1 //===-- PerfReader.cpp - perfscript reader  ---------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 #include "PerfReader.h"
9 #include "ProfileGenerator.h"
10 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
12 static cl::opt<bool> ShowMmapEvents("show-mmap-events", cl::ReallyHidden,
13                                     cl::init(false), cl::ZeroOrMore,
14                                     cl::desc("Print binary load events."));
16 static cl::opt<bool> ShowUnwinderOutput("show-unwinder-output",
17                                         cl::ReallyHidden, cl::init(false),
18                                         cl::ZeroOrMore,
19                                         cl::desc("Print unwinder output"));
21 extern cl::opt<bool> ShowDisassemblyOnly;
22 extern cl::opt<bool> ShowSourceLocations;
24 namespace llvm {
25 namespace sampleprof {
unwindCall(UnwindState & State)27 void VirtualUnwinder::unwindCall(UnwindState &State) {
28   // The 2nd frame after leaf could be missing if stack sample is
29   // taken when IP is within prolog/epilog, as frame chain isn't
30   // setup yet. Fill in the missing frame in that case.
31   // TODO: Currently we just assume all the addr that can't match the
32   // 2nd frame is in prolog/epilog. In the future, we will switch to
33   // pro/epi tracker(Dwarf CFI) for the precise check.
34   uint64_t Source = State.getCurrentLBRSource();
35   auto *ParentFrame = State.getParentFrame();
36   if (ParentFrame == State.getDummyRootPtr() ||
37       ParentFrame->Address != Source) {
38     State.switchToFrame(Source);
39   } else {
40     State.popFrame();
41   }
42   State.InstPtr.update(Source);
43 }
unwindLinear(UnwindState & State,uint64_t Repeat)45 void VirtualUnwinder::unwindLinear(UnwindState &State, uint64_t Repeat) {
46   InstructionPointer &IP = State.InstPtr;
47   uint64_t Target = State.getCurrentLBRTarget();
48   uint64_t End = IP.Address;
49   if (Binary->usePseudoProbes()) {
50     // We don't need to top frame probe since it should be extracted
51     // from the range.
52     // The outcome of the virtual unwinding with pseudo probes is a
53     // map from a context key to the address range being unwound.
54     // This means basically linear unwinding is not needed for pseudo
55     // probes. The range will be simply recorded here and will be
56     // converted to a list of pseudo probes to report in ProfileGenerator.
57     State.getParentFrame()->recordRangeCount(Target, End, Repeat);
58   } else {
59     // Unwind linear execution part
60     uint64_t LeafAddr = State.CurrentLeafFrame->Address;
61     while (IP.Address >= Target) {
62       uint64_t PrevIP = IP.Address;
63       IP.backward();
64       // Break into segments for implicit call/return due to inlining
65       bool SameInlinee = Binary->inlineContextEqual(PrevIP, IP.Address);
66       if (!SameInlinee || PrevIP == Target) {
67         State.switchToFrame(LeafAddr);
68         State.CurrentLeafFrame->recordRangeCount(PrevIP, End, Repeat);
69         End = IP.Address;
70       }
71       LeafAddr = IP.Address;
72     }
73   }
74 }
unwindReturn(UnwindState & State)76 void VirtualUnwinder::unwindReturn(UnwindState &State) {
77   // Add extra frame as we unwind through the return
78   const LBREntry &LBR = State.getCurrentLBR();
79   uint64_t CallAddr = Binary->getCallAddrFromFrameAddr(LBR.Target);
80   State.switchToFrame(CallAddr);
81   State.pushFrame(LBR.Source);
82   State.InstPtr.update(LBR.Source);
83 }
unwindBranchWithinFrame(UnwindState & State)85 void VirtualUnwinder::unwindBranchWithinFrame(UnwindState &State) {
86   // TODO: Tolerate tail call for now, as we may see tail call from libraries.
87   // This is only for intra function branches, excluding tail calls.
