1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# Copyright 2012-2016 Torsten Bronger <bronger@physik.rwth-aachen.de>
6missing_packages = set()
8import subprocess, os, os.path, sys, multiprocessing, math, re, contextlib, glob, codecs, struct, argparse
10    import numpy
11except ImportError:
12    missing_packages.add("python3-numpy")
14    from scipy.optimize.minpack import leastsq
15except ImportError:
16    missing_packages.add("python3-scipy")
17def test_program(program, package_name):
18    try:
19        subprocess.call([program], stdout=open(os.devnull, "w"), stderr=open(os.devnull, "w"))
20    except OSError:
21        missing_packages.add(package_name)
22test_program("dcraw", "dcraw")
23test_program("convert", "imagemagick")
24test_program("tca_correct", "hugin-tools")
25test_program("exiv2", "exiv2")
26if missing_packages:
27    print("The following packages are missing (Ubuntu packages, names may differ on other systems):\n    {0}\nAbort.".
28          format("  ".join(missing_packages)))
29    sys.exit()
31    dcraw_version = float(subprocess.Popen(["dcraw"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].splitlines()[1].
32                          rpartition("v")[2])
34    dcraw_version = 0
35h_option = [] if 8.99 < dcraw_version < 9.18 else ["-h"]
38parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Calibration generator for Lensfun.")
39parser.add_argument("--complex-tca", action="store_true", help="switches on non-linear polynomials for TCA")
40args = parser.parse_args()
44def chdir(dirname=None):
45    curdir = os.getcwd()
46    try:
47        if dirname is not None:
48            os.chdir(dirname)
49        yield
50    finally:
51        os.chdir(curdir)
54class Lens(object):
56    def __init__(self, name, maker, mount, cropfactor, aspect_ratio, type_):
57        self.name, self.maker, self.mount, self.cropfactor, self.aspect_ratio, self.type_ = \
58                    name, maker, mount, cropfactor, aspect_ratio, type_
59        self.calibration_lines = []
60        self.minimal_focal_length = float("inf")
62    def add_focal_length(self, focal_length):
63        self.minimal_focal_length = min(self.minimal_focal_length, focal_length)
65    def __lt__(self, other):
66        return self.minimal_focal_length < other.minimal_focal_length
68    def write(self, outfile):
69        type_line = "        <type>{0}</type>\n".format(self.type_) if self.type_ else ""
70        outfile.write("""
71    <lens>
72        <maker>{0}</maker>
73        <model>{1}</model>
74        <mount>{2}</mount>
75        <cropfactor>{3}</cropfactor>
76""".format(self.maker, self.name, self.mount, self.cropfactor))
77        if self.type_:
78            outfile.write("        <type>{0}</type>\n".format(self.type_))
79        if self.aspect_ratio and self.aspect_ratio != "3:2":
80            outfile.write("        <aspect-ratio>{0}</aspect-ratio>\n".format(self.aspect_ratio))
81        if self.calibration_lines:
82            outfile.write("        <calibration>\n")
83            for line in self.calibration_lines:
84                outfile.write("            {0}\n".format(line))
85            outfile.write("        </calibration>\n")
86        outfile.write("    </lens>\n")
89def generate_raw_conversion_call(filename, dcraw_options):
90    basename, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
91    extension = extension[1:]
92    if extension.lower() in ["jpg", "jpeg", "tif"]:
93        result = ["convert", filename]
94        if "-4" in dcraw_options:
95            result.extend(["-colorspace", "RGB", "-depth", "16"])
96        result.append("tiff:-" if "-c" in dcraw_options else basename + ".tiff")
97        return result
98    else:
99        return ["dcraw", "-T", "-t", "0"] + dcraw_options + [filename]
102raw_file_extensions = ["3fr", "ari", "arw", "bay", "crw", "cr2", "cap", "dcs", "dcr", "dng", "drf", "eip", "erf", "fff",
103                       "iiq", "k25", "kdc", "mef", "mos", "mrw", "nef", "nrw", "obm", "orf", "pef", "ptx", "pxn", "r3d",
104                       "raf", "raw", "rwl", "rw2", "rwz", "sr2", "srf", "srw", "x3f", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif"]
105def find_raw_files():
106    result = []
107    for file_extension in raw_file_extensions:
108        result.extend(glob.glob("*." + file_extension))
109        result.extend(glob.glob("*." + file_extension.upper()))
110    return result
114# Collect EXIF data
117file_exif_data = {}
118filepath_pattern = re.compile(r"(?P<lens_model>.+)--(?P<focal_length>[0-9.]+)mm--(?P<aperture>[0-9.]+)")
119missing_lens_model_warning_printed = False
120exiv2_candidates = []
122def browse_directory(directory):
123    if os.path.exists(directory):
124        with chdir(directory):
125            for filename in find_raw_files():
126                full_filename = os.path.join(directory, filename)
127                match = filepath_pattern.match(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])
128                if match:
129                    file_exif_data[full_filename] = \
130                        (match.group("lens_model").replace("##", "=").replace("++", "*").replace("___", ":").replace("__", "/").
