1 /*-
2  * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 2002, 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
5  *
6  */
8 package com.sleepycat.je.test;
10 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
11 import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
12 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
14 import java.util.ArrayList;
15 import java.util.List;
17 import org.junit.Test;
18 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
19 import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
20 import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
22 import com.sleepycat.je.Cursor;
23 import com.sleepycat.je.CursorConfig;
24 import com.sleepycat.je.Database;
25 import com.sleepycat.je.DatabaseConfig;
26 import com.sleepycat.je.DatabaseEntry;
27 import com.sleepycat.je.DatabaseException;
28 import com.sleepycat.je.DbInternal;
29 import com.sleepycat.je.EnvironmentConfig;
30 import com.sleepycat.je.JoinConfig;
31 import com.sleepycat.je.JoinCursor;
32 import com.sleepycat.je.LockMode;
33 import com.sleepycat.je.OperationStatus;
34 import com.sleepycat.je.SecondaryConfig;
35 import com.sleepycat.je.SecondaryCursor;
36 import com.sleepycat.je.SecondaryDatabase;
37 import com.sleepycat.je.SecondaryKeyCreator;
38 import com.sleepycat.je.Transaction;
39 import com.sleepycat.je.util.TestUtils;
41 @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
42 public class JoinTest extends MultiKeyTxnTestCase {
44     /*
45      * DATA sets are pairs of arrays for each record. The first array is
46      * the record data and has three values in the 0/1/2 positions for the
47      * secondary key values with key IDs 0/1/2.  second array contains a single
48      * value which is the primary key.
49      *
50      * JOIN sets are also pairs of arrays.  The first array in each pair has 3
51      * values for setting the input cursors.  Entries 0/1/2 in that array are
52      * for secondary keys 0/1/2.  The second array is the set of primary keys
53      * that are expected to match in the join operation.
54      *
55      * A zero value for an index key means "don't index", so zero values are
56      * never used for join index keys since we wouldn't be able to successfully
57      * position the input cursor.
58      *
59      * These values are all stored as bytes, not ints, in the actual records,
60      * so all values must be within the range of a signed byte.
61      */
62     private static final int[][][] ALL = {
63         /* Data set #1 - single match possible per record. */
64         {
65             {1, 1, 1}, {11},
66             {2, 2, 2}, {12},
67             {3, 3, 3}, {13},
68         }, {
69             {1, 1, 1}, {11},
70             {2, 2, 2}, {12},
71             {3, 3, 3}, {13},
72             {1, 2, 3}, {},
73             {1, 1, 2}, {},
74             {3, 2, 2}, {},
75         },
76         /* Data set #2 - no match possible when all indices are not present
77          * (when some are zero). */
78         {
79             {1, 1, 0}, {11},
80             {2, 0, 2}, {12},
81             {0, 3, 3}, {13},
82             {3, 2, 1}, {14},
83         }, {
84             {1, 1, 1}, {},
85             {2, 2, 2}, {},
86             {3, 3, 3}, {},
87         },
88         /* Data set #3 - one match in the presence of non-matching records
89          * (with missing/zero index keys). */
90         {
91             {1, 0, 0}, {11},
92             {1, 1, 0}, {12},
93             {1, 1, 1}, {13},
94             {0, 0, 0}, {14},
95         }, {
96             {1, 1, 1}, {13},
97         },
98         /* Data set #4 - one match in the presence of non-matching records
99          * (with non-matching but non-zero values). */
100         {
101             {1, 2, 3}, {11},
102             {1, 1, 3}, {12},
103             {1, 1, 1}, {13},
104             {3, 2, 1}, {14},
105         }, {
106             {1, 1, 1}, {13},
107         },
108         /* Data set #5 - two matches in the presence of non-matching records.
109          */
110         {
111             {1, 2, 3}, {11},
112             {1, 1, 3}, {12},
113             {1, 1, 1}, {13},
114             {1, 2, 3}, {14},
115         }, {
116             {1, 2, 3}, {11, 14},
117         },
118         /* Data set #6 - three matches in the presence of non-matching records.
