1 #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE /* New name for SVID & BSD source defines */
2 #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
3     /* Make sure putenv is in stdlib.h, strcaseeq is in nstring.h */
5 #include <stdlib.h>
6 #include <string.h>
7 #include <assert.h>
8 #include <sys/types.h>
10 #ifdef HAVE_JPEG
11 #include <jpeglib.h>
12 #endif
14 #include "pm_config.h"
15 #include "pm.h"
16 #include "mallocvar.h"
17 #include "pm_c_util.h"
18 #include "nstring.h"
20 #include "global_variables.h"
21 #include "cameratopam.h"
22 #include "util.h"
23 #include "decode.h"
24 #include "bayer.h"
25 #include "ljpeg.h"
26 #include "dng.h"
27 #include "stdio_nofail.h"
29 #include "camera.h"
31 #if HAVE_INT64
32    typedef int64_t INT64;
33    static bool const have64BitArithmetic = true;
34 #else
35    /* We define INT64 to something that lets the code compile, but we
36       should not execute any INT64 code, because it will get the wrong
37       result.
38    */
39    typedef int INT64;
40    static bool const have64BitArithmetic = false;
41 #endif
43 #ifndef LONG_BIT
44 #define LONG_BIT (8 * sizeof (long))
45 #endif
47 #define FORC3 for (c=0; c < 3; c++)
48 #define FORC4 for (c=0; c < colors; c++)
50 static void
merror(const void * ptr,const char * where)51 merror (const void *ptr, const char *where)
52 {
53     if (ptr == NULL)
54         pm_error ("Out of memory in %s", where);
55 }
60 static void
adobeCopyPixel(Image const image,unsigned int const row,unsigned int const col,unsigned short ** const rp,bool const useSecondary)61 adobeCopyPixel(Image             const image,
62                unsigned int      const row,
63                unsigned int      const col,
64                unsigned short ** const rp,
65                bool              const useSecondary) {
67     unsigned r=row, c=col;
69     if (fuji_secondary && useSecondary)
70         ++(*rp);
71     if (filters) {
72         if (fuji_width) {
73             r = row + fuji_width - 1 - (col >> 1);
74             c = row + ((col+1) >> 1);
75         }
76         if (r < height && c < width)
77             BAYER(r,c) = **rp < 0x1000 ? curve[**rp] : **rp;
78         *rp += 1 + fuji_secondary;
79     } else {
80         unsigned int c;
81         for (c = 0; c < tiff_samples; ++c) {
82             image[row*width+col][c] = **rp < 0x1000 ? curve[**rp] : **rp;
83             ++(*rp);
84         }
85     }
86     if (fuji_secondary && useSecondary)
87         --(*rp);
88 }
90 void
adobe_dng_load_raw_lj(Image const image)91 adobe_dng_load_raw_lj(Image const image) {
93     int save, twide, trow=0, tcol=0, jrow, jcol;
94     struct jhead jh;
95     unsigned short *rp;
97     while (1) {
98         save = ftell_nofail(ifp);
99         fseek_nofail (ifp, get4(ifp), SEEK_SET);
100         if (!ljpeg_start (ifp, &jh)) break;
101         if (trow >= raw_height) break;
102         if (jh.high > raw_height-trow)
103             jh.high = raw_height-trow;
104         twide = jh.wide;
105         if (filters) twide *= jh.clrs;
106         else         colors = jh.clrs;
107         if (fuji_secondary) twide /= 2;
108         if (twide > raw_width-tcol)
109             twide = raw_width-tcol;
111         for (jrow=0; jrow < jh.high; jrow++) {
112             ljpeg_row(ifp, &jh);
113             for (rp=jh.row, jcol=0; jcol < twide; jcol++)
114                 adobeCopyPixel(image,
115                                trow+jrow, tcol+jcol, &rp, use_secondary);
116         }
117         fseek_nofail (ifp, save+4, SEEK_SET);
118         if ((tcol += twide) >= raw_width) {
119             tcol = 0;
120             trow += jh.high;
121         }
122         free (jh.row);
123     }
124 }
128 void
adobe_dng_load_raw_nc(Image const image)129 adobe_dng_load_raw_nc(Image const image) {
131     unsigned short *pixel, *rp;
132     int row, col;
134     pixel = calloc (raw_width * tiff_samples, sizeof *pixel);
135     merror (pixel, "adobe_dng_load_raw_nc()");
136     for (row=0; row < raw_height; row++) {
137         read_shorts (ifp, pixel, raw_width * tiff_samples);
138         for (rp=pixel, col=0; col < raw_width; col++)
139             adobeCopyPixel(image, row, col, &rp, use_secondary);
140     }
141     free (pixel);
142 }
146 static int nikon_curve_offset;
148 void
nikon_compressed_load_raw(Image const image)149 nikon_compressed_load_raw(Image const image) {
151     static const unsigned char nikon_tree[] = {
152         0,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,
153         5,4,3,6,2,7,1,0,8,9,11,10,12
154     };
155     int csize, row, col, i, diff;
156     unsigned short vpred[4], hpred[2], *curve;
158     init_decoder();
159     make_decoder (nikon_tree, 0);
161     fseek_nofail (ifp, nikon_curve_offset, SEEK_SET);
162     read_shorts (ifp, vpred, 4);
163     csize = get2(ifp);
164     curve = calloc (csize, sizeof *curve);
165     merror (curve, "nikon_compressed_load_raw()");
166     read_shorts (ifp, curve, csize);
168     fseek_nofail (ifp, data_offset, SEEK_SET);
169     getbits(ifp, -1);
171     for (row=0; row < height; row++)
172         for (col=0; col < raw_width; col++)
173         {
174             diff = ljpeg_diff (ifp, first_decode);
175             if (col < 2) {
176                 i = 2*(row & 1) + (col & 1);
177                 vpred[i] += diff;
178                 hpred[col] = vpred[i];
179             } else
180                 hpred[col & 1] += diff;
181             if ((unsigned) (col-left_margin) >= width) continue;
182             diff = hpred[col & 1];
183             if (diff >= csize) diff = csize-1;
184             BAYER(row,col-left_margin) = curve[diff];
185         }
186     maximum = curve[csize-1];
187     free (curve);
188 }
190 void
nikon_load_raw(Image const image)191 nikon_load_raw(Image const image) {
193   int irow, row, col, i;
195   getbits(ifp, -1);
196   for (irow=0; irow < height; irow++) {
197     row = irow;
198     if (model[0] == 'E') {
199       row = irow * 2 % height + irow / (height/2);
200       if (row == 1 && atoi(model+1) < 5000) {
201     fseek_nofail (ifp, 0, SEEK_END);
202     fseek_nofail (ifp, ftell_nofail(ifp)/2, SEEK_SET);
203     getbits(ifp, -1);
204       }
205     }
206     for (col=0; col < raw_width; col++) {
207       i = getbits(ifp, 12);
208       if ((unsigned) (col-left_margin) < width)
209     BAYER(row,col-left_margin) = i;
210       if (tiff_data_compression == 34713 && (col % 10) == 9)
211     getbits(ifp, 8);
212     }
213   }
214 }
216 /*
217    Figure out if a NEF file is compressed.  These fancy heuristics
218    are only needed for the D100, thanks to a bug in some cameras
219    that tags all images as "compressed".
220  */
221 int
nikon_is_compressed()222 nikon_is_compressed()
223 {
224   unsigned char test[256];
225   int i;
227   if (tiff_data_compression != 34713)
228     return 0;
229   if (strcmp(model,"D100"))
230     return 1;
231   fseek_nofail (ifp, data_offset, SEEK_SET);
232   fread_nofail (test, 1, 256, ifp);
233   for (i=15; i < 256; i+=16)
234     if (test[i]) return 1;
235   return 0;
236 }
238 /*
239    Returns 1 for a Coolpix 990, 0 for a Coolpix 995.
240  */
241 int
nikon_e990()242 nikon_e990()
243 {
244   int i, histo[256];
245   const unsigned char often[] = { 0x00, 0x55, 0xaa, 0xff };
247   memset (histo, 0, sizeof histo);
248   fseek_nofail (ifp, 2064*1540*3/4, SEEK_SET);
249   for (i=0; i < 2000; i++)
250     histo[fgetc_nofail(ifp)]++;
251   for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
252     if (histo[often[i]] > 400)
253       return 1;
254   return 0;
255 }
257 /*
258    Returns 1 for a Coolpix 2100, 0 for anything else.
259  */
260 int
nikon_e2100()261 nikon_e2100()
262 {
263   unsigned char t[12];
264   int i;
266   fseek_nofail (ifp, 0, SEEK_SET);
267   for (i=0; i < 1024; i++) {
268     fread_nofail (t, 1, 12, ifp);
269     if (((t[2] & t[4] & t[7] & t[9]) >> 4
270     & t[1] & t[6] & t[8] & t[11] & 3) != 3)
271       return 0;
272   }
273   return 1;
