1object Form1: TForm1
2  Left = 340
3  Height = 628
4  Top = 150
5  Width = 1172
6  Caption = 'BGRAScript'
7  ClientHeight = 628
8  ClientWidth = 1172
9  Color = 15790320
10  OnCreate = FormCreate
11  Position = poDesktopCenter
12  ShowHint = True
13  LCLVersion = ''
14  inline SynEdit1: TSynEdit
15    Left = 0
16    Height = 343
17    Hint = 'Ctrl + Spacebar to show templates.'
18    Top = 285
19    Width = 1172
20    Align = alBottom
21    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
22    Font.Height = -16
23    Font.Name = 'Courier New'
24    Font.Pitch = fpFixed
25    Font.Quality = fqCleartypeNatural
26    ParentColor = False
27    ParentFont = False
28    TabOrder = 0
29    Gutter.Width = 61
30    Gutter.MouseActions = <>
31    RightGutter.Width = 0
32    RightGutter.MouseActions = <>
33    Highlighter = SynAnySyn1
34    Keystrokes = <
35      item
36        Command = ecUp
37        ShortCut = 38
38      end
39      item
40        Command = ecSelUp
41        ShortCut = 8230
42      end
43      item
44        Command = ecScrollUp
45        ShortCut = 16422
46      end
47      item
48        Command = ecDown
49        ShortCut = 40
50      end
51      item
52        Command = ecSelDown
53        ShortCut = 8232
54      end
55      item
56        Command = ecScrollDown
57        ShortCut = 16424
58      end
59      item
60        Command = ecLeft
61        ShortCut = 37
62      end
63      item
64        Command = ecSelLeft
65        ShortCut = 8229
66      end
67      item
68        Command = ecWordLeft
69        ShortCut = 16421
70      end
71      item
72        Command = ecSelWordLeft
73        ShortCut = 24613
74      end
75      item
76        Command = ecRight
77        ShortCut = 39
78      end
79      item
80        Command = ecSelRight
81        ShortCut = 8231
82      end
83      item
84        Command = ecWordRight
85        ShortCut = 16423
86      end
87      item
88        Command = ecSelWordRight
89        ShortCut = 24615
90      end
91      item
92        Command = ecPageDown
93        ShortCut = 34
94      end
95      item
96        Command = ecSelPageDown
97        ShortCut = 8226
98      end
99      item
100        Command = ecPageBottom
101        ShortCut = 16418
102      end
103      item
104        Command = ecSelPageBottom
105        ShortCut = 24610
106      end
107      item
108        Command = ecPageUp
109        ShortCut = 33
110      end
111      item
112        Command = ecSelPageUp
113        ShortCut = 8225
114      end
115      item
116        Command = ecPageTop
117        ShortCut = 16417
118      end
119      item
120        Command = ecSelPageTop
121        ShortCut = 24609
122      end
123      item
124        Command = ecLineStart
125        ShortCut = 36
126      end
127      item
128        Command = ecSelLineStart
129        ShortCut = 8228
130      end
131      item
132        Command = ecEditorTop
133        ShortCut = 16420
134      end
135      item
136        Command = ecSelEditorTop
137        ShortCut = 24612
138      end
139      item
140        Command = ecLineEnd
141        ShortCut = 35
142      end
143      item
144        Command = ecSelLineEnd
145        ShortCut = 8227
146      end
147      item
148        Command = ecEditorBottom
149        ShortCut = 16419
150      end
151      item
152        Command = ecSelEditorBottom
153        ShortCut = 24611
154      end
155      item
156        Command = ecToggleMode
157        ShortCut = 45
158      end
159      item
160        Command = ecCopy
161        ShortCut = 16429
162      end
163      item
164        Command = ecPaste
165        ShortCut = 8237
166      end
167      item
168        Command = ecDeleteChar
169        ShortCut = 46
170      end
171      item
172        Command = ecCut
173        ShortCut = 8238
174      end
175      item
176        Command = ecDeleteLastChar
177        ShortCut = 8
178      end
179      item
180        Command = ecDeleteLastChar
181        ShortCut = 8200
182      end
183      item
