1 /***************************************************************************
2                               qgswmsparameters.h
3                               ------------------
4   begin                : March 17, 2017
5   copyright            : (C) 2017 by Paul Blottiere
6   email                : paul dot blottiere at oslandia dot com
7  ***************************************************************************/
9 /***************************************************************************
10  *                                                                         *
11  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
12  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
13  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
14  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
15  *                                                                         *
16  ***************************************************************************/
21 #include <QMap>
22 #include <QMetaEnum>
23 #include <QColor>
25 #include "qgsrectangle.h"
26 #include "qgslegendsettings.h"
27 #include "qgsprojectversion.h"
28 #include "qgsogcutils.h"
29 #include "qgsserverparameters.h"
30 #include "qgsdxfexport.h"
32 namespace QgsWms
33 {
34   struct QgsWmsParametersFilter
35   {
36     //! Filter type
37     enum Type
38     {
39       UNKNOWN,
40       SQL,
41       OGC_FE
42     };
44     QString mFilter;
45     QgsWmsParametersFilter::Type mType = QgsWmsParametersFilter::UNKNOWN;
46     QgsOgcUtils::FilterVersion mVersion = QgsOgcUtils::FILTER_OGC_1_0; // only if FE
47   };
49   struct QgsWmsParametersLayer
50   {
51     QString mNickname; // name, id or short name
52     int mOpacity = -1;
53     QList<QgsWmsParametersFilter> mFilter; // list of filter
54     QStringList mSelection; // list of string fid
55     QString mStyle;
56     QString mExternalUri;
57   };
59   struct QgsWmsParametersExternalLayer
60   {
61     QString mName;
62     QString mUri;
63   };
65   struct QgsWmsParametersHighlightLayer
66   {
67     QString mName;
68     QgsGeometry mGeom;
69     QString mSld;
70     QString mLabel;
71     QColor mColor;
72     int mSize = 0;
73     int mWeight = 0;
74     QString mFont;
75     float mBufferSize = 0;
76     QColor mBufferColor;
77   };
79   struct QgsWmsParametersComposerMap
80   {
81     int mId = 0; // composer map id
82     bool mHasExtent = false; // does the request contains extent for this composer map
83     QgsRectangle mExtent; // the request extent for this composer map
84     float mScale = -1;
85     float mRotation = 0;
86     float mGridX = 0;
87     float mGridY = 0;
88     QList<QgsWmsParametersLayer> mLayers; // list of layers for this composer map
89     QList<QgsWmsParametersHighlightLayer> mHighlightLayers; // list of highlight layers for this composer map
90   };
92   /**
93    * \ingroup server
94    * \class QgsWmsParameter
95    * \brief WMS parameter received from the client.
96    * \since QGIS 3.4
97    */
98   class QgsWmsParameter : public QgsServerParameterDefinition
99   {
100       Q_GADGET
102     public:
103       //! Available parameters for WMS requests
104       enum Name
105       {
106         UNKNOWN,
107         BOXSPACE,
108         CRS,
109         SRS,
110         WIDTH,
111         HEIGHT,
112         BBOX,
114         IMAGE_QUALITY,
116         ITEMFONTBOLD,
118         ITEMFONTSIZE,
119         ITEMFONTCOLOR,
120         LAYER,
122         LAYERFONTBOLD,
124         LAYERFONTSIZE,
126         LAYERTITLE,
127         LAYERS,
128         LAYERSPACE,
130         QUERY_LAYERS,
131         FEATURE_COUNT,
133         STYLE,
134         STYLES,
135         SYMBOLSPACE,
136         SYMBOLHEIGHT,
137         SYMBOLWIDTH,
138         OPACITIES,
139         SLD,
140         SLD_BODY,
142         FI_LINE_TOLERANCE,
144         FILTER,
145         FILTER_GEOM,
146         FORMAT,
147         INFO_FORMAT,
148         I,
149         J,
150         X,
151         Y,
152         RULE,
153         RULELABEL,
154         SCALE,
155         SELECTION,
156         HIGHLIGHT_GEOM,
165         WMS_PRECISION,
166         TRANSPARENT,
167         BGCOLOR,
168         DPI,
169         TEMPLATE,
170         EXTENT,
171         ROTATION,
172         GRID_INTERVAL_X,
173         GRID_INTERVAL_Y,
174         WITH_GEOMETRY,
175         WITH_MAPTIP,
176         WMTVER,
177         ATLAS_PK,
178         FORMAT_OPTIONS,
179         SRCWIDTH,
180         SRCHEIGHT,
181         TILED
182       };
183       Q_ENUM( Name )
185       /**
186        * Constructor for QgsWmsParameter.
