1 /***************************************************************************
2   qgsmapthemecollection.h
3   --------------------------------------
4   Date                 : September 2014
5   Copyright            : (C) 2014 by Martin Dobias
6   Email                : wonder dot sk at gmail dot com
7  ***************************************************************************
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
10  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
11  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
12  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
13  *                                                                         *
14  ***************************************************************************/
19 #include "qgis_core.h"
20 #include "qgis_sip.h"
21 #include <QMap>
22 #include <QObject>
23 #include <QPointer>
24 #include <QSet>
25 #include <QStringList>
27 #include "qgsmaplayer.h"
29 class QDomDocument;
30 class QgsLayerTreeModel;
31 class QgsLayerTreeNode;
32 class QgsLayerTreeGroup;
33 class QgsLayerTreeLayer;
34 class QgsProject;
36 /**
37  * \class QgsMapThemeCollection
38  * \ingroup core
39  * \brief Container class that allows storage of map themes consisting of visible
40  *  map layers and layer styles.
41  * \since QGIS 2.12
42 */
44 class CORE_EXPORT QgsMapThemeCollection : public QObject
45 {
46     Q_OBJECT
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList mapThemes READ mapThemes NOTIFY mapThemesChanged)48     Q_PROPERTY( QStringList mapThemes READ mapThemes NOTIFY mapThemesChanged )
49     Q_PROPERTY( QgsProject *project READ project WRITE setProject NOTIFY projectChanged )
51   public:
53     /**
54      * \ingroup core
55      * \brief Individual record of a visible layer in a map theme record.
56      * \since QGIS 3.0
57      */
58     class CORE_EXPORT MapThemeLayerRecord
59     {
60       public:
61         //! Initialize layer record with a map layer - it will be stored as a weak pointer
62         MapThemeLayerRecord( QgsMapLayer *l = nullptr ): mLayer( l ) {}
64         // TODO c++20 - replace with = default
65         bool operator==( const QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeLayerRecord &other ) const
66         {
67           return mLayer == other.mLayer && isVisible == other.isVisible &&
68                  usingCurrentStyle == other.usingCurrentStyle && currentStyle == other.currentStyle &&
69                  usingLegendItems == other.usingLegendItems && checkedLegendItems == other.checkedLegendItems &&
70                  expandedLegendItems == other.expandedLegendItems && expandedLayerNode == other.expandedLayerNode;
71         }
72         bool operator!=( const QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeLayerRecord &other ) const
73         {
74           return !( *this == other );
75         }
77         //! Returns map layer or NULLPTR if the layer does not exist anymore
78         QgsMapLayer *layer() const { return mLayer; }
80         //! Sets the map layer for this record
81         void setLayer( QgsMapLayer *layer );
83         /**
84          * TRUE if the layer is visible in the associated theme.
85          * \since QGIS 3.14
86          */
87         bool isVisible = true;
89         //! Whether current style is valid and should be applied
90         bool usingCurrentStyle = false;
91         //! Name of the current style of the layer
92         QString currentStyle;
93         //! Whether checkedLegendItems should be applied
94         bool usingLegendItems = false;
95         //! Rule keys of check legend items in layer tree model
96         QSet<QString> checkedLegendItems;
98         /**
99          * Rule keys of expanded legend items in layer tree view.
100          * \since QGIS 3.2
101          */
102         QSet<QString> expandedLegendItems;
104         /**
105          * Whether the layer's tree node is expanded
106          * (only to be applied if the parent MapThemeRecord has the information about expanded nodes stored)
107          * \since QGIS 3.2
108          */
109         bool expandedLayerNode = false;
110       private:
111         //! Weak pointer to the layer
112         QgsWeakMapLayerPointer mLayer;
113     };
115     /**
116      * \ingroup core
117      * \brief Individual map theme record of visible layers and styles.
