1 /***************************************************************************
2   qgswcsprovider.cpp  -  QGIS Data provider for
3                          OGC Web Coverage Service layers
4                              -------------------
5     begin                : 2 July, 2012
6     copyright            : (C) 2012 by Radim Blazek
7     email                : radim dot blazek at gmail.com
9     Based on qgswmsprovider.cpp written by Brendan Morley.
11  ***************************************************************************/
13 /***************************************************************************
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
16  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
17  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
18  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
19  *                                                                         *
20  ***************************************************************************/
22 #include "qgslogger.h"
23 #include "qgswcsprovider.h"
24 #include "qgscoordinatetransform.h"
25 #include "qgsdatasourceuri.h"
26 #include "qgsrasteridentifyresult.h"
27 #include "qgsrasterlayer.h"
28 #include "qgsrectangle.h"
29 #include "qgscoordinatereferencesystem.h"
30 #include "qgsnetworkaccessmanager.h"
31 #include "qgsnetworkreplyparser.h"
32 #include "qgsmessagelog.h"
33 #include "qgsexception.h"
34 #include "qgswcsdataitems.h"
36 #include <QNetworkRequest>
37 #include <QNetworkReply>
38 #include <QNetworkProxy>
40 #include <QUrl>
41 #include <QEventLoop>
42 #include <QFile>
43 #include <QUrlQuery>
45 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
46 #include <QDir>
47 #endif
49 #include "gdalwarper.h"
50 #include "ogr_srs_api.h"
51 #include "cpl_conv.h"
52 #include "cpl_string.h"
54 #define ERR(message) QGS_ERROR_MESSAGE(message,"WCS provider")
55 #define SRVERR(message) QGS_ERROR_MESSAGE(message,"WCS server")
56 #define QGS_ERROR(message) QgsError(message,"WCS provider")
58 QString QgsWcsProvider::WCS_KEY = QStringLiteral( "wcs" );
59 QString QgsWcsProvider::WCS_DESCRIPTION = QStringLiteral( "OGC Web Coverage Service version 1.0/1.1 data provider" );
61 static QString DEFAULT_LATLON_CRS = QStringLiteral( "CRS:84" );
63 // TODO: colortable - use common baseclass with gdal, mapserver does not support http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/1671
QgsWcsProvider(const QString & uri,const ProviderOptions & options,QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags flags)65 QgsWcsProvider::QgsWcsProvider( const QString &uri, const ProviderOptions &options, QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags flags )
66   : QgsRasterDataProvider( uri, options, flags )
67   , mCachedViewExtent( 0 )
68 {
69   QgsDebugMsg( "constructing with uri '" + mHttpUri + "'." );
71   mValid = false;
72   mCachedMemFilename = QStringLiteral( "/vsimem/qgis/wcs/%0.dat" ).arg( reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>( this ) );
74   if ( !parseUri( uri ) ) return;
76   // GetCapabilities and DescribeCoverage
77   // TODO(?): do only DescribeCoverage to avoid one request
78   // We need to get at least server version, which is not set in of URI (if not part of url)
79   // and probably also rangeSet
81   QgsDataSourceUri capabilitiesUri;
82   capabilitiesUri.setEncodedUri( uri );
83   // remove non relevant params
84   capabilitiesUri.removeParam( QStringLiteral( "identifier" ) );
85   capabilitiesUri.removeParam( QStringLiteral( "crs" ) );
86   capabilitiesUri.removeParam( QStringLiteral( "format" ) );
87   // TODO: check if successful (add return to capabilities)
88   mCapabilities.setUri( capabilitiesUri );
90   // 1.0 get additional coverage info
91   if ( !mCapabilities.describeCoverage( mIdentifier ) )
92   {
93     appendError( ERR( tr( "Cannot describe coverage" ) ) );
94     return;
95   }
97   mCoverageSummary = mCapabilities.coverage( mIdentifier );
98   if ( !mCoverageSummary.valid )
99   {
100     // Should not happen if describeCoverage() did not fail
101     appendError( ERR( tr( "Coverage not found" ) ) );
102     return;
103   }
105   // It may happen that format is empty (e.g. uri created in python script),
106   // in that casei select one from available formats
107   if ( mFormat.isEmpty() )
108   {
109     // TIFF is known by GDAL
110     mFormat = mCoverageSummary.supportedFormat.filter( QStringLiteral( "tif" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ).value( 0 );
111   }
112   if ( mFormat.isEmpty() )
113   {
114     // Take the first if TIFF was not found
115     mFormat = mCoverageSummary.supportedFormat.value( 0 );
116   }
118   // We cannot continue without format, it is required
119   if ( mFormat.isEmpty() ) return;
121   // It could happen (usually not with current QgsWCSSourceSelect if at least
122   // one CRS is available) that crs is not set in uri, in that case we
123   // use the native, if available or WGS84 or the first supported
124   if ( mCoverageCrs.isEmpty() )
125   {
126     QgsDebugMsg( "nativeCrs = " + mCoverageSummary.nativeCrs );
127     QgsDebugMsg( "supportedCrs = " + mCoverageSummary.supportedCrs.join( "," ) );
128     if ( !mCoverageSummary.nativeCrs.isEmpty() )
129     {
130       setCoverageCrs( mCoverageSummary.nativeCrs );
131     }
132     else if ( mCoverageSummary.supportedCrs.contains( QStringLiteral( "EPSG:4326" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
133     {
134       setCoverageCrs( QStringLiteral( "EPSG:4326" ) );
135     }
136     else if ( !mCoverageSummary.supportedCrs.isEmpty() )
137     {
138       setCoverageCrs( mCoverageSummary.supportedCrs.value( 0 ) );
139     }
140   }
141   QgsDebugMsg( "mCoverageCrs = " + mCoverageCrs );
143   // It may happen that coverage CRS is not given or it is unknown
144   // in that case we continue without CRS and user is asked for it
145   //if ( mCoverageCrs.isEmpty() ) return;
147   // Native size
148   mWidth = mCoverageSummary.width;
149   mHeight = mCoverageSummary.height;
150   mHasSize = mCoverageSummary.hasSize;
152   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "mWidth = %1 mHeight = %2" ).arg( mWidth ).arg( mHeight ) );
154   // TODO: Consider if/how to recalculate mWidth, mHeight if non native CRS is used
156   if ( !calculateExtent() )
157   {
158     appendError( ERR( tr( "Cannot calculate extent" ) ) );
159     return;
160   }
162   // Get small piece of coverage to find GDAL data type and number of bands
163   const int bandNo = 0; // All bands
164   int width;
165   int height;
166   QString crs;
167   QgsRectangle box; // box to use to calc extent
168   // Prefer native CRS
169   if ( !mCoverageSummary.nativeCrs.isEmpty() &&
170        !mCoverageSummary.nativeBoundingBox.isEmpty() &&
171        mCoverageSummary.supportedCrs.contains( mCoverageSummary.nativeCrs ) &&
172        mHasSize )
173   {
174     box = mCoverageSummary.nativeBoundingBox;
175     width = mWidth;
176     height = mHeight;
177     crs = mCoverageSummary.nativeCrs;
178   }
179   else
180   {
181     box = mCoverageExtent;
182     if ( mHasSize )
183     {
184       width = mWidth;
185       height = mHeight;
186     }
187     else
188     {
189       // just a number to get smaller piece of coverage
190       width = 1000;
191       height = 1000;
192     }
193   }
194   const double xRes = box.width() / width;
195   const double yRes = box.height() / height;
196   const QgsPointXY p = box.center();
198   // width and height different to recognize rotation
199   const int requestWidth = 6;
200   const int requestHeight = 3;
202   // extent to be used for test request
203   const double halfWidth = xRes * ( requestWidth / 2. );
204   const double halfHeight = yRes * ( requestHeight / 2. );
206   // Using non native CRS (if we don't know which is native) it could easily happen,
207   // that a small part of bbox in request CRS near margin falls outside
208   // coverage native bbox and server reports error => take a piece from center
209   const QgsRectangle extent = QgsRectangle( p.x() - halfWidth, p.y() - halfHeight, p.x() + halfWidth, p.y() + halfHeight );
211   getCache( bandNo, extent, requestWidth, requestHeight, crs );
213   if ( !mCachedGdalDataset )
214   {
215     setError( mCachedError );
216     appendError( ERR( tr( "Cannot get test dataset." ) ) );
217     return;
218   }
220   mBandCount = GDALGetRasterCount( mCachedGdalDataset.get() );
221   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "mBandCount = %1" ).arg( mBandCount ) );
223   // Check for server particularities (bbox, rotation)
224   const int responseWidth = GDALGetRasterXSize( mCachedGdalDataset.get() );
225   const int responseHeight = GDALGetRasterYSize( mCachedGdalDataset.get() );
227   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "requestWidth = %1 requestHeight = %2 responseWidth = %3 responseHeight = %4)" ).arg( requestWidth ).arg( requestHeight ).arg( responseWidth ).arg( responseHeight ) );
228   // GeoServer and ArcGIS are using for 1.1 box "pixel" edges
229   // Mapserver is using pixel centers according to 1.1. specification
230   if ( ( responseWidth == requestWidth - 1 && responseHeight == requestHeight - 1 ) ||
231        ( responseWidth == requestHeight - 1 && responseHeight == requestWidth - 1 ) )
232   {
233     mFixBox = true;
234     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Test response size is smaller by pixel, using mFixBox" ) );
235   }
236   // Geoserver is giving rotated raster for geographic CRS - switched axis,
237   // Geoserver developers argue that changed axis order applies also to
238   // returned raster, that is exaggerated IMO but we have to handle that.
239   if ( ( responseWidth == requestHeight && responseHeight == requestWidth ) ||
240        ( responseWidth == requestHeight - 1 && responseHeight == requestWidth - 1 ) )
241   {
242     mFixRotate = true;
243     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Test response is rotated, using mFixRotate" ) );
244   }
246   // Get types
247   // TODO: we are using the same data types like GDAL (not wider like GDAL provider)
248   // with expectation to replace 'no data' values by NaN
249   mSrcGdalDataType.reserve( mBandCount );
250   mGdalDataType.reserve( mBandCount );
251   for ( int i = 1; i <= mBandCount; i++ )
252   {
253     GDALRasterBandH gdalBand = GDALGetRasterBand( mCachedGdalDataset.get(), i );
254     const GDALDataType myGdalDataType = GDALGetRasterDataType( gdalBand );
256     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "myGdalDataType[%1] = %2" ).arg( i - 1 ).arg( myGdalDataType ) );
257     mSrcGdalDataType.append( myGdalDataType );
259     // UMN Mapserver does not automatically set null value, METADATA wcs_rangeset_nullvalue must be used
260     // http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapserver-users/2010-April/065328.html
262     // TODO: This could be shared with GDAL provider
263     int isValid = false;
264     double myNoDataValue = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( gdalBand, &isValid );
265     if ( isValid )
266     {
267       QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "GDALGetRasterNoDataValue = %1" ).arg( myNoDataValue ) );
268       myNoDataValue = QgsRaster::representableValue( myNoDataValue, dataTypeFromGdal( myGdalDataType ) );
269       mSrcNoDataValue.append( myNoDataValue );
270       mSrcHasNoDataValue.append( true );
271       mUseSrcNoDataValue.append( true );
272     }
273     else
274     {
275       mSrcNoDataValue.append( std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() );
276       mSrcHasNoDataValue.append( false );
277       mUseSrcNoDataValue.append( false );
278     }
279     // It may happen that nodata value given by GDAL is wrong and it has to be
280     // disabled by user, in that case we need another value to be used for nodata
281     // (for reprojection for example) -> always internally represent as wider type
282     // with mInternalNoDataValue in reserve.
