1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10  *
11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15  * accompanied this code).
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20  *
21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23  * questions.
24  */
25 import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
26 import java.io.InputStream;
27 import java.io.OutputStream;
28 import java.security.KeyFactory;
29 import java.security.KeyStore;
30 import java.security.Principal;
31 import java.security.PrivateKey;
32 import java.security.Security;
33 import java.security.cert.Certificate;
34 import java.security.cert.CertificateFactory;
35 import java.security.spec.PKCS8EncodedKeySpec;
36 import java.util.Base64;
37 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
38 import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
39 import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
40 import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
41 import javax.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory;
42 import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext;
43 import javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocket;
44 import javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocketFactory;
45 import javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket;
46 import javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory;
47 import javax.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory;
49 /*
50  * @test
51  * @bug 8206355
52  * @summary Test principal that was sent to the peer during handshake.
53  * @run main/othervm TestSessionLocalPrincipal
54  */
55 public class TestSessionLocalPrincipal {
main(String[] args)57     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
59         Security.setProperty("jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms", "");
60         for (String tlsProtocol : new String[]{
61             "TLSv1.3", "TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1"}) {
62             for (boolean clientAuth : new boolean[]{true, false}) {
63                 System.out.printf("Protocol %s: Client side auth enabled: %s%n",
64                         tlsProtocol, clientAuth);
65                 CountDownLatch serverReady = new CountDownLatch(1);
66                 Server server = new Server(tlsProtocol, clientAuth,
67                         serverReady);
68                 server.start();
70                 // Wait till server is ready to accept connection.
71                 serverReady.await();
72                 new Client(tlsProtocol, clientAuth, server.port).doClientSide();
73                 if (server.serverExc != null) {
74                     throw new RuntimeException(server.serverExc);
75                 }
76             }
77         }
78     }
80     public static class Server implements Runnable {
82         private volatile int port = 0;
83         private final String tlsProtocol;
84         private final boolean clientAuth;
85         private final CountDownLatch latch;
86         private volatile Exception serverExc;
Server(String tlsProtocol, boolean clientAuth, CountDownLatch latch)88         public Server(String tlsProtocol, boolean clientAuth,
89                 CountDownLatch latch) {
90             this.tlsProtocol = tlsProtocol;
91             this.clientAuth = clientAuth;
92             this.latch = latch;
93         }
start()95         public void start() {
97             ExecutorService executor = null;
98             try {
99                 executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactory() {
100                     @Override
101                     public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
102                         Thread t = Executors.defaultThreadFactory()
103                                 .newThread(r);
104                         t.setDaemon(true);
105                         return t;
106                     }
107                 });
108                 executor.execute(this);
109             } finally {
110                 if (executor != null) {
111                     executor.shutdown();
112                 }
113             }
114         }
116         /*
117          * Define the server side operation.
118          */
doServerSide()119         void doServerSide() throws Exception {
121             SSLContext ctx = getSSLContext(tlsProtocol);
122             SSLServerSocketFactory sslssf = ctx.getServerSocketFactory();
123             SSLServerSocket sslServerSocket
124                     = (SSLServerSocket) sslssf.createServerSocket(port);
125             port = sslServerSocket.getLocalPort();
126             System.out.println("Server listining on port: " + port);
127             sslServerSocket.setEnabledProtocols(new String[]{tlsProtocol});
128             /*
129              * Signal Client, the server is ready to accept client request.
130              */
131             latch.countDown();
132             try (SSLSocket sslSocket = (SSLSocket) sslServerSocket.accept()) {
133                 sslSocket.setNeedClientAuth(this.clientAuth);
134                 sslSocket.setSoTimeout(5000);
135                 try (InputStream sslIS = sslSocket.getInputStream();
136                         OutputStream sslOS = sslSocket.getOutputStream();) {
137                     sslIS.read();
138                     sslOS.write(85);
139                     sslOS.flush();
140                 }
141             } finally {
142                 sslServerSocket.close();
143             }
144         }
146         @Override
run()147         public void run() {
148             try {
149                 doServerSide();
150             } catch (Exception e) {
151                 // Print the exception for debug purpose.