119          * Also used to verify that cursors are sorted by count: 2, 1, 0 */
120         {
121             {1, 2, 3}, {11},
122             {1, 1, 3}, {12},
123             {1, 1, 1}, {13},
124             {1, 2, 3}, {14},
125             {1, 1, 1}, {15},
126             {1, 0, 0}, {16},
127             {1, 1, 0}, {17},
128             {1, 1, 1}, {18},
129             {0, 0, 0}, {19},
130             {3, 2, 1}, {20},
131         }, {
132             {1, 1, 1}, {13, 15, 18},
133         },
134         /* Data set #7 - three matches by themselves. */
135         {
136             {1, 2, 3}, {11},
137             {1, 2, 3}, {12},
138             {1, 2, 3}, {13},
139         }, {
140             {1, 2, 3}, {11, 12, 13},
141         },
142     };
144     /* Used for testing the cursors are sorted by count. */
145     private static final int CURSOR_ORDER_SET = 6;
146     private static final int[] CURSOR_ORDER = {2, 1, 0};
148     private static EnvironmentConfig envConfig = TestUtils.initEnvConfig();
149     static {
150         envConfig.setAllowCreate(true);
151     }
153     private static JoinConfig joinConfigNoSort = new JoinConfig();
154     static {
155         joinConfigNoSort.setNoSort(true);
156     }
158     @Parameters
genParams()159     public static List<Object[]> genParams() {
160         return paramsHelper(false);
161     }
paramsHelper(boolean rep)163     protected static List<Object[]> paramsHelper(boolean rep) {
164         final String[] txnTypes = getTxnTypes(null, rep);
165         final List<Object[]> newParams = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
166         for (final String type : txnTypes) {
167             newParams.add(new Object[] {type, true});
168             newParams.add(new Object[] {type, false});
169         }
170         return newParams;
171     }
JoinTest(String type, boolean multiKey)173     public JoinTest(String type, boolean multiKey){
174         super.envConfig = envConfig;
175         txnType = type;
176         useMultiKey = multiKey;
177         isTransactional = (txnType != TXN_NULL);
178         customName = ((useMultiKey) ? "multiKey" : "") + "-" + txnType;
179     }
181     @Test
testJoin()182     public void testJoin()
183         throws DatabaseException {
185         for (CursorConfig config :
186              new CursorConfig[] { null, CursorConfig.READ_UNCOMMITTED }) {
187             for (boolean withData : new boolean[] { false, true }) {
188                 for (int i = 0; i < ALL.length; i += 2) {
189                     doJoin(ALL[i], ALL[i + 1], (i / 2) + 1, withData, config);
190                 }
191             }
192         }
193     }
doJoin(int[][] dataSet, int[][] joinSet, int setNum, boolean withData, CursorConfig cursorConfig)195     private void doJoin(int[][] dataSet,
196                         int[][] joinSet,
197                         int setNum,
198                         boolean withData,
199                         CursorConfig cursorConfig)
200         throws DatabaseException {
202         String name = "Set#" + setNum;
203         Database priDb = openPrimary("pri");
204         SecondaryDatabase secDb0 = openSecondary(priDb, "sec0", true, 0);
205         SecondaryDatabase secDb1 = openSecondary(priDb, "sec1", true, 1);
206         SecondaryDatabase secDb2 = openSecondary(priDb, "sec2", true, 2);
208         OperationStatus status;
209         DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
210         DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry();
211         Transaction txn;
212         txn = txnBegin();
214         for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.length; i += 2) {
215             int[] vals = dataSet[i];
216             setData(data, vals[0], vals[1], vals[2]);
217             setKey(key, dataSet[i + 1][0]);
218             status = priDb.put(txn, key, data);
219             assertEquals(name, OperationStatus.SUCCESS, status);
220         }
222         txnCommit(txn);
223         txn = txnBeginCursor();
225         SecondaryCursor c0 = secDb0.openSecondaryCursor(txn, cursorConfig);
226         SecondaryCursor c1 = secDb1.openSecondaryCursor(txn, cursorConfig);
227         SecondaryCursor c2 = secDb2.openSecondaryCursor(txn, cursorConfig);
228         SecondaryCursor[] cursors = {c0, c1, c2};
230         for (int i = 0; i < joinSet.length; i += 2) {
231             int[] indexKeys = joinSet[i];
232             int[] priKeys = joinSet[i + 1];
233             String prefix = name + " row=" + i;
234             for (int k = 0; k < 3; k += 1) {
235                 String msg = prefix + " k=" + k + " ikey=" + indexKeys[k];
236                 setKey(key, indexKeys[k]);
237                 status = cursors[k].getSearchKey(key, data,
238                                                  LockMode.DEFAULT);
239                 assertEquals(msg, OperationStatus.SUCCESS, status);
240             }
241             for (int j = 0; j < 2; j += 1) {
242                 JoinConfig config = (j == 0) ? null : joinConfigNoSort;
243                 JoinCursor jc = priDb.join(cursors, config);
244                 assertSame(priDb, jc.getDatabase());
245                 for (int k = 0; k < priKeys.length; k += 1) {
246                     String msg = prefix + " k=" + k + " pkey=" + priKeys[k];