283     // No retyping, no internal values for now
284 #if 0
285     int myInternalGdalDataType = myGdalDataType;
286     double myInternalNoDataValue;
287     switch ( srcDataType( i ) )
288     {
289       case Qgis::DataType::Byte:
290         myInternalNoDataValue = -32768.0;
291         myInternalGdalDataType = GDT_Int16;
292         break;
293       case Qgis::DataType::Int16:
294         myInternalNoDataValue = -2147483648.0;
295         myInternalGdalDataType = GDT_Int32;
296         break;
297       case Qgis::DataType::UInt16:
298         myInternalNoDataValue = -2147483648.0;
299         myInternalGdalDataType = GDT_Int32;
300         break;
301       case Qgis::DataType::Int32:
302         // We believe that such values is no used in real data
303         myInternalNoDataValue = -2147483648.0;
304         break;
305       case Qgis::DataType::UInt32:
306         // We believe that such values is no used in real data
307         myInternalNoDataValue = 4294967295.0;
308         break;
309       default: // Float32, Float64
310         //myNoDataValue = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
311         // NaN should work well
312         myInternalNoDataValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
313     }
314     mGdalDataType.append( myInternalGdalDataType );
315     mInternalNoDataValue.append( myInternalNoDataValue );
316     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "mInternalNoDataValue[%1] = %2" ).arg( i - 1 ).arg( mInternalNoDataValue[i - 1] ) );
317 #endif
318     mGdalDataType.append( myGdalDataType );
320 #if 0
321     // TODO: what to do if null values from DescribeCoverage differ?
322     if ( !mCoverageSummary.nullValues.contains( myNoDataValue ) )
323     {
324       QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "noDataValue %1 is missing in nullValues from CoverageDescription" ).arg( myNoDataValue ) );
325     }
326 #endif
328     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "mSrcGdalDataType[%1] = %2" ).arg( i - 1 ).arg( mSrcGdalDataType.at( i - 1 ) ) );
329     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "mGdalDataType[%1] = %2" ).arg( i - 1 ).arg( mGdalDataType.at( i - 1 ) ) );
330     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "mSrcNoDataValue[%1] = %2" ).arg( i - 1 ).arg( mSrcNoDataValue.at( i - 1 ) ) );
332     // Create and store color table
333     // TODO: never tested because mapserver (6.0.3) does not support color tables
334     mColorTables.append( QgsGdalProviderBase::colorTable( mCachedGdalDataset.get(), i ) );
335   }
337   clearCache();
339   // Block size is used for for statistics
340   // TODO: How to find maximum block size supported by server?
341   if ( mHasSize )
342   {
343     // This is taken from GDAL, how they come to these numbers?
344     if ( mWidth > 1800 ) mXBlockSize = 1024;
345     else mXBlockSize = mWidth;
347     if ( mHeight > 900 ) mYBlockSize = 512;
348     else mYBlockSize = mHeight;
349   }
351   mValid = true;
352   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Constructed OK, provider valid." ) );
353 }
QgsWcsProvider(const QgsWcsProvider & other,const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions & providerOptions)355 QgsWcsProvider::QgsWcsProvider( const QgsWcsProvider &other, const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &providerOptions )
356   : QgsRasterDataProvider( other.dataSourceUri(), providerOptions )
357   , mHttpUri( other.mHttpUri )
358   , mBaseUrl( other.mBaseUrl )
359   , mIdentifier( other.mIdentifier )
360   , mTime( other.mTime )
361   , mFormat( other.mFormat )
362   , mValid( other.mValid )
363   , mCapabilities( other.mCapabilities )
364   , mCoverageSummary( other.mCoverageSummary )
365   , mSrid( other.mSrid )
366   , mCoverageExtent( other.mCoverageExtent )
367   , mWidth( other.mWidth )
368   , mHeight( other.mHeight )
369   , mXBlockSize( other.mXBlockSize )
370   , mYBlockSize( other.mYBlockSize )
371   , mHasSize( other.mHasSize )
372   , mBandCount( other.mBandCount )
373   , mGdalDataType( other.mGdalDataType )
374   , mSrcGdalDataType( other.mSrcGdalDataType )
375   , mColorTables( other.mColorTables )
376   , mExtentForLayer( other.mExtentForLayer )
377   , mCrsForLayer( other.mCrsForLayer )
378   , mQueryableForLayer( other.mQueryableForLayer )
379   , mCoverageCrs( other.mCoverageCrs )
380     // intentionally omitted:
381     // - mCachedData
382     // - mCachedMemFilename
383     // - mCachedMemFile
384     // - mCachedGdalDataset
385     // - mCachedError
386     // - mCachedViewExtent
387     // - mCachedViewWidth
388     // - mCachedViewHeight
389   , mMaxWidth( other.mMaxWidth )
390   , mMaxHeight( other.mMaxHeight )
391     // intentionally omitted:
392     // - mErrorCaption
393     // - mError
394     // - mErrorFormat
395   , mCoordinateTransform( other.mCoordinateTransform )
396   , mExtentDirty( other.mExtentDirty )
397   , mGetFeatureInfoUrlBase( other.mGetFeatureInfoUrlBase )
398   , mServiceMetadataURL( other.mServiceMetadataURL )
399   , mAuth( other.mAuth )
400   , mIgnoreGetCoverageUrl( other.mIgnoreGetCoverageUrl )
401   , mIgnoreAxisOrientation( other.mIgnoreAxisOrientation )
402   , mInvertAxisOrientation( other.mInvertAxisOrientation )
403   , mCrs( other.mCrs )
404   , mFixBox( other.mFixBox )
405   , mFixRotate( other.mFixRotate )
406   , mCacheLoadControl( other.mCacheLoadControl )
407 {
408   mCachedMemFilename = QStringLiteral( "/vsimem/qgis/wcs/%0.dat" ).arg( reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>( this ) );
409 }
parseUri(const QString & uriString)412 bool QgsWcsProvider::parseUri( const QString &uriString )
413 {
415   QgsDebugMsg( "uriString = " + uriString );
416   QgsDataSourceUri uri;
417   uri.setEncodedUri( uriString );
419   mMaxWidth = 0;
420   mMaxHeight = 0;
422   mHttpUri = uri.param( QStringLiteral( "url" ) );
423   mBaseUrl = prepareUri( mHttpUri );
424   QgsDebugMsg( "mBaseUrl = " + mBaseUrl );
426   mIgnoreGetCoverageUrl = uri.hasParam( QStringLiteral( "IgnoreGetMapUrl" ) );
427   mIgnoreAxisOrientation = uri.hasParam( QStringLiteral( "IgnoreAxisOrientation" ) ); // must be before parsing!
428   mInvertAxisOrientation = uri.hasParam( QStringLiteral( "InvertAxisOrientation" ) ); // must be before parsing!
430   mAuth.mUserName = uri.username();
431   QgsDebugMsg( "set username to " + mAuth.mUserName );
433   mAuth.mPassword = uri.password();
434   QgsDebugMsg( "set password to " + mAuth.mPassword );
436   if ( !uri.authConfigId().isEmpty() )
437   {
438     mAuth.mAuthCfg = uri.authConfigId();
439   }
440   QgsDebugMsg( "set authcfg to " + mAuth.mAuthCfg );
442   mIdentifier = uri.param( QStringLiteral( "identifier" ) );
444   mTime = uri.param( QStringLiteral( "time" ) );
446   setFormat( uri.param( QStringLiteral( "format" ) ) );
448   if ( !uri.param( QStringLiteral( "crs" ) ).isEmpty() )
449   {
450     setCoverageCrs( uri.param( QStringLiteral( "crs" ) ) );
451   }
453   const QString cache = uri.param( QStringLiteral( "cache" ) );
454   if ( !cache.isEmpty() )
455   {
456     mCacheLoadControl = QgsNetworkAccessManager::cacheLoadControlFromName( cache );
457   }
458   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "mCacheLoadControl = %1" ).arg( mCacheLoadControl ) );
460   return true;
461 }
prepareUri(QString uri) const463 QString QgsWcsProvider::prepareUri( QString uri ) const
464 {
465   if ( !uri.contains( '?' ) )
466   {
467     uri.append( '?' );
468   }
469   else if ( uri.right( 1 ) != QLatin1String( "?" ) && uri.right( 1 ) != QLatin1String( "&" ) )
470   {
471     uri.append( '&' );
472   }
474   return uri;
475 }
~QgsWcsProvider()477 QgsWcsProvider::~QgsWcsProvider()
478 {
479   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "deconstructing." ) );
481   // Dispose of any cached image as created by draw()
482   clearCache();
483 }
clone() const485 QgsWcsProvider *QgsWcsProvider::clone() const
486 {
487   QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions providerOptions;
488   providerOptions.transformContext = transformContext();
489   QgsWcsProvider *provider = new QgsWcsProvider( *this, providerOptions );
490   provider->copyBaseSettings( *this );
491   return provider;
492 }
baseUrl() const494 QString QgsWcsProvider::baseUrl() const
495 {
496   return mBaseUrl;
497 }
format() const499 QString QgsWcsProvider::format() const
500 {
501   return mFormat;
502 }
setFormat(QString const & format)504 void QgsWcsProvider::setFormat( QString const &format )
505 {
506   QgsDebugMsg( "Setting format to " + format + '.' );
507   mFormat = format;
508 }
setCoverageCrs(QString const & crs)511 void QgsWcsProvider::setCoverageCrs( QString const &crs )
512 {
513   QgsDebugMsg( "Setting coverage CRS to " + crs + '.' );
515   if ( crs != mCoverageCrs && !crs.isEmpty() )
516   {
517     // delete old coordinate transform as it is no longer valid
518     mCoordinateTransform = QgsCoordinateTransform();
520     mExtentDirty = true;
522     mCoverageCrs = crs;
524     mCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::fromOgcWmsCrs( mCoverageCrs );
525   }
526 }
setQueryItem(QUrl & url,const QString & item,const QString & value) const528 void QgsWcsProvider::setQueryItem( QUrl &url, const QString &item, const QString &value ) const
529 {
530   QUrlQuery query( url );
531   query.removeQueryItem( item );
532   query.addQueryItem( item, value );
533   url.setQuery( query );
534 }
readBlock(int bandNo,QgsRectangle const & viewExtent,int pixelWidth,int pixelHeight,void * block,QgsRasterBlockFeedback * feedback)536 bool QgsWcsProvider::readBlock( int bandNo, QgsRectangle  const &viewExtent, int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight, void *block, QgsRasterBlockFeedback *feedback )
537 {
538   // TODO: set block to null values, move that to function and call only if fails
539   memset( block, 0, pixelWidth * pixelHeight * QgsRasterBlock::typeSize( dataType( bandNo ) ) );
541   // Requested extent must at least partially overlap coverage extent, otherwise
542   // server gives error. QGIS usually does not request blocks outside raster extent
543   // (higher level checks) but it is better to do check here as well
544   if ( !viewExtent.intersects( mCoverageExtent ) )
545   {
546     return false;
547   }
549   // Can we reuse the previously cached coverage?
