1 /*
2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 This source file is part of OGRE
4     (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
5 For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/
7 Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Torus Knot Software Ltd
8 Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
10 You may use this sample code for anything you like, it is not covered by the
11 same license as the rest of the engine.
12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 */
15 #ifndef _CompositorDemo_H_
16 #define _CompositorDemo_H_
18 #include "OgreConfigFile.h"
19 #include "OgreStringConverter.h"
20 #include "OgreException.h"
22 #include "SdkSample.h"
23 #include "SamplePlugin.h"
25 using namespace Ogre;
26 using namespace OgreBites;
30 class _OgreSampleClassExport Sample_Compositor : public SdkSample
31 {
32 public:
33 	Sample_Compositor();
35     void setupContent(void);
36     void cleanupContent(void);
37     StringVector getRequiredPlugins();
39 	bool frameRenderingQueued(const FrameEvent& evt);
41 	void checkBoxToggled(OgreBites::CheckBox * box);
42 	void buttonHit(OgreBites::Button* button);
43 	void itemSelected(OgreBites::SelectMenu* menu);
45 protected:
47 	void setupView(void);
48 	void setupControls(void);
49     void setupScene(void);
50     void createEffects(void);
51 	void createTextures(void);
53 	void registerCompositors();
54 	void changePage(size_t pageNum);
56 	SceneNode * mSpinny;
57 	StringVector mCompositorNames;
58 	size_t mActiveCompositorPage;
59 	size_t mNumCompositorPages;
61 	//Used to unregister compositor logics and free memory
62 	typedef map<String, CompositorLogic*>::type CompositorLogicMap;
63 	CompositorLogicMap mCompositorLogics;
65 	String mDebugCompositorName;
66 	SelectMenu* mDebugTextureSelectMenu;
67 	TextureUnitState* mDebugTextureTUS;
69 };
71 /**
72     @file
73         Compositor.cpp
74     @brief
75         Shows OGRE's Compositor feature
76 	@author
77 		W.J. :wumpus: van der Laan
78 			Ogre compositor framework
79 		Manuel Bua
80 			Postfilter ideas and original out-of-core implementation
81         Jeff (nfz) Doyle
82             added gui framework to demo
83 */
85 #include <Ogre.h>
87 #include "HelperLogics.h"
89 /*************************************************************************
90 	                    Sample_Compositor Methods
91 *************************************************************************/
Sample_Compositor()92 Sample_Compositor::Sample_Compositor()
93 {
94 	mInfo["Title"] = "Compositor";
95 	mInfo["Description"] = "A demo of Ogre's post-processing framework.";
96 	mInfo["Thumbnail"] = "thumb_comp.png";
97 	mInfo["Category"] = "Effects";
98 }
99 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupView()100 void Sample_Compositor::setupView()
101 {
102 	SdkSample::setupView();
103     mCamera->setPosition(Ogre::Vector3(0,0,0));
104     mCamera->lookAt(Ogre::Vector3(0,0,-300));
105     mCamera->setNearClipDistance(1);
106 }
107 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupContent(void)108 void Sample_Compositor::setupContent(void)
109 {
110 	// Register the compositor logics
111 	// See comment in beginning of HelperLogics.h for explanation
112 	Ogre::CompositorManager& compMgr = Ogre::CompositorManager::getSingleton();
113 	mCompositorLogics["GaussianBlur"]	= new GaussianBlurLogic;
114 	mCompositorLogics["HDR"]			= new HDRLogic;
115 	mCompositorLogics["HeatVision"]		= new HeatVisionLogic;
116 	compMgr.registerCompositorLogic("GaussianBlur", mCompositorLogics["GaussianBlur"]);
117 	compMgr.registerCompositorLogic("HDR", mCompositorLogics["HDR"]);
118 	compMgr.registerCompositorLogic("HeatVision", mCompositorLogics["HeatVision"]);
120 	createTextures();
121     /// Create a couple of hard coded postfilter effects as an example of how to do it
122 	/// but the preferred method is to use compositor scripts.