152                 e.printStackTrace(System.out);
153                 serverExc = e;
154             }
155         }
156     }
158     /*
159      * Define the client side of the test.
160      */
161     public static class Client {
163         private final int serverPort;
164         private final String tlsProtocol;
165         private final boolean clientAuth;
Client(String tlsProtocol, boolean clientAuth, int serverPort)167         public Client(String tlsProtocol, boolean clientAuth, int serverPort) {
168             this.tlsProtocol = tlsProtocol;
169             this.clientAuth = clientAuth;
170             this.serverPort = serverPort;
171         }
doClientSide()173         void doClientSide() throws Exception {
175             SSLContext ctx = getSSLContext(this.tlsProtocol);
176             SSLSocketFactory sslsf = ctx.getSocketFactory();
177             try (SSLSocket sslSocket
178                     = (SSLSocket) sslsf.createSocket("localhost", serverPort)) {
179                 sslSocket.setEnabledProtocols(new String[]{this.tlsProtocol});
180                 Principal principal = sslSocket.getSession().getLocalPrincipal();
181                 if (this.clientAuth && principal == null) {
182                     throw new RuntimeException("Principal can not be null");
183                 }
184                 if (!this.clientAuth && principal != null) {
185                     throw new RuntimeException("Principal should be null");
186                 }
187                 try (InputStream sslIS = sslSocket.getInputStream();
188                         OutputStream sslOS = sslSocket.getOutputStream()) {
189                     sslOS.write(86);
190                     sslOS.flush();
191                     sslIS.read();
192                 }
193             }
194         }
195     }
197     // get the ssl context
getSSLContext(String tlsProtocol)198     protected static SSLContext getSSLContext(String tlsProtocol)
199             throws Exception {
201         // Generate certificate from cert string
202         CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
204         // Create a key store
205         KeyStore ts = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
206         KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
207         ts.load(null, null);
208         ks.load(null, null);
209         char passphrase[] = "passphrase".toCharArray();
211         // Import the trusted cert
212         ts.setCertificateEntry("trusted-cert-"
213                 + KeyType.rsa_pkcs1_sha256.getKeyType(),
214                 cf.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(
215                         KeyType.rsa_pkcs1_sha256.getTrustedCert().getBytes())));
217         boolean hasKeyMaterials = KeyType.rsa_pkcs1_sha256.getEndCert() != null
218                 && KeyType.rsa_pkcs1_sha256.getPrivateKey() != null;
219         if (hasKeyMaterials) {
221             // Generate the private key.
222             PKCS8EncodedKeySpec priKeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(
223                     Base64.getMimeDecoder().decode(
224                             KeyType.rsa_pkcs1_sha256.getPrivateKey()));
225             KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance(
226                     KeyType.rsa_pkcs1_sha256.getKeyType());
227             PrivateKey priKey = kf.generatePrivate(priKeySpec);
229             // Generate certificate chain
230             Certificate keyCert = cf.generateCertificate(
231                     new ByteArrayInputStream(
232                             KeyType.rsa_pkcs1_sha256.getEndCert().getBytes()));
233             Certificate[] chain = new Certificate[]{keyCert};
235             // Import the key entry.
