i = 1;
766 		}
767 		j = (G[0]->header->z_max > Ctrl->T.high) ? Ctrl->E.levels - 1 : Ctrl->E.levels;
768 		while (i < j) {
769 			cdf_cpt[i].z = cdf_cpt[i-1].z + Ctrl->T.inc;
770 			i++;
771 		}
772 		if (j == Ctrl->E.levels-1) cdf_cpt[j].z = G[0]->header->z_max;
773 	}
774 	else if (Ctrl->S.active || (Ctrl->E.active && !Ctrl->E.cdf)) {	/* Make an equaldistant color map from G[k]->header->z_min to G[k]->header->z_max */
775 		double start, range;
777 		switch (Ctrl->S.kind) {
778 			case -1:
779 				start = -fabs (G[0]->header->z_min);
780 				break;
781 			case 1:
782 				start = -fabs (G[0]->header->z_max);
783 				break;
784 			case -2:
785 				start = -MIN (fabs (G[0]->header->z_min), fabs (G[0]->header->z_max));
786 				break;
787 			case 2:
788 				start = -MAX (fabs (G[0]->header->z_min), fabs (G[0]->header->z_max));
789 				break;
790 			default:
791 				start = G[0]->header->z_min;
792 				break;
793 		}
794 		range = (Ctrl->S.kind) ? 2.0 * fabs (start) : G[0]->header->z_max - G[0]->header->z_min;
795 		range *= (1.0 + GMT_CONV8_LIMIT);	/* To ensure the max grid values do not exceed the CPT limit due to round-off issues */
796 		start -= fabs (start) * GMT_CONV8_LIMIT;	/* To ensure the start of cpt is less than min value due to roundoff  */
797 		Ctrl->T.inc = range / (double)(Ctrl->E.levels - 1);
798 		cdf_cpt = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, Ctrl->E.levels, struct CDF_CPT);
799 		for (j = 0; j < Ctrl->E.levels; j++) cdf_cpt[j].z = start + j * Ctrl->T.inc;
800 	}
801 	else if (Ctrl->E.cdf) {	/* Use the cumulative weighted distribution to issue the desired equal-area level boundaries */
802 		double dw = pair[nxy-1].weight / (Ctrl->E.levels - 1), p = 0.0, dp = 1.0 / (Ctrl->E.levels - 1);
804 		cdf_cpt = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, Ctrl->E.levels, struct CDF_CPT);
805 		cdf_cpt[0].z = pair[0].value;
806 		wsum = dw;	p = dp;
807 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Evaluated %d equidistant points on the cumulative density function:\n", Ctrl->E.levels);
808 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "z = %16g cdf(z) = %6.4f\n", cdf_cpt[0].z, 0.0);
809 		for (j = 1, k = 0; j < (Ctrl->E.levels - 1); j++) {
810 			while (k < nxy && pair[k].weight < wsum) k++;	/* k is the point with weight >= wsum; so a linear interpolation */
811 			cdf_cpt[j].z = pair[k-1].value + (wsum - pair[k-1].weight) * (pair[k].value - pair[k-1].value) / (pair[k].weight - pair[k-1].weight);
812 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "z = %16g cdf(z) = %6.4f\n", cdf_cpt[j].z, p);
813 			wsum += dw;	/* Next area boundary */
814 			p += dp;	/* Next CDF value */
815 		}
816 		cdf_cpt[Ctrl->E.levels-1].z = pair[nxy-1].value;
817 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "z = %16g cdf(z) = %6.4f\n", cdf_cpt[Ctrl->E.levels-1].z, 1.0);
818 		gmt_M_free (GMT, pair);
819 		/* Make sure we do not have slices with no z-range */
820 		p = 0.0;
821 		dp = GMT_CONV8_LIMIT * (cdf_cpt[Ctrl->E.levels-1].z - cdf_cpt[0].z);
822 		for (j = 1; j < (Ctrl->E.levels - 1); j++) {
823 			if (doubleAlmostEqualZero (cdf_cpt[j-1].z, cdf_cpt[j].z+p)) {
824 				GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "CDF is vertical, adding %g to have monotonic increasing z-values:\n", dp);
825 				p += dp;
826 				cdf_cpt[j].z += p;
827 			}
828 		}
829 	}
830 	else {	/* This is completely ad-hoc.  It chooses z based on equidistant steps [of 0.1 unless -Sn set] for a Gaussian CDF:  */
831 		double z_inc = 1.0 / (Ctrl->E.levels - 1);		/* Increment between selected points [0.1] */
832 		double zcrit_tail = gmt_zcrit (GMT, 1.0 - z_inc);	/* Get the +/- z-value containing bulk of distribution, with z_inc in each tail */
833 		cdf_cpt = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, Ctrl->E.levels, struct CDF_CPT);
834 		if ((mean - zcrit_tail*sd) <= G[0]->header->z_min || (mean + zcrit_tail*sd) >= G[0]->header->z_max) {