88   uint64_t Source = State.getCurrentLBRSource();
89   State.switchToFrame(Source);
90   State.InstPtr.update(Source);
91 }
getContextKey()93 std::shared_ptr<StringBasedCtxKey> FrameStack::getContextKey() {
94   std::shared_ptr<StringBasedCtxKey> KeyStr =
95       std::make_shared<StringBasedCtxKey>();
96   KeyStr->Context =
97       Binary->getExpandedContextStr(Stack, KeyStr->WasLeafInlined);
98   if (KeyStr->Context.empty())
99     return nullptr;
100   KeyStr->genHashCode();
101   return KeyStr;
102 }
getContextKey()104 std::shared_ptr<ProbeBasedCtxKey> ProbeStack::getContextKey() {
105   std::shared_ptr<ProbeBasedCtxKey> ProbeBasedKey =
106       std::make_shared<ProbeBasedCtxKey>();
107   for (auto CallProbe : Stack) {
108     ProbeBasedKey->Probes.emplace_back(CallProbe);
109   }
110   CSProfileGenerator::compressRecursionContext<const PseudoProbe *>(
111       ProbeBasedKey->Probes);
112   ProbeBasedKey->genHashCode();
113   return ProbeBasedKey;
114 }
116 template <typename T>
collectSamplesFromFrame(UnwindState::ProfiledFrame * Cur,T & Stack)117 void VirtualUnwinder::collectSamplesFromFrame(UnwindState::ProfiledFrame *Cur,
118                                               T &Stack) {
119   if (Cur->RangeSamples.empty() && Cur->BranchSamples.empty())
120     return;
122   std::shared_ptr<ContextKey> Key = Stack.getContextKey();
123   if (Key == nullptr)
124     return;
125   auto Ret = CtxCounterMap->emplace(Hashable<ContextKey>(Key), SampleCounter());
126   SampleCounter &SCounter = Ret.first->second;
127   for (auto &Item : Cur->RangeSamples) {
128     uint64_t StartOffset = Binary->virtualAddrToOffset(std::get<0>(Item));
129     uint64_t EndOffset = Binary->virtualAddrToOffset(std::get<1>(Item));
130     SCounter.recordRangeCount(StartOffset, EndOffset, std::get<2>(Item));
131   }
133   for (auto &Item : Cur->BranchSamples) {
134     uint64_t SourceOffset = Binary->virtualAddrToOffset(std::get<0>(Item));
135     uint64_t TargetOffset = Binary->virtualAddrToOffset(std::get<1>(Item));
136     SCounter.recordBranchCount(SourceOffset, TargetOffset, std::get<2>(Item));
137   }
138 }
140 template <typename T>
collectSamplesFromFrameTrie(UnwindState::ProfiledFrame * Cur,T & Stack)141 void VirtualUnwinder::collectSamplesFromFrameTrie(
142     UnwindState::ProfiledFrame *Cur, T &Stack) {
143   if (!Cur->isDummyRoot()) {
144     if (!Stack.pushFrame(Cur)) {
145       // Process truncated context
146       // Start a new traversal ignoring its bottom context
147       T EmptyStack(Binary);
148       collectSamplesFromFrame(Cur, EmptyStack);
149       for (const auto &Item : Cur->Children) {
150         collectSamplesFromFrameTrie(Item.second.get(), EmptyStack);
151       }
152       return;
153     }
154   }
156   collectSamplesFromFrame(Cur, Stack);
157   // Process children frame
158   for (const auto &Item : Cur->Children) {
159     collectSamplesFromFrameTrie(Item.second.get(), Stack);
160   }
161   // Recover the call stack
162   Stack.popFrame();
163 }
collectSamplesFromFrameTrie(UnwindState::ProfiledFrame * Cur)165 void VirtualUnwinder::collectSamplesFromFrameTrie(
166     UnwindState::ProfiledFrame *Cur) {
167   if (Binary->usePseudoProbes()) {
168     ProbeStack Stack(Binary);
169     collectSamplesFromFrameTrie<ProbeStack>(Cur, Stack);
170   } else {
171     FrameStack Stack(Binary);
172     collectSamplesFromFrameTrie<FrameStack>(Cur, Stack);
173   }
174 }
recordBranchCount(const LBREntry & Branch,UnwindState & State,uint64_t Repeat)176 void VirtualUnwinder::recordBranchCount(const LBREntry &Branch,
177                                         UnwindState &State, uint64_t Repeat) {
178   if (Branch.IsArtificial)
179     return;
181   if (Binary->usePseudoProbes()) {
182     // Same as recordRangeCount, We don't need to top frame probe since we will
183     // extract it from branch's source address
184     State.getParentFrame()->recordBranchCount(Branch.Source, Branch.Target,
185                                               Repeat);
186   } else {
187     State.CurrentLeafFrame->recordBranchCount(Branch.Source, Branch.Target,
188                                               Repeat);
189   }
190 }
unwind(const HybridSample * Sample,uint64_t Repeat)192 bool VirtualUnwinder::unwind(const HybridSample *Sample, uint64_t Repeat) {
193   // Capture initial state as starting point for unwinding.
