2# $RCSfile: com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.properties,v $
4# Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
6# Use is subject to license terms.
8# $Revision: 1.1 $
9# $Date: 2005/02/11 04:57:25 $
10# $State: Exp $
12Generic0=The input argument(s) may not be null.
13Generic1=The sourceIndex must be non-negative and less than the number of sources this image has.
14Generic2=The argument(s) may not be null or of zero length.
15Generic3=Unsupported data type.
16Generic4=The TileRequest parameter may not be null.
17Generic5=Source Vector must contain at least one element.
19AreaOpImage0=The user-supplied image bounds do not intersect the source bounds.
20AttributedImageCollection0=The collection passed to the constructor cannot be null.
21AttributedImageCollection1=The object(s) could not be added to the collection.
23BorderExtender0=Illegal value of extenderType.
24BorderExtenderConstant0=Band count exceeds non-unity number of constants.
25CRIFImpl0=Cannot render a node for the operation :
26CollectionOp0= - Cannot render CollectionOp for this operation.
28ColorCube0=Unsupported data type requested.
29ColorCube1=Zero-length dimension array.
30ColorCube2=Zero-valued dimension.
31ColorCube3=Color cube too large for 32 bit addressability.
32ColorCube4=Color cube offset + size exceeds type maximum.
33ColorCube5=This statement should be unreachable.
34ColorCube6=Non-byte data types not yet implemented.
35ColorCube7=Unsupported data type.
37ColorSpaceJAI0=Source raster should not be null.
38ColorSpaceJAI1=Source should have 3 bands.
39ColorSpaceJAI2=Destination should have 3 bands.
40ColorSpaceJAI3=Length of source component size array should be 3.
41ColorSpaceJAI4=Length of Destination component size array should be 3.
43DataBuffer0=Size of supplied array should be greater or equal to "size" parameter
44DataBuffer1=Size of supplied array should be greater or equal to size + offset parameters
45DeferredData0=Null parameter supplied to constructor.
46DeferredData1=The data object must be null or an instance of dataClass.
47DeferredProperty0=The specified property is not emitted by the PropertySource.
49DescriptorCache0=A descriptor is already registered against the name "{0}" under registry mode "{1}"
50DescriptorCache1=No descriptor is registered against the name "{0}" under registry mode "{1}"
51DescriptorCache2=PropertyGenerator #{0,number,integer} is null for descriptor "{1}" under registry mode "{2}"
52DescriptorCache3=No products are registered against the descriptor "{0}" under registry mode "{1}"
53DescriptorCache4=No product by name "{2}" is registered against the descriptor "{0}" under registry mode "{1}"
54DescriptorCache5=No product preferences have been set for descriptor "{0}" under registry mode "{1}"
55DescriptorCache6=Registry mode "{0}" does not support preferences. Can not set/unset/clear/get product preferences.
56DescriptorCache7=Registry mode "{0}" does not support properties.
58FactoryCache0=Input factory object of class "{0}" is not an instance of registry mode "{1}"`s factory class "{2}".
59FactoryCache1=Registry mode "{0}" does not support preferences. Can not set/unset/clear/get factory preferences.
60FactoryCache2=No preference was previously set between "{0}" and "{1}" for mode = "{2}", descriptor = "{3}" and product = "{4}".
61FactoryCache3=Specified instance of "{0}" was not previously registered against descriptor "{1}" under "{2}".
62FactoryCache4=Specified instance of "{0}" was not previously registered against descriptor "{1}".
64FloatDoubleColorModel1=getRed(int) not supported by this ColorModel.
65FloatDoubleColorModel0=transferType must be DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT or DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE.
66FloatDoubleColorModel2=getGreen(int) not supported by this ColorModel.
67FloatDoubleColorModel3=getBlue(int) not supported by this ColorModel.
68FloatDoubleColorModel4=getAlpha(int) not supported by this ColorModel.
69FloatDoubleColorModel5=getRGB(int) not supported by this ColorModel.
70FloatDoubleColorModel6=raster transfer type must match that of this ColorModel.
71FloatDoubleColorModel7=Type of pixel does not match transfer type.
72FloatDoubleColorModel8=pixel array is not large enough to hold all color/alpha components.
73FloatDoubleColorModel9=Pixel values for FloatDoubleColorModel cannot be represented as a single integer.