274 }
276 /*
277    Separates a Pentax Optio 33WR from a Nikon E3700.
278  */
279 int
pentax_optio33()280 pentax_optio33()
281 {
282   int i, sum[] = { 0, 0 };
283   unsigned char tail[952];
285   fseek_nofail (ifp, -sizeof tail, SEEK_END);
286   fread_nofail (tail, 1, sizeof tail, ifp);
287   for (i=0; i < sizeof tail; i++)
288     sum[(i>>2) & 1] += tail[i];
289   return sum[0] < sum[1]*4;
290 }
292 /*
293    Separates a Minolta DiMAGE Z2 from a Nikon E4300.
294  */
295 int
minolta_z2()296 minolta_z2()
297 {
298   int i;
299   char tail[424];
301   fseek_nofail (ifp, -sizeof tail, SEEK_END);
302   fread_nofail (tail, 1, sizeof tail, ifp);
303   for (i=0; i < sizeof tail; i++)
304     if (tail[i]) return 1;
305   return 0;
306 }
308 void
nikon_e2100_load_raw(Image const image)309 nikon_e2100_load_raw(Image const image) {
311   unsigned char   data[3432], *dp;
312   unsigned short pixel[2288], *pix;
313   int row, col;
315   for (row=0; row <= height; row+=2) {
316     if (row == height) {
317       fseek_nofail (ifp, ((width==1616) << 13) - (-ftell_nofail(ifp) & -2048), SEEK_SET);
318       row = 1;
319     }
320     fread_nofail (data, 1, width*3/2, ifp);
321     for (dp=data, pix=pixel; pix < pixel+width; dp+=12, pix+=8) {
322       pix[0] = (dp[2] >> 4) + (dp[ 3] << 4);
323       pix[1] = (dp[2] << 8) +  dp[ 1];
324       pix[2] = (dp[7] >> 4) + (dp[ 0] << 4);
325       pix[3] = (dp[7] << 8) +  dp[ 6];
326       pix[4] = (dp[4] >> 4) + (dp[ 5] << 4);
327       pix[5] = (dp[4] << 8) +  dp[11];
328       pix[6] = (dp[9] >> 4) + (dp[10] << 4);
329       pix[7] = (dp[9] << 8) +  dp[ 8];
330     }
331     for (col=0; col < width; col++)
332       BAYER(row,col) = (pixel[col] & 0xfff);
333   }
334 }
336 void
nikon_e950_load_raw(Image const image)337 nikon_e950_load_raw(Image const image) {
339   int irow, row, col;
341   getbits(ifp, -1);
342   for (irow=0; irow < height; irow++) {
343     row = irow * 2 % height;
344     for (col=0; col < width; col++)
345       BAYER(row,col) = getbits(ifp, 10);
346     for (col=28; col--; )
347       getbits(ifp, 8);
348   }
349   maximum = 0x3dd;
350 }
352 /*
353    The Fuji Super CCD is just a Bayer grid rotated 45 degrees.
354  */
355 void
fuji_s2_load_raw(Image const image)356 fuji_s2_load_raw(Image const image) {
357   unsigned short pixel[2944];
358   int row, col, r, c;
360   fseek_nofail (ifp, (2944*24+32)*2, SEEK_CUR);
361   for (row=0; row < 2144; row++) {
362     read_shorts(ifp, pixel, 2944);
363     for (col=0; col < 2880; col++) {
364       r = row + ((col+1) >> 1);
365       c = 2143 - row + (col >> 1);
366       BAYER(r,c) = pixel[col];
367     }
368   }
369 }
371 void
fuji_s3_load_raw(Image const image)372 fuji_s3_load_raw(Image const image) {
373   unsigned short pixel[4352];
374   int row, col, r, c;
376   fseek_nofail (ifp, (4352*2+32)*2, SEEK_CUR);
377   for (row=0; row < 1440; row++) {
378     read_shorts(ifp, pixel, 4352);
379     for (col=0; col < 4288; col++) {
380       r = 2143 + row - (col >> 1);
381       c = row + ((col+1) >> 1);
382       BAYER(r,c) = pixel[col];
383     }
384   }
385 }
387 static void
fuji_common_load_raw(Image const image,unsigned int const ncol,unsigned int const icol,unsigned int const nrow)388 fuji_common_load_raw(Image        const image,
389                      unsigned int const ncol,
390                      unsigned int const icol,
391                      unsigned int const nrow) {
393     unsigned short pixel[2048];
394     unsigned int row;
396     for (row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
397         unsigned int col;
398         read_shorts(ifp, pixel, ncol);
399         for (col = 0; col <= icol; ++col) {
400             int const r = icol - col + (row >> 1);
401             int const c = col + ((row+1) >> 1);
402             BAYER(r,c) = pixel[col];
403         }
404     }
405 }
409 void
fuji_s5000_load_raw(Image const image)410 fuji_s5000_load_raw(Image const image) {
412   fseek_nofail (ifp, (1472*4+24)*2, SEEK_CUR);
413   fuji_common_load_raw(image, 1472, 1423, 2152);
414 }
418 void
fuji_s7000_load_raw(Image const image)419 fuji_s7000_load_raw(Image const image) {
421     fuji_common_load_raw(image, 2048, 2047, 3080);
422 }
426 /*
427    The Fuji Super CCD SR has two photodiodes for each pixel.
428    The secondary has about 1/16 the sensitivity of the primary,
429    but this ratio may vary.
430  */
431 void
fuji_f700_load_raw(Image const image)432 fuji_f700_load_raw(Image const image) {
433   unsigned short pixel[2944];
434   int row, col, r, c, val;
436   for (row=0; row < 2168; row++) {
437     read_shorts(ifp, pixel, 2944);
438     for (col=0; col < 1440; col++) {
439       r = 1439 - col + (row >> 1);
440       c = col + ((row+1) >> 1);
441       val = pixel[col+16 + use_secondary*1472];
442       BAYER(r,c) = val;
443     }
444   }
445 }
447 void
rollei_load_raw(Image const image)448 rollei_load_raw(Image const image) {
449   unsigned char pixel[10];
450   unsigned iten=0, isix, i, buffer=0, row, col, todo[16];
452   isix = raw_width * raw_height * 5 / 8;
453   while (fread_or_eof_nofail (pixel, 1, 10, ifp) == 10) {
454     for (i=0; i < 10; i+=2) {
455       todo[i]   = iten++;
456       todo[i+1] = pixel[i] << 8 | pixel[i+1];
457       buffer    = pixel[i] >> 2 | buffer << 6;
458     }
459     for (   ; i < 16; i+=2) {
460       todo[i]   = isix++;
461       todo[i+1] = buffer >> (14-i)*5;
462     }
463     for (i=0; i < 16; i+=2) {
464       row = todo[i] / raw_width - top_margin;
465       col = todo[i] % raw_width - left_margin;
466       if (row < height && col < width)
467     BAYER(row,col) = (todo[i+1] & 0x3ff);
468     }
469   }
470   maximum = 0x3ff;
471 }
473 void
phase_one_load_raw(Image const image)474 phase_one_load_raw(Image const image) {
475   int row, col, a, b;
476   unsigned short *pixel, akey, bkey;
478   fseek_nofail (ifp, 8, SEEK_CUR);
479   fseek_nofail (ifp, get4(ifp) + 296, SEEK_CUR);
480   akey = get2(ifp);
481   bkey = get2(ifp);
482   fseek_nofail (ifp, data_offset + 12 + top_margin*raw_width*2, SEEK_SET);
483   pixel = calloc (raw_width, sizeof *pixel);
484   merror (pixel, "phase_one_load_raw()");
485   for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
486     read_shorts(ifp, pixel, raw_width);
487     for (col=0; col < raw_width; col+=2) {
488       a = pixel[col+0] ^ akey;
489       b = pixel[col+1] ^ bkey;
490       pixel[col+0] = (b & 0xaaaa) | (a & 0x5555);
491       pixel[col+1] = (a & 0xaaaa) | (b & 0x5555);
492     }
493     for (col=0; col < width; col++)
494       BAYER(row,col) = pixel[col+left_margin];
495   }
496   free (pixel);
497 }
499 void
ixpress_load_raw(Image const image)500 ixpress_load_raw(Image const image) {
501   unsigned short pixel[4090];
502   int row, col;
504   order = 0x4949;
505   fseek_nofail (ifp, 304 + 6*2*4090, SEEK_SET);
506   for (row=height; --row >= 0; ) {
507     read_shorts(ifp, pixel, 4090);
508     for (col=0; col < width; col++)
509       BAYER(row,col) = pixel[width-1-col];
510   }
511 }
513 void
leaf_load_raw(Image const image)514 leaf_load_raw(Image const image) {
515   unsigned short *pixel;
516   int r, c, row, col;
518   pixel = calloc (raw_width, sizeof *pixel);
519   merror (pixel, "leaf_load_raw()");
520   for (r=0; r < height-32; r+=32)
521     FORC3 for (row=r; row < r+32; row++) {
522       read_shorts(ifp, pixel, raw_width);
523       for (col=0; col < width; col++)
524     image[row*width+col][c] = pixel[col];
525     }
526   free (pixel);
