1 /***************************************************************************
2                          qgisapp.h  -  description
3                             -------------------
4    begin                : Sat Jun 22 2002
5    copyright            : (C) 2002 by Gary E.Sherman
6    email                : sherman at mrcc.com
7 ***************************************************************************/
9 /***************************************************************************
10  *                                                                         *
11  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
12  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
13  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
14  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
15  *                                                                         *
16  ***************************************************************************/
18 #ifndef QGISAPP_H
19 #define QGISAPP_H
21 class QActionGroup;
22 class QCheckBox;
23 class QCursor;
24 class QFileInfo;
25 class QKeyEvent;
26 class QLabel;
27 class QMenu;
28 class QPixmap;
29 class QProgressBar;
30 class QPushButton;
31 class QRect;
32 class QgsSettings;
33 class QSpinBox;
34 class QSplashScreen;
35 class QStringList;
36 class QToolButton;
37 class QTcpSocket;
38 class QValidator;
40 class QgisAppInterface;
41 class QgisAppStyleSheet;
42 class QgsAnnotation;
43 class QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem;
44 class QgsAuthManager;
45 class QgsBookmarks;
46 class QgsClipboard;
47 class QgsComposer;
48 class QgsComposition;
49 class QgsComposerManager;
50 class QgsContrastEnhancement;
51 class QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem;
52 class QgsCustomDropHandler;
53 class QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler;
54 class QgsCustomLayerOrderWidget;
55 class QgsDockWidget;
56 class QgsDoubleSpinBox;
57 class QgsFeature;
58 class QgsFeatureStore;
59 class QgsGeometry;
60 class QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge;
61 class QgsLayerTreeView;
62 class QgsLayout;
63 class QgsMasterLayoutInterface;
64 class QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler;
65 class QgsLayoutDesignerDialog;
66 class QgsLayoutDesignerInterface;
67 class QgsMapCanvas;
68 class QgsMapCanvasDockWidget;
69 class QgsMapLayer;
70 class QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory;
71 class QgsMapOverviewCanvas;
72 class QgsMapTip;
73 class QgsMapTool;
74 class QgsOptions;
75 class QgsPluginLayer;
76 class QgsPluginLayer;
77 class QgsPluginManager;
78 class QgsPointCloudLayer;
79 class QgsPointXY;
80 class QgsPrintLayout;
81 class QgsProviderRegistry;
82 class QgsProviderSublayerDetails;
83 class QgsPythonUtils;
84 class QgsRasterLayer;
85 class QgsRectangle;
86 class QgsRuntimeProfiler;
87 class QgsSnappingUtils;
88 class QgsSnappingWidget;
89 class QgsStatusBarCoordinatesWidget;
90 class QgsStatusBarMagnifierWidget;
91 class QgsStatusBarScaleWidget;
92 class QgsTaskManagerStatusBarWidget;
93 class QgsTransactionGroup;
94 class QgsUndoWidget;
95 class QgsUserInputWidget;
96 class QgsVectorLayer;
97 class QgsVectorLayerTools;
98 class QgsVectorTileLayer;
99 class QgsWelcomePage;
100 class QgsOptionsWidgetFactory;
101 class QgsStatusBar;
102 class QgsGeometryValidationService;
103 class QgsGeometryValidationDock;
104 class QgsGeometryValidationModel;
105 class QgsUserProfileManager;
106 class QgsUserProfileManagerWidgetFactory;
107 class Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget;
108 class QgsHandleBadLayersHandler;
109 class QgsNetworkAccessManager;
110 class QgsGpsConnection;
111 class QgsApplicationExitBlockerInterface;
112 class QgsAbstractMapToolHandler;
113 class QgsAppMapTools;
114 class QgsMapToolIdentifyAction;
116 class QDomDocument;
117 class QNetworkReply;
118 class QNetworkProxy;
119 class QAuthenticator;
121 class QgsBrowserDockWidget;
122 class QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget;
123 class QgsGpsInformationWidget;
124 class QgsStatisticalSummaryDockWidget;
125 class QgsMapCanvasTracer;
126 class QgsTemporalControllerDockWidget;
128 class QgsMapDecoration;
129 class QgsDecorationItem;
130 class QgsMessageLogViewer;
131 class QgsMessageBar;
132 class QgsMessageBarItem;
133 class QgsDataItem;
134 class QgsTileScaleWidget;
135 class QgsLabelingWidget;
136 class QgsLayerStylingWidget;
137 class QgsDiagramProperties;
138 class QgsLocatorWidget;
139 class QgsNominatimGeocoder;
140 class QgsDataSourceManagerDialog;
141 class QgsBrowserGuiModel;
142 class QgsBrowserModel;
143 class QgsGeoCmsProviderRegistry;
144 class QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler;
145 class QgsProxyProgressTask;
146 class QgsNetworkRequestParameters;
147 class QgsBearingNumericFormat;
148 class QgsDevToolsPanelWidget;
149 class QgsDevToolWidgetFactory;
150 class QgsNetworkLogger;
151 class QgsNetworkLoggerWidgetFactory;
152 class QgsMapToolCapture;
154 #include <QMainWindow>
155 #include <QToolBar>
156 #include <QAbstractSocket>
157 #include <QPointer>
158 #include <QSslError>
159 #include <QDateTime>
160 #include <QStackedWidget>
162 #include "qgsauthmanager.h"
163 #include "qgsconfig.h"
164 #include "qgspointxy.h"
165 #include "qgsmimedatautils.h"
166 #include "qgsrecentprojectsitemsmodel.h"
167 #include "qgsraster.h"
168 #include "qgsrasterminmaxorigin.h"
169 #include "qgslayertreeregistrybridge.h"
170 #include "qgsmaplayeractionregistry.h"
171 #include "qgsoptionswidgetfactory.h"
172 #include "qgsattributetablefiltermodel.h"
173 #include "qgsmasterlayoutinterface.h"
174 #include "qgsmaptoolselect.h"
175 #include "ogr/qgsvectorlayersaveasdialog.h"
176 #include "qgis.h"
177 #include "ui_qgisapp.h"
178 #include "qgis_app.h"
179 #include "qgsvectorlayerref.h"
180 #include "devtools/qgsappdevtoolutils.h"
181 #include "options/qgsoptionsutils.h"
183 #include <QGestureEvent>
184 #include <QTapAndHoldGesture>
186 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
187 #include <windows.h>
188 #endif
190 class QgsLegendFilterButton;
193 class QgsGeoreferencerMainWindow;
194 #endif
196 /**
197  * \class QgisApp
198  * \brief Main window for the QGIS application
199  */
200 class APP_EXPORT QgisApp : public QMainWindow, private Ui::MainWindow
201 {
202     Q_OBJECT
203   public:
204     //! Constructor
205     QgisApp( QSplashScreen *splash, bool restorePlugins = true,
206              bool skipVersionCheck = false, const QString &rootProfileLocation = QString(),
207              const QString &activeProfile = QString(),
208              QWidget *parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags fl = Qt::Window );
209     //! Constructor for unit tests
210     QgisApp();
212     ~QgisApp() override;
214     QgisApp( QgisApp const & ) = delete;
215     QgisApp &operator=( QgisApp const & ) = delete;
217     /**
218      * Returns and adjusted uri for the layer based on current and available CRS as well as the last selected image format
219      * \since QGIS 2.8
220      */
221     QString crsAndFormatAdjustedLayerUri( const QString &uri, const QStringList &supportedCrs, const QStringList &supportedFormats ) const;
223     //! Add a 'pre-made' map layer to the project
224     void addMapLayer( QgsMapLayer *mapLayer );
226     //! Sets the extents of the map canvas
227     void setExtent( const QgsRectangle &rect );
229     /**
230      * Open a raster or vector file; ignore other files.
231      * Used to process a commandline argument, FileOpen or Drop event.
232      * Set \a allowInteractive to TRUE if it is OK to ask the user for information (mostly for
233      * when a vector layer has sublayers and we want to ask which sublayers to use).
234      * \returns TRUE if the file is successfully opened
235      */
236     bool openLayer( const QString &fileName, bool allowInteractive = false );
238     /**
239      * Open the specified project file; prompt to save previous project if necessary.
240      * Used to process a commandline argument, FileOpen or Drop event.
241      */
242     void openProject( const QString &fileName );
244     void openLayerDefinition( const QString &filename );
246     /**
247      * Opens a layout template file and creates a new layout designer window for it.
248      */
249     void openTemplate( const QString &fileName );
251     /**
252      * Attempts to run a Python script
253      * \param filePath full path to Python script
254      */
255     void runScript( const QString &filePath );
257     /**
258      * Opens a QGIS project file
259      * \returns FALSE if unable to open the project
260      */
261     bool addProject( const QString &projectFile );
263     //!Overloaded version of the private function with same name that takes the imagename as a parameter
264     void saveMapAsImage( const QString &, QPixmap * );
266     //! Gets the mapcanvas object from the app
267     QgsMapCanvas *mapCanvas();
269     /**
270      * Returns a list of all map canvases open in the app.
271      */
272     QList< QgsMapCanvas * > mapCanvases();
274     /**
275      * Create a new map canvas with the specified unique \a name.
276      */
277     QgsMapCanvas *createNewMapCanvas( const QString &name );
279     /**
280      * Create a new map canvas dock widget with the specified unique \a name.
281      * \note the mapCanvas() inside the dock widget will initially be frozen to avoid multiple
282      * unwanted map redraws. Callers must manually unfreeze the map canvas when they have finished
283      * setting the initial state of the canvas and are ready for it to begin rendering.
284      */
285     QgsMapCanvasDockWidget *createNewMapCanvasDock( const QString &name );
287     /**
288      * Closes the additional map canvas with matching \a name.
289      */
290     void closeMapCanvas( const QString &name );
292     /**
293      * Closes any additional map canvases. The main map canvas will not
294      * be affected.
295      */
296     void closeAdditionalMapCanvases();
298     /**
299      * Freezes all map canvases (or thaws them if the \a frozen argument is FALSE).
300      */
301     void freezeCanvases( bool frozen = true );
303     //! Returns the messageBar object which allows displaying unobtrusive messages to the user.
304     QgsMessageBar *messageBar();
306     //! Open the message log dock widget
307     void openMessageLog();
309     //! Adds a widget to the user input tool bar
310     void addUserInputWidget( QWidget *widget );
312     //! Sets theme (icons)
313     void setTheme( const QString &themeName = "default" );
315     void setIconSizes( int size );
317     //! Gets stylesheet builder object for app and layout designers
318     QgisAppStyleSheet *styleSheetBuilder();
320     //! Populates a menu with actions for opening layout designers
321     void populateLayoutsMenu( QMenu *menu );
323     //! Setup the toolbar popup menus for a given theme
324     void setupToolbarPopups( QString themeName );
325     //! Returns a pointer to the internal clipboard
326     QgsClipboard *clipboard();
instance()328     static QgisApp *instance() { return sInstance; }
330     //! initialize network manager
331     void namSetup();
333     //! update proxy settings
334     void namUpdate();
336     //! Sets up master password
337     void masterPasswordSetup();
339     /**
340      * Add a dock widget to the main window. Overloaded from QMainWindow.
341      * After adding the dock widget to the ui (by delegating to the QMainWindow
342      * parent class, it will also add it to the View menu list of docks.
343     */
344     void addDockWidget( Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QDockWidget *dockwidget );
345     void removeDockWidget( QDockWidget *dockwidget );
347     /**
348      * Add a dock widget to the given area and tabify it (if other dock widgets
349      * exist in the same \a area). The new tab will be below other tabs unless
350      * \a raiseTab is passed as TRUE.
351      *
352      * \a tabifyWith is a list of dock widget object names, ordered by
353      * priority, with which the new dock widget should be tabified. Only the
354      * first matching object name will be picked. If none of the given object
355      * names is found in that \a area (or if \a tabifyWith is not given at
356      * all), the new dock widget will be created anyways, but its location
357      * within that \a area will be unpredictable.
358      *
359      * \since QGIS 3.14
360      */
361     void addTabifiedDockWidget( Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QDockWidget *dockWidget, const QStringList &tabifyWith = QStringList(), bool raiseTab = false );
363     /**
364      * Add a toolbar to the main window. Overloaded from QMainWindow.
365      * After adding the toolbar to the ui (by delegating to the QMainWindow
366      * parent class, it will also add it to the View menu list of toolbars.
367     */
368     QToolBar *addToolBar( const QString &name );
370     /**
371      * Add a toolbar to the main window. Overloaded from QMainWindow.
372      * After adding the toolbar to the ui (by delegating to the QMainWindow
373      * parent class, it will also add it to the View menu list of toolbars.
374      * \since QGIS 2.3
375      */
376     void addToolBar( QToolBar *toolBar, Qt::ToolBarArea area = Qt::TopToolBarArea );
379     /**
380      * Add window to Window menu. The action title is the window title
381      * and the action should raise, unminimize and activate the window.
382     */
383     void addWindow( QAction *action );
385     /**
386      * Remove window from Window menu. Calling this is necessary only for
387      * windows which are hidden rather than deleted when closed.
388     */
389     void removeWindow( QAction *action );
391     /**
392      * Returns the active layout designers.
393      */
layoutDesigners()394     QSet<QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *> layoutDesigners() const { return mLayoutDesignerDialogs; }
396     /**
397      * Gets a unique title from user for new and duplicate layouts.
398      *
399      * The \a title argument will be filled with the new layout title.
400      *
401      * If \a acceptEmpty is TRUE then empty titles will be acceptable (one will be generated).
402      *
403      * The \a currentTitle argument specifies a base name for initial title choice.
404      *
405      * \returns TRUE if user did not cancel the dialog.
406      */
407     bool uniqueLayoutTitle( QWidget *parent, QString &title, bool acceptEmpty, QgsMasterLayoutInterface::Type type, const QString &currentTitle = QString() );
409     /**
410      * Creates a new print layout, opens a designer for it and returns a pointer to
411      * designer dialog.
