3-- Enfuse droplet applescript 0.0.2
4-- Harry van der wolf 15 Mar 2008
8	display dialog "Enfuse droplet 0.0.2 by Harry van der Wolf" & return & return & �
9		"This (G)UI wrapper uses enfuse and align_image_stack " & �
10		"to fuse your set of images with different exposure " & �
11		"settings to one fused image." & return & return & �
12		"You can use this GUI either by starting it " & �
13		"manually and then select your images" & �
14		return & return & "OR" & return & return & �
15		"drag and drop your images onto this little application." buttons {"Ok"}
21	display dialog "align_image_stack parameters" & return & return & �
22		"# default parameters already set by this script:" & return & �
23		"-p file, output .pto => set to pano.pto" & return & �
24		"-a prefix align images => set to fused" & return & return & �
25		"# other parameters (to be set by you):" & return & �
26		"-e assume input images are full frame fish eye (default: rectilinear)" & return & �
27		"-t num    Remove all control points with an error higher than num pixels (default: 3)" & return & �
28		"-f HFOV   approximate horizontal field of view of input images, use if EXIF info not complete" & return & �
29		"-m        Optimize field of view for all images, except for first. Useful for aligning focus stacks with slightly different magnification." & return & �
30		"-c num    number of control points (per grid) to create between adjacent images (default: 8)" & return & �
31		"-l        Assume linear input files" & return & �
32		"-s scale  Scale down image by 2^scale (default: 1 [2x downsampling])" & return & �
33		"-g gsize  Break image into a rectangular grid (gsize x gsize) and attempt to find
34             num control points in each section (default: 5 [5x5 grid] )" & return & return �
35		buttons {"Ok"}
41	display dialog "==== enfuse, version 3.1 ====" & return & �
42		"Common options:" & return & �
43		" -l number              Number of levels to use (1 to 29)" & return & �
44		" -o filename            Write output to file" & return & �
45		"-w                     Blend across -180/+180 boundary" & return & �
46		"--compression=COMP     Set compression of the output image." & return & �
47		"Valid values for compression are:" & return & �
48		"For TIFF files: LZW, DEFLATE" & return & �
49		"For JPEG files: 0-100" & return & return & �
50		"Extended options:" & return & �
51		"-b kilobytes           Image cache block size (default=2MiB)" & return & �
52		"-c                     Use CIECAM02 to blend colors" & return & �
53		"-g                     Associated alpha hack for Gimp (ver. < 2) and Cinepaint" & return & �
54		"-f WIDTHxHEIGHT+x0+y0  Manually set the size and position of the output image." & return & �
55		"Useful for cropped and shifted input TIFF images," & �
56		"such as those produced by Nona." & �
57		"-m megabytes           Use this much memory before going to disk (default=1GiB)" & return & return & �
58		"Fusion options:" & return & �
59		"--wExposure=W          Weight given to well-exposed pixels (from 0 to 1)." & return & �
60		"default value: 1.0" & return & �
61		"--wSaturation=W        Weight given to highly-saturated pixels (from 0 to 1)." & return & �
62		"default value: 0.2" & return & �
63		"--wContrast=W          Weight given to high-contrast pixels (from 0 to 1)." & return & �
64		"default value: 0" & return & �
65		"--HardMask             Force hard blend masks (no averaging) on finest" & �
66		"scale. This is especially useful for focus" & �
67		"stacks with thin and high contrast features such" & �
68		"as insect hairs etc, but will lead to increased noise." & return & return & �
69		"Expert options:" & return & �
70		"--ContrastWindowSize=s Window size for local contrast analysis." & return & �
71		"Default: 5, (must be bigger than 3)." & return �
72		buttons {"Ok"}
75on FUNC_Initialize_BP_PGB(titlebarmsg, topmsg, bottommsg)
76	tell application "BP Progress Bar"
77		launch
78		set title of window 1 to titlebarmsg
79		activate
80		show window 1
81		tell window 1 of application "BP Progress Bar"
82			tell progress indicator 1
83				set indeterminate to true
84				start
85			end tell
86		end tell
87		tell window 1 of application "BP Progress Bar" to tell text field 1 to set content to topmsg
88		tell window 1 of application "BP Progress Bar" to tell text field 2 to set content to bottommsg
89	end tell
90end FUNC_Initialize_BP_PGB
93on FUNC_quit_BP_PGB()
94	tell application "BP Progress Bar" to quit
95end FUNC_quit_BP_PGB
98-- function enfuse
99on FUNC_ENFUSE(dropped_on, ImageList)
102	-- set enfuse_additional_parameters to "--wExposure=1 --wSaturation=1 --wContrast=1"
103	set enfuse_additional_parameters to ""
104	---- start images selection if dropped_on is false
105	if not dropped_on then
106		set ImageList to ""
107		set theImages to �
108			choose file with prompt �
109				"Select the image files of your choice" default location (path to pictures folder) �
110				of type {"JPEG", "TIFF", "PNG"} with multiple selections allowed without invisibles
111		repeat with OneImage in theImages
112			set OneImage to quoted form of POSIX path of OneImage
113			set testname to POSIX path of OneImage
114			-- we need this extension later
115			if (testname as text) ends with ".TIF" or (testname as text) ends with ".TIFF" then
116				set ImgExt to ".tif"
117			else
118				set ImgExt to ".jpg"
119			end if
121			set ImagePath to quoted form of POSIX path of OneImage --should do it only once but who cares
122			set ImageList to ImageList & OneImage & " "
123		end repeat
124		---- end of images selection
125	end if
127	-- Find the working dir of the program, otherwise it will default to $HOME where ais and enfuse are not available
128	tell application "Finder" to get folder of (path to me) as Unicode text
129	set workingDir to POSIX path of result
131	---- start of requesting align_image_stack parameters
132	set align_image_stack_parameters to ""
133	set get_going to "NOK"
134	repeat while get_going is "NOK"
135		display dialog "align_image_stack parameters" & return & return & �
136			"# default parameters set by this script:" & return & �
137			"-p file, output .pto => set to pano.pto" & return & �
138			"-a prefix align images => set to fused" & return & return & �
139			"# Other parameters can be set by you:" & return & �
140			"(Click Show Parameters to show possibilities)" & return & return & �
141			"Enter your additional parameters below. " default answer align_image_stack_parameters �
142			buttons {"Show Parameters", "Quit", "Ok"} default button "Ok"
143		set dialogResult to result
144		set align_image_stack_parameters to text returned of dialogResult
145		set choice to button returned of dialogResult
146		if choice = "Show Parameters" then FUNC_AIS_PARAM()
147		if choice = "Quit" then return -- exit script immediately
148		if choice = "Ok" then set get_going to "OK"
149	end repeat
150	--- end of requesting align_image_stack parameters
152	-- delete possible previous fused intermediate images (normally overwritten�
153	-- when there are more images from a previous run than need to be calculated, you get strange images
154	--tell application "Finder"
155	try -- use try to not display (error) dialog on non existing files
156		do shell script "rm " & workingDir & "fused*.tif"
157	end try
158	--end tell
161	---- kick off align_image_stack and set barber pole
162	FUNC_Initialize_BP_PGB("Running align_image_stack", "Align_image_stack is aligning your images", "This will take some time. Please wait....")