131                         replace("_", " "), float(match.group("focal_length")), float(match.group("aperture")))
132                else:
133                    exiv2_candidates.append(full_filename)
136for directory in glob.glob("vignetting*"):
137    browse_directory(directory)
138candidates_per_group = len(exiv2_candidates) // multiprocessing.cpu_count() + 1
139candidate_groups = []
140while exiv2_candidates:
141    candidate_group = exiv2_candidates[:candidates_per_group]
142    if candidate_group:
143        candidate_groups.append(candidate_group)
144    del exiv2_candidates[:candidates_per_group]
145def call_exiv2(candidate_group):
146    exiv2_process = subprocess.Popen(
147        ["exiv2", "-PEkt", "-g", "Exif.Photo.LensModel", "-g", "Exif.Photo.FocalLength", "-g", "Exif.Photo.FNumber"]
148        + candidate_group, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
149    lines = exiv2_process.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8").splitlines()
150    assert exiv2_process.returncode in [0, 253]
151    result = {}
152    for line in lines:
153        filename, data = line.split("Exif.Photo.")
154        filename = filename.rstrip()
155        if not filename:
156            assert len(candidate_group) == 1
157            filename = candidate_group[0]
158        fieldname, field_value = data.split(None, 1)
159        exif_data = result.setdefault(filename, [None, float("nan"), float("nan")])
160        if fieldname == "LensModel":
161            exif_data[0] = field_value
162        elif fieldname == "FocalLength":
163            exif_data[1] = float(field_value.partition("mm")[0])
164        elif fieldname == "FNumber":
165            exif_data[2] = float(field_value.partition("F")[2])
166    for filename, exif_data in result.copy().items():
167        result[filename] = tuple(exif_data)
168    return result
169pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
170for group_exif_data in pool.map(call_exiv2, candidate_groups):
171    file_exif_data.update(group_exif_data)
174for filename in list(file_exif_data):  # list() because I change the dict during iteration
175    lens_model, focal_length, aperture = file_exif_data[filename]
176    if not lens_model:
177        lens_model = "Standard"
178        if not missing_lens_model_warning_printed:
179            print(filename + ":")
180            print("""I couldn't detect the lens model name and assumed "Standard".
181For cameras without interchangable lenses, this may be correct.
182However, this fails if there is data of different undetectable lenses.
183A newer version of exiv2 (if available) may help.
184(This message is printed only once.)\n""")
185            missing_lens_model_warning_printed = True
186        file_exif_data[filename] = (lens_model, focal_length, aperture)
187    if numpy.isnan(focal_length) or numpy.isnan(aperture):
188        print(filename + ":")
189        print("""Aperture and/or focal length EXIF data is missing in this RAW file.
190You have to rename them according to the scheme "Lens_name--16mm--1.4.RAW"
191(Use your RAW file extension of course.)  Abort.""")
192        sys.exit()
196# Generation TIFFs from distortion RAWs
199if os.path.exists("distortion"):
200    with chdir("distortion"):
201        pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
202        results = set()
203        for filename in find_raw_files():
204            if not os.path.exists(os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".tiff"):
205                results.add(pool.apply_async(subprocess.call, [generate_raw_conversion_call(filename, ["-w"])]))
206        pool.close()
207        pool.join()
208        [result.get() for result in results]
212# Parse/generate lenses.txt
215lens_line_pattern = re.compile(
216    r"(?P<name>.+):\s*(?P<maker>[^,]+)\s*,\s*(?P<mount>[^,]+)\s*,\s*(?P<cropfactor>[^,]+)"
217    r"(\s*,\s*(?P<aspect_ratio>\d+:\d+|[0-9.]+))?(\s*,\s*(?P<type>[^,]+))?")