550   if ( !mCachedGdalDataset ||
551        mCachedViewExtent != viewExtent ||
552        mCachedViewWidth != pixelWidth ||
553        mCachedViewHeight != pixelHeight )
554   {
555     getCache( bandNo, viewExtent, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, QString(), feedback );
556   }
558   if ( mCachedGdalDataset )
559   {
560     // It may happen (Geoserver) that if requested BBOX is larger than coverage
561     // extent, the returned data cover intersection of requested BBOX and coverage
562     // extent scaled to requested WIDTH/HEIGHT => check extent
563     // Unfortunately if the received raster does not have a CRS, the extent is the raster size
564     // and in that case it cannot be used to verify extent
565     QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem cacheCrs;
566     if ( !cacheCrs.createFromWkt( GDALGetProjectionRef( mCachedGdalDataset.get() ) ) &&
567          !cacheCrs.createFromWkt( GDALGetGCPProjection( mCachedGdalDataset.get() ) ) )
568     {
569       QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Cached does not have CRS" ) );
570     }
571     QgsDebugMsg( "Cache CRS: " + cacheCrs.userFriendlyIdentifier() );
573     const QgsRectangle cacheExtent = QgsGdalProviderBase::extent( mCachedGdalDataset.get() );
574     QgsDebugMsg( "viewExtent = " + viewExtent.toString() );
575     QgsDebugMsg( "cacheExtent = " + cacheExtent.toString() );
576     // TODO: check also rotated
577     if ( cacheCrs.isValid() && !mFixRotate )
578     {
579       // using qgsDoubleNear is too precise, example acceptable difference:
580       // 179.9999999306699863 x 179.9999999306700431
581       if ( !qgsDoubleNearSig( cacheExtent.xMinimum(), viewExtent.xMinimum(), 10 ) ||
582            !qgsDoubleNearSig( cacheExtent.yMinimum(), viewExtent.yMinimum(), 10 ) ||
583            !qgsDoubleNearSig( cacheExtent.xMaximum(), viewExtent.xMaximum(), 10 ) ||
584            !qgsDoubleNearSig( cacheExtent.yMaximum(), viewExtent.yMaximum(), 10 ) )
585       {
586         // Just print a message so user is aware of a server side issue but don't left
587         // the tile blank so we can deal with eventually misconfigured WCS server
588         // https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/33339
590         QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "cacheExtent and viewExtent differ" ) );
591         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Received coverage has wrong extent %1 (expected %2)" ).arg( cacheExtent.toString(), viewExtent.toString() ), tr( "WCS" ) );
592       }
593     }
595     const int width = GDALGetRasterXSize( mCachedGdalDataset.get() );
596     const int height = GDALGetRasterYSize( mCachedGdalDataset.get() );
597     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "cached data width = %1 height = %2 (expected %3 x %4)" ).arg( width ).arg( height ).arg( pixelWidth ).arg( pixelHeight ) );
599     GDALRasterBandH gdalBand = GDALGetRasterBand( mCachedGdalDataset.get(), bandNo );
600     // TODO: check type?, check band count?
601     if ( mFixRotate && width == pixelHeight && height == pixelWidth )
602     {
603       // Rotate counter clockwise
604       // If GridOffsets With GeoServer,
605       QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Rotating raster" ) );
606       const int pixelSize = QgsRasterBlock::typeSize( dataType( bandNo ) );
607       QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "pixelSize = %1" ).arg( pixelSize ) );
608       const int size = width * height * pixelSize;
609       void *tmpData = malloc( size );
610       if ( ! tmpData )
611       {
612         QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Couldn't allocate memory of %1 bytes" ).arg( size ) );
613         return false;
614       }
615       if ( GDALRasterIO( gdalBand, GF_Read, 0, 0, width, height, tmpData, width, height, ( GDALDataType ) mGdalDataType.at( bandNo - 1 ), 0, 0 ) != CE_None )
616       {
617         QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Raster IO Error" ) );
618       }
619       for ( int i = 0; i < pixelHeight; i++ )
620       {
621         for ( int j = 0; j < pixelWidth; j++ )
622         {
623           const int destIndex = pixelSize * ( i * pixelWidth + j );
624           const int srcIndex = pixelSize * ( j * width + ( width - i - 1 ) );
625           memcpy( ( char * )block + destIndex, ( char * )tmpData + srcIndex, pixelSize );
626         }
627       }
628       free( tmpData );
629     }
630     else if ( width == pixelWidth && height == pixelHeight )
631     {
632       if ( GDALRasterIO( gdalBand, GF_Read, 0, 0, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, block, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, ( GDALDataType ) mGdalDataType.at( bandNo - 1 ), 0, 0 ) != CE_None )
633       {
634         QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Raster IO Error" ) );
635       }
636       else
637       {
638         QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Block read OK" ) );
639       }
640     }
641     else
642     {
643       // This should not happen, but it is better to give distorted result + warning
644       if ( GDALRasterIO( gdalBand, GF_Read, 0, 0, width, height, block, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, ( GDALDataType ) mGdalDataType.at( bandNo - 1 ), 0, 0 ) != CE_None )
645       {
646         QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Raster IO Error" ) );
647       }
648       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Received coverage has wrong size %1 x %2 (expected %3 x %4)" ).arg( width ).arg( height ).arg( pixelWidth ).arg( pixelHeight ), tr( "WCS" ) );
649     }
650   }
651   return true;
652 }
getCache(int bandNo,QgsRectangle const & viewExtent,int pixelWidth,int pixelHeight,QString crs,QgsRasterBlockFeedback * feedback) const654 void QgsWcsProvider::getCache( int bandNo, QgsRectangle  const &viewExtent, int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight, QString crs, QgsRasterBlockFeedback *feedback ) const
655 {
656   Q_UNUSED( bandNo )
657   // delete cached data
658   clearCache();
660   if ( crs.isEmpty() )
661   {
662     crs = mCoverageCrs;
663   }
665   mCachedViewExtent = viewExtent;
666   mCachedViewWidth = pixelWidth;
667   mCachedViewHeight = pixelHeight;
669   // --------------- BOUNDING BOX --------------------------------
670   //according to the WCS spec for 1.1, some CRS have inverted axis
671   // box:
672   //  1.0.0: minx,miny,maxx,maxy
673   //  1.1.0, 1.1.2: OGC 07-067r5 (WCS 1.1.2) refers to OGC 06-121r3 which says
674   //  "The number of axes included, and the order of these axes, shall be as specified
675   //  by the referenced CRS." That means inverted for geographic.
676   bool changeXY = false;
677   if ( !mIgnoreAxisOrientation && ( mCapabilities.version().startsWith( QLatin1String( "1.1" ) ) ) )
678   {
679     //create CRS from string
680     const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem srs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::fromOgcWmsCrs( crs );
681     if ( srs.isValid() && srs.hasAxisInverted() )
682     {
683       changeXY = true;
684     }
685   }
687   if ( mInvertAxisOrientation ) changeXY = !changeXY;
689   const double xRes = viewExtent.width() / pixelWidth;
690   const double yRes = viewExtent.height() / pixelHeight;
691   QgsRectangle extent = viewExtent;
692   // WCS 1.1 grid is using grid points (surrounded by sample spaces) and
693   // "The spatial extent of a grid coverage extends only as far as the outermost
694   // grid points contained in the bounding box. It does NOT include any area
695   // (partial or whole grid cells or sample spaces) beyond those grid points."
696   // Mapserver and GDAL are using bbox defined by grid points, i.e. shrunk
697   // by 1 pixel, but Geoserver and ArcGIS are using full bbox including
698   // the space around edge grid points.
699   if ( mCapabilities.version().startsWith( QLatin1String( "1.1" ) ) && !mFixBox )
700   {
701     // shrink the extent to border cells centers by half cell size
702     extent = QgsRectangle( viewExtent.xMinimum() + xRes / 2., viewExtent.yMinimum() + yRes / 2., viewExtent.xMaximum() - xRes / 2., viewExtent.yMaximum() - yRes / 2. );
703   }
705   // Bounding box in WCS format (Warning: does not work with scientific notation)
706   QString bbox = QString( changeXY ? "%2,%1,%4,%3" : "%1,%2,%3,%4" )
707                  .arg( qgsDoubleToString( extent.xMinimum() ),
708                        qgsDoubleToString( extent.yMinimum() ),
709                        qgsDoubleToString( extent.xMaximum() ),
710                        qgsDoubleToString( extent.yMaximum() ) );
712   QUrl url( mIgnoreGetCoverageUrl ? mBaseUrl : mCapabilities.getCoverageUrl() );
714   // Version 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.2
715   setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "SERVICE" ), QStringLiteral( "WCS" ) );
716   setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "VERSION" ), mCapabilities.version() );
717   setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "REQUEST" ), QStringLiteral( "GetCoverage" ) );
718   setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "FORMAT" ), mFormat );
720   // Version 1.0.0
721   if ( mCapabilities.version().startsWith( QLatin1String( "1.0" ) ) )
722   {
723     setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "COVERAGE" ), mIdentifier );
724     if ( !mTime.isEmpty() )
725     {
726       // It seems that Mmapserver (6.0.3) WCS 1.1 completely ignores
727       // TemporalDomain. Some code (copy-pasted from 1.0) is commented in
728       // msWCSDescribeCoverage_CoverageDescription11() and GetCoverage
729       // TimeSequence param is not supported at all. If a coverage is defined
730       // with timeposition in mapfile, the result of GetCoverage is empty
731       // raster (all values 0).