187        * \param name Name of the WMS parameter
188        * \param type Type of the parameter
189        * \param defaultValue Default value of the parameter
190        */
191       QgsWmsParameter( const QgsWmsParameter::Name name = QgsWmsParameter::UNKNOWN,
192                        const QVariant::Type type = QVariant::String,
193                        const QVariant defaultValue = QVariant( "" ) );
195       /**
196        * Default destructor for QgsWmsParameter.
197        */
198       virtual ~QgsWmsParameter() override = default;
200       /**
201        * Returns TRUE if the parameter is valid, FALSE otherwise.
202        */
203       bool isValid() const override;
205       /**
206        * Converts the parameter into a list of strings and keeps empty parts
207        * Default style value is an empty string
208        * \param delimiter The character used for delimiting
209        * \returns A list of strings
210        * \since QGIS 3.8
211        */
212       QStringList toStyleList( const char delimiter = ',' ) const;
214       /**
215        * Converts the parameter into a list of geometries.
216        * \param delimiter The character delimiting string geometries
217        * \returns A list of geometries
218        * \throws QgsBadRequestException Invalid parameter exception
219        */
220       QList<QgsGeometry> toGeomList( const char delimiter = ',' ) const;
222       /**
223        * Converts the parameter into a list of integers.
224        * \param delimiter The character delimiting string integers
225        * \returns A list of integers
226        * \throws QgsBadRequestException Invalid parameter exception
227        */
228       QList<int> toIntList( const char delimiter = ',' ) const;
230       /**
231        * Converts the parameter into a list of doubles.
232        * \param delimiter The character delimiting string doubles
233        * \returns A list of doubles
234        * \throws QgsBadRequestException Invalid parameter exception
235        */
236       QList<double> toDoubleList( const char delimiter = ',' ) const;
238       /**
239        * Converts the parameter into a list of colors.
240        * \param delimiter The character delimiting string colors
241        * \returns A list of colors
242        * \throws QgsBadRequestException Invalid parameter exception
243        */
244       QList<QColor> toColorList( const char delimiter = ',' ) const;
246       /**
247        * Converts the parameter into a rectangle.
248        * \returns A rectangle
249        * \throws QgsBadRequestException Invalid parameter exception
250        */
251       QgsRectangle toRectangle() const;
253       /**
254        * Converts the parameter into an integer.
255        * \returns An integer
256        * \throws QgsBadRequestException Invalid parameter exception
257        */
258       int toInt() const;
260       /**
261        * Converts the parameter into a double.
262        * \returns A double
263        * \throws QgsBadRequestException Invalid parameter exception
264        */
265       double toDouble() const;
267       /**
268        * Converts the parameter into a color.
269        * \returns A color
270        * \throws QgsBadRequestException Invalid parameter exception
271        */
272       QColor toColor() const;
274       /**
275        * Converts the parameter into an url.
276        * \returns An url
277        * \throws QgsBadRequestException Invalid parameter exception
278        * \since QGIS 3.4
279        */
280       QUrl toUrl() const;
282       /**
283        * Loads the data associated to the parameter converted into an url.
284        * \returns The content loaded
285        * \throws QgsBadRequestException Invalid parameter exception
286        * \since QGIS 3.4
287        */
288       QString loadUrl() const;
290       /**
291        * Raises an error in case of an invalid conversion.
292        * \throws QgsBadRequestException Invalid parameter exception
293        */
294       void raiseError() const;
296       /**
297        * Returns the name of the parameter.
298        * \since QGIS 3.8
299        */
300       QString name() const;
302       /**
303        * Converts a parameter's name into its string representation.
304        */
305       static QString name( const QgsWmsParameter::Name );
307       /**
308        * Converts a string into a parameter's name (UNKNOWN in case of an
309        * invalid string).
310        */
311       static QgsWmsParameter::Name name( const QString &name );
313       QgsWmsParameter::Name mName;
314       int mId = -1;
315   };
317   /**
318    * \ingroup server
319    * \class QgsWms::QgsWmsParameters
320    * \brief Provides an interface to retrieve and manipulate WMS parameters received from the client.
321    * \since QGIS 3.0
322    */
323   class QgsWmsParameters : public QgsServerParameters
324   {
325       Q_GADGET
327     public:
329       //! Output format for the response
330       enum Format
331       {
332         NONE,
333         JPG,
334         PNG,
335         SVG,
336         PDF,
337         TEXT,
338         XML,
339         HTML,
340         GML,
341         JSON
342       };
343       Q_ENUM( Format )
345       //! Options for DXF format
346       enum DxfFormatOption
347       {
348         SCALE,
349         MODE,
352         CODEC,
353         NO_MTEXT,
354         FORCE_2D
355       };
356       Q_ENUM( DxfFormatOption )
358       /**
359        * Constructor for WMS parameters with specific values.
360        * \param parameters Map of parameters where keys are parameters' names.
