1 /*M///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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4 //
5 //  By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
6 //  If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
7 //  copy or use the software.
8 //
9 //
10 //                           License Agreement
11 //                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
12 //
13 // Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
14 // Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
15 // Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
16 //
17 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
18 // are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
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20 //   * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
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22 //
23 //   * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
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26 //
27 //   * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
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40 //
41 //M*/
43 #include "precomp.hpp"
45 #ifdef _MSC_VER
46 #   pragma warning(disable: 4512)
47 #endif
49 //
50 // 2D dense optical flow algorithm from the following paper:
51 // Michael Tao, Jiamin Bai, Pushmeet Kohli, and Sylvain Paris.
52 // "SimpleFlow: A Non-iterative, Sublinear Optical Flow Algorithm"
53 // Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2012)
54 // http://graphics.berkeley.edu/papers/Tao-SAN-2012-05/
55 //
57 namespace cv
58 {
59 namespace optflow
60 {
62 static const uchar MASK_TRUE_VALUE = (uchar)255;
dist(const Vec3b & p1,const Vec3b & p2)64 inline static int dist(const Vec3b &p1, const Vec3b &p2) {
65   int a = p1[0] - p2[0];
66   int b = p1[1] - p2[1];
67   int c = p1[2] - p2[2];
69   return a*a+b*b+c*c;
70 }
dist(const Vec2f & p1,const Vec2f & p2)72 inline static float dist(const Vec2f &p1, const Vec2f &p2) {
73   float a = p1[0] - p2[0];
74   float b = p1[1] - p2[1];
76   return a*a+b*b;
77 }
79 template<class T>
min(T t1,T t2,T t3)80 inline static T min(T t1, T t2, T t3) {
81   return (t1 <= t2 && t1 <= t3) ? t1 : min(t2, t3);
82 }
removeOcclusions(const Mat & flow,const Mat & flow_inv,float occ_thr,Mat & confidence)84 static void removeOcclusions(const Mat& flow,
85                              const Mat& flow_inv,
86                              float occ_thr,
87                              Mat& confidence) {
88   const int rows = flow.rows;
89   const int cols = flow.cols;
90   if (!confidence.data) {
91     confidence = Mat::zeros(rows, cols, CV_32F);
92   }
93   for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) {
94     for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c) {
95       if (dist(flow.at<Vec2f>(r, c), -flow_inv.at<Vec2f>(r, c)) > occ_thr) {
96         confidence.at<float>(r, c) = 0;
97       } else {
98         confidence.at<float>(r, c) = 1;
99       }
100     }
101   }
102 }
wd(Mat & d,int top_shift,int bottom_shift,int left_shift,int right_shift,double sigma)104 static void wd(Mat& d, int top_shift, int bottom_shift, int left_shift, int right_shift, double sigma) {
105   for (int dr = -top_shift, r = 0; dr <= bottom_shift; ++dr, ++r) {
106     for (int dc = -left_shift, c = 0; dc <= right_shift; ++dc, ++c) {
107       d.at<float>(r, c) = (float)-(dr*dr + dc*dc);
108     }
109   }
110   d *= 1.0 / (2.0 * sigma * sigma);
111   exp(d, d);
112 }
114 template<typename JointVec, typename SrcVec>
115 class CrossBilateralFilter : public ParallelLoopBody {
116     Mat &joint, &confidence, &src;
117     Mat &dst;
118     int radius;
119     bool flag;
120     Mat &spaceWeights;
121     std::vector<double> &expLut;
123 public:
CrossBilateralFilter(Mat & joint_,Mat & confidence_,Mat & src_,Mat & dst_,int radius_,bool flag_,Mat & spaceWeights_,std::vector<double> & expLut_)124     CrossBilateralFilter(Mat &joint_, Mat &confidence_, Mat &src_, Mat &dst_, int radius_, bool flag_, Mat &spaceWeights_, std::vector<double> &expLut_)
125             :
126             joint(joint_),
127             confidence(confidence_),
128             src(src_),