74FloatDoubleColorModel10=elements required in the components array.
76Histogram0=The three arguments, numBins, lowValue, and highValue, do not have the same array length.
77Histogram1=The array lengths of the three arguments are 0.
78Histogram2=The numBins is less than or equal to 0; it should be greater than 0.
79Histogram3=The lowValue is greater than or equal to its corresponding highValue; it should be less than the highValue.
80Histogram4=The pixels stored in the Raster and the histogram`s bins do not have the same number of bands.
81Histogram5=The requested bin sub-range falls outside of the overall bin range of the indicated band .
82Histogram6=The requested moment number is non-positive.
83Histogram7=The specified smoothing parameter is negative.
84Histogram8=The specified standard deviation is negative.
85Histogram9=The specified sample proportion is not in the range (0,1).
86Histogram10=minBin is greater than maxBin; it must be less than or equal to maxBin.
87Histogram11=data type must be one of the DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE,..., DataBuff.TYPE_DOUBLE.
89ImageLayout0=The specified dimensional parameter is non-positive.
91ImageMIPMap0=No highest resolution image found in the downSampler chain.
92ImageMIPMap1=An object other than a RenderedImage is in the downSampler chain.
93IntegerSequence0=Illegal element requested while enumerating.
94IntegerSequence1=min is greater than max.
95Interpolation0=Unrecognized interpolation type.
96InterpolationTable0=dataH must contain exactly width * 2^subsampleBitsH entries.
97InterpolationTable1=dataV must contain exactly height * 2^subsampleBitsV entries.
99JAI0=No OperationDescriptor is registered in the current operation registry under this name.
100JAI2=This operation does not produce a java.awt.image.RenderedImage.
101JAI4=This operation does not produce a java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage.
102JAI5=This operation does not produce a java.awt.image.RenderedImage or a com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.CollectionImage.
103JAI6=This operation does not produce a java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage or a com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.CollectionImage.
104JAI7=key parameter is null.
105JAI8=At least one of the default rendering size dimensions must be positive.
106JAI9=value parameter is null.
107JAI10=TileCache capacity must be a non-negative number.
108JAI13=JAI Build version unavailable.
109JAI14=The operation name parameter may not be null.
110JAI15=The ParameterBlock parameter may not be null.
111JAI16=Cannot create an instance of :
113KernelJAI0=Kernel width must be a positive number.
114KernelJAI1=Kernel height must be a positive number.
115KernelJAI2=Kernel data array must have width*height elements.
116KernelJAI3=Separable KernelJAI constructor argument dataH array must have width elements.
117KernelJAI4=Separable KernelJAI constructor argument dataV array must have height elements.
118LookupTableJAI0=data.getType() is not one of the legal data types.
119LookupTableJAI1=src argument is null.
120LookupTableJAI2=src must have a SampleModel of integral type.
121LookupTableJAI3=dst does not have the correct data type or number of bands.
122MultiResolutionRenderableImage0=The rendering-independent height must be positive.
123MultiResolutionRenderableImage1=Non-positive width and height specified.
125NullOpImage0=The specified computeType is not among the known values.
127OperationDescriptorImpl0=Need an array of {0} for each mode (numModes = {1,number,integer}).
128OperationDescriptorImpl1=Number of source names {0,number,integer} != number of source classes {1,number,integer} per mode.
129OperationDescriptorImpl2=Number of source classes {0,number,integer} != number of sources {1,number,integer} for mode "{2}".
130OperationDescriptorImpl3=Mode "{0}" does not support properties.
131OperationDescriptorImpl4=operation "{0}" requires {1,number,integer} source object(s).
132OperationDescriptorImpl5=operation "{0}" requires {1,number,integer} parameter object(s).
133OperationDescriptorImpl6=operation "{0}" requires {1,number,integer} source object(s).
134OperationDescriptorImpl7=operation "{0}" requires all source objects to be valid input; a null is supplied.
135OperationDescriptorImpl8=operation "{0}" requires source at index {1,number,integer} to be an object of {2}; an object of {3} was supplied.
136OperationDescriptorImpl9=operation "{0}" requires {1,number,integer} parameter object(s).
137OperationDescriptorImpl10="{0}" operation`s value for parameter "{1}" is invalid.
