1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2  * Copyright (c) 2003-2012 by AG-Software 											 *
3  * All Rights Reserved.																 *
4  * Contact information for AG-Software is available at http://www.ag-software.de	 *
5  *																					 *
6  * Licence:																			 *
7  * The agsXMPP SDK is released under a dual licence									 *
8  * agsXMPP can be used under either of two licences									 *
9  * 																					 *
10  * A commercial licence which is probably the most appropriate for commercial 		 *
11  * corporate use and closed source projects. 										 *
12  *																					 *
13  * The GNU Public License (GPL) is probably most appropriate for inclusion in		 *
14  * other open source projects.														 *
15  *																					 *
16  * See README.html for details.														 *
17  *																					 *
18  * For general enquiries visit our website at:										 *
19  * http://www.ag-software.de														 *
20  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
22 using System;
24 namespace agsXMPP.protocol.extensions.pubsub
25 {
26     /*
27         <xs:attribute name='access' use='optional' default='open'>
28             <xs:simpleType>
29               <xs:restriction base='xs:NCName'>
30                 <xs:enumeration value='authorize'/>
31                 <xs:enumeration value='open'/>
32                 <xs:enumeration value='presence'/>
33                 <xs:enumeration value='roster'/>
34                 <xs:enumeration value='whitelist'/>
35               </xs:restriction>
36             </xs:simpleType>
37         </xs:attribute>
38     */
39     public enum Access
40     {
41         NONE        = -1,
42         open,
43         authorize,
44         presence,
45         roster,
46         whitelist
47     }
48 }