129             dst(dst_),
130             radius(radius_),
131             flag(flag_),
132             spaceWeights(spaceWeights_),
133             expLut(expLut_) {
134       CV_DbgAssert(joint.type() == traits::Type<JointVec>::value && confidence.type() == CV_32F && src.type() == dst.type() && src.type() == traits::Type<SrcVec>::value);
135       CV_DbgAssert(joint.rows == src.rows && confidence.rows == src.rows && src.rows == dst.rows + 2 * radius);
136       CV_DbgAssert(joint.cols == src.cols && confidence.cols == src.cols && src.cols == dst.cols + 2 * radius);
137     }
operator ()(const Range & range) const139     void operator()(const Range &range) const CV_OVERRIDE {
140       const int d = 2*radius +1;
141       for (int i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {
142         SrcVec* dstRow = dst.ptr<SrcVec>(i);
143         for (int j = 0; j < dst.cols; j++) {
144           const JointVec& centeralPoint = joint.at<JointVec>(i+radius, j+radius);
146           Scalar totalSum = Scalar::all(0);
147           double weightsSum = 0;
148           for (int dr = i, r = 0; dr < i + d; ++dr, ++r) {
149             const JointVec *jointRow = joint.ptr<JointVec>(dr);
150             const SrcVec *srcRow = src.ptr<SrcVec>(dr);
151             const float *confidenceRow = confidence.ptr<float>(dr);
152             const float *spaceWeightsRow = spaceWeights.ptr<float>(r);
153             for (int dc = j, c = 0; dc < j + d; ++dc, ++c) {
154               double weight = spaceWeightsRow[c]*confidenceRow[dc];
155               for (int cn = 0; cn < JointVec::channels; cn++) {
156                 weight *= expLut[std::abs(centeralPoint[cn] - jointRow[dc][cn])];
157               }
158               for (int cn = 0; cn < SrcVec::channels; cn++) {
159                 totalSum[cn] += weight * srcRow[dc][cn];
160               }
161               weightsSum += weight;
162             }
163           }
165           SrcVec& srcSum = dstRow[j];
166           for (int cn = 0; cn < SrcVec::channels; cn++) {
167             srcSum[cn] = (flag && fabs(weightsSum) < 1e-9)
168                          ? src.at<SrcVec>(i+radius, j+radius)[cn]
169                          : static_cast<float>(totalSum[cn] / weightsSum);
170           }
171         }
172       }
173     }
174 };
crossBilateralFilter(InputArray joint_,InputArray confidence_,InputOutputArray src_,int radius,double sigmaColor,double sigmaSpace,bool flag=false)176 static void crossBilateralFilter(InputArray joint_,
177                           InputArray confidence_,
178                           InputOutputArray src_,
179                           int radius,
180                           double sigmaColor, double sigmaSpace,
181                           bool flag = false) {
182   CV_Assert(!src_.empty());
183   CV_Assert(!confidence_.empty());
184   CV_Assert(!joint_.empty());
186   Mat src = src_.getMat();
187   Mat joint = joint_.getMat();
188   Mat confidence = confidence_.getMat();
190   CV_Assert(src.size() == joint.size() && confidence.size() == src.size());
191   CV_Assert(joint.depth() == CV_8U && confidence.type() == CV_32F);
193   if (sigmaColor <= 0)
194     sigmaColor = 1;
195   if (sigmaSpace <= 0)
196     sigmaSpace = 1;
198   if (radius <= 0)
199     radius = cvRound(sigmaSpace * 1.5);
200   radius = std::max(radius, 1);
202   if (src.data == joint.data)
203     joint = joint.clone();
205   int d = 2 * radius + 1;
207   Mat jointTemp, confidenceTemp, srcTemp;
208   copyMakeBorder(joint, jointTemp, radius, radius, radius, radius, BORDER_DEFAULT);
209   copyMakeBorder(confidence, confidenceTemp, radius, radius, radius, radius, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar(0));
210   copyMakeBorder(src, srcTemp, radius, radius, radius, radius, BORDER_DEFAULT);
212   Mat spaceWeights(d, d, CV_32F);
213   wd(spaceWeights, radius, radius, radius, radius, sigmaSpace);
215   double gaussColorCoeff = -0.5 / (sigmaColor * sigmaColor);
216   std::vector<double> expLut (256);
217   for (size_t i = 0; i < expLut.size(); i++) {
218     expLut[i] = std::exp(i * i * gaussColorCoeff);
219   }
221   Range range(0, src.rows);