184        Command = ecDeleteLastWord
185        ShortCut = 16392
186      end
187      item
188        Command = ecUndo
189        ShortCut = 32776
190      end
191      item
192        Command = ecRedo
193        ShortCut = 40968
194      end
195      item
196        Command = ecLineBreak
197        ShortCut = 13
198      end
199      item
200        Command = ecSelectAll
201        ShortCut = 16449
202      end
203      item
204        Command = ecCopy
205        ShortCut = 16451
206      end
207      item
208        Command = ecBlockIndent
209        ShortCut = 24649
210      end
211      item
212        Command = ecLineBreak
213        ShortCut = 16461
214      end
215      item
216        Command = ecInsertLine
217        ShortCut = 16462
218      end
219      item
220        Command = ecDeleteWord
221        ShortCut = 16468
222      end
223      item
224        Command = ecBlockUnindent
225        ShortCut = 24661
226      end
227      item
228        Command = ecPaste
229        ShortCut = 16470
230      end
231      item
232        Command = ecCut
233        ShortCut = 16472
234      end
235      item
236        Command = ecDeleteLine
237        ShortCut = 16473
238      end
239      item
240        Command = ecDeleteEOL
241        ShortCut = 24665
242      end
243      item
244        Command = ecUndo
245        ShortCut = 16474
246      end
247      item
248        Command = ecRedo
249        ShortCut = 24666
250      end
251      item
252        Command = ecGotoMarker0
253        ShortCut = 16432
254      end
255      item
256        Command = ecGotoMarker1
257        ShortCut = 16433
258      end
259      item
260        Command = ecGotoMarker2
261        ShortCut = 16434
262      end
263      item
264        Command = ecGotoMarker3
265        ShortCut = 16435
266      end
267      item
268        Command = ecGotoMarker4
269        ShortCut = 16436
270      end
271      item
272        Command = ecGotoMarker5
273        ShortCut = 16437
274      end
275      item
276        Command = ecGotoMarker6
277        ShortCut = 16438
278      end
279      item
280        Command = ecGotoMarker7
281        ShortCut = 16439
282      end
283      item
284        Command = ecGotoMarker8
285        ShortCut = 16440
286      end
287      item
288        Command = ecGotoMarker9
289        ShortCut = 16441
290      end
291      item
292        Command = ecSetMarker0
293        ShortCut = 24624
294      end
295      item
296        Command = ecSetMarker1
297        ShortCut = 24625
298      end
299      item
300        Command = ecSetMarker2
301        ShortCut = 24626
302      end
303      item
304        Command = ecSetMarker3
305        ShortCut = 24627
306      end
307      item
308        Command = ecSetMarker4
309        ShortCut = 24628
310      end
311      item
312        Command = ecSetMarker5
313        ShortCut = 24629
314      end
315      item
316        Command = ecSetMarker6
317        ShortCut = 24630
318      end
319      item
320        Command = ecSetMarker7
321        ShortCut = 24631
322      end
323      item
324        Command = ecSetMarker8
325        ShortCut = 24632
326      end
327      item
328        Command = ecSetMarker9
329        ShortCut = 24633
330      end
331      item
332        Command = EcFoldLevel1
333        ShortCut = 41009
334      end
335      item
336        Command = EcFoldLevel2
337        ShortCut = 41010
338      end
339      item
340        Command = EcFoldLevel1
341        ShortCut = 41011
342      end
343      item
344        Command = EcFoldLevel1
345        ShortCut = 41012
346      end
347      item
348        Command = EcFoldLevel1
349        ShortCut = 41013
350      end
351      item
352        Command = EcFoldLevel6
353        ShortCut = 41014
354      end
355      item
356        Command = EcFoldLevel7
357        ShortCut = 41015
358      end
359      item
360        Command = EcFoldLevel8
361        ShortCut = 41016
362      end
363      item
364        Command = EcFoldLevel9
365        ShortCut = 41017
366      end