361        */
362       QgsWmsParameters( const QgsServerParameters &parameters );
364       /**
365        * Constructor for WMS parameters with default values only.
366         */
367       QgsWmsParameters();
369       virtual ~QgsWmsParameters() override = default;
371       /**
372        * Returns the parameter corresponding to \a name.
373        * \since QGIS 3.8
374        */
375       QgsWmsParameter operator[]( QgsWmsParameter::Name name ) const;
377       /**
378        * Sets a parameter \a value thanks to its \a name.
379        * \since QGIS 3.8
380        */
381       void set( QgsWmsParameter::Name name, const QVariant &value );
383       /**
384        * Dumps parameters.
385        */
386       void dump() const;
388       /**
389        * Returns CRS or an empty string if none is defined.
390        * \returns crs parameter as string
391        */
392       QString crs() const;
394       /**
395        * Returns WIDTH parameter or an empty string if not defined.
396        * \returns width parameter
397        */
398       QString width() const;
400       /**
401        * Returns WIDTH parameter as an int or its default value if not
402        * defined. An exception is raised if WIDTH is defined and cannot be
403        * converted.
404        * \returns width parameter
405        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
406        */
407       int widthAsInt() const;
409       /**
410        * Returns HEIGHT parameter or an empty string if not defined.
411        * \returns height parameter
412        */
413       QString height() const;
415       /**
416        * Returns HEIGHT parameter as an int or its default value if not
417        * defined. An exception is raised if HEIGHT is defined and cannot be
418        * converted.
419        * \returns height parameter
420        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
421        */
422       int heightAsInt() const;
424       /**
425        * Returns SRCWIDTH parameter or an empty string if not defined.
426        * \returns srcWidth parameter
427        * \since QGIS 3.8
428        */
429       QString srcWidth() const;
431       /**
432        * Returns SRCWIDTH parameter as an int or its default value if not
433        * defined. An exception is raised if SRCWIDTH is defined and cannot be
434        * converted.
435        * \returns srcWidth parameter
436        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
437        * \since QGIS 3.8
438        */
439       int srcWidthAsInt() const;
441       /**
442        * Returns SRCHEIGHT parameter or an empty string if not defined.
443        * \returns srcHeight parameter
444        * \since QGIS 3.8
445        */
446       QString srcHeight() const;
448       /**
449        * Returns SRCHEIGHT parameter as an int or its default value if not
450        * defined. An exception is raised if SRCHEIGHT is defined and cannot be
451        * converted.
452        * \returns srcHeight parameter
453        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
454        * \since QGIS 3.8
455        */
456       int srcHeightAsInt() const;
458       /**
459        * Returns VERSION parameter if defined or its default value.
460        * \returns version
461        */
462       QgsProjectVersion versionAsNumber() const;
464       /**
465        * Returns TRUE if \a version is valid, FALSE otherwise.
466        * \since QGIS 3.4
467        */
468       bool versionIsValid( const QString version ) const;
470       /**
471        * Returns BBOX if defined or an empty string.
472        * \returns bbox parameter
473        */
474       QString bbox() const;
476       /**
477        * Returns BBOX as a rectangle if defined and valid. An exception is
478        * raised if the BBOX string cannot be converted into a rectangle.
479        * \returns bbox as rectangle
480        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
481        */
482       QgsRectangle bboxAsRectangle() const;
484       /**
485        * Returns SLD_body if defined or an empty string.
486        * \returns sld body
487        */
488       QString sldBody() const;
490       /**
491        * Returns the list of feature selection found in SELECTION parameter.
492        * \returns the list of selection
493        */
494       QStringList selections() const;
496       /**
497        * Returns the list of filters found in FILTER parameter.
498        * \returns the list of filter
499        */
500       QStringList filters() const;
502       /**
503        * Returns the filter geometry found in FILTER_GEOM parameter.
504        * \returns the filter geometry as Well Known Text.
505        */
506       QString filterGeom() const;
508       /**
509        * Returns the list of opacities found in OPACITIES parameter.
510        * \returns the list of opacities in string
511        */
512       QStringList opacities() const;
514       /**
515        * Returns the list of opacities found in OPACITIES parameter as
516        * integers. If an opacity cannot be converted into an integer, then an
517        * exception is raised
518        * \returns a list of opacities as integers
519        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
520        */
521       QList<int> opacitiesAsInt() const;
523       /**
524        * Returns nickname of layers found in LAYER and LAYERS parameters.
525        * \returns nickname of layers
526        */
527       QStringList allLayersNickname() const;
529       /**
530        * Returns nickname of layers found in QUERY_LAYERS parameter.
531        * \returns nickname of layers
532        */
533       QStringList queryLayersNickname() const;
535       /**
536        * Returns styles found in STYLE and STYLES parameters.