222   parallel_for_(range, CrossBilateralFilter<Vec3b, Vec2f>(jointTemp, confidenceTemp, srcTemp, src, radius, flag, spaceWeights, expLut));
223 }
calcConfidence(const Mat & prev,const Mat & next,const Mat & flow,Mat & confidence,int max_flow)225 static void calcConfidence(const Mat& prev,
226                            const Mat& next,
227                            const Mat& flow,
228                            Mat& confidence,
229                            int max_flow) {
230   const int rows = prev.rows;
231   const int cols = prev.cols;
232   confidence = Mat::zeros(rows, cols, CV_32F);
234   for (int r0 = 0; r0 < rows; ++r0) {
235     for (int c0 = 0; c0 < cols; ++c0) {
236       Vec2f flow_at_point = flow.at<Vec2f>(r0, c0);
237       int u0 = cvRound(flow_at_point[0]);
238       if (r0 + u0 < 0) { u0 = -r0; }
239       if (r0 + u0 >= rows) { u0 = rows - 1 - r0; }
240       int v0 = cvRound(flow_at_point[1]);
241       if (c0 + v0 < 0) { v0 = -c0; }
242       if (c0 + v0 >= cols) { v0 = cols - 1 - c0; }
244       const int top_row_shift = -std::min(r0 + u0, max_flow);
245       const int bottom_row_shift = std::min(rows - 1 - (r0 + u0), max_flow);
246       const int left_col_shift = -std::min(c0 + v0, max_flow);
247       const int right_col_shift = std::min(cols - 1 - (c0 + v0), max_flow);
249       bool first_flow_iteration = true;
250       int sum_e = 0, min_e = 0;
252       for (int u = top_row_shift; u <= bottom_row_shift; ++u) {
253         for (int v = left_col_shift; v <= right_col_shift; ++v) {
254           int e = dist(prev.at<Vec3b>(r0, c0), next.at<Vec3b>(r0 + u0 + u, c0 + v0 + v));
255           if (first_flow_iteration) {
256             sum_e = e;
257             min_e = e;
258             first_flow_iteration = false;
259           } else {
260             sum_e += e;
261             min_e = std::min(min_e, e);
262           }
263         }
264       }
265       int windows_square = (bottom_row_shift - top_row_shift + 1) *
266                            (right_col_shift - left_col_shift + 1);
267       confidence.at<float>(r0, c0) = (windows_square == 0) ? 0
268                                                            : static_cast<float>(sum_e) / windows_square - min_e;
269       CV_Assert(confidence.at<float>(r0, c0) >= 0);
270     }
271   }
272 }
274 template<typename SrcVec, typename DstVec>
275 class CalcOpticalFlowSingleScaleSF : public ParallelLoopBody {
276     Mat &prev, &next;
277     Mat &mask;
278     Mat &dst;
279     int radius, maxFlow;
280     Mat &spaceWeights;
281     std::vector<double> &expLut;
283 public:
CalcOpticalFlowSingleScaleSF(Mat & prev_,Mat & next_,Mat & mask_,Mat & dst_,int radius_,int maxFlow_,Mat & spaceWeights_,std::vector<double> & expLut_)284     CalcOpticalFlowSingleScaleSF(Mat &prev_, Mat &next_, Mat &mask_, Mat &dst_, int radius_, int maxFlow_, Mat &spaceWeights_, std::vector<double> &expLut_)
285             :
286             prev(prev_),
287             next(next_),
288             mask(mask_),
289             dst(dst_),
290             radius(radius_),
291             maxFlow(maxFlow_),
292             spaceWeights(spaceWeights_),
293             expLut(expLut_){
294       CV_DbgAssert(prev.type() == next.type());
295       CV_DbgAssert(prev.rows == next.rows && prev.rows == dst.rows + 2 * radius);
296       CV_DbgAssert(prev.cols == next.cols && next.cols == dst.cols + 2 * radius);
297     }
operator ()(const Range & range) const299     void operator()(const Range &range) const CV_OVERRIDE {
300       int d = 2 * radius + 1;
301       Mat weights(d, d, CV_32F);
302       for (int i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {
303         const uchar *maskRow = mask.ptr<uchar>(i);
304         const DstVec *dstRow = dst.ptr<DstVec>(i);
305         for (int j = 0; j < dst.cols; j++) {
306           if (!maskRow[j]) {
307             continue;
308           }
310           // TODO: do smth with this creepy staff
311           const DstVec &flowAtPoint = dstRow[j];
312           int u0 = cvRound(flowAtPoint[0]);
313           if (i + u0 < 0) {u0 = -i;}
314           if (i + u0 >= dst.rows) {u0 = dst.rows - 1 - i;}
315           int v0 = cvRound(flowAtPoint[1]);
