1 /***************************************************************************
2                           qgisappinterface.h
3  Interface class for exposing functions in QgisApp for use by plugins
4                              -------------------
5   begin                : 2004-02-11
6   copyright            : (C) 2004 by Gary E.Sherman
7   email                : sherman at mrcc.com
8  ***************************************************************************/
10 /***************************************************************************
11  *                                                                         *
12  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
13  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
14  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
15  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
16  *                                                                         *
17  ***************************************************************************/
18 #ifndef QGISIFACE_H
19 #define QGISIFACE_H
21 #include "qgis_app.h"
22 #include "qgisinterface.h"
23 #include "qgsapppluginmanagerinterface.h"
25 class QTimer;
27 class QgisApp;
29 /**
30  * \class QgisAppInterface
31  * \brief Interface class to provide access to private methods in QgisApp
32  * for use by plugins.
33  *
34  * Only those functions "exposed" by QgisInterface can be called from within a
35  * plugin.
36  */
39 class APP_EXPORT QgisAppInterface : public QgisInterface
40 {
41     Q_OBJECT
43   public:
45     /**
46      * Constructor.
47      * \param qgis Pointer to the QgisApp object
48      */
49     QgisAppInterface( QgisApp *qgisapp );
51     QgisAppInterface( QgisAppInterface const & ) = delete;
52     QgisAppInterface &operator=( QgisAppInterface const & ) = delete;
54     QgsPluginManagerInterface *pluginManagerInterface() override;
56     QgsLayerTreeView *layerTreeView() override;
58     void addCustomActionForLayerType( QAction *action, QString menu,
59                                       QgsMapLayerType type, bool allLayers ) override;
60     void addCustomActionForLayer( QAction *action, QgsMapLayer *layer ) override;
61     bool removeCustomActionForLayerType( QAction *action ) override;
63     /* Exposed functions */
65     void zoomFull() override;
66     void zoomToPrevious() override;
67     void zoomToNext() override;
68     void zoomToActiveLayer() override;
69     QgsVectorLayer *addVectorLayer( const QString &vectorLayerPath, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey ) override;
70     QgsRasterLayer *addRasterLayer( const QString &rasterLayerPath, const QString &baseName ) override;
71     QgsRasterLayer *addRasterLayer( const QString &url, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey ) override;
72     QgsMeshLayer *addMeshLayer( const QString &url, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey ) override;
73     QgsVectorTileLayer *addVectorTileLayer( const QString &url, const QString &baseName ) override;
74     bool addProject( const QString &projectName ) override;
75     bool newProject( bool promptToSaveFlag = false ) override;
76     void reloadConnections( ) override;
77     QgsMapLayer *activeLayer() override;
78     bool setActiveLayer( QgsMapLayer *layer ) override;
79     void copySelectionToClipboard( QgsMapLayer *layer ) override;
80     void pasteFromClipboard( QgsMapLayer *layer ) override;
81     int addToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) override;
82     QAction *addToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget ) override;
83     void removeToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) override;
84     int addRasterToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) override;
85     QAction *addRasterToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget ) override;
86     void removeRasterToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) override;
87     int addVectorToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) override;
88     QAction *addVectorToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget ) override;
89     void removeVectorToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) override;
90     int addDatabaseToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) override;
91     QAction *addDatabaseToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget ) override;
92     void removeDatabaseToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) override;
93     int addWebToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) override;
94     QAction *addWebToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget ) override;