732       setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "TIME" ), mTime );
733     }
734     setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "BBOX" ), bbox );
735     setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "CRS" ), crs ); // request BBOX CRS
736     setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "RESPONSE_CRS" ), crs ); // response CRS
737     setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "WIDTH" ), QString::number( pixelWidth ) );
738     setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "HEIGHT" ), QString::number( pixelHeight ) );
739   }
741   // Version 1.1.0, 1.1.2
742   if ( mCapabilities.version().startsWith( QLatin1String( "1.1" ) ) )
743   {
744     setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "IDENTIFIER" ), mIdentifier );
745     const QString crsUrn = QStringLiteral( "urn:ogc:def:crs:%1::%2" ).arg( crs.split( ':' ).value( 0 ), crs.split( ':' ).value( 1 ) );
746     bbox += ',' + crsUrn;
748     if ( !mTime.isEmpty() )
749     {
750       setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "TIMESEQUENCE" ), mTime );
751     }
753     setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "BOUNDINGBOX" ), bbox );
755     //  Example:
756     //   GridBaseCRS=urn:ogc:def:crs:SG:6.6:32618
757     //   GridType=urn:ogc:def:method:CS:1.1:2dGridIn2dCrs
758     //   GridCS=urn:ogc:def:cs:OGC:0Grid2dSquareCS
759     //   GridOrigin=0,0
760     //   GridOffsets=0.0707,-0.0707,0.1414,0.1414&
762     setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "GRIDBASECRS" ), crsUrn ); // response CRS
764     setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "GRIDCS" ), QStringLiteral( "urn:ogc:def:cs:OGC:0.0:Grid2dSquareCS" ) );
766     setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "GRIDTYPE" ), QStringLiteral( "urn:ogc:def:method:WCS:1.1:2dSimpleGrid" ) );
768     // GridOrigin is BBOX minx, maxy
769     // Note: shifting origin to cell center (not really necessary nor making sense)
770     // does not work with Mapserver 6.0.3
771     // Mapserver 6.0.3 does not work with origin on yMinimum (lower left)
772     // Geoserver works OK with yMinimum (lower left)
773     const QString gridOrigin = QString( changeXY ? "%2,%1" : "%1,%2" )
774                                .arg( qgsDoubleToString( extent.xMinimum() ),
775                                      qgsDoubleToString( extent.yMaximum() ) );
776     setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "GRIDORIGIN" ), gridOrigin );
778     // GridOffsets WCS 1.1:
779     // GridType urn:ogc:def:method:WCS:1.1:2dSimpleGrid : 2 values
780     // GridType urn:ogc:def:method:WCS:1.1:2dGridIn2dCrs : 4 values, the center two of these offsets will be zero when the GridCRS is not rotated or skewed in the GridBaseCRS.
781     // The yOff must be negative because origin is in upper corner
782     // WCS 1.1.2: BaseX = origin(1) + offsets(1) * GridX
783     //            BaseY = origin(2) + offsets(2) * GridY
784     // otherwise GeoServer gives mirrored result, however
785     // Mapserver works OK with both positive and negative
786     // OTOH, the yOff offset must not be negative with mFixRotate and Geoserver 2.1-SNAPSHOT
787     // but it must be negative with GeoServer 2.1.3 and mFixRotate. I am not sure
788     // at this moment 100% -> disabling positive yOff for now - TODO: try other servers
789     //double yOff = mFixRotate ? yRes : -yRes; // this was working with some servers I think
790     const double yOff = -yRes;
791     const QString gridOffsets = QString( changeXY ? "%2,%1" : "%1,%2" )
792                                 //setQueryItem( url, "GRIDTYPE", "urn:ogc:def:method:WCS:1.1:2dGridIn2dCrs" );
793                                 //QString gridOffsets = QString( changeXY ? "%2,0,0,%1" : "%1,0,0,%2" )
794                                 .arg( qgsDoubleToString( xRes ),
795                                       qgsDoubleToString( yOff ) );
796     setQueryItem( url, QStringLiteral( "GRIDOFFSETS" ), gridOffsets );
797   }
799   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "GetCoverage: %1" ).arg( url.toString() ) );
801   // cache some details for if the user wants to do an identifyAsHtml() later
803   //mGetFeatureInfoUrlBase = mIgnoreGetFeatureInfoUrl ? mBaseUrl : getFeatureInfoUrl();
805   QgsWcsDownloadHandler handler( url, mAuth, mCacheLoadControl, mCachedData, mCapabilities.version(), mCachedError, feedback );
806   handler.blockingDownload();
808   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "%1 bytes received" ).arg( mCachedData.size() ) );
809   if ( mCachedData.isEmpty() )
810   {
811     if ( !feedback || !feedback->isCanceled() )
812     {
813       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "No data received" ), tr( "WCS" ) );
814     }
815     clearCache();
816     return;
817   }
819 #if 0
820   QFile myFile( "/tmp/qgiswcscache.dat" );
821   if ( myFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
822   {
823     QDataStream myStream( &myFile );
824     myStream.writeRawData( mCachedData.data(), mCachedData.size() );
825     myFile.close();
826   }
827 #endif
829   mCachedMemFile = VSIFileFromMemBuffer( mCachedMemFilename.toUtf8().constData(),
830                                          ( GByte * )mCachedData.data(),
831                                          ( vsi_l_offset )mCachedData.size(),
832                                          FALSE );
834   if ( !mCachedMemFile )
835   {
836     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot create memory file" ), tr( "WCS" ) );
837     clearCache();
838     return;
839   }
840   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Memory file created" ) );
842   CPLErrorReset();
843   mCachedGdalDataset.reset( GDALOpen( mCachedMemFilename.toUtf8().constData(), GA_ReadOnly ) );
844   if ( !mCachedGdalDataset )
845   {
846     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QString::fromUtf8( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ), tr( "WCS" ) );
847     clearCache();
848     return;
849   }
850   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Dataset opened" ) );
852 }
854 // For stats only, maybe change QgsRasterDataProvider::bandStatistics() to
855 // use standard readBlock with extent
readBlock(int bandNo,int xBlock,int yBlock,void * block)856 bool QgsWcsProvider::readBlock( int bandNo, int xBlock, int yBlock, void *block )
857 {
859   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "xBlock = %1 yBlock = %2" ).arg( xBlock ).arg( yBlock ) );
861   if ( !mHasSize )
862     return false;
864   const double xRes = mCoverageExtent.width() / mWidth;
865   const double yRes = mCoverageExtent.height() / mHeight;
867   // blocks on edges may run out of extent, that should not be problem (at least for
868   // stats - there is a check for it)
869   const double xMin = mCoverageExtent.xMinimum() + xRes * xBlock * mXBlockSize;
870   const double xMax = xMin + xRes * mXBlockSize;
871   const double yMax = mCoverageExtent.yMaximum() - yRes * yBlock * mYBlockSize;
872   const double yMin = yMax - yRes * mYBlockSize;
873   //QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral("yMin = %1 yMax = %2").arg(yMin).arg(yMax) );
875   const QgsRectangle extent( xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax );
877   return readBlock( bandNo, extent, mXBlockSize, mYBlockSize, block, nullptr );
878 }
881 // This could be shared with GDAL provider
sourceDataType(int bandNo) const882 Qgis::DataType QgsWcsProvider::sourceDataType( int bandNo ) const
883 {
884   if ( bandNo <= 0 || bandNo > mSrcGdalDataType.size() )
885   {
886     return Qgis::DataType::UnknownDataType;
887   }
889   return dataTypeFromGdal( mSrcGdalDataType[bandNo - 1] );
890 }
dataType(int bandNo) const892 Qgis::DataType QgsWcsProvider::dataType( int bandNo ) const
893 {
894   if ( bandNo <= 0 || bandNo > mGdalDataType.size() )
895   {
896     return Qgis::DataType::UnknownDataType;
897   }
899   return dataTypeFromGdal( mGdalDataType[bandNo - 1] );
900 }
bandCount() const902 int QgsWcsProvider::bandCount() const
903 {
904   return mBandCount;
905 }
907 // this is only called once when statistics are calculated
908 // TODO
xBlockSize() const909 int QgsWcsProvider::xBlockSize() const
910 {
911   return mXBlockSize;
912 }
yBlockSize() const913 int QgsWcsProvider::yBlockSize() const
914 {
915   return mYBlockSize;
916 }
xSize() const918 int QgsWcsProvider::xSize() const { return mWidth; }
ySize() const919 int QgsWcsProvider::ySize() const { return mHeight; }
clearCache() const921 void QgsWcsProvider::clearCache() const
922 {
923   if ( mCachedGdalDataset )
924   {
925     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Close mCachedGdalDataset" ) );
926     mCachedGdalDataset.reset();
927     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Closed" ) );
928   }
929   if ( mCachedMemFile )
930   {
931     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Close mCachedMemFile" ) );
932     VSIFCloseL( mCachedMemFile );
933     mCachedMemFile = nullptr;
934     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Closed" ) );
935   }
936   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Clear mCachedData" ) );
937   mCachedData.clear();
938   mCachedError.clear();
939   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Cleared" ) );
940 }
colorTable(int bandNumber) const942 QList<QgsColorRampShader::ColorRampItem> QgsWcsProvider::colorTable( int bandNumber )const
943 {
944   return mColorTables.value( bandNumber - 1 );
945 }
colorInterpretation(int bandNo) const947 int QgsWcsProvider::colorInterpretation( int bandNo ) const
948 {
949   GDALRasterBandH myGdalBand = GDALGetRasterBand( mCachedGdalDataset.get(), bandNo );
950   return colorInterpretationFromGdal( GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation( myGdalBand ) );
951 }
parseServiceExceptionReportDom(const QByteArray & xml,const QString & wcsVersion,QString & errorTitle,QString & errorText)954 bool QgsWcsProvider::parseServiceExceptionReportDom( const QByteArray &xml, const QString &wcsVersion, QString &errorTitle, QString &errorText )
955 {
957 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
958   //test the content of the QByteArray
959   const QString responsestring( xml );