412      *
413      * If \a title is specified it will be used as the name for the new print layout,
414      * otherwise the user will be prompted to enter a name for the layout.
415      */
416     QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *createNewPrintLayout( const QString &title = QString() );
418     //! Creates a new report and returns a pointer to it
419     QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *createNewReport( QString title = QString() );
421     /**
422      * Opens a layout designer dialog for an existing \a layout.
423      * If a designer already exists for this layout then it will be activated.
424      */
425     QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *openLayoutDesignerDialog( QgsMasterLayoutInterface *layout );
427     /**
428      * Duplicates a \a layout and adds it to the current project.
429      *
430      * If \a title is set, it will be used as the title for the new layout. If it is not set,
431      * and auto-generated title will be used instead.
432      */
433     QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *duplicateLayout( QgsMasterLayoutInterface *layout, const QString &title = QString() );
435     //! Overloaded function used to sort menu entries alphabetically
436     QMenu *createPopupMenu() override;
438     /**
439      * Access the vector layer tools. This will be an instance of {\see QgsGuiVectorLayerTools}
440      * by default.
441      * \returns  The vector layer tools
442      */
vectorLayerTools()443     QgsVectorLayerTools *vectorLayerTools() { return mVectorLayerTools; }
445     /**
446      * Notify the user by using the system tray notifications
447      *
448      * \note usage of the system tray notifications should be limited
449      *       to long running tasks and to when the user needs to be notified
450      *       about interaction with OS services, like the password manager.
451      *
452      * \param title
453      * \param message
454      * \param replaceExisting set to TRUE to replace any existing notifications, or FALSE to add a new notification
455      */
456     void showSystemNotification( const QString &title, const QString &message, bool replaceExisting = true );
459     //! Actions to be inserted in menus and toolbars
actionNewProject()460     QAction *actionNewProject() { return mActionNewProject; }
actionOpenProject()461     QAction *actionOpenProject() { return mActionOpenProject; }
actionSaveProject()462     QAction *actionSaveProject() { return mActionSaveProject; }
actionSaveProjectAs()463     QAction *actionSaveProjectAs() { return mActionSaveProjectAs; }
actionSaveMapAsImage()464     QAction *actionSaveMapAsImage() { return mActionSaveMapAsImage; }
actionSaveMapAsPdf()465     QAction *actionSaveMapAsPdf() { return mActionSaveMapAsPdf; }
actionProjectProperties()466     QAction *actionProjectProperties() { return mActionProjectProperties; }
actionShowLayoutManager()467     QAction *actionShowLayoutManager() { return mActionShowLayoutManager; }
actionNewPrintLayout()468     QAction *actionNewPrintLayout() { return mActionNewPrintLayout; }
actionExit()469     QAction *actionExit() { return mActionExit; }
actionCutFeatures()471     QAction *actionCutFeatures() { return mActionCutFeatures; }
actionCopyFeatures()472     QAction *actionCopyFeatures() { return mActionCopyFeatures; }
actionPasteFeatures()473     QAction *actionPasteFeatures() { return mActionPasteFeatures; }
actionPasteAsNewVector()474     QAction *actionPasteAsNewVector() { return mActionPasteAsNewVector; }
actionPasteAsNewMemoryVector()475     QAction *actionPasteAsNewMemoryVector() { return mActionPasteAsNewMemoryVector; }
actionDeleteSelected()476     QAction *actionDeleteSelected() { return mActionDeleteSelected; }
actionAddFeature()477     QAction *actionAddFeature() { return mActionAddFeature; }
actionMoveFeature()478     QAction *actionMoveFeature() { return mActionMoveFeature; }
actionMoveFeatureCopy()479     QAction *actionMoveFeatureCopy() { return mActionMoveFeatureCopy; }
actionRotateFeature()480     QAction *actionRotateFeature() { return mActionRotateFeature;}
actionScaleFeature()481     QAction *actionScaleFeature() { return mActionScaleFeature;}
actionSplitFeatures()482     QAction *actionSplitFeatures() { return mActionSplitFeatures; }
actionSplitParts()483     QAction *actionSplitParts() { return mActionSplitParts; }
actionAddRing()484     QAction *actionAddRing() { return mActionAddRing; }
actionFillRing()485     QAction *actionFillRing() { return mActionFillRing; }
actionAddPart()486     QAction *actionAddPart() { return mActionAddPart; }
actionSimplifyFeature()487     QAction *actionSimplifyFeature() { return mActionSimplifyFeature; }
actionDeleteRing()488     QAction *actionDeleteRing() { return mActionDeleteRing; }
actionDeletePart()489     QAction *actionDeletePart() { return mActionDeletePart; }
actionVertexTool()490     QAction *actionVertexTool() { return mActionVertexTool; }
actionVertexToolActiveLayer()491     QAction *actionVertexToolActiveLayer() { return mActionVertexToolActiveLayer; }
actionSnappingOptions()492     QAction *actionSnappingOptions() { return mActionSnappingOptions; }
actionOffsetCurve()493     QAction *actionOffsetCurve() { return mActionOffsetCurve; }
actionPan()494     QAction *actionPan() { return mActionPan; }
actionPanToSelected()495     QAction *actionPanToSelected() { return mActionPanToSelected; }
actionZoomIn()496     QAction *actionZoomIn() { return mActionZoomIn; }
actionZoomOut()497     QAction *actionZoomOut() { return mActionZoomOut; }
actionSelect()498     QAction *actionSelect() { return mActionSelectFeatures; }
actionSelectRectangle()499     QAction *actionSelectRectangle() { return mActionSelectFeatures; }
actionSelectPolygon()500     QAction *actionSelectPolygon() { return mActionSelectPolygon; }
actionSelectFreehand()501     QAction *actionSelectFreehand() { return mActionSelectFreehand; }
actionSelectRadius()502     QAction *actionSelectRadius() { return mActionSelectRadius; }
actionIdentify()503     QAction *actionIdentify() { return mActionIdentify; }
actionFeatureAction()504     QAction *actionFeatureAction() { return mActionFeatureAction; }
actionMeasure()505     QAction *actionMeasure() { return mActionMeasure; }
actionMeasureArea()506     QAction *actionMeasureArea() { return mActionMeasureArea; }
actionZoomFullExtent()507     QAction *actionZoomFullExtent() { return mActionZoomFullExtent; }
actionZoomToLayer()508     QAction *actionZoomToLayer() { return mActionZoomToLayer; }
actionZoomToLayers()509     QAction *actionZoomToLayers() { return mActionZoomToLayers; }
actionZoomToSelected()510     QAction *actionZoomToSelected() { return mActionZoomToSelected; }
actionZoomLast()511     QAction *actionZoomLast() { return mActionZoomLast; }
actionZoomNext()512     QAction *actionZoomNext() { return mActionZoomNext; }
actionZoomActualSize()513     QAction *actionZoomActualSize() { return mActionZoomActualSize; }
actionMapTips()514     QAction *actionMapTips() { return mActionMapTips; }
actionNewBookmark()515     QAction *actionNewBookmark() { return mActionNewBookmark; }
actionShowBookmarks()516     QAction *actionShowBookmarks() { return mActionShowBookmarks; }
actionShowBookmarkManager()517     QAction *actionShowBookmarkManager() { return mActionShowBookmarkManager; }
actionDraw()518     QAction *actionDraw() { return mActionDraw; }
actionCircle2Points()519     QAction *actionCircle2Points() { return mActionCircle2Points ; }
actionCircle3Points()520     QAction *actionCircle3Points() { return mActionCircle3Points ; }
actionCircle3Tangents()521     QAction *actionCircle3Tangents() { return mActionCircle3Tangents ; }
actionCircle2TangentsPoint()522     QAction *actionCircle2TangentsPoint() { return mActionCircle2TangentsPoint ; }
actionCircleCenterPoint()523     QAction *actionCircleCenterPoint() { return mActionCircleCenterPoint ; }
actionEllipseCenter2Points()524     QAction *actionEllipseCenter2Points() { return mActionEllipseCenter2Points ; }
actionEllipseCenterPoint()525     QAction *actionEllipseCenterPoint() { return mActionEllipseCenterPoint ; }
actionEllipseExtent()526     QAction *actionEllipseExtent() { return mActionEllipseExtent ; }
actionEllipseFoci()527     QAction *actionEllipseFoci() { return mActionEllipseFoci ; }
actionRectangleCenterPoint()528     QAction *actionRectangleCenterPoint() { return mActionRectangleCenterPoint ; }
actionRectangleExtent()529     QAction *actionRectangleExtent() { return mActionRectangleExtent ; }
actionRectangle3PointsDistance()530     QAction *actionRectangle3PointsDistance() { return mActionRectangle3PointsDistance ; }
actionRectangle3PointsProjected()531     QAction *actionRectangle3PointsProjected() { return mActionRectangle3PointsProjected ; }
actionRegularPolygon2Points()532     QAction *actionRegularPolygon2Points() { return mActionRegularPolygon2Points ; }
actionRegularPolygonCenterPoint()533     QAction *actionRegularPolygonCenterPoint() { return mActionRegularPolygonCenterPoint ; }
actionRegularPolygonCenterCorner()534     QAction *actionRegularPolygonCenterCorner() { return mActionRegularPolygonCenterCorner ; }
actionDataSourceManager()537     QAction *actionDataSourceManager() { return mActionDataSourceManager; }
actionNewVectorLayer()538     QAction *actionNewVectorLayer() { return mActionNewVectorLayer; }
actionNewSpatialLiteLayer()540     QAction *actionNewSpatialLiteLayer() { return mActionNewSpatiaLiteLayer; }
541 #else
actionNewSpatialLiteLayer()542     QAction *actionNewSpatialLiteLayer() { return nullptr; }
543 #endif
actionEmbedLayers()544     QAction *actionEmbedLayers() { return mActionEmbedLayers; }
actionAddOgrLayer()545     QAction *actionAddOgrLayer() { return mActionAddOgrLayer; }
actionAddRasterLayer()546     QAction *actionAddRasterLayer() { return mActionAddRasterLayer; }
actionAddPgLayer()547     QAction *actionAddPgLayer() { return mActionAddPgLayer; }
actionAddSpatiaLiteLayer()549     QAction *actionAddSpatiaLiteLayer() { return mActionAddSpatiaLiteLayer; }
550 #else
actionAddSpatiaLiteLayer()551     QAction *actionAddSpatiaLiteLayer() { return nullptr; }
552 #endif
actionAddWmsLayer()553     QAction *actionAddWmsLayer() { return mActionAddWmsLayer; }
actionAddXyzLayer()554     QAction *actionAddXyzLayer() { return mActionAddXyzLayer; }
actionAddVectorTileLayer()555     QAction *actionAddVectorTileLayer() { return mActionAddVectorTileLayer; }
actionAddPointCloudLayer()556     QAction *actionAddPointCloudLayer() { return mActionAddPointCloudLayer; }
actionAddWcsLayer()557     QAction *actionAddWcsLayer() { return mActionAddWcsLayer; }
actionAddWfsLayer()559     QAction *actionAddWfsLayer() { return mActionAddWfsLayer; }
560 #else
actionAddWfsLayer()561     QAction *actionAddWfsLayer() { return nullptr; }
562 #endif
actionAddAfsLayer()563     QAction *actionAddAfsLayer() { return mActionAddAfsLayer; }
actionCopyLayerStyle()564     QAction *actionCopyLayerStyle() { return mActionCopyStyle; }
actionPasteLayerStyle()565     QAction *actionPasteLayerStyle() { return mActionPasteStyle; }
actionOpenTable()566     QAction *actionOpenTable() { return mActionOpenTable; }
actionOpenFieldCalculator()567     QAction *actionOpenFieldCalculator() { return mActionOpenFieldCalc; }
actionStatisticalSummary()568     QAction *actionStatisticalSummary() { return mActionStatisticalSummary; }
actionToggleEditing()569     QAction *actionToggleEditing() { return mActionToggleEditing; }
actionSaveActiveLayerEdits()570     QAction *actionSaveActiveLayerEdits() { return mActionSaveLayerEdits; }
actionAllEdits()571     QAction *actionAllEdits() { return mActionAllEdits; }
actionSaveEdits()572     QAction *actionSaveEdits() { return mActionSaveEdits; }
actionSaveAllEdits()573     QAction *actionSaveAllEdits() { return mActionSaveAllEdits; }
actionRollbackEdits()574     QAction *actionRollbackEdits() { return mActionRollbackEdits; }
actionRollbackAllEdits()575     QAction *actionRollbackAllEdits() { return mActionRollbackAllEdits; }
actionCancelEdits()576     QAction *actionCancelEdits() { return mActionCancelEdits; }
actionCancelAllEdits()577     QAction *actionCancelAllEdits() { return mActionCancelAllEdits; }
actionLayerSaveAs()578     QAction *actionLayerSaveAs() { return mActionLayerSaveAs; }
actionRemoveLayer()579     QAction *actionRemoveLayer() { return mActionRemoveLayer; }
actionDuplicateLayer()580     QAction *actionDuplicateLayer() { return mActionDuplicateLayer; }
581     //! \since QGIS 2.4
actionSetLayerScaleVisibility()582     QAction *actionSetLayerScaleVisibility() { return mActionSetLayerScaleVisibility; }
actionSetLayerCrs()583     QAction *actionSetLayerCrs() { return mActionSetLayerCRS; }
actionSetProjectCrsFromLayer()584     QAction *actionSetProjectCrsFromLayer() { return mActionSetProjectCRSFromLayer; }
actionLayerProperties()585     QAction *actionLayerProperties() { return mActionLayerProperties; }
actionLayerSubsetString()586     QAction *actionLayerSubsetString() { return mActionLayerSubsetString; }
actionAddToOverview()587     QAction *actionAddToOverview() { return mActionAddToOverview; }
actionAddAllToOverview()588     QAction *actionAddAllToOverview() { return mActionAddAllToOverview; }
actionRemoveAllFromOverview()589     QAction *actionRemoveAllFromOverview() { return mActionRemoveAllFromOverview; }
actionHideAllLayers()590     QAction *actionHideAllLayers() { return mActionHideAllLayers; }
actionShowAllLayers()591     QAction *actionShowAllLayers() { return mActionShowAllLayers; }
actionHideSelectedLayers()592     QAction *actionHideSelectedLayers() { return mActionHideSelectedLayers; }
actionToggleSelectedLayers()593     QAction *actionToggleSelectedLayers() { return mActionToggleSelectedLayers; }
actionToggleSelectedLayersIndependently()594     QAction *actionToggleSelectedLayersIndependently() { return mActionToggleSelectedLayersIndependently; }
