1 /*
2 * pybox2d -- http://pybox2d.googlecode.com
3 *
4 * Copyright (c) 2010 Ken Lauer / sirkne at gmail dot com
5 *
6 * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
7 * warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
8 * arising from the use of this software.
9 * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
10 * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
11 * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
12 * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
13 * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
14 * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
15 * appreciated but is not required.
16 * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
17 * misrepresented as being the original software.
18 * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
19 */
21 /*
22 * This is the main Python SWIG interface file.
23 */
25 %module(directors="1") Box2D
26 %{
27     #include "Box2D/Box2D.h"
28 %}
30 /*note:
31   swig generated names: _Box2D.<class>_<name>
32   python obfuscated names: __<class>_<name>
33 */
35 #ifdef SWIGPYTHON
36     /* To disable assertions->exceptions, comment out the two lines that define
37         USE_EXCEPTIONS. One is here, one is in Common/b2Settings.h  */
38     #define USE_EXCEPTIONS
39     #ifdef USE_EXCEPTIONS
40         /* See Common/b2Settings.h also. It defines b2Assert to instead throw
41         an exception if USE_EXCEPTIONS is defined. */
42         %include "exception.i"
44         %exception {
45             try {
46                 $action
catch(b2AssertException)47             } catch(b2AssertException) {
48                 // error already set, pass it on to python
49                 SWIG_fail;
50             }
51             if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
52                 // This is if we set the error inside a function; report it to swig
53                 SWIG_fail;
54             }
55         }
56     #endif
58     /* Director-exceptions are a result of callbacks that happen as a result to
59        the physics step or debug draw, usually. So, catch those errors and report
60        them back to Python.
62        Example:
63        If there is a typo in your b2Draw instance's DrawPolygon (in
64        Python), when you call world.DrawDebugData(), callbacks will be made
65        to such functions as that. Being Python code called from the C++ module,
66        they turn into director exceptions then and will crash the application
67        unless handled in C++ (try/catch) and then passed to Python (SWIG_fail).
68        */
69     %exception b2World::Step {
70         try { $action }
catch(Swig::DirectorException)71         catch (Swig::DirectorException) { SWIG_fail; }
catch(b2AssertException)72         catch (b2AssertException) { SWIG_fail; }
73     }
74     %exception b2World::DrawDebugData {
75         try { $action }
catch(Swig::DirectorException)76         catch (Swig::DirectorException) { SWIG_fail; }
catch(b2AssertException)77         catch (b2AssertException) { SWIG_fail; }
78     }
79     %exception b2World::QueryAABB {
80         try { $action }
catch(Swig::DirectorException)81         catch (Swig::DirectorException) { SWIG_fail; }
catch(b2AssertException)82         catch (b2AssertException) { SWIG_fail; }
83     }
84     %exception b2World::RayCast {
85         try { $action }
catch(Swig::DirectorException)86         catch (Swig::DirectorException) { SWIG_fail; }
catch(b2AssertException)87         catch (b2AssertException) { SWIG_fail; }
88     }
89     %exception b2World::DestroyJoint {
90         try { $action }
catch(Swig::DirectorException)91         catch (Swig::DirectorException) { SWIG_fail; }
catch(b2AssertException)92         catch (b2AssertException) { SWIG_fail; }
93     }
94     %exception b2World::DestroyBody {
95         try { $action }
catch(Swig::DirectorException)96         catch (Swig::DirectorException) { SWIG_fail; }
catch(b2AssertException)97         catch (b2AssertException) { SWIG_fail; }
98     }
100     #pragma SWIG nowarn=314
102     /* ---- classes to ignore ---- */
103     /*Most of these are just internal structures, so there is no need to have them