960   QgsDebugMsg( "received the following data: " + responsestring );
961 #endif
963   // Convert completed document into a Dom
964   QDomDocument doc;
965   QString errorMsg;
966   int errorLine;
967   int errorColumn;
968   const bool contentSuccess = doc.setContent( xml, false, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn );
970   if ( !contentSuccess )
971   {
972     errorTitle = tr( "Dom Exception" );
973     errorText = tr( "Could not get WCS Service Exception at %1 at line %2 column %3\n\nResponse was:\n\n%4" )
974                 .arg( errorMsg )
975                 .arg( errorLine )
976                 .arg( errorColumn )
977                 .arg( QString( xml ) );
979     QgsLogger::debug( "Dom Exception: " + errorText );
981     return false;
982   }
984   const QDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement();
986   // TODO: Assert the docElem.tagName() is
987   //  ServiceExceptionReport // 1.0
988   //  ows:ExceptionReport  // 1.1
990   //QString version = docElem.attribute("version");
992   QDomElement e;
993   if ( wcsVersion.startsWith( QLatin1String( "1.0" ) ) )
994   {
995     e = QgsWcsCapabilities::domElement( docElem, QStringLiteral( "ServiceException" ) );
996   }
997   else // 1.1
998   {
999     e = QgsWcsCapabilities::domElement( docElem, QStringLiteral( "Exception" ) );
1000   }
1001   parseServiceException( e, wcsVersion, errorTitle, errorText );
1003   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "exiting." ) );
1005   return true;
1006 }
parseServiceException(QDomElement const & e,const QString & wcsVersion,QString & errorTitle,QString & errorText)1008 void QgsWcsProvider::parseServiceException( QDomElement const &e, const QString &wcsVersion, QString &errorTitle, QString &errorText )
1009 {
1011   errorTitle = tr( "Service Exception" );
1013   QMap<QString, QString> exceptions;
1015   // Some codes are in both 1.0 and 1.1, in that case the 'meaning of code' is
1016   // taken from 1.0 specification
1018   // set up friendly descriptions for the service exception
1019   // 1.0
1020   exceptions[QStringLiteral( "InvalidFormat" )] = tr( "Request contains a format not offered by the server." );
1021   exceptions[QStringLiteral( "CoverageNotDefined" )] = tr( "Request is for a Coverage not offered by the service instance." );
1022   exceptions[QStringLiteral( "CurrentUpdateSequence" )] = tr( "Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is equal to current value of service metadata update sequence number." );
1023   exceptions[QStringLiteral( "InvalidUpdateSequence" )] = tr( "Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is greater than current value of service metadata update sequence number." );
1024   // 1.0, 1.1
1025   exceptions[QStringLiteral( "MissingParameterValue" )] = tr( "Request does not include a parameter value, and the server instance did not declare a default value for that dimension." );
1026   exceptions[QStringLiteral( "InvalidParameterValue" )] = tr( "Request contains an invalid parameter value." );
1027   // 1.1
1028   exceptions[QStringLiteral( "NoApplicableCode" )] = tr( "No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception." );
1029   exceptions[QStringLiteral( "UnsupportedCombination" )] = tr( "Operation request contains an output CRS that can not be used within the output format." );
1030   exceptions[QStringLiteral( "NotEnoughStorage" )] = tr( "Operation request specifies to \"store\" the result, but not enough storage is available to do this." );
1032   QString seCode;
1033   QString seText;
1034   if ( wcsVersion.startsWith( QLatin1String( "1.0" ) ) )
1035   {
1036     seCode = e.attribute( QStringLiteral( "code" ) );
1037     seText = e.text();
1038   }
1039   else
1040   {
1041     const QStringList codes;
1042     seCode = e.attribute( QStringLiteral( "exceptionCode" ) );
1043     // UMN Mapserver (6.0.3) has messed/switched 'locator' and 'exceptionCode'
1044     if ( ! exceptions.contains( seCode ) )
1045     {
1046       seCode = e.attribute( QStringLiteral( "locator" ) );
1047       if ( ! exceptions.contains( seCode ) )
1048       {
1049         seCode.clear();
1050       }
1051     }
1052     seText = QgsWcsCapabilities::firstChildText( e, QStringLiteral( "ExceptionText" ) );
1053   }
1055   if ( seCode.isEmpty() )
1056   {
1057     errorText = tr( "(No error code was reported)" );
1058   }
1059   else if ( exceptions.contains( seCode ) )
1060   {
1061     errorText = exceptions.value( seCode );
1062   }
1063   else
1064   {
1065     errorText = seCode + ' ' + tr( "(Unknown error code)" );
1066   }
1068   errorText += '\n' + tr( "The WCS vendor also reported: " );
1069   errorText += seText;
1071   QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "composed error message '%1'." ).arg( errorText ), tr( "WCS" ) );
1072   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "exiting." ) );
1073 }
extent() const1077 QgsRectangle QgsWcsProvider::extent() const
1078 {
1079   if ( mExtentDirty )
1080   {
1081     if ( calculateExtent() )
1082     {
1083       mExtentDirty = false;
1084     }
1085   }
1087   return mCoverageExtent;
1088 }
isValid() const1090 bool QgsWcsProvider::isValid() const
1091 {
1092   return mValid;
1093 }
wcsVersion()1096 QString QgsWcsProvider::wcsVersion()
1097 {
1098   return mCapabilities.version();
1099 }
calculateExtent() const1101 bool QgsWcsProvider::calculateExtent() const
1102 {
1104   // Make sure we know what extents are available
1105   if ( !mCoverageSummary.described )
1106   {
1107     return false;
1108   }
1110   // Prefer to use extent from capabilities / coverage description because
1111   // transformation from WGS84 enlarges the extent
1112   mCoverageExtent = mCoverageSummary.boundingBoxes.value( mCoverageCrs );
1113   QgsDebugMsg( "mCoverageCrs = " + mCoverageCrs + " mCoverageExtent = " + mCoverageExtent.toString() );
1114   if ( !mCoverageExtent.isEmpty() && mCoverageExtent.isFinite() )
1115   {
1116     QgsDebugMsg( "mCoverageExtent = " + mCoverageExtent.toString() );
1117     //return true;
1118   }
1119   else
1120   {
1121     // Set up the coordinate transform from the WCS standard CRS:84 bounding
1122     // box to the user's selected CRS
1123     if ( !mCoordinateTransform.isValid() )
1124     {
1125       const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem qgisSrsSource = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::fromOgcWmsCrs( QStringLiteral( "EPSG:4326" ) );
1126       const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem qgisSrsDest = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::fromOgcWmsCrs( mCoverageCrs );
1128       //QgsDebugMsg( "qgisSrsSource: " + qgisSrsSource.toWkt() );
1129       //QgsDebugMsg( "qgisSrsDest: " + qgisSrsDest.toWkt() );
1131       mCoordinateTransform = QgsCoordinateTransform( qgisSrsSource, qgisSrsDest, transformContext() );
1132     }
1134     QgsDebugMsg( "mCoverageSummary.wgs84BoundingBox= " + mCoverageSummary.wgs84BoundingBox.toString() );
1136     // Convert to the user's CRS as required
1137     try
1138     {
1139       mCoverageExtent = mCoordinateTransform.transformBoundingBox( mCoverageSummary.wgs84BoundingBox, Qgis::TransformDirection::Forward );
1140     }
1141     catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
1142     {
1143       Q_UNUSED( cse )
1144       return false;
1145     }
1147     //make sure extent does not contain 'inf' or 'nan'
1148     if ( !mCoverageExtent.isFinite() )
1149     {
1150       return false;
1151     }
1152   }
1154   QgsDebugMsg( "mCoverageExtent = " + mCoverageExtent.toString() );
1156   // It may happen (GeoServer) that extent reported in spatialDomain.Envelope is larger
1157   // than the coverage. Then if that larger BBOX is requested, the server returns
1158   // request BBOX intersected with coverage box scaled to requested WIDTH and HEIGHT.
1159   // GDAL WCS client does not suffer from this probably because it probably takes
1160   // extent from lonLatEnvelope (it probably does not calculate it from
1161   // spatialDomain.RectifiedGrid because calculated value is slightly different).
1163   // To get the true extent (it can also be smaller than real if reported Envelope is
1164   // than real smaller, but smaller is safer because data cannot be shifted) we make
1165   // request of the whole extent cut the extent from spatialDomain.Envelope if
1166   // necessary
1168   getCache( 1, mCoverageExtent, 10, 10 );
1169   if ( mCachedGdalDataset )
1170   {
1171     const QgsRectangle cacheExtent = QgsGdalProviderBase::extent( mCachedGdalDataset.get() );
1172     QgsDebugMsg( "mCoverageExtent = " + mCoverageExtent.toString() );
1173     QgsDebugMsg( "cacheExtent = " + cacheExtent.toString() );
1174     QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem cacheCrs;
1175     if ( !cacheCrs.createFromWkt( GDALGetProjectionRef( mCachedGdalDataset.get() ) ) &&
1176          !cacheCrs.createFromWkt( GDALGetGCPProjection( mCachedGdalDataset.get() ) ) )
1177     {
1178       QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Cached does not have CRS" ) );
1179     }
1180     QgsDebugMsg( "Cache CRS: " + cacheCrs.userFriendlyIdentifier() );
1182     // We can only verify extent if CRS is set
1183     // If dataset comes rotated, GDAL probably cuts latitude extend, disable
1184     // extent check for rotated, TODO: verify
1185     if ( cacheCrs.isValid() && !mFixRotate )
1186     {
1187       if ( !qgsDoubleNearSig( cacheExtent.xMinimum(), mCoverageExtent.xMinimum(), 10 ) ||
1188            !qgsDoubleNearSig( cacheExtent.yMinimum(), mCoverageExtent.yMinimum(), 10 ) ||
1189            !qgsDoubleNearSig( cacheExtent.xMaximum(), mCoverageExtent.xMaximum(), 10 ) ||
1190            !qgsDoubleNearSig( cacheExtent.yMaximum(), mCoverageExtent.yMaximum(), 10 ) )
1191       {
1192         QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "cacheExtent and mCoverageExtent differ, mCoverageExtent cut to cacheExtent" ) );
1193         mCoverageExtent = cacheExtent;
1194       }
1195     }
1196   }
1197   else
1198   {
1199     // Unfortunately it may also happen that a server (cubewerx.com) does not have
1200     // overviews and it is not able to respond for the whole extent within timeout.
1201     // It returns timeout error.