138OperationDescriptorImpl11=operation "{0}" requires parameter at index {1,number,integer} to be non-null.
139OperationDescriptorImpl12=registry mode name can not be null.
140OperationDescriptorImpl13=operation "{0}" does not support registry mode "{1}".
142OperationNodeSupport0=Non-serializable source in this operation`s ParameterBlock.
143OperationNodeSupport1=Non-serializable parameter in this operation`s ParameterBlock.
145OperationRegistry0=Mode name "{0}" is not a valid (registered) registry mode.
146OperationRegistry1=Registry initialization file not found.
147OperationRegistry2=Error in parsing registry initialization file.
148OperationRegistry3=Can not descriptor "{0}" under mode "{1}". Mode "{1}" is not a valid registry mode.
149OperationRegistry4=There no registry modes associated with descriptor class "{0}".
150OperationRegistry5=No descriptor by name "{0}" is registered under mode "{1}".
151OperationRegistry6=One factory fails for the operation
152OperationRegistry7=All factories fail for the operation
154OpImage0=must override the implementation of void computeRect(Raster[], WritableRaster, Rectangle) from com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.OpImage.
155OpImage1=must override the implementation of void computeRect(PlanarImage[], WritableRaster, Rectangle) from com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.OpImage.
156OpImage2=The supplied source Vector must not be null.
157OpImage3=The supplied RenderedImage source parameter(s) may not be null.
159ParameterBlockJAI0=The parameter does not have the correct class type.
160ParameterBlockJAI1=does not have an OperationDescriptor registered with the OperationRegistry.
161ParameterBlockJAI2= the parameter value is not valid.
162ParameterBlockJAI3=The supplied source is null.
163ParameterBlockJAI4=The supplied source does not have the correct class type for either rendered or renderable mode.
164ParameterBlockJAI5=Use the set methods to add parameters to the ParameterBlockJAI
165ParameterBlockJAI6= the parameter value has not yet been set and has no default value.
166ParameterBlockJAI7=The length of the supplied parameter Vector does no match the number of parameters of the corresponding operation.
167ParameterBlockJAI8=can not set parameter to NO_PARAMETER_DEFAULT
169ParameterListDescriptorImpl0=EnumeratedParameter with duplicate name or value.
170ParameterListDescriptorImpl1=Number of parameter defaults not the same as number of parameter names.
171ParameterListDescriptorImpl2=Number of valid parameter values not the same as number of parameter names.
172ParameterListDescriptorImpl3=Number of parameter classes not the same as number of parameter names.
173ParameterListDescriptorImpl4=Parameter default`s class "{0}" is not an instance of the parameter class "{1}" for parameter "{2}".
174ParameterListDescriptorImpl5=Parameter "{0}" is an enumerated parameter, but it`s validParamValue is not a Set.
175ParameterListDescriptorImpl6=The element class of Range ({0}) does not match with the parameter class ({1}) for parameter "{2}".
176ParameterListDescriptorImpl7=Valid parameter value`s class ({0}) is not an instance of the parameter class ({1}) for parameter "{2}".
177ParameterListDescriptorImpl8= is not an enumerated parameter.
178ParameterListDescriptorImpl9=Parameter value`s class ({0}) is not an instance of the parameter class ({1}) for parameter "{2}".
179ParameterListDescriptorImpl10=The input parameter class ({0}) is not an EnumeratedParameter.class
181ParameterListImpl0=Object`s class ({0}) is not an instance of the parameter class ({1}) for parameter "{2}".
182ParameterListImpl1= parameter value is invalid.
183ParameterListImpl2= the parameter value has not yet been set and has no default value.
186PerspectiveTransform1=Divide by zero error.
188PixelAccessor0=The specified Rectangle is not completely contained within the Raster`s bounds.
189PixelAccessor1=The specified type is not one of the valid data types defined in DataBuffer.
190PixelAccessor2=The specified type is not large enough to hold the Raster`s pixel samples.
191PixelAccessor3=The pixel data described by the specified Raster`s SampleModel is not single-band and single-bit.
192PixelAccessor4=The specified type is not large enough to hold the image`s color/alpha components.
193PixelAccessor5=The image does not have a valid ColorModel that is compatible with the image`s SampleModel.
195PlanarImage0=There is no source corresponding to the specified index value.