367      item
368        Command = EcFoldLevel0
369        ShortCut = 41008
370      end
371      item
372        Command = EcFoldCurrent
373        ShortCut = 41005
374      end
375      item
376        Command = EcUnFoldCurrent
377        ShortCut = 41003
378      end
379      item
380        Command = EcToggleMarkupWord
381        ShortCut = 32845
382      end
383      item
384        Command = ecNormalSelect
385        ShortCut = 24654
386      end
387      item
388        Command = ecColumnSelect
389        ShortCut = 24643
390      end
391      item
392        Command = ecLineSelect
393        ShortCut = 24652
394      end
395      item
396        Command = ecTab
397        ShortCut = 9
398      end
399      item
400        Command = ecShiftTab
401        ShortCut = 8201
402      end
403      item
404        Command = ecMatchBracket
405        ShortCut = 24642
406      end
407      item
408        Command = ecColSelUp
409        ShortCut = 40998
410      end
411      item
412        Command = ecColSelDown
413        ShortCut = 41000
414      end
415      item
416        Command = ecColSelLeft
417        ShortCut = 40997
418      end
419      item
420        Command = ecColSelRight
421        ShortCut = 40999
422      end
423      item
424        Command = ecColSelPageDown
425        ShortCut = 40994
426      end
427      item
428        Command = ecColSelPageBottom
429        ShortCut = 57378
430      end
431      item
432        Command = ecColSelPageUp
433        ShortCut = 40993
434      end
435      item
436        Command = ecColSelPageTop
437        ShortCut = 57377
438      end
439      item
440        Command = ecColSelLineStart
441        ShortCut = 40996
442      end
443      item
444        Command = ecColSelLineEnd
445        ShortCut = 40995
446      end
447      item
448        Command = ecColSelEditorTop
449        ShortCut = 57380
450      end
451      item
452        Command = ecColSelEditorBottom
453        ShortCut = 57379
454      end>
455    MouseActions = <>
456    MouseTextActions = <>
457    MouseSelActions = <>
458    Lines.Strings = (
459      '{ BGRAScript }'
460      'FillTransparent'
461      ''
462      '// "store some values"'
463      'let oneh 100'
464      'let drawmode "dmDrawWithTransparency"'
465      'let blendmode "boTransparent"'
466      'let filename "file.png"'
467      'let color1 "rgba(250,250,250,1)"'
468      'let color2 "rgba(255,255,255,1)"'
469      'GetWidth width'
470      'GetHeight height'
471      ''
472      '// "Draw rectangles, lines and bitmap"'
473      'Rectangle 0,0,oneh,oneh,"rgba(0,0,0,0.6)",color1,drawmode'
474      'Rectangle 20,20,80,80,"rgba(0,0,0,0.4)",color2,drawmode'
475      'SetHorizLine 0,10,98,"rgba(0,0,0,.3)"'
476      'SetVertLine 90,1,98,"rgba(0,0,0,.3)"'
477      'BlendBitmap 26,26,"test.png",blendmode'
478      ''
479      '// "Save and weird things step 1"'
480      'SaveToFile filename'
481      'Negative'
482      'BlendBitmap 0,oneh,filename,blendmode'
483      ''
484      '// "Save and weird things step 2"'
485      'SaveToFile filename'
486      'Negative'
487      'FilterFastBlur 3,"False"'
488      'BlendBitmap oneh,0,filename,blendmode'
489      ''
490      '// "Flip the world and save it"'
491      'VerticalFlip 0,0,100,100'
492      'HorizontalFlip 100,100,200,200'
493      'VerticalFlip 100,0,200,100'
494      'HorizontalFlip 100,0,200,100'
495      'SaveToFile filename'
496      '// "goto line (skip all the intermediate lines)"'
497      'goto 47'
498      ''
499      '// "Weird things level 3"'
500      'DrawCheckers 200,0,300,300,"rgba(100,100,100,255)","rgba(0,0,0,0)"'
501      'InplaceGrayscaleRect 0,0,100,100'
502      'FilterSmooth "False"'
503      'ApplyBitmapMask filename,100,100,200,200,0,100'
504      ''
505      'DrawHorizLine 0,0,width,"rgba(0,0,0,1)"'
506      'DrawVertLine 0,0,height,"rgba(0,0,0,1)"'
507      ''
508      '// "Save this in your hard disk (again)"'
509      'SaveToFile filename'
510      'print "End: ''",filename,"'' saved!"'