527 }
529 /*
530    For this function only, raw_width is in bytes, not pixels!
531  */
532 void
packed_12_load_raw(Image const image)533 packed_12_load_raw(Image const image) {
534   int row, col;
536   getbits(ifp, -1);
537   for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
538     for (col=0; col < width; col++)
539       BAYER(row,col) = getbits(ifp, 12);
540     for (col = width*3/2; col < raw_width; col++)
541       getbits(ifp, 8);
542   }
543 }
545 void
unpacked_load_raw(Image const image)546 unpacked_load_raw(Image const image) {
547   unsigned short *pixel;
548   int row, col;
550   pixel = calloc (raw_width, sizeof *pixel);
551   merror (pixel, "unpacked_load_raw()");
552   for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
553     read_shorts(ifp, pixel, raw_width);
554     for (col=0; col < width; col++)
555       BAYER(row,col) = pixel[col];
556   }
557   free (pixel);
558 }
560 void
olympus_e300_load_raw(Image const image)561 olympus_e300_load_raw(Image const image) {
562   unsigned char  *data,  *dp;
563   unsigned short *pixel, *pix;
564   int dwide, row, col;
566   dwide = raw_width * 16 / 10;
567   data = malloc (dwide + raw_width*2);
568   merror (data, "olympus_e300_load_raw()");
569   pixel = (unsigned short *) (data + dwide);
570   for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
571     fread_nofail (data, 1, dwide, ifp);
572     for (dp=data, pix=pixel; pix < pixel+raw_width; dp+=3, pix+=2) {
573       if (((dp-data) & 15) == 15) dp++;
574       pix[0] = dp[1] << 8 | dp[0];
575       pix[1] = dp[2] << 4 | dp[1] >> 4;
576     }
577     for (col=0; col < width; col++)
578       BAYER(row,col) = (pixel[col] & 0xfff);
579   }
580   free (data);
581 }
583 void
olympus_cseries_load_raw(Image const image)584 olympus_cseries_load_raw(Image const image) {
585   int irow, row, col;
587   for (irow=0; irow < height; irow++) {
588     row = irow * 2 % height + irow / (height/2);
589     if (row < 2) {
590       fseek_nofail (ifp, data_offset - row*(-width*height*3/4 & -2048), SEEK_SET);
591       getbits(ifp, -1);
592     }
593     for (col=0; col < width; col++)
594       BAYER(row,col) = getbits(ifp, 12);
595   }
596 }
598 void
eight_bit_load_raw(Image const image)599 eight_bit_load_raw(Image const image) {
600   unsigned char *pixel;
601   int row, col;
603   pixel = calloc (raw_width, sizeof *pixel);
604   merror (pixel, "eight_bit_load_raw()");
605   for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
606     fread_nofail (pixel, 1, raw_width, ifp);
607     for (col=0; col < width; col++)
608       BAYER(row,col) = pixel[col];
609   }
610   free (pixel);
611   maximum = 0xff;
612 }
614 void
casio_qv5700_load_raw(Image const image)615 casio_qv5700_load_raw(Image const image) {
616   unsigned char  data[3232],  *dp;
617   unsigned short pixel[2576], *pix;
618   int row, col;
620   for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
621     fread_nofail (data, 1, 3232, ifp);
622     for (dp=data, pix=pixel; dp < data+3220; dp+=5, pix+=4) {
623       pix[0] = (dp[0] << 2) + (dp[1] >> 6);
624       pix[1] = (dp[1] << 4) + (dp[2] >> 4);
625       pix[2] = (dp[2] << 6) + (dp[3] >> 2);
626       pix[3] = (dp[3] << 8) + (dp[4]     );
627     }
628     for (col=0; col < width; col++)
629       BAYER(row,col) = (pixel[col] & 0x3ff);
630   }
631   maximum = 0x3fc;
632 }
634 void
nucore_load_raw(Image const image)635 nucore_load_raw(Image const image) {
636   unsigned short *pixel;
637   int irow, row, col;
639   pixel = calloc (width, 2);
640   merror (pixel, "nucore_load_raw()");
641   for (irow=0; irow < height; irow++) {
642     read_shorts(ifp, pixel, width);
643     row = irow/2 + height/2 * (irow & 1);
644     for (col=0; col < width; col++)
645       BAYER(row,col) = pixel[col];
646   }
647   free (pixel);
648 }
radc_token(int tree)650 static int  radc_token (int tree)
651 {
652   int t;
653   static struct decode *dstart[18], *dindex;
654   static const int *s, source[] = {
655     1,1, 2,3, 3,4, 4,2, 5,7, 6,5, 7,6, 7,8,
656     1,0, 2,1, 3,3, 4,4, 5,2, 6,7, 7,6, 8,5, 8,8,
657     2,1, 2,3, 3,0, 3,2, 3,4, 4,6, 5,5, 6,7, 6,8,
658     2,0, 2,1, 2,3, 3,2, 4,4, 5,6, 6,7, 7,5, 7,8,
659     2,1, 2,4, 3,0, 3,2, 3,3, 4,7, 5,5, 6,6, 6,8,
660     2,3, 3,1, 3,2, 3,4, 3,5, 3,6, 4,7, 5,0, 5,8,
661     2,3, 2,6, 3,0, 3,1, 4,4, 4,5, 4,7, 5,2, 5,8,
662     2,4, 2,7, 3,3, 3,6, 4,1, 4,2, 4,5, 5,0, 5,8,
663     2,6, 3,1, 3,3, 3,5, 3,7, 3,8, 4,0, 5,2, 5,4,
664     2,0, 2,1, 3,2, 3,3, 4,4, 4,5, 5,6, 5,7, 4,8,
665     1,0, 2,2, 2,-2,
666     1,-3, 1,3,
667     2,-17, 2,-5, 2,5, 2,17,
668     2,-7, 2,2, 2,9, 2,18,
669     2,-18, 2,-9, 2,-2, 2,7,
670     2,-28, 2,28, 3,-49, 3,-9, 3,9, 4,49, 5,-79, 5,79,
671     2,-1, 2,13, 2,26, 3,39, 4,-16, 5,55, 6,-37, 6,76,
672     2,-26, 2,-13, 2,1, 3,-39, 4,16, 5,-55, 6,-76, 6,37
673   };
675   if (free_decode == first_decode)
676     for (s=source, t=0; t < 18; t++) {
677       dstart[t] = free_decode;
678       s = make_decoder_int (s, 0);
679     }
680   if (tree == 18) {
681     if (model[2] == '4')
682       return (getbits(ifp, 5) << 3) + 4; /* DC40 */
683     else
684       return (getbits(ifp, 6) << 2) + 2; /* DC50 */
685   }
686   for (dindex = dstart[tree]; dindex->branch[0]; )
687     dindex = dindex->branch[getbits(ifp, 1)];
688   return dindex->leaf;
689 }
691 #define FORYX for (y=1; y < 3; y++) for (x=col+1; x >= col; x--)
693 #define PREDICTOR (c ? (buf[c][y-1][x] + buf[c][y][x+1]) / 2 \
694 : (buf[c][y-1][x+1] + 2*buf[c][y-1][x] + buf[c][y][x+1]) / 4)
696 void
kodak_radc_load_raw(Image const image)697 kodak_radc_load_raw(Image const image) {
698     int row, col, tree, nreps, rep, step, c, s, r, x, y, val;
699     unsigned int i;
700     short last[3] = { 16,16,16 }, mul[3], buf[3][3][386];
702     init_decoder();
703     getbits(ifp, -1);
704     for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(buf); ++i) {
705         unsigned int j;
706         for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(buf[0]); ++j) {
707             unsigned int k;
708             for (k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE(buf[0][0]); ++k)
709                 buf[i][j][k] = 2048;
710         }
711     }
712     for (row=0; row < height; row+=4) {
713         unsigned int i;
714         for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
715             mul[i] = getbits(ifp, 6);
716         FORC3 {
717             val = ((0x1000000/last[c] + 0x7ff) >> 12) * mul[c];
718             s = val > 65564 ? 10:12;
719             x = ~(-1 << (s-1));
720             val <<= 12-s;
721             for (i=0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(buf[c][0]); i++)
722                 buf[c][0][i] = (buf[c][0][i] * val + x) >> s;
723             last[c] = mul[c];
724             for (r=0; r <= !c; r++) {
725                 buf[c][1][width/2] = buf[c][2][width/2] = mul[c] << 7;
726                 for (tree=1, col=width/2; col > 0; ) {
727                     if ((tree = radc_token(tree))) {
728                         col -= 2;
