2 * The main runner for the Java demos.
3 * Demos whose name begins with "Scala" are written in the Scala language,
4 * demonstrating the generic nature of the interface.
5 * The other demos are in Java.
6 * Currently, all demos are run, sequentially.
7 *
8 * You're invited to submit your own examples, in any JVM language of
9 * your choosing so long as you can get them to build.
10 */
12import org.opencv.core.Core
14object Main extends App {
15  // We must load the native library before using any OpenCV functions.
16  // You must load this library _exactly once_ per Java invocation.
17  // If you load it more than once, you will get a java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError.
18  System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME)
20  ScalaCorrespondenceMatchingDemo.run()
21  ScalaDetectFaceDemo.run()
22  new DetectFaceDemo().run()