1"""UNIX terminal recording functionalities
3This module exposes functions for
4    - recording the output of a shell process in asciicast v2 format (`record`)
5    - producing frames (2D array of CharacterCell) from the raw output of
6    `record` (`timed_frames`)
8A context manager named `TerminalMode` is also provided and is to be used with
9the `record` function to ensure that the terminal state is always properly
10restored, otherwise a failure during a call to `record` could render the
11terminal unusable.
14import codecs
15import datetime
16import fcntl
17import os
18import pty
19import select
20import struct
21import termios
22import tty
23from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
24from typing import Iterator
26import pyte
27import pyte.screens
29from termtosvg import anim
30from termtosvg.asciicast import AsciiCastV2Event, AsciiCastV2Header
32TimedFrame = namedtuple('TimedFrame', ['time', 'duration', 'buffer'])
35class TerminalMode:
36    """Save terminal mode and size on entry, restore them on exit
38    This context manager exists to ensure that the state of the terminal is
39    properly restored when functions like `_record` (which relies on setting
40    the terminal mode to raw and changing the geometry of the screen) fail.
41    """
42    def __init__(self, fileno):
43        self.fileno = fileno
44        self.mode = None
45        self.ttysize = None
47    def __enter__(self):
48        try:
49            self.mode = tty.tcgetattr(self.fileno)
50        except tty.error:
51            pass
53        try:
54            columns, lines = os.get_terminal_size(self.fileno)
55        except OSError:
56            pass
57        else:
58            self.ttysize = struct.pack("HHHH", lines, columns, 0, 0)
60        return self.mode, self.ttysize
62    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
63        if self.ttysize is not None:
64            fcntl.ioctl(self.fileno, termios.TIOCSWINSZ, self.ttysize)
66        if self.mode is not None:
67            tty.tcsetattr(self.fileno, tty.TCSAFLUSH, self.mode)
70def _record(process_args, columns, lines, input_fileno, output_fileno):
71    """Record raw input and output of a process
73    This function forks the current process. The child process runs the command
74    specified by 'process_args' which is a session leader and has a controlling
75    terminal and is run in the background. The parent process, which runs in
76    the foreground, transmits data between the standard input, output and the
77    child process and logs it. From the user point of view, it appears they are
78    communicating with the process they intend to record (through their
79    terminal emulator) when in fact they communicate with our parent process
80    which logs all data exchanges with the user
82    The implementation of this method is mostly copied from the pty.spawn
83    function of the CPython standard library. It has been modified in order to
84    make the record function a generator.
85    See https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/pty.py
87    :param process_args: List of arguments to run the process to be recorded
88    :param columns: Initial number of columns of the terminal
89    :param lines: Initial number of lines of the terminal
90    :param input_fileno: File descriptor of the input data stream
91    :param output_fileno: File descriptor of the output data stream
92    """
93    pid, master_fd = pty.fork()
94    if pid == 0:
95        # Child process - this call never returns
96        os.execlp(process_args[0], *process_args)
98    # Parent process
99    # Set the terminal size for master_fd
100    ttysize = struct.pack("HHHH", lines, columns, 0, 0)
101    fcntl.ioctl(master_fd, termios.TIOCSWINSZ, ttysize)
103    try:
104        tty.setraw(input_fileno)
105    except tty.error:
106        pass
108    for data, time in _capture_output(input_fileno, output_fileno, master_fd):
109        yield data, time
111    os.close(master_fd)
113    _, child_exit_status = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
114    return child_exit_status
117def _capture_output(input_fileno, output_fileno, master_fd, buffer_size=1024):
118    """Send data from input_fileno to master_fd and send data from master_fd to
119    output_fileno and to the caller
121    The implementation of this method is mostly copied from the pty.spawn
122    function of the CPython standard library. It has been modified in order to
123    make the `record` function a generator.
125    See https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/pty.py
126    """
127    rlist = [input_fileno, master_fd]
128    xlist = [input_fileno, output_fileno, master_fd]
130    xfds = []
131    while not xfds:
132        rfds, _, xfds = select.select(rlist, [], xlist)
133        for fd in rfds:
134            try:
135                data = os.read(fd, buffer_size)
136            except OSError:
137                xfds.append(fd)
138                continue
140            if not data:
141                xfds.append(fd)
142                continue
144            if fd == input_fileno:
145                write_fileno = master_fd
146            else:
147                write_fileno = output_fileno
148                yield data, datetime.datetime.now()
150            while data:
151                n = os.write(write_fileno, data)
152                data = data[n:]
155def _group_by_time(event_records, min_rec_duration, max_rec_duration, last_rec_duration):
156    """Merge event records together if they are close enough
158    The time elapsed between two consecutive event records returned by this
159    function is guaranteed to be at least min_rec_duration.
161    The duration of each record is also computed. Any record with a duration
162    greater than `max_rec_duration` will see its duration reduce to this value.
163    The duration of the last record can't be computed and is simply set to
164    `last_rec_duration`.
166    :param event_records: Sequence of records in asciicast v2 format
167    :param min_rec_duration: Minimum time between two records returned by the
168    function in milliseconds.
169    :param max_rec_duration: Maximum duration of a record in milliseconds
170    :param last_rec_duration: Duration of the last record in milliseconds
171    :return: Sequence of records with duration
172    """
173    # TODO: itertools.accumulate?
