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FITS.riteH A D22-Dec-199429.8 KiB1,091934

G3.patch1H A D22-Dec-19943.7 KiB144120

INFO.cgmH A D22-Dec-19941.1 KiB3527

READMEH A D22-Dec-19941.9 KiB4434

getweatherH A D22-Dec-19941 KiB4925

getweather.kshH A D22-Dec-19942.1 KiB7938

twm.fixH A D22-Dec-1994856 2822

vargs.cH A D22-Dec-1994844 3921

visH A D22-Dec-199446.5 KiB1,5911,271

xscmH A D22-Dec-199420.6 KiB621525


1FITS:  There are two different sets of modifications that allow XV to
2read/write 'FITS' files.  I have no comment on the merits of either set.
3Take your pick.  (Note: At least one of the sets (FITS.rite) makes assumptions
4about 'int's being 4 bytes long.  This will fail miserably on a 64-bit
5machine.)  I'm unlikely to incorporate either set into a future version of XV,
6as FITS looks like a dinosaur format that should've gone away a decade ago.
7(It makes PDS/VICAR look streamlined and modern!)  Anyway, if you need FITS
8support, and you can get this stuff to work for you, have a blast.  Distribute
9it to all your friends.
11--jhb, 7/29/94
15getweather is a shell script that goes out and gets the latest weather map
16of the US from this anonymous ftp site.  It should probably be run in your
19getweather.ksh is a much-enhanced Korn shell version of said script written
20by Marc Evans.
22--jhb, 4/30/92
25This directory contains various things that folks have sent me that
26may be of interest to various other folks out there.  *NONE* of the stuff
27in this directory has been made to work with the current release of XV.
28If it had, it would be part of the program, instead.
30Rather than put off releasing XV, because I'm too busy adding formats that
31don't particularly interest me (personally), I've decided to just put all
32of these things in this directory.  Anyone who actually wants to use one
33of these formats shouldn't have much trouble taking what is given here and
34tweaking it so that it follows the specs in Appendix G of the (PostScript)
35XV Docs (not the 'man' page).
37Also, please don't ask *me* anything about the code in this directory,
38other than to find out if I've put out a newer release that officially
39included the desired format.  The code in this directory is completely
40unsupported (by me).  Please refer any querys to the author(s) of the
41code in question.
43--jhb, 2/12/93