218distortion_line_pattern = re.compile(r"\s*distortion\((?P<focal_length>[.0-9]+)mm\)\s*=\s*"
219                                     r"(?P<a>[-.0-9e]+)(?:\s*,\s*(?P<b>[-.0-9e]+)\s*,\s*(?P<c>[-.0-9e]+))?")
220lenses = {}
222    for linenumber, original_line in enumerate(open("lenses.txt")):
223        linenumber += 1
224        line = original_line.strip()
225        if line and not line.startswith("#"):
226            match = lens_line_pattern.match(line)
227            if match:
228                data = match.groupdict()
229                current_lens = Lens(data["name"], data["maker"], data["mount"], data["cropfactor"],
230                                    data["aspect_ratio"], data["type"])
231                lenses[data["name"]] = current_lens
232            else:
233                match = distortion_line_pattern.match(line)
234                if not match:
235                    print("Invalid line {0} in lenses.txt:\n{1}Abort.".format(linenumber, original_line))
236                    sys.exit()
237                data = list(match.groups())
238                data[0] = float(data[0])
239                current_lens.add_focal_length(data[0])
240                if data[2] is None:
241                    current_lens.calibration_lines.append(
242                        """<distortion model="poly3" focal="{0:g}" k1="{1}"/>""".format(data[0], data[1]))
243                else:
244                    current_lens.calibration_lines.append(
245                        """<distortion model="ptlens" focal="{0:g}" a="{1}" b="{2}" c="{3}"/>""".format(*data))
246except IOError:
247    focal_lengths = {}
248    for exif_data in file_exif_data.values():
249        focal_lengths.setdefault(exif_data[0], set()).add(exif_data[1])
250    lens_names_by_focal_length = sorted((min(lengths), lens_name) for lens_name, lengths in focal_lengths.items())
251    lens_names_by_focal_length = [item[1] for item in lens_names_by_focal_length]
252    with open("lenses.txt", "w") as outfile:
253        if focal_lengths:
254            outfile.write("""# For suggestions for <maker> and <mount> see
255# <https://github.com/lensfun/lensfun/tree/master/data/db>.
256# <aspect-ratio> is optional and by default 3:2.
257# Omit <type> for rectilinear lenses.
259            for lens_name in lens_names_by_focal_length:
260                outfile.write("\n{0}: <maker>, <mount>, <cropfactor>, <aspect-ratio>, <type>\n".format(lens_name))
261                # FixMe: Only generate focal lengths that are available for
262                # *distortion*.
263                for length in sorted(focal_lengths[lens_name]):
264                    outfile.write("distortion({0}mm) = , , \n".format(length))
265        else:
266            outfile.write("""# No RAW images found (or no focal lengths in them).
267# Please have a look at
268# http://wilson.bronger.org/lens_calibration_tutorial/
270    print("I wrote a template lenses.txt.  Please fill this file with proper information.  Abort.")
271    sys.exit()
275# TCA correction
278def generate_tca_tiffs(filename):
279    tca_filename = filename + ".tca"
280    if not os.path.exists(tca_filename):
281        tiff_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".tiff"
282        if not os.path.exists(tiff_filename):
283            subprocess.check_call(generate_raw_conversion_call(filename, ["-4", "-o", "0", "-M"]))
284        return filename, tiff_filename, tca_filename
285    return None, None, None
287if os.path.exists("tca"):
288    with chdir("tca"):
289        pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
290        results = set()
291        raw_files = find_raw_files()
292        for filename, tiff_filename, tca_filename in pool.map(generate_tca_tiffs, raw_files):
293            if filename:
294                output = subprocess.check_output(["tca_correct", "-o", "bv" if args.complex_tca else "v", tiff_filename],
295                                                 stderr=open(os.devnull, "w")).splitlines()[-1].strip()
296                exif_data = file_exif_data[os.path.join("tca", filename)]
297                with open(tca_filename, "w") as outfile:
298                    outfile.write("{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n".format(exif_data[0], exif_data[1], output.decode("ascii")))
299        pool.close()
300        pool.join()
301        calibration_lines = {}
302        for filename in find_raw_files():
303            lens_name, focal_length, tca_output = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in open(filename + ".tca").readlines()]
304            focal_length = float(focal_length)
305            data = re.match(
306                r"-r [.0]+:(?P<br>[-.0-9]+):[.0]+:(?P<vr>[-.0-9]+) -b [.0]+:(?P<bb>[-.0-9]+):[.0]+:(?P<vb>[-.0-9]+)",
307                tca_output).groupdict()
308            open(filename + "_tca.gp", "w").write(
309                """set title "{}"
310plot [0:1.8] {} * x**2 + {} title "red", {} * x**2 + {} title "blue"