537        * \returns name of styles
538        */
539       QStringList allStyles() const;
541       /**
542        * Returns parameters for each layer found in LAYER/LAYERS.
543        * \returns layer parameters
544        */
545       QList<QgsWmsParametersLayer> layersParameters() const;
547       /**
548        * Returns FI_POLYGON_TOLERANCE parameter or an empty string if not
549        * defined.
550        * \since QGIS 3.4
551        */
552       QString polygonTolerance() const;
554       /**
555        * Returns FI_LINE_TOLERANCE parameter or an empty string if not
556        * defined.
557        * \since QGIS 3.4
558        */
559       QString lineTolerance() const;
561       /**
562        * Returns FI_POINT_TOLERANCE parameter or an empty string if not
563        * defined.
564        * \since QGIS 3.4
565        */
566       QString pointTolerance() const;
568       /**
569        * Returns FI_POLYGON_TOLERANCE parameter as an integer.
570        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
571        * \since QGIS 3.4
572        */
573       int polygonToleranceAsInt() const;
575       /**
576        * Returns FI_LINE_TOLERANCE parameter as an integer.
577        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
578        * \since QGIS 3.4
579        */
580       int lineToleranceAsInt() const;
582       /**
583        * Returns FI_POINT_TOLERANCE parameter as an integer.
584        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
585        * \since QGIS 3.4
586        */
587       int pointToleranceAsInt() const;
589       /**
590        * Returns FORMAT parameter as a string.
591        * \returns FORMAT parameter as string
592        */
593       QString formatAsString() const;
595       /**
596        * Returns format parameter as a string.
597        * \since QGIS 3.8
598        */
599       static QString formatAsString( Format format );
601       /**
602        * Returns format. If the FORMAT parameter is not used, then the
603        * default value is PNG.
604        * \returns format
605        */
606       Format format() const;
608       /**
609        * Returns INFO_FORMAT parameter as a string.
610        * \returns INFO_FORMAT parameter as string
611        */
612       QString infoFormatAsString() const;
614       /**
615        * Checks if INFO_FORMAT parameter is one of the image formats (PNG, JPG).
616        * \returns TRUE if the INFO_FORMAT is an image format
617        */
618       bool infoFormatIsImage() const;
620       /**
621        * Returns IMAGE_QUALITY parameter or an empty string if not
622        * defined.
623        * \since QGIS 3.4
624        */
625       QString imageQuality() const;
627       /**
628        * Returns IMAGE_QUALITY parameter as an integer.
629        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
630        * \since QGIS 3.4
631        */
632       int imageQualityAsInt() const;
634       /**
635        * Returns TILED parameter or an empty string if not
636        * defined.
637        * \since QGIS 3.10
638        */
639       QString tiled() const;
641       /**
642        * Returns TILED parameter as a boolean.
643        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
644        * \since QGIS 3.10
645        */
646       bool tiledAsBool() const;
648       /**
649        * Returns infoFormat. If the INFO_FORMAT parameter is not used, then the
650        * default value is text/plain.
651        * \returns infoFormat
652        */
653       Format infoFormat() const;
655       /**
656        * Returns the infoFormat version for GML. If the INFO_FORMAT is not GML,
657        * then the default value is -1.
658        * \returns infoFormat version
659        */
660       int infoFormatVersion() const;
662       /**
663        * Returns I parameter or an empty string if not defined.
664        * \returns i parameter
665        */
666       QString i() const;
668       /**
669        * Returns I parameter as an int or its default value if not
670        * defined. An exception is raised if I is defined and cannot be
671        * converted.
672        * \returns i parameter
673        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
674        */
675       int iAsInt() const;
677       /**
678        * Returns J parameter or an empty string if not defined.
679        * \returns j parameter
680        */
681       QString j() const;
683       /**
684        * Returns J parameter as an int or its default value if not
685        * defined. An exception is raised if J is defined and cannot be
686        * converted.
687        * \returns j parameter
688        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
689        */
690       int jAsInt() const;
692       /**
693        * Returns X parameter or an empty string if not defined.
694        * \returns x parameter
695        */
696       QString x() const;
698       /**
699        * Returns X parameter as an int or its default value if not
700        * defined. An exception is raised if X is defined and cannot be
701        * converted.
702        * \returns x parameter
703        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
704        */
705       int xAsInt() const;
707       /**
708        * Returns Y parameter or an empty string if not defined.
709        * \returns y parameter
710        */
711       QString y() const;
713       /**
714        * Returns Y parameter as an int or its default value if not
715        * defined. An exception is raised if Y is defined and cannot be
716        * converted.
