1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
2 unit BGRAFontGL;
4 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
6 interface
8 uses
9   BGRAClasses, SysUtils, BGRAGraphics, BGRAOpenGLType, BGRABitmapTypes,
10   Avl_Tree;
12 type
13   { TRenderedGlyph }
15   TRenderedGlyph = class
16   private
17     FIdentifier: UTF8String;
18     FTexture: IBGLTexture;
19     FHorizontalOverflowPx, FVerticalOverflowPx, FAdvancePx: integer;
20   public
21     constructor Create(AIdentifier: UTF8String; ATexture: IBGLTexture;
22       AHorizontalOverflowPx, AVerticalOverflowPx: integer);
23     procedure Draw(x,y,Scale: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;
24     procedure Draw(x,y,Scale: single; AGradTopLeft, AGradTopRight, AGradBottomRight, AGradBottomLeft: TBGRAPixel); overload;
25     property Identifier: UTF8String read FIdentifier;
26     property AdvancePx: integer read FAdvancePx;
27   end;
29   { IBGLRenderedFont }
31   IBGLRenderedFont = interface(IBGLFont)
GetBackgroundColornull32     function GetBackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel;
GetColornull33     function GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
GetFontEmHeightnull34     function GetFontEmHeight: integer;
GetFontFullHeightnull35     function GetFontFullHeight: integer;
GetHorizontalOverflownull36     function GetHorizontalOverflow: single;
GetNamenull37     function GetName: string;
GetQualitynull38     function GetQuality: TBGRAFontQuality;
GetStylenull39     function GetStyle: TFontStyles;
GetVerticalOverflownull40     function GetVerticalOverflow: single;
41     procedure SetBackgroundColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
42     procedure SetColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
43     procedure SetFontEmHeight(AValue: integer);
44     procedure SetFontFullHeight(AValue: integer);
45     procedure SetHorizontalOverflow(AValue: single);
46     procedure SetName(AValue: string);
47     procedure SetQuality(AValue: TBGRAFontQuality);
48     procedure SetStyle(AValue: TFontStyles);
49     procedure SetVerticalOverflow(AValue: single);
51     property Name: string read GetName write SetName;
52     property Style: TFontStyles read GetStyle write SetStyle;
53     property Quality: TBGRAFontQuality read GetQuality write SetQuality;
54     property EmHeight: integer read GetFontEmHeight write SetFontEmHeight;
55     property FullHeight: integer read GetFontFullHeight write SetFontFullHeight;
56     property Color: TBGRAPixel read GetColor write SetColor;
57     property HorizontalOverflow: single read GetHorizontalOverflow write SetHorizontalOverflow;
58     property VerticalOverflow: single read GetVerticalOverflow write SetVerticalOverflow;
59     property BackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel read GetBackgroundColor write SetBackgroundColor;
60   end;
62   { TBGLRenderedFont }
64   TBGLRenderedFont = class(TBGLCustomFont,IBGLRenderedFont)
65   private
66     FGlyphs: TAVLTree;
68     FName: string;
69     FColor: TBGRAPixel;
70     FBackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel;
71     FEmHeight: integer;
72     FHorizontalOverflow: single;
73     FVerticalOverflow: single;
74     FQuality: TBGRAFontQuality;
75     FStyle: TFontStyles;
76     FGradTopLeft, FGradTopRight, FGradBottomRight, FGradBottomLeft: TBGRAPixel;
77     FUseGradientColor: boolean;
78     FClipped: boolean;
79     FWordBreakHandler: TWordBreakHandler;
FindGlyphnull81     function FindGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TAVLTreeNode;
GetBackgroundColornull82     function GetBackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel;
GetColornull83     function GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
GetFontEmHeightnull84     function GetFontEmHeight: integer;
GetGlyphnull85     function GetGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TRenderedGlyph;
GetHorizontalOverflownull86     function GetHorizontalOverflow: single;
GetNamenull87     function GetName: string;
GetQualitynull88     function GetQuality: TBGRAFontQuality;
