1 /***************************************************************************
2     qgsspatialiteconnection.cpp
3     ---------------------
4     begin                : October 2011
5     copyright            : (C) 2011 by Martin Dobias
6     email                : wonder dot sk at gmail dot com
7  ***************************************************************************
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
10  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
11  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
12  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
13  *                                                                         *
14  ***************************************************************************/
15 #include "qgsspatialiteconnection.h"
16 #include "qgssettings.h"
17 #include "qgslogger.h"
18 #include "qgsspatialiteutils.h"
19 #include "qgssqliteutils.h"
21 #include <QFileInfo>
22 #include <QRegularExpression>
23 #include <cstdlib> // atoi
25 #ifdef _MSC_VER
26 #define strcasecmp(a,b) stricmp(a,b)
27 #endif
29 const QString QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::SPATIALITE_ARRAY_PREFIX = QStringLiteral( "json" );
30 const QString QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::SPATIALITE_ARRAY_SUFFIX = QStringLiteral( "list" );
connectionList()32 QStringList QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::connectionList()
33 {
34   QgsSettings settings;
35   settings.beginGroup( QStringLiteral( "SpatiaLite/connections" ) );
36   return settings.childGroups();
37 }
deleteConnection(const QString & name)39 void QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::deleteConnection( const QString &name )
40 {
41   QgsSettings settings;
42   QString key = "/SpatiaLite/connections/" + name;
43   settings.remove( key + "/sqlitepath" );
44   settings.remove( key );
45 }
connectionPath(const QString & name)47 QString QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::connectionPath( const QString &name )
48 {
49   QgsSettings settings;
50   return settings.value( "/SpatiaLite/connections/" + name + "/sqlitepath" ).toString();
51 }
53 // -------
QgsSpatiaLiteConnection(const QString & name)55 QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::QgsSpatiaLiteConnection( const QString &name )
56 {
57   // "name" can be either a saved connection or a path to database
59   QgsSettings settings;
60   mPath = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "SpatiaLite/connections/%1/sqlitepath" ).arg( name ) ).toString();
61   if ( mPath.isNull() )
62     mPath = name; // not found in settings - probably it's a path
63 }
fetchTables(bool loadGeometrylessTables)65 QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::Error QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::fetchTables( bool loadGeometrylessTables )
66 {
67   mErrorMsg = QString();
69   QFileInfo fi( mPath );
70   if ( !fi.exists() )
71     return NotExists;
73   spatialite_database_unique_ptr database;
74   int ret = database.open( fi.canonicalFilePath() );
75   if ( ret )
76     return FailedToOpen;
78   ret = checkHasMetadataTables( database.get() );
79   if ( !mErrorMsg.isNull() || ret == LayoutUnknown )
80   {
81     // unexpected error; invalid SpatiaLite DB
82     return FailedToCheckMetadata;
83   }
85   if ( !getTableInfoAbstractInterface( database.get(), loadGeometrylessTables ) )
86   {
87     return FailedToGetTables;
88   }
90   return NoError;
91 }
updateStatistics()93 bool QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::updateStatistics()
94 {
95   QFileInfo fi( mPath );
96   if ( !fi.exists() )
97     return false;
99   spatialite_database_unique_ptr database;
100   int ret = database.open( fi.canonicalFilePath() );
101   if ( ret )
102     return false;
104   ret = update_layer_statistics( database.get(), nullptr, nullptr );
106   return ret;
107 }