123 	createEffects();
125 	setupScene();
127 	registerCompositors();
129 	setupControls();
132 	setDragLook(true);
133 #endif
134 }
getRequiredPlugins()135 StringVector Sample_Compositor::getRequiredPlugins()
136 {
137     StringVector names;
138     if (!GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().isSyntaxSupported("glsles") && !GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().isSyntaxSupported("glsl150"))
139         names.push_back("Cg Program Manager");
140     return names;
141 }
142 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
registerCompositors(void)143 void Sample_Compositor::registerCompositors(void)
144 {
145 	Ogre::Viewport *vp = mViewport;
147     //iterate through Compositor Managers resources and add name keys to menu
148     Ogre::CompositorManager::ResourceMapIterator resourceIterator =
149         Ogre::CompositorManager::getSingleton().getResourceIterator();
151     // add all compositor resources to the view container
152     while (resourceIterator.hasMoreElements())
153     {
154         Ogre::ResourcePtr resource = resourceIterator.getNext();
155         const Ogre::String& compositorName = resource->getName();
156         // Don't add base Ogre/Scene compositor to view
157         if (Ogre::StringUtil::startsWith(compositorName, "Ogre/Scene/", false))
158             continue;
159 		// Don't add the deferred shading compositors, thats a different demo.
160 		if (Ogre::StringUtil::startsWith(compositorName, "DeferredShading", false))
161 			continue;
162 		// Don't add the SSAO compositors, thats a different demo.
163 		if (Ogre::StringUtil::startsWith(compositorName, "SSAO", false))
164 			continue;
165 		// Don't add the TestMRT compositor, it needs extra scene setup so doesn't currently work.
166 		if (Ogre::StringUtil::startsWith(compositorName, "TestMRT", false))
167 			continue;
169 		mCompositorNames.push_back(compositorName);
170 		int addPosition = -1;
171 		if (compositorName == "HDR")
172 		{
173 			// HDR must be first in the chain
174 			addPosition = 0;
175 		}
176 		try
177 		{
178 			Ogre::CompositorManager::getSingleton().addCompositor(vp, compositorName, addPosition);
179 			Ogre::CompositorManager::getSingleton().setCompositorEnabled(vp, compositorName, false);
180 		} catch (...) {
181 			/// Warn user
182 			LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Could not load compositor " + compositorName, LML_CRITICAL);
183 		}
184     }
186 	mNumCompositorPages = (mCompositorNames.size() / COMPOSITORS_PER_PAGE) +
187 		((mCompositorNames.size() % COMPOSITORS_PER_PAGE == 0) ? 0 : 1);
188 }
189 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
changePage(size_t pageNum)190 void Sample_Compositor::changePage(size_t pageNum)
191 {
192 	assert(pageNum < mNumCompositorPages);
194 	mActiveCompositorPage = pageNum;
195 	size_t maxCompositorsInPage = mCompositorNames.size() - (pageNum * COMPOSITORS_PER_PAGE);
196 	for (size_t i=0; i < COMPOSITORS_PER_PAGE; i++)
197 	{
198 		String checkBoxName = "Compositor_" + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(i);
199 		CheckBox* cb = static_cast<CheckBox*>(mTrayMgr->getWidget(TL_TOPLEFT, checkBoxName));
200 		if (i < maxCompositorsInPage)
201 		{
202 			String compositorName = mCompositorNames[pageNum * COMPOSITORS_PER_PAGE + i];
203 			CompositorInstance *tmpCompo = CompositorManager::getSingleton().getCompositorChain(mViewport)
204 				->getCompositor(compositorName);
206 			cb->setCaption(compositorName);
208 			if( tmpCompo )
209 			{
210 				cb->setChecked( tmpCompo->getEnabled(), false );
211 				cb->show();
212 			}
213 			else
214 			{
215 				cb->setChecked( false, false );
216 				cb->hide();
217 			}
219 		}
220 		else
221 		{
222 			cb->hide();
223 		}
224 	}
226 	OgreBites::Button* pageButton = static_cast<OgreBites::Button*>(mTrayMgr->getWidget(TL_TOPLEFT, "PageButton"));