118      *
119      * \since QGIS 3.0, Previously called PresetRecord
120      */
121     class CORE_EXPORT MapThemeRecord
122     {
123       public:
125         bool operator==( const QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeRecord &other ) const
126         {
127           return validLayerRecords() == other.validLayerRecords() &&
128                  mHasExpandedStateInfo == other.mHasExpandedStateInfo &&
129                  mExpandedGroupNodes == other.mExpandedGroupNodes && mCheckedGroupNodes == other.mCheckedGroupNodes;
130         }
131         bool operator!=( const QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeRecord &other ) const
132         {
133           return !( *this == other );
134         }
136         //! Returns a list of records for all visible layer belonging to the theme.
layerRecords()137         QList<QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeLayerRecord> layerRecords() const { return mLayerRecords; }
139         //! Sets layer records for the theme.
setLayerRecords(const QList<QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeLayerRecord> & records)140         void setLayerRecords( const QList<QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeLayerRecord> &records ) { mLayerRecords = records; }
142         //! Removes a record for \a layer if present.
143         void removeLayerRecord( QgsMapLayer *layer );
145         //! Add a new record for a layer.
146         void addLayerRecord( const QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeLayerRecord &record );
148         /**
149          * Returns set with only records for valid layers
150          */
151         QHash<QgsMapLayer *, QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeLayerRecord> validLayerRecords() const SIP_SKIP;
153         /**
154          * Returns whether information about expanded/collapsed state of nodes has been recorded
155          * and thus whether expandedGroupNodes() and expandedLegendItems + expandedLayerNode from layer records are valid.
156          * \since QGIS 3.2
157          */
hasExpandedStateInfo()158         bool hasExpandedStateInfo() const { return mHasExpandedStateInfo; }
160         /**
161          * Returns whether information about checked/unchecked state of groups has been recorded
162          * and thus whether checkedGroupNodes() is valid.
163          * \note Not available in Python bindings
164          * \since QGIS 3.10.1
165          */
hasCheckedStateInfo()166         bool hasCheckedStateInfo() const { return mHasCheckedStateInfo; } SIP_SKIP;
168         /**
169          * Sets whether the map theme contains valid expanded/collapsed state of nodes
170          * \since QGIS 3.2
171          */
setHasExpandedStateInfo(bool hasInfo)172         void setHasExpandedStateInfo( bool hasInfo ) { mHasExpandedStateInfo = hasInfo; }
174         /**
175          * Sets whether the map theme contains valid checked/unchecked state of group nodes
176          * \note Not available in Python bindings
177          * \since QGIS 3.10.1
178          */
setHasCheckedStateInfo(bool hasInfo)179         void setHasCheckedStateInfo( bool hasInfo ) { mHasCheckedStateInfo = hasInfo; } SIP_SKIP;
181         /**
182          * Returns a set of group identifiers for group nodes that should have expanded state (other group nodes should be collapsed).
183          * The returned value is valid only when hasExpandedStateInfo() returns TRUE.
184          * Group identifiers are built using group names, a sub-group name is prepended by parent group's identifier
185          * and a forward slash, e.g. "level1/level2"
186          * \since QGIS 3.2
187          */
expandedGroupNodes()188         QSet<QString> expandedGroupNodes() const { return mExpandedGroupNodes; }
190         /**
191          * Returns a set of group identifiers for group nodes that should have checked state (other group nodes should be unchecked).
192          * The returned value is valid only when hasCheckedStateInfo() returns TRUE.
193          * Group identifiers are built using group names, a sub-group name is prepended by parent group's identifier
194          * and a forward slash, e.g. "level1/level2"
195          * \since QGIS 3.10.1
196          */
checkedGroupNodes()197         QSet<QString> checkedGroupNodes() const { return mCheckedGroupNodes; }
199         /**
200          * Sets a set of group identifiers for group nodes that should have expanded state. See expandedGroupNodes().
201          * \since QGIS 3.2
202          */
setExpandedGroupNodes(const QSet<QString> & expandedGroupNodes)203         void setExpandedGroupNodes( const QSet<QString> &expandedGroupNodes ) { mExpandedGroupNodes = expandedGroupNodes; }
205         /**
206          * Sets a set of group identifiers for group nodes that should have checked state. See checkedGroupNodes().