1202     // In that case (if request failed) we do not report error to allow working
1203     // with such servers on smaller portions of extent
1204     // (http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-developer/2013-January/024019.html)
1206     // Unfortunately even if we get over this 10x10 check, QGIS also requests
1207     // 32x32 thumbnail where it is waiting for another timeout
1209     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Cannot get cache to verify extent" ) );
1210     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot verify coverage full extent: %1" ).arg( mCachedError.message() ), tr( "WCS" ) );
1211   }
1213   return true;
1214 }
capabilities() const1217 int QgsWcsProvider::capabilities() const
1218 {
1219   int capability = NoCapabilities;
1220   capability |= QgsRasterDataProvider::Identify;
1221   capability |= QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyValue;
1222   capability |= QgsRasterDataProvider::Prefetch;
1224   if ( mHasSize )
1225   {
1226     capability |= QgsRasterDataProvider::Size;
1227   }
1229   return capability;
1230 }
coverageMetadata(const QgsWcsCoverageSummary & coverage)1232 QString QgsWcsProvider::coverageMetadata( const QgsWcsCoverageSummary &coverage )
1233 {
1234   QString metadata;
1236   // Use a nested table
1237   metadata += QLatin1String( "<tr><td>" );
1238   metadata += QLatin1String( "<table width=\"100%\">" );
1240   // Table header
1241   metadata += QLatin1String( "<tr><th class=\"strong\">" );
1242   metadata += tr( "Property" );
1243   metadata += QLatin1String( "</th>" );
1244   metadata += QLatin1String( "<th class=\"strong\">" );
1245   metadata += tr( "Value" );
1246   metadata += QLatin1String( "</th></tr>" );
1248   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Name (identifier)" ), coverage.identifier );
1249   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Title" ), coverage.title );
1250   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Abstract" ), coverage.abstract );
1252   if ( !coverage.metadataLink.metadataType.isNull()  &&
1253        !coverage.metadataLink.xlinkHref.isNull() )
1254   {
1255     metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Metadata Type" ), coverage.metadataLink.metadataType );
1256     metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Metadata Link" ), coverage.metadataLink.xlinkHref );
1257   }
1259 #if 0
1260   // We don't have size, nativeCrs, nativeBoundingBox etc. until describe coverage which would be heavy for all coverages
1261   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Fixed Width" ), QString::number( coverage.width ) );
1262   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Fixed Height" ), QString::number( coverage.height ) );
1263   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Native CRS" ), coverage.nativeCrs );
1264   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Native Bounding Box" ), coverage.nativeBoundingBox.toString() );
1265 #endif
1267   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "WGS 84 Bounding Box" ), coverage.wgs84BoundingBox.toString() );
1269   // Layer Coordinate Reference Systems
1270   // TODO(?): supportedCrs and supportedFormat are not available in 1.0
1271   // until coverage is described - it would be confusing to show it only if available
1272 #if 0
1273   for ( int j = 0; j < std::min( coverage.supportedCrs.size(), 10 ); j++ )
1274   {
1275     metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Available in CRS" ), coverage.supportedCrs.value( j ) );
1276   }
1278   if ( coverage.supportedCrs.size() > 10 )
1279   {
1280     metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Available in CRS" ), tr( "(and %n more)", "crs", coverage.supportedCrs.size() - 10 ) );
1281   }
1283   for ( int j = 0; j < std::min( coverage.supportedFormat.size(), 10 ); j++ )
1284   {
1285     metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Available in format" ), coverage.supportedFormat.value( j ) );
1286   }
1288   if ( coverage.supportedFormat.size() > 10 )
1289   {
1290     metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Available in format" ), tr( "(and %n more)", "crs", coverage.supportedFormat.size() - 10 ) );
1291   }
1292 #endif
1294   // Close the nested table
1295   metadata += QLatin1String( "</table>" );
1296   metadata += QLatin1String( "</td></tr>" );
1298   return metadata;
1299 }
htmlMetadata()1301 QString QgsWcsProvider::htmlMetadata()
1302 {
1303   QString metadata;
1304   metadata += QStringLiteral( "<tr><td class=\"highlight\">" ) + tr( "WCS Info" ) + QStringLiteral( "</td><td><div>" );
1306   metadata += QLatin1String( "</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"#coverages\">" );
1307   metadata += tr( "Coverages" );
1308   metadata += QLatin1String( "</a>" );
1310 #if 0
1311   // TODO
1312   metadata += "<a href=\"#cachestats\">";
1313   metadata += tr( "Cache Stats" );
1314   metadata += "</a> ";
1315 #endif
1317   metadata += QLatin1String( "<br /><table class=\"tabular-view\">" );  // Nested table 1
1319   // Server Properties section
1320   metadata += QLatin1String( "<tr><th class=\"strong\"><a name=\"serverproperties\"></a>" );
1321   metadata += tr( "Server Properties" );
1322   metadata += QLatin1String( "</th></tr>" );
1324   // Use a nested table
1325   metadata += QLatin1String( "<tr><td>" );
1326   metadata += QLatin1String( "<table width=\"100%\">" );  // Nested table 2
1328   // Table header
1329   metadata += QLatin1String( "<tr><th class=\"strong\">" );
1330   metadata += tr( "Property" );
1331   metadata += QLatin1String( "</th>" );
1332   metadata += QLatin1String( "<th class=\"strong\">" );
1333   metadata += tr( "Value" );
1334   metadata += QLatin1String( "</th></tr>" );
1336   metadata += htmlRow( ( "WCS Version" ), mCapabilities.version() );
1337   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Title" ), mCapabilities.capabilities().title );
1338   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Abstract" ), mCapabilities.capabilities().abstract );
1339 #if 0
1340   // TODO: probably apply stylesheet in QgsWcsCapabilities and save as html
1341   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Keywords" ), mCapabilities.service.keywordList.join( "<br />" ) );
1342   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Online Resource" ), "-" );
1343   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Contact Person" ),
1344                        mCapabilities.service.contactInformation.contactPersonPrimary.contactPerson
1345                        + "<br />" + mCapabilities.service.contactInformation.contactPosition;
1346                        + "<br />" + mCapabilities.service.contactInformation.contactPersonPrimary.contactOrganization );
1347   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Fees" ), mCapabilities.service.fees );
1348   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Access Constraints" ), mCapabilities.service.accessConstraints );
1349   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Image Formats" ), mCapabilities.capability.request.getMap.format.join( "<br />" ) );
1350   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "GetCapabilitiesUrl" ), mBaseUrl );
1351 #endif
1352   metadata += htmlRow( tr( "Get Coverage Url" ), mCapabilities.getCoverageUrl() + ( mIgnoreGetCoverageUrl ? tr( "&nbsp;<font color=\"red\">(advertised but ignored)</font>" ) : QString() ) );
1354   // Close the nested table
1355   metadata += QLatin1String( "</table>" );  // End nested table 2
1356   metadata += QLatin1String( "</td></tr>" );
1358   // Coverage properties
1359   metadata += QLatin1String( "<tr><th class=\"strong\"><a name=\"coverages\"></a>" );
1360   metadata += tr( "Coverages" );
1361   metadata += QLatin1String( "</th></tr>" );
1363   // Dialog takes too long to open if there are too many coverages (1000 for example)
1364   int count = 0;
1365   const auto constCoverages = mCapabilities.coverages();
1366   for ( const QgsWcsCoverageSummary &c : constCoverages )
1367   {
1368     metadata += coverageMetadata( c );
1369     count++;
1370     if ( count >= 100 ) break;
1371   }
1372   metadata += QLatin1String( "</table>" );
1373   if ( count < mCapabilities.coverages().size() )
1374   {
1375     metadata += tr( "And %1 more coverages" ).arg( mCapabilities.coverages().size() - count );
1376   }
1378   metadata += QLatin1String( "</table></div></td></tr>\n" );  // End nested table 1
1379   return metadata;
1380 }
htmlCell(const QString & text)1382 QString QgsWcsProvider::htmlCell( const QString &text )
1383 {
1384   return "<td>" + text + "</td>";
1385 }
htmlRow(const QString & text1,const QString & text2)1387 QString QgsWcsProvider:: htmlRow( const QString &text1, const QString &text2 )
1388 {
1389   return "<tr>" + htmlCell( text1 ) +  htmlCell( text2 ) + "</tr>";
1390 }
identify(const QgsPointXY & point,QgsRaster::IdentifyFormat format,const QgsRectangle & boundingBox,int width,int height,int)1392 QgsRasterIdentifyResult QgsWcsProvider::identify( const QgsPointXY &point, QgsRaster::IdentifyFormat format, const QgsRectangle &boundingBox, int width, int height, int /*dpi*/ )
1393 {
1394   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "thePoint = %1 %2" ).arg( point.x(), 0, 'g', 10 ).arg( point.y(), 0, 'g', 10 ) );
1395   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "theWidth = %1 height = %2" ).arg( width ).arg( height ) );
1396   QgsDebugMsg( "boundingBox = " + boundingBox.toString() );
1397   QMap<int, QVariant> results;
1399   if ( format != QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatValue )
1400   {
1401     return QgsRasterIdentifyResult( QGS_ERROR( tr( "Format not supported" ) ) );
1402   }
1404   if ( !extent().contains( point ) )
1405   {
1406     // Outside the raster
1407     for ( int i = 1; i <= bandCount(); i++ )
1408     {
1409       results.insert( i, QVariant() );
1410     }
1411     return QgsRasterIdentifyResult( QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatValue, results );
1412   }
1414   QgsRectangle finalExtent = boundingBox;
1415   const int maxSize = 2000;
1416   const int cacheSize = 1000; // tile cache size if context is not defined or small
1417   const double relResTol = 0.1; // relative resolution tolerance (10%)
1419   // TODO: We are using cacheSize x cacheSize if context is not defined
1420   // or box is too small (in pixels). That is necessary to allow effective
1421   // map querying (valuetool for example). OTOH, it means reading of large
1422   // unnecessary amount of data for each identify() call if query points are too
1423   // distant (out of cache) for example when called from scripts
1425   // if context size is to large we have to cut it, in that case caching big
1426   // big part does not make sense
1427   if ( finalExtent.isEmpty() || width == 0 || height == 0 ||
1428        width > maxSize || height > maxSize )
1429   {
1430     // context missing, use a small area around the point and highest resolution if known
1432     double xRes, yRes;
1433     if ( mHasSize )
1434     {
1435       xRes = mCoverageExtent.width()  / mWidth;
1436       yRes = mCoverageExtent.height()  / mHeight;
1437     }
1438     else
1439     {
1440       // set resolution approximately to 1mm
1441       switch ( mCrs.mapUnits() )
1442       {
1443         case QgsUnitTypes::DistanceMeters:
1444           xRes = 0.001;
1445           break;
1446         case QgsUnitTypes::DistanceFeet:
1447           xRes = 0.003;
1448           break;
1449         case QgsUnitTypes::DistanceDegrees:
1450           // max length of degree of latitude on pole is 111694 m
1451           xRes = 1e-8;
1452           break;
1453         default:
1454           xRes = 0.001; // expecting meters
1455       }
1456       yRes = xRes;
1457     }
1459     width = cacheSize;
1460     height = cacheSize;
1462     finalExtent = QgsRectangle( point.x() - xRes * width / 2,
1463                                 point.y() - yRes * height / 2,
1464                                 point.x() + xRes * width / 2,
1465                                 point.y() + yRes * height / 2 );
1467     const double xResDiff = std::fabs( mCachedViewExtent.width() / mCachedViewWidth - xRes );
1468     const double yResDiff = std::fabs( mCachedViewExtent.height() / mCachedViewHeight - yRes );
1470     if ( !mCachedGdalDataset ||
1471          !mCachedViewExtent.contains( point ) ||
1472          mCachedViewWidth == 0 || mCachedViewHeight == 0 ||
1473          xResDiff / xRes > relResTol ||
1474          yResDiff / yRes > relResTol )
1475     {
1476       getCache( 1, finalExtent, width, height );
1477     }
1478   }
1479   else
1480   {
1481     // Use context -> effective caching (usually, if context is constant)
1482     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Using context extent and resolution" ) );
1483     // To use the cache it is sufficient to have point within cache and
1484     // similar resolution
1485     const double xRes = finalExtent.width() / width;
1486     const double yRes = finalExtent.height() / height;
1487     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "width = %1 height = %2 xRes = %3 yRes = %4" ).arg( finalExtent.width() ).arg( finalExtent.height() ).arg( xRes ).arg( yRes ) );
1488     const double xResDiff = std::fabs( mCachedViewExtent.width() / mCachedViewWidth - xRes );
1489     const double yResDiff = std::fabs( mCachedViewExtent.height() / mCachedViewHeight - yRes );
1490     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "xRes diff = %1 yRes diff = %2 relative xResDiff = %3 relative yResDiff = %4" ).arg( xResDiff ).arg( yResDiff ).arg( xResDiff / xRes ).arg( yResDiff / yRes ) );
1491     if ( !mCachedGdalDataset ||
1492          !mCachedViewExtent.contains( point ) ||
1493          xResDiff / xRes > relResTol ||
1494          yResDiff / yRes > relResTol )
1495     {
1496       // Identify map tool is now using fake context 1x1 pixel to get point/line
1497       // features from WMS. In such case we enlarge the extent to get data cached
1498       // for next queries around.