729                         if (tree == 8)
730                             FORYX buf[c][y][x] =
731                                 radc_token(tree+10) * mul[c];
732                         else
733                             FORYX buf[c][y][x] =
734                                 radc_token(tree+10) * 16 + PREDICTOR;
735                     } else
736                         do {
737                             nreps = (col > 2) ? radc_token(9) + 1 : 1;
738                             for (rep=0;
739                                  rep < 8 && rep < nreps && col > 0;
740                                  rep++) {
741                                 col -= 2;
742                                 FORYX buf[c][y][x] = PREDICTOR;
743                                 if (rep & 1) {
744                                     step = radc_token(10) << 4;
745                                     FORYX buf[c][y][x] += step;
746                                 }
747                             }
748                         } while (nreps == 9);
749                 }
750                 for (y=0; y < 2; y++)
751                     for (x=0; x < width/2; x++) {
752                         val = (buf[c][y+1][x] << 4) / mul[c];
753                         if (val < 0) val = 0;
754                         if (c)
755                             BAYER(row+y*2+c-1,x*2+2-c) = val;
756                         else
757                             BAYER(row+r*2+y,x*2+y) = val;
758                     }
759                 memcpy (buf[c][0]+!c, buf[c][2], sizeof buf[c][0]-2*!c);
760             }
761         }
762         for (y=row; y < row+4; y++)
763             for (x=0; x < width; x++)
764                 if ((x+y) & 1) {
765                     val = (BAYER(y,x)-2048)*2 + (BAYER(y,x-1)+BAYER(y,x+1))/2;
766                     if (val < 0) val = 0;
767                     BAYER(y,x) = val;
768                 }
769     }
770     maximum = 0x1fff;     /* wild guess */
771 }
773 #undef FORYX
774 #undef PREDICTOR
776 #ifndef HAVE_JPEG
777 void
kodak_jpeg_load_raw(Image const Image)778 kodak_jpeg_load_raw(Image const Image) {}
779 #else
781 static bool
fill_input_buffer(j_decompress_ptr cinfo)782 fill_input_buffer (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
783 {
784   static char jpeg_buffer[4096];
785   size_t nbytes;
787   nbytes = fread_or_eof_nofail (jpeg_buffer, 1, 4096, ifp);
788   swab (jpeg_buffer, jpeg_buffer, nbytes);
789   cinfo->src->next_input_byte = jpeg_buffer;
790   cinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer = nbytes;
791   return TRUE;
792 }
794 void
kodak_jpeg_load_raw(Image const image)795 kodak_jpeg_load_raw(Image const image)
796 {
797   struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
798   struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
799   JSAMPARRAY buf;
800   JSAMPLE (*pixel)[3];
801   int row, col;
803   cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error (&jerr);
804   jpeg_create_decompress (&cinfo);
805   jpeg_stdio_src (&cinfo, ifp);
806   cinfo.src->fill_input_buffer = fill_input_buffer;
807   jpeg_read_header (&cinfo, TRUE);
808   jpeg_start_decompress (&cinfo);
809   if ((cinfo.output_width      != width  ) ||
810       (cinfo.output_height*2   != height ) ||
811       (cinfo.output_components != 3      )) {
812     pm_error ("incorrect JPEG dimensions");
813   }
814   buf = (*cinfo.mem->alloc_sarray)
815         ((j_common_ptr) &cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, width*3, 1);
817   while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) {
818     row = cinfo.output_scanline * 2;
819     jpeg_read_scanlines (&cinfo, buf, 1);
820     pixel = (void *) buf[0];
821     for (col=0; col < width; col+=2) {
822       BAYER(row+0,col+0) = pixel[col+0][1] << 1;
823       BAYER(row+1,col+1) = pixel[col+1][1] << 1;
824       BAYER(row+0,col+1) = pixel[col][0] + pixel[col+1][0];
825       BAYER(row+1,col+0) = pixel[col][2] + pixel[col+1][2];
826     }
827   }
828   jpeg_finish_decompress (&cinfo);
829   jpeg_destroy_decompress (&cinfo);
830   maximum = 0xff << 1;
831 }
833 #endif
835 void
kodak_dc120_load_raw(Image const image)836 kodak_dc120_load_raw(Image const image)
837 {
838   static const int mul[4] = { 162, 192, 187,  92 };
839   static const int add[4] = {   0, 636, 424, 212 };
840   unsigned char pixel[848];
841   int row, shift, col;
843   for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
844     fread_nofail (pixel, 848, 1, ifp);
845     shift = row * mul[row & 3] + add[row & 3];
846     for (col=0; col < width; col++)
847       BAYER(row,col) = (unsigned short) pixel[(col + shift) % 848];
848   }
849   maximum = 0xff;
850 }
852 void
kodak_dc20_coeff(float const juice)853 kodak_dc20_coeff (float const juice)
854 {
855   static const float my_coeff[3][4] =
856   { {  2.25,  0.75, -1.75, -0.25 },
857     { -0.25,  0.75,  0.75, -0.25 },
858     { -0.25, -1.75,  0.75,  2.25 } };
859   static const float flat[3][4] =
860   { {  1, 0,   0,   0 },
861     {  0, 0.5, 0.5, 0 },
862     {  0, 0,   0,   1 } };
863   int r, g;
865   for (r=0; r < 3; r++)
866     for (g=0; g < 4; g++)
867       coeff[r][g] = my_coeff[r][g] * juice + flat[r][g] * (1-juice);
868   use_coeff = 1;
869 }
871 void
kodak_easy_load_raw(Image const image)872 kodak_easy_load_raw(Image const image)
873 {
874   unsigned char *pixel;
875   unsigned row, col, icol;
877   if (raw_width > width)
878     black = 0;
879   pixel = calloc (raw_width, sizeof *pixel);
880   merror (pixel, "kodak_easy_load_raw()");
881   for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
882     fread_nofail (pixel, 1, raw_width, ifp);
883     for (col=0; col < raw_width; col++) {
884       icol = col - left_margin;
885       if (icol < width)
886     BAYER(row,icol) = (unsigned short) curve[pixel[col]];
887       else
888     black += curve[pixel[col]];
889     }
890   }
891   free (pixel);
892   if (raw_width > width)
893     black /= (raw_width - width) * height;
894   if (!strncmp(model,"DC2",3))
895     black = 0;
896   maximum = curve[0xff];
897 }
899 void
kodak_compressed_load_raw(Image const image)900 kodak_compressed_load_raw(Image const image)
901 {
902   unsigned char c, blen[256];
903   unsigned short raw[6];
904   unsigned row, col, len, save, i, israw=0, bits=0, pred[2];
905   INT64 bitbuf=0;
906   int diff;
908   assert(have64BitArithmetic);
910   for (row=0; row < height; row++)
911     for (col=0; col < width; col++)
912     {
913       if ((col & 255) == 0) {       /* Get the bit-lengths of the */
914     len = width - col;      /* next 256 pixel values      */
915     if (len > 256) len = 256;
916     save = ftell_nofail(ifp);
917     for (israw=i=0; i < len; i+=2) {
918       c = fgetc_nofail(ifp);
919       if ((blen[i+0] = c & 15) > 12 ||
920           (blen[i+1] = c >> 4) > 12 )
921         israw = 1;
922     }
923     bitbuf = bits = pred[0] = pred[1] = 0;
924     if (len % 8 == 4) {
925       bitbuf  = fgetc_nofail(ifp) << 8;
926       bitbuf += fgetc_nofail(ifp);
927       bits = 16;
928     }