717        * \returns j parameter
718        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
719        */
720       int yAsInt() const;
722       /**
723        * Returns RULE parameter or an empty string if none is defined
724        * \returns RULE parameter or an empty string if none is defined
725        */
726       QString rule() const;
728       /**
729        * Returns RULELABEL parameter or an empty string if none is defined
730        * \returns RULELABEL parameter or an empty string if none is defined
731        */
732       QString ruleLabel() const;
734       /**
735        * Returns RULELABEL as a bool. An exception is raised if an invalid
736        * parameter is found.
737        * \returns ruleLabel
738        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
739        */
740       bool ruleLabelAsBool() const;
742       /**
743        * Returns SHOWFEATURECOUNT parameter or an empty string if none is defined
744        * \returns SHOWFEATURECOUNT parameter or an empty string if none is defined
745        */
746       QString showFeatureCount() const;
748       /**
749        * Returns SHOWFEATURECOUNT as a bool. An exception is raised if an invalid
750        * parameter is found.
751        * \returns showFeatureCount
752        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
753        */
754       bool showFeatureCountAsBool() const;
756       /**
757        * Returns FEATURE_COUNT parameter or an empty string if none is defined
758        * \returns FEATURE_COUNT parameter or an empty string if none is defined
759        */
760       QString featureCount() const;
762       /**
763        * Returns FEATURE_COUNT as an integer. An exception is raised if an invalid
764        * parameter is found.
765        * \returns FeatureCount
766        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
767        */
768       int featureCountAsInt() const;
770       /**
771        * Returns SCALE parameter or an empty string if none is defined
772        * \returns SCALE parameter or an empty string if none is defined
773        */
774       QString scale() const;
776       /**
777        * Returns SCALE as a double. An exception is raised if an invalid
778        * parameter is found.
779        * \returns scale
780        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
781        */
782       double scaleAsDouble() const;
784       /**
785        * Returns BOXSPACE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
786        * \returns BOXSPACE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
787        */
788       QString boxSpace() const;
790       /**
791        * Returns BOXSPACE as a double or its default value if not defined.
792        * An exception is raised if an invalid parameter is found.
793        * \returns boxSpace
794        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
795        */
796       double boxSpaceAsDouble() const;
798       /**
799        * Returns LAYERSPACE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
800        * \returns LAYERSPACE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
801        */
802       QString layerSpace() const;
804       /**
805        * Returns LAYERSPACE as a double or its default value if not defined.
806        * An exception is raised if an invalid parameter is found.
807        * \returns layerSpace
808        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
809        */
810       double layerSpaceAsDouble() const;
812       /**
813        * Returns LAYERTITLESPACE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
814        * \returns LAYERTITLESPACE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
815        */
816       QString layerTitleSpace() const;
818       /**
819        * Returns LAYERTITLESPACE as a double. An exception is raised if an invalid
820        * parameter is found.
821        * \returns layerTitleSpace
822        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
823        */
824       double layerTitleSpaceAsDouble() const;
826       /**
827        * Returns SYMBOLSPACE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
828        * \returns SYMBOLSPACE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
829        */
830       QString symbolSpace() const;
832       /**
833        * Returns SYMBOLSPACE as a double or its default value if not defined.
834        * An exception is raised if an invalid parameter is found.
835        * \returns symbolSpace
836        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
837        */
838       double symbolSpaceAsDouble() const;
840       /**
841        * Returns ICONLABELSPACE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
842        * \returns ICONLABELSPACE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
843        */
844       QString iconLabelSpace() const;
846       /**
847        * Returns ICONLABELSPACE as a double or its default value if not
848        * defined. An exception is raised if an invalid parameter is found.
849        * \returns iconLabelSpace
850        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
851        */
852       double iconLabelSpaceAsDouble() const;
854       /**
855        * Returns SYMBOLWIDTH parameter or an empty string if not defined.
856        * \returns SYMBOLWIDTH parameter or an empty string if not defined.
857        */
858       QString symbolWidth() const;
860       /**
861        * Returns SYMBOLWIDTH as a double or its default value if not defined.
862        * An exception is raised if an invalid parameter is found.
863        * \returns symbolWidth
864        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
865        */
866       double symbolWidthAsDouble() const;
868       /**
869        * Returns SYMBOLHEIGHT parameter or an empty string if not defined.
870        * \returns SYMBOLHEIGHT parameter or an empty string if not defined.
871        */
872       QString symbolHeight() const;
874       /**
875        * Returns SYMBOLHEIGHT as a double or its default value if not defined.
876        * An exception is raised if an invalid parameter is found.
877        * \returns symbolHeight
878        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
879        */
880       double symbolHeightAsDouble() const;
882       /**
883        * Returns the layer font (built thanks to the LAYERFONTFAMILY,
884        * LAYERFONTSIZE, LAYERFONTBOLD, ... parameters).
885        * \returns layerFont
886        */
887       QFont layerFont() const;
889       /**
890        * Returns LAYERFONTFAMILY parameter or an empty string if not defined.
