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README.mdH A D20-Oct-2021819 1512

aom.cmdH A D20-Oct-2021900 2013

dav1d.cmdH A D20-Oct-20211 KiB2417

dav1d_oss_fuzz.patchH A D20-Oct-2021670 1815

dav1d_oss_fuzz.shH A D20-Oct-2021991 2417

libgav1.cmdH A D20-Oct-2021963 2114

libjpeg.cmdH A D20-Oct-2021392 85

libyuv.cmdH A D20-Oct-2021725 2113

rav1e.cmdH A D20-Oct-20211,017 2114

svt.cmdH A D20-Oct-2021828 2517

svt.shH A D20-Oct-2021413 168

zlibpng.cmdH A D20-Oct-2021503 96


1# libavif ext dir
3This contains references to various external repositories which are known to
4build and work properly with the current libavif. If you are building for
5Windows or any kind of fully static (embedded) release, using these scripts in
6conjunction with the `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=0` and `AVIF_LOCAL_*` CMake flags make
7for a convenient way to get all of the dependencies necessary. This method is
8how many of libavif's continuous builders work.
10However, if you are building this for a distribution or Unix-like environment
11in general, you can safely *ignore* this directory. Allow `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`
12to keep its default (`ON`), enable the appropriate `AVIF_BUILD_*` CMake flags
13depending on which shared AV1 codec libraries you plan to leverage and depend
14on, and use the system's zlib, libpng, and libjpeg.