316           if (j + v0 < 0) {v0 = -j;}
317           if (j + v0 >= dst.cols) {v0 = dst.cols - 1 - j;}
319           const int topRowShift = -std::min(i + u0, maxFlow);
320           const int bottomRowShift = std::min(dst.rows - 1 - (i + u0), maxFlow);
321           const int leftColShift = -std::min(j + v0, maxFlow);
322           const int rightColShift = std::min(dst.cols - 1 - (j + v0), maxFlow);
324           float minCost = FLT_MAX, bestU = (float) u0, bestV = (float) v0;
326           const SrcVec& centeralPoint = prev.at<SrcVec>(i+radius, j+radius);
328           int left_border = j, right_border = j + d;
329           for (int dr = i, r = 0; dr < i + d; ++dr, ++r) {
330             const SrcVec *prevRow = prev.ptr<SrcVec>(dr);
331             const float* spaceWeightsRow = spaceWeights.ptr<float>(r);
332             float *weightsRow = weights.ptr<float>(r);
333             for (int dc = left_border, c = 0; dc < right_border; ++dc, ++c) {
334               double weight = spaceWeightsRow[c];
335               for(int cn=0;cn<SrcVec::channels;cn++){
336                 weight *= expLut[std::abs(centeralPoint[cn]-prevRow[dc][cn])];
337               }
338               weightsRow[c] = static_cast<float>(weight);
339             }
340           }
342           for (int u = topRowShift; u <= bottomRowShift; ++u) {
343             const int next_extended_top_window_row = i + u0 + u;
344             for (int v = leftColShift; v <= rightColShift; ++v) {
345               const int next_extended_left_window_col = j + v0 + v;
347               float cost = 0;
348               for (int r = 0; r < d; ++r) {
349                 const SrcVec *prev_extended_window_row = prev.ptr<SrcVec>(i + r);
350                 const SrcVec *next_extended_window_row = next.ptr<SrcVec>(next_extended_top_window_row + r);
351                 const float *weight_window_row = weights.ptr<float>(r);
352                 for (int c = 0; c < d; ++c) {
353                   cost += weight_window_row[c] *
354                           dist(prev_extended_window_row[j + c],
355                                next_extended_window_row[next_extended_left_window_col + c]);
356                 }
357               }
358               // cost should be divided by sum(weight_window), but because
359               // we interested only in min(cost) and sum(weight_window) is constant
360               // for every point - we remove it
362               if (cost < minCost) {
363                 minCost = cost;
364                 bestU = (float) (u + u0);
365                 bestV = (float) (v + v0);
366               }
367             }
368           }
370           dst.at<DstVec>(i, j) = DstVec(bestU, bestV);
371         }
372       }
373     }
374 };
calcOpticalFlowSingleScaleSF(InputArray prev_,InputArray next_,InputArray mask_,InputOutputArray dst_,int radius,int max_flow,float sigmaSpace,float sigmaColor)376 static void calcOpticalFlowSingleScaleSF(InputArray prev_,
377                                   InputArray next_,
378                                   InputArray mask_,
379                                   InputOutputArray dst_,
380                                   int radius,
381                                   int max_flow,
382                                   float sigmaSpace,
383                                   float sigmaColor) {
384   Mat prev = prev_.getMat();
385   Mat next = next_.getMat();
386   Mat mask = mask_.getMat();
387   Mat dst = dst_.getMat();
389   Mat prevTemp, nextTemp;
390   copyMakeBorder(prev, prevTemp, radius, radius, radius, radius, BORDER_DEFAULT);
391   copyMakeBorder(next, nextTemp, radius, radius, radius, radius, BORDER_DEFAULT);
393   int d = 2 * radius + 1;
395   Mat spaceWeights(d, d, CV_32F);
396   wd(spaceWeights, radius, radius, radius, radius, sigmaSpace);
398   double gaussColorCoeff = -0.5 / (sigmaColor * sigmaColor);
399   std::vector<double> expLut (256);
400   for (size_t i = 0; i < expLut.size(); i++) {
401     expLut[i] = std::exp(i * i * gaussColorCoeff);
402   }
404   Range range(0, dst.rows);
405   parallel_for_(range, CalcOpticalFlowSingleScaleSF<Vec3b, Vec2f>(prevTemp, nextTemp, mask, dst, radius, max_flow, spaceWeights, expLut));