891        * \returns LAYERFONTFAMILY parameter or an empty string if not defined.
892        */
893       QString layerFontFamily() const;
895       /**
896        * Returns LAYERFONTBOLD parameter or an empty string if not defined.
897        * \returns LAYERFONTBOLD parameter or an empty string if not defined.
898        */
899       QString layerFontBold() const;
901       /**
902        * Returns LAYERFONTBOLD as a boolean or its default value if not
903        * defined. An exception is raised if an invalid parameter is found.
904        * \returns layerFontBold
905        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
906        */
907       bool layerFontBoldAsBool() const;
909       /**
910        * Returns LAYERFONTITALIC parameter or an empty string if not defined.
911        * \returns LAYERFONTITALIC parameter or an empty string if not defined.
912        */
913       QString layerFontItalic() const;
915       /**
916        * Returns LAYERFONTITALIC as a boolean or its default value if not
917        * defined. An exception is raised if an invalid parameter is found.
918        * \returns layerFontItalic
919        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
920        */
921       bool layerFontItalicAsBool() const;
923       /**
924        * Returns LAYERFONTSIZE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
925        * \returns LAYERFONTSIZE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
926        */
927       QString layerFontSize() const;
929       /**
930        * Returns LAYERFONTSIZE as a double. An exception is raised if an invalid
931        * parameter is found.
932        * \returns layerFontSize
933        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
934        */
935       double layerFontSizeAsDouble() const;
937       /**
938        * Returns LAYERFONTCOLOR parameter or an empty string if not defined.
939        * \returns LAYERFONTCOLOR parameter or an empty string if not defined.
940        */
941       QString layerFontColor() const;
943       /**
944        * Returns LAYERFONTCOLOR as a color or its defined value if not
945        * defined. An exception is raised if an invalid parameter is found.
946        * \returns layerFontColor
947        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
948        */
949       QColor layerFontColorAsColor() const;
951       /**
952        * Returns the item font (built thanks to the ITEMFONTFAMILY,
953        * ITEMFONTSIZE, ITEMFONTBOLD, ... parameters).
954        * \returns itemFont
955        */
956       QFont itemFont() const;
958       /**
959        * Returns ITEMFONTFAMILY parameter or an empty string if not defined.
960        * \returns ITEMFONTFAMILY parameter or an empty string if not defined.
961        */
962       QString itemFontFamily() const;
964       /**
965        * Returns ITEMFONTBOLD parameter or an empty string if not defined.
966        * \returns ITEMFONTBOLD parameter or an empty string if not defined.
967        */
968       QString itemFontBold() const;
970       /**
971        * Returns ITEMFONTBOLD as a boolean or its default value if not
972        * defined. An exception is raised if an invalid parameter is found.
973        * \returns itemFontBold
974        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
975        */
976       bool itemFontBoldAsBool() const;
978       /**
979        * Returns ITEMFONTITALIC parameter or an empty string if not defined.
980        * \returns ITEMFONTITALIC parameter or an empty string if not defined.
981        */
982       QString itemFontItalic() const;
984       /**
985        * Returns ITEMFONTITALIC as a boolean or its default value if not
986        * defined. An exception is raised if an invalid parameter is found.
987        * \returns itemFontItalic
988        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
989        */
990       bool itemFontItalicAsBool() const;
992       /**
993        * Returns ITEMFONTSIZE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
994        * \returns ITEMFONTSIZE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
995        */
996       QString itemFontSize() const;
998       /**
999        * Returns ITEMFONTSIZE as a double. An exception is raised if an
1000        * invalid parameter is found.
1001        * \returns itemFontSize
1002        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
1003        */
1004       double itemFontSizeAsDouble() const;
1006       /**
1007        * Returns ITEMFONTCOLOR parameter or an empty string if not defined.
1008        * \returns ITEMFONTCOLOR parameter or an empty string if not defined.
1009        */
1010       QString itemFontColor() const;
1012       /**
1013        * Returns ITEMFONTCOLOR as a color. An exception is raised if an
1014        * invalid parameter is found.
1015        * \returns itemFontColor
1016        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
1017        */
1018       QColor itemFontColorAsColor() const;
1020       /**
1021        * Returns LAYERTITLE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
1022        * \returns LAYERTITLE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
1023        */
1024       QString layerTitle() const;
1026       /**
1027        * Returns LAYERTITLE as a bool or its default value if not defined. An
1028        * exception is raised if an invalid parameter is found.
1029        * \returns layerTitle
1030        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
1031        */
1032       bool layerTitleAsBool() const;
1034       /**
1035        * Returns legend settings
1036        * \returns legend settings
1037        */
1038       QgsLegendSettings legendSettings() const;
1040       /**
1041        * Returns parameters for each highlight layer.