194   UnwindState State(Sample);
196   // Sanity check - making sure leaf of LBR aligns with leaf of stack sample
197   // Stack sample sometimes can be unreliable, so filter out bogus ones.
198   if (!State.validateInitialState())
199     return false;
201   // Also do not attempt linear unwind for the leaf range as it's incomplete.
202   bool IsLeaf = true;
204   // Now process the LBR samples in parrallel with stack sample
205   // Note that we do not reverse the LBR entry order so we can
206   // unwind the sample stack as we walk through LBR entries.
207   while (State.hasNextLBR()) {
208     State.checkStateConsistency();
210     // Unwind implicit calls/returns from inlining, along the linear path,
211     // break into smaller sub section each with its own calling context.
212     if (!IsLeaf) {
213       unwindLinear(State, Repeat);
214     }
215     IsLeaf = false;
217     // Save the LBR branch before it gets unwound.
218     const LBREntry &Branch = State.getCurrentLBR();
220     if (isCallState(State)) {
221       // Unwind calls - we know we encountered call if LBR overlaps with
222       // transition between leaf the 2nd frame. Note that for calls that
223       // were not in the original stack sample, we should have added the
224       // extra frame when processing the return paired with this call.
225       unwindCall(State);
226     } else if (isReturnState(State)) {
227       // Unwind returns - check whether the IP is indeed at a return instruction
228       unwindReturn(State);
229     } else {
230       // Unwind branches - for regular intra function branches, we only
231       // need to record branch with context.
232       unwindBranchWithinFrame(State);
233     }
234     State.advanceLBR();
235     // Record `branch` with calling context after unwinding.
236     recordBranchCount(Branch, State, Repeat);
237   }
238   // As samples are aggregated on trie, record them into counter map
239   collectSamplesFromFrameTrie(State.getDummyRootPtr());
241   return true;
242 }
validateCommandLine(cl::list<std::string> & BinaryFilenames,cl::list<std::string> & PerfTraceFilenames)244 void PerfReader::validateCommandLine(
245     cl::list<std::string> &BinaryFilenames,
246     cl::list<std::string> &PerfTraceFilenames) {
247   // Allow the invalid perfscript if we only use to show binary disassembly
248   if (!ShowDisassemblyOnly) {
249     for (auto &File : PerfTraceFilenames) {
250       if (!llvm::sys::fs::exists(File)) {
251         std::string Msg = "Input perf script(" + File + ") doesn't exist!";
252         exitWithError(Msg);
253       }
254     }
255   }
256   if (BinaryFilenames.size() > 1) {
257     // TODO: remove this if everything is ready to support multiple binaries.
258     exitWithError(
259         "Currently only support one input binary, multiple binaries' "
260         "profile will be merged in one profile and make profile "
261         "summary info inaccurate. Please use `llvm-perfdata` to merge "
262         "profiles from multiple binaries.");
263   }
264   for (auto &Binary : BinaryFilenames) {
265     if (!llvm::sys::fs::exists(Binary)) {
266       std::string Msg = "Input binary(" + Binary + ") doesn't exist!";
267       exitWithError(Msg);
268     }
269   }
270   if (CSProfileGenerator::MaxCompressionSize < -1) {
271     exitWithError("Value of --compress-recursion should >= -1");
272   }
273   if (ShowSourceLocations && !ShowDisassemblyOnly) {
274     exitWithError("--show-source-locations should work together with "
275                   "--show-disassembly-only!");
276   }
277 }
PerfReader(cl::list<std::string> & BinaryFilenames,cl::list<std::string> & PerfTraceFilenames)279 PerfReader::PerfReader(cl::list<std::string> &BinaryFilenames,
280                        cl::list<std::string> &PerfTraceFilenames) {
281   validateCommandLine(BinaryFilenames, PerfTraceFilenames);
282   // Load the binaries.