actionHideDeselectedLayers()595     QAction *actionHideDeselectedLayers() { return mActionHideDeselectedLayers; }
actionShowSelectedLayers()596     QAction *actionShowSelectedLayers() { return mActionShowSelectedLayers; }
actionManagePlugins()598     QAction *actionManagePlugins() { return mActionManagePlugins; }
actionPluginListSeparator()599     QAction *actionPluginListSeparator() { return mActionPluginSeparator1; }
actionPluginPythonSeparator()600     QAction *actionPluginPythonSeparator() { return mActionPluginSeparator2; }
actionShowPythonDialog()601     QAction *actionShowPythonDialog() { return mActionShowPythonDialog; }
actionToggleFullScreen()603     QAction *actionToggleFullScreen() { return mActionToggleFullScreen; }
actionTogglePanelsVisibility()604     QAction *actionTogglePanelsVisibility() { return mActionTogglePanelsVisibility; }
actionToggleMapOnly()605     QAction *actionToggleMapOnly() { return mActionToggleMapOnly; }
actionOptions()606     QAction *actionOptions() { return mActionOptions; }
actionCustomProjection()607     QAction *actionCustomProjection() { return mActionCustomProjection; }
actionConfigureShortcuts()608     QAction *actionConfigureShortcuts() { return mActionConfigureShortcuts; }
610 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
actionWindowMinimize()611     QAction *actionWindowMinimize() { return mActionWindowMinimize; }
actionWindowZoom()612     QAction *actionWindowZoom() { return mActionWindowZoom; }
actionWindowAllToFront()613     QAction *actionWindowAllToFront() { return mActionWindowAllToFront; }
614 #endif
actionHelpContents()616     QAction *actionHelpContents() { return mActionHelpContents; }
actionHelpAPI()617     QAction *actionHelpAPI() { return mActionHelpAPI; }
actionReportaBug()618     QAction *actionReportaBug() { return mActionReportaBug; }
actionQgisHomePage()619     QAction *actionQgisHomePage() { return mActionQgisHomePage; }
actionCheckQgisVersion()620     QAction *actionCheckQgisVersion() { return mActionCheckQgisVersion; }
actionAbout()621     QAction *actionAbout() { return mActionAbout; }
actionSponsors()622     QAction *actionSponsors() { return mActionSponsors; }
actionShowPinnedLabels()624     QAction *actionShowPinnedLabels() { return mActionShowPinnedLabels; }
626     //! Menus
projectMenu()627     QMenu *projectMenu() { return mProjectMenu; }
editMenu()628     QMenu *editMenu() { return mEditMenu; }
viewMenu()629     QMenu *viewMenu() { return mViewMenu; }
layerMenu()630     QMenu *layerMenu() { return mLayerMenu; }
newLayerMenu()631     QMenu *newLayerMenu() { return mNewLayerMenu; }
632     //! \since QGIS 2.5
addLayerMenu()633     QMenu *addLayerMenu() { return mAddLayerMenu; }
settingsMenu()634     QMenu *settingsMenu() { return mSettingsMenu; }
pluginMenu()635     QMenu *pluginMenu() { return mPluginMenu; }
pluginHelpMenu()636     QMenu *pluginHelpMenu() { return mMenuPluginHelp; }
databaseMenu()637     QMenu *databaseMenu() { return mDatabaseMenu; }
rasterMenu()638     QMenu *rasterMenu() { return mRasterMenu; }
vectorMenu()639     QMenu *vectorMenu() { return mVectorMenu; }
webMenu()640     QMenu *webMenu() { return mWebMenu; }
641 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
firstRightStandardMenu()642     QMenu *firstRightStandardMenu() { return mWindowMenu; }
windowMenu()643     QMenu *windowMenu() { return mWindowMenu; }
644 #else
firstRightStandardMenu()645     QMenu *firstRightStandardMenu() { return mHelpMenu; }
windowMenu()646     QMenu *windowMenu() { return nullptr; }
647 #endif
helpMenu()648     QMenu *helpMenu() { return mHelpMenu; }
650     //! Toolbars
652     /**
653      * Gets a reference to a toolbar. Mainly intended
654      *   to be used by plugins that want to specifically add
655      *   an icon into the file toolbar for consistency e.g.
656      *   addWFS and GPS plugins.
657      */
fileToolBar()658     QToolBar *fileToolBar() { return mFileToolBar; }
layerToolBar()659     QToolBar *layerToolBar() { return mLayerToolBar; }
dataSourceManagerToolBar()660     QToolBar *dataSourceManagerToolBar() { return mDataSourceManagerToolBar; }
mapNavToolToolBar()661     QToolBar *mapNavToolToolBar() { return mMapNavToolBar; }
digitizeToolBar()662     QToolBar *digitizeToolBar() { return mDigitizeToolBar; }
advancedDigitizeToolBar()663     QToolBar *advancedDigitizeToolBar() { return mAdvancedDigitizeToolBar; }
shapeDigitizeToolBar()664     QToolBar *shapeDigitizeToolBar() { return mShapeDigitizeToolBar; }
attributesToolBar()665     QToolBar *attributesToolBar() { return mAttributesToolBar; }
667     /**
668      * Returns selection toolbar
669      * \since QGIS 3.14
670      */
selectionToolBar()671     QToolBar *selectionToolBar() { return mSelectionToolBar; }
pluginToolBar()672     QToolBar *pluginToolBar() { return mPluginToolBar; }
helpToolBar()673     QToolBar *helpToolBar() { return mHelpToolBar; }
rasterToolBar()674     QToolBar *rasterToolBar() { return mRasterToolBar; }
vectorToolBar()675     QToolBar *vectorToolBar() { return mVectorToolBar; }
meshToolBar()676     QToolBar *meshToolBar() {return mMeshToolBar;}
databaseToolBar()677     QToolBar *databaseToolBar() { return mDatabaseToolBar; }
webToolBar()678     QToolBar *webToolBar() { return mWebToolBar; }
statusBarIface()680     QgsStatusBar *statusBarIface() { return mStatusBar; }
682     //! Returns the CAD dock widget
cadDockWidget()683     QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget *cadDockWidget() { return mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget; }
685     //! Returns map overview canvas
mapOverviewCanvas()686     QgsMapOverviewCanvas *mapOverviewCanvas() { return mOverviewCanvas; }
locatorWidget()688     QgsLocatorWidget *locatorWidget() { return mLocatorWidget; }
690     //! show layer properties
691     void showLayerProperties( QgsMapLayer *mapLayer, const QString &page = QString() );
693     //! returns pointer to map legend
694     QgsLayerTreeView *layerTreeView();
layerTreeCanvasBridge()696     QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge *layerTreeCanvasBridge() { return mLayerTreeCanvasBridge; }
698     //! returns pointer to plugin manager
699     QgsPluginManager *pluginManager();
701     /**
702      * The applications user profile manager.
703      */
704     QgsUserProfileManager *userProfileManager();
706     /**
707      * Returns the vector layers in edit mode
708      * \param modified whether to return only layers that have been modified
709      * \returns list of layers in legend order, or empty list
710     */
711     QList<QgsMapLayer *> editableLayers( bool modified = false, bool ignoreLayersWhichCannotBeToggled = false ) const;
713     //! emit initializationCompleted signal
714     void completeInitialization();
716     void emitCustomCrsValidation( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs );
718     /**
719      * Returns a list of active map decorations
720      * \since QGIS 3.14
721      */
722     QList<QgsMapDecoration *> activeDecorations();
724     //! Returns a list of registered map decoration items
decorationItems()725     QList<QgsDecorationItem *> decorationItems() { return mDecorationItems; }
727     //! A a map decoration \a item
addDecorationItem(QgsDecorationItem * item)728     void addDecorationItem( QgsDecorationItem *item ) { mDecorationItems.append( item ); }
730     //! \since QGIS 2.1
normalizedMenuName(const QString & name)731     static QString normalizedMenuName( const QString &name ) { return name.normalized( QString::NormalizationForm_KD ).remove( QRegExp( "[^a-zA-Z]" ) ); }
733     void parseVersionInfo( QNetworkReply *reply, int &latestVersion, QStringList &versionInfo );
735     //! Register a new tab in the layer properties dialog
736     void registerMapLayerPropertiesFactory( QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory *factory );
738     //! Unregister a previously registered tab in the layer properties dialog
739     void unregisterMapLayerPropertiesFactory( QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory *factory );
741     //! Register a new tab in the options dialog
742     void registerOptionsWidgetFactory( QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory );
744     //! Unregister a previously registered tab in the options dialog
745     void unregisterOptionsWidgetFactory( QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory );
747     //! Register a new tab in the project properties dialog
748     void registerProjectPropertiesWidgetFactory( QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory );
750     //! Unregister a previously registered tab in the project properties dialog
751     void unregisterProjectPropertiesWidgetFactory( QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory );
753     //! Register a dev tool factory
754     void registerDevToolFactory( QgsDevToolWidgetFactory *factory );
756     //! Unregister a previously registered dev tool factory
757     void unregisterDevToolFactory( QgsDevToolWidgetFactory *factory );
759     /**
760      * Register a new application exit blocker, which can be used to prevent the QGIS application
761      * from exiting while a plugin or script has unsaved changes.
762      *
763      * \note Ownership of \a blocker is not transferred, and the blocker must
764      *       be unregistered when plugin is unloaded.
765      *
766      * \see unregisterApplicationExitBlocker()
767      */
768     void registerApplicationExitBlocker( QgsApplicationExitBlockerInterface *blocker );
770     /**
771      * Unregister a previously registered application exit \a blocker.
772      * \see registerApplicationExitBlocker()
773     */
774     void unregisterApplicationExitBlocker( QgsApplicationExitBlockerInterface *blocker );
776     /**
777      * Register a new application map tool \a handler, which can be used to automatically setup all connections
778      * and logic required to switch to a custom map tool whenever the state of the QGIS application
779      * permits.
780      *
781      * \note Ownership of \a handler is not transferred, and the handler must
782      *       be unregistered when plugin is unloaded.
783      *
784      * \see QgsAbstractMapToolHandler
785      * \see unregisterMapToolHandler()
786      */
787     void registerMapToolHandler( QgsAbstractMapToolHandler *handler );
789     /**
790      * Unregister a previously registered map tool \a handler.
791      * \see registerMapToolHandler()
792     */
793     void unregisterMapToolHandler( QgsAbstractMapToolHandler *handler );
795     //! Register a new custom drop handler.
796     void registerCustomDropHandler( QgsCustomDropHandler *handler );
798     //! Unregister a previously registered custom drop handler.
799     void unregisterCustomDropHandler( QgsCustomDropHandler *handler );
801     /**
802      * Register a new custom project open \a handler.
803      * \note Ownership of \a handler is not transferred, and the handler must
804      *       be unregistered when plugin is unloaded.
805      * \see QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler
806      * \see unregisterCustomProjectOpenHandler()
807      */
808     void registerCustomProjectOpenHandler( QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler *handler );
810     /**
811      * Unregister a previously registered custom project open \a handler.
812      * \see QgsCustomDropHandler
813      * \see registerCustomProjectOpenHandler()
814      */
815     void unregisterCustomProjectOpenHandler( QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler *handler );
817     //! Returns a list of registered custom drop handlers.
818     QVector<QPointer<QgsCustomDropHandler >> customDropHandlers() const;
820     //! Register a new custom layout drop handler.
821     void registerCustomLayoutDropHandler( QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler *handler );
823     //! Unregister a previously registered custom layout drop handler.
824     void unregisterCustomLayoutDropHandler( QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler *handler );
826     //! Returns a list of registered custom layout drop handlers.
827     QVector<QPointer<QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler >> customLayoutDropHandlers() const;
829     //! Returns the active map layer.
830     QgsMapLayer *activeLayer();
832     /**
833      * Returns the toolbar icon size. If \a dockedToolbar is TRUE, the icon size
834      * for toolbars contained within docks is returned.
835      */
836     QSize iconSize( bool dockedToolbar = false ) const;
838     /**
839       * Checks available datum transforms and ask user if several are available and none
840       * is chosen. Dialog is shown only if global option is set accordingly.
841       * \returns TRUE if a datum transform has been specifically chosen by user or only one is available.
842       * \since 3.0
843       */
844     bool askUserForDatumTransform( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &sourceCrs, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destinationCrs, const QgsMapLayer *layer = nullptr );
846     //! Gets map of bookmarks
847     QMap<QString, QModelIndex> getBookmarkIndexMap();
848     //! Zoom to a bookmark
849     void zoomToBookmarkIndex( const QModelIndex & );
851     //! Returns pointer to the identify map tool - used by identify tool in 3D view
852     QgsMapToolIdentifyAction *identifyMapTool() const;
854     /**
855      * Take screenshots for user documentation
856      * @param saveDirectory path were the screenshots will be saved
857      * @param categories an int as a flag value of QgsAppScreenShots::Categories
858      */
859     void takeAppScreenShots( const QString &saveDirectory, const int categories = 0 );
861     QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge::InsertionPoint layerTreeInsertionPoint() const;
863     /**
864      * Sets a GPS \a connection to use within the GPS Panel widget.