GetStylenull89     function GetStyle: TFontStyles;
GetVerticalOverflownull90     function GetVerticalOverflow: single;
91     procedure SetGlyph(AIdentifier: string; AValue: TRenderedGlyph);
GetFontFullHeightnull92     function GetFontFullHeight: integer;
93     procedure SetBackgroundColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
94     procedure SetColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
95     procedure SetFontEmHeight(AValue: integer);
96     procedure SetFontFullHeight(AValue: integer);
97     procedure SetHorizontalOverflow(AValue: single);
98     procedure SetName(AValue: string);
99     procedure SetQuality(AValue: TBGRAFontQuality);
100     procedure SetStyle(AValue: TFontStyles);
101     procedure SetVerticalOverflow(AValue: single);
102   protected
103     FRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
104     FRendererOwned: boolean;
LoadFromFilenull105     function LoadFromFile({%H-}AFilename: UTF8String): boolean; override;
106     procedure FreeMemoryOnDestroy; override;
CreateGlyphnull107     function CreateGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TRenderedGlyph; virtual;
108     procedure CopyFontToRenderer; virtual;
109     procedure DoTextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AHorizontalAlign: TAlignment; AVerticalAlign: TTextLayout); overload; virtual;
110     procedure DoTextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
111     procedure DoTextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single; const Text : UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel); override;
GetClippednull112     function GetClipped: boolean; override;
GetUseGradientColorsnull113     function GetUseGradientColors: boolean; override;
114     procedure SetClipped(AValue: boolean); override;
115     procedure SetUseGradientColors(AValue: boolean); override;
116     procedure DiscardGlyphs; virtual;
117     procedure DefaultWordBreakHandler(var ABefore, AAfter: string);
118     procedure SplitText(var ATextUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: single; out ARemainsUTF8: string);
GetWrappedLinesnull119     function GetWrappedLines(ATextUTF8: string; AWidth: single): TStringList;
120   public
121     constructor Create(ARenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; ARendererOwned: boolean = true);
122     procedure FreeMemory; override;
TextWidthnull123     function TextWidth(const Text: UTF8String): single; override;
TextHeightnull124     function TextHeight(const {%H-}Text: UTF8String): single; override;
TextHeightnull125     function TextHeight(const Text: UTF8String; AWidth: single): single; override;
126     procedure SetGradientColors(ATopLeft, ATopRight, ABottomRight, ABottomLeft: TBGRAPixel); override;
127     property Name: string read GetName write SetName;
128     property Style: TFontStyles read GetStyle write SetStyle;
129     property Quality: TBGRAFontQuality read GetQuality write SetQuality;
130     property EmHeight: integer read GetFontEmHeight write SetFontEmHeight;
131     property FullHeight: integer read GetFontFullHeight write SetFontFullHeight;
132     property Color: TBGRAPixel read GetColor write SetColor;
133     property HorizontalOverflow: single read GetHorizontalOverflow write SetHorizontalOverflow;
134     property VerticalOverflow: single read GetVerticalOverflow write SetVerticalOverflow;
135     property BackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel read GetBackgroundColor write SetBackgroundColor;
136     property WordBreakHandler: TWordBreakHandler read FWordBreakHandler write FWordBreakHandler;
137     property Glyph[AIdentifier: string]: TRenderedGlyph read GetGlyph;
138   end;
140 implementation
142 uses BGRAUTF8;
144 { TRenderedGlyph }
146 constructor TRenderedGlyph.Create(AIdentifier: UTF8String; ATexture: IBGLTexture;
147   AHorizontalOverflowPx, AVerticalOverflowPx: integer);
148 begin
149   FIdentifier := AIdentifier;
150   FTexture := ATexture;
151   FHorizontalOverflowPx:= AHorizontalOverflowPx;
152   FVerticalOverflowPx:= AVerticalOverflowPx;