nativeTypes()109 QList<QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType> QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::nativeTypes()
110 {
111   return QList<QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType>()
112          << QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType( tr( "Binary object (BLOB)" ), QStringLiteral( "BLOB" ), QVariant::ByteArray )
113          << QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType( tr( "Text" ), QStringLiteral( "TEXT" ), QVariant::String )
114          << QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType( tr( "Decimal number (double)" ), QStringLiteral( "FLOAT" ), QVariant::Double )
115          << QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType( tr( "Whole number (integer)" ), QStringLiteral( "INTEGER" ), QVariant::LongLong )
116          << QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType( tr( "Date" ), QStringLiteral( "DATE" ), QVariant::Date )
117          << QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType( tr( "Date & Time" ), QStringLiteral( "TIMESTAMP" ), QVariant::DateTime )
119          << QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType( tr( "Array of text" ), SPATIALITE_ARRAY_PREFIX.toUpper() + "TEXT" + SPATIALITE_ARRAY_SUFFIX.toUpper(), QVariant::StringList, 0, 0, 0, 0, QVariant::String )
120          << QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType( tr( "Array of decimal numbers (double)" ), SPATIALITE_ARRAY_PREFIX.toUpper() + "REAL" + SPATIALITE_ARRAY_SUFFIX.toUpper(), QVariant::List, 0, 0, 0, 0, QVariant::Double )
121          << QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType( tr( "Array of whole numbers (integer)" ), SPATIALITE_ARRAY_PREFIX.toUpper() + "INTEGER" + SPATIALITE_ARRAY_SUFFIX.toUpper(), QVariant::List, 0, 0, 0, 0, QVariant::LongLong );
122 }
checkHasMetadataTables(sqlite3 * handle)124 int QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::checkHasMetadataTables( sqlite3 *handle )
125 {
126   bool gcSpatiaLite = false;
127   bool rsSpatiaLite = false;
128   bool gcSpatiaLite4 = false;
129   bool rsSpatiaLite4 = false;
130   bool tableName = false;
131   bool geomColumn = false;
132   bool coordDims = false;
133   bool gcSrid = false;
134   bool type = false;
135   bool geometry_type = false;
136   bool spatialIndex = false;
137   bool srsSrid = false;
138   bool authName = false;
139   bool authSrid = false;
140   bool refSysName = false;
141   bool proj4text = false;
142   bool srtext = false;
143   int ret;
144   const char *name = nullptr;
145   int i;
146   char **results = nullptr;
147   int rows;
148   int columns;
149   char *errMsg = nullptr;
151   // checking if table GEOMETRY_COLUMNS exists and has the expected layout
152   ret = sqlite3_get_table( handle, "PRAGMA table_info(geometry_columns)", &results, &rows, &columns, &errMsg );
153   if ( ret != SQLITE_OK )
154   {
155     mErrorMsg = tr( "table info on %1 failed" ).arg( QLatin1String( "geometry_columns" ) );
156     goto error;
157   }
158   if ( rows < 1 )
159     ;
160   else
161   {
162     for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ )
163     {
164       name = results[( i * columns ) + 1];
165       if ( strcasecmp( name, "f_table_name" ) == 0 )
166         tableName = true;
167       if ( strcasecmp( name, "f_geometry_column" ) == 0 )
168         geomColumn = true;
169       if ( strcasecmp( name, "coord_dimension" ) == 0 )
170         coordDims = true;
171       if ( strcasecmp( name, "srid" ) == 0 )
172         gcSrid = true;
173       if ( strcasecmp( name, "type" ) == 0 )
174         type = true;
175       if ( strcasecmp( name, "geometry_type" ) == 0 )
176         geometry_type = true;
177       if ( strcasecmp( name, "spatial_index_enabled" ) == 0 )
178         spatialIndex = true;
179     }
180   }
181   sqlite3_free_table( results );
182   if ( tableName && geomColumn && type && coordDims && gcSrid && spatialIndex )
183     gcSpatiaLite = true;