283   for (auto Filename : BinaryFilenames)
284     loadBinary(Filename, /*AllowNameConflict*/ false);
285 }
loadBinary(const StringRef BinaryPath,bool AllowNameConflict)287 ProfiledBinary &PerfReader::loadBinary(const StringRef BinaryPath,
288                                        bool AllowNameConflict) {
289   // The binary table is currently indexed by the binary name not the full
290   // binary path. This is because the user-given path may not match the one
291   // that was actually executed.
292   StringRef BinaryName = llvm::sys::path::filename(BinaryPath);
294   // Call to load the binary in the ctor of ProfiledBinary.
295   auto Ret = BinaryTable.insert({BinaryName, ProfiledBinary(BinaryPath)});
297   if (!Ret.second && !AllowNameConflict) {
298     std::string ErrorMsg = "Binary name conflict: " + BinaryPath.str() +
299                            " and " + Ret.first->second.getPath().str() + " \n";
300     exitWithError(ErrorMsg);
301   }
303   return Ret.first->second;
304 }
updateBinaryAddress(const MMapEvent & Event)306 void PerfReader::updateBinaryAddress(const MMapEvent &Event) {
307   // Load the binary.
308   StringRef BinaryPath = Event.BinaryPath;
309   StringRef BinaryName = llvm::sys::path::filename(BinaryPath);
311   auto I = BinaryTable.find(BinaryName);
312   // Drop the event which doesn't belong to user-provided binaries
313   // or if its image is loaded at the same address
314   if (I == BinaryTable.end() || Event.Address == I->second.getBaseAddress())
315     return;
317   ProfiledBinary &Binary = I->second;
319   if (Event.Offset == Binary.getTextSegmentOffset()) {
320     // A binary image could be unloaded and then reloaded at different
321     // place, so update the address map here.
322     // Only update for the first executable segment and assume all other
323     // segments are loaded at consecutive memory addresses, which is the case on
324     // X64.
325     AddrToBinaryMap.erase(Binary.getBaseAddress());
326     AddrToBinaryMap[Event.Address] = &Binary;
328     // Update binary load address.
329     Binary.setBaseAddress(Event.Address);
330   } else {
331     // Verify segments are loaded consecutively.
332     const auto &Offsets = Binary.getTextSegmentOffsets();
333     auto It = std::lower_bound(Offsets.begin(), Offsets.end(), Event.Offset);
334     if (It != Offsets.end() && *It == Event.Offset) {
335       // The event is for loading a separate executable segment.
336       auto I = std::distance(Offsets.begin(), It);
337       const auto &PreferredAddrs = Binary.getPreferredTextSegmentAddresses();
338       if (PreferredAddrs[I] - Binary.getPreferredBaseAddress() !=
339           Event.Address - Binary.getBaseAddress())
340         exitWithError("Executable segments not loaded consecutively");
341     } else {
342       if (It == Offsets.begin())
343         exitWithError("File offset not found");
344       else {
345         // Find the segment the event falls in. A large segment could be loaded
346         // via multiple mmap calls with consecutive memory addresses.
