1 /****************************************************************************
2 * VCGLib                                                            o o     *
3 * Visual and Computer Graphics Library                            o     o   *
4 *                                                                _   O  _   *
5 * Copyright(C) 2004-2016                                           \/)\/    *
6 * Visual Computing Lab                                            /\/|      *
7 * ISTI - Italian National Research Council                           |      *
8 *                                                                    \      *
9 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
10 *                                                                           *
11 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      *
12 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      *
13 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         *
14 * (at your option) any later version.                                       *
15 *                                                                           *
16 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           *
17 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
19 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)          *
20 * for more details.                                                         *
21 *                                                                           *
22 ****************************************************************************/
23 /***************************************************************************
24 $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
25 Revision 1.9  2006/09/11 16:11:39  marfr960
26 Added const to declarations of the overloaded (operators *).
27 Otherwise the  * operator would always attempt to convert any type of data passed as an argument to Point3<TYPE>
29 Revision 1.8  2006/08/23 15:24:45  marfr960
30 Copy constructor : faster memcpy instead of slow 'for' cycle
31 empty constructor
33 Revision 1.7  2006/04/29 10:26:04  fiorin
34 Added some utility methods (swapping of columns and rows, matrix-vector multiplication)
36 Revision 1.6  2006/04/11 08:09:35  zifnab1974
37 changes necessary for gcc 3.4.5 on linux 64bit. Please take note of case-sensitivity of filenames
39 Revision 1.5  2005/12/12 11:25:00  ganovelli
40 added diagonal matrix, outer produce and namespace
42 ***************************************************************************/
44 #ifndef MATRIX_VCGLIB
45 #define MATRIX_VCGLIB
47 #include <stdio.h>
48 #include <math.h>
49 #include <memory.h>
50 #include <assert.h>
51 #include <algorithm>
52 #include <vcg/space/point.h>
54 namespace vcg{
55 	namespace ndim{
57 	 /** \addtogroup math */
58    /* @{ */
60 	/*!
61  * This class represent a diagonal <I>m</I>�<I>m</I> matrix.
62  */
64 	class MatrixDiagBase{public:
65 	virtual const int & Dimension()const =0;
66         virtual float operator[](const int & i)const = 0;
67 	};
68 	template<int N, class S>
69 	class MatrixDiag: public Point<N,S>, public MatrixDiagBase{
70 	public:
Dimension()71 		const int & Dimension() const {return N;}
MatrixDiag(const Point<N,S> & p)72 		MatrixDiag(const Point<N,S>&p):Point<N,S>(p){}
73 	};
75 /*!
76  * This class represent a generic <I>m</I>�<I>n</I> matrix. The class is templated over the scalar type field.
77  * @param TYPE (Templete Parameter) Specifies the ScalarType field.
78  */
79 	template<class TYPE>
80 	class Matrix
81 		{
83 		public:
84 			typedef TYPE ScalarType;
86 			/*!
87 			*	Default constructor
88 			* All the elements are initialized to zero.
89 			*	\param m the number of matrix rows
90 			* \param n the number of matrix columns
91 			*/
Matrix(unsigned int m,unsigned int n)92 			Matrix(unsigned int m, unsigned int n)
93 			{
94 				_rows = m;
95 				_columns = n;
96 				_data = new ScalarType[m*n];
97 				memset(_data, 0, m*n*sizeof(ScalarType));
98 			};
100 			/*!
101 			*	Constructor
102 			* The matrix elements are initialized with the values of the elements in \i values.
103 			*	\param m the number of matrix rows
104 			* \param n the number of matrix columns
105 			*	\param values the values of the matrix elements
106 			*/
Matrix(unsigned int m,unsigned int n,TYPE * values)107 			Matrix(unsigned int m, unsigned int n, TYPE *values)
108 			{
109 				_rows = m;
110 				_columns = n;
111 				unsigned int dim = m*n;
112 				_data = new ScalarType[dim];
113 				memcpy(_data, values, dim*sizeof(ScalarType));
114 				//unsigned int i;
115 				//for (i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++)
116 				//	_data[i] = values[i];
117 			};
119 			/*!
120 			*	Empty constructor
121 			*   Just create the object
122 			*/
Matrix()123 			Matrix()
124 			{
125 				_rows = 0;
126 				_columns = 0;
127 				_data = NULL;
128 			};
130 			/*!