184   if ( tableName && geomColumn && geometry_type && coordDims && gcSrid && spatialIndex )
185     gcSpatiaLite4 = true;
187   // checking if table SPATIAL_REF_SYS exists and has the expected layout
188   ret = sqlite3_get_table( handle, "PRAGMA table_info(spatial_ref_sys)", &results, &rows, &columns, &errMsg );
189   if ( ret != SQLITE_OK )
190   {
191     mErrorMsg = tr( "table info on %1 failed" ).arg( QLatin1String( "spatial_ref_sys" ) );
192     goto error;
193   }
194   if ( rows < 1 )
195     ;
196   else
197   {
198     for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ )
199     {
200       name = results[( i * columns ) + 1];
201       if ( strcasecmp( name, "srid" ) == 0 )
202         srsSrid = true;
203       if ( strcasecmp( name, "auth_name" ) == 0 )
204         authName = true;
205       if ( strcasecmp( name, "auth_srid" ) == 0 )
206         authSrid = true;
207       if ( strcasecmp( name, "ref_sys_name" ) == 0 )
208         refSysName = true;
209       if ( strcasecmp( name, "proj4text" ) == 0 )
210         proj4text = true;
211       if ( strcasecmp( name, "srtext" ) == 0 )
212         srtext = true;
213     }
214   }
215   sqlite3_free_table( results );
216   if ( srsSrid && authName && authSrid && refSysName && proj4text )
217     rsSpatiaLite = true;
218   if ( srsSrid && authName && authSrid && refSysName && proj4text && srtext )
219     rsSpatiaLite4 = true;
221   // OK, this one seems to be a valid SpatiaLite DB
222   if ( gcSpatiaLite4 && rsSpatiaLite4 )
223     return LayoutCurrent;
224   if ( gcSpatiaLite && rsSpatiaLite )
225     return LayoutLegacy;
227   // this seems to be a valid SQLite DB, but not a SpatiaLite's one
228   return LayoutUnknown;
230 error:
231   // unexpected IO error
232   if ( errMsg )
233   {
234     mErrorMsg += '\n';
235     mErrorMsg += errMsg;
236     sqlite3_free( errMsg );
237   }
238   return false;
239 }
getTableInfoAbstractInterface(sqlite3 * handle,bool loadGeometrylessTables)241 bool QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::getTableInfoAbstractInterface( sqlite3 *handle, bool loadGeometrylessTables )
242 {
243   int ret;
244   int i;
245   char **results = nullptr;
246   int rows;
247   int columns;
248   char *errMsg = nullptr;
249   QString sql;
250   gaiaVectorLayersListPtr list;
252   const char *version = spatialite_version();
253   if ( isdigit( *version ) && *version >= '4' )
254     ; // OK, linked against libspatialite v.4.0 (or any subsequent)
255   else
256   {
257     mErrorMsg = tr( "obsolete libspatialite: AbstractInterface is unsupported" );
258     return false;
259   }
261   // List of system tables not to be shown if geometryless tables are requested
262   QStringList ignoreTableNames = QgsSqliteUtils::systemTables();
264   // attempting to load the VectorLayersList
265   list = gaiaGetVectorLayersList( handle, nullptr, nullptr, GAIA_VECTORS_LIST_FAST );
266   if ( list )
267   {
268     gaiaVectorLayerPtr lyr = list->First;
269     while ( lyr )
270     {
271       // populating the QGIS own Layers List
272       if ( lyr->AuthInfos )
273       {
274         if ( lyr->AuthInfos->IsHidden )
275         {
276           // skipping any Hidden layer
277           lyr = lyr->Next;
278           continue;
279         }
280       }
282       QString tableName = QString::fromUtf8( lyr->TableName );
283       ignoreTableNames << tableName;
284       QString column = QString::fromUtf8( lyr->GeometryName );
285       ignoreTableNames << QStringLiteral( "idx_%1_%2" ).arg( tableName, column )
286                        << QStringLiteral( "idx_%1_%2_node" ).arg( tableName, column )
287                        << QStringLiteral( "idx_%1_%2_parent" ).arg( tableName, column )
288                        << QStringLiteral( "idx_%1_%2_rowid" ).arg( tableName, column );
289       QString type = tr( "UNKNOWN" );
290       switch ( lyr->GeometryType )
291       {
292         case GAIA_VECTOR_GEOMETRY:
293           type = tr( "GEOMETRY" );