347         --It;
348         assert(*It < Event.Offset);
349         if (Event.Offset - *It != Event.Address - Binary.getBaseAddress())
350           exitWithError("Segment not loaded by consecutive mmaps");
351       }
352     }
353   }
354 }
getBinary(uint64_t Address)356 ProfiledBinary *PerfReader::getBinary(uint64_t Address) {
357   auto Iter = AddrToBinaryMap.lower_bound(Address);
358   if (Iter == AddrToBinaryMap.end() || Iter->first != Address) {
359     if (Iter == AddrToBinaryMap.begin())
360       return nullptr;
361     Iter--;
362   }
363   return Iter->second;
364 }
366 // Use ordered map to make the output deterministic
367 using OrderedCounterForPrint = std::map<std::string, RangeSample>;
printSampleCounter(OrderedCounterForPrint & OrderedCounter)369 static void printSampleCounter(OrderedCounterForPrint &OrderedCounter) {
370   for (auto Range : OrderedCounter) {
371     outs() << Range.first << "\n";
372     for (auto I : Range.second) {
373       outs() << "  (" << format("%" PRIx64, I.first.first) << ", "
374              << format("%" PRIx64, I.first.second) << "): " << I.second << "\n";
375     }
376   }
377 }
getContextKeyStr(ContextKey * K,const ProfiledBinary * Binary)379 static std::string getContextKeyStr(ContextKey *K,
380                                     const ProfiledBinary *Binary) {
381   std::string ContextStr;
382   if (const auto *CtxKey = dyn_cast<StringBasedCtxKey>(K)) {
383     return CtxKey->Context;
384   } else if (const auto *CtxKey = dyn_cast<ProbeBasedCtxKey>(K)) {
385     SmallVector<std::string, 16> ContextStack;
386     for (const auto *Probe : CtxKey->Probes) {
387       Binary->getInlineContextForProbe(Probe, ContextStack, true);
388     }
389     for (const auto &Context : ContextStack) {
390       if (ContextStr.size())
391         ContextStr += " @ ";
392       ContextStr += Context;
393     }
394   }
395   return ContextStr;
396 }
printRangeCounter(ContextSampleCounterMap & Counter,const ProfiledBinary * Binary)398 static void printRangeCounter(ContextSampleCounterMap &Counter,
399                               const ProfiledBinary *Binary) {
400   OrderedCounterForPrint OrderedCounter;
401   for (auto &CI : Counter) {
402     OrderedCounter[getContextKeyStr(CI.first.getPtr(), Binary)] =
403         CI.second.RangeCounter;
404   }
405   printSampleCounter(OrderedCounter);
406 }
printBranchCounter(ContextSampleCounterMap & Counter,const ProfiledBinary * Binary)408 static void printBranchCounter(ContextSampleCounterMap &Counter,
409                                const ProfiledBinary *Binary) {
410   OrderedCounterForPrint OrderedCounter;
411   for (auto &CI : Counter) {
412     OrderedCounter[getContextKeyStr(CI.first.getPtr(), Binary)] =
413         CI.second.BranchCounter;
414   }
415   printSampleCounter(OrderedCounter);
416 }
printUnwinderOutput()418 void PerfReader::printUnwinderOutput() {
419   for (auto I : BinarySampleCounters) {
420     const ProfiledBinary *Binary = I.first;
421     outs() << "Binary(" << Binary->getName().str() << ")'s Range Counter:\n";
422     printRangeCounter(I.second, Binary);
423     outs() << "\nBinary(" << Binary->getName().str() << ")'s Branch Counter:\n";
424     printBranchCounter(I.second, Binary);
425   }
426 }
unwindSamples()428 void PerfReader::unwindSamples() {
429   for (const auto &Item : AggregatedSamples) {
430     const HybridSample *Sample = dyn_cast<HybridSample>(Item.first.getPtr());
431     VirtualUnwinder Unwinder(&BinarySampleCounters[Sample->Binary],
432                              Sample->Binary);
433     Unwinder.unwind(Sample, Item.second);
434   }
436   if (ShowUnwinderOutput)
437     printUnwinderOutput();
438 }
extractLBRStack(TraceStream & TraceIt,SmallVectorImpl<LBREntry> & LBRStack,ProfiledBinary * Binary)440 bool PerfReader::extractLBRStack(TraceStream &TraceIt,
441                                  SmallVectorImpl<LBREntry> &LBRStack,
442                                  ProfiledBinary *Binary) {
443   // The raw format of LBR stack is like:
444   // 0x4005c8/0x4005dc/P/-/-/0 0x40062f/0x4005b0/P/-/-/0 ...