104       accessible by Python. You can safely comment out any %ignore if you for some reason
105       do need them. Ignoring shrinks the library by a small amount. */
106     //%ignore b2ContactManager; // TODO
107     %ignore b2Chunk;
108     %ignore b2DynamicTree;
109     %ignore b2DynamicTreeNode;
110     %ignore b2Island;
111     %ignore b2Position;
112     %ignore b2Velocity;
113     %ignore b2TimeStep;
114     %ignore b2Simplex;
115     %ignore b2SimplexVertex;
116     %ignore b2SimplexCache;
117     %ignore b2StackAllocator;
118     %ignore b2StackEntry;
119     %ignore b2ContactRegister;
120     %ignore b2BlockAllocator;
121     %ignore b2Timer;
123     /* ---- features ---- */
124     /* Autodoc puts the basic docstrings for each function */
125     %feature("autodoc", "1");
127     /* Add callback support for the following classes */
128     %feature("director") b2ContactListener;
129     %feature("director") b2ContactFilter;
130     %feature("director") b2DestructionListener;
131     %feature("director") b2Draw;
132     %feature("director") b2DrawExtended;
133     %feature("director") b2QueryCallback;
134     %feature("director") b2RayCastCallback;
136     /* ---- includes ---- */
137     /* The order of these is important. */
139     /* Doxygen-generated docstrings. Can safely be commented out. */
140     %include "Box2D/Box2D_doxygen.i"
142     /* __dir__ replacement. Can safely be commented out. */
143     %include "Box2D/Box2D_dir.i"
145     /* __init__ replacement allowing kwargs. Can safely be commented out, but tests will fail. */
146     %include "Box2D/Box2D_kwargs.i"
148     /* __repr__ replacement -- pretty printing. Can safely be commented out. */
149     %include "Box2D/Box2D_printing.i"
151     /* Miscellaneous inline code. */
152     %include "Box2D/Box2D_inline.i"
154     /* Miscellaneous extended classes: b2Color, b2Version, b2DistanceProxy, b2BroadPhase */
155     %include "Box2D/Box2D_misc.i"
157     /* Typemaps that allow for tuples to be used in place of vectors,
158         the removal of getAsType, etc. */
159     %include "Box2D/Box2D_typemaps.i"
161     /* Contact-related classes (b2Contact, b2Manifold, etc.) */
162     %include "Box2D/Box2D_contact.i"
164     /* b2Vec2, b2Vec3, b2Mat22, b2Transform, b2AABB and related extensions. */
165     %include "Box2D/Box2D_math.i"
167     /* Allows for userData to be used. Also modifies CreateBody/Joint. */
168     %include "Box2D/Box2D_userdata.i"
170     /* b2World only. */
171     %include "Box2D/Box2D_world.i"
173     /* b2Body, b2Fixture, and related definitions. */
174     %include "Box2D/Box2D_bodyfixture.i"
176     /* b2Shape, b2CircleShape, b2PolygonShape. */
177     %include "Box2D/Box2D_shapes.i"
179     /* All joints and definitions. Defines b2JointTypes dict. */
180     %include "Box2D/Box2D_joints.i"
182     /* Extending the debug draw class. */
183     %include "Box2D/Box2D_debugdraw.i"
185     /* Include everything from the C++ library now */
186     %include "Box2D/Box2D.h"
188     /* And finally tag on the secondary namespace code to the end of Box2D.py */
189     %pythoncode %{
190         # Backward-compatibility
191         b2LoopShape = b2ChainShape
193         # Initialize the alternative namespace b2.*, and clean-up the
194         # dir listing of Box2D by removing *_swigregister.
195         #
196         # To see what this is, try import Box2D; print(dir(Box2D.b2))
197         from . import b2
199         s=None
200         to_remove=[]
201         for s in locals():
202             if s.endswith('_swigregister'):
203                 to_remove.append(s)
204             elif s!='b2' and s.startswith('b2'):
205                 if s[2]=='_': # Covers b2_*
206                     setattr(b2, s[3].lower() + s[4:], locals()[s])
207                 else: # The other b2*
208                     if s[3].isupper():
209                         setattr(b2, s[2:], locals()[s])
210                     else:
211                         setattr(b2, s[2].lower() + s[3:], locals()[s])
212         for s in to_remove:
213             del locals()[s]
215         del s
216         del to_remove
217     %}
219 #endif