131 			*	Copy constructor
132 			*	The matrix elements are initialized with the value of the corresponding element in \i m
133 			* \param m the matrix to be copied
134 			*/
Matrix(const Matrix<TYPE> & m)135 			Matrix(const Matrix<TYPE> &m)
136 			{
137 				_rows = m._rows;
138 				_columns = m._columns;
139 				_data = new ScalarType[_rows*_columns];
141 				unsigned int dim = _rows * _columns;
142 				memcpy(_data, m._data, dim * sizeof(ScalarType));
144 //				for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++)
145 //					_data[i] = m._data[i];
146 			};
148 			/*!
149 			*	Default destructor
150 			*/
~Matrix()151 			~Matrix()
152 			{
153 				delete []_data;
154 			};
156 			/*!
157 			*	Number of columns
158 			*/
ColumnsNumber()159 			inline unsigned int ColumnsNumber() const
160 			{
161 				return _columns;
162 			};
165 			/*!
166 			*	Number of rows
167 			*/
RowsNumber()168 			inline unsigned int RowsNumber() const
169 			{
170 				return _rows;
171 			};
173 			/*!
174 			*	Equality operator.
175 			*	\param m
176 			*	\return true iff the matrices have same size and its elements have same values.
177 			*/
178 			bool operator==(const Matrix<TYPE> &m) const
179 			{
180 				if (_rows==m._rows && _columns==m._columns)
181 				{
182 					bool result = true;
183 					for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns && result; i++)
184 						result = (_data[i]==m._data[i]);
185 					return result;
186 				}
187 				return false;
188 			};
190 			/*!
191 			*	Inequality operator
192 			*	\param m
193 			*	\return true iff the matrices have different size or if their elements have different values.
194 			*/
195 			bool operator!=(const Matrix<TYPE> &m) const
196 			{
197 				if (_rows==m._rows && _columns==m._columns)
198 				{
199 					bool result = false;
200 					for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns && !result; i++)
201 						result = (_data[i]!=m._data[i]);
202 					return result;
203 				}
204 				return true;
205 			};
207 			/*!
208 			* Return the element stored in the <I>i</I>-th rows at the <I>j</I>-th column
209 			*	\param i the row index
210 			*	\param j the column index
211 			*	\return the element
212 			*/
ElementAt(unsigned int i,unsigned int j)213 			inline TYPE ElementAt(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
214 			{
215 				assert(i>=0 && i<_rows);
216 				assert(j>=0 && j<_columns);
217 				return _data[i*_columns+j];
218 			};
220 			/*!
221 			*	Calculate and return the matrix determinant (Laplace)
222 			*	\return	the matrix determinant
223 			*/
Determinant()224 			TYPE Determinant() const
225 			{
226 				assert(_rows == _columns);
227 				switch (_rows)
228 				{
229 				case 2:
230 					{
231 						return _data[0]*_data[3]-_data[1]*_data[2];
232 						break;
233 					};
234 				case 3:
235 					{
236 						return	_data[0]*(_data[4]*_data[8]-_data[5]*_data[7]) -
237 										_data[1]*(_data[3]*_data[8]-_data[5]*_data[6]) +
238 										_data[2]*(_data[3]*_data[7]-_data[4]*_data[6]) ;
239 						break;
240 					};
241 				default:
242 					{
243 						// da migliorare: si puo' cercare la riga/colonna con maggior numero di zeri
244 						ScalarType det = 0;
245 						for (unsigned int j=0; j<_columns; j++)
246 							if (_data[j]!=0)
247 								det += _data[j]*this->Cofactor(0, j);
249 						return det;
250 					}
251 				};
252 			};
254 			/*!
255 			*	Return the cofactor <I>A<SUB>i,j</SUB></I> of the <I>a<SUB>i,j</SUB></I> element
256 			*	\return	...
257 			*/
Cofactor(unsigned int i,unsigned int j)258 			TYPE Cofactor(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
259 			{
260 				assert(_rows == _columns);
261 				assert(_rows>2);
262 				TYPE *values = new TYPE[(_rows-1)*(_columns-1)];
263 				unsigned int u, v, p, q, s, t;
264 				for (u=0, p=0, s=0, t=0; u<_rows; u++, t+=_rows)
265 				{
266 					if (i==u)
267 						continue;
269 					for (v=0, q=0; v<_columns; v++)
270 					{
271 						if (j==v)
272 							continue;
273 						values[s+q] = _data[t+v];
274 						q++;
275 					}
276 					p++;
277 					s+=(_rows-1);
278 				}
279 				Matrix<TYPE> temp(_rows-1, _columns-1, values);
280         return (pow(TYPE(-1.0), TYPE(i+j))*temp.Determinant());
281 			};
283 			/*!