929     if (israw)
930       fseek_nofail (ifp, save, SEEK_SET);
931       }
932       if (israw) {          /* If the data is not compressed */
933     switch (col & 7) {
934       case 0:
935         read_shorts(ifp, raw, 6);
936         diff = raw[0] >> 12 << 8 | raw[2] >> 12 << 4 | raw[4] >> 12;
937         break;
938       case 1:
939         diff = raw[1] >> 12 << 8 | raw[3] >> 12 << 4 | raw[5] >> 12;
940         break;
941       default:
942         diff = raw[(col & 7) - 2] & 0xfff;
943     }
944       } else {              /* If the data is compressed */
945     len = blen[col & 255];      /* Number of bits for this pixel */
946     if (bits < len) {       /* Got enough bits in the buffer? */
947       for (i=0; i < 32; i+=8)
948         bitbuf += (INT64) fgetc_nofail(ifp) << (bits+(i^8));
949       bits += 32;
950     }
951     diff = bitbuf & (0xffff >> (16-len));  /* Pull bits from buffer */
952     bitbuf >>= len;
953     bits -= len;
954     if ((diff & (1 << (len-1))) == 0)
955       diff -= (1 << len) - 1;
956     pred[col & 1] += diff;
957     diff = pred[col & 1];
958       }
959       BAYER(row,col) = curve[diff];
960     }
961 }
963 void
kodak_yuv_load_raw(Image const image)964 kodak_yuv_load_raw(Image const image)
965 {
966   unsigned char c, blen[384];
967   unsigned row, col, len, bits=0;
968   INT64 bitbuf=0;
969   int i, li=0, si, diff, six[6], y[4], cb=0, cr=0, rgb[3];
970   unsigned short *ip;
972   assert(have64BitArithmetic);
974   for (row=0; row < height; row+=2)
975     for (col=0; col < width; col+=2) {
976       if ((col & 127) == 0) {
977     len = (width - col + 1) * 3 & -4;
978     if (len > 384) len = 384;
979     for (i=0; i < len; ) {
980       c = fgetc_nofail(ifp);
981       blen[i++] = c & 15;
982       blen[i++] = c >> 4;
983     }
984     li = bitbuf = bits = y[1] = y[3] = cb = cr = 0;
985     if (len % 8 == 4) {
986       bitbuf  = fgetc_nofail(ifp) << 8;
987       bitbuf += fgetc_nofail(ifp);
988       bits = 16;
989     }
990       }
991       for (si=0; si < 6; si++) {
992     len = blen[li++];
993     if (bits < len) {
994       for (i=0; i < 32; i+=8)
995         bitbuf += (INT64) fgetc_nofail(ifp) << (bits+(i^8));
996       bits += 32;
997     }
998     diff = bitbuf & (0xffff >> (16-len));
999     bitbuf >>= len;
1000     bits -= len;
1001     if ((diff & (1 << (len-1))) == 0)
1002       diff -= (1 << len) - 1;
1003     six[si] = diff;
1004       }
1005       y[0] = six[0] + y[1];
1006       y[1] = six[1] + y[0];
1007       y[2] = six[2] + y[3];
1008       y[3] = six[3] + y[2];
1009       cb  += six[4];
1010       cr  += six[5];
1011       for (i=0; i < 4; i++) {
1012     ip = image[(row+(i >> 1))*width + col+(i & 1)];
1013     rgb[0] = y[i] + cr;
1014     rgb[1] = y[i];
1015     rgb[2] = y[i] + cb;
1016     FORC3 if (rgb[c] > 0) ip[c] = curve[rgb[c]];
1017       }
1018     }
1019   maximum = 0xe74;
1020 }
sony_decrypt(unsigned * data,int len,int start,int key)1022 static void  sony_decrypt (unsigned *data, int len, int start, int key)
1023 {
1024   static uint32_t pad[128];
1025   unsigned int p;
1026   unsigned int i;
1028   if (start) {
1029     for (p=0; p < 4; p++)
1030       pad[p] = key = key * 48828125 + 1;
1031     pad[3] = pad[3] << 1 | (pad[0]^pad[2]) >> 31;
1032     for (p=4; p < 127; p++)
1033       pad[p] = (pad[p-4]^pad[p-2]) << 1 | (pad[p-3]^pad[p-1]) >> 31;
1035     /* Convert to big-endian */
1037     for (p=0; p < 127; p++) {
1038         union {
1039             unsigned char bytes[4];
1040             uint32_t word;
1041         } u;
1043         u.bytes[0] = pad[p] >> 24;
1044         u.bytes[1] = pad[p] >> 16;
1045         u.bytes[2] = pad[p] >>  8;
1046         u.bytes[3] = pad[p] >>  0;
1048         pad[p] = u.word;
1049     }
1050   }
1051   for (i = 0, p = 0; i < len; ++i, ++p) {
1052     *data++ ^= pad[p & 0x7f] = pad[(p+1) & 0x7f] ^ pad[(p+65) & 0x7f];
1053   }
1054 }
1056 void
sony_load_raw(Image const image)1057 sony_load_raw(Image const image)
1058 {
1059   unsigned char head[40];
1060   struct pixel {
1061       unsigned char bytes[2];
1062   };
1063   struct pixel * pixelrow;
1064   unsigned i, key, row, col;
1066   fseek_nofail (ifp, 200896, SEEK_SET);
1067   fseek_nofail (ifp, (unsigned) fgetc_nofail(ifp)*4 - 1, SEEK_CUR);
1068   order = 0x4d4d;
1069   key = get4(ifp);
1070   fseek_nofail (ifp, 164600, SEEK_SET);
1071   fread_nofail (head, 1, 40, ifp);
1072   sony_decrypt ((void *) head, 10, 1, key);
1073   for (i=26; i-- > 22; )
1074     key = key << 8 | head[i];
1075   fseek_nofail (ifp, data_offset, SEEK_SET);
1076   MALLOCARRAY(pixelrow, raw_width);
1077   merror (pixelrow, "sony_load_raw()");
1078   for (row=0; row < height; row++) {
1079     fread_nofail (pixelrow, 2, raw_width, ifp);
1080     sony_decrypt ((void *) pixelrow, raw_width/2, !row, key);
1081     for (col=9; col < left_margin; col++)
1082       black += pixelrow[col].bytes[0] * 256 + pixelrow[col].bytes[1];
1083     for (col=0; col < width; col++)
1084       BAYER(row,col) =
1085           pixelrow[col+left_margin].bytes[0] * 256 +
1086           pixelrow[col+left_margin].bytes[1];
1087   }
1088   free (pixelrow);
1089   if (left_margin > 9)
1090     black /= (left_margin-9) * height;
1091   maximum = 0x3ff0;
1092 }
1094 void
parse_minolta(FILE * const ifp)1095 parse_minolta(FILE * const ifp)
1096 {
1097   int save, tag, len, offset, high=0, wide=0;
1099   fseek_nofail (ifp, 4, SEEK_SET);
1100   offset = get4(ifp) + 8;
1101   while ((save=ftell_nofail(ifp)) < offset) {
1102     tag = get4(ifp);
1103     len = get4(ifp);
1104     switch (tag) {
1105       case 0x505244:                /* PRD */
1106     fseek_nofail (ifp, 8, SEEK_CUR);
1107     high = get2(ifp);
1108     wide = get2(ifp);
1109     break;
1110       case 0x574247:                /* WBG */
1111     get4(ifp);
1112     camera_red  = get2(ifp);
1113     camera_red /= get2(ifp);
1114     camera_blue = get2(ifp);
1115     camera_blue = get2(ifp) / camera_blue;
1116     break;
1117       case 0x545457:                /* TTW */
1118     parse_tiff(ifp, ftell_nofail(ifp));
1119     }
1120     fseek_nofail (ifp, save+len+8, SEEK_SET);
1121   }
1122   raw_height = high;
1123   raw_width  = wide;
1124   data_offset = offset;
1125 }
1127 /*
1128    CIFF block 0x1030 contains an 8x8 white sample.
1129    Load this into white[][] for use in scale_colors().
1130  */
ciff_block_1030()1131 static void  ciff_block_1030()
1132 {
1133   static const unsigned short key[] = { 0x410, 0x45f3 };
1134   int i, bpp, row, col, vbits=0;
1135   unsigned long bitbuf=0;
1137   get2(ifp);
1138   if (get4(ifp) != 0x80008) return;
1139   if (get4(ifp) == 0) return;
1140   bpp = get2(ifp);
1141   if (bpp != 10 && bpp != 12) return;
1142   for (i=row=0; row < 8; row++)
1143     for (col=0; col < 8; col++) {
1144       if (vbits < bpp) {
1145     bitbuf = bitbuf << 16 | (get2(ifp) ^ key[i++ & 1]);
1146     vbits += 16;
1147       }
1148       white[row][col] =
1149     bitbuf << (LONG_BIT - vbits) >> (LONG_BIT - bpp);
1150       vbits -= bpp;