865      *
866      * Any existing GPS connection used by the widget will be disconnect and replaced with this connection. The connection
867      * is automatically registered within the QgsApplication::gpsConnectionRegistry().
868      */
869     void setGpsPanelConnection( QgsGpsConnection *connection );
871   public slots:
872     //! save current vector layer
873     QString saveAsFile( QgsMapLayer *layer = nullptr, bool onlySelected = false, bool defaultToAddToMap = true );
875     /**
876      * Makes a memory layer permanent, by prompting users to save the layer to a disk-based (OGR)
877      * format, and then replacing the layer's data source in place.
878      */
879     void makeMemoryLayerPermanent( QgsVectorLayer *layer );
881     //! save qml style for the current layer
882     void saveStyleFile( QgsMapLayer *layer = nullptr );
883     //! save qrl definition for the current layer
884     void saveAsLayerDefinition();
885     //! save current raster layer
886     QString saveAsRasterFile( QgsRasterLayer *layer = nullptr, bool defaultAddToCanvas = true );
887     //! Process the list of URIs that have been dropped in QGIS
888     void handleDropUriList( const QgsMimeDataUtils::UriList &lst );
889     //! Convenience function to open either a project or a layer file.
890     void openFile( const QString &fileName, const QString &fileTypeHint = QString() );
891     void layerTreeViewDoubleClicked( const QModelIndex &index );
892     //! Make sure the insertion point for new layers is up-to-date with the current item in layer tree view
893     void updateNewLayerInsertionPoint();
894     //! connected to layer tree registry bridge, selects first of the newly added map layers
895     void autoSelectAddedLayer( QList<QgsMapLayer *> layers );
897     //! Zoom to full extent
898     void zoomFull();
899     //! Zoom to the previous extent
900     void zoomToPrevious();
901     //! Zoom to the forward extent
902     void zoomToNext();
903     //! Zoom to selected features
904     void zoomToSelected();
905     //! Pan map to selected features
906     void panToSelected();
908     //! open the properties dialog for the currently selected layer
909     void layerProperties();
911     //! show the attribute table for the currently selected layer
912     void attributeTable( QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::FilterMode filter = QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowAll );
914     void fieldCalculator();
916     //! mark project dirty
917     void markDirty();
919     /**
920      * \brief layersWereAdded is triggered when layers were added
921      * This method loops through the list of \a layers and connect all
922      * application signals that need to listen to layer events.
923      * \param layers list of map layers that have been added
924      */
925     void layersWereAdded( const QList<QgsMapLayer *> &layers );
927     /* layer will be removed - changed from removingLayer to removingLayers
928        in 1.8.
929      */
930     void removingLayers( const QStringList & );
932     //! starts/stops editing mode of the current layer
933     void toggleEditing();
935     //! starts/stops editing mode of a layer
936     bool toggleEditing( QgsMapLayer *layer, bool allowCancel = true );
938     //! Save edits for active vector layer and start new transactions
939     void saveActiveLayerEdits();
941     /**
942      * Save edits of a layer
943      * \param leaveEditable leave the layer in editing mode when done
944      * \param triggerRepaint send layer signal to repaint canvas when done
945      */
946     void saveEdits( QgsMapLayer *layer, bool leaveEditable = true, bool triggerRepaint = true );
948     /**
949      * Cancel edits for a layer
950       * \param leaveEditable leave the layer in editing mode when done
951       * \param triggerRepaint send layer signal to repaint canvas when done
952       */
953     void cancelEdits( QgsMapLayer *layer, bool leaveEditable = true, bool triggerRepaint = true );
955     //! Save current edits for selected layer(s) and start new transaction(s)
956     void saveEdits();
958     //! Save edits for all layers and start new transactions
959     void saveAllEdits( bool verifyAction = true );
961     //! Rollback current edits for selected layer(s) and start new transaction(s)
962     void rollbackEdits();
964     //! Rollback edits for all layers and start new transactions
965     void rollbackAllEdits( bool verifyAction = true );
967     //! Cancel edits for selected layer(s) and toggle off editing
968     void cancelEdits();
970     //! Cancel all edits for all layers and toggle off editing
971     void cancelAllEdits( bool verifyAction = true );
973     void updateUndoActions();
975     //! cuts selected features on the active layer to the clipboard
977     /**
978       * \param layerContainingSelection  The layer that the selection will be taken from
979       *                                  (defaults to the active layer on the legend)
980      */
981     void cutSelectionToClipboard( QgsMapLayer *layerContainingSelection = nullptr );
982     //! copies selected features on the active layer to the clipboard
984     /**
985       * \param layerContainingSelection  The layer that the selection will be taken from
986       *                                  (defaults to the active layer on the legend)
987      */
988     void copySelectionToClipboard( QgsMapLayer *layerContainingSelection = nullptr );
989     //! copies features on the clipboard to the active layer
991     /**
992       * \param destinationLayer  The layer that the clipboard will be pasted to
993       *                          (defaults to the active layer on the legend)
994      */
995     void pasteFromClipboard( QgsMapLayer *destinationLayer = nullptr );
997     //! copies features on the clipboard to a new vector layer
998     void pasteAsNewVector();
999     //! copies features on the clipboard to a new memory vector layer
1000     QgsVectorLayer *pasteAsNewMemoryVector( const QString &layerName = QString() );
1001     //! copies style of the active layer to the clipboard
1003     /**
1004      * Copy the style of a map layer
1005      * \param sourceLayer The layer where the style will be taken from (defaults to the active layer on the legend)
1006      * \param categories The style categories to copy
1007      */
1008     void copyStyle( QgsMapLayer *sourceLayer = nullptr, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories = QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories );
1009     //! pastes style on the clipboard to the active layer
1011     /**
1012      * \param destinationLayer  The layer that the clipboard will be pasted to (defaults to the active layer on the legend)
1013      * \param categories The style categories to copy
1014      */
1015     void pasteStyle( QgsMapLayer *destinationLayer = nullptr,
1016                      QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories = QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories );
1017     //! copies group or layer on the clipboard
1018     void copyLayer();
1019     //! pastes group or layer from the clipboard to layer tree
1020     void pasteLayer();
1022     //! Apply the same style to selected layers or to current legend group
1023     void applyStyleToGroup();
1025     //! Sets CRS of a layer
1026     void setLayerCrs();
1027     //! Assign layer CRS to project
1028     void setProjectCrsFromLayer();
1030     //! copies features to internal clipboard
1031     void copyFeatures( QgsFeatureStore &featureStore );
1033     //! Deletes the selected attributes for the currently selected vector layer
1034     void deleteSelected( QgsMapLayer *layer = nullptr, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool checkFeaturesVisible = false );
1036     //! project was written
1037     void writeProject( QDomDocument & );
1039     //! project was read
1040     void readProject( const QDomDocument & );
1042     //! Sets app stylesheet from settings
1043     void setAppStyleSheet( const QString &stylesheet );
1045     //! request credentials for network manager
1046     void namProxyAuthenticationRequired( const QNetworkProxy &proxy, QAuthenticator *auth );
1047     void namRequestTimedOut( const QgsNetworkRequestParameters &request );
1049     //! Schedule and erase of the authentication database upon confirmation
1050     void eraseAuthenticationDatabase();
1052     //! Push authentication manager output to messagebar
1053     void authMessageOut( const QString &message, const QString &authtag, QgsAuthManager::MessageLevel level );
1055     //! update default action of toolbutton
1056     void toolButtonActionTriggered( QAction * );
1058     //! layer selection changed
1059     void legendLayerSelectionChanged();
1061     /**
1062      * Zooms so that the pixels of the raster layer occupies exactly one screen pixel.
1063      * Only works on raster layers.
1064     */
1065     void legendLayerZoomNative();
1067     /**
1068      * Stretches the raster layer, if stretching is active, based on the min and max of the current extent.
1069      * Only works on raster layers.
1070     */
1071     void legendLayerStretchUsingCurrentExtent();
1073     //! Watch for QFileOpenEvent.
1074     bool event( QEvent *event ) override;
1076     //! Sets the CRS of the current legend group
1077     void legendGroupSetCrs();
1078     //! Sets the WMS data of the current legend group
1079     void legendGroupSetWmsData();
1081     /**
1082      * \brief dataSourceManager Open the DataSourceManager dialog
1083      * \param pageName the page name, usually the provider name or "browser" (for the browser panel)
1084      *        or "ogr" (vector layers) or "raster" (raster layers)
1085      */
1086     void dataSourceManager( const QString &pageName = QString() );
1088     //! Add a virtual layer
1089     void addVirtualLayer();
1091     //! Remove a layer from the map and legend
1092     void removeLayer();
1094     //! Duplicate map layer(s) in legend
1095     void duplicateLayers( const QList<QgsMapLayer *> &lyrList = QList<QgsMapLayer *>() );
1097     /**
1098      * Changes layer subset of \a mapLayer
1099      * \since QGIS 3.12
1100      */
1101     void layerSubsetString( QgsMapLayer *mapLayer );
1103     //! change layer subset of the active layer
1104     void layerSubsetString( );
1106     //! Sets scale visibility of selected layers
1107     void setLayerScaleVisibility();
1109     //! Zoom to nearest scale such that current layer is visible
1110     void zoomToLayerScale();
1112     /**
1113      * Returns the shared application browser model.
1114      */
1115     QgsBrowserGuiModel *browserModel();
1117     /**
1118      * Change data source for \a layer, a data source selection dialog
1119      * will be opened and if accepted the data selected source will be
1120      * applied.
1121      *
1122      * In case the layer was originally invalid and it had the original
1123      * XML layer properties, the properties will be applied.
1124      */
1125     void changeDataSource( QgsMapLayer *layer );
1127     /**
1128      * Add a raster layer directly without prompting user for location
1129      * The caller must provide information compatible with the provider plugin
1130      * using the \a uri and \a baseName. The provider can use these
1131      * parameters in any way necessary to initialize the layer. The \a baseName
1132      * parameter is used in the Map Legend so it should be formed in a meaningful
1133      * way.
1134      */
1135     QgsRasterLayer *addRasterLayer( QString const &uri, QString const &baseName, QString const &providerKey = QLatin1String( "gdal" ) );
1137     /**
1138      * Add a vector layer directly without prompting user for location
1139      * The caller must provide information compatible with the provider plugin
1140      * using the \a vectorLayerPath and \a baseName. The provider can use these
1141      * parameters in any way necessary to initialize the layer. The \a baseName
1142      * parameter is used in the Map Legend so it should be formed in a meaningful
1143      * way.
1144      */
1145     QgsVectorLayer *addVectorLayer( const QString &vectorLayerPath, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey = QLatin1String( "ogr" ) );
1147     /**
1148      * Adds a mesh layer directly without prompting user for location
1149      * The caller must provide information compatible with the provider plugin
1150      * using the \a url and \a baseName. The provider can use these
1151      * parameters in any way necessary to initialize the layer. The \a baseName
1152      * parameter is used in the Map Legend so it should be formed in a meaningful
1153      * way.
1154      */
1155     QgsMeshLayer *addMeshLayer( const QString &url, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey );
1157     /**
1158      * Adds a vector tile layer directly without prompting user for location
1159      * The caller must provide information needed for layer construction
1160      * using the \a url and \a baseName. The \a baseName parameter is used
1161      * in the Map Legend so it should be formed in a meaningful way.
1162      * \since QGIS 3.14
1163      */
1164     QgsVectorTileLayer *addVectorTileLayer( const QString &url, const QString &baseName );
1166     /**
1167      * Adds a vector tile layer directly without prompting user for location
1168      * The caller must provide information needed for layer construction
1169      * using the \a url and \a baseName. The \a baseName parameter is used
1170      * in the Map Legend so it should be formed in a meaningful way.
1171      * \since QGIS 3.18
1172      */
1173     QgsPointCloudLayer *addPointCloudLayer( const QString &url, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey );
1175     /**
1176      * \brief overloaded version of the private addLayer method that takes a list of
1177      * file names instead of prompting user with a dialog.
1178      * \param enc encoding type for the layer
1179      * \param dataSourceType type of ogr datasource
1180      * \returns TRUE if successfully added layer
1181      */
1182     bool addVectorLayers( const QStringList &layerQStringList, const QString &enc, const QString &dataSourceType );
1184     /**
1185      * Overloaded version of the private addRasterLayer()
1186      * Method that takes a list of file names instead of prompting
1187      * user with a dialog.
1188      * \returns TRUE if successfully added layer(s)
1189      */
1190     bool addRasterLayers( const QStringList &files, bool guiWarning = true );
1192     //! Open a plugin layer using its provider
1193     QgsPluginLayer *addPluginLayer( const QString &uri, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey );
1195     void versionReplyFinished();
logViewer()1197     QgsMessageLogViewer *logViewer() { return mLogViewer; }
1199     //! Update project menu with the project templates
1200     void updateProjectFromTemplates();
1202     /**
1203      *
1204      * Settings pages section
1205      */
1206     //! Gets map of option pages
1207     QMap<QString, QString> optionsPagesMap();
1208     //! Gets map of project property pages
1209     QMap< QString, QString > projectPropertiesPagesMap();
1210     //! Gets map of setting pages
1211     QMap< QString, QString > settingPagesMap();
1213     void showProjectProperties( const QString  &page = QString() );
1214     void showSettings( const QString &page );
1215     // End Settings pages section
1217     //! Opens the options dialog
1218     void showOptionsDialog( QWidget *parent = nullptr, const QString &currentPage = QString(), int pageNumber = -1 );
1220     /**
1221      * Refreshes the state of the layer actions toolbar action
1222      * \since QGIS 2.1
1223     */
1224     void refreshActionFeatureAction();
panelMenu()1226     QMenu *panelMenu() { return mPanelMenu; }
1228     void renameView();
1230     void showStatusMessage( const QString &message );
1232     void loadingLayerMessages( const QString &layerName, const QList<QgsReadWriteContext::ReadWriteMessage> &messages );
1234     //! Sets the active layer
1235     bool setActiveLayer( QgsMapLayer * );
1237     /**
1238      * Reload connections emitting the connectionsChanged signal
1239      * \since QGIS 3.0
1240      */
1241     void reloadConnections();
1243     /**
1244      * Shows the layout manager dialog.