294           break;
295         case GAIA_VECTOR_POINT:
296           type = tr( "POINT" );
297           break;
298         case GAIA_VECTOR_LINESTRING:
299           type = tr( "LINESTRING" );
300           break;
301         case GAIA_VECTOR_POLYGON:
302           type = tr( "POLYGON" );
303           break;
304         case GAIA_VECTOR_MULTIPOINT:
305           type = tr( "MULTIPOINT" );
306           break;
308           type = tr( "MULTILINESTRING" );
309           break;
311           type = tr( "MULTIPOLYGON" );
312           break;
314           type = tr( "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION" );
315           break;
316       }
317       mTables.append( TableEntry( tableName, column, type ) );
319       lyr = lyr->Next;
320     }
321     gaiaFreeVectorLayersList( list );
322   }
324   if ( loadGeometrylessTables )
325   {
326     // get all tables
327     sql = "SELECT name "
328           "FROM sqlite_master "
329           "WHERE type in ('table', 'view')";
330     ret = sqlite3_get_table( handle, sql.toUtf8(), &results, &rows, &columns, &errMsg );
331     if ( ret != SQLITE_OK )
332       goto error;
333     if ( rows < 1 )
334       ;
335     else
336     {
337       for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ )
338       {
339         QString tableName = QString::fromUtf8( results[( i * columns ) + 0] );
340         if ( !ignoreTableNames.contains( tableName, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
341           mTables.append( TableEntry( tableName, QString(), QStringLiteral( "qgis_table" ) ) );
342       }
343     }
344     sqlite3_free_table( results );
345   }
347   return true;
349 error:
350   // unexpected IO error
351   mErrorMsg = tr( "unknown error cause" );
352   if ( errMsg )
353   {
354     mErrorMsg = errMsg;
355     sqlite3_free( errMsg );
356   }
357   return false;
358 }
getTableInfo(sqlite3 * handle,bool loadGeometrylessTables)360 bool QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::getTableInfo( sqlite3 *handle, bool loadGeometrylessTables )
361 {
362   int ret;
363   int i;
364   char **results = nullptr;
365   int rows;
366   int columns;
367   char *errMsg = nullptr;
368   QString sql;
370   // the following query return the tables containing a Geometry column
371   sql = "SELECT f_table_name, f_geometry_column, type "
372         "FROM geometry_columns";
373   ret = sqlite3_get_table( handle, sql.toUtf8(), &results, &rows, &columns, &errMsg );
374   if ( ret != SQLITE_OK )
375     goto error;
376   for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ )
377   {
378     if ( isRasterlite1Datasource( handle, results[( i * columns ) + 0] ) )
379       continue;
380     QString tableName = QString::fromUtf8( results[( i * columns ) + 0] );
381     QString column = QString::fromUtf8( results[( i * columns ) + 1] );
382     QString type = results[( i * columns ) + 2];
383     if ( isDeclaredHidden( handle, tableName, column ) )
384       continue;
386     mTables.append( TableEntry( tableName, column, type ) );
387   }
388   sqlite3_free_table( results );
390   if ( checkViewsGeometryColumns( handle ) )
391   {
392     // the following query return the views supporting a Geometry column
393     sql = "SELECT view_name, view_geometry, type "
394           "FROM views_geometry_columns "
395           "JOIN geometry_columns USING (f_table_name, f_geometry_column)";
396     ret = sqlite3_get_table( handle, sql.toUtf8(), &results, &rows, &columns, &errMsg );
397     if ( ret != SQLITE_OK )
398       goto error;
399     for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ )
400     {
401       QString tableName = QString::fromUtf8( results[( i * columns ) + 0] );
402       QString column = QString::fromUtf8( results[( i * columns ) + 1] );
403       QString type = results[( i * columns ) + 2];
404       if ( isDeclaredHidden( handle, tableName, column ) )
405         continue;