1151     }
1152 }
1154 /*
1155    Parse a CIFF file, better known as Canon CRW format.
1156  */
1157 void
parse_ciff(FILE * const ifp,int const offset,int const length)1158 parse_ciff(FILE * const ifp,
1159            int    const offset,
1160            int    const length)
1161 {
1162   int tboff, nrecs, i, type, len, roff, aoff, save, wbi=-1;
1163   static const int remap[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,1 };
1164   static const int remap_10d[] = { 0,1,3,4,5,6,0,0,2,8 };
1165   static const int remap_s70[] = { 0,1,2,9,4,3,6,7,8,9,10,0,0,0,7,0,0,8 };
1166   unsigned short key[] = { 0x410, 0x45f3 };
1168   if (strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot G6") &&
1169       strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot S70") &&
1170       strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot Pro1"))
1171     key[0] = key[1] = 0;
1172   fseek_nofail (ifp, offset+length-4, SEEK_SET);
1173   tboff = get4(ifp) + offset;
1174   fseek_nofail (ifp, tboff, SEEK_SET);
1175   nrecs = get2(ifp);
1176   for (i = 0; i < nrecs; i++) {
1177     type = get2(ifp);
1178     len  = get4(ifp);
1179     roff = get4(ifp);
1180     aoff = offset + roff;
1181     save = ftell_nofail(ifp);
1182     if (type == 0x080a) {       /* Get the camera make and model */
1183       fseek_nofail (ifp, aoff, SEEK_SET);
1184       fread_nofail (make, 64, 1, ifp);
1185       fseek_nofail (ifp, aoff+strlen(make)+1, SEEK_SET);
1186       fread_nofail (model, 64, 1, ifp);
1187     }
1188     if (type == 0x102a) {       /* Find the White Balance index */
1189       fseek_nofail (ifp, aoff+14, SEEK_SET);   /* 0=auto, 1=daylight, 2=cloudy ... */
1190       wbi = get2(ifp);
1191       if (((!strcmp(model,"Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL") ||
1192         !strcmp(model,"Canon EOS 300D DIGITAL"))) && wbi == 6)
1193     wbi++;
1194     }
1195     if (type == 0x102c) {       /* Get white balance (G2) */
1196       if (!strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot G1") ||
1197       !strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot Pro90 IS")) {
1198     fseek_nofail (ifp, aoff+120, SEEK_SET);
1199     white[0][1] = get2(ifp);
1200     white[0][0] = get2(ifp);
1201     white[1][0] = get2(ifp);
1202     white[1][1] = get2(ifp);
1203       } else {
1204     fseek_nofail (ifp, aoff+100, SEEK_SET);
1205     goto common;
1206       }
1207     }
1208     if (type == 0x0032) {       /* Get white balance (D30 & G3) */
1209       if (!strcmp(model,"Canon EOS D30")) {
1210     fseek_nofail (ifp, aoff+72, SEEK_SET);
1211 common:
1212     camera_red   = get2(ifp) ^ key[0];
1213     camera_red   =(get2(ifp) ^ key[1]) / camera_red;
1214     camera_blue  = get2(ifp) ^ key[0];
1215     camera_blue /= get2(ifp) ^ key[1];
1216       } else if (!strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot G6") ||
1217          !strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot S70")) {
1218     fseek_nofail (ifp, aoff+96 + remap_s70[wbi]*8, SEEK_SET);
1219     goto common;
1220       } else if (!strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot Pro1")) {
1221     fseek_nofail (ifp, aoff+96 + wbi*8, SEEK_SET);
1222     goto common;
1223       } else {
1224     fseek_nofail (ifp, aoff+80 + (wbi < 6 ? remap[wbi]*8 : 0), SEEK_SET);
1225     if (!camera_red)
1226       goto common;
1227       }
1228     }
1229     if (type == 0x10a9) {       /* Get white balance (D60) */
1230       if (!strcmp(model,"Canon EOS 10D"))
1231     wbi = remap_10d[wbi];
1232       fseek_nofail (ifp, aoff+2 + wbi*8, SEEK_SET);
1233       camera_red  = get2(ifp);
1234       camera_red /= get2(ifp);
1235       camera_blue = get2(ifp);
1236       camera_blue = get2(ifp) / camera_blue;
1237     }
1238     if (type == 0x1030 && (wbi == 6 || wbi == 15)) {
1239       fseek_nofail (ifp, aoff, SEEK_SET);  /* Get white sample */
1240       ciff_block_1030();
1241     }
1242     if (type == 0x1031) {       /* Get the raw width and height */
1243       fseek_nofail (ifp, aoff+2, SEEK_SET);
1244       raw_width  = get2(ifp);
1245       raw_height = get2(ifp);
1246     }
1247     if (type == 0x180e) {       /* Get the timestamp */
1248       fseek_nofail (ifp, aoff, SEEK_SET);
1249       timestamp = get4(ifp);
1250     }
1251     if (type == 0x580e)
1252       timestamp = len;
1253     if (type == 0x1810) {       /* Get the rotation */
1254       fseek_nofail (ifp, aoff+12, SEEK_SET);
1255       flip = get4(ifp);
1256     }
1257     if (type == 0x1835) {       /* Get the decoder table */
1258       fseek_nofail (ifp, aoff, SEEK_SET);
1259       crw_init_tables (get4(ifp));
1260     }
1261     if (type >> 8 == 0x28 || type >> 8 == 0x30) /* Get sub-tables */
1262       parse_ciff(ifp, aoff, len);
1263     fseek_nofail (ifp, save, SEEK_SET);
1264   }
1265   if (wbi == 0 && !strcmp(model,"Canon EOS D30"))
1266     camera_red = -1;            /* Use my auto WB for this photo */
1267 }
1269 void
parse_rollei(FILE * const ifp)1270 parse_rollei(FILE * const ifp)
1271 {
1272   char line[128], *val;
1273   int tx=0, ty=0;
1274   struct tm t;
1275   time_t ts;
1277   fseek_nofail (ifp, 0, SEEK_SET);
1278   do {
1279     fgets_nofail (line, 128, ifp);
1280     if ((val = strchr(line,'=')))
1281       *val++ = 0;
1282     else
1283       val = line + strlen(line);
1284     if (!strcmp(line,"DAT"))
1285       sscanf (val, "%d.%d.%d", &t.tm_mday, &t.tm_mon, &t.tm_year);
1286     if (!strcmp(line,"TIM"))
1287       sscanf (val, "%d:%d:%d", &t.tm_hour, &t.tm_min, &t.tm_sec);
1288     if (!strcmp(line,"HDR"))
1289       data_offset = atoi(val);
1290     if (!strcmp(line,"X  "))
1291       raw_width = atoi(val);
1292     if (!strcmp(line,"Y  "))
1293       raw_height = atoi(val);
1294     if (!strcmp(line,"TX "))
1295       tx = atoi(val);
1296     if (!strcmp(line,"TY "))
1297       ty = atoi(val);
1298   } while (strncmp(line,"EOHD",4));
1299   t.tm_year -= 1900;
1300   t.tm_mon -= 1;
1301   putenv((char*)"TZ=");
1302   if ((ts = mktime(&t)) > 0)
1303     timestamp = ts;
1304   data_offset += tx * ty * 2;
1305   strcpy (make, "Rollei");
1306   strcpy (model,"d530flex");
1307 }
1311 void
parse_mos(FILE * const ifp,int const offset)1312 parse_mos(FILE * const ifp,
1313           int    const offset)
1314 {
1315     char data[40];
1316     int skip, from, i, neut[4];
1318     fseek_nofail (ifp, offset, SEEK_SET);
1319     while (1) {
1320         fread_nofail (data, 1, 8, ifp);
1321         if (strcmp(data,"PKTS")) break;
1322         fread_nofail (data, 1, 40, ifp);
1323         skip = get4(ifp);
1324         from = ftell_nofail(ifp);
1325         if (!strcmp(data,"NeutObj_neutrals")) {
1326             for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
1327                 fscanf (ifp, "%d", neut+i);
1328             camera_red  = (float) neut[2] / neut[1];
1329             camera_blue = (float) neut[2] / neut[3];
1330         }
1331         parse_mos(ifp, from);
1332         fseek_nofail (ifp, skip+from, SEEK_SET);
1333     }
1334 }
1336 void
nikon_e950_coeff()1337 nikon_e950_coeff()
1338 {
1339   int r, g;
1340   static const float my_coeff[3][4] =
1341   { { -1.936280,  1.800443, -1.448486,  2.584324 },
1342     {  1.405365, -0.524955, -0.289090,  0.408680 },
1343     { -1.204965,  1.082304,  2.941367, -1.818705 } };
1345   for (r=0; r < 3; r++)
1346     for (g=0; g < 4; g++)
1347       coeff[r][g] = my_coeff[r][g];
1348   use_coeff = 1;
1349 }
getrat()1353 static double getrat()
1354 {
1355   double num = get4(ifp);
1356   return num / get4(ifp);
1357 }
1361 static void
parse_makernote(FILE * const ifp)1362 parse_makernote(FILE * const ifp)
1363 {
1364   unsigned base=0, offset=0, entries, tag, type, len, save;
1365   static const int size[] = { 1,1,1,2,4,8,1,1,2,4,8,4,8 };
1366   short sorder;
1367   char buf[10];
1368 /*
1369    The MakerNote might have its own TIFF header (possibly with
1370    its own byte-order!), or it might just be a table.