227 	Ogre::StringStream ss;
228 	ss << "Compositors " << pageNum + 1 << "/" << mNumCompositorPages;
229 	pageButton->setCaption(ss.str());
230 }
231 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cleanupContent(void)232 void Sample_Compositor::cleanupContent(void)
233 {
234 	mDebugTextureTUS->setContentType(TextureUnitState::CONTENT_NAMED);
235 	CompositorManager::getSingleton().removeCompositorChain(mViewport);
236 	mCompositorNames.clear();
238     TextureManager::getSingleton().remove("DitherTex");
239     TextureManager::getSingleton().remove("HalftoneVolume");
241 	Ogre::CompositorManager& compMgr = Ogre::CompositorManager::getSingleton();
242 	CompositorLogicMap::const_iterator itor = mCompositorLogics.begin();
243 	CompositorLogicMap::const_iterator end  = mCompositorLogics.end();
244 	while( itor != end )
245 	{
246 		compMgr.unregisterCompositorLogic( itor->first );
247 		delete itor->second;
248 		++itor;
249 	}
250 	mCompositorLogics.clear();
251     MeshManager::getSingleton().remove("Myplane");
252 }
253 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupControls(void)254 void Sample_Compositor::setupControls(void)
255 {
256 	mTrayMgr->createButton(TL_TOPLEFT, "PageButton", "Compositors", 175);
258 	for (size_t i=0; i < COMPOSITORS_PER_PAGE; i++)
259 	{
260 		String checkBoxName = "Compositor_" + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(i);
261 		CheckBox* cb = mTrayMgr->createCheckBox(TL_TOPLEFT, checkBoxName, "Compositor", 175);
262 		cb->hide();
263 	}
265 	changePage(0);
267 	mDebugTextureSelectMenu = mTrayMgr->createThickSelectMenu(TL_TOPRIGHT, "DebugRTTSelectMenu", "Debug RTT", 180, 5);
268 	mDebugTextureSelectMenu->addItem("None");
270 	mTrayMgr->createSeparator(TL_TOPRIGHT, "DebugRTTSep1");  // this is a hack to give the debug RTT a bit more room
272 	DecorWidget* debugRTTPanel = mTrayMgr->createDecorWidget(TL_NONE, "DebugRTTPanel", "SdkTrays/Picture");
273 	OverlayContainer* debugRTTContainer = (OverlayContainer*)debugRTTPanel->getOverlayElement();
274 	mDebugTextureTUS = debugRTTContainer->getMaterial()->getBestTechnique()->getPass(0)->getTextureUnitState(0);
275 	//mDebugTextureTUS->setTextureName("CompositorDemo/DebugView");
276 	debugRTTContainer->setDimensions(128, 128);
277 	debugRTTContainer->getChild("DebugRTTPanel/PictureFrame")->setDimensions(144, 144);
278 	debugRTTPanel->hide();
280 	mTrayMgr->createSeparator(TL_TOPRIGHT, "DebugRTTSep2");  // this is a hack to give the debug RTT a bit more room
282 	mTrayMgr->showCursor();
283 	mTrayMgr->showLogo(TL_BOTTOMLEFT);
284 	mTrayMgr->toggleAdvancedFrameStats();
285 }
286 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
checkBoxToggled(OgreBites::CheckBox * box)287 void Sample_Compositor::checkBoxToggled(OgreBites::CheckBox * box)
288 {
289 	if (Ogre::StringUtil::startsWith(box->getName(), "Compositor_", false))
290 	{
291 		String compositorName = box->getCaption();
293 		String activeTex = mDebugTextureSelectMenu->getSelectedItem();
295 		if (!box->isChecked())
296 		{
297 			//Remove the items from the debug menu and remove debug texture if from disabled compositor
298 			bool debuggingRemovedTex = StringUtil::startsWith(activeTex, compositorName, false);
299 			if (debuggingRemovedTex)
300 			{
301 				mDebugTextureTUS->setContentType(TextureUnitState::CONTENT_NAMED);
302 				mDebugTextureSelectMenu->selectItem(0, true);
303 			}
304 			for (unsigned int i = 1; i < mDebugTextureSelectMenu->getNumItems(); i++)
305 			{
306 				if (StringUtil::startsWith(mDebugTextureSelectMenu->getItems()[i], compositorName, false))
307 				{
308 					mDebugTextureSelectMenu->removeItem(i);
309 					i--;
310 				}
311 			}
312 			if (!debuggingRemovedTex)
313 			{
314 				//Selection clears itself when removing items. Restore.