247                     if (withData) {
248                         status = jc.getNext(key, data, LockMode.DEFAULT);
249                     } else {
250                         status = jc.getNext(key, LockMode.DEFAULT);
251                     }
252                     assertEquals(msg, OperationStatus.SUCCESS, status);
253                     assertEquals(msg, priKeys[k], key.getData()[0]);
254                     if (withData) {
255                         boolean dataFound = false;
256                         for (int m = 0; m < dataSet.length; m += 2) {
257                             int[] vals = dataSet[m];
258                             int priKey = dataSet[m + 1][0];
259                             if (priKey == priKeys[k]) {
260                                 for (int n = 0; n < 3; n += 1) {
261                                     assertEquals(msg, vals[n],
262                                                  data.getData()[n]);
263                                     dataFound = true;
264                                 }
265                             }
266                         }
267                         assertTrue(msg, dataFound);
268                     }
269                 }
270                 String msg = prefix + " no more expected";
271                 if (withData) {
272                     status = jc.getNext(key, data, LockMode.DEFAULT);
273                 } else {
274                     status = jc.getNext(key, LockMode.DEFAULT);
275                 }
276                 assertEquals(msg, OperationStatus.NOTFOUND, status);
278                 Cursor[] sorted = DbInternal.getSortedCursors(jc);
279                 assertEquals(CURSOR_ORDER.length, sorted.length);
280                 if (config == joinConfigNoSort) {
281                     Database db0 = sorted[0].getDatabase();
282                     Database db1 = sorted[1].getDatabase();
283                     Database db2 = sorted[2].getDatabase();
284                     assertSame(db0, secDb0);
285                     assertSame(db1, secDb1);
286                     assertSame(db2, secDb2);
287                 } else if (setNum == CURSOR_ORDER_SET) {
288                     Database db0 = sorted[CURSOR_ORDER[0]].getDatabase();
289                     Database db1 = sorted[CURSOR_ORDER[1]].getDatabase();
290                     Database db2 = sorted[CURSOR_ORDER[2]].getDatabase();
291                     assertSame(db0, secDb0);
292                     assertSame(db1, secDb1);
293                     assertSame(db2, secDb2);
294                 }
295                 jc.close();
296             }
297         }
299         c0.close();
300         c1.close();
301         c2.close();
302         txnCommit(txn);
304         secDb0.close();
305         secDb1.close();
306         secDb2.close();
307         priDb.close();
309         /* Remove dbs since we reuse them multiple times in a single case. */
310         txn = txnBegin();
311         env.removeDatabase(txn, "pri");
312         env.removeDatabase(txn, "sec0");
313         env.removeDatabase(txn, "sec1");
314         env.removeDatabase(txn, "sec2");
315         txnCommit(txn);
316     }
318     /**
319      * Checks that a join operation does not block writers from inserting
320      * duplicates with the same main key as the search key.  Writers were being
321      * blocked before we changed join() to use READ_UNCOMMITTED when getting
322      * the duplicate count for each cursor.  [#11833]
323      */
324     @Test
testWriteDuringJoin()325     public void testWriteDuringJoin()
326         throws DatabaseException {
328         Database priDb = openPrimary("pri");
329         SecondaryDatabase secDb0 = openSecondary(priDb, "sec0", true, 0);
330         SecondaryDatabase secDb1 = openSecondary(priDb, "sec1", true, 1);
331         SecondaryDatabase secDb2 = openSecondary(priDb, "sec2", true, 2);
333         OperationStatus status;
334         DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
335         DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry();
336         Transaction txn;
337         txn = txnBegin();
339         setKey(key, 13);
340         setData(data, 1, 1, 1);
341         status = priDb.put(txn, key, data);
342         assertEquals(OperationStatus.SUCCESS, status);
343         setKey(key, 14);
344         setData(data, 1, 1, 1);
345         status = priDb.put(txn, key, data);
346         assertEquals(OperationStatus.SUCCESS, status);
348         txnCommit(txn);
349         txn = txnBeginCursor();
351         SecondaryCursor c0 = secDb0.openSecondaryCursor(txn, null);
352         SecondaryCursor c1 = secDb1.openSecondaryCursor(txn, null);
353         SecondaryCursor c2 = secDb2.openSecondaryCursor(txn, null);
354         SecondaryCursor[] cursors = {c0, c1, c2};
356         for (int i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
357             setKey(key, 1);
358             status = cursors[i].getSearchKey(key, data,
359                                              LockMode.READ_UNCOMMITTED);
360             assertEquals(OperationStatus.SUCCESS, status);
361         }
363         /* join() will get the cursor counts. */
364         JoinCursor jc = priDb.join(cursors, null);
366         /*
367          * After calling join(), try inserting dups for the same main key.