406 }
upscaleOpticalFlow(int new_rows,int new_cols,const Mat & image,const Mat & confidence,Mat & flow,int averaging_radius,float sigma_dist,float sigma_color)408 static Mat upscaleOpticalFlow(int new_rows,
409                                int new_cols,
410                                const Mat& image,
411                                const Mat& confidence,
412                                Mat& flow,
413                                int averaging_radius,
414                                float sigma_dist,
415                                float sigma_color) {
416   crossBilateralFilter(image, confidence, flow, averaging_radius, sigma_color, sigma_dist, true);
417   Mat new_flow;
418   resize(flow, new_flow, Size(new_cols, new_rows), 0, 0, INTER_NEAREST);
419   new_flow *= 2;
420   return new_flow;
421 }
calcIrregularityMat(const Mat & flow,int radius)423 static Mat calcIrregularityMat(const Mat& flow, int radius) {
424   const int rows = flow.rows;
425   const int cols = flow.cols;
426   Mat irregularity = Mat::zeros(rows, cols, CV_32F);
427   for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) {
428     const int start_row = std::max(0, r - radius);
429     const int end_row = std::min(rows - 1, r + radius);
430     for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c) {
431       const int start_col = std::max(0, c - radius);
432       const int end_col = std::min(cols - 1, c + radius);
433       for (int dr = start_row; dr <= end_row; ++dr) {
434         for (int dc = start_col; dc <= end_col; ++dc) {
435           const float diff = dist(flow.at<Vec2f>(r, c), flow.at<Vec2f>(dr, dc));
436           if (diff > irregularity.at<float>(r, c)) {
437             irregularity.at<float>(r, c) = diff;
438           }
439         }
440       }
441     }
442   }
443   return irregularity;
444 }
selectPointsToRecalcFlow(const Mat & flow,int irregularity_metric_radius,float speed_up_thr,int curr_rows,int curr_cols,const Mat & prev_speed_up,Mat & speed_up,Mat & mask)446 static void selectPointsToRecalcFlow(const Mat& flow,
447                                      int irregularity_metric_radius,
448                                      float speed_up_thr,
449                                      int curr_rows,
450                                      int curr_cols,
451                                      const Mat& prev_speed_up,
452                                      Mat& speed_up,
453                                      Mat& mask) {
454   const int prev_rows = flow.rows;
455   const int prev_cols = flow.cols;
457   Mat is_flow_regular = calcIrregularityMat(flow, irregularity_metric_radius)
458                               < speed_up_thr;
459   Mat done = Mat::zeros(prev_rows, prev_cols, CV_8U);
460   speed_up = Mat::zeros(curr_rows, curr_cols, CV_8U);
461   mask = Mat::zeros(curr_rows, curr_cols, CV_8U);
463   for (int r = 0; r < is_flow_regular.rows; ++r) {
464     for (int c = 0; c < is_flow_regular.cols; ++c) {
465       if (!done.at<uchar>(r, c)) {
466         if (is_flow_regular.at<uchar>(r, c) &&
467             2*r + 1 < curr_rows && 2*c + 1< curr_cols) {
469           bool all_flow_in_region_regular = true;
470           int speed_up_at_this_point = prev_speed_up.at<uchar>(r, c);
471           int step = (1 << speed_up_at_this_point) - 1;
472           int prev_top = r;
473           int prev_bottom = std::min(r + step, prev_rows - 1);
474           int prev_left = c;
475           int prev_right = std::min(c + step, prev_cols - 1);
477           for (int rr = prev_top; rr <= prev_bottom; ++rr) {
478             for (int cc = prev_left; cc <= prev_right; ++cc) {
479               done.at<uchar>(rr, cc) = 1;
480               if (!is_flow_regular.at<uchar>(rr, cc)) {
481                 all_flow_in_region_regular = false;
482               }
483             }
484           }
486           int curr_top = std::min(2 * r, curr_rows - 1);
487           int curr_bottom = std::min(2*(r + step) + 1, curr_rows - 1);
488           int curr_left = std::min(2 * c, curr_cols - 1);
489           int curr_right = std::min(2*(c + step) + 1, curr_cols - 1);