445   //                           ... 0x4005c8/0x4005dc/P/-/-/0
446   // It's in FIFO order and seperated by whitespace.
447   SmallVector<StringRef, 32> Records;
448   TraceIt.getCurrentLine().split(Records, " ");
450   // Extract leading instruction pointer if present, use single
451   // list to pass out as reference.
452   size_t Index = 0;
453   if (!Records.empty() && Records[0].find('/') == StringRef::npos) {
454     Index = 1;
455   }
456   // Now extract LBR samples - note that we do not reverse the
457   // LBR entry order so we can unwind the sample stack as we walk
458   // through LBR entries.
459   uint64_t PrevTrDst = 0;
461   while (Index < Records.size()) {
462     auto &Token = Records[Index++];
463     if (Token.size() == 0)
464       continue;
466     SmallVector<StringRef, 8> Addresses;
467     Token.split(Addresses, "/");
468     uint64_t Src;
469     uint64_t Dst;
470     Addresses[0].substr(2).getAsInteger(16, Src);
471     Addresses[1].substr(2).getAsInteger(16, Dst);
473     bool SrcIsInternal = Binary->addressIsCode(Src);
474     bool DstIsInternal = Binary->addressIsCode(Dst);
475     bool IsExternal = !SrcIsInternal && !DstIsInternal;
476     bool IsIncoming = !SrcIsInternal && DstIsInternal;
477     bool IsOutgoing = SrcIsInternal && !DstIsInternal;
478     bool IsArtificial = false;
480     // Ignore branches outside the current binary.
481     if (IsExternal)
482       continue;
484     if (IsOutgoing) {
485       if (!PrevTrDst) {
486         // This is unpaired outgoing jump which is likely due to interrupt or
487         // incomplete LBR trace. Ignore current and subsequent entries since
488         // they are likely in different contexts.
489         break;
490       }
492       if (Binary->addressIsReturn(Src)) {
493         // In a callback case, a return from internal code, say A, to external
494         // runtime can happen. The external runtime can then call back to
495         // another internal routine, say B. Making an artificial branch that
496         // looks like a return from A to B can confuse the unwinder to treat
497         // the instruction before B as the call instruction.
498         break;
499       }
501       // For transition to external code, group the Source with the next
502       // availabe transition target.
503       Dst = PrevTrDst;
504       PrevTrDst = 0;
505       IsArtificial = true;
506     } else {
507       if (PrevTrDst) {
508         // If we have seen an incoming transition from external code to internal
509         // code, but not a following outgoing transition, the incoming
510         // transition is likely due to interrupt which is usually unpaired.
511         // Ignore current and subsequent entries since they are likely in
512         // different contexts.
513         break;
514       }
516       if (IsIncoming) {
517         // For transition from external code (such as dynamic libraries) to
518         // the current binary, keep track of the branch target which will be
519         // grouped with the Source of the last transition from the current
520         // binary.
521         PrevTrDst = Dst;
522         continue;
523       }
524     }
526     // TODO: filter out buggy duplicate branches on Skylake
528     LBRStack.emplace_back(LBREntry(Src, Dst, IsArtificial));
529   }
530   TraceIt.advance();
531   return !LBRStack.empty();
532 }
extractCallstack(TraceStream & TraceIt,SmallVectorImpl<uint64_t> & CallStack)534 bool PerfReader::extractCallstack(TraceStream &TraceIt,
535                                   SmallVectorImpl<uint64_t> &CallStack) {
536   // The raw format of call stack is like:
537   //            4005dc      # leaf frame
538   //	          400634
539   //	          400684      # root frame
540   // It's in bottom-up order with each frame in one line.
542   // Extract stack frames from sample
543   ProfiledBinary *Binary = nullptr;
544   while (!TraceIt.isAtEoF() && !TraceIt.getCurrentLine().startswith(" 0x")) {
545     StringRef FrameStr = TraceIt.getCurrentLine().ltrim();
546     uint64_t FrameAddr = 0;
547     if (FrameStr.getAsInteger(16, FrameAddr)) {
548       // We might parse a non-perf sample line like empty line and comments,
549       // skip it
550       TraceIt.advance();
551       return false;
552     }
553     TraceIt.advance();
554     if (!Binary) {
555       Binary = getBinary(FrameAddr);
556       // we might have addr not match the MMAP, skip it
557       if (!Binary) {
558         if (AddrToBinaryMap.size() == 0)
559           WithColor::warning() << "No MMAP event in the perfscript, create it "
560                                   "with '--show-mmap-events'\n";
561         break;
562       }
563     }
564     // Currently intermixed frame from different binaries is not supported.