511    )
512    VisibleSpecialChars = [vscSpace, vscTabAtLast]
513    SelectedColor.FrameEdges = sfeAround
514    SelectedColor.BackPriority = 50
515    SelectedColor.ForePriority = 50
516    SelectedColor.FramePriority = 50
517    SelectedColor.BoldPriority = 50
518    SelectedColor.ItalicPriority = 50
519    SelectedColor.UnderlinePriority = 50
520    SelectedColor.StrikeOutPriority = 50
521    IncrementColor.FrameEdges = sfeAround
522    HighlightAllColor.FrameEdges = sfeAround
523    BracketHighlightStyle = sbhsBoth
524    BracketMatchColor.Background = clNone
525    BracketMatchColor.Foreground = clNone
526    BracketMatchColor.FrameEdges = sfeAround
527    BracketMatchColor.Style = [fsBold]
528    FoldedCodeColor.Background = clNone
529    FoldedCodeColor.Foreground = clGray
530    FoldedCodeColor.FrameColor = clGray
531    FoldedCodeColor.FrameEdges = sfeAround
532    MouseLinkColor.Background = clNone
533    MouseLinkColor.Foreground = clBlue
534    MouseLinkColor.FrameEdges = sfeAround
535    LineHighlightColor.Background = clNone
536    LineHighlightColor.Foreground = clNone
537    LineHighlightColor.FrameEdges = sfeAround
538    inline SynLeftGutterPartList1: TSynGutterPartList
539      object SynGutterMarks1: TSynGutterMarks
540        Width = 24
541        MouseActions = <>
542      end
543      object SynGutterLineNumber1: TSynGutterLineNumber
544        Width = 21
545        MouseActions = <>
546        MarkupInfo.Background = clBtnFace
547        MarkupInfo.Foreground = clNone
548        MarkupInfo.FrameEdges = sfeAround
549        DigitCount = 2
550        ShowOnlyLineNumbersMultiplesOf = 1
551        ZeroStart = False
552        LeadingZeros = False
553      end
554      object SynGutterChanges1: TSynGutterChanges
555        Width = 4
556        MouseActions = <>
557        ModifiedColor = 59900
558        SavedColor = clGreen
559      end
560      object SynGutterSeparator1: TSynGutterSeparator
561        Width = 2
562        MouseActions = <>
563        MarkupInfo.Background = clWhite
564        MarkupInfo.Foreground = clGray
565        MarkupInfo.FrameEdges = sfeAround
566      end
567      object SynGutterCodeFolding1: TSynGutterCodeFolding
568        MouseActions = <>
569        MarkupInfo.Background = clNone
570        MarkupInfo.Foreground = clGray
571        MarkupInfo.FrameEdges = sfeAround
572        MouseActionsExpanded = <>
573        MouseActionsCollapsed = <>
574      end
575    end
576  end
577  object Splitter1: TSplitter
578    Cursor = crVSplit
579    Left = 0
580    Height = 5
581    Top = 280
582    Width = 1172
583    Align = alBottom
584    ResizeAnchor = akBottom
585  end
586  object BGRAGraphicControl1: TBGRAGraphicControl
587    Left = 8
588    Height = 220
589    Hint = 'Click to update.'
590    Top = 56
591    Width = 496
592    OnRedraw = BGRAGraphicControl1Redraw
593    Color = clWhite
594    ColorOpacity = 128
595    Alignment = taCenter
596    OnClick = BGRAGraphicControl1Click
597    Caption = 'BGRAGraphicControl1'
598  end
599  object BGRAVirtualScreen1: TBGRAVirtualScreen
600    Left = 0
601    Height = 50
602    Top = 0
603    Width = 1172
604    OnRedraw = BGRAVirtualScreen1Redraw
605    Align = alTop
606    Alignment = taLeftJustify
607    ChildSizing.LeftRightSpacing = 8
608    ChildSizing.TopBottomSpacing = 8
609    ChildSizing.HorizontalSpacing = 8
610    ChildSizing.VerticalSpacing = 8
611    ChildSizing.Layout = cclTopToBottomThenLeftToRight
612    ClientHeight = 50
613    ClientWidth = 1172
614    Color = clWhite
615    ParentColor = False
616    TabOrder = 2
617    object BCButton1: TBCButton
618      Left = 1026
619      Height = 32
620      Top = 9
621      Width = 137
622      Align = alRight
623      AutoSize = True
624      StateClicked.Background.Color = clBlack