315 				mDebugTextureSelectMenu->selectItem(activeTex, false);
316 			}
317 		}
319 		CompositorManager::getSingleton().setCompositorEnabled(mViewport, compositorName, box->isChecked());
322 		if (box->isChecked())
323 		{
324 			//Add the items to the selectable texture menu
325 			CompositorInstance* instance = CompositorManager::getSingleton().getCompositorChain(mViewport)->getCompositor(compositorName);
326 			if (instance)
327 			{
328 				CompositionTechnique::TextureDefinitionIterator it = instance->getTechnique()->getTextureDefinitionIterator();
329 				while (it.hasMoreElements())
330 				{
331 					CompositionTechnique::TextureDefinition* texDef = it.getNext();
332 					size_t numTextures = texDef->formatList.size();
333 					if (numTextures > 1)
334 					{
335 						for (size_t i=0; i<numTextures; i++)
336 						{
337 							//Dirty string composition. NOT ROBUST!
338 							mDebugTextureSelectMenu->addItem(compositorName + ";" + texDef->name + ";" +
339 								Ogre::StringConverter::toString((Ogre::uint32)i));
340 						}
341 					}
342 					else
343 					{
344 						mDebugTextureSelectMenu->addItem(compositorName + ";" + texDef->name);
345 					}
346 				}
347 				mDebugTextureSelectMenu->selectItem(activeTex, false);
348 			}
349 		}
350 	}
351 }
352 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
buttonHit(OgreBites::Button * button)353 void Sample_Compositor::buttonHit(OgreBites::Button* button)
354 {
355 	size_t nextPage = (mActiveCompositorPage + 1) % mNumCompositorPages;
356 	changePage(nextPage);
357 }
358 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
itemSelected(OgreBites::SelectMenu * menu)359 void Sample_Compositor::itemSelected(OgreBites::SelectMenu* menu)
360 {
361 	if (menu->getSelectionIndex() == 0)
362 	{
363 		mDebugTextureTUS->setContentType(TextureUnitState::CONTENT_NAMED);
364 		mTrayMgr->getWidget("DebugRTTPanel")->hide();
365 		mTrayMgr->removeWidgetFromTray("DebugRTTPanel");
366 		return;
367 	}
369 	mTrayMgr->getWidget("DebugRTTPanel")->show();
370 	mTrayMgr->moveWidgetToTray("DebugRTTPanel", TL_TOPRIGHT, static_cast<unsigned int>(mTrayMgr->getNumWidgets(TL_TOPRIGHT) - 1));
371 	StringVector parts = StringUtil::split(menu->getSelectedItem(), ";");
372 	mDebugTextureTUS->setContentType(TextureUnitState::CONTENT_COMPOSITOR);
374 	if (parts.size() == 2)
375 	{
376 		mDebugTextureTUS->setCompositorReference(parts[0], parts[1]);
377 	}
378 	else
379 	{
380 		mDebugTextureTUS->setCompositorReference(parts[0], parts[1],
381 			StringConverter::parseUnsignedInt(parts[2]));
382 	}
383 }
384 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupScene(void)385 void Sample_Compositor::setupScene(void)
386 {
387 	mSceneMgr->setShadowTechnique(Ogre::SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_MODULATIVE);
388 	mSceneMgr->setShadowFarDistance(1000);
390 	Ogre::MovableObject::setDefaultVisibilityFlags(0x00000001);
392 	// Set ambient light
393 	mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(Ogre::ColourValue(0.3, 0.3, 0.2));
395 	Ogre::Light* l = mSceneMgr->createLight("Light2");
396 	Ogre::Vector3 dir(-1,-1,0);
397 	dir.normalise();
398 	l->setType(Ogre::Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL);
399 	l->setDirection(dir);
400 	l->setDiffuseColour(1, 1, 0.8);
401 	l->setSpecularColour(1, 1, 1);
404 	Ogre::Entity* pEnt;
406 	// House
407 	pEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "1", "tudorhouse.mesh" );
408 	Ogre::SceneNode* n1 = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(Ogre::Vector3(350, 450, -200));
409 	n1->attachObject( pEnt );
411 	pEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "2", "tudorhouse.mesh" );
412 	Ogre::SceneNode* n2 = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(Ogre::Vector3(-350, 450, -200));
413 	n2->attachObject( pEnt );
415 	pEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "3", "knot.mesh" );