207          * \since QGIS 3.10.1
208          */
setCheckedGroupNodes(const QSet<QString> & checkedGroupNodes)209         void setCheckedGroupNodes( const QSet<QString> &checkedGroupNodes ) { mCheckedGroupNodes = checkedGroupNodes; }
211       private:
212         //! Layer-specific records for the theme. Only visible layers are listed.
213         QList<MapThemeLayerRecord> mLayerRecords;
215         //! Whether the information about expanded/collapsed state of groups, layers and legend items has been stored
216         bool mHasExpandedStateInfo = false;
217         //! Whether the information about checked/unchecked state of groups, layers and legend items has been stored
218         bool mHasCheckedStateInfo = false;
220         /**
221          * Which groups should be expanded. Each group is identified by its name (sub-groups IDs are prepended with parent
222          * group and forward slash - e.g. "level1/level2/level3").
223          */
224         QSet<QString> mExpandedGroupNodes;
226         /**
227          * Which groups should be checked. Each group is identified by its name (sub-groups IDs are prepended with parent
228          * group and forward slash - e.g. "level1/level2/level3").
229          */
230         QSet<QString> mCheckedGroupNodes;
232         friend class QgsMapThemeCollection;
233     };
235     /**
236      * Create map theme collection that handles themes of the given project.
237      */
238     QgsMapThemeCollection( QgsProject *project = nullptr );
240     /**
241      * Returns whether a map theme with a matching name exists.
242      * \since QGIS 3.0
243      */
244     bool hasMapTheme( const QString &name ) const;
246     /**
247      * Inserts a new map theme to the collection.
248      * \see update()
249      */
250     void insert( const QString &name, const QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeRecord &state );
252     /**
253      * Updates a map theme within the collection.
254      * \param name name of map theme to update
255      * \param state map theme record to replace existing map theme
256      * \see insert()
257      */
258     void update( const QString &name, const QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeRecord &state );
260     /**
261      * Removes an existing map theme from collection.
262      * \since QGIS 3.0
263      */
264     void removeMapTheme( const QString &name );
266     /**
267      * Renames the existing map theme called \a name to \a newName.
268      * Returns TRUE if the rename was successful, or FALSE if it failed (e.g. due to a duplicate name for \a newName).
269      * \since QGIS 3.14
270      */
271     bool renameMapTheme( const QString &name, const QString &newName );
273     //! Removes all map themes from the collection.
274     void clear();
276     /**
277      * Returns a list of existing map theme names.
278      * \since QGIS 3.0
279      */
280     QStringList mapThemes() const;
282     /**
283      * Returns the recorded state of a map theme.
284      * \since QGIS 3.0
285      */
mapThemeState(const QString & name)286     QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeRecord mapThemeState( const QString &name ) const { return mMapThemes[name]; }
288     /**
289      * Returns the list of layer IDs that are visible for the specified map theme.
290      *
291      * \note The order of the returned list is not guaranteed to reflect the order of layers
292      * in the canvas.
293      * \since QGIS 3.0
294      */
295     QStringList mapThemeVisibleLayerIds( const QString &name ) const;
297     /**
298      * Returns the list of layers that are visible for the specified map theme.
299      *
300      * \note The order of the returned list is not guaranteed to reflect the order of layers
301      * in the canvas.
302      * \since QGIS 3.0
303      */
304     QList<QgsMapLayer *> mapThemeVisibleLayers( const QString &name ) const;
306     /**
307      * Gets layer style overrides (for QgsMapSettings) of the visible layers for given map theme.
308      * \since QGIS 3.0
309      */
310     QMap<QString, QString> mapThemeStyleOverrides( const QString &name );
312     /**
313      * Reads the map theme collection state from XML
314      * \param doc DOM document
315      * \see writeXml
316      */
317     void readXml( const QDomDocument &doc );
319     /**
320      * Writes the map theme collection state to XML.