491           if (all_flow_in_region_regular &&
492               curr_top != curr_bottom &&
493               curr_left != curr_right) {
494             mask.at<uchar>(curr_top, curr_left) = MASK_TRUE_VALUE;
495             mask.at<uchar>(curr_bottom, curr_left) = MASK_TRUE_VALUE;
496             mask.at<uchar>(curr_top, curr_right) = MASK_TRUE_VALUE;
497             mask.at<uchar>(curr_bottom, curr_right) = MASK_TRUE_VALUE;
498             for (int rr = curr_top; rr <= curr_bottom; ++rr) {
499               for (int cc = curr_left; cc <= curr_right; ++cc) {
500                 speed_up.at<uchar>(rr, cc) = (uchar)(speed_up_at_this_point + 1);
501               }
502             }
503           } else {
504             for (int rr = curr_top; rr <= curr_bottom; ++rr) {
505               for (int cc = curr_left; cc <= curr_right; ++cc) {
506                 mask.at<uchar>(rr, cc) = MASK_TRUE_VALUE;
507               }
508             }
509           }
510         } else {
511           done.at<uchar>(r, c) = 1;
512           for (int dr = 0; dr <= 1; ++dr) {
513             int nr = 2*r + dr;
514             for (int dc = 0; dc <= 1; ++dc) {
515               int nc = 2*c + dc;
516               if (nr < curr_rows && nc < curr_cols) {
517                 mask.at<uchar>(nr, nc) = MASK_TRUE_VALUE;
518               }
519             }
520           }
521         }
522       }
523     }
524   }
525 }
extrapolateValueInRect(int height,int width,float v11,float v12,float v21,float v22,int r,int c)527 static inline float extrapolateValueInRect(int height, int width,
528                                             float v11, float v12,
529                                             float v21, float v22,
530                                             int r, int c) {
531   if (r == 0 && c == 0) { return v11;}
532   if (r == 0 && c == width) { return v12;}
533   if (r == height && c == 0) { return v21;}
534   if (r == height && c == width) { return v22;}
536   CV_Assert(height > 0 && width > 0);
537   float qr = float(r) / height;
538   float pr = 1.0f - qr;
539   float qc = float(c) / width;
540   float pc = 1.0f - qc;
542   return v11*pr*pc + v12*pr*qc + v21*qr*pc + v22*qc*qr;
543 }
extrapolateFlow(Mat & flow,const Mat & speed_up)545 static void extrapolateFlow(Mat& flow,
546                             const Mat& speed_up) {
547   const int rows = flow.rows;
548   const int cols = flow.cols;
549   Mat done = Mat::zeros(rows, cols, CV_8U);
550   for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) {
551     for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c) {
552       if (!done.at<uchar>(r, c) && speed_up.at<uchar>(r, c) > 1) {
553         int step = (1 << speed_up.at<uchar>(r, c)) - 1;
554         int top = r;
555         int bottom = std::min(r + step, rows - 1);
556         int left = c;
557         int right = std::min(c + step, cols - 1);
559         int height = bottom - top;
560         int width = right - left;
561         for (int rr = top; rr <= bottom; ++rr) {
562           for (int cc = left; cc <= right; ++cc) {
563             done.at<uchar>(rr, cc) = 1;
564             Vec2f flow_at_point;
565             Vec2f top_left = flow.at<Vec2f>(top, left);
566             Vec2f top_right = flow.at<Vec2f>(top, right);
567             Vec2f bottom_left = flow.at<Vec2f>(bottom, left);
568             Vec2f bottom_right = flow.at<Vec2f>(bottom, right);
570             flow_at_point[0] = extrapolateValueInRect(height, width,
571                                                       top_left[0], top_right[0],
572                                                       bottom_left[0], bottom_right[0],
573                                                       rr-top, cc-left);
575             flow_at_point[1] = extrapolateValueInRect(height, width,
576                                                       top_left[1], top_right[1],
577                                                       bottom_left[1], bottom_right[1],
578                                                       rr-top, cc-left);
579             flow.at<Vec2f>(rr, cc) = flow_at_point;
580           }
581         }
582       }
583     }