407       mTables.append( TableEntry( tableName, column, type ) );
408     }
409     sqlite3_free_table( results );
410   }
412   if ( checkVirtsGeometryColumns( handle ) )
413   {
414     // the following query return the VirtualShapefiles
415     sql = "SELECT virt_name, virt_geometry, type "
416           "FROM virts_geometry_columns";
417     ret = sqlite3_get_table( handle, sql.toUtf8(), &results, &rows, &columns, &errMsg );
418     if ( ret != SQLITE_OK )
419       goto error;
420     for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ )
421     {
422       QString tableName = QString::fromUtf8( results[( i * columns ) + 0] );
423       QString column = QString::fromUtf8( results[( i * columns ) + 1] );
424       QString type = results[( i * columns ) + 2];
425       if ( isDeclaredHidden( handle, tableName, column ) )
426         continue;
428       mTables.append( TableEntry( tableName, column, type ) );
429     }
430     sqlite3_free_table( results );
431   }
433   if ( loadGeometrylessTables )
434   {
435     // get all tables
436     sql = "SELECT name "
437           "FROM sqlite_master "
438           "WHERE type in ('table', 'view')";
439     ret = sqlite3_get_table( handle, sql.toUtf8(), &results, &rows, &columns, &errMsg );
440     if ( ret != SQLITE_OK )
441       goto error;
442     for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ )
443     {
444       QString tableName = QString::fromUtf8( results[( i * columns ) + 0] );
445       mTables.append( TableEntry( tableName, QString(), QStringLiteral( "qgis_table" ) ) );
446     }
447     sqlite3_free_table( results );
448   }
450   return true;
452 error:
453   // unexpected IO error
454   mErrorMsg = tr( "unknown error cause" );
455   if ( errMsg )
456   {
457     mErrorMsg = errMsg;
458     sqlite3_free( errMsg );
459   }
460   return false;
461 }
checkGeometryColumnsAuth(sqlite3 * handle)463 bool QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::checkGeometryColumnsAuth( sqlite3 *handle )
464 {
465   int ret;
466   int i;
467   char **results = nullptr;
468   int rows;
469   int columns;
470   bool exists = false;
472   // checking the metadata tables
473   QString sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'geometry_columns_auth'" );
475   ret = sqlite3_get_table( handle, sql.toUtf8().constData(), &results, &rows, &columns, nullptr );
476   if ( ret != SQLITE_OK )
477     return false;
478   if ( rows < 1 )
479     ;
480   else
481   {
482     for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ )
483     {
484       if ( results[( i * columns ) + 0] )
485       {
486         const char *name = results[( i * columns ) + 0];
487         if ( name )
488           exists = true;
489       }
490     }
491   }
492   sqlite3_free_table( results );
493   return exists;
494 }
checkViewsGeometryColumns(sqlite3 * handle)497 bool QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::checkViewsGeometryColumns( sqlite3 *handle )
498 {
499   int ret;
500   int i;
501   char **results = nullptr;
502   int rows;
503   int columns;
504   bool exists = false;
506   // checking the metadata tables
507   QString sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'views_geometry_columns'" );
509   ret = sqlite3_get_table( handle, sql.toUtf8().constData(), &results, &rows, &columns, nullptr );
510   if ( ret != SQLITE_OK )
511     return false;
512   if ( rows < 1 )
513     ;
514   else
515   {
516     for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ )
517     {
518       if ( results[( i * columns ) + 0] )
519       {
520         const char *name = results[( i * columns ) + 0];
521         if ( name )
522           exists = true;
523       }
524     }
525   }
526   sqlite3_free_table( results );
527   return exists;
528 }
checkVirtsGeometryColumns(sqlite3 * handle)530 bool QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::checkVirtsGeometryColumns( sqlite3 *handle )
531 {
532   int ret;
533   int i;