95     void removeWebToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) override;
96     QToolBar *addToolBar( const QString &name ) override;
97     void addToolBar( QToolBar *toolbar, Qt::ToolBarArea area = Qt::TopToolBarArea ) override;
99 #ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
101 #endif
102     void openURL( const QString &url, bool useQgisDocDirectory = true ) override;
104     QgsMapCanvas *mapCanvas() override;
105     QList< QgsMapCanvas * > mapCanvases() override;
106     QgsMapCanvas *createNewMapCanvas( const QString &name ) override;
107     void closeMapCanvas( const QString &name ) override;
108     QSize iconSize( bool dockedToolbar = false ) const override;
109     QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge *layerTreeCanvasBridge() override;
110     QWidget *mainWindow() override;
111     QgsMessageBar *messageBar() override;
112     void openMessageLog() override;
113     void addUserInputWidget( QWidget *widget ) override;
114     void showLayoutManager() override;
115     QList<QgsLayoutDesignerInterface *> openLayoutDesigners() override;
116     QgsLayoutDesignerInterface *openLayoutDesigner( QgsMasterLayoutInterface *layout ) override;
117     void showOptionsDialog( QWidget *parent = nullptr, const QString &currentPage = QString() ) override;
118     void showProjectPropertiesDialog( const QString &currentPage = QString() ) override;
119     QMap<QString, QVariant> defaultStyleSheetOptions() override;
120     void buildStyleSheet( const QMap<QString, QVariant> &opts ) override;
121     void saveStyleSheetOptions( const QMap<QString, QVariant> &opts ) override;
122     QFont defaultStyleSheetFont() override;
123     void addPluginToMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) override;
124     void removePluginMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) override;
125     void addPluginToDatabaseMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) override;
126     void removePluginDatabaseMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) override;
127     void addPluginToRasterMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) override;
128     void removePluginRasterMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) override;
129     void addPluginToVectorMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) override;
130     void removePluginVectorMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) override;
131     void addPluginToWebMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) override;
132     void removePluginWebMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action ) override;
133     void insertAddLayerAction( QAction *action ) override;
134     void removeAddLayerAction( QAction *action ) override;
135     void addDockWidget( Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QDockWidget *dockwidget ) override;
136     void addTabifiedDockWidget( Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QDockWidget *dockwidget, const QStringList &tabifyWith = QStringList(), bool raiseTab = false ) override;
137     void removeDockWidget( QDockWidget *dockwidget ) override;
138     QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget *cadDockWidget() override;
139     void showLayerProperties( QgsMapLayer *l ) override;
140     QDialog *showAttributeTable( QgsVectorLayer *l, const QString &filterExpression = QString() ) override;
141     void addWindow( QAction *action ) override;
142     void removeWindow( QAction *action ) override;
143     bool registerMainWindowAction( QAction *action, const QString &defaultShortcut ) override;
144     bool unregisterMainWindowAction( QAction *action ) override;
145     void registerMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory( QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory *factory ) override;
146     void unregisterMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory( QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory *factory ) override;
147     void registerOptionsWidgetFactory( QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory ) override;
148     void unregisterOptionsWidgetFactory( QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory ) override;
149     void registerProjectPropertiesWidgetFactory( QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory ) override;
150     void unregisterProjectPropertiesWidgetFactory( QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory ) override;
151     void registerDevToolWidgetFactory( QgsDevToolWidgetFactory *factory ) override;
152     void unregisterDevToolWidgetFactory( QgsDevToolWidgetFactory *factory ) override;