311pause -1""".format(filename, data["br"], data["vr"], data["bb"], data["vb"]))
312            calibration_lines.setdefault(lens_name, []).append((focal_length,
313                """<tca model="poly3" focal="{0:g}" br="{1}" vr="{2}" bb="{3}" vb="{4}"/>""".format(
314                    focal_length, data["br"], data["vr"], data["bb"], data["vb"]) if args.complex_tca else
315                """<tca model="poly3" focal="{0:g}" vr="{1}" vb="{2}"/>""".format(
316                    focal_length, data["vr"], data["vb"])))
317        for lens_name, lines in calibration_lines.items():
318            lines.sort()
319            lenses[lens_name].calibration_lines.extend(line[1] for line in lines)
323# Vignetting
326images = {}
327distances_per_triplett = {}
329for vignetting_directory in glob.glob("vignetting*"):
330    distance = float(vignetting_directory.partition("_")[2] or "inf")
331    assert distance == float("inf") or distance < 1000
332    with chdir(vignetting_directory):
333        for filename in find_raw_files():
334            exif_data = file_exif_data[os.path.join(vignetting_directory, filename)] + (distance,)
335            distances_per_triplett.setdefault(exif_data[:3], set()).add(distance)
336            images.setdefault(exif_data, []).append(os.path.join(vignetting_directory, filename))
338vignetting_db_entries = {}
340def evaluate_image_set(exif_data, filepaths):
341    output_filename = "{0}--{1}--{2}--{3}".format(*exif_data).replace(" ", "_").replace("/", "__").replace(":", "___"). \
342                      replace("*", "++").replace("=", "##")
343    gnuplot_filename = "{0}.gp".format(output_filename)
344    try:
345        gnuplot_line = codecs.open(gnuplot_filename, encoding="utf-8").readlines()[3]
346        match = re.match(r'     [-e.0-9]+ \* \(1 \+ \((?P<k1>[-e.0-9]+)\) \* x\*\*2 \+ \((?P<k2>[-e.0-9]+)\) \* x\*\*4 \+ '
347                         r'\((?P<k3>[-e.0-9]+)\) \* x\*\*6\) title "fit"', gnuplot_line)
348        k1, k2, k3 = [float(k) for k in match.groups()]
349    except IOError:
350        radii, intensities = [], []
351        for filepath in filepaths:
352            maximal_radius = 1
353            try:
354                sidecar_file = open(os.path.splitext(filepath)[0] + ".txt")
355            except FileNotFoundError:
356                pass
357            else:
358                for line in sidecar_file:
359                    if line.startswith("maximal_radius"):
360                        maximal_radius = float(line.partition(":")[2])
361            dcraw_process = subprocess.Popen(generate_raw_conversion_call(filepath, ["-4", "-M", "-o", "0", "-c"] + h_option),
362                                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
363            image_data = subprocess.check_output(
364                ["convert", "tiff:-", "-set", "colorspace", "RGB", "-resize", "250", "pgm:-"], stdin=dcraw_process.stdout,
365                stderr=open(os.devnull, "w"))
366            width, height = None, None
367            header_size = 0
368            for i, line in enumerate(image_data.splitlines(True)):
369                header_size += len(line)
370                if i == 0:
371                    assert line == b"P5\n", "Wrong image format (must be NetPGM binary)"
372                else:
373                    line = line.partition(b"#")[0].strip()
374                    if line:
375                        if not width:
376                            width, height = line.split()
377                            width, height = int(width), int(height)
378                        else:
379                            assert line == b"65535", "Wrong grayscale depth: {} (must be 65535)".format(int(line))
380                            break
381            half_diagonal = math.hypot(width // 2, height // 2)
382            image_data = struct.unpack("!{0}s{1}H".format(header_size, width * height), image_data)[1:]
383            for i, intensity in enumerate(image_data):
384                y, x = divmod(i, width)
385                radius = math.hypot(x - width // 2, y - height // 2) / half_diagonal
386                if radius <= maximal_radius:
387                    radii.append(radius)
388                    intensities.append(intensity)
389        all_points_filename = "{0}-all_points.dat".format(output_filename)
390        with open(all_points_filename, "w") as outfile:
391            for radius, intensity in zip(radii, intensities):
392                outfile.write("{0} {1}\n".format(radius, intensity))
393        number_of_bins = 16
394        bins = [[] for i in range(number_of_bins)]
395        for radius, intensity in zip(radii, intensities):
396            # The zeroth and the last bin are only half bins which means that their
397            # means are skewed.  But this is okay: For the zeroth, the curve is
398            # supposed to be horizontal anyway, and for the last, it underestimates
399            # the vignetting at the rim which is a good thing (too much of
400            # correction is bad).