153   FAdvancePx := ATexture.Width - 2*FHorizontalOverflowPx;
154 end;
156 procedure TRenderedGlyph.Draw(x, y, Scale: single; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
157 begin
158   FTexture.StretchDraw(x-FHorizontalOverflowPx*Scale,y-FVerticalOverflowPx*Scale, FTexture.Width*Scale, FTexture.Height*Scale, AColor);
159 end;
161 procedure TRenderedGlyph.Draw(x, y, Scale: single; AGradTopLeft, AGradTopRight,
162   AGradBottomRight, AGradBottomLeft: TBGRAPixel);
163 begin
164   FTexture.SetGradientColors(AGradTopLeft,AGradTopRight, AGradBottomRight,AGradBottomLeft);
165   FTexture.StretchDraw(x-FHorizontalOverflowPx*Scale,y-FVerticalOverflowPx*Scale, FTexture.Width*Scale, FTexture.Height*Scale);
166   FTexture.GradientColors := false;
167 end;
CompareGlyphNodenull169 function CompareGlyphNode(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
170 begin
171   result := CompareStr(TRenderedGlyph(Data1).Identifier,TRenderedGlyph(Data2).Identifier);
172 end;
174 { TBGLRenderedFont }
FindGlyphnull176 function TBGLRenderedFont.FindGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TAVLTreeNode;
177 var Comp: integer;
178   Node: TAVLTreeNode;
179 begin
180   Node:=FGlyphs.Root;
181   while (Node<>nil) do begin
182     Comp:=CompareStr(AIdentifier,TRenderedGlyph(Node.Data).Identifier);
183     if Comp=0 then break;
184     if Comp<0 then begin
185       Node:=Node.Left
186     end else begin
187       Node:=Node.Right
188     end;
189   end;
190   result := Node;
191 end;
GetBackgroundColornull193 function TBGLRenderedFont.GetBackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel;
194 begin
195   result := FBackgroundColor;
196 end;
GetColornull198 function TBGLRenderedFont.GetColor: TBGRAPixel;
199 begin
200   result := FColor;
201 end;
TBGLRenderedFont.GetFontEmHeightnull203 function TBGLRenderedFont.GetFontEmHeight: integer;
204 begin
205   result := FEmHeight;
206 end;
TBGLRenderedFont.CreateGlyphnull208 function TBGLRenderedFont.CreateGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TRenderedGlyph;
209 var b: TBGLCustomBitmap;
210   hOverflow, vOverflow: integer;
211 begin
212   CopyFontToRenderer;
213   with FRenderer.TextSize(AIdentifier) do
214   begin
215     hOverflow := round(cx*HorizontalOverflow)+1;
216     vOverflow:= round(cy*VerticalOverflow)+1;
217     b:= BGLBitmapFactory.Create(cx+2*hOverflow,cy+2*vOverflow,BackgroundColor);
218     FRenderer.TextOut(b, hOverflow,vOverflow, AIdentifier, Color, taLeftJustify);
219     result:= TRenderedGlyph.Create(AIdentifier,b.MakeTextureAndFree,hOverflow,vOverflow);
220   end;
221 end;
223 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.CopyFontToRenderer;
224 begin
225   FRenderer.FontName := FName;
226   FRenderer.FontEmHeight := FEmHeight;
227   FRenderer.FontOrientation := 0;
228   FRenderer.FontQuality := FQuality;
229   FRenderer.FontStyle := FStyle;
230 end;
232 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.DoTextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text: UTF8String;
233   AColor: TBGRAPixel; AHorizontalAlign: TAlignment; AVerticalAlign: TTextLayout);
234 var
235   pstr: pchar;
236   left,charlen: integer;
237   nextchar: string;
238   g: TRenderedGlyph;
239 begin
240   if Text = '' then exit;
242   pstr := @Text[1];
243   left := length(Text);
244   case AHorizontalAlign of
245   taCenter: DecF(x, round(TextWidth(Text)/2));
246   taRightJustify: DecF(x, TextWidth(Text));
247   end;
248   case AVerticalAlign of
249   tlCenter: DecF(y, round(TextHeight(Text)/2));
250   tlBottom: DecF(y, TextHeight(Text)*Scale);
251   end;
252   while left > 0 do
253   begin
254     charlen := UTF8CharacterLength(pstr);
255     setlength(nextchar, charlen);
256     move(pstr^, nextchar[1], charlen);
257     inc(pstr,charlen);
258     dec(left,charlen);
260     g := GetGlyph(nextchar);
261     if g <> nil then
262     begin
263       if FUseGradientColor then
264         g.Draw(x,y,Scale,FGradTopLeft,FGradTopRight,FGradBottomRight,FGradBottomLeft)
265       else
266         g.Draw(x,y,Scale,AColor);