153     void registerApplicationExitBlocker( QgsApplicationExitBlockerInterface *blocker ) override;
154     void unregisterApplicationExitBlocker( QgsApplicationExitBlockerInterface *blocker ) override;
155     void registerMapToolHandler( QgsAbstractMapToolHandler *handler ) override;
156     void unregisterMapToolHandler( QgsAbstractMapToolHandler *handler ) override;
157     void registerCustomDropHandler( QgsCustomDropHandler *handler ) override;
158     void unregisterCustomDropHandler( QgsCustomDropHandler *handler ) override;
159     void registerCustomProjectOpenHandler( QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler *handler ) override;
160     void unregisterCustomProjectOpenHandler( QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler *handler ) override;
161     void registerCustomLayoutDropHandler( QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler *handler ) override;
162     void unregisterCustomLayoutDropHandler( QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler *handler ) override;
163     QMenu *projectMenu() override;
164     QMenu *editMenu() override;
165     QMenu *viewMenu() override;
166     QMenu *layerMenu() override;
167     QMenu *newLayerMenu() override;
168     QMenu *addLayerMenu() override;
169     QMenu *settingsMenu() override;
170     QMenu *pluginMenu() override;
171     QMenu *pluginHelpMenu() override;
172     QMenu *rasterMenu() override;
173     QMenu *vectorMenu() override;
174     QMenu *databaseMenu() override;
175     QMenu *webMenu() override;
176     QMenu *firstRightStandardMenu() override;
177     QMenu *windowMenu() override;
178     QMenu *helpMenu() override;
179     QToolBar *fileToolBar() override;
180     QToolBar *layerToolBar() override;
181     QToolBar *dataSourceManagerToolBar() override;
182     QToolBar *mapNavToolToolBar() override;
183     QToolBar *digitizeToolBar() override;
184     QToolBar *advancedDigitizeToolBar() override;
185     QToolBar *shapeDigitizeToolBar() override;
186     QToolBar *attributesToolBar() override;
187     QToolBar *selectionToolBar() override;
188     QToolBar *pluginToolBar() override;
189     QToolBar *helpToolBar() override;
190     QToolBar *rasterToolBar() override;
191     QToolBar *vectorToolBar() override;
192     QToolBar *databaseToolBar() override;
193     QToolBar *webToolBar() override;
194     QActionGroup *mapToolActionGroup() override;
195     QAction *actionNewProject() override;
196     QAction *actionOpenProject() override;
197     QAction *actionSaveProject() override;
198     QAction *actionSaveProjectAs() override;
199     QAction *actionSaveMapAsImage() override;
200     QAction *actionProjectProperties() override;
201     QAction *actionCreatePrintLayout() override;
202     QAction *actionShowLayoutManager() override;
203     QAction *actionExit() override;
204     QAction *actionCutFeatures() override;
205     QAction *actionCopyFeatures() override;
206     QAction *actionPasteFeatures() override;
207     QAction *actionAddFeature() override;
208     QAction *actionDeleteSelected() override;
209     QAction *actionMoveFeature() override;
210     QAction *actionSplitFeatures() override;
211     QAction *actionSplitParts() override;
212     QAction *actionAddRing() override;
213     QAction *actionAddPart() override;
214     QAction *actionSimplifyFeature() override;
215     QAction *actionDeleteRing() override;
216     QAction *actionDeletePart() override;
217     QAction *actionVertexTool() override;
218     QAction *actionVertexToolActiveLayer() override;
219     QAction *actionPan() override;
220     QAction *actionPanToSelected() override;
221     QAction *actionZoomIn() override;
222     QAction *actionZoomOut() override;
223     QAction *actionSelect() override;
224     QAction *actionSelectRectangle() override;
225     QAction *actionSelectPolygon() override;
226     QAction *actionSelectFreehand() override;
227     QAction *actionSelectRadius() override;
228     QAction *actionIdentify() override;
229     QAction *actionFeatureAction() override;
230     QAction *actionMeasure() override;
231     QAction *actionMeasureArea() override;
232     QAction *actionZoomFullExtent() override;
233     QAction *actionZoomToLayer() override;
234     QAction *actionZoomToSelected() override;
235     QAction *actionZoomLast() override;
236     QAction *actionZoomNext() override;
237     QAction *actionZoomActualSize() override;
238     QAction *actionMapTips() override;
239     QAction *actionNewBookmark() override;
240     QAction *actionShowBookmarks() override;
241     QAction *actionDraw() override;
242     QAction *actionNewVectorLayer() override;
243     QAction *actionAddOgrLayer() override;