1245      * \since QGIS 3.0
1246      */
1247     void showLayoutManager();
1249     //! shows the snapping Options
1250     void snappingOptions();
1252     void setMapTipsDelay( int timerInterval );
1254     /**
1255      * Abort application triggering the crash handler
1256      * \since QGIS 3.4
1257      */
1258     void triggerCrashHandler();
1260     //! Create a new file from a template project
1261     bool fileNewFromTemplate( const QString &fileName );
1263     //! Show the spatial bookmark manager panel
1264     void showBookmarkManager( bool show );
1266     //! Show and focus the browser panel to spatial bookmarks
1267     void showBookmarks();
1269     //! Create a new spatial bookmark
1270     void newBookmark( bool inProject = false );
1272     /**
1273      * Creates a default attribute editor context using the main map canvas and the main edit tools and message bar
1274      * \since QGIS 3.12
1275      */
1276     QgsAttributeEditorContext createAttributeEditorContext();
1278   protected:
1279     void showEvent( QShowEvent *event ) override;
1281     //! Handle state changes (WindowTitleChange)
1282     void changeEvent( QEvent *event ) override;
1283     //! Have some control over closing of the application
1284     void closeEvent( QCloseEvent *event ) override;
1286     void dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent *event ) override;
1287     void dropEvent( QDropEvent *event ) override;
1289     //! reimplements widget keyPress event so we can check if cancel was pressed
1290     void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *event ) override;
1292 #ifdef ANDROID
1293     //! reimplements widget keyReleaseEvent event so we can check if back was pressed
1294     virtual void keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent *event );
1295 #endif
1297   private slots:
1298     void newProfile();
1300     void onTaskCompleteShowNotify( long taskId, int status );
1302     void onTransactionGroupsChanged();
1304     void transactionGroupCommitError( const QString &error );
1306     void onSnappingConfigChanged();
1308     /**
1309      * Triggers validation of the specified \a crs.
1310      */
1311     void validateCrs( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs );
1313     //! QGIS Sponsors
1314     void sponsors();
1315     //! About QGIS
1316     void about();
1318     //! Add a list of database layers to the map
1319     void addDatabaseLayers( QStringList const &layerPathList, QString const &providerKey );
1320     //! Add a vector layer defined by uri, layer name, data source uri
1321     void addSelectedVectorLayer( const QString &uri, const QString &layerName, const QString &provider );
1322     //! Replace the selected layer by a vector layer defined by uri, layer name, data source uri
1323     void replaceSelectedVectorLayer( const QString &oldId, const QString &uri, const QString &layerName, const QString &provider );
1325     //! toggles whether the current selected layer is in overview or not
1326     void isInOverview();
1327     //! Store the position for map tool tip
1328     void saveLastMousePosition( const QgsPointXY & );
1329     //! Slot to show current map scale;
1330     void showScale( double scale );
1332     /**
1333      * Slot to handle user rotation input;
1334      * \since QGIS 2.8
1335      */
1336     void userRotation();
1338     //! zoom to extent of layer
1339     void zoomToLayerExtent();
1340     //! zoom to actual size of raster layer
1341     void zoomActualSize();
1343     /**
1344      * Perform a local histogram stretch on the active raster layer
1345      * (stretch based on pixel values in view extent).
1346      * Valid for non wms raster layers only.
1347     */
1348     void localHistogramStretch();
1350     /**
1351      * Perform a full histogram stretch on the active raster layer
1352      * (stretch based on pixels values in full dataset)
1353      * Valid for non wms raster layers only.
1354     */
1355     void fullHistogramStretch();
1356     //! Perform a local cumulative cut stretch
1357     void localCumulativeCutStretch();
1358     //! Perform a full extent cumulative cut stretch
1359     void fullCumulativeCutStretch();
1361     /**
1362      * Increase raster brightness
1363      * Valid for non wms raster layers only.
1364     */
1365     void increaseBrightness();
1367     /**
1368      * Decrease raster brightness
1369      * Valid for non wms raster layers only.
1370     */
1371     void decreaseBrightness();
1373     /**
1374      * Increase raster contrast
1375      * Valid for non wms raster layers only.
1376     */
1377     void increaseContrast();
1379     /**
1380      * Decrease raster contrast
1381      * Valid for non wms raster layers only.
1382     */
1383     void decreaseContrast();
1385     /**
1386      * Increase raster gamma
1387      * Valid for non wms raster layers only.
1388      * \since QGIS 3.16
1389      */
1390     void increaseGamma();
1392     /**
1393      * Decrease raster gamma
1394      * Valid for non wms raster layers only.
1395      * \since QGIS 3.16
1396      */
1397     void decreaseGamma();
1400     //! plugin manager
1401     void showPluginManager();
1402     //! load Python support if possible
1403     void loadPythonSupport();
1405     //! Find the QMenu with the given name within plugin menu (ie the user visible text on the menu item)
1406     QMenu *getPluginMenu( const QString &menuName );
1407     //! Add the action to the submenu with the given name under the plugin menu
1408     void addPluginToMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action );
1409     //! Remove the action to the submenu with the given name under the plugin menu
1410     void removePluginMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action );
1411     //! Find the QMenu with the given name within the Database menu (ie the user visible text on the menu item)
1412     QMenu *getDatabaseMenu( const QString &menuName );
1413     //! Add the action to the submenu with the given name under the Database menu
1414     void addPluginToDatabaseMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action );
1415     //! Remove the action to the submenu with the given name under the Database menu
1416     void removePluginDatabaseMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action );
1417     //! Find the QMenu with the given name within the Raster menu (ie the user visible text on the menu item)
1418     QMenu *getRasterMenu( const QString &menuName );
1419     //! Add the action to the submenu with the given name under the Raster menu
1420     void addPluginToRasterMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action );
1421     //! Remove the action to the submenu with the given name under the Raster menu
1422     void removePluginRasterMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action );
1423     //! Find the QMenu with the given name within the Vector menu (ie the user visible text on the menu item)
1424     QMenu *getVectorMenu( const QString &menuName );
1425     //! Add the action to the submenu with the given name under the Vector menu
1426     void addPluginToVectorMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action );
1427     //! Remove the action to the submenu with the given name under the Vector menu
1428     void removePluginVectorMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action );
1429     //! Find the QMenu with the given name within the Web menu (ie the user visible text on the menu item)
1430     QMenu *getWebMenu( const QString &menuName );
1431     //! Add the action to the submenu with the given name under the Web menu
1432     void addPluginToWebMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action );
1433     //! Remove the action to the submenu with the given name under the Web menu
1434     void removePluginWebMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action );
1435     //! Add "add layer" action to layer menu
1436     void insertAddLayerAction( QAction *action );
1437     //! Remove "add layer" action to layer menu
1438     void removeAddLayerAction( QAction *action );
1439     //! Add an icon to the plugin toolbar
1440     int addPluginToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction );
1442     /**
1443      * Add a widget to the plugins toolbar.
1444      * To remove this widget again, call removeToolBarIcon()
1445      * with the returned QAction.
1446      *
1447      * \param widget widget to add. The toolbar will take ownership of this widget
1448      * \returns the QAction you can use to remove this widget from the toolbar
1449      */
1450     QAction *addPluginToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget );
1451     //! Remove an icon from the plugin toolbar
1452     void removePluginToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction );
1453     //! Add an icon to the Raster toolbar
1454     int addRasterToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction );
1456     /**
1457      * Add a widget to the raster toolbar.
1458      * To remove this widget again, call removeRasterToolBarIcon()
1459      * with the returned QAction.
1460      *
1461      * \param widget widget to add. The toolbar will take ownership of this widget
1462      * \returns the QAction you can use to remove this widget from the toolbar
1463      */
1464     QAction *addRasterToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget );
1465     //! Remove an icon from the Raster toolbar
1466     void removeRasterToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction );
1467     //! Add an icon to the Vector toolbar
1468     int addVectorToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction );
1470     /**
1471      * Add a widget to the vector toolbar.
1472      * To remove this widget again, call removeVectorToolBarIcon()
1473      * with the returned QAction.
1474      *
1475      * \param widget widget to add. The toolbar will take ownership of this widget
1476      * \returns the QAction you can use to remove this widget from the toolbar
1477      */
1478     QAction *addVectorToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget );
1479     //! Remove an icon from the Vector toolbar
1480     void removeVectorToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction );
1481     //! Add an icon to the Database toolbar
1482     int addDatabaseToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction );
1484     void onVirtualLayerAdded( const QString &uri, const QString &layerName );
1486     /**
1487      * Add a widget to the database toolbar.
1488      * To remove this widget again, call removeDatabaseToolBarIcon()
1489      * with the returned QAction.
1490      *
1491      * \param widget widget to add. The toolbar will take ownership of this widget
1492      * \returns the QAction you can use to remove this widget from the toolbar
1493      */
1494     QAction *addDatabaseToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget );
1495     //! Remove an icon from the Database toolbar
1496     void removeDatabaseToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction );
1497     //! Add an icon to the Web toolbar
1498     int addWebToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction );
1500     /**
1501      * Add a widget to the web toolbar.
1502      * To remove this widget again, call removeWebToolBarIcon()
1503      * with the returned QAction.
1504      *
1505      * \param widget widget to add. The toolbar will take ownership of this widget
1506      * \returns the QAction you can use to remove this widget from the toolbar
1507      */
1508     QAction *addWebToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget );
1509     //! Remove an icon from the Web toolbar
1510     void removeWebToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction );
1511     //! Save window state
1512     void saveWindowState();
1513     //! Restore the window and toolbar state
1514     void restoreWindowState();
1515     //! Save project. Returns true if the user selected a file to save to, false if not.
1516     bool fileSave();
1517     //! Save project as
1518     void fileSaveAs();
1519     //! Export project in dxf format
1520     void dxfExport();
1521     //! Import layers in dwg format
1522     void dwgImport();
1524     /**
1525      * Open the project file corresponding to the
1526      * text)= of the given action.
1527      */
1528     void openProject( QAction *action );
1529     //! Save the map view as an image - user is prompted for image name using a dialog
1530     void saveMapAsImage();
1531     //! Save the map view as a pdf - user is prompted for image name using a dialog
1532     void saveMapAsPdf();
1533     //! Open a project
1534     void fileOpen();
1535     //! Revert unsaved changes to a project
1536     void fileRevert();
1537     //! Create a new project
1538     bool fileNew();
1539     //! Create a new blank project (no template)
1540     bool fileNewBlank();
1542     /**
1543      * Close the current open project and show the welcome screen again.