584   }
585 }
buildPyramidWithResizeMethod(const Mat & src,std::vector<Mat> & pyramid,int layers,int interpolation_type)587 static void buildPyramidWithResizeMethod(const Mat& src,
588                                   std::vector<Mat>& pyramid,
589                                   int layers,
590                                   int interpolation_type) {
591   pyramid.push_back(src);
592   for (int i = 1; i <= layers; ++i) {
593     Mat prev = pyramid[i - 1];
594     if (prev.rows <= 1 || prev.cols <= 1) {
595       break;
596     }
598     Mat next;
599     resize(prev, next, Size((prev.cols + 1) / 2, (prev.rows + 1) / 2), 0, 0, interpolation_type);
600     pyramid.push_back(next);
601   }
602 }
calcOpticalFlowSF(InputArray _from,InputArray _to,OutputArray _resulted_flow,int layers,int averaging_radius,int max_flow,double sigma_dist,double sigma_color,int postprocess_window,double sigma_dist_fix,double sigma_color_fix,double occ_thr,int upscale_averaging_radius,double upscale_sigma_dist,double upscale_sigma_color,double speed_up_thr)604 CV_EXPORTS_W void calcOpticalFlowSF(InputArray _from,
605                                     InputArray _to,
606                                     OutputArray _resulted_flow,
607                                     int layers,
608                                     int averaging_radius,
609                                     int max_flow,
610                                     double sigma_dist,
611                                     double sigma_color,
612                                     int postprocess_window,
613                                     double sigma_dist_fix,
614                                     double sigma_color_fix,
615                                     double occ_thr,
616                                     int upscale_averaging_radius,
617                                     double upscale_sigma_dist,
618                                     double upscale_sigma_color,
619                                     double speed_up_thr)
620 {
621   Mat from = _from.getMat();
622   Mat to = _to.getMat();
624   std::vector<Mat> pyr_from_images;
625   std::vector<Mat> pyr_to_images;
627   buildPyramidWithResizeMethod(from, pyr_from_images, layers - 1, INTER_CUBIC);
628   buildPyramidWithResizeMethod(to, pyr_to_images, layers - 1, INTER_CUBIC);
630   CV_Assert((int)pyr_from_images.size() == layers && (int)pyr_to_images.size() == layers);
632   Mat curr_from, curr_to, prev_from, prev_to;
634   curr_from = pyr_from_images[layers - 1];
635   curr_to = pyr_to_images[layers - 1];
637   Mat mask = Mat::ones(curr_from.size(), CV_8U);
638   Mat mask_inv = Mat::ones(curr_from.size(), CV_8U);
640   Mat flow = Mat::zeros(curr_from.size(), CV_32FC2);
641   Mat flow_inv = Mat::zeros(curr_to.size(), CV_32FC2);
643   Mat confidence;
644   Mat confidence_inv;
647   calcOpticalFlowSingleScaleSF(curr_from,
648                                curr_to,
649                                mask,
650                                flow,
651                                averaging_radius,
652                                max_flow,
653                                (float)sigma_dist,
654                                (float)sigma_color);
656   calcOpticalFlowSingleScaleSF(curr_to,
657                                curr_from,
658                                mask_inv,
659                                flow_inv,
660                                averaging_radius,
661                                max_flow,
662                                (float)sigma_dist,
663                                (float)sigma_color);
665   removeOcclusions(flow,
666                    flow_inv,
667                    (float)occ_thr,
668                    confidence);
670   removeOcclusions(flow_inv,
671                    flow,
672                    (float)occ_thr,
673                    confidence_inv);
675   Mat speed_up = Mat::zeros(curr_from.size(), CV_8U);
676   Mat speed_up_inv = Mat::zeros(curr_from.size(), CV_8U);
678   for (int curr_layer = layers - 2; curr_layer >= 0; --curr_layer) {
679     curr_from = pyr_from_images[curr_layer];
680     curr_to = pyr_to_images[curr_layer];
