1 // Copyright Contributors to the Open Shading Language project.
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
3 // https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/OpenShadingLanguage
5 #pragma once
9 namespace pvt {
11 // declaring a Spline namespace to avoid polluting the existing
12 // namespaces with all these templated helper functions.
13 namespace Spline {
15 struct SplineBasis {
16    int      basis_step;
17    float    basis[4][4];
18 };
20 // ========================================================
21 //
22 // Interpolation bases for splines
23 //
24 // The order here is very important for the SplineInterp::create
25 // constructor below. Any additional modes should be added to
26 // the end, or SplineInterp::create updated as well.
27 //
28 // ========================================================
30 enum {
31     kCatmullRom,
32     kBezier,
33     kBSpline,
34     kHermite,
35     kLinear,
36     kConstant,
37     kNumSplineTypes
38 };
40 OSL_CONSTANT_DATA const static SplineBasis gBasisSet[kNumSplineTypes] = {
41 //
42 // catmullrom
43 //
44    { 1, { {(-1.0f/2.0f),  ( 3.0f/2.0f), (-3.0f/2.0f), ( 1.0f/2.0f)},
45           {( 2.0f/2.0f),  (-5.0f/2.0f), ( 4.0f/2.0f), (-1.0f/2.0f)},
46           {(-1.0f/2.0f),  ( 0.0f/2.0f), ( 1.0f/2.0f), ( 0.0f/2.0f)},
47           {( 0.0f/2.0f),  ( 2.0f/2.0f), ( 0.0f/2.0f), ( 0.0f/2.0f)}  } },
48 //
49 // bezier
50 //
51    { 3, { {-1,  3, -3,  1},
52           { 3, -6,  3,  0},
53           {-3,  3,  0,  0},
54           { 1,  0,  0,  0} } },
55 //
56 // bspline
57 //
58    { 1, { {(-1.0f/6.0f), ( 3.0f/6.0f),  (-3.0f/6.0f),  (1.0f/6.0f)},
59           {( 3.0f/6.0f), (-6.0f/6.0f),  ( 3.0f/6.0f),  (0.0f/6.0f)},
60           {(-3.0f/6.0f), ( 0.0f/6.0f),  ( 3.0f/6.0f),  (0.0f/6.0f)},
61           {( 1.0f/6.0f), ( 4.0f/6.0f),  ( 1.0f/6.0f),  (0.0f/6.0f)} } },
62 //
63 // hermite
64 //
65    { 2, { { 2,  1, -2,  1},
66           {-3, -2,  3, -1},
67           { 0,  1,  0,  0},
68           { 1,  0,  0,  0} } },
69 //
70 // linear
71 //
72    { 1, { {0,  0,  0,  0},
73           {0,  0,  0,  0},
74           {0, -1,  1,  0},
75           {0,  1,  0,  0} } },
76 //
77 // constant
78 //
79    { 1, { {0,  0,  0,  0},
80           {0,  0,  0,  0},
81           {0,  0,  0,  0},
82           {0,  0,  0,  0} } }
83 };
85 struct SplineInterp {
86     const SplineBasis& spline;
87     const bool         constant;
createSplineInterp89     OSL_HOSTDEVICE static SplineInterp create(StringParam basis_name)
90     {
91         if (basis_name == StringParams::catmullrom)
92             return { gBasisSet[kCatmullRom], false };
93         if (basis_name == StringParams::bezier)
94             return { gBasisSet[kBezier], false };
95         if (basis_name == StringParams::bspline)
96             return { gBasisSet[kBSpline], false };
97         if (basis_name == StringParams::hermite)
98             return { gBasisSet[kHermite], false };
99         if (basis_name == StringParams::constant)
100             return { gBasisSet[kConstant], true };
102         // Default to linear
103         return { gBasisSet[kLinear], false };
104     }
107     // We need to know explicitly whether the knots have
108     // derivatives associated with them because of the way
109     // Dual2<T> forms of arrays are stored..  Arrays with
110     // derivatives are stored:
111     //   T T T... T.dx T.dx T.dx... T.dy T.dy T.dy...
112     // This means, we need to explicitly construct the Dual2<T>
113     // form of the knots on the fly.