1042        * \returns parameters for each highlight layer
1043        */
1044       QList<QgsWmsParametersHighlightLayer> highlightLayersParameters() const;
1046       /**
1047        * Returns parameters for each external layer.
1048        * \since QGIS 3.8
1049        */
1050       QList<QgsWmsParametersExternalLayer> externalLayersParameters() const;
1052       /**
1053        * Returns HIGHLIGHT_GEOM as a list of string in WKT.
1054        * \returns highlight geometries
1055        */
1056       QStringList highlightGeom() const;
1058       /**
1059        * Returns HIGHLIGHT_GEOM as a list of geometries. An exception is
1060        * raised if an invalid geometry is found.
1061        * \returns highlight geometries
1062        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
1063        */
1064       QList<QgsGeometry> highlightGeomAsGeom() const;
1066       /**
1067        * Returns HIGHLIGHT_SYMBOL as a list of string.
1068        * \returns highlight sld symbols
1069        */
1070       QStringList highlightSymbol() const;
1072       /**
1073        * Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELSTRING as a list of string.
1074        * \returns highlight label string
1075        */
1076       QStringList highlightLabelString() const;
1078       /**
1079        * Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELCOLOR as a list of string.
1080        * \returns highlight label color
1081        */
1082       QStringList highlightLabelColor() const;
1084       /**
1085        * Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELCOLOR as a list of color. An exception is
1086        * raised if an invalid color is found.
1087        * \returns highlight label color
1088        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
1089        */
1090       QList<QColor> highlightLabelColorAsColor() const;
1092       /**
1093        * Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELSIZE as a list of string.
1094        * \returns highlight label size
1095        */
1096       QStringList highlightLabelSize() const;
1098       /**
1099        * Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELSIZE as a list of int An exception is raised
1100        * if an invalid size is found.
1101        * \returns highlight label size
1102        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
1103        */
1104       QList<int> highlightLabelSizeAsInt() const;
1106       /**
1107        * Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELWEIGHT as a list of string.
1108        * \returns highlight label weight
1109        */
1110       QStringList highlightLabelWeight() const;
1112       /**
1113        * Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELWEIGHT as a list of int. An exception is
1114        * raised if an invalid weight is found.
1115        * \returns highlight label weight
1116        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
1117        */
1118       QList<int> highlightLabelWeightAsInt() const;
1120       /**
1121        * Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELFONT
1122        * \returns highlight label font
1123        */
1124       QStringList highlightLabelFont() const;
1126       /**
1128        * \returns highlight label buffer size
1129        */
1130       QStringList highlightLabelBufferSize() const;
1132       /**
1133        * Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELBUFFERSIZE as a list of float. An exception is
1134        * raised if an invalid size is found.
1135        * \returns highlight label buffer size
1136        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
1137        */
1138       QList<double> highlightLabelBufferSizeAsFloat() const;
1140       /**
1141        * Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELBUFFERCOLOR as a list of string.
1142        * \returns highlight label buffer color
1143        */
1144       QStringList highlightLabelBufferColor() const;
1146       /**
1147        * Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELBUFFERCOLOR as a list of colors. An axception
1148        * is raised if an invalid color is found.
1149        * \returns highlight label buffer color
1150        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
1151        */
1152       QList<QColor> highlightLabelBufferColorAsColor() const;
1154       /**
1155        * Returns WMS_PRECISION parameter or an empty string if not defined.
1156        * \returns wms precision parameter
1157        */
1158       QString wmsPrecision() const;
1160       /**
1161        * Returns WMS_PRECISION parameter as an int or its default value if not
1162        * defined. An exception is raised if WMS_PRECISION is defined and cannot be
1163        * converted.
1164        * \returns wms precision parameter
1165        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
1166        */
1167       int wmsPrecisionAsInt() const;
1169       /**
1170        * Returns TRANSPARENT parameter or an empty string if not defined.
1171        * \returns TRANSPARENT parameter
1172        */
1173       QString transparent() const;
1175       /**
1176        * Returns TRANSPARENT parameter as a bool or its default value if not
1177        * defined. An exception is raised if TRANSPARENT is defined and cannot
1178        * be converted.
1179        * \returns transparent parameter
1180        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
1181        */
1182       bool transparentAsBool() const;
1184       /**
1185        * Returns BGCOLOR parameter or an empty string if not defined.
1186        * \returns BGCOLOR parameter
1187        */
1188       QString backgroundColor() const;
1190       /**
1191        * Returns BGCOLOR parameter as a QColor or its default value if not
1192        * defined. An exception is raised if BGCOLOR is defined and cannot
1193        * be converted.
1194        * \returns background color parameter
1195        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
1196        */
1197       QColor backgroundColorAsColor() const;
1199       /**
1200        * Returns DPI parameter or an empty string if not defined.