174    current_string = ''
175    current_time = 0
176    dropped_time = 0
178    if max_rec_duration:
179        max_rec_duration /= 1000
181    for event_record in event_records:
182        assert isinstance(event_record, AsciiCastV2Event)
183        # Silently ignoring the duration on input records is a source
184        # of confusion so fail hard if the duration is set
185        assert event_record.duration is None
186        if event_record.event_type != 'o':
187            continue
189        time_between_events = event_record.time - (current_time + dropped_time)
190        if time_between_events * 1000 >= min_rec_duration:
191            if max_rec_duration:
192                if max_rec_duration < time_between_events:
193                    dropped_time += time_between_events - max_rec_duration
194                    time_between_events = max_rec_duration
195            accumulator_event = AsciiCastV2Event(time=current_time,
196                                                 event_type='o',
197                                                 event_data=current_string,
198                                                 duration=time_between_events)
199            yield accumulator_event
200            current_string = ''
201            current_time += time_between_events
203        current_string += event_record.event_data
205    accumulator_event = AsciiCastV2Event(time=current_time,
206                                         event_type='o',
207                                         event_data=current_string,
208                                         duration=last_rec_duration / 1000)
209    yield accumulator_event
212def record(process_args, columns, lines, input_fileno, output_fileno):
213    """Record a process in asciicast v2 format
215    The records returned by this method are:
216        - a single header containing configuration information
217        - multiple event records made of data captured from the terminal and
218        timing information (except for record duration which needs to be
219        computed separately)
221    :param process_args: Arguments required to spawn the process (list of
222    string)
223    :param columns: Width of the terminal screen (integer)
224    :param lines: Height of the terminal screen (integer)
225    :param input_fileno: File descriptor that will be used as the standard
226    input of the process
227    :param output_fileno: File descriptor that will be used as the standard
228    output of the process
230    When using `sys.stdout.fileno()` for `output_fileno` there is a risk
231    that the terminal is left in an unusable state if `record` fails. To
232    prevent this, `record` should be called inside the `TerminalMode`
233    context manager.
234    """
235    yield AsciiCastV2Header(version=2, width=columns, height=lines, theme=None)
237    # TODO: why start != 0?
238    start = None
239    utf8_decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder('utf-8')('replace')
240    for data, time in _record(process_args, columns, lines, input_fileno, output_fileno):
241        if start is None:
242            start = time
244        yield AsciiCastV2Event(time=(time - start).total_seconds(),
245                               event_type='o',
246                               event_data=utf8_decoder.decode(data),
247                               duration=None)
250def timed_frames(records, min_frame_dur=1, max_frame_dur=None, last_frame_dur=1000):
251    """Return a tuple made of the geometry of the screen and a generator of
252    instances of TimedFrame computed from asciicast records
254    Asciicast records are first coalesced so that the mininum duration between
255    two frames is at least `min_frame_dur` milliseconds. Events with a duration
256    greater than `max_frame_dur` will see their duration reduced to that value.
258    The duration of all frames lasting until the end of the animation
259    will be adjusted so that the last frame of the animation lasts
260    `last_frame_dur`
262    :param records: Terminal session record in Asciicast v2 format
263    :param min_frame_dur: Minimum frame duration in milliseconds (integer)
264    :param min_frame_dur: Minimum frame duration in milliseconds (integer)
265    :param max_frame_dur: Maximum frame duration in milliseconds (None or
266    integer)
267    :param last_frame_dur: Duration of the last frame of the animation
268    (integer)
269    """
270    if not isinstance(records, Iterator):
271        records = iter(records)
273    header = next(records)
274    assert isinstance(header, AsciiCastV2Header)
276    if not max_frame_dur and header.idle_time_limit:
277        max_frame_dur = int(header.idle_time_limit * 1000)
279    def generator():
280        screen = pyte.Screen(header.width, header.height)
281        stream = pyte.Stream(screen)
282        timed_records = _group_by_time(records, min_frame_dur, max_frame_dur,
283                                       last_frame_dur)
285        for record_ in timed_records:
286            assert isinstance(record_, AsciiCastV2Event)
287            for char in record_.event_data:
288                stream.feed(char)
289            yield TimedFrame(int(1000 * record_.time),
290                             int(1000 * record_.duration),
291                             _screen_buffer(screen))
293    return (header.width, header.height), generator()
296def _screen_buffer(screen):
297    assert isinstance(screen, pyte.Screen)
299    buffer = defaultdict(dict)
300    for row in range(screen.lines):
301        buffer[row] = {
302            column: anim.CharacterCell.from_pyte(screen.buffer[row][column])
303            for column in screen.buffer[row]
304        }
306    if not screen.cursor.hidden:
307        row, column = screen.cursor.y, screen.cursor.x
308        try:
309            data = screen.buffer[row][column].data
310        except KeyError:
311            data = ' '
313        cursor_char = pyte.screens.Char(data=data,
314                                        fg=screen.cursor.attrs.fg,
315                                        bg=screen.cursor.attrs.bg,
316                                        reverse=True)
317        buffer[row][column] = anim.CharacterCell.from_pyte(cursor_char)
318    return buffer
321def get_terminal_size(fileno):
322    try:
323        columns, lines = os.get_terminal_size(fileno)
324    except OSError:
325        columns, lines = 80, 24
327    return columns, lines