163	do shell script "cd " & workingDir & "; " & workingDir & "align_image_stack" & " -a fused " & align_image_stack_parameters & " " & ImageList
164	FUNC_quit_BP_PGB()
165	---- align_image_stack finished. stop barber pole
167	---- start of requesting enfuse parameters
168	set get_going to "NOK"
169	repeat while get_going is "NOK"
170		display dialog "Enfuse additional parameters" & return & return & �
171			"Here you can specify your parameters." & return & �
172			"(Click Show Parameters to show possibilities)" & return & return �
173			default answer enfuse_additional_parameters buttons {"Show Parameters", "Quit", "Ok"} default button "Ok"
174		set dialogResult to result
175		set enfuse_additional_parameters to text returned of dialogResult
176		set choice to button returned of dialogResult
177		if choice = "Show Parameters" then FUNC_ENF_PARAM()
178		if choice = "Quit" then return -- exit script immediately
179		if choice = "Ok" then set get_going to "OK"
180	end repeat
181	--- end of requesting enfuse parameters
183	----Ask filename of fused image and where it should be stored
184	set NewImgName to (choose file name with prompt "Specify the filename of your new fused image" default location (path to pictures folder))
185	set NewImage to quoted form of POSIX path of NewImgName
186	set testname to POSIX path of NewImgName
187	-- file extensions are not treated case-sensitive within applescript
188	if (testname as text) ends with ".TIF" or (testname as text) ends with ".JPG" or (testname as text) ends with ".TIFF" or (testname as text) ends with ".JPEG" then
189		set NewImage to quoted form of POSIX path of testname
190		--display dialog NewImage
191	else
192		-- No image extension, so make it a tif
193		set testname to testname & ".tif"
194		set NewImage to quoted form of POSIX path of testname
195		--display dialog NewImage
196	end if
197	---- kick off enfuse and set barber pole
198	FUNC_Initialize_BP_PGB("Running enfuse", "enfuse is merging your images", "This will take some time. Please wait....")
199	do shell script "cd " & workingDir & "; " & workingDir & "enfuse " & enfuse_additional_parameters & " -o " & NewImage & " " & workingDir & "fused*.tif"
200	FUNC_quit_BP_PGB()
201	---- enfuse finished. stop barber pole
203	---- Show fused image to the public
204	-- Stupid preview application is not scriptable so we need to shell out.
205	-- Next to that there is another stupidity: It's called Preview.app on Tiger and preview.app on Leopard.
206	do shell script "open /Applications/Preview.app " & NewImage
207	do shell script "open /Applications/preview.app " & NewImage
210-- end of function enfuse
215-- Main part of script
216-- Here does it all start
217-- Define some (initial) variables/properties
218global ImageList
219set ImageList to ""
221-- "open" handler triggered by drag'n'drop launch.
222-- This parts starts when a user drops files on it
223on open of finderObjects
224	global HUGIN_PATH
225	--set HUGIN_PATH to "/Applications/Hugin.app"
226	set HUGIN_PATH to ""
227	set ImageList to ""
228	repeat with OneImage in (finderObjects) -- in case multiple objects dropped on applet
229		--set pipo to quoted form of POSIX path of i as text
230		--display dialog pipo -- show file/folder's info
231		if folder of (info for OneImage) is true then -- process folder's contents too
232			repeat with OneImage in finderObjects
233				set OneImage to quoted form of POSIX path of OneImage
234				set testname to POSIX path of NewImgName
235				-- we need this extension later
236				if (testname as text) ends with ".TIF" or (testname as text) ends with ".TIFF" then
237					set ImgExt to ".tif"
238				else
239					set ImgExt to ".jpg"
240				end if
241				set ImagePath to quoted form of POSIX path of OneImage --should do it only once but who cares
242				set ImageList to ImageList & OneImage & " "
243			end repeat
244		end if
245		--		repeat with OneImage in finderObjects
246		set OneImage to quoted form of POSIX path of OneImage
247		set ImagePath to quoted form of POSIX path of OneImage --should do it only once but who cares
248		set ImageList to ImageList & OneImage & " "
249		--		end repeat
250	end repeat
251	-- run function enfuse
252	set dropped_on to true
253	FUNC_ENFUSE(dropped_on, ImageList)
254end open
255-- end of drag'n'drop launch
257-- This is the part that starts when user opens application by double-clicking it
259set ImageList to ""
260-- ask user what he/she wants
261set quit_app to false
262repeat until quit_app is true
263	display dialog "Click Enfuse to get going!" buttons {"about", "quit", "Enfuse"} default button "Enfuse"
264	set choice to button returned of result
265	if choice = "Enfuse" then
266		set dropped_on to false
267		FUNC_ENFUSE(dropped_on, ImageList)
268	else if choice = "about" then
270	else
271		return --user has chosen quit so quit script
272	end if
273end repeat
274end run