267       IncF(x, (g.AdvancePx + StepX)  * Scale);
268     end;
269   end;
270 end;
272 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.DoTextOut(X, Y: Single; const Text: UTF8String;
273   AColor: TBGRAPixel);
274 begin
275   if Justify then
276     DoTextOut(X,Y,Text,AColor,taLeftJustify,VerticalAlign)
277   else
278     DoTextOut(X,Y,Text,AColor,HorizontalAlign,VerticalAlign);
279 end;
281 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.DoTextRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Single;
282   const Text: UTF8String; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
284   procedure DoDrawTextLine(LineY, LineWidth: Single; ALine: string; AJustify: boolean);
285   var CurX: single;
286     words: TStringList;
287     wordStart: integer;
288     i: Integer;
289   begin
290     if AJustify then
291     begin
292       words := TStringList.Create;
293       wordStart := 1;
294       for i := 1 to length(ALine) do
295       begin
296         if ALine[i]=' ' then
297         begin
298           words.Add(copy(ALine,wordStart,i-wordStart));
299           wordStart := i+1;
300         end;
301       end;
302       words.add(copy(ALine,wordStart,length(ALine)+1-wordStart));
303       CurX := X;
304       LineWidth := 0;
305       for i := 0 to words.Count-1 do
306         IncF(LineWidth, TextWidth(words[i]));
308       for i := 0 to words.Count-1 do
309       begin
310         DoTextOut(CurX+round((Width-LineWidth)/(words.Count-1)*i),LineY,words[i],AColor,taLeftJustify,tlTop);
311         IncF(CurX, TextWidth(words[i]));
312       end;
313       words.Free;
314     end else
315     begin
316       Case HorizontalAlign of
317       taCenter: CurX := round(X+(Width-LineWidth)/2);
318       taRightJustify: CurX := X+Width-LineWidth;
319       else
320         CurX := X;
321       end;
322       DoTextOut(CurX,LineY,ALine,AColor,taLeftJustify,tlTop);
323     end;
324   end;
326 var CurY: Single;
327   lineHeight: Single;
328   lines: TStringList;
329   i,originalNbLines: Integer;
330   maxLineCount: int64;
331 begin
332   If Text='' then exit;
333   lines := GetWrappedLines(Text,Width);
334   lineHeight := FullHeight * Scale;
335   originalNbLines := lines.Count;
337   if Clipped then
338   begin
339     if lineHeight = 0 then exit;
340     maxLineCount := trunc(Height/lineHeight);
341     if maxLineCount <= 0 then exit;
342     while lines.Count > maxLineCount do
343       lines.Delete(lines.Count-1);
344   end;
346   case VerticalAlign of
347   tlCenter: CurY := round(Y+( Height - lines.Count*lineHeight )/2);
348   tlBottom: CurY := Y + Height - lines.Count*lineHeight;
349   else CurY := Y;
350   end;
352   for i := 0 to lines.Count-1 do
353   begin
354     DoDrawTextLine(CurY,TextWidth(lines[i]),lines[i],Justify and (i<>originalNbLines-1));
355     IncF(CurY, lineHeight);
356   end;
357   lines.Free;
358 end;
GetGlyphnull360 function TBGLRenderedFont.GetGlyph(AIdentifier: string): TRenderedGlyph;
361 var Node: TAVLTreeNode;
362 begin
363   Node := FindGlyph(AIdentifier);
364   if Node = nil then
365   begin
366     if UTF8Length(AIdentifier)<>1 then
367       result := nil
368     else
369     begin
370       result := CreateGlyph(AIdentifier);
371       SetGlyph(AIdentifier, result);
372     end;
373   end
374   else
375     result := TRenderedGlyph(Node.Data);
376 end;
TBGLRenderedFont.GetHorizontalOverflownull378 function TBGLRenderedFont.GetHorizontalOverflow: single;
379 begin
380   result := FHorizontalOverflow;
381 end;
GetNamenull383 function TBGLRenderedFont.GetName: string;
384 begin
385   result := FName;
386 end;
GetQualitynull388 function TBGLRenderedFont.GetQuality: TBGRAFontQuality;
389 begin
390   result := FQuality;
391 end;
TBGLRenderedFont.GetStylenull393 function TBGLRenderedFont.GetStyle: TFontStyles;
394 begin
395   result := FStyle;
396 end;
GetVerticalOverflownull398 function TBGLRenderedFont.GetVerticalOverflow: single;
399 begin
400   result := FVerticalOverflow;
401 end;
403 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetGlyph(AIdentifier: string; AValue: TRenderedGlyph);