565     // Ignore bottom frames not from binary of interest.
566     if (!Binary->addressIsCode(FrameAddr))
567       break;
569     // We need to translate return address to call address
570     // for non-leaf frames
571     if (!CallStack.empty()) {
572       FrameAddr = Binary->getCallAddrFromFrameAddr(FrameAddr);
573     }
575     CallStack.emplace_back(FrameAddr);
576   }
578   // Skip other unrelated line, find the next valid LBR line
579   // Note that even for empty call stack, we should skip the address at the
580   // bottom, otherwise the following pass may generate a truncated callstack
581   while (!TraceIt.isAtEoF() && !TraceIt.getCurrentLine().startswith(" 0x")) {
582     TraceIt.advance();
583   }
584   // Filter out broken stack sample. We may not have complete frame info
585   // if sample end up in prolog/epilog, the result is dangling context not
586   // connected to entry point. This should be relatively rare thus not much
587   // impact on overall profile quality. However we do want to filter them
588   // out to reduce the number of different calling contexts. One instance
589   // of such case - when sample landed in prolog/epilog, somehow stack
590   // walking will be broken in an unexpected way that higher frames will be
591   // missing.
592   return !CallStack.empty() &&
593          !Binary->addressInPrologEpilog(CallStack.front());
594 }
parseHybridSample(TraceStream & TraceIt)596 void PerfReader::parseHybridSample(TraceStream &TraceIt) {
597   // The raw hybird sample started with call stack in FILO order and followed
598   // intermediately by LBR sample
599   // e.g.
600   // 	          4005dc    # call stack leaf
601   //	          400634
602   //	          400684    # call stack root
603   // 0x4005c8/0x4005dc/P/-/-/0   0x40062f/0x4005b0/P/-/-/0 ...
604   //          ... 0x4005c8/0x4005dc/P/-/-/0    # LBR Entries
605   //
606   std::shared_ptr<HybridSample> Sample = std::make_shared<HybridSample>();
608   // Parsing call stack and populate into HybridSample.CallStack
609   if (!extractCallstack(TraceIt, Sample->CallStack)) {
610     // Skip the next LBR line matched current call stack
611     if (!TraceIt.isAtEoF() && TraceIt.getCurrentLine().startswith(" 0x"))
612       TraceIt.advance();
613     return;
614   }
615   // Set the binary current sample belongs to
616   Sample->Binary = getBinary(Sample->CallStack.front());
618   if (!TraceIt.isAtEoF() && TraceIt.getCurrentLine().startswith(" 0x")) {
619     // Parsing LBR stack and populate into HybridSample.LBRStack
620     if (extractLBRStack(TraceIt, Sample->LBRStack, Sample->Binary)) {
621       // Canonicalize stack leaf to avoid 'random' IP from leaf frame skew LBR
622       // ranges
623       Sample->CallStack.front() = Sample->LBRStack[0].Target;
624       // Record samples by aggregation
625       Sample->genHashCode();
626       AggregatedSamples[Hashable<PerfSample>(Sample)]++;
627     }
628   } else {
629     // LBR sample is encoded in single line after stack sample
630     exitWithError("'Hybrid perf sample is corrupted, No LBR sample line");
631   }
632 }
parseMMap2Event(TraceStream & TraceIt)634 void PerfReader::parseMMap2Event(TraceStream &TraceIt) {
635   // Parse a line like:
636   //  PERF_RECORD_MMAP2 2113428/2113428: [0x7fd4efb57000(0x204000) @ 0
637   //  08:04 19532229 3585508847]: r-xp /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so