1371  */
1372   sorder = order;
1373   fread_nofail (buf, 1, 10, ifp);
1374   if (!strncmp (buf,"KC" ,2) ||     /* these aren't TIFF format */
1375       !strncmp (buf,"MLY",3)) return;
1376   if (!strcmp (buf,"Nikon")) {
1377     base = ftell_nofail(ifp);
1378     order = get2(ifp);
1379     if (get2(ifp) != 42) goto quit;
1380     offset = get4(ifp);
1381     fseek_nofail (ifp, offset-8, SEEK_CUR);
1382   } else if (!strncmp (buf,"FUJIFILM",8) ||
1383          !strcmp  (buf,"Panasonic")) {
1384     order = 0x4949;
1385     fseek_nofail (ifp,  2, SEEK_CUR);
1386   } else if (!strcmp (buf,"OLYMP") ||
1387          !strcmp (buf,"LEICA") ||
1388          !strcmp (buf,"EPSON"))
1389     fseek_nofail (ifp, -2, SEEK_CUR);
1390   else if (!strcmp (buf,"AOC") ||
1391        !strcmp (buf,"QVC"))
1392     fseek_nofail (ifp, -4, SEEK_CUR);
1393   else fseek_nofail (ifp, -10, SEEK_CUR);
1395   entries = get2(ifp);
1396   while (entries--) {
1397     tag  = get2(ifp);
1398     type = get2(ifp);
1399     len  = get4(ifp);
1400     save = ftell_nofail(ifp);
1401     if (len * size[type < 13 ? type:0] > 4)
1402       fseek_nofail (ifp, get4(ifp)+base, SEEK_SET);
1404     if (tag == 0xc && len == 4) {
1405       camera_red  = getrat();
1406       camera_blue = getrat();
1407     }
1408     if (tag == 0x14 && len == 2560 && type == 7) {
1409       fseek_nofail (ifp, 1248, SEEK_CUR);
1410       goto get2_256;
1411     }
1412     if (strstr(make,"PENTAX")) {
1413       if (tag == 0x1b) tag = 0x1018;
1414       if (tag == 0x1c) tag = 0x1017;
1415     }
1416     if (tag == 0x8c)
1417       nikon_curve_offset = ftell_nofail(ifp) + 2112;
1418     if (tag == 0x96)
1419       nikon_curve_offset = ftell_nofail(ifp) + 2;
1420     if (tag == 0x97) {
1421       if (!strcmp(model,"NIKON D100 ")) {
1422     fseek_nofail (ifp, 72, SEEK_CUR);
1423     camera_red  = get2(ifp) / 256.0;
1424     camera_blue = get2(ifp) / 256.0;
1425       } else if (!strcmp(model,"NIKON D2H")) {
1426     fseek_nofail (ifp, 10, SEEK_CUR);
1427     goto get2_rggb;
1428       } else if (!strcmp(model,"NIKON D70")) {
1429     fseek_nofail (ifp, 20, SEEK_CUR);
1430     camera_red  = get2(ifp);
1431     camera_red /= get2(ifp);
1432     camera_blue = get2(ifp);
1433     camera_blue/= get2(ifp);
1434       }
1435     }
1436     if (tag == 0xe0 && len == 17) {
1437       get2(ifp);
1438       raw_width  = get2(ifp);
1439       raw_height = get2(ifp);
1440     }
1441     if (tag == 0x200 && len == 4)
1442       black = (get2(ifp)+get2(ifp)+get2(ifp)+get2(ifp))/4;
1443     if (tag == 0x201 && len == 4) {
1444       camera_red  = get2(ifp);
1445       camera_red /= get2(ifp);
1446       camera_blue = get2(ifp);
1447       camera_blue = get2(ifp) / camera_blue;
1448     }
1449     if (tag == 0x401 && len == 4) {
1450       black = (get4(ifp)+get4(ifp)+get4(ifp)+get4(ifp))/4;
1451     }
1452     if (tag == 0xe80 && len == 256 && type == 7) {
1453       fseek_nofail (ifp, 48, SEEK_CUR);
1454       camera_red  = get2(ifp) * 508 * 1.078 / 0x10000;
1455       camera_blue = get2(ifp) * 382 * 1.173 / 0x10000;
1456     }
1457     if (tag == 0xf00 && len == 614 && type == 7) {
1458       fseek_nofail (ifp, 188, SEEK_CUR);
1459       goto get2_256;
1460     }
1461     if (tag == 0x1017)
1462       camera_red  = get2(ifp) / 256.0;
1463     if (tag == 0x1018)
1464       camera_blue = get2(ifp) / 256.0;
1465     if (tag == 0x2011 && len == 2) {
1466 get2_256:
1467       order = 0x4d4d;
1468       camera_red  = get2(ifp) / 256.0;
1469       camera_blue = get2(ifp) / 256.0;
1470     }
1471     if (tag == 0x4001) {
1472       fseek_nofail (ifp, strstr(model,"EOS-1D") ? 68:50, SEEK_CUR);
1473 get2_rggb:
1474       camera_red  = get2(ifp);
1475       camera_red /= get2(ifp);
1476       camera_blue = get2(ifp);
1477       camera_blue = get2(ifp) / camera_blue;
1478     }
1479     fseek_nofail (ifp, save+4, SEEK_SET);
1480   }
1481 quit:
1482   order = sorder;
1483 }
1487 static void
get_timestamp(FILE * const ifp)1488 get_timestamp(FILE * const ifp)
1489 {
1490 /*
1491    Since the TIFF DateTime string has no timezone information,
1492    assume that the camera's clock was set to Universal Time.
1493  */
1494   struct tm t;
1495   time_t ts;
1497   if (fscanf (ifp, "%d:%d:%d %d:%d:%d", &t.tm_year, &t.tm_mon,
1498     &t.tm_mday, &t.tm_hour, &t.tm_min, &t.tm_sec) != 6)
1499     return;
1500   t.tm_year -= 1900;
1501   t.tm_mon -= 1;
1502   putenv((char*)"TZ=UTC");   /* Remove this to assume local time */
1503   if ((ts = mktime(&t)) > 0)
1504     timestamp = ts;
1505 }
1507 static void
parse_exif(FILE * const ifp,int base)1508 parse_exif(FILE * const ifp, int base)
1509 {
1510   int entries, tag, len, val, save;
1512   entries = get2(ifp);
1513   while (entries--) {
1514     tag  = get2(ifp);
1515     /* type = */ get2(ifp);
1516     len  = get4(ifp);
1517     val  = get4(ifp);
1518     save = ftell_nofail(ifp);
1519     fseek_nofail (ifp, base+val, SEEK_SET);
1520     if (tag == 0x9003 || tag == 0x9004)
1521       get_timestamp(ifp);
1522     if (tag == 0x927c) {
1523       if (!strncmp(make,"SONY",4))
1524     data_offset = base+val+len;
1525       else
1526     parse_makernote(ifp);
1527     }
1528     fseek_nofail (ifp, save, SEEK_SET);
1529   }
1530 }
1532 static int
parse_tiff_ifd(FILE * const ifp,int base,int level)1533 parse_tiff_ifd(FILE * const ifp, int base, int level)
1534 {
1535   unsigned entries, tag, type, len, plen=16, save;
1536   int done=0, use_cm=0, cfa, i, j, c;
1537   static const int size[] = { 1,1,1,2,4,8,1,1,2,4,8,4,8 };
1538   char software[64];
1539   static const int flip_map[] = { 0,1,3,2,4,6,7,5 };
1540   unsigned char cfa_pat[16], cfa_pc[] = { 0,1,2,3 }, tab[256];
1541   unsigned short scale[4];
1542   double dblack, cc[4][4], cm[4][3];
1543   double ab[]={ 1,1,1,1 }, asn[] = { 0,0,0,0 }, xyz[] = { 1,1,1 };
1545   for (j=0; j < 4; j++)
1546     for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
1547       cc[j][i] = i == j;
1548   entries = get2(ifp);
1549   if (entries > 512) return 1;
1550   while (entries--) {
1551     tag  = get2(ifp);
1552     type = get2(ifp);
1553     len  = get4(ifp);
1554     save = ftell_nofail(ifp);
1555     if (tag > 50700 && tag < 50800) done = 1;
1556     if (len * size[type < 13 ? type:0] > 4)
1557       fseek_nofail (ifp, get4(ifp)+base, SEEK_SET);
1558     switch (tag) {
1559       case 0x11:
1560     camera_red  = get4(ifp) / 256.0;
1561     break;
1562       case 0x12:
1563     camera_blue = get4(ifp) / 256.0;
1564     break;
1565       case 0x100:           /* ImageWidth */
1566     if (strcmp(make,"Canon") || level)
1567       raw_width = type==3 ? get2(ifp) : get4(ifp);
1568     break;
1569       case 0x101:           /* ImageHeight */
1570     if (strcmp(make,"Canon") || level)
1571       raw_height = type==3 ? get2(ifp) : get4(ifp);
1572     break;
1573       case 0x102:           /* Bits per sample */
1574     fuji_secondary = len == 2;
1575     if (level) maximum = (1 << get2(ifp)) - 1;
1576     break;
1577       case 0x103:           /* Compression */
1578     tiff_data_compression = get2(ifp);
1579     break;
1580       case 0x106:           /* Kodak color format */
1581     kodak_data_compression = get2(ifp);
1582     break;
1583       case 0x10f:           /* Make */