196PlanarImage1=getGraphics() is not implemented in this class.
197PlanarImage2=Requested region cannot be represented by a single Raster.
198PlanarImage3=The supplied ColorModel is not compatible with this image`s SampleModel.
199PlanarImage4=The specified region, if not null, must intersect with the image`s bounds.
200PlanarImage5=The specified ColorModel is incompatible with the image SampleModel.
201PlanarImage6=No ColorModel is supplied and the image ColorModel is null.
202PlanarImage7=Null element encountered in sources Vector.
204PointOpImage0=The intersection of all the source bounds is empty.
205PointOpImage1=The user-supplied image bounds is empty.
206PointOpImage2=The user-supplied image bounds is not within the intersection of all the source bounds.
208PropertyChangeEventJAI0=The source of the PropertyChangeEvent is null.
209PropertyChangeEventJAI1=The old and new values of the PropertyChangeEvent are both null.
211PropertySourceChangeEvent0=The old value of the PropertySourceChangeEvent is null.
212PropertySourceChangeEvent1=The new value of the PropertySourceChangeEvent is null.
214ROI0=Can construct from single-banded images only.
215ROI1=Not yet implemented.
216ROI2=The requested area is not within the ROI.
217ROI3=mask argument array is too small.
218ROI4=Unsupported data type.
219ROI5=The supplied AffineTransform is null.
220ROI6=The supplied Interpolation object is null.
221ROIShape0=Mask argument array is too small.
222ROIShape1=Unknown polygon type.
223ROIShape2=Constructor parameter is null.
224ROIShape3=The supplied ROI parameter is null.
226RasterAccessor0=DataBuffer must have getOffsets().length equal to 1 or numBands.
227RasterAccessor1=Binary tag case encountered for non-binary SampleModel.
228RasterAccessor2=Requested rectangle bounds is not contained in the input raster`s bounds.
230RasterFactory0=Number of bands must be greater than 0.
231RasterFactory1=Bank indices array is null.
232RasterFactory2=bankIndices.length != bandOffsets.length
233RasterFactory3=Unsupported data type.
234RasterFactory4=Band offsets array is null.
235RasterFactory5=Offsets between bands must be less than the scanline stride.
236RasterFactory6=Pixel stride times width must be less than the scanline stride.
237RasterFactory7=Pixel stride must be greater than or equal to the offset between bands.
238RasterFactory8=This method does not support the input data type.
239RasterFactory9=parentX lies outside raster.
240RasterFactory10=parentY lies outside raster.
241RasterFactory11=(parentX + width) is outside raster.
242RasterFactory12=(parentY + height) is outside raster.
243RasterFactory13=Illegal value for transparency.
244RasterFactory14=Transparency cannot be opaque when useAlpha is true.
245RasterFactory15=bitsPerBands must be greater than 0.
246RasterFactory16=Size of array must be smaller than Integer.MAX_VALUE.
248RegistryFileParser0=Error in registry file at line number #{0,number,integer}
249RegistryFileParser1=Format expected: descriptor RegistryElementDescriptor-class-name
250RegistryFileParser2=Format expected: modeName factory-class-name product-name descriptor-name local-name
251RegistryFileParser3=Format expected: modeName factory-class-name descriptor-name
252RegistryFileParser4=Format expected: pref modeName descriptor-name product-name preferred-local-name other-local-name
253RegistryFileParser5=Format expected: productPref modeName descriptor-name preferred-product-name other-product-name
254RegistryFileParser6=Can not parse line.
255RegistryFileParser7=Can not set factory preferences for registry modes that do not support preferences.
256RegistryFileParser8=Local name does not map to a registered factory object.
257RegistryFileParser9=Can not set product preferences for registry modes that do not support preferences.
258RegistryFileParser10=Can not add registry mode since it already exists.
259RegistryFileParser11=Error while parsing JAI registry file "{0}" :
261RemoteImage0=Caught RemoteException, going to sleep.
262RemoteImage1=Source parameter may not be null.
263RemoteImage2=Rect must be null or must intersect the image bounds.
264RemoteImage3=Retries parameter must be positive.
265RemoteImage4=Timeout parameter must be positive.
267RenderableImageAdapter0=The supplied String parameter is null.
269RenderedImageList0=Argument must not be null.
270RenderedImageList1=The list must not be empty.