638   constexpr static const char *const Pattern =
639       "PERF_RECORD_MMAP2 ([0-9]+)/[0-9]+: "
640       "\\[(0x[a-f0-9]+)\\((0x[a-f0-9]+)\\) @ "
641       "(0x[a-f0-9]+|0) .*\\]: [-a-z]+ (.*)";
642   // Field 0 - whole line
643   // Field 1 - PID
644   // Field 2 - base address
645   // Field 3 - mmapped size
646   // Field 4 - page offset
647   // Field 5 - binary path
648   enum EventIndex {
649     WHOLE_LINE = 0,
650     PID = 1,
651     MMAPPED_ADDRESS = 2,
652     MMAPPED_SIZE = 3,
653     PAGE_OFFSET = 4,
654     BINARY_PATH = 5
655   };
657   Regex RegMmap2(Pattern);
658   SmallVector<StringRef, 6> Fields;
659   bool R = RegMmap2.match(TraceIt.getCurrentLine(), &Fields);
660   if (!R) {
661     std::string ErrorMsg = "Cannot parse mmap event: Line" +
662                            Twine(TraceIt.getLineNumber()).str() + ": " +
663                            TraceIt.getCurrentLine().str() + " \n";
664     exitWithError(ErrorMsg);
665   }
666   MMapEvent Event;
667   Fields[PID].getAsInteger(10, Event.PID);
668   Fields[MMAPPED_ADDRESS].getAsInteger(0, Event.Address);
669   Fields[MMAPPED_SIZE].getAsInteger(0, Event.Size);
670   Fields[PAGE_OFFSET].getAsInteger(0, Event.Offset);
671   Event.BinaryPath = Fields[BINARY_PATH];
672   updateBinaryAddress(Event);
673   if (ShowMmapEvents) {
674     outs() << "Mmap: Binary " << Event.BinaryPath << " loaded at "
675            << format("0x%" PRIx64 ":", Event.Address) << " \n";
676   }
677   TraceIt.advance();
678 }
parseEventOrSample(TraceStream & TraceIt)680 void PerfReader::parseEventOrSample(TraceStream &TraceIt) {
681   if (TraceIt.getCurrentLine().startswith("PERF_RECORD_MMAP2"))
682     parseMMap2Event(TraceIt);
683   else if (getPerfScriptType() == PERF_LBR_STACK)
684     parseHybridSample(TraceIt);
685   else {
686     // TODO: parse other type sample
687     TraceIt.advance();
688   }
689 }
parseAndAggregateTrace(StringRef Filename)691 void PerfReader::parseAndAggregateTrace(StringRef Filename) {
692   // Trace line iterator
693   TraceStream TraceIt(Filename);
694   while (!TraceIt.isAtEoF())
695     parseEventOrSample(TraceIt);
696 }
checkAndSetPerfType(cl::list<std::string> & PerfTraceFilenames)698 void PerfReader::checkAndSetPerfType(
699     cl::list<std::string> &PerfTraceFilenames) {
700   for (auto FileName : PerfTraceFilenames) {
701     PerfScriptType Type = checkPerfScriptType(FileName);
702     if (Type == PERF_INVALID)
703       exitWithError("Invalid perf script input!");
704     if (PerfType != PERF_UNKNOWN && PerfType != Type)
705       exitWithError("Inconsistent sample among different perf scripts");
706     PerfType = Type;
707   }
708 }
generateRawProfile()710 void PerfReader::generateRawProfile() {
711   if (getPerfScriptType() == PERF_LBR_STACK) {
712     // Unwind samples if it's hybird sample
713     unwindSamples();
714   } else if (getPerfScriptType() == PERF_LBR) {
715     // TODO: range overlap computation for regular AutoFDO
716   }
717 }
parsePerfTraces(cl::list<std::string> & PerfTraceFilenames)719 void PerfReader::parsePerfTraces(cl::list<std::string> &PerfTraceFilenames) {
720   // Check and set current perfscript type
721   checkAndSetPerfType(PerfTraceFilenames);
722   // Parse perf traces and do aggregation.
723   for (auto Filename : PerfTraceFilenames)
724     parseAndAggregateTrace(Filename);
726   generateRawProfile();
727 }
729 } // end namespace sampleprof
730 } // end namespace llvm