1499       // BTW: UMN Mapserver (6.0.3) seems to be buggy with 1x1 pixels request (returns 'no data' value
1500       if ( width < cacheSize )
1501       {
1502         const int buffer = ( cacheSize - width ) / 2;
1503         width += 2 * buffer;
1504         finalExtent.setXMinimum( finalExtent.xMinimum() - xRes * buffer );
1505         finalExtent.setXMaximum( finalExtent.xMaximum() + xRes * buffer );
1506       }
1507       if ( height < cacheSize )
1508       {
1509         const int buffer = ( cacheSize - height ) / 2;
1510         height += 2 * buffer;
1511         finalExtent.setYMinimum( finalExtent.yMinimum() - yRes * buffer );
1512         finalExtent.setYMaximum( finalExtent.yMaximum() + yRes * buffer );
1513       }
1515       getCache( 1, finalExtent, width, height );
1516     }
1517   }
1519   if ( !mCachedGdalDataset ||
1520        !mCachedViewExtent.contains( point ) )
1521   {
1522     return QgsRasterIdentifyResult( QGS_ERROR( tr( "Read data error" ) ) );
1523   }
1525   const double x = point.x();
1526   const double y = point.y();
1528   // Calculate the row / column where the point falls
1529   const double xRes = mCachedViewExtent.width() / mCachedViewWidth;
1530   const double yRes = mCachedViewExtent.height() / mCachedViewHeight;
1532   // Offset, not the cell index -> flor
1533   const int col = ( int ) std::floor( ( x - mCachedViewExtent.xMinimum() ) / xRes );
1534   const int row = ( int ) std::floor( ( mCachedViewExtent.yMaximum() - y ) / yRes );
1536   QgsDebugMsg( "row = " + QString::number( row ) + " col = " + QString::number( col ) );
1538   for ( int i = 1; i <= GDALGetRasterCount( mCachedGdalDataset.get() ); i++ )
1539   {
1540     GDALRasterBandH gdalBand = GDALGetRasterBand( mCachedGdalDataset.get(), i );
1542     double value;
1543     const CPLErr err = GDALRasterIO( gdalBand, GF_Read, col, row, 1, 1,
1544                                      &value, 1, 1, GDT_Float64, 0, 0 );
1546     if ( err != CPLE_None )
1547     {
1548       QgsLogger::warning( "RasterIO error: " + QString::fromUtf8( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ) );
1549       return QgsRasterIdentifyResult( QGS_ERROR( tr( "RasterIO error: " ) + QString::fromUtf8( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ) ) );
1550     }
1552     // Apply no data and user no data
1553     if ( ( sourceHasNoDataValue( i ) && useSourceNoDataValue( i ) &&
1554            ( std::isnan( value ) || qgsDoubleNear( value, sourceNoDataValue( i ) ) ) ) ||
1555          ( QgsRasterRange::contains( value, userNoDataValues( i ) ) ) )
1556     {
1557       results.insert( i, QVariant() );
1558     }
1559     else
1560     {
1561       results.insert( i, value );
1562     }
1563   }
1565   return QgsRasterIdentifyResult( QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatValue, results );
1566 }
crs() const1568 QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem QgsWcsProvider::crs() const
1569 {
1570   return mCrs;
1571 }
lastErrorTitle()1573 QString QgsWcsProvider::lastErrorTitle()
1574 {
1575   return mErrorCaption;
1576 }
lastError()1578 QString QgsWcsProvider::lastError()
1579 {
1580   QgsDebugMsg( "returning '" + mError  + "'." );
1581   return mError;
1582 }
lastErrorFormat()1584 QString QgsWcsProvider::lastErrorFormat()
1585 {
1586   return mErrorFormat;
1587 }
name() const1589 QString QgsWcsProvider::name() const
1590 {
1591   return WCS_KEY;
1592 }
providerKey()1594 QString QgsWcsProvider::providerKey()
1595 {
1596   return WCS_KEY;
1597 }
description() const1599 QString  QgsWcsProvider::description() const
1600 {
1601   return WCS_DESCRIPTION;
1602 }
providerCapabilities() const1604 QgsRasterDataProvider::ProviderCapabilities QgsWcsProvider::providerCapabilities() const
1605 {
1606   return ProviderCapability::ReloadData;
1607 }
reloadProviderData()1609 void QgsWcsProvider::reloadProviderData()
1610 {
1611   clearCache();
1612 }
nodeAttribute(const QDomElement & e,const QString & name,const QString & defValue)1614 QString QgsWcsProvider::nodeAttribute( const QDomElement &e, const QString &name, const QString &defValue )
1615 {
1616   if ( e.hasAttribute( name ) )
1617     return e.attribute( name );
1619   const QDomNamedNodeMap map( e.attributes() );
1620   for ( int i = 0; i < map.size(); i++ )
1621   {
1622     const QDomAttr attr( map.item( i ).toElement().toAttr() );
1623     if ( attr.name().compare( name, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
1624       return attr.value();
1625   }
1627   return defValue;
1628 }
supportedMimes()1630 QMap<QString, QString> QgsWcsProvider::supportedMimes()
1631 {
1632   QMap<QString, QString> mimes;
1633   GDALAllRegister();
1635   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "GDAL drivers cont %1" ).arg( GDALGetDriverCount() ) );
1636   for ( int i = 0; i < GDALGetDriverCount(); ++i )
1637   {
1638     GDALDriverH driver = GDALGetDriver( i );
1639     Q_CHECK_PTR( driver );
1641     if ( !driver )
1642     {
1643       QgsLogger::warning( "unable to get driver " + QString::number( i ) );
1644       continue;
1645     }
1647     QString desc = GDALGetDescription( driver );
1649     const QString mimeType = GDALGetMetadataItem( driver, "DMD_MIMETYPE", "" );
1651     if ( mimeType.isEmpty() ) continue;
1653     desc = desc.isEmpty() ? mimeType : desc;
1655     QgsDebugMsg( "add GDAL format " + mimeType + ' ' + desc );
1657     mimes[mimeType] = desc;
1658   }
1659   return mimes;
1660 }
createProvider(const QString & uri,const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions & options,QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags flags)1662 QgsWcsProvider *QgsWcsProviderMetadata::createProvider( const QString &uri, const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &options, QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags flags )
1663 {
1664   return new QgsWcsProvider( uri, options, flags );
1665 }
1667 // ----------
1669 int QgsWcsDownloadHandler::sErrors = 0;
QgsWcsDownloadHandler(const QUrl & url,QgsWcsAuthorization & auth,QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl cacheLoadControl,QByteArray & cachedData,const QString & wcsVersion,QgsError & cachedError,QgsRasterBlockFeedback * feedback)1671 QgsWcsDownloadHandler::QgsWcsDownloadHandler( const QUrl &url, QgsWcsAuthorization &auth, QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl cacheLoadControl, QByteArray &cachedData, const QString &wcsVersion, QgsError &cachedError, QgsRasterBlockFeedback *feedback )
1672   : mAuth( auth )
1673   , mEventLoop( new QEventLoop )
1674   , mCachedData( cachedData )
1675   , mWcsVersion( wcsVersion )
1676   , mCachedError( cachedError )
1677   , mFeedback( feedback )
1678 {
1679   if ( feedback )
1680   {
1681     connect( feedback, &QgsFeedback::canceled, this, &QgsWcsDownloadHandler::canceled, Qt::QueuedConnection );
1683     // rendering could have been canceled before we started to listen to canceled() signal
1684     // so let's check before doing the download and maybe quit prematurely
1685     if ( feedback->isCanceled() )
1686       return;
1687   }
1689   QNetworkRequest request( url );
1690   QgsSetRequestInitiatorClass( request, QStringLiteral( "QgsWcsDownloadHandler" ) );
1691   if ( !mAuth.setAuthorization( request ) )
1692   {
1693     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Network request update failed for authentication config" ),
1694                                tr( "WCS" ) );
1695     return;
1696   }
1697   request.setAttribute( QNetworkRequest::CacheSaveControlAttribute, true );
1698   request.setAttribute( QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, cacheLoadControl );
1700   mCacheReply = QgsNetworkAccessManager::instance()->get( request );
1701   if ( !mAuth.setAuthorizationReply( mCacheReply ) )
1702   {
1703     mCacheReply->deleteLater();
1704     mCacheReply = nullptr;
1705     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Network reply update failed for authentication config" ),
1706                                tr( "WCS" ) );
1707     finish();
1708     return;
1709   }
1710   connect( mCacheReply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &QgsWcsDownloadHandler::cacheReplyFinished );
1711   connect( mCacheReply, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, this, &QgsWcsDownloadHandler::cacheReplyProgress );
1712 }
~QgsWcsDownloadHandler()1714 QgsWcsDownloadHandler::~QgsWcsDownloadHandler()
1715 {
1716   delete mEventLoop;
1717 }
blockingDownload()1719 void QgsWcsDownloadHandler::blockingDownload()
1720 {
1721   if ( mFeedback && mFeedback->isCanceled() )
1722     return; // nothing to do
1724   mEventLoop->exec( QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents );
1726   Q_ASSERT( !mCacheReply );
1727 }
cacheReplyFinished()1729 void QgsWcsDownloadHandler::cacheReplyFinished()
1730 {
1731   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "mCacheReply->error() = %1" ).arg( mCacheReply->error() ) );
1732   if ( mCacheReply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError )
1733   {
1734     const QVariant redirect = mCacheReply->attribute( QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute );
1735     if ( !redirect.isNull() )
1736     {
1737       mCacheReply->deleteLater();
1739       QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "redirected getmap: %1" ).arg( redirect.toString() ) );
1740       QNetworkRequest request( redirect.toUrl() );
1741       QgsSetRequestInitiatorClass( request, QStringLiteral( "QgsWcsDownloadHandler" ) );
1742       if ( !mAuth.setAuthorization( request ) )
1743       {
1744         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Network request update failed for authentication config" ),
1745                                    tr( "WCS" ) );
1746         return;
1747       }
1748       mCacheReply = QgsNetworkAccessManager::instance()->get( request );
1749       if ( !mAuth.setAuthorizationReply( mCacheReply ) )
1750       {
1751         mCacheReply->deleteLater();
1752         mCacheReply = nullptr;
1753         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Network reply update failed for authentication config" ),
1754                                    tr( "WCS" ) );
1755         finish();
1756         return;
1757       }
1758       connect( mCacheReply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &QgsWcsDownloadHandler::cacheReplyFinished );