236             ks.setKeyEntry("cert-" + KeyType.rsa_pkcs1_sha256.getKeyType(),
237                     priKey, passphrase, chain);
238         }
240         // Create SSL context
241         TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance("PKIX");
242         tmf.init(ts);
244         SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance(tlsProtocol);
245         if (hasKeyMaterials) {
246             KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("NewSunX509");
247             kmf.init(ks, passphrase);
248             context.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);
249         } else {
250             context.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);
251         }
252         return context;
253     }
254 }
256 enum KeyType {
258     rsa_pkcs1_sha256(
259             "RSA",
260             /**
261              * Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
262              * Issuer: CN = localhost
263              * Validity Not Before: Jun 4 15:22:04 2018 GMT
264              * Not After: May 30 15:22:04 2038 GMT
265              * Subject: CN = localhost
266              * Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
267              */
268             "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n"
269             + "MIIDBjCCAe6gAwIBAgIUc8yTYekR2LuXkkCJYqWlS/pBMKIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL\n"
270             + "BQAwFDESMBAGA1UEAwwJbG9jYWxob3N0MB4XDTE4MDYwNDE1MjIwNFoXDTM4MDUz\n"
271             + "MDE1MjIwNFowFDESMBAGA1UEAwwJbG9jYWxob3N0MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEF\n"
272             + "AAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA2jDPGMogc9dq2w5b+FHqbfaGPokRmyObiU8y/l/dqkM5\n"
273             + "9IV+qj8VQUI4NtpdCTWr16812z4AjXrk5HIBrECfQbHPUcm1rme5YVZ0WxV0+Ufy\n"
274             + "hDmrGwDLhkxGqc3hOhRrlF2wdXeUfjIzhvS9+S/401++t/jvq+cqFF1BHnzYOu+l\n"
275             + "nbi/o95Oqo8MlwiRqg3xy3fNRfqXk7DWy+QT8s+Vc3Pcj1EW6K0iJJ23BVTdv6YT\n"
276             + "Ja5IKiWL4XsLht3fWvZwF+PoYfKb+JYflt0rafpxg9xkowe7GnGh2SpV7bJaH/QN\n"
277             + "3PTFEKQWgWHjWwjR171GOzSaEgaklvKde6+zNWeYKwIDAQABo1AwTjAdBgNVHQ4E\n"
278             + "FgQUqCtGe8/Ky4O6pH7xeTUy9yrv4n0wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUqCtGe8/Ky4O6pH7x\n"
279             + "eTUy9yrv4n0wDAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAuqch30im\n"
280             + "M09sARarbfK3OExqYK2xoyuUscgTqQNDpNL2gMdXY9e0lTmGVgw9pVYtNZPZRxem\n"
281             + "jR5an2XegvG9qVU6vLENDwLCqZgsTb2gvmXngiG8NVcYd81GNqD228mkgBosNJku\n"
282             + "6BR+C8zlURzsNEt657eVvIp9ObGomdAbWhpdqihBD180PP18DIBWopyfHfJtT5FA\n"
283             + "U2kSPBp+P1EtdceW0zfwv3rF8hwRbnQBzuoYrZfn2PiMYaGUqOgbqUltCMD/Dp9G\n"
284             + "xK0nfAXEwIqHWWnijGwAd6YrszMjBUcSGmlehdF+XZK6jHNlw64RB4WTfavr+rY0\n"
285             + "dTe6g4o5GYr9nQ==\n"
286             + "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
287             //
288             // Private key.