321      * \param doc DOM document
322      * \see readXml
323      */
324     void writeXml( QDomDocument &doc );
326     /**
327      * Static method to create theme from the current state of layer visibilities in layer tree,
328      * current style of layers and check state of legend items (from a layer tree model).
329      * \since QGIS 3.0
330      */
331     static QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeRecord createThemeFromCurrentState( QgsLayerTreeGroup *root, QgsLayerTreeModel *model );
333     /**
334      * Apply theme given by its name and modify layer tree, current style of layers and checked
335      * legend items of passed layer tree model.
336      * \since QGIS 3.0
337      */
338     void applyTheme( const QString &name, QgsLayerTreeGroup *root, QgsLayerTreeModel *model );
340     /**
341      * The QgsProject on which this map theme collection works.
342      *
343      * \since QGIS 3.0
344      */
345     QgsProject *project();
347     /**
348      * \copydoc project()
349      * \since QGIS 3.0
350      */
351     void setProject( QgsProject *project );
353     /**
354      * Returns the master layer order (this will always match the project's QgsProject::layerOrder() ).
355      * All map themes will maintain the same layer order as the master layer order.
356      * \see masterVisibleLayers()
357      * \since QGIS 3.0
358      */
359     QList< QgsMapLayer * > masterLayerOrder() const;
361     /**
362      * Returns the master list of visible layers. The order of returned layers will always match those
363      * of masterLayerOrder(), but the returned layers are filtered to only include those visible
364      * in the project's layer tree.
365      * \see masterLayerOrder()
366      * \since QGIS 3.0
367      */
368     QList< QgsMapLayer * > masterVisibleLayers() const;
370   signals:
372     /**
373      * Emitted when map themes within the collection are changed.
374      * \since QGIS 3.0
375      */
376     void mapThemesChanged();
378     /**
379      * Emitted when a map theme changes definition.
380      * \since QGIS 3.0
381      */
382     void mapThemeChanged( const QString &theme );
384     /**
385      * Emitted when a map theme within the collection is renamed.
386      * \since QGIS 3.14
387      */
388     void mapThemeRenamed( const QString &name, const QString &newName );
390     /**
391      * Emitted when the project changes
392      *
393      * \copydoc project()
394      * \since QGIS 3.0
395      */
396     void projectChanged();
398   private slots:
400     /**
401      * Handles updates of the map theme collection when layers are removed from the registry
402      */
403     void registryLayersRemoved( const QStringList &layerIDs );
405     //! Update style name if a stored style gets renamed
406     void layerStyleRenamed( const QString &oldName, const QString &newName );
408   private:
410     /**
411      * Apply check states of legend nodes of a given layer as defined in the map theme.
412      */
413     void applyMapThemeCheckedLegendNodesToLayer( const MapThemeLayerRecord &layerRec, QgsMapLayer *layer );
415     /**
416      * Reconnects all map theme layers to handle style renames
417      */
418     void reconnectToLayersStyleManager();
420     static bool findRecordForLayer( QgsMapLayer *layer, const MapThemeRecord &rec, MapThemeLayerRecord &layerRec );
421     static MapThemeLayerRecord createThemeLayerRecord( QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeLayer, QgsLayerTreeModel *model );
422     static void createThemeFromCurrentState( QgsLayerTreeGroup *parent, QgsLayerTreeModel *model, MapThemeRecord &rec );
423     static void applyThemeToLayer( QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeLayer, QgsLayerTreeModel *model, const MapThemeRecord &rec );
424     static void applyThemeToGroup( QgsLayerTreeGroup *parent, QgsLayerTreeModel *model, const MapThemeRecord &rec );
426     typedef QMap<QString, MapThemeRecord> MapThemeRecordMap;
427     MapThemeRecordMap mMapThemes;
428     //! project used to retrieve layers from layer IDs
429     QgsProject *mProject = nullptr;
430 };