1201        * \returns DPI parameter
1202        */
1203       QString dpi() const;
1205       /**
1206        * Returns DPI parameter as an int or its default value if not
1207        * defined. An exception is raised if DPI is defined and cannot
1208        * be converted.
1209        * \returns dpi parameter
1210        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
1211        */
1212       double dpiAsDouble() const;
1214       /**
1215        * Returns TEMPLATE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
1216        * \returns TEMPLATE parameter
1217        */
1218       QString composerTemplate() const;
1220       /**
1221        * Returns the requested parameters for a composer map parameter.
1222        * An exception is raised if parameters are defined and cannot be
1223        * converted like EXTENT, SCALE, ROTATION, GRID_INTERVAL_X and
1224        * GRID_INTERVAL_Y.
1225        * \param mapId the composer map id.
1226        * \returns parameters for the composer map.
1227        * \throws QgsBadRequestException
1228        */
1229       QgsWmsParametersComposerMap composerMapParameters( int mapId ) const;
1231       /**
1232        * Returns the external WMS uri
1233        * \param id the id of the external wms
1234        * \return uri string or an empty string if the external wms id does not exist
1235        */
1236       QString externalWMSUri( const QString &id ) const;
1238       /**
1239        * Returns if the client wants the feature info response with geometry information
1240        * \returns TRUE if geometry information is requested for feature info response
1241        */
1242       bool withGeometry() const;
1244       /**
1245        * \brief withMapTip
1246        * \returns TRUE if maptip information is requested for feature info response
1247        */
1248       bool withMapTip() const;
1250       /**
1251        * Returns WMTVER parameter or an empty string if not defined.
1252        * \since QGIS 3.4
1253        */
1254       QString wmtver() const;
1256       /**
1257        * Returns a layout parameter thanks to its \a id.
1258        * \param id Parameter id
1259        * \param ok TRUE if the parameter is valid, FALSE otherwise
1260        * \returns The layout parameter
1261        * \since QGIS 3.4
1262        */
1263       QString layoutParameter( const QString &id, bool &ok ) const;
1265       /**
1266        * Returns the ATLAS_PK parameter
1267        * \returns The ATLAS_PK parameter
1268        * \since QGIS 3.6
1269       */
1270       QStringList atlasPk() const;
1272       /**
1273        * Returns a map of DXF options defined within FORMAT_OPTIONS parameter.
1274        * \since QGIS 3.8
1275        */
1276       QMap<DxfFormatOption, QString> dxfFormatOptions() const;
1278       /**
1279        * Returns the DXF LAYERATTRIBUTES parameter.
1280        * \since QGIS 3.8
1281        */
1282       QStringList dxfLayerAttributes() const;
1284       /**
1285        * Returns the DXF USE_TITLE_AS_LAYERNAME parameter.
1286        * \since QGIS 3.8
1287        */
1288       bool dxfUseLayerTitleAsName() const;
1290       /**
1291        * Returns the DXF SCALE parameter.
1292        * \since QGIS 3.8
1293        */
1294       double dxfScale() const;
1296       /**
1297        * Returns the DXF MODE parameter.
1298        * \since QGIS 3.8
1299        */
1300       QgsDxfExport::SymbologyExport dxfMode() const;
1302       /**
1303        * Returns the DXF CODEC parameter.
1304        * \since QGIS 3.8
1305        */
1306       QString dxfCodec() const;
1308       /**
1309        * Returns the dimensions parameter.
1310        * \since QGIS 3.10
1311        */
1312       QMap<QString, QString> dimensionValues() const;
1314       /**
1315        * \returns true if the FORCE_MTEXT parameter is set and the DXF should
1316        * be produced with MTEXT instead of TEXT.
1317        *
1318        * \since QGIS 3.12
1319        */
1320       bool noMText() const;
1322       /**
1323        * \returns true if the FORCE_2D parameter is set and the DXF should
1324        * be produced in 2D.
1325        *
1326        * \since QGIS 3.12
1327        */
1328       bool isForce2D() const;
1330     private:
1331       static bool isExternalLayer( const QString &name );
1333       bool loadParameter( const QString &name, const QString &value ) override;
1335       void save( const QgsWmsParameter &parameter, bool multi = false );
1337       QgsWmsParameter idParameter( QgsWmsParameter::Name name, int id ) const;
1339       void raiseError( const QString &msg ) const;
1340       void log( const QString &msg ) const;
1342       QgsWmsParametersExternalLayer externalLayerParameter( const QString &name ) const;
1344       QMultiMap<QString, QgsWmsParametersFilter> layerFilters( const QStringList &layers ) const;
1347       QMap<QgsWmsParameter::Name, QgsWmsParameter> mWmsParameters;
1348       QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QString> > mExternalWMSParameters;
1349       QList<QgsProjectVersion> mVersions;
1350   };
1351 }
1353 #endif