368          * Before the fix to use READ_UNCOMMITTED, this would cause a deadlock.
369          */
370         Transaction writerTxn = txnBegin();
371         setKey(key, 12);
372         setData(data, 1, 1, 1);
373         status = priDb.put(writerTxn, key, data);
374         assertEquals(OperationStatus.SUCCESS, status);
376         /* The join should retrieve two records, 13 and 14. */
377         status = jc.getNext(key, data, LockMode.DEFAULT);
378         assertEquals(OperationStatus.SUCCESS, status);
379         assertEquals(13, key.getData()[0]);
380         status = jc.getNext(key, data, LockMode.DEFAULT);
381         assertEquals(OperationStatus.SUCCESS, status);
382         assertEquals(14, key.getData()[0]);
383         status = jc.getNext(key, data, LockMode.DEFAULT);
384         assertEquals(OperationStatus.NOTFOUND, status);
386         /* Try writing again after calling getNext(). */
387         setKey(key, 11);
388         setData(data, 1, 1, 1);
389         status = priDb.put(writerTxn, key, data);
390         assertEquals(OperationStatus.SUCCESS, status);
391         txnCommit(writerTxn);
393         jc.close();
395         c0.close();
396         c1.close();
397         c2.close();
398         txnCommit(txn);
400         secDb0.close();
401         secDb1.close();
402         secDb2.close();
403         priDb.close();
404     }
openPrimary(String name)406     private Database openPrimary(String name)
407         throws DatabaseException {
409         DatabaseConfig dbConfig = new DatabaseConfig();
410         dbConfig.setTransactional(isTransactional);
411         dbConfig.setAllowCreate(true);
413         Transaction txn = txnBegin();
414         try {
415             return env.openDatabase(txn, name, dbConfig);
416         } finally {
417             txnCommit(txn);
418         }
419     }
openSecondary(Database priDb, String dbName, boolean dups, int keyId)421     private SecondaryDatabase openSecondary(Database priDb, String dbName,
422                                             boolean dups, int keyId)
423         throws DatabaseException {
425         SecondaryConfig dbConfig = new SecondaryConfig();
426         dbConfig.setTransactional(isTransactional);
427         dbConfig.setAllowCreate(true);
428         dbConfig.setSortedDuplicates(dups);
429         if (useMultiKey) {
430             dbConfig.setMultiKeyCreator
431                 (new SimpleMultiKeyCreator(new MyKeyCreator(keyId)));
432         } else {
433             dbConfig.setKeyCreator(new MyKeyCreator(keyId));
434         }
436         Transaction txn = txnBegin();
437         try {
438             return env.openSecondaryDatabase(txn, dbName, priDb, dbConfig);
439         } finally {
440             txnCommit(txn);
441         }
442     }
setKey(DatabaseEntry key, int priKey)444     private static void setKey(DatabaseEntry key, int priKey) {
446         byte[] a = new byte[1];
447         a[0] = (byte) priKey;
448         key.setData(a);
449     }
setData(DatabaseEntry data, int key1, int key2, int key3)451     private static void setData(DatabaseEntry data,
452                                 int key1, int key2, int key3) {
454         byte[] a = new byte[4];
455         a[0] = (byte) key1;
456         a[1] = (byte) key2;
457         a[2] = (byte) key3;
458         data.setData(a);
459     }
461     private static class MyKeyCreator implements SecondaryKeyCreator {
463         private final int keyId;
MyKeyCreator(int keyId)465         MyKeyCreator(int keyId) {
467             this.keyId = keyId;
468         }
createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase secondary, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, DatabaseEntry result)470         public boolean createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase secondary,
471                                           DatabaseEntry key,
472                                           DatabaseEntry data,
473                                           DatabaseEntry result) {
474             byte val = data.getData()[keyId];
475             if (val != 0) {
476                 result.setData(new byte[] { val });
477                 return true;
478             } else {
479                 return false;
480             }
481         }
482     }
483 }