1 /*
2  * reserved comment block
4  */
5 /**
6  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
7  * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
8  * distributed with this work for additional information
9  * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
11  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
12  * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
13  *
14  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
15  *
16  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
17  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
19  * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
20  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
21  * under the License.
22  */
23 package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.c14n.implementations;
25 import java.util.ArrayList;
26 import java.util.Collection;
27 import java.util.Iterator;
28 import java.util.List;
31 import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
32 import org.w3c.dom.Node;
34 /**
35  * A stack based Symbol Table.
36  *<br>For speed reasons all the symbols are introduced in the same map,
37  * and at the same time in a list so it can be removed when the frame is pop back.
38  */
39 public class NameSpaceSymbTable {
41     private static final String XMLNS = "xmlns";
42     private static final SymbMap initialMap = new SymbMap();
44     static {
45         NameSpaceSymbEntry ne = new NameSpaceSymbEntry("", null, true, XMLNS);
46         ne.lastrendered = "";
initialMap.put(XMLNS, ne)47         initialMap.put(XMLNS, ne);
48     }
50     /**The map betwen prefix-> entry table. */
51     private SymbMap symb;
53     /**The stacks for removing the definitions when doing pop.*/
54     private List<SymbMap> level;
55     private boolean cloned = true;
57     /**
58      * Default constractor
59      **/
NameSpaceSymbTable()60     public NameSpaceSymbTable() {
61         level = new ArrayList<>();
62         //Insert the default binding for xmlns.
63         symb = (SymbMap) initialMap.clone();
64     }
66     /**
67      * Get all the unrendered nodes in the name space.
68      * For Inclusive rendering
69      * @param result the list where to fill the unrendered xmlns definitions.
70      **/
getUnrenderedNodes(Collection<Attr> result)71     public void getUnrenderedNodes(Collection<Attr> result) {
72         Iterator<NameSpaceSymbEntry> it = symb.entrySet().iterator();
73         while (it.hasNext()) {
74             NameSpaceSymbEntry n = it.next();
75             //put them rendered?
76             if (!n.rendered && n.n != null) {
77                 n = (NameSpaceSymbEntry) n.clone();
78                 needsClone();
79                 symb.put(n.prefix, n);
80                 n.lastrendered = n.uri;
81                 n.rendered = true;
83                 result.add(n.n);
84             }
85         }
86     }
88     /**
89      * Push a frame for visible namespace.
90      * For Inclusive rendering.
91      **/
outputNodePush()92     public void outputNodePush() {
93         push();
94     }
96     /**
97      * Pop a frame for visible namespace.
98      **/
outputNodePop()99     public void outputNodePop() {
100         pop();
101     }
103     /**
104      * Push a frame for a node.
105      * Inclusive or Exclusive.
106      **/
push()107     public void push() {
108         //Put the number of namespace definitions in the stack.
109         level.add(null);
110         cloned = false;
111     }
113     /**
114      * Pop a frame.
115      * Inclusive or Exclusive.
116      **/
pop()117     public void pop() {
118         int size = level.size() - 1;
119         Object ob = level.remove(size);
120         if (ob != null) {
121             symb = (SymbMap)ob;
122             if (size == 0) {
123                 cloned = false;
124             } else {
125                 cloned = level.get(size - 1) != symb;
126             }
127         } else {
128             cloned = false;
129         }
130     }
needsClone()132     final void needsClone() {
133         if (!cloned) {
134             level.set(level.size() - 1, symb);
135             symb = (SymbMap) symb.clone();
136             cloned = true;
137         }
138     }
141     /**
142      * Gets the attribute node that defines the binding for the prefix.
143      * @param prefix the prefix to obtain the attribute.
144      * @return null if there is no need to render the prefix. Otherwise the node of
145      * definition.
146      **/
getMapping(String prefix)147     public Attr getMapping(String prefix) {
148         NameSpaceSymbEntry entry = symb.get(prefix);
149         if (entry == null) {
150             //There is no definition for the prefix(a bug?).