1759       connect( mCacheReply, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, this, &QgsWcsDownloadHandler::cacheReplyProgress );
1761       return;
1762     }
1764     const QVariant status = mCacheReply->attribute( QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute );
1765     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "status = %1" ).arg( status.toInt() ) );
1766     if ( !status.isNull() && status.toInt() >= 400 )
1767     {
1768       const QVariant phrase = mCacheReply->attribute( QNetworkRequest::HttpReasonPhraseAttribute );
1770       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Map request error (Status: %1; Reason phrase: %2; URL: %3)" )
1771                                  .arg( status.toInt() )
1772                                  .arg( phrase.toString(),
1773                                        mCacheReply->url().toString() ), tr( "WCS" ) );
1775       mCacheReply->deleteLater();
1776       mCacheReply = nullptr;
1778       finish();
1779       return;
1780     }
1782     // Read response
1784     const QString contentType = mCacheReply->header( QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader ).toString();
1785     QgsDebugMsg( "contentType: " + contentType );
1787     // Exception
1788     // Content type examples: text/xml
1789     //                        application/vnd.ogc.se_xml;charset=UTF-8
1790     //                        application/xml
1791     if ( contentType.startsWith( QLatin1String( "text/" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ||
1792          contentType.compare( QLatin1String( "application/xml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ||
1793          contentType.startsWith( QLatin1String( "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
1794     {
1795       QString errorTitle, errorText;
1796       const QByteArray text = mCacheReply->readAll();
1797       if ( ( contentType.compare( QLatin1String( "text/xml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ||
1798              contentType.compare( QLatin1String( "application/xml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ||
1799              contentType.startsWith( QLatin1String( "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
1800            && QgsWcsProvider::parseServiceExceptionReportDom( text, mWcsVersion, errorTitle, errorText ) )
1801       {
1802         mCachedError.append( SRVERR( tr( "Map request error:<br>Title: %1<br>Error: %2<br>URL: <a href='%3'>%3</a>)" )
1803                                      .arg( errorTitle, errorText,
1804                                            mCacheReply->url().toString() ) ) );
1805       }
1806       else
1807       {
1808         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Map request error (Status: %1; Response: %2; URL: %3)" )
1809                                    .arg( status.toInt() )
1810                                    .arg( QString::fromUtf8( text ),
1811                                          mCacheReply->url().toString() ), tr( "WCS" ) );
1812       }
1814       mCacheReply->deleteLater();
1815       mCacheReply = nullptr;
1817       finish();
1818       return;
1819     }
1821     // WCS 1.1 gives response as multipart, e.g.
1822     if ( QgsNetworkReplyParser::isMultipart( mCacheReply ) )
1823     {
1824       QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "reply is multipart" ) );
1825       const QgsNetworkReplyParser parser( mCacheReply );
1827       if ( !parser.isValid() )
1828       {
1829         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot parse multipart response: %1" ).arg( parser.error() ), tr( "WCS" ) );
1830         mCacheReply->deleteLater();
1831         mCacheReply = nullptr;
1833         finish();
1834         return;
1835       }
1837       if ( parser.parts() < 2 )
1838       {
1839         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Expected 2 parts, %1 received" ).arg( parser.parts() ), tr( "WCS" ) );
1840         mCacheReply->deleteLater();
1841         mCacheReply = nullptr;
1843         finish();
1844         return;
1845       }
1846       else if ( parser.parts() > 2 )
1847       {
1848         // We will try the second one
1849         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "More than 2 parts (%1) received" ).arg( parser.parts() ), tr( "WCS" ) );
1850       }
1852       const QString transferEncoding = parser.rawHeader( 1, QStringLiteral( "Content-Transfer-Encoding" ).toLatin1() );
1853       QgsDebugMsg( "transferEncoding = " + transferEncoding );
1855       // It may happen (GeoServer) that in part header is for example
1856       // Content-Type: image/tiff and Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
1857       // but content is xml ExceptionReport which is not in base64
1858       const QByteArray body = parser.body( 1 );
1859       if ( body.startsWith( "<?xml" ) )
1860       {
1861         QString errorTitle, errorText;
1862         if ( QgsWcsProvider::parseServiceExceptionReportDom( body, mWcsVersion, errorTitle, errorText ) )
1863         {
1864           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Map request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3)" )
1865                                      .arg( errorTitle, errorText,
1866                                            mCacheReply->url().toString() ), tr( "WCS" ) );
1867         }
1868         else
1869         {
1870           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Map request error (Response: %1; URL: %2)" )
1871                                      .arg( QString::fromUtf8( body ),
1872                                            mCacheReply->url().toString() ), tr( "WCS" ) );
1873         }
1875         mCacheReply->deleteLater();
1876         mCacheReply = nullptr;
1878         finish();
1879         return;
1880       }
1882       if ( transferEncoding == QLatin1String( "binary" ) )
1883       {
1884         mCachedData = body;
1885       }
1886       else if ( transferEncoding == QLatin1String( "base64" ) )
1887       {
1888         mCachedData = QByteArray::fromBase64( body );
1889       }
1890       else
1891       {
1892         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Content-Transfer-Encoding %1 not supported" ).arg( transferEncoding ), tr( "WCS" ) );
1893       }
1894     }
1895     else
1896     {
1897       // Mime types for WCS 1.0 response should be usually image/<format>
1898       // (image/tiff, image/png, image/jpeg, image/png; mode=8bit, etc.)
1899       // but other mime types (like application/*) may probably also appear
1901       // Create memory file
1902       mCachedData = mCacheReply->readAll();
1903     }
1905     mCacheReply->deleteLater();
1906     mCacheReply = nullptr;
1908     finish();
1909   }
1910   else
1911   {
1912     // report any errors except for the one we have caused by canceling the request
1913     if ( mCacheReply->error() != QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError )
1914     {
1915       // Resend request if AlwaysCache
1916       QNetworkRequest request = mCacheReply->request();
1917       QgsSetRequestInitiatorClass( request, QStringLiteral( "QgsWcsDownloadHandler" ) );
1918       if ( request.attribute( QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute ).toInt() == QNetworkRequest::AlwaysCache )
1919       {
1920         QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Resend request with PreferCache" ) );
1921         request.setAttribute( QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::PreferCache );
1923         mCacheReply->deleteLater();
1925         mCacheReply = QgsNetworkAccessManager::instance()->get( request );
1926         if ( !mAuth.setAuthorizationReply( mCacheReply ) )
1927         {
1928           mCacheReply->deleteLater();
1929           mCacheReply = nullptr;
1930           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Network reply update failed for authentication config" ),
1931                                      tr( "WCS" ) );
1932           finish();
1933           return;
1934         }
1935         connect( mCacheReply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &QgsWcsDownloadHandler::cacheReplyFinished, Qt::DirectConnection );
1936         connect( mCacheReply, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, this, &QgsWcsDownloadHandler::cacheReplyProgress, Qt::DirectConnection );
1938         return;
1939       }
1941       sErrors++;
1942       if ( sErrors < 100 )
1943       {
1944         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Map request failed [error: %1 url: %2]" ).arg( mCacheReply->errorString(), mCacheReply->url().toString() ), tr( "WCS" ) );
1945       }
1946       else if ( sErrors == 100 )
1947       {
1948         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Not logging more than 100 request errors." ), tr( "WCS" ) );
1949       }
1950     }
1952     mCacheReply->deleteLater();
1953     mCacheReply = nullptr;
1955     finish();
1956   }
1957 }
cacheReplyProgress(qint64 bytesReceived,qint64 bytesTotal)1959 void QgsWcsDownloadHandler::cacheReplyProgress( qint64 bytesReceived, qint64 bytesTotal )
1960 {
1961   Q_UNUSED( bytesReceived )
1962   Q_UNUSED( bytesTotal )
1963   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "%1 of %2 bytes of map downloaded." ).arg( bytesReceived ).arg( bytesTotal < 0 ? QString( "unknown number of" ) : QString::number( bytesTotal ) ), 3 );
1964 }
canceled()1966 void QgsWcsDownloadHandler::canceled()
1967 {
1968   QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Caught canceled() signal" ) );
1969   if ( mCacheReply )
1970   {
1971     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Aborting WCS network request" ) );
1972     mCacheReply->abort();
1973   }
1974 }
dataItemProviders() const1977 QList< QgsDataItemProvider * > QgsWcsProviderMetadata::dataItemProviders() const
1978 {
1979   QList<QgsDataItemProvider *> providers;
1980   providers << new QgsWcsDataItemProvider;
1981   return providers;
1982 }
QgsWcsProviderMetadata()1984 QgsWcsProviderMetadata::QgsWcsProviderMetadata():
1985   QgsProviderMetadata( QgsWcsProvider::WCS_KEY, QgsWcsProvider::WCS_DESCRIPTION ) {}
providerMetadataFactory()1989 QGISEXTERN QgsProviderMetadata *providerMetadataFactory()
1990 {
1991   return new QgsWcsProviderMetadata();
1992 }
1993 #endif