625      StateClicked.Background.ColorOpacity = 255
626      StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.StartColor = 7726591
627      StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.StartColorOpacity = 255
628      StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.DrawMode = dmSet
629      StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.EndColor = 7067903
630      StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.EndColorOpacity = 255
631      StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.ColorCorrection = True
632      StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.GradientType = gtLinear
633      StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.Point1XPercent = 0
634      StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.Point1YPercent = 0
635      StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.Point2XPercent = 0
636      StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.Point2YPercent = 100
637      StateClicked.Background.Gradient1.Sinus = False
638      StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.StartColor = 7067903
639      StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.StartColorOpacity = 255
640      StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.DrawMode = dmSet
641      StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.EndColor = 8515583
642      StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.EndColorOpacity = 255
643      StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.ColorCorrection = True
644      StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.GradientType = gtLinear
645      StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.Point1XPercent = 0
646      StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.Point1YPercent = 0
647      StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.Point2XPercent = 0
648      StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.Point2YPercent = 100
649      StateClicked.Background.Gradient2.Sinus = False
650      StateClicked.Background.Gradient1EndPercent = 50
651      StateClicked.Background.Style = bbsGradient
652      StateClicked.Border.Color = 4170178
653      StateClicked.Border.ColorOpacity = 255
654      StateClicked.Border.LightColor = clGray
655      StateClicked.Border.LightOpacity = 100
656      StateClicked.Border.LightWidth = 1
657      StateClicked.Border.Style = bboSolid
658      StateClicked.Border.Width = 1
659      StateClicked.FontEx.Color = clBlack
660      StateClicked.FontEx.EndEllipsis = False
661      StateClicked.FontEx.FontQuality = fqSystemClearType
662      StateClicked.FontEx.Height = 0
663      StateClicked.FontEx.SingleLine = True
664      StateClicked.FontEx.Shadow = False
665      StateClicked.FontEx.ShadowColor = clBlack
666      StateClicked.FontEx.ShadowColorOpacity = 255
667      StateClicked.FontEx.ShadowRadius = 5
668      StateClicked.FontEx.ShadowOffsetX = 5
669      StateClicked.FontEx.ShadowOffsetY = 5
670      StateClicked.FontEx.Style = []
671      StateClicked.FontEx.TextAlignment = bcaCenter
672      StateClicked.FontEx.WordBreak = False
673      StateHover.Background.Color = clBlack
674      StateHover.Background.ColorOpacity = 255
675      StateHover.Background.Gradient1.StartColor = 12448254
676      StateHover.Background.Gradient1.StartColorOpacity = 255
677      StateHover.Background.Gradient1.DrawMode = dmSet
678      StateHover.Background.Gradient1.EndColor = 8840446
679      StateHover.Background.Gradient1.EndColorOpacity = 255
680      StateHover.Background.Gradient1.ColorCorrection = True
681      StateHover.Background.Gradient1.GradientType = gtLinear
682      StateHover.Background.Gradient1.Point1XPercent = 0
683      StateHover.Background.Gradient1.Point1YPercent = 0