151             return null;
152         }
153         if (entry.rendered) {
154             //No need to render an entry already rendered.
155             return null;
156         }
157         // Mark this entry as render.
158         entry = (NameSpaceSymbEntry) entry.clone();
159         needsClone();
160         symb.put(prefix, entry);
161         entry.rendered = true;
162         entry.lastrendered = entry.uri;
163         // Return the node for outputing.
164         return entry.n;
165     }
167     /**
168      * Gets a definition without mark it as render.
169      * For render in exclusive c14n the namespaces in the include prefixes.
170      * @param prefix The prefix whose definition is neaded.
171      * @return the attr to render, null if there is no need to render
172      **/
getMappingWithoutRendered(String prefix)173     public Attr getMappingWithoutRendered(String prefix) {
174         NameSpaceSymbEntry entry = symb.get(prefix);
175         if (entry == null) {
176             return null;
177         }
178         if (entry.rendered) {
179             return null;
180         }
181         return entry.n;
182     }
184     /**
185      * Adds the mapping for a prefix.
186      * @param prefix the prefix of definition
187      * @param uri the Uri of the definition
188      * @param n the attribute that have the definition
189      * @return true if there is already defined.
190      **/
addMapping(String prefix, String uri, Attr n)191     public boolean addMapping(String prefix, String uri, Attr n) {
192         NameSpaceSymbEntry ob = symb.get(prefix);
193         if (ob != null && uri.equals(ob.uri)) {
194             //If we have it previously defined. Don't keep working.
195             return false;
196         }
197         //Creates and entry in the table for this new definition.
198         NameSpaceSymbEntry ne = new NameSpaceSymbEntry(uri, n, false, prefix);
199         needsClone();
200         symb.put(prefix, ne);
201         if (ob != null) {
202             //We have a previous definition store it for the pop.
203             //Check if a previous definition(not the inmidiatly one) has been rendered.
204             ne.lastrendered = ob.lastrendered;
205             if (ob.lastrendered != null && ob.lastrendered.equals(uri)) {
206                 //Yes it is. Mark as rendered.
207                 ne.rendered = true;
208             }
209         }
210         return true;
211     }
213     /**
214      * Adds a definition and mark it as render.
215      * For inclusive c14n.
216      * @param prefix the prefix of definition
217      * @param uri the Uri of the definition
218      * @param n the attribute that have the definition
219      * @return the attr to render, null if there is no need to render
220      **/
addMappingAndRender(String prefix, String uri, Attr n)221     public Node addMappingAndRender(String prefix, String uri, Attr n) {
222         NameSpaceSymbEntry ob = symb.get(prefix);
224         if (ob != null && uri.equals(ob.uri)) {
225             if (!ob.rendered) {
226                 ob = (NameSpaceSymbEntry) ob.clone();
227                 needsClone();
228                 symb.put(prefix, ob);
229                 ob.lastrendered = uri;
230                 ob.rendered = true;
231                 return ob.n;
232             }
233             return null;
234         }
236         NameSpaceSymbEntry ne = new NameSpaceSymbEntry(uri, n, true, prefix);
237         ne.lastrendered = uri;
238         needsClone();
239         symb.put(prefix, ne);
240         if (ob != null && ob.lastrendered != null && ob.lastrendered.equals(uri)) {
241             ne.rendered = true;
242             return null;
243         }
244         return ne.n;
245     }
getLevel()247     public int getLevel() {
248         return level.size();
249     }
removeMapping(String prefix)251     public void removeMapping(String prefix) {
252         NameSpaceSymbEntry ob = symb.get(prefix);
254         if (ob != null) {
255             needsClone();
256             symb.put(prefix, null);
257         }
258     }
removeMappingIfNotRender(String prefix)260     public void removeMappingIfNotRender(String prefix) {
261         NameSpaceSymbEntry ob = symb.get(prefix);
263         if (ob != null && !ob.rendered) {
264             needsClone();
265             symb.put(prefix, null);
266         }
267     }
removeMappingIfRender(String prefix)269     public boolean removeMappingIfRender(String prefix) {
270         NameSpaceSymbEntry ob = symb.get(prefix);
272         if (ob != null && ob.rendered) {
273             needsClone();
274             symb.put(prefix, null);
275         }
276         return false;
277     }
278 }
280 /**
281  * The internal structure of NameSpaceSymbTable.