244     QAction *actionAddRasterLayer() override;
245     QAction *actionAddPgLayer() override;
246     QAction *actionAddWmsLayer() override;
247     QAction *actionAddXyzLayer() override;
248     QAction *actionAddVectorTileLayer() override;
249     QAction *actionAddAfsLayer() override;
250     QAction *actionAddAmsLayer() override;
251     QAction *actionCopyLayerStyle() override;
252     QAction *actionPasteLayerStyle() override;
253     QAction *actionOpenTable() override;
254     QAction *actionOpenFieldCalculator() override;
255     QAction *actionOpenStatisticalSummary() override;
256     QAction *actionToggleEditing() override;
257     QAction *actionSaveActiveLayerEdits() override;
258     QAction *actionAllEdits() override;
259     QAction *actionSaveEdits() override;
260     QAction *actionSaveAllEdits() override;
261     QAction *actionRollbackEdits() override;
262     QAction *actionRollbackAllEdits() override;
263     QAction *actionCancelEdits() override;
264     QAction *actionCancelAllEdits() override;
265     QAction *actionLayerSaveAs() override;
266     QAction *actionDuplicateLayer() override;
267     QAction *actionLayerProperties() override;
268     QAction *actionAddToOverview() override;
269     QAction *actionAddAllToOverview() override;
270     QAction *actionRemoveAllFromOverview() override;
271     QAction *actionHideAllLayers() override;
272     QAction *actionShowAllLayers() override;
273     QAction *actionHideSelectedLayers() override;
274     QAction *actionToggleSelectedLayers() override;
275     QAction *actionToggleSelectedLayersIndependently() override;
276     QAction *actionHideDeselectedLayers() override;
277     QAction *actionShowSelectedLayers() override;
278     QAction *actionManagePlugins() override;
279     QAction *actionPluginListSeparator() override;
280     QAction *actionShowPythonDialog() override;
281     QAction *actionToggleFullScreen() override;
282     QAction *actionOptions() override;
283     QAction *actionCustomProjection() override;
284     QAction *actionHelpContents() override;
285     QAction *actionQgisHomePage() override;
286     QAction *actionCheckQgisVersion() override;
287     QAction *actionAbout() override;
288     QAction *actionCircle2Points() override;
289     QAction *actionCircle3Points() override;
290     QAction *actionCircle3Tangents() override;
291     QAction *actionCircle2TangentsPoint() override;
292     QAction *actionCircleCenterPoint() override;
293     QAction *actionEllipseCenter2Points() override;
294     QAction *actionEllipseCenterPoint() override;
295     QAction *actionEllipseExtent() override;
296     QAction *actionEllipseFoci() override;
297     QAction *actionRectangleCenterPoint() override;
298     QAction *actionRectangleExtent() override;
299     QAction *actionRectangle3PointsDistance() override;
300     QAction *actionRectangle3PointsProjected() override;
301     QAction *actionRegularPolygon2Points() override;
302     QAction *actionRegularPolygonCenterPoint() override;
303     QAction *actionRegularPolygonCenterCorner() override;
305     bool openFeatureForm( QgsVectorLayer *l, QgsFeature &f, bool updateFeatureOnly = false, bool showModal = true ) override;
306     QgsAttributeDialog *getFeatureForm( QgsVectorLayer *layer, QgsFeature &feature ) override;
307     QgsVectorLayerTools *vectorLayerTools() override;
308     void preloadForm( const QString &uifile ) override;
309     QList<QgsMapLayer *> editableLayers( bool modified = false ) const override;
310     int messageTimeout() override;
311     QgsStatusBar *statusBarIface() override;
312     void locatorSearch( const QString &searchText ) override;
313     void registerLocatorFilter( QgsLocatorFilter *filter ) override;
314     void deregisterLocatorFilter( QgsLocatorFilter *filter ) override;
315     void invalidateLocatorResults() override;
316     bool askForDatumTransform( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem destinationCrs ) override;
317     void takeAppScreenShots( const QString &saveDirectory, const int categories = 0 ) override;
318     QgsBrowserGuiModel *browserModel() override;
319     QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge::InsertionPoint layerTreeInsertionPoint() override;
320     void setGpsPanelConnection( QgsGpsConnection *connection ) override;
322   private slots:
324     void cacheloadForm( const QString &uifile = QString() );
326   private:
328     //! Pointer to the QgisApp object
329     QgisApp *qgis = nullptr;
331     //! Pointer to the PluginManagerInterface object
332     QgsAppPluginManagerInterface pluginManagerIface;
333 };
336 #endif //#define QGISAPPINTERFACE_H