416 	mSpinny = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(Ogre::Vector3(0, 0, 300));
417 	mSpinny->attachObject( pEnt );
418 	pEnt->setMaterialName("Examples/MorningCubeMap");
420 	mSceneMgr->setSkyBox(true, "Examples/MorningSkyBox");
423 	Ogre::Plane plane;
424 	plane.normal = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y;
425 	plane.d = 100;
426 	Ogre::MeshManager::getSingleton().createPlane("Myplane",
427 		Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, plane,
428 		1500, 1500, 10, 10, true, 1, 5, 5, Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z);
429 	Ogre::Entity* pPlaneEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "plane", "Myplane" );
430 	pPlaneEnt->setMaterialName("Examples/Rockwall");
431 	pPlaneEnt->setCastShadows(false);
432 	mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode()->attachObject(pPlaneEnt);
434 	mCamera->setPosition(-400, 50, 900);
435 	mCamera->lookAt(0,80,0);
436 }
437 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
frameRenderingQueued(const FrameEvent & evt)438 bool Sample_Compositor::frameRenderingQueued(const FrameEvent& evt)
439 {
440 	mSpinny->yaw(Ogre::Degree(10 * evt.timeSinceLastFrame));
441 	return SdkSample::frameRenderingQueued(evt);
442 }
443 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
444 /// Create the hard coded postfilter effects
createEffects(void)445 void Sample_Compositor::createEffects(void)
446 {
447 	    // Bloom compositor is loaded from script but here is the hard coded equivalent
448 //		CompositorPtr comp = CompositorManager::getSingleton().create(
449 //				"Bloom", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME
450 //			);
451 //		{
452 //			CompositionTechnique *t = comp->createTechnique();
453 //			{
454 //				CompositionTechnique::TextureDefinition *def = t->createTextureDefinition("rt0");
455 //				def->width = 128;
456 //				def->height = 128;
457 //				def->format = PF_A8R8G8B8;
458 //			}
459 //			{
460 //				CompositionTechnique::TextureDefinition *def = t->createTextureDefinition("rt1");
461 //				def->width = 128;
462 //				def->height = 128;
463 //				def->format = PF_A8R8G8B8;
464 //			}
465 //			{
466 //				CompositionTargetPass *tp = t->createTargetPass();
467 //				tp->setInputMode(CompositionTargetPass::IM_PREVIOUS);
468 //				tp->setOutputName("rt1");
469 //			}
470 //			{
471 //				CompositionTargetPass *tp = t->createTargetPass();
472 //				tp->setInputMode(CompositionTargetPass::IM_NONE);
473 //				tp->setOutputName("rt0");
474 //				CompositionPass *pass = tp->createPass();
475 //				pass->setType(CompositionPass::PT_RENDERQUAD);
476 //				pass->setMaterialName("Ogre/Compositor/Blur0");
477 //				pass->setInput(0, "rt1");
478 //			}
479 //			{
480 //				CompositionTargetPass *tp = t->createTargetPass();
481 //				tp->setInputMode(CompositionTargetPass::IM_NONE);
482 //				tp->setOutputName("rt1");
483 //				CompositionPass *pass = tp->createPass();
484 //				pass->setType(CompositionPass::PT_RENDERQUAD);
485 //				pass->setMaterialName("Ogre/Compositor/Blur1");
486 //				pass->setInput(0, "rt0");
487 //			}
488 //			{
489 //				CompositionTargetPass *tp = t->getOutputTargetPass();
490 //				tp->setInputMode(CompositionTargetPass::IM_PREVIOUS);
491 //				{ CompositionPass *pass = tp->createPass();
492 //				pass->setType(CompositionPass::PT_RENDERQUAD);
493 //				pass->setMaterialName("Ogre/Compositor/BloomBlend");
494 //				pass->setInput(0, "rt1");
495 //				}
496 //			}
497 //		}
498 	    // Glass compositor is loaded from script but here is the hard coded equivalent
499 		/// Glass effect
500 //		CompositorPtr comp2 = CompositorManager::getSingleton().create(
501 //				"Glass", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME
502 //			);
503 //		{
504 //			CompositionTechnique *t = comp2->createTechnique();
505 //			{