404 var Node: TAVLTreeNode;
405 begin
406   if AValue.Identifier <> AIdentifier then
407     raise exception.Create('Identifier mismatch');
408   Node := FindGlyph(AIdentifier);
409   if Node <> nil then
410   begin
411     if pointer(AValue) <> Node.Data then
412       TRenderedGlyph(Node.Data).Free;
413     Node.Data := AValue;
414   end else
415     FGlyphs.Add(pointer(AValue));
416 end;
418 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetStyle(AValue: TFontStyles);
419 begin
420   if FStyle=AValue then Exit;
421   FStyle:=AValue;
422   DiscardGlyphs;
423 end;
425 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetVerticalOverflow(AValue: single);
426 begin
427   if FVerticalOverflow=AValue then Exit;
428   FVerticalOverflow:=AValue;
429   DiscardGlyphs;
430 end;
GetClippednull432 function TBGLRenderedFont.GetClipped: boolean;
433 begin
434   result := FClipped;
435 end;
TBGLRenderedFont.GetUseGradientColorsnull437 function TBGLRenderedFont.GetUseGradientColors: boolean;
438 begin
439   result := FUseGradientColor;
440 end;
442 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetClipped(AValue: boolean);
443 begin
444   FClipped:= AValue;
445 end;
447 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetUseGradientColors(AValue: boolean);
448 begin
449   FUseGradientColor:= AValue;
450 end;
452 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.DiscardGlyphs;
453 begin
454   FGlyphs.FreeAndClear;
455 end;
457 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.DefaultWordBreakHandler(var ABefore, AAfter: string);
458 begin
459   BGRADefaultWordBreakHandler(ABefore,AAfter);
460 end;
TBGLRenderedFont.GetWrappedLinesnull462 function TBGLRenderedFont.GetWrappedLines(ATextUTF8: string; AWidth: single
463   ): TStringList;
464 var
465   ARemains: string;
466 begin
467   result := TStringList.Create;
468   repeat
469     SplitText(ATextUTF8, AWidth, ARemains);
470     result.Add(ATextUTF8);
471     ATextUTF8 := ARemains;
472   until ARemains = '';
473 end;
475 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SplitText(var ATextUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: single;
476   out ARemainsUTF8: string);
477 var
478   pstr: pchar;
479   p,left,charlen: integer;
480   totalWidth: single;
481   firstChar: boolean;
482   nextchar: string;
483   g: TRenderedGlyph;
484 begin
485   totalWidth := 0;
486   if ATextUTF8 = '' then
487   begin
488     ARemainsUTF8 := '';
489     exit;
490   end else
491   begin
492     p := 1;
493     pstr := @ATextUTF8[1];
494     left := length(ATextUTF8);
495     firstChar := true;
496     while left > 0 do
497     begin
498       if RemoveLineEnding(ATextUTF8,p) then
499       begin
500         ARemainsUTF8 := copy(ATextUTF8,p,length(ATextUTF8)-p+1);
501         ATextUTF8 := copy(ATextUTF8,1,p-1);
502         exit;
503       end;
505       charlen := UTF8CharacterLength(pstr);
506       setlength(nextchar, charlen);
507       move(pstr^, nextchar[1], charlen);
508       inc(pstr,charlen);
510       g := GetGlyph(nextchar);
511       if g <> nil then
512       begin
513         if not firstChar then IncF(totalWidth, StepX*Scale);
514         IncF(totalWidth, g.AdvancePx*Scale);
515         if not firstChar and (totalWidth > AMaxWidth) then
516         begin
517           ARemainsUTF8:= copy(ATextUTF8,p,length(ATextUTF8)-p+1);
518           ATextUTF8 := copy(ATextUTF8,1,p-1);
519           if Assigned(FWordBreakHandler) then
520             FWordBreakHandler(ATextUTF8,ARemainsUTF8) else
521               DefaultWordBreakHandler(ATextUTF8,ARemainsUTF8);
522           exit;
523         end;
524       end;
526       dec(left,charlen);
527       inc(p,charlen);
528       firstChar := false;
529     end;
530   end;
531   ARemainsUTF8 := ''; //no split
532 end;
534 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetName(AValue: string);
535 begin
536   if FName=AValue then Exit;
537   FName:=AValue;
538   DiscardGlyphs;
539 end;
541 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetFontEmHeight(AValue: integer);
542 begin