684      StateHover.Background.Gradient1.Point2XPercent = 0
685      StateHover.Background.Gradient1.Point2YPercent = 100
686      StateHover.Background.Gradient1.Sinus = False
687      StateHover.Background.Gradient2.StartColor = 8840446
688      StateHover.Background.Gradient2.StartColorOpacity = 255
689      StateHover.Background.Gradient2.DrawMode = dmSet
690      StateHover.Background.Gradient2.EndColor = 12908798
691      StateHover.Background.Gradient2.EndColorOpacity = 255
692      StateHover.Background.Gradient2.ColorCorrection = True
693      StateHover.Background.Gradient2.GradientType = gtLinear
694      StateHover.Background.Gradient2.Point1XPercent = 0
695      StateHover.Background.Gradient2.Point1YPercent = 0
696      StateHover.Background.Gradient2.Point2XPercent = 0
697      StateHover.Background.Gradient2.Point2YPercent = 100
698      StateHover.Background.Gradient2.Sinus = False
699      StateHover.Background.Gradient1EndPercent = 50
700      StateHover.Background.Style = bbsGradient
701      StateHover.Border.Color = 5362420
702      StateHover.Border.ColorOpacity = 255
703      StateHover.Border.LightColor = clWhite
704      StateHover.Border.LightOpacity = 200
705      StateHover.Border.LightWidth = 1
706      StateHover.Border.Style = bboSolid
707      StateHover.Border.Width = 1
708      StateHover.FontEx.Color = clBlack
709      StateHover.FontEx.EndEllipsis = False
710      StateHover.FontEx.FontQuality = fqSystemClearType
711      StateHover.FontEx.Height = 0
712      StateHover.FontEx.SingleLine = True
713      StateHover.FontEx.Shadow = False
714      StateHover.FontEx.ShadowColor = clBlack
715      StateHover.FontEx.ShadowColorOpacity = 255
716      StateHover.FontEx.ShadowRadius = 5
717      StateHover.FontEx.ShadowOffsetX = 5
718      StateHover.FontEx.ShadowOffsetY = 5
719      StateHover.FontEx.Style = []
720      StateHover.FontEx.TextAlignment = bcaCenter
721      StateHover.FontEx.WordBreak = False
722      StateNormal.Background.Color = clBlack
723      StateNormal.Background.ColorOpacity = 255
724      StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.StartColor = clWhite
725      StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.StartColorOpacity = 255
726      StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.DrawMode = dmSet
727      StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.EndColor = 15855597
728      StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.EndColorOpacity = 255
729      StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.ColorCorrection = True
730      StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.GradientType = gtLinear
731      StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.Point1XPercent = 0
732      StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.Point1YPercent = 0
733      StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.Point2XPercent = 0
734      StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.Point2YPercent = 100
735      StateNormal.Background.Gradient1.Sinus = False
736      StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.StartColor = 13137169
737      StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.StartColorOpacity = 255
738      StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.DrawMode = dmSet
739      StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.EndColor = 15722194
740      StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.EndColorOpacity = 255
741      StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.ColorCorrection = True
742      StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.GradientType = gtLinear
743      StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.Point1XPercent = 0