284 			*	Subscript operator:
285 			* \param i	the index of the row
286 			*	\return a reference to the <I>i</I>-th matrix row
287 			*/
288 			inline TYPE* operator[](const unsigned int i)
289 			{
290         assert(i<_rows);
291 				return _data + i*_columns;
292 			};
294 			/*!
295 			*	Const subscript operator
296 			* \param i	the index of the row
297 			*	\return a reference to the <I>i</I>-th matrix row
298 			*/
299 			inline const TYPE* operator[](const unsigned int i) const
300 			{
301         assert(i<_rows);
302 				return _data + i*_columns;
303 			};
305 						/*!
306 			*	Get the <I>j</I>-th column on the matrix.
307 			*	\param j	the column index.
308 			*	\return		the reference to the column elements. This pointer must be deallocated by the caller.
309 			*/
GetColumn(const unsigned int j)310 			TYPE* GetColumn(const unsigned int j)
311 			{
312 				assert(j>=0 && j<_columns);
313 				ScalarType *v = new ScalarType[_columns];
314 				unsigned int i, p;
315 				for (i=0, p=j; i<_rows; i++, p+=_columns)
316 					v[i] = _data[p];
317 				return v;
318 			};
320 			/*!
321 			*	Get the <I>i</I>-th row on the matrix.
322 			*	\param i	the column index.
323 			*	\return		the reference to the row elements. This pointer must be deallocated by the caller.
324 			*/
GetRow(const unsigned int i)325 			TYPE* GetRow(const unsigned int i)
326 			{
327 				assert(i>=0 && i<_rows);
328 				ScalarType *v = new ScalarType[_rows];
329 				unsigned int j, p;
330 				for (j=0, p=i*_columns; j<_columns; j++, p++)
331 					v[j] = _data[p];
332 				return v;
333 			};
335 			/*!
336 			* Swaps the values of the elements between the <I>i</I>-th and the <I>j</I>-th column.
337 			* \param i the index of the first column
338 			* \param j the index of the second column
339 			*/
SwapColumns(const unsigned int i,const unsigned int j)340 			void SwapColumns(const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j)
341 			{
342 				assert(0<=i && i<_columns);
343 				assert(0<=j && j<_columns);
344 				if (i==j)
345 					return;
347 				unsigned int r, e0, e1;
348 				for (r=0, e0=i, e1=j; r<_rows; r++, e0+=_columns, e1+=_columns)
349 					std::swap(_data[e0], _data[e1]);
350 			};
352 			/*!
353 			* Swaps the values of the elements between the <I>i</I>-th and the <I>j</I>-th row.
354 			* \param i the index of the first row
355 			* \param j the index of the second row
356 			*/
SwapRows(const unsigned int i,const unsigned int j)357 			void SwapRows(const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j)
358 			{
359 				assert(0<=i && i<_rows);
360 				assert(0<=j && j<_rows);
361 				if (i==j)
362 					return;
364 				unsigned int r, e0, e1;
365 				for (r=0, e0=i*_columns, e1=j*_columns; r<_columns; r++, e0++, e1++)
366 					std::swap(_data[e0], _data[e1]);
367 			};
369 			/*!
370 			*	Assignment operator
371 			*	\param m ...
372 			*/
373 			Matrix<TYPE>& operator=(const Matrix<TYPE> &m)
374 			{
375 				if (this != &m)
376 				{
377 					assert(_rows == m._rows);
378 					assert(_columns == m._columns);
379 					for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++)
380 						_data[i] = m._data[i];
381 				}
382 				return *this;
383 			};
385 			/*!
386 			*	Adds a matrix <I>m</I> to this matrix.
387 			*	\param m  reference to matrix to add to this
388 			*	\return		the matrix sum.
389 			*/
390 			Matrix<TYPE>& operator+=(const Matrix<TYPE> &m)
391 			{
392 				assert(_rows == m._rows);
393 				assert(_columns == m._columns);
394 				for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++)
395 					_data[i] += m._data[i];
396 				return *this;
397 			};
399 			/*!