1544      */
1545     void fileClose();
1547     //! As above but allows forcing without prompt and forcing blank project
1548     bool fileNew( bool promptToSaveFlag, bool forceBlank = false );
1549     //! What type of project to open after launch
1550     void fileOpenAfterLaunch();
1551     //! After project read, set any auto-opened project as successful
1552     void fileOpenedOKAfterLaunch();
1553     void fileNewFromTemplateAction( QAction *qAction );
1554     void fileNewFromDefaultTemplate();
1555     //! Calculate new rasters from existing ones
1556     void showRasterCalculator();
1557     //! Calculate new meshes from existing ones
1558     void showMeshCalculator();
1559     //! Open dialog to align raster layers
1560     void showAlignRasterTool();
1562     /**
1563      * Called whenever user wants to embed layers
1564      */
1565     void embedLayers();
1567     /**
1568      * Embed \a groups and \a layerIds items from \a projectFile
1569      */
1570     void addEmbeddedItems( const QString &projectFile, const QStringList &groups, const QStringList &layerIds );
1572     //! Creates a new map canvas view
1573     void newMapCanvas();
1574     //! Creates a new 3D map canvas view
1575     void new3DMapCanvas();
1577     //! Create a new empty vector layer
1578     void newVectorLayer();
1579     //! Create a new memory layer
1580     void newMemoryLayer();
1582     //! Create a new empty SpatiaLite layer
1583     void newSpatialiteLayer();
1584 #endif
1585     //! Create a new empty GeoPackage layer
1586     void newGeoPackageLayer();
1588     //! Create a new empty mesh layer
1589     void newMeshLayer();
1591     //! Create a new empty GPX layer
1592     void newGpxLayer();
1594     //! Create a new print layout
1595     void newPrintLayout();
1597     //! Create a new report
1598     void newReport();
1600     //! Slot to handle display of layouts menu, e.g. sorting
1601     void layoutsMenuAboutToShow();
1603     //! Add all loaded layers into the overview - overrides qgisappbase method
1604     void addAllToOverview();
1605     //! Remove all loaded layers from the overview - overrides qgisappbase method
1606     void removeAllFromOverview();
1607     //reimplements method from base (gui) class
1608     void hideAllLayers();
1609     //reimplements method from base (gui) class
1610     void showAllLayers();
1611     //reimplements method from base (gui) class
1612     void hideSelectedLayers();
1613     //! Toggles the visibility of the selected layers depending on the state of the first layer in selection (first clicked)
1614     void toggleSelectedLayers();
1615     //! Toggles the visibility of the selected layers independently
1616     void toggleSelectedLayersIndependently();
1617     //! Hides any layers which are not selected
1618     void hideDeselectedLayers();
1619     //reimplements method from base (gui) class
1620     void showSelectedLayers();
1622     //! Open the help contents in a browser
1623     void helpContents();
1624     //! Open the API documentation in a browser
1625     void apiDocumentation();
1626     //! Open the Bugtracker page in a browser
1627     void reportaBug();
1628     //! Open the QGIS support page
1629     void supportProviders();
1630     //! Open the QGIS homepage in users browser
1631     void helpQgisHomePage();
1632     //! Open a url in the users configured browser
1633     void openURL( QString url, bool useQgisDocDirectory = true );
1634     //! Check qgis version against the qgis version server
1635     void checkQgisVersion();
1636     //!Invoke the custom projection dialog
1637     void customProjection();
1638     //! configure shortcuts
1639     void configureShortcuts();
1640     //! show customization dialog
1641     void customize();
1642     //! options dialog slot
1643     void options();
1644     //! Open project properties dialog and show the projections tab
1645     void projectPropertiesProjections();
1646     /*  void urlData(); */
1647     //! activates the add feature tool
1648     void addFeature();
1649     //! activates the move feature tool
1650     void moveFeature();
1651     //! activates the copy and move feature tool
1652     void moveFeatureCopy();
1653     //! activates the offset curve tool
1654     void offsetCurve();
1655     //! activates the reshape features tool
1656     void reshapeFeatures();
1657     //! activates the split features tool
1658     void splitFeatures();
1659     //! activates the split parts tool
1660     void splitParts();
1661     //! activates the add ring tool
1662     void addRing();
1663     //! activates the fill ring tool
1664     void fillRing();
1665     //! activates the add part tool
1666     void addPart();
1667     //! simplifies feature
1668     void simplifyFeature();
1669     //! deletes ring in polygon
1670     void deleteRing();
1671     //! deletes part of polygon
1672     void deletePart();
1673     //! merges the selected features together
1674     void mergeSelectedFeatures();
1675     //! merges the attributes of selected features
1676     void mergeAttributesOfSelectedFeatures();
1677     //! Modifies the attributes of selected features via feature form
1678     void modifyAttributesOfSelectedFeatures();
1679     //! provides operations with nodes on all layers
1680     void vertexTool();
1681     //! provides operations with nodes on active layer only
1682     void vertexToolActiveLayer();
1683     //! activates the rotate points tool
1684     void rotatePointSymbols();
1685     //! activates the offset point symbol tool
1686     void offsetPointSymbol();
1687     //! activates the reverse line tool
1688     void reverseLine();
1689     //! activates the tool
1690     void setMapTool( QgsMapTool *tool, bool clean = false );
1693     //! activates the rectangle selection tool
1694     void selectFeatures();
1696     //! activates the polygon selection tool
1697     void selectByPolygon();
1699     //! activates the freehand selection tool
1700     void selectByFreehand();
1702     //! activates the radius selection tool
1703     void selectByRadius();
1705     //! deselect features from all layers
1706     void deselectAll();
1708     //! deselect features from the current active layer
1709     void deselectActiveLayer();
1711     //! select all features
1712     void selectAll();
1714     //! invert the selection
1715     void invertSelection();
1717     //! select features by expression
1718     void selectByExpression();
1720     //! select features by form
1721     void selectByForm();
1723     //! refresh map canvas
1724     void refreshMapCanvas( bool redrawAllLayers = false );
1726     //! start "busy" progress bar
1727     void canvasRefreshStarted();
1728     //! stop "busy" progress bar
1729     void canvasRefreshFinished();
1731     //! Dialog for verification of action on many edits
1732     bool verifyEditsActionDialog( const QString &act, const QString &upon );
1734     //! Update gui actions/menus when layers are modified
1735     void updateLayerModifiedActions();
1737     //! map tool changed
1738     void mapToolChanged( QgsMapTool *newTool, QgsMapTool *oldTool );
1740     //! map layers changed
1741     void showMapCanvas();
1743     //! change log message icon in statusbar
1744     void toggleLogMessageIcon( bool hasLogMessage );
1746     //! Called when some layer's editing mode was toggled on/off
1747     void layerEditStateChanged();
1749     //! Update the label toolbar buttons
1750     void updateLabelToolButtons();
1752     //! Returns true if at least one selected layer in layer panel has a selection (returns false if none).
1753     bool selectedLayersHaveSelection();
1755     //! Returns true if at least one selected layer in layer panel is spatial (returns false if none).
1756     bool selectedLayersHaveSpatial();
1758     //! Activates or deactivates actions depending on the selected layers in the layer panel.
1759     void activateDeactivateMultipleLayersRelatedActions();
1761     /**
1762      * Activates or deactivates actions depending on the current maplayer type.
1763      * Is called from the legend when the current legend item has changed.
1764     */
1765     void activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( QgsMapLayer *layer );
1767     void selectionChanged( QgsMapLayer *layer );
1769     void extentChanged();
1770     void showRotation();
1772     void showPanMessage( double distance, QgsUnitTypes::DistanceUnit unit, double bearing );
1774     void selectionModeChanged( QgsMapToolSelect::Mode mode );
1776     void displayMapToolMessage( const QString &message, Qgis::MessageLevel level = Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
1777     void displayMessage( const QString &title, const QString &message, Qgis::MessageLevel level );
1778     void removeMapToolMessage();
1779     void updateMouseCoordinatePrecision();
1780     //    void debugHook();
1781     //! Add a Layer Definition file
1782     void addLayerDefinition();
1783     //! Exit Qgis
1784     void fileExit();
1785     //! Sets map tool to Zoom out
1786     void zoomOut();
1787     //! Sets map tool to Zoom in
1788     void zoomIn();
1789     //! Sets map tool to pan
1790     void pan();
1791     //! Identify feature(s) on the currently selected layer
1792     void identify();
1793     //! Measure distance
1794     void measure();
1795     //! Measure area
1796     void measureArea();
1797     //! Measure angle
1798     void measureAngle();
1800     //! Run the default feature action on the current layer
1801     void doFeatureAction();
1802     //! Sets the default feature action for the current layer
1803     void updateDefaultFeatureAction( QAction *action );
1804     //! Refresh the list of feature actions of the current layer
1805     void refreshFeatureActions();
1807     //annotations
1808     void addFormAnnotation();
1809     void addTextAnnotation();
1810     void addHtmlAnnotation();
1811     void addSvgAnnotation();
1812     void modifyAnnotation();
1813     void reprojectAnnotations();
1815     //! Alerts user when labeling font for layer has not been found on system
1816     void labelingFontNotFound( QgsVectorLayer *vlayer, const QString &fontfamily );
1818     //! Alerts user when commit errors occurred
1819     void commitError( QgsVectorLayer *vlayer );
1821     //! Opens the labeling dialog for a layer when called from labelingFontNotFound alert
1822     void labelingDialogFontNotFound( QAction *act );
1824     //! shows label settings dialog (for labeling-ng)
1825     void labeling();
1827     //! shows the map styling dock
1828     void mapStyleDock( bool enabled );
1830     //! diagrams properties
1831     void diagramProperties();
1833     //! Creates a new annotation layer
1834     void createAnnotationLayer();
1836     //! Sets the CAD dock widget visible
1837     void setCadDockVisible( bool visible );
1839     //! show Python console
1840     void showPythonDialog();
1842     //! add Python cnosole at start up
1843     void initPythonConsoleOptions();
1845     //! Shows a warning when an old project file is read.
1846     void oldProjectVersionWarning( const QString & );
1848     //! Toggle map tips on/off
1849     void toggleMapTips( bool enabled );
1851     //! Show the map tip
1852     void showMapTip();
1854     //! Toggle full screen mode
1855     void toggleFullScreen();
1857     //! Toggle visibility of opened panels
1858     void togglePanelsVisibility();
1860     //! Toggle visibility of main map only
1861     void toggleMapOnly();
1863     //! Toggle between full QGIS view and reduced view (being either Map only or only hiding panels)
1864     void toggleReducedView( bool viewMapOnly );
1866     //! Sets minimized mode of active window
1867     void showActiveWindowMinimized();
1869     //! Toggle maximized mode of active window
1870     void toggleActiveWindowMaximized();
1872     //! Raise, unminimize and activate this window
1873     void activate();
1875     //! Bring forward all open windows
1876     void bringAllToFront();
1878     //! Stops rendering of the main map
1879     void stopRendering();
1881     void showStyleManager();
1883     //! Toggles whether to show pinned labels
1884     void showPinnedLabels( bool show );
1885     //! Activates pin labels tool
1886     void pinLabels();
1887     //! Activates show/hide labels tool
1888     void showHideLabels();
1889     //! Activates the move label tool
1890     void moveLabel();
1891     //! Activates rotate feature tool
1892     void rotateFeature();
1893     //! Activates scale feature tool
1894     void scaleFeature();
1895     //! Activates rotate label tool
1896     void rotateLabel();
1897     //! Activates label property tool
1898     void changeLabelProperties();
1900     void renderDecorationItems( QPainter *p );
1901     void projectReadDecorationItems();
1903     //! clear out any stuff from project
1904     void closeProject();
1906     //! trust and load project macros
1907     void enableProjectMacros();
1909     void clipboardChanged();
1911     //! catch MapCanvas keyPress event so we can check if selected feature collection must be deleted
1912     void mapCanvas_keyPressed( QKeyEvent *e );
1914     /**
1915      * Disable any preview modes shown on the map canvas
1916      * \since QGIS 2.3
1917     */
1918     void disablePreviewMode();
1920     /**
1921      * Enable a monochrome preview mode on the map canvas
1922      * \since QGIS 2.3
1923     */
1924     void activateMonoPreview();
1926     /**
1927      * Enable a grayscale preview mode on the map canvas
1928      * \since QGIS 2.3
1929     */
1930     void activateGrayscalePreview();
1932     /**
1933      * Enable a color blindness (protanopia) preview mode on the map canvas
1934      * \since QGIS 2.3
1935     */
1936     void activateProtanopePreview();
1938     /**
1939      * Enable a color blindness (deuteranopia) preview mode on the map canvas
1940      * \since QGIS 2.3
1941     */
1942     void activateDeuteranopePreview();
1944     /**
1945      * Enable a color blindness (tritanopia) preview mode on the map canvas
1946      * \since QGIS 3.18
1947     */
1948     void activateTritanopePreview();
1950     void toggleFilterLegendByExpression( bool );
1951     void updateFilterLegend();
1953     //! Pushes a layer error to the message bar
1954     void onLayerError( const QString &msg );
1956     //! Sets the layer for the map style dock. Doesn't show the style dock
1957     void setMapStyleDockLayer( QgsMapLayer *layer );
1959     void annotationCreated( QgsAnnotation *annotation );
1961     void updateCrsStatusBar();
1963     //! handle project crs changes
1964     void projectCrsChanged();
1966     //! Updates the temporal range in layers that are using project temporal range.
1967     void projectTemporalRangeChanged();
1969     void onActiveLayerChanged( QgsMapLayer *layer );
1971     /**
1972      * Triggered when a vector layer style has changed, checks for widget config layer dependencies
1973      * \param categories style categories
1974      * \since QGIS 3.12
1975      */
1976     void vectorLayerStyleLoaded( QgsVectorLayer *vl, const QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories );
1978     //! Enable or disable event tracing (for debugging)
1979     void toggleEventTracing();
1981     /**
1982      * Enables or disables digitizing with curve for map tool that support this capabilities
1983      * \since QGIS 3.16
1984      */
1985     void enableDigitizeWithCurve( bool enable );
1987     /**
1988      * Enables or disables stream digitizing
1989      * \since QGIS 3.20
1990      */
1991     void enableStreamDigitizing( bool enable );
1993     /**
1994      * Enables the action that toggles digitizing with curve
1995      */
1996     void enableDigitizeTechniqueActions( bool enable, QAction *triggeredFromToolAction = nullptr );
1999     void showGeoreferencer();
2000 #endif
2002     void annotationItemTypeAdded( int id );
2004   signals:
2006     /**
2007      * Emitted when a connection has been added/removed or changed by the provider
2008      * selection dialogs
2009      */
2010     void connectionsChanged();
2012     /**
2013      * Emitted when a key is pressed and we want non widget subclasses to be able
2014      * to pick up on this (e.g. maplayer).
2015     */
2016     void keyPressed( QKeyEvent *e );
2018     /**
2019      * Emitted when a project file is successfully read
2020      * \note This is useful for plug-ins that store properties with project files.  A
2021      * plug-in can connect to this signal.  When it is emitted, the plug-in
2022      * knows to then check the project properties for any relevant state.
2023       */
2024     void projectRead();
2026     /**
2027      * Emitted when starting an entirely new project
2028      * \note
2029      * This is similar to projectRead(); plug-ins might want to be notified
2030      * that they're in a new project.  Yes, projectRead() could have been
2031      * overloaded to be used in the case of new projects instead.  However,
2032      * it's probably more semantically correct to have an entirely separate
2033      * signal for when this happens.
2034      */
2035     void newProject();
2037     /**
2038      * Signal emitted when the current theme is changed so plugins
2039      * can change there tool button icons.
2040     */
2041     void currentThemeChanged( const QString & );
2043     /**
2044      * Emitted when a new layout \a designer has been opened.
2045      * \see layoutDesignerWillBeClosed()
2046      * \since QGIS 3.0
2047      */
2048     void layoutDesignerOpened( QgsLayoutDesignerInterface *designer );
2050     /**
2051      * Emitted before a layout \a designer is going to be closed
2052      * and deleted.
2053      * \see layoutDesignerClosed()
2054      * \see layoutDesignerOpened()
2055      * \since QGIS 3.0
2056      */
2057     void layoutDesignerWillBeClosed( QgsLayoutDesignerInterface *designer );
2059     /**
2060      * Emitted after a layout designer window is closed.
2061      * \see layoutDesignerWillBeClosed()
2062      * \see layoutDesignerOpened()
2063      * \since QGIS 3.0
2064      */
2065     void layoutDesignerClosed();
2067     //! Emitted when QGIS' initialization is complete
2068     void initializationCompleted();
2070     void customCrsValidation( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs );
2072     /**
2073      * Emitted when a layer has been saved using save as
2074      * \since QGIS 2.7
2075      */
2076     void layerSavedAs( QgsMapLayer *l, const QString &path );
2078     /**
2079      * Emitted when the active layer is changed.