271RenderedImageList2=The specified object must be an instance of RenderedImage.
272RenderedImageList3=Index is out of bounds.
274RenderableGraphics0=Empty dimensions parameter.
275RenderableGraphics1=One of w and h must be positive for scaled rendering.
276RenderableOp2=No adequate CRIF exists in the registry.
277RenderableOp3=One of w or h must be non-zero.
279RenderedOp0= - Unable to render RenderedOp for this operation.
280RenderedOp3=Attempt to set a property on a rendered node!
281RenderedOp4=Attempted to set a synthetic property!
282RenderedOp5=Synthetic properties cannot be suppressed.
283RenderedOp6=pg must not be null.
285SourcelessOpImage0=Can not perform rectangle mapping between source and destinatioon because the image has no sources.
287TiledImage0=Cannot construct graphics objects for non-integral data types.
288TiledImage1=More releases than gets!
289TiledImage2=Cannot clear tiles while any tile is being held by a writer.
290TiledImageGraphics0=Cannot construct a TiledImageGraphics object from a TiledImage with non-integral data type.
291TiledImageGraphics1=Unable to derive an appropriate ColorModel.
292TiledImageGraphics2=Can not find the method:
293TiledImageGraphics3=The affine transformation is not invertible.
294TiledImageGraphics4=Fails to invoke the method:
296Warp0=Supplied warp destination array is too small.
297WarpAffine0=WarpAffine requires 3 coefficients each for X and Y coordinates.
298WarpCubic0=WarpCubic requires 10 coefficients each for X and Y coordinates.
299WarpGrid0=WarpPositions.length != 2*xNumCells + 1*yNumCells + 1.
300WarpPerspective0=WarpPerspective constructor requires a valid input; null is supplied.
301WarpPolynomial0=Wrong number of coefficients for X and/or Y coordinate supplied to polynomial warp.
302WarpPolynomial1=Insufficient number of points available to compute polynomial.
303WarpQuadratic0=WarpQuadratic requires 6 coefficients each for X and Y coordinates.
305WritableRenderedImageAdapter0=The TileObserver parameter supplied is null.
306WritableRenderedImageAdapter1=The Raster parameter supplied is null.
308# $RCSfile: com.lightcrafts.media.jai.util.properties,v $
310# Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
312# Use is subject to license terms.
314# $Revision: 1.1 $
315# $Date: 2005/02/11 04:57:02 $
316# $State: Exp $
318CaselessStringArrayTable0=Can not look up a null key.
319CaselessStringArrayTable1=Could not find the key.
320DataBufferUtils0=Cannot find class for
321DataBufferUtils1=Cannot construct DataBuffer.
322DataBufferUtils2=Cannot invoke DataBuffer method
323Generic0=The input argument(s) may not be null.
324ImageUtil0=The supplied Raster does not represent a binary data set.
325ImageUtil1=Default ColorModel method is non-static.
326ImageUtil2=Default ColorModel method return type is not ColorModel.
327ImageUtil3=Default ColorModel method does not accept a single parameter of class SampleModel.
328ImageUtil4=Exception occurs when generate a compatible color model for a sample model.
329JDKWorkarounds0=SampleModel and ColorModel parameters must be non-null.
330PropertyGeneratorImpl0=The parameter(s) may not be null.
331PropertyGeneratorImpl1=The parameter arrays may not be zero length.
332PropertyGeneratorImpl2=The property name and class array lengths must be equal.
333PropertyGeneratorImpl3=The class of the operation node is not supported.
334PropertyGeneratorImpl4=Property classes cannot correspond to a primitive type.
335PropertyUtil0=The property name prefix may not be null.
336SunTileCache=Tile cache memory capacity must be greater than or equal to 0.
337SunTileCache0=ConcurrentModificationException occurs when remove tiles from cache.
338SunTileScheduler0=All parameters must be non-null.
339SunTileScheduler1=The image parameter must be non-null.
340SunTileScheduler2=The parallelism must be non-negative.
341SunTileScheduler3=The request parameter must be non-null.
342SunTileScheduler4=The target and tileIndices parameters must be non-null.
343SunTileScheduler5=Waiting thread received a null tile.
344SunTileScheduler6=Problem occurs when computing a tile by the owner.
345SunTileScheduler7=Exception occurs when computing tiles.