1584     fgets_nofail (make, 64, ifp);
1585     break;
1586       case 0x110:           /* Model */
1587     fgets_nofail (model, 64, ifp);
1588     break;
1589       case 0x111:           /* StripOffset */
1590     data_offset = get4(ifp);
1591     break;
1592       case 0x112:           /* Orientation */
1593     flip = flip_map[(get2(ifp)-1) & 7];
1594     break;
1595       case 0x115:           /* SamplesPerPixel */
1596     tiff_samples = get2(ifp);
1597     break;
1598       case 0x131:           /* Software tag */
1599     fgets_nofail (software, 64, ifp);
1600     if (!strncmp(software,"Adobe",5))
1601       make[0] = 0;
1602     break;
1603       case 0x132:           /* DateTime tag */
1604     get_timestamp(ifp);
1605     break;
1606       case 0x144:           /* TileOffsets */
1607     if (level) {
1608       data_offset = ftell_nofail(ifp);
1609     } else {
1610       strcpy (make, "Leaf");
1611       data_offset = get4(ifp);
1612     }
1613     break;
1614       case 0x14a:           /* SubIFD tag */
1615     if (len > 2 && !is_dng && !strcmp(make,"Kodak"))
1616         len = 2;
1617     while (len--) {
1618       i = ftell_nofail(ifp);
1619       fseek_nofail (ifp, get4(ifp)+base, SEEK_SET);
1620       if (parse_tiff_ifd(ifp, base, level+1)) break;
1621       fseek_nofail (ifp, i+4, SEEK_SET);
1622     }
1623     break;
1624       case 33405:           /* Model2 */
1625     fgets_nofail (model2, 64, ifp);
1626     break;
1627       case 33422:           /* CFAPattern */
1628     if ((plen=len) > 16) plen = 16;
1629     fread_nofail (cfa_pat, 1, plen, ifp);
1630     for (colors=cfa=i=0; i < plen; i++) {
1631       colors += !(cfa & (1 << cfa_pat[i]));
1632       cfa |= 1 << cfa_pat[i];
1633     }
1634     if (cfa == 070) memcpy (cfa_pc,"\003\004\005",3);   /* CMY */
1635     if (cfa == 072) memcpy (cfa_pc,"\005\003\004\001",4);   /* GMCY */
1636     goto guess_cfa_pc;
1637       case 34665:           /* EXIF tag */
1638     fseek_nofail (ifp, get4(ifp)+base, SEEK_SET);
1639     parse_exif(ifp, base);
1640     break;
1641       case 50706:           /* DNGVersion */
1642     is_dng = 1;
1643     if (flip == 7) flip = 4;    /* Adobe didn't read the TIFF spec. */
1644     break;
1645       case 50710:           /* CFAPlaneColor */
1646     if (len > 4) len = 4;
1647     colors = len;
1648     fread_nofail (cfa_pc, 1, colors, ifp);
1649 guess_cfa_pc:
1650     FORC4 tab[cfa_pc[c]] = c;
1651     for (i=16; i--; )
1652       filters = filters << 2 | tab[cfa_pat[i % plen]];
1653     break;
1654       case 50711:           /* CFALayout */
1655     if (get2(ifp) == 2) {
1656       fuji_width = (raw_width+1)/2;
1657       filters = 0x49494949;
1658     }
1659     break;
1660       case 0x123:
1661       case 0x90d:
1662       case 50712:           /* LinearizationTable */
1663     if (len > 0x1000)
1664         len = 0x1000;
1665     read_shorts(ifp, curve, len);
1666     for (i=len; i < 0x1000; i++)
1667       maximum = curve[i] = curve[i-1];
1668     break;
1669       case 50714:           /* BlackLevel */
1670       case 50715:           /* BlackLevelDeltaH */
1671       case 50716:           /* BlackLevelDeltaV */
1672     for (dblack=i=0; i < len; i++)
1673       dblack += getrat();
1674     black += dblack/len + 0.5;
1675     break;
1676       case 50717:           /* WhiteLevel */
1677     maximum = get2(ifp);
1678     break;
1679       case 50718:           /* DefaultScale */
1680     for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
1681       scale[i] = get4(ifp);
1682     if (scale[1]*scale[2] == 2*scale[0]*scale[3]) ymag = 2;
1683     break;
1684       case 50721:           /* ColorMatrix1 */
1685       case 50722:           /* ColorMatrix2 */
1686     FORC4 for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
1687       cm[c][j] = getrat();
1688     use_cm = 1;
1689     break;
1690       case 50723:           /* CameraCalibration1 */
1691       case 50724:           /* CameraCalibration2 */
1692     for (i=0; i < colors; i++)
1693       FORC4 cc[i][c] = getrat();
1694       case 50727:           /* AnalogBalance */
1695     FORC4 ab[c] = getrat();
1696     break;
1697       case 50728:           /* AsShotNeutral */
1698     FORC4 asn[c] = getrat();
1699     break;
1700       case 50729:           /* AsShotWhiteXY */
1701     xyz[0] = getrat();
1702     xyz[1] = getrat();
1703     xyz[2] = 1 - xyz[0] - xyz[1];
1704     }
1705     fseek_nofail (ifp, save+4, SEEK_SET);
1706   }
1707   for (i=0; i < colors; i++)
1708     FORC4 cc[i][c] *= ab[i];
1709   if (use_cm)
1710     dng_coeff (cc, cm, xyz);
1711   if (asn[0])
1712     FORC4 pre_mul[c] = 1 / asn[c];
1713   if (!use_cm)
1714     FORC4 pre_mul[c] /= cc[c][c];
1716   if (is_dng || level) return done;
1718   if ((raw_height & 1) && !strncmp (make,"OLYMPUS",7))
1719        raw_height++;
1721   if (make[0] == 0 && raw_width == 680 && raw_height == 680) {
1722     strcpy (make, "Imacon");
1723     strcpy (model,"Ixpress");
1724   }
1725   return done;
1726 }
1728 void
parse_tiff(FILE * const ifp,int base)1729 parse_tiff(FILE * const ifp, int base)
1730 {
1731   int doff;
1733   fseek_nofail (ifp, base, SEEK_SET);
1734   order = get2(ifp);
1735   if (order != 0x4949 && order != 0x4d4d) return;
1736   get2(ifp);
1737   while ((doff = get4(ifp))) {
1738     fseek_nofail (ifp, doff+base, SEEK_SET);
1739     if (parse_tiff_ifd(ifp, base, 0)) break;
1740   }
1741   if (!is_dng && !strncmp(make,"Kodak",5)) {
1742     fseek_nofail (ifp, 12+base, SEEK_SET);
1743     parse_tiff_ifd(ifp, base, 2);
1744   }
1745 }
1749 /*
1750    Many cameras have a "debug mode" that writes JPEG and raw
1751    at the same time.  The raw file has no header, so try to
1752    to open the matching JPEG file and read its metadata.
1753  */
1754 void
parse_external_jpeg(const char * const ifname)1755 parse_external_jpeg(const char * const ifname)
1756 {
1757     const char *file, *ext;
1758     char * jfile;
1759     char * jext;
1760     char * jname;
1762     ext  = strrchr (ifname, '.');
1763     file = strrchr (ifname, '/');
1764     if (!file) file = strrchr (ifname, '\\');
1765     if (!file) file = ifname-1;
1766     file++;
1767     if (strlen(ext) != 4 || ext-file != 8) return;
1768     jname = malloc (strlen(ifname) + 1);
1769     merror (jname, "parse_external()");
1770     strcpy (jname, ifname);
1771     jfile = jname + (file - ifname);
1772     jext  = jname + (ext  - ifname);
1773     if (!strcaseeq (ext, ".jpg")) {
1774         strcpy (jext, isupper(ext[1]) ? ".JPG":".jpg");
1775         memcpy (jfile, file+4, 4);
1776         memcpy (jfile+4, file, 4);
1777     } else
1778         while (isdigit(*--jext)) {
1779             if (*jext != '9') {
1780                 (*jext)++;
1781                 break;
1782             }
1783             *jext = '0';
1784         }
1785     if (strcmp (jname, ifname)) {
1786         FILE * ifP;
1787         ifP = fopen (jname, "rb");
1788         if (ifP) {
1789             if (verbose)
1790                 pm_message ("Reading metadata from %s...", jname);
1791             parse_tiff(ifP, 12);
1792             fclose (ifP);
1793         }
1794     }
1795     if (!timestamp)
1796         pm_message ( "Failed to read metadata from %s", jname);
1797     free (jname);
1798 }