1 /* $Id: ttykbd.c,v 2000/06/27 01:48:01 amura Exp $ */
2 /*
3  * Name:	MG 2a
4  * 		Amiga virtual terminal keyboard, default console keymap.
5  * Created:	Mic Kaczmarczik (mic@emx.cc.utexas.edu)
6  * Last edit:	May 14, 1988
7  */
9 /*
10  * $Log: ttykbd.c,v $
11  * Revision  2000/06/27 01:48:01  amura
12  * import to CVS
13  *
14  */
16 #undef	TRUE
17 #undef	FALSE
18 #include	"config.h"	/* Dec. 15, 1992 by H.Ohkubo */
19 #include	"def.h"
20 #include	"kbd.h"
22 /*
23  * List of function key names, from KFIRST to KLAST
24  */
25 #ifdef	FKEYS
26 char	*keystrings[] = {
27 	"Up",		"Down",		"Left",		"Right",
28 	"Shift-Up",	"Shift-Down",	"Shift-Left",	"Shift-Right",
29 	"Help",		"The menu",	"The resize gadget", "The mouse",
30 	"F1",		"F2",		"F3",		"F4",
31 	"F5",		"F6",		"F7",		"F8",
32 	"F9",		"F10",		"Shift-F1",	"Shift-F2",
33 	"Shift-F3",	"Shift-F4",	"Shift-F5",	"Shift-F6",
34 	"Shift-F7",	"Shift-F8",	"Shift-F9",	"Shift-F10",
35 	"Mouse",			"Ctrl-Mouse",
36 	"Shift-Mouse",			"Shift-Ctrl-Mouse",
37 	"Meta-Mouse",			"Meta-Ctrl-Mouse",
38 	"Meta-Shift-Mouse",		"Meta-Shift-Ctrl-Mouse",
39 	"Mode-Mouse",			"Ctrl-Mode-Mouse",
40 	"Shift-Mode-Mouse",		"Shift-Ctrl-Mode-Mouse",
41 	"Meta-Mode-Mouse",		"Meta-Ctrl-Mode-Mouse",
42 	"Meta-Shift-Mode-Mouse",	"Meta-Shift-Ctrl-Mode-Mouse",
43 	"Echo-Mouse",			"Ctrl-Echo-Mouse",
44 	"Shift-Echo-Mouse",		"Shift-Ctrl-Echo-Mouse",
45 	"Meta-Echo-Mouse",		"Meta-Ctrl-Echo-Mouse",
46 	"Meta-Shift-Echo-Mouse",	"Meta-Shift-Ctrl-Echo-Mouse"
47 };
48 #endif
50 /*
51  * Read in a key, doing whatever low-level mapping of ASCII code to
52  * 11 bit code.  This has become a bit easier since keymaps.
53  */
54 #define	CSI	0x9b
getkbd()56 getkbd()
57 {
58 	register int c;
59 #ifdef	FKEYS
60 	register int	n;
61 #endif
62 loop:
63 	if ((c = ttgetc()) == CSI) {
64 		c = ttgetc();
65 #ifdef	FKEYS
66 		if (c == '?') {			/* HELP key		*/
67 			ttgetc();		/* discard '~'		*/
68 			return (KHELP);
69 		}
70 		/* Arrow keys */
71 		if (c == 'A')
72 			return (KUP);
73 		if (c == 'B')
74 			return (KDOWN);
75 		if (c == 'C')
76 			return (KRIGHT);
77 		if (c == 'D')
78 			return (KLEFT);
79 		if (c == 'T')
80 			return (KSUP);
81 		if (c == 'S')
82 			return (KSDOWN);
84 		/* Shifted left, right arrow */
85 		if (c == ' ') {
86 			c = ttgetc();
87 			if (c == 'A' || c == '@')
88 				return ((c == 'A') ? (KSLEFT) : (KSRIGHT));
89 			goto loop;		/* try again, sucker */
90 		}
92 		/* Function keys	*/
93 		if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
94 			n = 0;
95 			do {
96 				n = 10*n + c - '0';
97 				c = ttgetc();
98 			} while (c>='0' && c<='9');
99 			if (c == '~' && n < 20)
100 				return (n < 9) ? (KF1 + n) : (KSF1 + (n - 10));
101 			else
102 				goto loop;	/* Try again */
103 		}
104 #endif
105 		goto loop;		/* Try again */
106 	}
107 	return (c);
108 }
110 /*
111  * Terminal specific keymap initialization, calling bind() to get
112  * things done.  All the keys bound here are done globally.
113  */
114 /*ARGSUSED*/
115 VOID
116 #ifdef	ADDOPT
ttykeymapinit(ngrcfile)117 ttykeymapinit(ngrcfile)
118 char *ngrcfile;
119 #else
120 ttykeymapinit()
121 #endif
122 {
123 #ifndef	BUGFIX	/* Dec.19,1992 by H.Ohkubo */
124 #ifdef	FKEYS
125 	KCHAR		c;
126 	register KEYMAP **mapp = &map_table[0].p_map;
127 #endif
128 	static KCHAR	esc_bs[] = { CCHR('['), CCHR('H') };
129 	static KCHAR	esc_del[] = { CCHR('['), CCHR('?') };
131 #define	BINDC(k,s) (c = k, bindkey(mapp, s, &c, 1))
132 #define	BINDM(m,s) bindkey(mapp, s, m, (sizeof(m)/sizeof(KCHAR)))
134 	/* Swap the backspace and del keys, at least in normal usage.
135 	 * This loses the help feature of CTRL-H, but we rebind
136 	 * CTRL-_ to do the same thing. Under FKEYS, the Help key
137 	 * calls describe-key-briefly.
138 	 */
139 	BINDC(CCHR('_'),	"help-help");	/* CTRL-Backspace */
140 	BINDM(esc_bs,		"backward-kill-word");
141 	BINDC(CCHR('H'),	"delete-backward-char");
143 	BINDC(CCHR('?'),	"delete-char");
144 	BINDM(esc_del,		"kill-word");
145 #endif	/* BUGFIX */
146 }