744      StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.Point1YPercent = 0
745      StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.Point2XPercent = 0
746      StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.Point2YPercent = 100
747      StateNormal.Background.Gradient2.Sinus = False
748      StateNormal.Background.Gradient1EndPercent = 100
749      StateNormal.Background.Style = bbsGradient
750      StateNormal.Border.Color = 13816015
751      StateNormal.Border.ColorOpacity = 255
752      StateNormal.Border.LightColor = clWhite
753      StateNormal.Border.LightOpacity = 255
754      StateNormal.Border.LightWidth = 1
755      StateNormal.Border.Style = bboSolid
756      StateNormal.Border.Width = 1
757      StateNormal.FontEx.Color = clBlack
758      StateNormal.FontEx.EndEllipsis = False
759      StateNormal.FontEx.FontQuality = fqSystemClearType
760      StateNormal.FontEx.Height = 0
761      StateNormal.FontEx.SingleLine = True
762      StateNormal.FontEx.Shadow = False
763      StateNormal.FontEx.ShadowColor = clBlack
764      StateNormal.FontEx.ShadowColorOpacity = 255
765      StateNormal.FontEx.ShadowRadius = 5
766      StateNormal.FontEx.ShadowOffsetX = 5
767      StateNormal.FontEx.ShadowOffsetY = 5
768      StateNormal.FontEx.Style = []
769      StateNormal.FontEx.TextAlignment = bcaCenter
770      StateNormal.FontEx.WordBreak = False
771      Caption = 'Commands'
772      Color = clNone
773      DropDownWidth = 16
774      DropDownArrowSize = 8
775      GlobalOpacity = 255
776      Glyph.Data = {
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811      }
812      OnClick = BCButton1Click
813      ParentColor = False
814      Rounding.RoundX = 3
815      Rounding.RoundY = 3
816      Rounding.RoundOptions = []
817      RoundingDropDown.RoundX = 1
818      RoundingDropDown.RoundY = 1
819      RoundingDropDown.RoundOptions = []
820      TextApplyGlobalOpacity = False
821    end
822  end
823  object ListBox1: TListBox
824    Left = 512
825    Height = 220
826    Top = 56
827    Width = 648
828    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
829    ItemHeight = 0
830    OnDblClick = ListBox1DblClick
831    TabOrder = 3
832    Visible = False
833  end
834  object SynCompletion1: TSynCompletion
835    Position = 0
836    LinesInWindow = 6
837    SelectedColor = clHighlight
838    CaseSensitive = False
839    Width = 500
840    LongLineHintType = sclpNone
841    ShortCut = 16416
842    EndOfTokenChr = '()[].'
843    ExecCommandID = ecSynCompletionExecute
844    Editor = SynEdit1
845    left = 664
846    top = 248
847  end
848  object SynAnySyn1: TSynAnySyn
849    Enabled = False
850    CommentAttri.Foreground = clGreen
851    CommentAttri.FrameEdges = sfeAround
852    Comments = [csPasStyle]
853    DetectPreprocessor = False
854    IdentifierAttri.FrameEdges = sfeAround
855    IdentifierChars = '!"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'
856    KeyAttri.FrameEdges = sfeAround
857    ConstantAttri.FrameEdges = sfeAround
858    ObjectAttri.FrameEdges = sfeAround
859    EntityAttri.FrameEdges = sfeAround
860    VariableAttri.FrameEdges = sfeAround
861    DotAttri.FrameEdges = sfeAround
862    KeyWords.Strings = (
863      'GOTO'
864      'INPUT'
865      'LET'
866      'PRINT'
867    )
868    NumberAttri.Foreground = clMaroon
869    NumberAttri.FrameEdges = sfeAround
870    PreprocessorAttri.FrameEdges = sfeAround
871    SpaceAttri.FrameEdges = sfeAround
872    StringAttri.Foreground = 16744448
873    StringAttri.FrameEdges = sfeAround
874    SymbolAttri.Foreground = 4227327
875    SymbolAttri.FrameEdges = sfeAround
876    StringDelim = sdDoubleQuote
877    Markup = False
878    Entity = False
879    DollarVariables = False
880    ActiveDot = False
881    left = 248
882    top = 112
883  end