400 			*	Subtracts a matrix <I>m</I> to this matrix.
401 			*	\param m  reference to matrix to subtract
402 			*	\return		the matrix difference.
403 			*/
404 			Matrix<TYPE>& operator-=(const Matrix<TYPE> &m)
405 			{
406 				assert(_rows == m._rows);
407 				assert(_columns == m._columns);
408 				for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++)
409 					_data[i] -= m._data[i];
410 				return *this;
411 			};
413 				/*!
414 			*	(Modifier) Add to each element of this matrix the scalar constant <I>k</I>.
415 			* \param k	the scalar constant
416 			*	\return		the modified matrix
417 			*/
418 			Matrix<TYPE>& operator+=(const TYPE k)
419 			{
420 				for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++)
421 					_data[i] += k;
422 				return *this;
423 			};
425 			/*!
426 			*	(Modifier) Subtract from each element of this matrix the scalar constant <I>k</I>.
427 			* \param k	the scalar constant
428 			*	\return		the modified matrix
429 			*/
430 			Matrix<TYPE>& operator-=(const TYPE k)
431 			{
432 				for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++)
433 					_data[i] -= k;
434 				return *this;
435 			};
437 			/*!
438 			*	(Modifier) Multiplies each element of this matrix by the scalar constant <I>k</I>.
439 			* \param k	the scalar constant
440 			*	\return		the modified matrix
441 			*/
442 			Matrix<TYPE>& operator*=(const TYPE k)
443 			{
444 				for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++)
445 					_data[i] *= k;
446 				return *this;
447 			};
449 			/*!
450 			*	(Modifier) Divides each element of this matrix by the scalar constant <I>k</I>.
451 			* \param k	the scalar constant
452 			*	\return		the modified matrix
453 			*/
454 			Matrix<TYPE>& operator/=(const TYPE k)
455 			{
456 				assert(k!=0);
457 				for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++)
458 					_data[i] /= k;
459 				return *this;
460 			};
462 			/*!
463 			*	Matrix multiplication: calculates the cross product.
464 			*	\param	m reference to the matrix to multiply by
465 			*	\return the matrix product
466 			*/
467 			Matrix<TYPE> operator*(const Matrix<TYPE> &m) const
468 			{
469 				assert(_columns == m._rows);
470 				Matrix<TYPE> result(_rows, m._columns);
471 				unsigned int i, j, k, p, q, r;
472 				for (i=0, p=0, r=0; i<result._rows; i++, p+=_columns, r+=result._columns)
473 					for (j=0; j<result._columns; j++)
474 					{
475 						ScalarType temp = 0;
476 						for (k=0, q=0; k<_columns; k++, q+=m._columns)
477 							temp+=(_data[p+k]*m._data[q+j]);
478 						result._data[r+j] = temp;
479 					}
481 				return result;
482 			};
484 						/*!
485 			* Matrix-Vector product. Computes the product of the matrix by the vector v.
486 			* \param  v reference to the vector to multiply by
487 			* \return   the matrix-vector product. This pointer must be deallocated by the caller
488 			*/
489 			ScalarType* operator*(const ScalarType v[]) const
490 			{
491 				ScalarType *result = new ScalarType[_rows];
492 				memset(result, 0, _rows*sizeof(ScalarType));
493 				unsigned int r, c, i;
494 				for (r=0, i=0; r<_rows; r++)
495 					for (c=0; c<_columns; c++, i++)
496 						result[r] += _data[i]*v[c];
498 				return result;
499 			};
501 			/*!
502 			*	Matrix multiplication: calculates the cross product.
503 			*	\param	reference to the matrix to multiply by
504 			*	\return the matrix product
505 			*/
506 			template <int N,int M>
DotProduct(Point<N,TYPE> & m,Point<M,TYPE> & result)507 			void DotProduct(Point<N,TYPE> &m,Point<M,TYPE> &result)
508 			{
509 				unsigned int i, j,  p,  r;
510 				for (i=0, p=0, r=0; i<M; i++)
511 				{ result[i]=0;
512 					for (j=0; j<N; j++)
513 						result[i]+=(*this)[i][j]*m[j];
514 				}
515 			};
517 			/*!