506 //				CompositionTechnique::TextureDefinition *def = t->createTextureDefinition("rt0");
507 //				def->width = 0;
508 //				def->height = 0;
509 //				def->format = PF_R8G8B8;
510 //			}
511 //			{
512 //				CompositionTargetPass *tp = t->createTargetPass();
513 //				tp->setInputMode(CompositionTargetPass::IM_PREVIOUS);
514 //				tp->setOutputName("rt0");
515 //			}
516 //			{
517 //				CompositionTargetPass *tp = t->getOutputTargetPass();
518 //				tp->setInputMode(CompositionTargetPass::IM_NONE);
519 //				{ CompositionPass *pass = tp->createPass();
520 //				pass->setType(CompositionPass::PT_RENDERQUAD);
521 //				pass->setMaterialName("Ogre/Compositor/GlassPass");
522 //				pass->setInput(0, "rt0");
523 //				}
524 //			}
525 //		}
526 		/// Motion blur effect
527 	Ogre::CompositorPtr comp3 = Ogre::CompositorManager::getSingleton().create(
528 			"Motion Blur", Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME
529 		);
530 	{
531 		Ogre::CompositionTechnique *t = comp3->createTechnique();
532 		{
533 			Ogre::CompositionTechnique::TextureDefinition *def = t->createTextureDefinition("scene");
534 			def->width = 0;
535 			def->height = 0;
536 			def->formatList.push_back(Ogre::PF_R8G8B8);
537 		}
538 		{
539 			Ogre::CompositionTechnique::TextureDefinition *def = t->createTextureDefinition("sum");
540 			def->width = 0;
541 			def->height = 0;
542 			def->formatList.push_back(Ogre::PF_R8G8B8);
543 		}
544 		{
545 			Ogre::CompositionTechnique::TextureDefinition *def = t->createTextureDefinition("temp");
546 			def->width = 0;
547 			def->height = 0;
548 			def->formatList.push_back(Ogre::PF_R8G8B8);
549 		}
550 		/// Render scene
551 		{
552 			Ogre::CompositionTargetPass *tp = t->createTargetPass();
553 			tp->setInputMode(Ogre::CompositionTargetPass::IM_PREVIOUS);
554 			tp->setOutputName("scene");
555 		}
556 		/// Initialisation pass for sum texture
557 		{
558 			Ogre::CompositionTargetPass *tp = t->createTargetPass();
559 			tp->setInputMode(Ogre::CompositionTargetPass::IM_PREVIOUS);
560 			tp->setOutputName("sum");
561 			tp->setOnlyInitial(true);
562 		}
563 		/// Do the motion blur
564 		{
565 			Ogre::CompositionTargetPass *tp = t->createTargetPass();
566 			tp->setInputMode(Ogre::CompositionTargetPass::IM_NONE);
567 			tp->setOutputName("temp");
568 			{ Ogre::CompositionPass *pass = tp->createPass();
569 			pass->setType(Ogre::CompositionPass::PT_RENDERQUAD);
570 			pass->setMaterialName("Ogre/Compositor/Combine");
571 			pass->setInput(0, "scene");
572 			pass->setInput(1, "sum");
573 			}
574 		}
575 		/// Copy back sum texture
576 		{
577 			Ogre::CompositionTargetPass *tp = t->createTargetPass();
578 			tp->setInputMode(Ogre::CompositionTargetPass::IM_NONE);
579 			tp->setOutputName("sum");
580 			{ Ogre::CompositionPass *pass = tp->createPass();
581 			pass->setType(Ogre::CompositionPass::PT_RENDERQUAD);
582 			pass->setMaterialName("Ogre/Compositor/Copyback");
583 			pass->setInput(0, "temp");
584 			}
585 		}
586 		/// Display result
587 		{
588 			Ogre::CompositionTargetPass *tp = t->getOutputTargetPass();
589 			tp->setInputMode(Ogre::CompositionTargetPass::IM_NONE);
590 			{ Ogre::CompositionPass *pass = tp->createPass();
591 			pass->setType(Ogre::CompositionPass::PT_RENDERQUAD);
592 			pass->setMaterialName("Ogre/Compositor/MotionBlur");
593 			pass->setInput(0, "sum");
594 			}
595 		}
596 	}
597 	/// Heat vision effect
598 	Ogre::CompositorPtr comp4 = Ogre::CompositorManager::getSingleton().create(
599 			"Heat Vision", Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME
600 		);
601 	{
602 		Ogre::CompositionTechnique *t = comp4->createTechnique();
603 		t->setCompositorLogicName("HeatVision");
604 		{
605 			Ogre::CompositionTechnique::TextureDefinition *def = t->createTextureDefinition("scene");
606 			def->width = 256;
607 			def->height = 256;
608 			def->formatList.push_back(Ogre::PF_R8G8B8);