534   char **results = nullptr;
535   int rows;
536   int columns;
537   bool exists = false;
539   // checking the metadata tables
540   QString sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'virts_geometry_columns'" );
542   ret = sqlite3_get_table( handle, sql.toUtf8().constData(), &results, &rows, &columns, nullptr );
543   if ( ret != SQLITE_OK )
544     return false;
545   if ( rows < 1 )
546     ;
547   else
548   {
549     for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ )
550     {
551       if ( results[( i * columns ) + 0] )
552       {
553         const char *name = results[( i * columns ) + 0];
554         if ( name )
555           exists = true;
556       }
557     }
558   }
559   sqlite3_free_table( results );
560   return exists;
561 }
isRasterlite1Datasource(sqlite3 * handle,const char * table)563 bool QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::isRasterlite1Datasource( sqlite3 *handle, const char *table )
564 {
565 // testing for RasterLite-1 datasources
566   int ret;
567   int i;
568   char **results = nullptr;
569   int rows;
570   int columns;
571   bool exists = false;
572   char table_raster[4192];
573   char sql[4258];
575   strncpy( table_raster, table, sizeof table_raster );
576   table_raster[ sizeof table_raster - 1 ] = '\0';
578   size_t len = strlen( table_raster );
579   if ( strlen( table_raster ) < 9 )
580     return false;
581   if ( strcmp( table_raster + len - 9, "_metadata" ) != 0 )
582     return false;
583   // OK, possible candidate
584   strcpy( table_raster + len - 9, "_rasters" );
586   // checking if the related "_RASTERS table exists
587   sprintf( sql, "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = '%s'", table_raster );
589   ret = sqlite3_get_table( handle, sql, &results, &rows, &columns, nullptr );
590   if ( ret != SQLITE_OK )
591     return false;
592   if ( rows < 1 )
593     ;
594   else
595   {
596     for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ )
597     {
598       if ( results[( i * columns ) + 0] )
599       {
600         const char *name = results[( i * columns ) + 0];
601         if ( name )
602           exists = true;
603       }
604     }
605   }
606   sqlite3_free_table( results );
607   return exists;
608 }
isDeclaredHidden(sqlite3 * handle,const QString & table,const QString & geom)610 bool QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::isDeclaredHidden( sqlite3 *handle, const QString &table, const QString &geom )
611 {
612   int ret;
613   int i;
614   char **results = nullptr;
615   int rows;
616   int columns;
617   char *errMsg = nullptr;
618   bool isHidden = false;
620   if ( !checkGeometryColumnsAuth( handle ) )
621     return false;
622   // checking if some Layer has been declared as HIDDEN
623   QString sql = QString( "SELECT hidden FROM geometry_columns_auth"
624                          " WHERE f_table_name=%1 and f_geometry_column=%2" ).arg( QgsSqliteUtils::quotedString( table ),
625                              QgsSqliteUtils::quotedString( geom ) );
627   ret = sqlite3_get_table( handle, sql.toUtf8().constData(), &results, &rows, &columns, &errMsg );
628   if ( ret != SQLITE_OK )
629     goto error;
630   if ( rows < 1 )
631     ;
632   else
633   {
634     for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ )
635     {
636       if ( results[( i * columns ) + 0] )
637       {
638         if ( atoi( results[( i * columns ) + 0] ) != 0 )
639           isHidden = true;
640       }
641     }
642   }
643   sqlite3_free_table( results );
645   return isHidden;
647 error:
648   // unexpected IO error
649   mErrorMsg = tr( "unknown error cause" );
650   if ( errMsg )
651   {
652     mErrorMsg = errMsg;
653     sqlite3_free( errMsg );
654   }
655   return false;
656 }
fcnRegexp(sqlite3_context * ctx,int,sqlite3_value * argv[])662 static void fcnRegexp( sqlite3_context *ctx, int /*argc*/, sqlite3_value *argv[] )
663 {