518 			*	Matrix multiplication by a diagonal matrix
519 			*/
520 			Matrix<TYPE> operator*(const MatrixDiagBase &m) const
521 			{
522 				assert(_columns == _rows);
523 				assert(_columns == m.Dimension());
524 				int i,j;
525 				Matrix<TYPE> result(_rows, _columns);
527 				for (i=0; i<result._rows; i++)
528 					for (j=0; j<result._columns; j++)
529 						result[i][j]*= m[j];
531 				return result;
532 			};
533 			/*!
534 			*	Matrix from outer product.
535 			*/
536 			template <int N, int M>
OuterProduct(const Point<N,TYPE> a,const Point<M,TYPE> b)537 			void OuterProduct(const Point<N,TYPE> a, const Point< M,TYPE> b)
538 			{
539 				assert(N == _rows);
540 				assert(M == _columns);
541 				Matrix<TYPE> result(_rows,_columns);
542 				unsigned int i, j;
544 				for (i=0; i<result._rows; i++)
545 					for (j=0; j<result._columns; j++)
546 						(*this)[i][j] = a[i] * b[j];
547 			};
550 			/*!
551 			*	Matrix-vector multiplication.
552 			*	\param	reference to the 3-dimensional vector to multiply by
553 			*	\return the resulting vector
554 			*/
556 			Point3<TYPE> operator*(Point3<TYPE> &p) const
557 			{
558 				assert(_columns==3 && _rows==3);
559 				vcg::Point3<TYPE> result;
560 				result[0] = _data[0]*p[0]+_data[1]*p[1]+_data[2]*p[2];
561 				result[1] = _data[3]*p[0]+_data[4]*p[1]+_data[5]*p[2];
562 				result[2] = _data[6]*p[0]+_data[7]*p[1]+_data[8]*p[2];
563 				return result;
564 			};
567 			/*!
568 			*	Scalar sum.
569 			*	\param k
570 			*	\return		the resultant matrix
571 			*/
572 			Matrix<TYPE> operator+(const TYPE k)
573 			{
574 				Matrix<TYPE> result(_rows, _columns);
575 				for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++)
576 					result._data[i] =  _data[i]+k;
577 				return result;
578 			};
580 			/*!
581 			*	Scalar difference.
582 			*	\param k
583 			*	\return		the resultant matrix
584 			*/
585 			Matrix<TYPE> operator-(const TYPE k)
586 			{
587 				Matrix<TYPE> result(_rows, _columns);
588 				for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++)
589 					result._data[i] =  _data[i]-k;
590 				return result;
591 			};
593 			/*!
594 			*	Negate all matrix elements
595 			*	\return	the modified matrix
596 			*/
597 			Matrix<TYPE> operator-() const
598 			{
599 				Matrix<TYPE> result(_rows, _columns, _data);
600 				for (unsigned int i=0; i<_columns*_rows; i++)
601 					result._data[i] = -1*_data[i];
602 				return result;
603 			};
605 			/*!
606 			*	Scalar multiplication.
607 			*	\param k	value to multiply every member by
608 			*	\return		the resultant matrix
609 			*/
610 			Matrix<TYPE> operator*(const TYPE k) const
611 			{
612 				Matrix<TYPE> result(_rows, _columns);
613 				for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++)
614 					result._data[i] =  _data[i]*k;
615 				return result;
616 			};
618 			/*!
619 			*	Scalar division.
620 			*	\param k	value to divide every member by
621 			*	\return		the resultant matrix
622 			*/
623 			Matrix<TYPE> operator/(const TYPE k)
624 			{
625 				Matrix<TYPE> result(_rows, _columns);
626 				for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++)
627 					result._data[i] =  _data[i]/k;
628 				return result;
629 			};
632 			/*!
633 			*	Set all the matrix elements to zero.
634 			*/
SetZero()635 			void SetZero()
636 			{
637 				for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++)
638 					_data[i] = ScalarType(0.0);
639 			};
641 			/*!
642 			*	Set the matrix to identity.
643 			*/
SetIdentity()644 			void SetIdentity()
645 			{
646 				assert(_rows==_columns);
647 				for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows; i++)
648 					for (unsigned int j=0; j<_columns; j++)
649 						_data[i] = (i==j) ? ScalarType(1.0) : ScalarType(0.0f);
650 			};
652 			/*!
653 			*	Set the values of <I>j</I>-th column to v[j]
654 			*	\param j	the column index
655 			*	\param v	...