114     // if 'is_dual' == true, then OUTTYPE == Dual2<INTYPE>
115     // if 'is_dual' == false, then OUTTYPE == INTYPE
117     // This functor will extract a T or a Dual2<T> type from a VaryingRef array
118     template <class OUTTYPE, class INTYPE, bool is_dual>
119     struct extractValueFromArray
120     {
121         OSL_HOSTDEVICE OUTTYPE operator()(const INTYPE *value, int array_length, int idx);
122     };
124     template <class OUTTYPE, class INTYPE>
125     struct extractValueFromArray<OUTTYPE, INTYPE, true>
126     {
127         OSL_HOSTDEVICE OUTTYPE operator()(const INTYPE *value, int array_length, int idx)
128         {
129             return OUTTYPE( value[idx + 0*array_length],
130                             value[idx + 1*array_length],
131                             value[idx + 2*array_length] );
132         }
133     };
135     template <class OUTTYPE, class INTYPE>
136     struct extractValueFromArray<OUTTYPE, INTYPE, false>
137     {
138         OSL_HOSTDEVICE OUTTYPE operator()(const INTYPE *value, int /*array_length*/, int idx)
139         {
140             return OUTTYPE( value[idx] );
141         }
142     };
144     // Spline functor for use with the inverse function
145     template <class RTYPE, class XTYPE>
146     struct SplineFunctor {
147         OSL_HOSTDEVICE SplineFunctor (const SplineInterp& spline_, const float *knots_,
148                                       int knot_count_, int knot_arraylen_)
149             : spline(spline_), knots(knots_), knot_count(knot_count_),
150               knot_arraylen(knot_arraylen_) { }
152         OSL_HOSTDEVICE RTYPE operator() (XTYPE x) {
153             RTYPE v;
154             spline.evaluate<RTYPE,XTYPE,float,float,false> (v, x, knots, knot_count, knot_arraylen);
155             return v;
156         }
157     private:
158         const SplineInterp& spline;
159         const float *knots;
160         int knot_count, knot_arraylen;
161     };
163     template <class RTYPE, class XTYPE, class CTYPE, class KTYPE, bool knot_derivs >
164     OSL_HOSTDEVICE void
165     evaluate(RTYPE &result, XTYPE &xval, const KTYPE *knots,
166              int knot_count, int knot_arraylen) const
167     {
168         using OIIO::clamp;
169         XTYPE x = clamp(xval, XTYPE(0.0), XTYPE(1.0));
170         int nsegs = ((knot_count - 4) / spline.basis_step) + 1;
171         x = x*(float)nsegs;
172         float seg_x = removeDerivatives(x);
173         int segnum = (int)seg_x;
174         if (segnum < 0)
175             segnum = 0;
176         if (segnum > (nsegs-1))
177            segnum = nsegs-1;
179         if (constant) {
180             // Special case for "constant" basis
181             RTYPE P = removeDerivatives (knots[segnum+1]);
182             assignment (result, P);
183             return;
184         }
186         // x is the position along segment 'segnum'
187         x = x - float(segnum);
188         int s = segnum * spline.basis_step;
190         // create a functor so we can cleanly(!) extract
191         // the knot elements
192         extractValueFromArray<CTYPE, KTYPE, knot_derivs> myExtract;
193         CTYPE P[4];
194         for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
195             P[k] = myExtract(knots, knot_arraylen, s + k);
196         }
198         CTYPE tk[4];
199         for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
200             tk[k] = spline.basis[k][0] * P[0] +
201                     spline.basis[k][1] * P[1] +
202                     spline.basis[k][2] * P[2] +
203                     spline.basis[k][3] * P[3];
204         }
206         RTYPE tresult;
207         // The following is what we want, but this gives me template errors
208         // which I'm too lazy to decipher:
209         //    tresult = ((tk[0]*x + tk[1])*x + tk[2])*x + tk[3];
210         tresult = (tk[0]   * x + tk[1]);
211         tresult = (tresult * x + tk[2]);
212         tresult = (tresult * x + tk[3]);
213         assignment(result, tresult);
214     }
216     // Evaluate the inverse of a spline, i.e., solve for the x for which
217     // spline_evaluate(x) == y.
218     template <class YTYPE>
219     OSL_HOSTDEVICE void
220     inverse (YTYPE &x, YTYPE y, const float *knots,
221              int knot_count, int knot_arraylen) const
222     {
223         // account for out-of-range inputs, just clamp to the values we have
224         int lowindex = spline.basis_step == 1 ? 1 : 0;
225         int highindex = spline.basis_step == 1 ? knot_count-2 : knot_count-1;
226         bool increasing = knots[1] < knots[knot_count-2];
227         if (increasing) {
228             if (y <= knots[lowindex]) {
229                 x = YTYPE(0);
230                 return;
231             }
232             if (y >= knots[highindex]) {
233                 x = YTYPE(1);
234                 return;
235             }
236         } else {
237             if (y >= knots[lowindex]) {
238                 x = YTYPE(0);
239                 return;
240             }
241             if (y <= knots[highindex]) {
242                 x = YTYPE(1);
243                 return;
244             }
245         }
248         SplineFunctor<YTYPE,YTYPE> S (*this, knots, knot_count, knot_arraylen);
249         // Because of the nature of spline interpolation, monotonic knots
250         // can still lead to a non-monotonic curve.  To deal with this,
251         // search separately on each spline segment and hope for the best.
252         int nsegs = (knot_count - 4) / spline.basis_step + 1;
253         float nseginv = 1.0f / nsegs;
254         YTYPE r0 = 0.0;
255         x = 0;
256         for (int s = 0;  s < nsegs;  ++s) {  // Search each interval
257             YTYPE r1 = nseginv * (s+1);
258             bool brack;
259             x = OIIO::invert (S, y, r0, r1, 32, YTYPE(1.0e-6), &brack);
260             if (brack)
261                 return;
262             r0 = r1;  // Start of next interval is end of this one
263         }
264     }
265 };
268 }; // namespace Spline
269 }; // namespace pvt