289             //
290             "MIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQDaMM8YyiBz12rb\n"
291             + "Dlv4Uept9oY+iRGbI5uJTzL+X92qQzn0hX6qPxVBQjg22l0JNavXrzXbPgCNeuTk\n"
292             + "cgGsQJ9Bsc9RybWuZ7lhVnRbFXT5R/KEOasbAMuGTEapzeE6FGuUXbB1d5R+MjOG\n"
293             + "9L35L/jTX763+O+r5yoUXUEefNg676WduL+j3k6qjwyXCJGqDfHLd81F+peTsNbL\n"
294             + "5BPyz5Vzc9yPURborSIknbcFVN2/phMlrkgqJYvhewuG3d9a9nAX4+hh8pv4lh+W\n"
295             + "3Stp+nGD3GSjB7sacaHZKlXtslof9A3c9MUQpBaBYeNbCNHXvUY7NJoSBqSW8p17\n"
296             + "r7M1Z5grAgMBAAECggEAHs/7vw10TcejEHJTrJqs14CT7qresKDzqw1jLycMn6nE\n"
297             + "unJLs/EaqE+Yrq5hqxZIQTo+CcsUuuYbAuPStqedleJtW6h3nryJImTaI67BCR8O\n"
298             + "8XtPXY3cMAf/hqVLZC9UDey5Ka2Ma9HdEvbnCRSsN/VycnqWJhmMCLouowaQZqoE\n"
299             + "VopscUix8GqELv0vEo2CszZfUjtSVbNTlNgwDf5U7eSKXMuFsnSn/LE7AMvHsEyo\n"
300             + "HatxogwlM/WjpTnf/WIeJY3VhaK10IsP6OEgUn/p4VtI2DQ/TJdgYrvD5vhjY8ip\n"
301             + "XuUPuPILRvJWo8dRXJqa4diXB12q5YhP8iiOp4BgkQKBgQD1GtlOR+JVgOzpQ11h\n"
302             + "s5/iJOsczee80pQscbSRJnzSsIaP9WM8CyJgvbPxIQxLUQeYnxM/bxNKkpJtzxRK\n"
303             + "pob+v4NoRn8PTpqbOp1obmWJT7uHTaoeavQo7r7uZI4i3eEgHCCQkMzpqzz7UFTY\n"
304             + "2Yst7bBTPUivlSVQQBEc8bLpeQKBgQDj47EjpAlh8DmJRTElg58t+XJehXGTqmlx\n"
305             + "nYu8DQLSzGbOQ/Z4srakC1mkM0LHCmULIIWk3KhV1GBCeArv7DlZ9A1SkI95bsq9\n"
306             + "GBeQpovL0PXKkOOWMJBklP/CTECO4eyA8r6c1d8wytBb6MrJ8bi74DdT+JlFjK5A\n"
307             + "zNoeNx6JwwKBgQCehIPABeuSYvRVlDTDqFkh98B6+4wBaatc5xjhuyOFW5dbaVeJ\n"
308             + "kKXmLSpAK6B44WnpQhA/uUWfuBWtoPy9nt+1yARjnxwzuSFyfUEqNiPC32coBYmd\n"
309             + "bIyGIIopQa1PTXJ4wtgoxw1PnmitHHITYPaLeKrN2te0fuAH+7dVodeU+QKBgAct\n"
310             + "VJbaw7Dh7+3yz+lui8TW5lMzwK/13fxGCfCSOFSLO3Gjkk+a0UW5VclmE+RQ333K\n"
311             + "OGtIx8RsO9vcC/wiZGwA06qWAu7AHoJ2D8fudtikbBlFFuXUAbgpOSTVYfMeCmTF\n"
312             + "QFuQIMdYm9dJLZnOkxLXrOZoHeui0poX2Ya6FawhAoGAAI/QCyDbuvnJzGmjSbvl\n"
313             + "5Ndr9lNAansCXaUzXuVLp6dD6PnB8HVCE8tdETZrcXseyTBeltaxAhj+tCybJvDO\n"
314             + "sV8UmPR0w9ibExmUIVGX5BpoRlB/KWxEG3ar/wJbUZVZ2oSdIAZvCvdbN956SLDg\n"
315             + "Pg5M5wrRqs71s2EiIJd0HrU="
316     );
317     private final String keyType;
318     private final String trustedCert;
319     private final String endCert;
320     private final String privateKey;
KeyType(String keyType, String selfCert, String privateKey)322     private KeyType(String keyType, String selfCert, String privateKey) {
323         this.keyType = keyType;
324         this.trustedCert = selfCert;
325         this.endCert = selfCert;
326         this.privateKey = privateKey;
327     }
getKeyType()329     public String getKeyType() {
330         return keyType;
331     }
getTrustedCert()333     public String getTrustedCert() {
334         return trustedCert;
335     }
getEndCert()337     public String getEndCert() {
338         return endCert;
339     }
getPrivateKey()341     public String getPrivateKey() {
342         return privateKey;
343     }
344 }