543   if FEmHeight=AValue then Exit;
544   FEmHeight:=AValue;
545   DiscardGlyphs;
546 end;
GetFontFullHeightnull548 function TBGLRenderedFont.GetFontFullHeight: integer;
549 begin
550   if FEmHeight < 0 then
551     result := -EmHeight
552   else
553     result := FRenderer.TextSize('Hg').cy;
554 end;
556 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetBackgroundColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
557 begin
558   if FBackgroundColor=AValue then Exit;
559   FBackgroundColor:=AValue;
560   DiscardGlyphs;
561 end;
563 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel);
564 begin
565   if FColor=AValue then Exit;
566   FColor:=AValue;
567   DiscardGlyphs;
568 end;
570 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetFontFullHeight(AValue: integer);
571 begin
572   EmHeight:= -AValue;
573 end;
575 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetHorizontalOverflow(AValue: single);
576 begin
577   if FHorizontalOverflow=AValue then Exit;
578   FHorizontalOverflow:=AValue;
579   DiscardGlyphs;
580 end;
582 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetQuality(AValue: TBGRAFontQuality);
583 begin
584   if FQuality=AValue then Exit;
585   FQuality:=AValue;
586   DiscardGlyphs;
587 end;
LoadFromFilenull589 function TBGLRenderedFont.LoadFromFile(AFilename: UTF8String): boolean;
590 begin
591   result := false;
592 end;
594 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.FreeMemoryOnDestroy;
595 begin
596   FreeMemory;
597   if FRendererOwned then FreeAndNil(FRenderer);
598   FreeAndNil(FGlyphs);
599 end;
601 constructor TBGLRenderedFont.Create(ARenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
602   ARendererOwned: boolean);
603 begin
604   Init;
605   FRenderer := ARenderer;
606   FRendererOwned := ARendererOwned;
608   FName := 'Arial';
609   FColor := BGRAWhite;
610   FBackgroundColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
611   FEmHeight := 20;
612   FStyle := [];
613   FHorizontalOverflow := 0.33;
614   FVerticalOverflow := 0;
615   FQuality := fqFineAntialiasing;
617   FGradTopLeft := BGRAWhite;
618   FGradTopRight := BGRAWhite;
619   FGradBottomLeft := BGRAWhite;
620   FGradBottomRight := BGRAWhite;
621   FUseGradientColor:= false;
622   FClipped:= false;
624   FGlyphs := TAVLTree.Create(@CompareGlyphNode);
625   FWordBreakHandler:= nil;
626 end;
628 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.FreeMemory;
629 begin
630   DiscardGlyphs;
631   inherited FreeMemory;
632 end;
TBGLRenderedFont.TextWidthnull634 function TBGLRenderedFont.TextWidth(const Text: UTF8String): single;
635 var
636   pstr: pchar;
637   left,charlen: integer;
638   nextchar: string;
639   g: TRenderedGlyph;
640   firstChar: boolean;
641 begin
642   result := 0;
643   if Text = '' then exit;
645   firstChar := true;
646   pstr := @Text[1];
647   left := length(Text);
648   while left > 0 do
649   begin
650     charlen := UTF8CharacterLength(pstr);
651     setlength(nextchar, charlen);
652     move(pstr^, nextchar[1], charlen);
653     inc(pstr,charlen);
654     dec(left,charlen);
656     g := GetGlyph(nextchar);
657     if g <> nil then
658     begin
659       if firstChar then
660         firstchar := false
661       else
662         IncF(result, StepX * Scale);
663       IncF(result, g.AdvancePx * Scale);
664     end;
665   end;
666 end;
TextHeightnull668 function TBGLRenderedFont.TextHeight(const Text: UTF8String): single;
669 begin
670   result := FullHeight * Scale;
671 end;
TextHeightnull673 function TBGLRenderedFont.TextHeight(const Text: UTF8String; AWidth: single
674   ): single;
675 var
676   lines: TStringList;
677 begin
678   lines := GetWrappedLines(Text, AWidth);
679   result := lines.Count * (FullHeight * Scale);
680   lines.Free;
681 end;
683 procedure TBGLRenderedFont.SetGradientColors(ATopLeft, ATopRight, ABottomRight,
684   ABottomLeft: TBGRAPixel);
685 begin
686   FGradTopLeft := ATopLeft;
687   FGradTopRight := ATopRight;
688   FGradBottomLeft := ABottomLeft;
689   FGradBottomRight := ABottomRight;
690   GradientColors := true;
691 end;
693 end.