681     prev_from = pyr_from_images[curr_layer + 1];
682     prev_to = pyr_to_images[curr_layer + 1];
684     const int curr_rows = curr_from.rows;
685     const int curr_cols = curr_from.cols;
687     Mat new_speed_up, new_speed_up_inv;
689     selectPointsToRecalcFlow(flow,
690                              averaging_radius,
691                              (float)speed_up_thr,
692                              curr_rows,
693                              curr_cols,
694                              speed_up,
695                              new_speed_up,
696                              mask);
698     selectPointsToRecalcFlow(flow_inv,
699                              averaging_radius,
700                              (float)speed_up_thr,
701                              curr_rows,
702                              curr_cols,
703                              speed_up_inv,
704                              new_speed_up_inv,
705                              mask_inv);
707     speed_up = new_speed_up;
708     speed_up_inv = new_speed_up_inv;
710     flow = upscaleOpticalFlow(curr_rows,
711                               curr_cols,
712                               prev_from,
713                               confidence,
714                               flow,
715                               upscale_averaging_radius,
716                               (float)upscale_sigma_dist,
717                               (float)upscale_sigma_color);
719     flow_inv = upscaleOpticalFlow(curr_rows,
720                                   curr_cols,
721                                   prev_to,
722                                   confidence_inv,
723                                   flow_inv,
724                                   upscale_averaging_radius,
725                                   (float)upscale_sigma_dist,
726                                   (float)upscale_sigma_color);
728     calcConfidence(curr_from, curr_to, flow, confidence, max_flow);
729     calcOpticalFlowSingleScaleSF(curr_from,
730                                  curr_to,
731                                  mask,
732                                  flow,
733                                  averaging_radius,
734                                  max_flow,
735                                  (float)sigma_dist,
736                                  (float)sigma_color);
738     calcConfidence(curr_to, curr_from, flow_inv, confidence_inv, max_flow);
739     calcOpticalFlowSingleScaleSF(curr_to,
740                                  curr_from,
741                                  mask_inv,
742                                  flow_inv,
743                                  averaging_radius,
744                                  max_flow,
745                                  (float)sigma_dist,
746                                  (float)sigma_color);
748     extrapolateFlow(flow, speed_up);
749     extrapolateFlow(flow_inv, speed_up_inv);
751     //TODO: should we remove occlusions for the last stage?
752     removeOcclusions(flow, flow_inv, (float)occ_thr, confidence);
753     removeOcclusions(flow_inv, flow, (float)occ_thr, confidence_inv);
754   }
756   crossBilateralFilter(curr_from, confidence, flow,
757                        postprocess_window, (float)sigma_color_fix, (float)sigma_dist_fix);
759   GaussianBlur(flow, flow, Size(3, 3), 5);
761   _resulted_flow.create(flow.size(), CV_32FC2);
762   Mat resulted_flow = _resulted_flow.getMat();
763   int from_to[] = {0,1 , 1,0};
764   mixChannels(&flow, 1, &resulted_flow, 1, from_to, 2);
765 }
calcOpticalFlowSF(InputArray from,InputArray to,OutputArray flow,int layers,int averaging_block_size,int max_flow)767 CV_EXPORTS_W void calcOpticalFlowSF(InputArray from,
768                                     InputArray to,
769                                     OutputArray flow,
770                                     int layers,
771                                     int averaging_block_size,
772                                     int max_flow) {
773   calcOpticalFlowSF(from, to, flow, layers, averaging_block_size, max_flow,
774                     4.1, 25.5, 18, 55.0, 25.5, 0.35, 18, 55.0, 25.5, 10);
775 }
777 }
778 }