282  **/
283 class NameSpaceSymbEntry implements Cloneable {
285     String prefix;
287     /**The URI that the prefix defines */
288     String uri;
290     /**The last output in the URI for this prefix (This for speed reason).*/
291     String lastrendered = null;
293     /**This prefix-URI has been already render or not.*/
294     boolean rendered = false;
296     /**The attribute to include.*/
297     Attr n;
NameSpaceSymbEntry(String name, Attr n, boolean rendered, String prefix)299     NameSpaceSymbEntry(String name, Attr n, boolean rendered, String prefix) {
300         this.uri = name;
301         this.rendered = rendered;
302         this.n = n;
303         this.prefix = prefix;
304     }
306     /** {@inheritDoc} */
clone()307     public Object clone() {
308         try {
309             return super.clone();
310         } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
311             return null;
312         }
313     }
314 }
316 class SymbMap implements Cloneable {
317     int free = 23;
318     NameSpaceSymbEntry[] entries;
319     String[] keys;
SymbMap()321     SymbMap() {
322         entries = new NameSpaceSymbEntry[free];
323         keys = new String[free];
324     }
put(String key, NameSpaceSymbEntry value)326     void put(String key, NameSpaceSymbEntry value) {
327         int index = index(key);
328         Object oldKey = keys[index];
329         keys[index] = key;
330         entries[index] = value;
331         if ((oldKey == null || !oldKey.equals(key)) && --free == 0) {
332             free = entries.length;
333             int newCapacity = free << 2;
334             rehash(newCapacity);
335         }
336     }
entrySet()338     List<NameSpaceSymbEntry> entrySet() {
339         List<NameSpaceSymbEntry> a = new ArrayList<>();
340         for (int i = 0;i < entries.length;i++) {
341             if (entries[i] != null && !"".equals(entries[i].uri)) {
342                 a.add(entries[i]);
343             }
344         }
345         return a;
346     }
index(Object obj)348     protected int index(Object obj) {
349         Object[] set = keys;
350         int length = set.length;
351         //abs of index
352         int index = (obj.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % length;
353         Object cur = set[index];
355         if (cur == null || cur.equals(obj)) {
356             return index;
357         }
358         length--;
359         do {
360             index = index == length ? 0 : ++index;
361             cur = set[index];
362         } while (cur != null && !cur.equals(obj));
363         return index;
364     }
366     /**
367      * rehashes the map to the new capacity.
368      *
369      * @param newCapacity an {@code int} value
370      */
rehash(int newCapacity)371     protected void rehash(int newCapacity) {
372         int oldCapacity = keys.length;
373         String oldKeys[] = keys;
374         NameSpaceSymbEntry oldVals[] = entries;
376         keys = new String[newCapacity];
377         entries = new NameSpaceSymbEntry[newCapacity];
379         for (int i = oldCapacity; i-- > 0;) {
380             if (oldKeys[i] != null) {
381                 String o = oldKeys[i];
382                 int index = index(o);
383                 keys[index] = o;
384                 entries[index] = oldVals[i];
385             }
386         }
387     }
get(String key)389     NameSpaceSymbEntry get(String key) {
390         return entries[index(key)];
391     }
clone()393     protected Object clone()  {
394         try {
395             SymbMap copy = (SymbMap) super.clone();
396             copy.entries = new NameSpaceSymbEntry[entries.length];
397             System.arraycopy(entries, 0, copy.entries, 0, entries.length);
398             copy.keys = new String[keys.length];
399             System.arraycopy(keys, 0, copy.keys, 0, keys.length);
401             return copy;
402         } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
403             e.printStackTrace();
404         }
405         return null;
406     }
407 }