2080      */
2081     void activeLayerChanged( QgsMapLayer *layer );
2083   private:
2084     void createPreviewImage( const QString &path, const QIcon &overlayIcon = QIcon() );
2085     void startProfile( const QString &name );
2086     void endProfile();
2087     void functionProfile( void ( QgisApp::*fnc )(), QgisApp *instance, const QString &name );
2089     void showProgress( int progress, int totalSteps );
2091     /**
2092      * This method will open a dialog so the user can select GDAL sublayers to load
2093      * \returns TRUE if any items were loaded
2094      */
2095     bool askUserForZipItemLayers( const QString &path, const QList< QgsMapLayerType > &acceptableTypes );
2097     enum class SublayerHandling
2098     {
2099       AskUser,
2100       LoadAll,
2101       AbortLoading
2102     };
2103     SublayerHandling shouldAskUserForSublayers( const QList< QgsProviderSublayerDetails > &layers, bool hasNonLayerItems = false ) const;
2105     QList< QgsMapLayer * > addSublayers( const QList< QgsProviderSublayerDetails> &layers, const QString &baseName, const QString &groupName );
2107     void postProcessAddedLayer( QgsMapLayer *layer );
2109     //! Open a vector tile layer - this is the generic function which takes all parameters
2110     QgsVectorTileLayer *addVectorTileLayerPrivate( const QString &uri, const QString &baseName, bool guiWarning = true );
2112     //! Open a point cloud layer - this is the generic function which takes all parameters
2113     QgsPointCloudLayer *addPointCloudLayerPrivate( const QString &uri,
2114         const QString &baseName,
2115         const QString &providerKey,
2116         bool guiWarning = true );
2118     bool addVectorLayersPrivate( const QStringList &layers, const QString &enc, const QString &dataSourceType, bool guiWarning = true );
2120     template<typename T> T *addLayerPrivate( QgsMapLayerType type, const QString &uri, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey, bool guiWarnings = true );
2122     /**
2123      * Add the current project to the recently opened/saved projects list
2124      *  pass settings by reference since creating more than one
2125      * instance simultaneously results in data loss.
2126      *
2127      * \param savePreviewImage Set to FALSE when the preview image should not be saved. E.g. project load.
2128      * \param iconOverlay optional icon to overlay when saving a preview image
2129      */
2130     void saveRecentProjectPath( bool savePreviewImage = true, const QIcon &iconOverlay = QIcon() );
2131     //! Save recent projects list to settings
2132     void saveRecentProjects();
2133     //! Update project menu with the current list of recently accessed projects
2134     void updateRecentProjectPaths();
2135     //! Read Well Known Binary stream from PostGIS
2136     //void readWKB(const char *, QStringList tables);
2137     //! shows the paste-transformations dialog
2138     // void pasteTransformations();
2140     /**
2141      * Check to see if the current project file is dirty and if so, prompt the user to save it.
2142      * \returns TRUE if saved or discarded, FALSE if canceled
2143      */
2144     bool saveDirty();
2146     /**
2147      * Checks for unsaved changes in open layers and prompts the user to save
2148      * or discard these changes for each layer.
2149      *
2150      * Returns TRUE if there are no unsaved layer edits remaining, or the user
2151      * opted to discard them all. Returns FALSE if the user opted to cancel
2152      * on any layer.
2153      */
2154     bool checkUnsavedLayerEdits();
2156     /**
2157      * Checks whether memory layers (with features) exist in the project, and if so
2158      * shows a warning to users that their contents will be lost on
2159      * project unload.
2160      *
2161      * Returns TRUE if there are no memory layers present, or if the
2162      * user opted to discard their contents. Returns FALSE if there
2163      * are memory layers present and the user clicked 'Cancel' on
2164      * the warning dialog.
2165      */
2166     bool checkMemoryLayers();
2168     /**
2169      * Checks whether any registered application exit blockers should prevent
2170      * the application from exiting.
2171      */
2172     bool checkExitBlockers();
2174     //! Checks for running tasks dependent on the open project
2175     bool checkTasksDependOnProject();
2177     /**
2178      * Helper function to union several geometries together (used in function mergeSelectedFeatures)
2179      * \returns empty geometry in case of error or if canceled
2180     */
2181     QgsGeometry unionGeometries( const QgsVectorLayer *vl, QgsFeatureList &featureList, bool &canceled );
2183     //! Deletes all the layout designer windows
2184     void deleteLayoutDesigners();
2186     void setupLayoutManagerConnections();
2188     void setupAtlasMapLayerAction( QgsPrintLayout *layout, bool enableAction );
2190     void setLayoutAtlasFeature( QgsPrintLayout *layout, const QgsFeature &feat );
2192     QString saveAsVectorFileGeneral( QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = nullptr, bool symbologyOption = true, bool onlySelected = false, bool defaultToAddToMap = true );
2194     QString saveAsVectorFileGeneral( QgsVectorLayer *vlayer, bool symbologyOption, bool onlySelected, bool defaultToAddToMap,
2195                                      const std::function< void ( const QString &newFilename,
2196                                          bool addToCanvas,
2197                                          const QString &layerName,
2198                                          const QString &encoding,
2199                                          const QString &vectorFileName )> &onSuccess, const std::function< void ( int error, const QString &errorMessage ) > &onFailure,
2200                                      QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::Options dialogOptions = QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::AllOptions,
2201                                      const QString &dialogTitle = QString() );
2203     //! Sets project properties, including map untis
2204     void projectProperties( const QString  &currentPage = QString() );
2206     /**
2207      * Paste features from clipboard into a new memory layer.
2208      * If no features are in clipboard an empty layer is returned.
2209      * Returns a new memory layer or NULLPTR if the operation failed.
2210      */
2211     std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayer > pasteToNewMemoryVector();
2213     //! Returns all annotation items in the canvas
2214     QList<QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem *> annotationItems();
2216     //! Removes annotation items in the canvas
2217     void removeAnnotationItems();
2219     //! Configure layer tree view according to the user options from QgsSettings
2220     void setupLayerTreeViewFromSettings();
2222     void switchToMapToolViaHandler();
2224     void readSettings();
2225     void writeSettings();
2226     void createActions();
2227     void createActionGroups();
2228     void createMenus();
2229     void createProfileMenu();
2230     void createToolBars();
2231     void createStatusBar();
2232     void setupConnections();
2233     void initLayerTreeView();
2234     void createOverview();
2235     void setupCanvasTools();
2236     void createMapTips();
2237     void createDecorations();
2238     void init3D();
2239     void initNativeProcessing();
2240     void initLayouts();
2242     //! Creates a new 3D map dock without initializing its position or contents
2243     Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget *createNew3DMapCanvasDock( const QString &name );
2245     //! Closes any existing 3D map docks
2246     void closeAdditional3DMapCanvases();
2248     /**
2249      * Refresh the user profile menu.
2250      */
2251     void refreshProfileMenu();
2253     //! Do histogram stretch for singleband gray / multiband color rasters
2254     void histogramStretch( bool visibleAreaOnly = false, QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::Limits limits = QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::MinMax );
2256     //! Apply raster brightness/contrast
2257     void adjustBrightnessContrast( int delta, bool updateBrightness = true );
2259     /**
2260      * Apply raster gamma
2261      * \since QGIS 3.16
2262      */
2263     void adjustGamma( double delta );
2265     //! Copy a vector style from a layer to another one, if they have the same geometry type
2266     void duplicateVectorStyle( QgsVectorLayer *srcLayer, QgsVectorLayer *destLayer );
2268     //! Loads the list of recent projects from settings
2269     void readRecentProjects();
2271     /**
2272      * Applies project map canvas settings to the specified canvas
2273      */
2274     void applyProjectSettingsToCanvas( QgsMapCanvas *canvas );
2276     /**
2277      * Applies global qgis settings to the specified canvas
2278      */
2279     void applyDefaultSettingsToCanvas( QgsMapCanvas *canvas );
2281     /**
2282      * Configures positioning of a newly created dock widget.
2283      * The \a isFloating and \a dockGeometry arguments can be used to specify an initial floating state
2284      * and widget geometry rect for the dock.
2285      */
2286     void setupDockWidget( QDockWidget *dockWidget, bool isFloating = false, QRect dockGeometry = QRect(),
2287                           Qt::DockWidgetArea area = Qt::RightDockWidgetArea );
2289     /**
2290      * Reads dock widget's position settings from a DOM element and calls setupDockWidget()
2291      * \sa writeDockWidgetSettings()
2292      */
2293     void readDockWidgetSettings( QDockWidget *dockWidget, const QDomElement &elem );
2295     /**
2296      * Writes dock widget's position settings to a DOM element
2297      * \sa readDockWidgetSettings()
2298      */
2299     void writeDockWidgetSettings( QDockWidget *dockWidget, QDomElement &elem );
2301     QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem defaultCrsForNewLayers() const;
2303     //! Attempts to choose a reasonable default icon size based on the window's screen DPI
2304     int chooseReasonableDefaultIconSize() const;
2306     //! Populates project "load from" / "save to" menu based on project storages (when the menu is about to be shown)
2307     void populateProjectStorageMenu( QMenu *menu, bool saving );
2309     //! Tries to save the current project to project storage at given URI
2310     void saveProjectToProjectStorage( const QString &uri );
2312     //! Create the option dialog
2313     QgsOptions *createOptionsDialog( QWidget *parent = nullptr );
2315     //! Returns the message bar of the datasource manager dialog if it is visible, the canvas's message bar otherwise.
2316     QgsMessageBar *visibleMessageBar();
2318     /**
2319      * Searches for layer dependencies by querying the form widgets and the
2320      * \a vectorLayer itself for broken relations. Style \a categories can be
2321      * used to limit the search to one or more of the currently implemented search
2322      * categories ("Forms" for the form widgets and "Relations" for layer weak relations).
2323      * \return a list of weak references to broken layer dependencies
2324      */
2325     const QList< QgsVectorLayerRef > findBrokenLayerDependencies( QgsVectorLayer *vectorLayer,
2326         QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories = QgsMapLayer::StyleCategory::AllStyleCategories ) const;
2328     /**
2329      * Scans the \a vectorLayer for broken dependencies and automatically
2330      * try to load the missing layers, users are notified about the operation
2331      * result. Style \a categories can be
2332      * used to exclude one of the currently implemented search categories
2333      * ("Forms" for the form widgets and "Relations" for layer weak relations).
2334      */
2335     void resolveVectorLayerDependencies( QgsVectorLayer *vectorLayer,
2336                                          QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories = QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories );
2338     /**
2339      * Scans the \a vectorLayer for weak relations and automatically
2340      * try to resolve and create the broken relations.
2341      */
2342     void resolveVectorLayerWeakRelations( QgsVectorLayer *vectorLayer );
2344     /**
2345      * Pastes the \a features to the \a pasteVectorLayer and gives feedback to the user
2346      * according to \a invalidGeometryCount and \a nTotalFeatures
2347      */
2348     void pasteFeatures( QgsVectorLayer *pasteVectorLayer, int invalidGeometriesCount, int nTotalFeatures, QgsFeatureList &features );
2350     /**
2351      * starts/stops for a vector layer \a vlayer
2352      */
2353     bool toggleEditingVectorLayer( QgsVectorLayer *vlayer, bool allowCancel = true );
2355     /**
2356      * Starts/stops for a mesh layer \a mlayer
2357      */
2358     bool toggleEditingMeshLayer( QgsMeshLayer *vlayer, bool allowCancel = true );
2360     /**
2361      * Saves edits of a vector layer
2362      * \param leaveEditable leave the layer in editing mode when done
2363      * \param triggerRepaint send layer signal to repaint canvas when done
2364      */
2365     void saveVectorLayerEdits( QgsMapLayer *layer, bool leaveEditable = true, bool triggerRepaint = true );
2367     /**
2368      * Saves edits of a mesh layer
2369      * \param leaveEditable leave the layer in editing mode when done
2370      * \param triggerRepaint send layer signal to repaint canvas when done
2371      */
2372     void saveMeshLayerEdits( QgsMapLayer *layer, bool leaveEditable = true, bool triggerRepaint = true );
2374     /**
2375      * Cancels edits of a vector layer
2376      * \param leaveEditable leave the layer in editing mode when done
2377      * \param triggerRepaint send layer signal to repaint canvas when done
2378      */
2379     void cancelVectorLayerEdits( QgsMapLayer *layer, bool leaveEditable = true, bool triggerRepaint = true );
2381     /**
2382      * Cancels edits of a mesh layer
2383      * \param leaveEditable leave the layer in editing mode when done
2384      * \param triggerRepaint send layer signal to repaint canvas when done
2385      */
2386     void cancelMeshLayerEdits( QgsMapLayer *layer, bool leaveEditable = true, bool triggerRepaint = true );
2388     /**
2389      * Enables/Disables mesh frame editing tools
2390      */
2391     void enableMeshEditingTools( bool enable );
2393     /**
2394      * Returns a list of all capture map tools.