656 			*/
SetColumn(const unsigned int j,TYPE * v)657 			void SetColumn(const unsigned int j, TYPE* v)
658 			{
659 				assert(j>=0 && j<_columns);
660 				unsigned int i, p;
661 				for (i=0, p=j; i<_rows; i++, p+=_columns)
662 					_data[p] = v[i];
663 			};
665 			/*!
666 			*	Set the elements of the <I>i</I>-th row to v[j]
667 			*	\param i	the row index
668 			*	\param v	...
669 			*/
SetRow(const unsigned int i,TYPE * v)670 			void SetRow(const unsigned int i, TYPE* v)
671 			{
672 				assert(i>=0 && i<_rows);
673 				unsigned int j, p;
674 				for (j=0, p=i*_rows; j<_columns; j++, p++)
675 					_data[p] = v[j];
676 			};
678 			/*!
679 			*	Set the diagonal elements <I>v<SUB>i,i</SUB></I> to v[i]
680 			*	\param v
681 			*/
SetDiagonal(TYPE * v)682 			void SetDiagonal(TYPE *v)
683 			{
684 				assert(_rows == _columns);
685 				for (unsigned int i=0, p=0; i<_rows; i++, p+=_rows)
686 					_data[p+i] = v[i];
687 			};
689 			/*!
690 			*	Resize the current matrix.
691 			*	\param m the number of matrix rows.
692 			* \param n the number of matrix columns.
693 			*/
Resize(const unsigned int m,const unsigned int n)694 			void Resize(const unsigned int m, const unsigned int n)
695 			{
696 				assert(m>=2);
697 				assert(n>=2);
698 				_rows = m;
699 				_columns = n;
700 				delete []_data;
701 				_data = new ScalarType[m*n];
702 				for (unsigned int i=0; i<m*n; i++)
703 					_data[i] = 0;
704 			};
707 			/*!
708 			*	Matrix transposition operation: set the current matrix to its transpose
709 			*/
Transpose()710 			void Transpose()
711 			{
712 				ScalarType *temp = new ScalarType[_rows*_columns];
713 				unsigned int i, j, p, q;
714 				for (i=0, p=0; i<_rows; i++, p+=_columns)
715 					for (j=0, q=0; j<_columns; j++, q+=_rows)
716 						temp[q+i] = _data[p+j];
718 				std::swap(_columns, _rows);
719 				std::swap(_data, temp);
720 				delete []temp;
721 			};
723 			// for the transistion to eigen
transpose()724 			Matrix transpose()
725 			{
726 				Matrix res = *this;
727 				res.Transpose();
728 				return res;
729 			}
transposeInPlace()730 			void transposeInPlace() { Transpose(); }
731 			// for the transistion to eigen
733 			/*!
734 			*	Print all matrix elements
735 			*/
Dump()736 			void Dump()
737 			{
738 				unsigned int i, j, p;
739 				for (i=0, p=0; i<_rows; i++, p+=_columns)
740 				{
741 					printf("[\t");
742 					for (j=0; j<_columns; j++)
743 						printf("%f\t", _data[p+j]);
745 					printf("]\n");
746 				}
747 				printf("\n");
748 			};
750 		protected:
751 			///	the number of matrix rows
752 			unsigned int _rows;
754 			///	the number of matrix rows
755 			unsigned int _columns;
757 			/// the matrix elements
758 			ScalarType *_data;
759 		};
761 		typedef vcg::ndim::Matrix<double> MatrixMNd;
762 		typedef vcg::ndim::Matrix<float>  MatrixMNf;
764   /*! @} */
766 //	template <class MatrixType>
767 //	void Invert(MatrixType & m){
768 //		typedef typename MatrixType::ScalarType X;
769 //		X  *diag;
770 //		diag = new  X [m.ColumnsNumber()];
772 //		MatrixType res(m.RowsNumber(),m.ColumnsNumber());
773 //		vcg::SingularValueDecomposition<MatrixType > (m,&diag[0],res,LeaveUnsorted,50 );
774 //		m.Transpose();
775 //		// prodotto per la diagonale
776 //		unsigned  int i,j;
777 //		for (i=0; i<m.RowsNumber(); i++)
778 //					for (j=0; j<m.ColumnsNumber(); j++)
779 //						res[i][j]/= diag[j];
780 //		m = res *m;
781 //		}
783 	}
784 }; // end of namespace
786 #endif