664   QRegularExpression re( reinterpret_cast<const char *>( sqlite3_value_text( argv[0] ) ) );
665   QString string( reinterpret_cast<const char *>( sqlite3_value_text( argv[1] ) ) );
667   if ( !re.isValid() )
668     return sqlite3_result_error( ctx, "invalid operand", -1 );
670   sqlite3_result_int( ctx, string.contains( re ) );
671 }
676 QMap < QString, QgsSqliteHandle * > QgsSqliteHandle::sHandles;
677 QMutex QgsSqliteHandle::sHandleMutex;
checkMetadata(sqlite3 * handle)680 bool QgsSqliteHandle::checkMetadata( sqlite3 *handle )
681 {
682   int ret;
683   int i;
684   char **results = nullptr;
685   int rows;
686   int columns;
687   int spatial_type = 0;
688   ret = sqlite3_get_table( handle, "SELECT CheckSpatialMetadata()", &results, &rows, &columns, nullptr );
689   if ( ret != SQLITE_OK )
690     goto skip;
691   if ( rows < 1 )
692     ;
693   else
694   {
695     for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ )
696       spatial_type = atoi( results[( i * columns ) + 0] );
697   }
698   sqlite3_free_table( results );
699 skip:
700   if ( spatial_type == 1 || spatial_type == 3 )
701     return true;
702   return false;
703 }
openDb(const QString & dbPath,bool shared)705 QgsSqliteHandle *QgsSqliteHandle::openDb( const QString &dbPath, bool shared )
706 {
707   //QMap < QString, QgsSqliteHandle* >&handles = QgsSqliteHandle::handles;
708   QMutexLocker locker( &sHandleMutex );
710   if ( shared && sHandles.contains( dbPath ) )
711   {
712     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Using cached connection for %1" ).arg( dbPath ) );
713     sHandles[dbPath]->ref++;
714     return sHandles[dbPath];
715   }
717   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "New sqlite connection for " ) + dbPath );
718   spatialite_database_unique_ptr database;
719   if ( database.open_v2( dbPath, shared ? SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE : SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY | SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX, nullptr ) )
720   {
721     // failure
722     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Failure while connecting to: %1\n%2" )
723                  .arg( dbPath,
724                        QString::fromUtf8( sqlite3_errmsg( database.get() ) ) ) );
725     return nullptr;
726   }
728   // checking the DB for sanity
729   if ( !checkMetadata( database.get() ) )
730   {
731     // failure
732     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Failure while connecting to: %1\n\ninvalid metadata tables" ).arg( dbPath ) );
733     return nullptr;
734   }
736   // add REGEXP function
737   sqlite3_create_function( database.get(), "REGEXP", 2, SQLITE_UTF8, nullptr, fcnRegexp, nullptr, nullptr );
739   // activating Foreign Key constraints
740   ( void )sqlite3_exec( database.get(), "PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr );
742   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Connection to the database was successful" ) );
744   QgsSqliteHandle *handle = new QgsSqliteHandle( std::move( database ), dbPath, shared );
745   if ( shared )
746     sHandles.insert( dbPath, handle );
748   return handle;
749 }
closeDb(QgsSqliteHandle * & handle)751 void QgsSqliteHandle::closeDb( QgsSqliteHandle *&handle )
752 {
753   if ( handle->ref == -1 )
754   {
755     // not shared
756     delete handle;
757   }
758   else
759   {
760     QMutexLocker locker( &sHandleMutex );
761     QMap < QString, QgsSqliteHandle * >::iterator i;
762     for ( i = sHandles.begin(); i != sHandles.end() && i.value() != handle; ++i )
763       ;
765     Q_ASSERT( i.value() == handle );
766     Q_ASSERT( i.value()->ref > 0 );
768     if ( --i.value()->ref == 0 )
769     {
770       delete i.value();
771       i = sHandles.erase( i );
772     }
773   }
775   handle = nullptr;
776 }
closeAll()778 void QgsSqliteHandle::closeAll()
779 {
780   QMutexLocker locker( &sHandleMutex );
781   qDeleteAll( sHandles );
782   sHandles.clear();
783 }