2395      */
2396     QList< QgsMapToolCapture * > captureTools();
2398     QgisAppStyleSheet *mStyleSheetBuilder = nullptr;
2400     // actions for menus and toolbars -----------------
2402 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
2403     QAction *mActionWindowMinimize = nullptr;
2404     QAction *mActionWindowZoom = nullptr;
2405     QAction *mActionWindowSeparator1 = nullptr;
2406     QAction *mActionWindowAllToFront = nullptr;
2407     QAction *mActionWindowSeparator2 = nullptr;
2408     QActionGroup *mWindowActions = nullptr;
2409 #endif
2411     QAction *mActionPluginSeparator1 = nullptr;
2412     QAction *mActionPluginSeparator2 = nullptr;
2413     QAction *mActionRasterSeparator = nullptr;
2415     // action groups ----------------------------------
2416     QActionGroup *mMapToolGroup = nullptr;
2417     QActionGroup *mPreviewGroup = nullptr;
2419     // menus ------------------------------------------
2421 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
2422     QMenu *mWindowMenu = nullptr;
2423 #endif
2424     QMenu *mPanelMenu = nullptr;
2425     QMenu *mToolbarMenu = nullptr;
2427     // docks ------------------------------------------
2428     QgsDockWidget *mLayerTreeDock = nullptr;
2429     QgsDockWidget *mLayerOrderDock = nullptr;
2430     QgsDockWidget *mOverviewDock = nullptr;
2431     QgsDockWidget *mpGpsDock = nullptr;
2432     QgsDockWidget *mLogDock = nullptr;
2434 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
2435     //! Window menu action to select this window
2436     QAction *mWindowAction = nullptr;
2437 #endif
2439     std::unique_ptr< QgsAppMapTools > mMapTools;
2441     QgsMapTool *mNonEditMapTool = nullptr;
2443     QgsTaskManagerStatusBarWidget *mTaskManagerWidget = nullptr;
2445     QgsStatusBarScaleWidget *mScaleWidget = nullptr;
2447     //! zoom widget
2448     QgsStatusBarMagnifierWidget *mMagnifierWidget = nullptr;
2450     //! Widget that will live in the statusbar to display and edit coords
2451     QgsStatusBarCoordinatesWidget *mCoordsEdit = nullptr;
2453     //! Widget that will live on the statusbar to display "Rotation"
2454     QLabel *mRotationLabel = nullptr;
2455     //! Widget that will live in the statusbar to display and edit rotation
2456     QgsDoubleSpinBox *mRotationEdit = nullptr;
2457     //! The validator for the mCoordsEdit
2458     QValidator *mRotationEditValidator = nullptr;
2459     //! Widget that will live in the statusbar to show progress of operations
2460     QProgressBar *mProgressBar = nullptr;
2461     //! Widget used to suppress rendering
2462     QCheckBox *mRenderSuppressionCBox = nullptr;
2463     //! Widget in status bar used to show current project CRS
2464     QLabel *mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusLabel = nullptr;
2465     //! Widget in status bar used to show status of on the fly projection
2466     QToolButton *mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton = nullptr;
2467     QToolButton *mMessageButton = nullptr;
2468     //! Menu that contains the list of actions of the selected vector layer
2469     QMenu *mFeatureActionMenu = nullptr;
2470     //! Popup menu
2471     QMenu *mPopupMenu = nullptr;
2472     //! Top level database menu
2473     QMenu *mDatabaseMenu = nullptr;
2474     //! Top level web menu
2475     QMenu *mWebMenu = nullptr;
2477     QMenu *mConfigMenu = nullptr;
2479     //! Popup menu for the map overview tools
2480     QMenu *mToolPopupOverviews = nullptr;
2481     //! Popup menu for the display tools
2482     QMenu *mToolPopupDisplay = nullptr;
2483     //! Map canvas
2484     QgsMapCanvas *mMapCanvas = nullptr;
2485     //! Overview map canvas
2486     QgsMapOverviewCanvas *mOverviewCanvas = nullptr;
2487     //! Table of contents (legend) for the map
2488     QgsLayerTreeView *mLayerTreeView = nullptr;
2489     //! Helper class that connects layer tree with map canvas
2490     QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge *mLayerTreeCanvasBridge = nullptr;
2491     //! Table of contents (legend) to order layers of the map
2492     QgsCustomLayerOrderWidget *mMapLayerOrder = nullptr;
2493     //! Cursor for the overview map
2494     QCursor *mOverviewMapCursor = nullptr;
2495     //! Current map window extent in real-world coordinates
2496     QRect *mMapWindow = nullptr;
2497     QString mStartupPath;
2498     //! full path name of the current map file (if it has been saved or loaded)
2499     QString mFullPathName;
2501     //! interface to QgisApp for plugins
2502     QgisAppInterface *mQgisInterface = nullptr;
2504     QSplashScreen *mSplash = nullptr;
2505     //! list of recently opened/saved project files
2506     QList<QgsRecentProjectItemsModel::RecentProjectData> mRecentProjects;
2508     //! Currently open layout designer dialogs
2509     QSet<QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *> mLayoutDesignerDialogs;
2511     //! QGIS-internal vector feature clipboard
2512     QgsClipboard *mInternalClipboard = nullptr;
2514     /**
2515      * String containing supporting vector file formats
2516      * Suitable for a QFileDialog file filter.  Build in ctor.
2517      */
2518     QString mVectorFileFilter;
2520     /**
2521      * String containing supporting raster file formats
2522      * Suitable for a QFileDialog file filter.  Build in ctor.
2523      */
2524     QString mRasterFileFilter;
2526     //! Timer for map tips
2527     QTimer *mpMapTipsTimer = nullptr;
2529     //! Point of last mouse position in map coordinates (used with MapTips)
2530     QgsPointXY mLastMapPosition;
2532     //! Maptip object
2533     QgsMapTip *mpMaptip = nullptr;
2535     //! Flag to indicate if maptips are on or off
2536     bool mMapTipsVisible = false;
2538     //! Flag to indicate whether we are in fullscreen mode or not
2539     bool mFullScreenMode = false;
2541     //! Flag to indicate that the previous screen mode was 'maximised'
2542     bool mPrevScreenModeMaximized = false;
2544     //! Flag to indicate an edits save/rollback for active layer is in progress
2545     bool mSaveRollbackInProgress = false;
2547     QgsPythonUtils *mPythonUtils = nullptr;
2549     static QgisApp *sInstance;
2551     QgsUndoWidget *mUndoWidget = nullptr;
2552     QgsDockWidget *mUndoDock = nullptr;
2554     QgsBrowserDockWidget *mBrowserWidget = nullptr;
2555     QgsBrowserDockWidget *mBrowserWidget2 = nullptr;
2557     QgsTemporalControllerDockWidget *mTemporalControllerWidget = nullptr;
2559     QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget *mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget = nullptr;
2560     QgsStatisticalSummaryDockWidget *mStatisticalSummaryDockWidget = nullptr;
2561     QgsBookmarks *mBookMarksDockWidget = nullptr;
2563     //! Data Source Manager
2564     QgsDataSourceManagerDialog *mDataSourceManagerDialog = nullptr;
2566     //! snapping widget
2567     QgsSnappingWidget *mSnappingWidget = nullptr;
2568     QWidget *mSnappingDialogContainer = nullptr;
2569     QgsSnappingWidget *mSnappingDialog = nullptr;
2571     QgsPluginManager *mPluginManager = nullptr;
2572     QgsUserProfileManager *mUserProfileManager = nullptr;
2573     QgsDockWidget *mMapStylingDock = nullptr;
2574     QgsLayerStylingWidget *mMapStyleWidget = nullptr;
2575     QgsDockWidget *mDevToolsDock = nullptr;
2576     QgsDevToolsPanelWidget *mDevToolsWidget = nullptr;
2578     QToolButton *mDigitizeModeToolButton = nullptr;
2580     //! Persistent tile scale slider
2581     QgsTileScaleWidget *mpTileScaleWidget = nullptr;
2583     QList<QgsDecorationItem *> mDecorationItems;
2585     //! Persistent GPS toolbox
2586     QgsGpsInformationWidget *mpGpsWidget = nullptr;
2588     QgsMessageBarItem *mLastMapToolMessage = nullptr;
2590     QgsMessageLogViewer *mLogViewer = nullptr;
2592     //! project changed
2593     void projectChanged( const QDomDocument & );
2595     bool cmpByText( QAction *a, QAction *b );
2597     //! the user has trusted the project macros
2598     bool mPythonMacrosEnabled = false;
2600     //! a bar to display warnings in a non-blocker manner
2601     QgsMessageBar *mInfoBar = nullptr;
2602     QWidget *mMacrosWarn = nullptr;
2604     //! A tool bar for user input
2605     QgsUserInputWidget *mUserInputDockWidget = nullptr;
2607     QgsVectorLayerTools *mVectorLayerTools = nullptr;
2609     //! A class that facilitates tracing of features
2610     QgsMapCanvasTracer *mTracer = nullptr;
2612     QToolButton *mFilterLegendToolButton = nullptr;
2613     QAction *mFilterLegendByMapContentAction = nullptr;
2614     QAction *mFilterLegendToggleShowPrivateLayersAction = nullptr;
2615     QAction *mActionStyleDock = nullptr;
2617     QgsLegendFilterButton *mLegendExpressionFilterButton = nullptr;
2619     QgsSnappingUtils *mSnappingUtils = nullptr;
2622     QgsGeoreferencerMainWindow *mGeoreferencer = nullptr;
2623 #endif
2625     QList<const QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory *> mMapLayerPanelFactories;
2626     QList<QPointer<QgsOptionsWidgetFactory>> mOptionsWidgetFactories;
2627     QList<QPointer<QgsOptionsWidgetFactory>> mProjectPropertiesWidgetFactories;
2629     QList<QgsDevToolWidgetFactory * > mDevToolFactories;
2631     QList<QgsApplicationExitBlockerInterface * > mApplicationExitBlockers;
2632     QList<QgsAbstractMapToolHandler * > mMapToolHandlers;
2634     QVector<QPointer<QgsCustomDropHandler>> mCustomDropHandlers;
2635     QVector<QPointer<QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler>> mCustomProjectOpenHandlers;
2636     QVector<QPointer<QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler>> mCustomLayoutDropHandlers;
2638     QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler *mLayoutQptDropHandler = nullptr;
2639     QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler *mLayoutImageDropHandler = nullptr;
2641     QDateTime mProjectLastModified;
2643     QgsWelcomePage *mWelcomePage = nullptr;
2645     QStackedWidget *mCentralContainer = nullptr;
2647     QHash< QgsPrintLayout *, QgsMapLayerAction * > mAtlasFeatureActions;
2650     std::unique_ptr<QgsMapLayerAction> mDuplicateFeatureAction;
2651     std::unique_ptr<QgsMapLayerAction> mDuplicateFeatureDigitizeAction;
2653     int mProjOpen = 0;
2655     bool gestureEvent( QGestureEvent *event );
2656     void tapAndHoldTriggered( QTapAndHoldGesture *gesture );
2658     QgsLocatorWidget *mLocatorWidget = nullptr;
2659     std::unique_ptr<QgsNominatimGeocoder> mNominatimGeocoder;
2661     QgsStatusBar *mStatusBar = nullptr;
2663     QElapsedTimer mLastRenderTime;
2664     double mLastRenderTimeSeconds = 0;
2665     QTimer mRenderProgressBarTimer;
2666     QMetaObject::Connection mRenderProgressBarTimerConnection;
2668     QgsBrowserGuiModel *mBrowserModel = nullptr;
2670     void setupDuplicateFeaturesAction();
2672     QgsFeature duplicateFeatures( QgsMapLayer *mlayer, const QgsFeature &feature );
2673     QgsFeature duplicateFeatureDigitized( QgsMapLayer *mlayer, const QgsFeature &feature );
2675     QgsProxyProgressTask *mProjectLoadingProxyTask = nullptr;
2677     //! True if we are blocking the activeLayerChanged signal from being emitted
2678     bool mBlockActiveLayerChanged = false;
2680     int mBlockBrowser1Refresh = 0;
2681     int mBlockBrowser2Refresh = 0;
2682     int mDataSourceManagerRefresh = 0;
2684     std::unique_ptr<QgsGeometryValidationService> mGeometryValidationService;
2685     QgsGeometryValidationModel *mGeometryValidationModel = nullptr;
2686     QgsGeometryValidationDock *mGeometryValidationDock = nullptr;
2687     QgsHandleBadLayersHandler *mAppBadLayersHandler = nullptr;
2689     std::unique_ptr< QgsBearingNumericFormat > mBearingNumericFormat;
2691     QgsNetworkLogger *mNetworkLogger = nullptr;
2692     QgsScopedDevToolWidgetFactory mNetworkLoggerWidgetFactory;
2693     QgsScopedDevToolWidgetFactory mStartupProfilerWidgetFactory;
2695     QgsScopedOptionsWidgetFactory mCodeEditorWidgetFactory;
2696     QgsScopedOptionsWidgetFactory mBabelGpsDevicesWidgetFactory;
2697     QgsScopedOptionsWidgetFactory m3DOptionsWidgetFactory;
2699     QMap< QString, QToolButton * > mAnnotationItemGroupToolButtons;
2700     QAction *mAnnotationsItemInsertBefore = nullptr; // Used to insert annotation items at the appropriate location in the annotations toolbar
2702     class QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker
2703     {
2704       public:
QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker()2706         QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker()
2707         {
2708           if ( QgisApp::instance()->mFreezeCount++ == 0 )
2709           {
2710             // going from unfrozen to frozen, so freeze canvases
2711             QgisApp::instance()->freezeCanvases( true );
2712           }
2713         }
2714         QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker( const QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker &other ) = delete;
2715         QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker &operator=( const QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker &other ) = delete;
release()2717         void release()
2718         {
2719           if ( mReleased )
2720             return;
2722           mReleased = true;
2723           if ( --QgisApp::instance()->mFreezeCount == 0 )
2724           {
2725             // going from frozen to unfrozen, so unfreeze canvases
2726             QgisApp::instance()->freezeCanvases( false );
2727             QgisApp::instance()->refreshMapCanvas();
2728           }
2729         }
~QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker()2731         ~QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker()
2732         {
2733           if ( !mReleased )
2734             release();
2735         }
2737       private:
2739         bool mReleased = false;
2740     };
2741     int mFreezeCount = 0;
2742     friend class QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker;
2744     friend class TestQgisAppPython;
2745     friend class TestQgisApp;
2746     friend class QgisAppInterface;
2747     friend class QgsAppScreenShots;
2748 };
2750 #ifdef ANDROID
2751 #define QGIS_ICON_SIZE 32
2752 #else
2753 #define QGIS_ICON_SIZE 24
2754 #endif
2756 // clazy:excludeall=qstring-allocations
2758 #endif