1 /*
2  *  ip.c:		Computation of inner products
3  *
4  *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
5  *
6  *  This file is part of FIASCO (Fractal Image And Sequence COdec)
7  *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner
8  */
10 /*
11  *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
12  *  $Author: hafner $
13  *  $Revision: 5.1 $
14  *  $State: Exp $
15  */
17 #include "config.h"
19 #include "types.h"
20 #include "macros.h"
21 #include "error.h"
23 #include "cwfa.h"
24 #include "control.h"
25 #include "ip.h"
27 /*****************************************************************************
29 				prototypes
31 *****************************************************************************/
33 static real_t
34 standard_ip_image_state (unsigned address, unsigned level, unsigned domain,
35 			 const coding_t *c);
36 static real_t
37 standard_ip_state_state (unsigned domain1, unsigned domain2, unsigned level,
38 			 const coding_t *c);
40 /*****************************************************************************
42 				public code
44 *****************************************************************************/
46 real_t
get_ip_image_state(unsigned image,unsigned address,unsigned level,unsigned domain,const coding_t * c)47 get_ip_image_state (unsigned image, unsigned address, unsigned level,
48 		    unsigned domain, const coding_t *c)
49 /*
50  *  Return value:
51  *	Inner product between 'image' ('address') and
52  *      'domain' at given 'level'
53  */
54 {
55    if (level <= c->options.images_level)
56    {
57       /*
58        *  Compute the inner product in the standard way by multiplying
59        *  the pixel-values of the given domain and range image.
60        */
61       return standard_ip_image_state (address, level, domain, c);
62    }
63    else
64    {
65       /*
66        *  Use the already computed inner products stored in 'ip_images_states'
67        */
68       return c->ip_images_state [domain][image];
69    }
70 }
72 void
compute_ip_images_state(unsigned image,unsigned address,unsigned level,unsigned n,unsigned from,const wfa_t * wfa,coding_t * c)73 compute_ip_images_state (unsigned image, unsigned address, unsigned level,
74 			 unsigned n, unsigned from,
75 			 const wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c)
76 /*
77  *  Compute the inner products between all states
78  *  'from', ... , 'wfa->max_states' and the range images 'image'
79  *  (and children) up to given level.
80  *
81  *  No return value.
82  *
83  *  Side effects:
84  *	inner product tables 'c->ip_images_states' are updated
85  */
86 {
87    if (level > c->options.images_level)
88    {
89       unsigned state, label;
91       if (level > c->options.images_level + 1)	/* recursive computation */
92 	 compute_ip_images_state (MAXLABELS * image + 1, address * MAXLABELS,
93 				  level - 1, MAXLABELS * n, from, wfa, c);
95       /*
96        *  Compute inner product <f, Phi_i>
97        */
98       for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
99 	 for (state = from; state < wfa->states; state++)
100 	    if (need_image (state, wfa))
101 	    {
102 	       unsigned  edge, count;
103 	       int     	 domain;
104 	       real_t 	*dst, *src;
106 	       if (ischild (domain = wfa->tree [state][label]))
107 	       {
108 		  if (level > c->options.images_level + 1)
109 		  {
110 		     dst = c->ip_images_state [state] + image;
111 		     src = c->ip_images_state [domain]
112 			   + image * MAXLABELS + label + 1;
113 		     for (count = n; count; count--, src += MAXLABELS)
114 			*dst++ += *src;
115 		  }
116 		  else
117 		  {
118 		     unsigned newadr = address * MAXLABELS + label;
120 		     dst = c->ip_images_state [state] + image;
122 		     for (count = n; count; count--, newadr += MAXLABELS)
123 			*dst++ += standard_ip_image_state (newadr, level - 1,
124 							   domain, c);
125 		  }
126 	       }
127 	       for (edge = 0; isedge (domain = wfa->into [state][label][edge]);
128 		    edge++)
129 	       {
130 		  real_t weight = wfa->weight [state][label][edge];
132 		  if (level > c->options.images_level + 1)
133 		  {
134 		     dst = c->ip_images_state [state] + image;
135 		     src = c->ip_images_state [domain]
136 			   + image * MAXLABELS + label + 1;
137 		     for (count = n; count; count--, src += MAXLABELS)
138 			*dst++ += *src * weight;
139 		  }
140 		  else
141 		  {
142 		     unsigned newadr = address * MAXLABELS + label;
144 		     dst = c->ip_images_state [state] + image;
146 		     for (count = n; count; count--, newadr += MAXLABELS)
147 			*dst++ += weight *
148 				  standard_ip_image_state (newadr, level - 1,
149 							   domain, c);
150 		  }
151 	       }
152 	    }
153    }
154 }
156 real_t
get_ip_state_state(unsigned domain1,unsigned domain2,unsigned level,const coding_t * c)157 get_ip_state_state (unsigned domain1, unsigned domain2, unsigned level,
158 		    const coding_t *c)
159 /*
160  *  Return value:
161  *	Inner product between 'domain1' and 'domain2' at given 'level'.