835 			/* Adjust mean/std so that our critical locations are still inside the min/max of the data */
836 			mean = 0.5 * (G[0]->header->z_min + G[0]->header->z_max);
837 			sd = (G[0]->header->z_max - mean) / 1.5;	/* This factor of 1.5 probably needs to change since z_inc is no longer fixed at 0.1 */
838 			if (sd <= 0.0) {
839 				GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Min and Max data values are equal.\n");
840 				gmt_M_free (GMT, cdf_cpt);
841 				Return (GMT_RUNTIME_ERROR);
842 			}
843 		}	/* End of stupid bug fix  */
845 		/* So we go in steps of z_inc in the Gaussian CDF except we start and stop at actual min/max */
846 		cdf_cpt[0].z = G[0]->header->z_min;
847 		for (j = 1; j < (Ctrl->E.levels - 1); j++) cdf_cpt[j].z = mean + gmt_zcrit (GMT, j *z_inc) * sd;
848 		cdf_cpt[Ctrl->E.levels-1].z = G[0]->header->z_max;
849 	}
851 	/* Get here when we are ready to go.  cdf_cpt[].z contains the sample points.  */
853 	if (gmt_M_is_verbose (GMT, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION)) sprintf (format, "z = %s and CDF(z) = %s\n", GMT->current.setting.format_float_out, GMT->current.setting.format_float_out);
854 	for (j = 0; j < Ctrl->E.levels; j++) {
855 		if (cdf_cpt[j].z <= G[0]->header->z_min)
856 			cdf_cpt[j].f = 0.0;
857 		else if (cdf_cpt[j].z >= G[0]->header->z_max)
858 			cdf_cpt[j].f = 1.0;
859 		else {
860 			nfound = 0;
861 			for (k = 0; k < ngrd; k++) {	/* For each grid */
862 				gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, G[k], row, col, ij) {
863 					if (!gmt_M_is_fnan (G[k]->data[ij]) && G[k]->data[ij] <= cdf_cpt[j].z) nfound++;
864 				}
865 			}
866 			cdf_cpt[j].f = (double)(nfound-1)/(double)(ngood-1);
867 		}
868 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, format, cdf_cpt[j].z, cdf_cpt[j].f);
869 	}
871 	/* Now the cdf function has been found.  We now resample the chosen CPT  */
873 	z = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, Ctrl->E.levels, double);
874 	for (j = 0; j < Ctrl->E.levels; j++) z[j] = cdf_cpt[j].z;
875 	if (Ctrl->Q.mode == 2) for (j = 0; j < Ctrl->E.levels; j++) z[j] = d_log10 (GMT, z[j]);	/* Make log10(z) values for interpolation step */
877 	signed_levels = Ctrl->E.levels;
878 	Pout = gmt_sample_cpt (GMT, Pin, z, -signed_levels, Ctrl->Z.active, Ctrl->I.active, Ctrl->Q.mode, Ctrl->W.active);	/* -ve to keep original colors */
880 	/* Determine mode flags for output */
881 	cpt_flags = 0;
882 	if (Ctrl->N.active) cpt_flags |= GMT_CPT_NO_BNF;	/* bit 0 controls if BFN will be written out */
883 	if (Ctrl->D.mode == 1) cpt_flags |= GMT_CPT_EXTEND_BNF;	/* bit 1 controls if BF will be set to equal bottom/top rgb value */
884 	if (Ctrl->F.active) Pout->model = Ctrl->F.model;
885 	if (Ctrl->F.cat) {	/* Flag as a categorical CPT */
886 		Pout->categorical = GMT_CPT_CATEGORICAL_VAL;
887 		if (Ctrl->F.label) {	/* Want categorical labels */
888 			unsigned int ns = 0;
889 			char **label = gmt_cat_cpt_strings (GMT, Ctrl->F.label, Pout->n_colors, &ns);
890 			for (unsigned int k = 0; k < MIN (Pout->n_colors, ns); k++) {
891 				if (Pout->data[k].label) gmt_M_str_free (Pout->data[k].label);
892 				Pout->data[k].label = label[k];	/* Now the job of the CPT to free these strings */
893 			}
894 			gmt_M_free (GMT, label);
895 		}
896 	}
898 	if (Ctrl->A.active) gmt_cpt_transparency (GMT, Pout, Ctrl->A.value, Ctrl->A.mode);	/* Set transparency */
900 	if (write && GMT_Write_Data (API, GMT_IS_PALETTE, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_NONE, cpt_flags, NULL, Ctrl->Out.file, Pout) != GMT_NOERROR)
901 		error = API->error;
903 	if (!write)
904 		gmt_save_current_cpt (GMT, Pout, cpt_flags);	/* Save for use by session, if modern */
906 	gmt_M_free (GMT, cdf_cpt);
907 	gmt_M_free (GMT, z);
908 	if (error == GMT_NOERROR)
909 		error = grd2cpt_free_the_grids (API, G, grdfile, ngrd);
910 	else
911 		grd2cpt_free_the_grids (API, G, grdfile, ngrd);
912 	gmt_M_free (GMT, G);
913 	gmt_M_free (GMT, grdfile);
915 	Return ((error) ? error : GMT_NOERROR);
916 }