1!	 $eterna: english,v 1.7 2018/06/10 08:17:40 mrg Exp $
3! Copyright (c) 1990-2018  Michael Sandrof, Troy Rollo, Matthew Green,
4! and other ircII contributors.
6! All rights reserved.  See the HELP IRCII COPYRIGHT file for more
7! information.
9Usage: LOAD english
10  For those who didn't like that ircII has special features for germans
11  only, here is just about the same silly thingie in english language.
12  This might however become obsolete if ME & co. become a standard.
14  If you load this script you get the following strings typed into your
15  ircII line as you type META2, that is usually ^w (CTRL-W), plus one
16  of the letters listed here:
17	a	*applaud*
18	A	*gasp*
19	b	*blush*
20	B	*bow*
21	c	*cry*
22	C	*cough*
23	f	*frown*
24	g	*grin*
25	G	*giggle*
26	h	*hug*
27	k	*kiss*
28	l	*laugh*
29	r	*purr*
30	s	*sigh*
31	S	*shrug*
32	y	*yawn*