401            bin_index = int(round(radius / maximal_radius * (number_of_bins - 1)))
402            bins[bin_index].append(intensity)
403        radii = [i / (number_of_bins - 1) * maximal_radius for i in range(number_of_bins)]
404        intensities = [numpy.median(bin) for bin in bins]
405        bins_filename = "{0}-bins.dat".format(output_filename)
406        with open(bins_filename, "w") as outfile:
407            for radius, intensity in zip(radii, intensities):
408                outfile.write("{0} {1}\n".format(radius, intensity))
409        radii, intensities = numpy.array(radii), numpy.array(intensities)
411        def fit_function(radius, A, k1, k2, k3):
412            return A * (1 + k1 * radius**2 + k2 * radius**4 + k3 * radius**6)
414        A, k1, k2, k3 = leastsq(lambda p, x, y: y - fit_function(x, *p), [30000, -0.3, 0, 0], args=(radii, intensities))[0]
416        lens_name, focal_length, aperture, distance = exif_data
417        if distance == float("inf"):
418            distance = "∞"
419        codecs.open(gnuplot_filename, "w", encoding="utf-8").write("""set grid
420set title "{6}, {7} mm, f/{8}, {9} m"
421plot "{0}" with dots title "samples", "{1}" with linespoints lw 4 title "average", \\
422     {2} * (1 + ({3}) * x**2 + ({4}) * x**4 + ({5}) * x**6) title "fit"
423pause -1
424""".format(all_points_filename, bins_filename, A, k1, k2, k3, lens_name, focal_length, aperture, distance))
426    return (k1, k2, k3)
428pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
429results = {}
430for exif_data, filepaths in images.items():
431    results[exif_data] = pool.apply_async(evaluate_image_set, [exif_data, filepaths])
432for exif_data, result in results.items():
433    vignetting_db_entries[exif_data] = result.get()
437new_vignetting_db_entries = {}
438for configuration, vignetting in vignetting_db_entries.items():
439    triplett = configuration[:3]
440    distances = distances_per_triplett[triplett]
441    if len(distances) == 1 and list(distances)[0] > 10:
442        # If only one distance was measured and at more than 10m, insert it twice
443        # at 10m and ∞, so that the whole range is covered.
444        new_vignetting_db_entries[tuple(configuration[:3] + (10,))] = \
445            new_vignetting_db_entries[tuple(configuration[:3] + (float("inf"),))] = vignetting
446    else:
447        new_vignetting_db_entries[configuration] = vignetting
448vignetting_db_entries = new_vignetting_db_entries
451for configuration in sorted(vignetting_db_entries):
452    lens, focal_length, aperture, distance = configuration
453    vignetting = vignetting_db_entries[configuration]
454    if distance == float("inf"):
455        distance = 1000
456    try:
457        lenses[lens].calibration_lines.append(
458            """<vignetting model="pa" focal="{focal_length:g}" aperture="{aperture:g}" distance="{distance:g}" """
459            """k1="{vignetting[0]:.4f}" k2="{vignetting[1]:.4f}" k3="{vignetting[2]:.4f}"/>""".format(
460                focal_length=focal_length, aperture=aperture, vignetting=vignetting, distance=distance))
461    except KeyError:
462        print("""Lens "{0}" not found in lenses.txt.  Abort.""".format(lens))
463        sys.exit()
466outfile = open("lensfun.xml", "w")
468for lens in sorted(lenses.values()):
469    lens.write(outfile)