162  */
163 {
164    if (level <= c->options.images_level)
165    {
166       /*
167        *  Compute the inner product in the standard way by multiplying
168        *  the pixel-values of both state-images
169        */
170       return standard_ip_state_state (domain1, domain2, level, c);
171    }
172    else
173    {
174       /*
175        *  Use already computed inner products stored in 'ip_images_states'
176        */
177       if (domain2 < domain1)
178 	 return c->ip_states_state [domain1][level][domain2];
179       else
180 	 return c->ip_states_state [domain2][level][domain1];
181    }
182 }
184 void
compute_ip_states_state(unsigned from,unsigned to,const wfa_t * wfa,coding_t * c)185 compute_ip_states_state (unsigned from, unsigned to,
186 			 const wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c)
187 /*
188  *  Computes the inner products between the current state 'state1' and the
189  *  old states 0,...,'state1'-1
190  *
191  *  No return value.
192  *
193  *  Side effects:
194  *	inner product tables 'c->ip_states_state' are computed.
195  */
196 {
197    unsigned level;
198    unsigned state1, state2;
200    /*
201     *  Compute inner product <Phi_state1, Phi_state2>
202     */
204    for (level = c->options.images_level + 1;
205 	level <= c->options.lc_max_level; level++)
206       for (state1 = from; state1 <= to; state1++)
207 	 for (state2 = 0; state2 <= state1; state2++)
208 	    if (need_image (state2, wfa))
209 	    {
210 	       unsigned	label;
211 	       real_t	ip = 0;
213 	       for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
214 	       {
215 		  int	   domain1, domain2;
216 		  unsigned edge1, edge2;
217 		  real_t   sum, weight2;
219 		  if (ischild (domain1 = wfa->tree [state1][label]))
220 		  {
221 		     sum = 0;
222 		     if (ischild (domain2 = wfa->tree [state2][label]))
223 			sum = get_ip_state_state (domain1, domain2,
224 						  level - 1, c);
226 		     for (edge2 = 0;
227 			  isedge (domain2 = wfa->into [state2][label][edge2]);
228 			  edge2++)
229 		     {
230 			weight2 = wfa->weight [state2][label][edge2];
231 			sum += weight2 * get_ip_state_state (domain1, domain2,
232 							     level - 1, c);
233 		     }
234 		     ip += sum;
235 		  }
236 		  for (edge1 = 0;
237 		       isedge (domain1 = wfa->into [state1][label][edge1]);
238 		       edge1++)
239 		  {
240 		     real_t weight1 = wfa->weight [state1][label][edge1];
242 		     sum = 0;
243 		     if (ischild (domain2 = wfa->tree [state2][label]))
244 			sum = get_ip_state_state (domain1, domain2,
245 						  level - 1, c);
247 		     for (edge2 = 0;
248 			  isedge (domain2 = wfa->into [state2][label][edge2]);
249 			  edge2++)
250 		     {
251 			weight2 = wfa->weight [state2][label][edge2];
252 			sum += weight2 * get_ip_state_state (domain1, domain2,
253 							     level - 1, c);
254 		     }
255 		     ip += weight1 * sum;
256 		  }
257 	       }
258 	       c->ip_states_state [state1][level][state2] = ip;
259 	    }
260 }
262 /*****************************************************************************
264 				private code
266 *****************************************************************************/
268 static real_t
standard_ip_image_state(unsigned address,unsigned level,unsigned domain,const coding_t * c)269 standard_ip_image_state (unsigned address, unsigned level, unsigned domain,
270 			 const coding_t *c)
271 /*
272  *  Returns the inner product between the subimage 'address' and the
273  *  state image 'domain' at given 'level'.  The stored state images
274  *  and the image tree are used to compute the inner product in the
275  *  standard way by multiplying the corresponding pixel values.
276  *
277  *  Return value:
278  *	computed inner product
279  */
280 {
281    unsigned i;
282    real_t   ip = 0, *imageptr, *stateptr;
284    if (level > c->options.images_level)
285       error ("We cannot interpret a Level %d image.", level);
287    imageptr = &c->pixels [address * size_of_level (level)];
289    stateptr = c->images_of_state [domain] + address_of_level (level);
291    for (i = size_of_level (level); i; i--)
292       ip += *imageptr++ * *stateptr++;
294    return ip;
295 }
297 static real_t
standard_ip_state_state(unsigned domain1,unsigned domain2,unsigned level,const coding_t * c)298 standard_ip_state_state (unsigned domain1, unsigned domain2, unsigned level,
299 			 const coding_t *c)
300 /*
301  *  Returns the inner product between the subimage 'address' and the
302  *  state image 'state' at given 'level'.  The stored state images are
303  *  used to compute the inner product in the standard way by
304  *  multiplying the corresponding pixel values.
305  *
306  *  Return value:
307  *	computed inner product
308  */
309 {
310    unsigned i;
311    real_t   ip = 0, *state1ptr, *state2ptr;
313    if (level > c->options.images_level)
314       error ("We cannot interpret and image with Level %d.", level);
316    state1ptr = c->images_of_state [domain1] + address_of_level (level);
317    state2ptr = c->images_of_state [domain2] + address_of_level (level);
319    for (i = size_of_level (level); i; i--)
320       ip += *state1ptr++ * *state2ptr++;
322    return ip;
323 }