609 		}
610 		{
611 			Ogre::CompositionTechnique::TextureDefinition *def = t->createTextureDefinition("temp");
612 			def->width = 256;
613 			def->height = 256;
614 			def->formatList.push_back(Ogre::PF_R8G8B8);
615 		}
616 		/// Render scene
617 		{
618 			Ogre::CompositionTargetPass *tp = t->createTargetPass();
619 			tp->setInputMode(Ogre::CompositionTargetPass::IM_PREVIOUS);
620 			tp->setOutputName("scene");
621 		}
622 		/// Light to heat pass
623 		{
624 			Ogre::CompositionTargetPass *tp = t->createTargetPass();
625 			tp->setInputMode(Ogre::CompositionTargetPass::IM_NONE);
626 			tp->setOutputName("temp");
627 			{
628 				Ogre::CompositionPass *pass = tp->createPass();
629 				pass->setType(Ogre::CompositionPass::PT_RENDERQUAD);
630 				pass->setIdentifier(0xDEADBABE); /// Identify pass for use in listener
631 				pass->setMaterialName("Fury/HeatVision/LightToHeat");
632 				pass->setInput(0, "scene");
633 			}
634 		}
635 		/// Display result
636 		{
637 			Ogre::CompositionTargetPass *tp = t->getOutputTargetPass();
638 			tp->setInputMode(Ogre::CompositionTargetPass::IM_NONE);
639 			{
640 				Ogre::CompositionPass *pass = tp->createPass();
641 				pass->setType(Ogre::CompositionPass::PT_RENDERQUAD);
642 				pass->setMaterialName("Fury/HeatVision/Blur");
643 				pass->setInput(0, "temp");
644 			}
645 		}
646 	}
647 }
648 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
createTextures(void)649 void Sample_Compositor::createTextures(void)
650 {
651 	using namespace Ogre;
653 	TexturePtr tex = TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual(
654 		"HalftoneVolume",
655 		"General",
656 		TEX_TYPE_3D,
657 		64,64,64,
658 		0,
659 		PF_L8,
661 	);
663     if(!tex.isNull())
664     {
665         HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr ptr = tex->getBuffer(0,0);
666         ptr->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD);
667         const PixelBox &pb = ptr->getCurrentLock();
668         Ogre::uint8 *data = static_cast<Ogre::uint8*>(pb.data);
670         size_t height = pb.getHeight();
671         size_t width = pb.getWidth();
672         size_t depth = pb.getDepth();
673         size_t rowPitch = pb.rowPitch;
674         size_t slicePitch = pb.slicePitch;
676         for (size_t z = 0; z < depth; ++z)
677         {
678             for (size_t y = 0; y < height; ++y)
679             {
680                 for(size_t x = 0; x < width; ++x)
681                 {
682                     float fx = 32-(float)x+0.5f;
683                     float fy = 32-(float)y+0.5f;
684                     float fz = 32-((float)z)/3+0.5f;
685                     float distanceSquare = fx*fx+fy*fy+fz*fz;
686                     data[slicePitch*z + rowPitch*y + x] =  0x00;
687                     if (distanceSquare < 1024.0f)
688                         data[slicePitch*z + rowPitch*y + x] +=  0xFF;
689                 }
690             }
691         }
692         ptr->unlock();
693     }
694 	Ogre::Viewport *vp = mWindow->getViewport(0);
696 	TexturePtr tex2 = TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual(
697 		"DitherTex",
698 		"General",
699 		TEX_TYPE_2D,
700 		vp->getActualWidth(),vp->getActualHeight(),1,
701 		0,
702 		PF_L8,
704 	);
706 	HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr ptr2 = tex2->getBuffer(0,0);
707 	ptr2->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD);
708 	const PixelBox &pb2 = ptr2->getCurrentLock();
709 	Ogre::uint8 *data2 = static_cast<Ogre::uint8*>(pb2.data);
711 	size_t height2 = pb2.getHeight();
712 	size_t width2 = pb2.getWidth();
713 	size_t rowPitch2 = pb2.rowPitch;
715 	for (size_t y = 0; y < height2; ++y)
716 	{
717 		for(size_t x = 0; x < width2; ++x)
718 		{
719 			data2[rowPitch2*y + x] = Ogre::Math::RangeRandom(64.0,192);
720 		}
721 	}
723 	ptr2->unlock();
724 }
726 #endif	// end _CompositorDemo_H_