1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8  *
9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13  * accompanied this code).
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18  *
19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
21  * questions.
22  */
24 import java.math.BigInteger;
25 import java.util.Random;
26 import sun.misc.FDBigInteger;
28 /**
29  * @test
30  * @bug 7032154
31  * @summary unit testys of sun.misc.FDBigInteger
32  * @author Dmitry Nadezhin
33  */
34 public class TestFDBigInteger {
36     private static final int MAX_P5 = 413;
37     private static final int MAX_P2 = 65;
38     private static final long LONG_SIGN_MASK = (1L << 63);
39     private static final BigInteger FIVE = BigInteger.valueOf(5);
40     private static final FDBigInteger MUTABLE_ZERO = FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(0, 0).leftInplaceSub(FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(0, 0));
41     private static final FDBigInteger IMMUTABLE_ZERO = FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(0, 0).leftInplaceSub(FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(0, 0));
42     private static final FDBigInteger IMMUTABLE_MILLION = genMillion1();
43     private static final FDBigInteger IMMUTABLE_BILLION = genBillion1();
44     private static final FDBigInteger IMMUTABLE_TEN18 = genTen18();
46     static {
IMMUTABLE_ZERO.makeImmutable()47         IMMUTABLE_ZERO.makeImmutable();
IMMUTABLE_MILLION.makeImmutable()48         IMMUTABLE_MILLION.makeImmutable();
IMMUTABLE_BILLION.makeImmutable()49         IMMUTABLE_BILLION.makeImmutable();
IMMUTABLE_TEN18.makeImmutable()50         IMMUTABLE_TEN18.makeImmutable();
51     }
mutable(String hex, int offset)53     private static FDBigInteger mutable(String hex, int offset) {
54         char[] chars = new BigInteger(hex, 16).toString().toCharArray();
55         return new FDBigInteger(0, chars, 0, chars.length).multByPow52(0, offset * 32);
56     }
immutable(String hex, int offset)58     private static FDBigInteger immutable(String hex, int offset) {
59         FDBigInteger fd = mutable(hex, offset);
60         fd.makeImmutable();
61         return fd;
62     }
biPow52(int p5, int p2)64     private static BigInteger biPow52(int p5, int p2) {
65         return FIVE.pow(p5).shiftLeft(p2);
66     }
68     // data.length == 1, nWords == 1, offset == 0
genMillion1()69     private static FDBigInteger genMillion1() {
70         return FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(6, 0).leftShift(6);
71     }
73     // data.length == 2, nWords == 1, offset == 0
genMillion2()74     private static FDBigInteger genMillion2() {
75         return FDBigInteger.valueOfMulPow52(1000000L, 0, 0);
76     }
78     // data.length == 1, nWords == 1, offset == 0
genBillion1()79     private static FDBigInteger genBillion1() {
80         return FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(9, 0).leftShift(9);
81     }
83     // data.length == 2, nWords == 2, offset == 0
genTen18()84     private static FDBigInteger genTen18() {
85         return FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(18, 0).leftShift(18);
86     }
check(BigInteger expected, FDBigInteger actual, String message)88     private static void check(BigInteger expected, FDBigInteger actual, String message) throws Exception {
89         if (!expected.equals(actual.toBigInteger())) {
90             throw new Exception(message + " result " + actual.toHexString() + " expected " + expected.toString(16));
91         }
92     }
testValueOfPow52(int p5, int p2)94     private static void testValueOfPow52(int p5, int p2) throws Exception {
95         check(biPow52(p5, p2), FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(p5, p2),
96                 "valueOfPow52(" + p5 + "," + p2 + ")");
97     }
testValueOfPow52()99     private static void testValueOfPow52() throws Exception {
100         for (int p5 = 0; p5 <= MAX_P5; p5++) {
101             for (int p2 = 0; p2 <= MAX_P2; p2++) {
102                 testValueOfPow52(p5, p2);
103             }
104         }
105     }
testValueOfMulPow52(long value, int p5, int p2)107     private static void testValueOfMulPow52(long value, int p5, int p2) throws Exception {
108         BigInteger bi = BigInteger.valueOf(value & ~LONG_SIGN_MASK);
109         if (value < 0) {
110             bi = bi.setBit(63);
111         }
112         check(biPow52(p5, p2).multiply(bi), FDBigInteger.valueOfMulPow52(value, p5, p2),
113                 "valueOfMulPow52(" + Long.toHexString(value) + "." + p5 + "," + p2 + ")");
114     }
testValueOfMulPow52(long value, int p5)116     private static void testValueOfMulPow52(long value, int p5) throws Exception {
117         testValueOfMulPow52(value, p5, 0);
118         testValueOfMulPow52(value, p5, 1);
119         testValueOfMulPow52(value, p5, 30);
120         testValueOfMulPow52(value, p5, 31);
121         testValueOfMulPow52(value, p5, 33);
122         testValueOfMulPow52(value, p5, 63);
123     }
testValueOfMulPow52()125     private static void testValueOfMulPow52() throws Exception {
126         for (int p5 = 0; p5 <= MAX_P5; p5++) {
127             testValueOfMulPow52(0xFFFFFFFFL, p5);
128             testValueOfMulPow52(0x123456789AL, p5);
129             testValueOfMulPow52(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, p5);
130             testValueOfMulPow52(0xFFFFFFFFFFF54321L, p5);
131         }
132     }
testLeftShift(FDBigInteger t, int shift, boolean isImmutable)134     private static void testLeftShift(FDBigInteger t, int shift, boolean isImmutable) throws Exception {
135         BigInteger bt = t.toBigInteger();
136         FDBigInteger r = t.leftShift(shift);
137         if ((bt.signum() == 0 || shift == 0 || !isImmutable) && r != t) {
138             throw new Exception("leftShift doesn't reuse its argument");
139         }
140         if (isImmutable) {
141             check(bt, t, "leftShift corrupts its argument");
142         }
143         check(bt.shiftLeft(shift), r, "leftShift returns wrong result");
144     }
testLeftShift()146     private static void testLeftShift() throws Exception {
147         testLeftShift(IMMUTABLE_ZERO, 0, true);
148         testLeftShift(IMMUTABLE_ZERO, 10, true);
149         testLeftShift(MUTABLE_ZERO, 0, false);
150         testLeftShift(MUTABLE_ZERO, 10, false);
152         testLeftShift(IMMUTABLE_MILLION, 0, true);
153         testLeftShift(IMMUTABLE_MILLION, 1, true);
154         testLeftShift(IMMUTABLE_MILLION, 12, true);
155         testLeftShift(IMMUTABLE_MILLION, 13, true);
156         testLeftShift(IMMUTABLE_MILLION, 32, true);
157         testLeftShift(IMMUTABLE_MILLION, 33, true);
158         testLeftShift(IMMUTABLE_MILLION, 44, true);
159         testLeftShift(IMMUTABLE_MILLION, 45, true);
161         testLeftShift(genMillion1(), 0, false);
162         testLeftShift(genMillion1(), 1, false);
163         testLeftShift(genMillion1(), 12, false);
164         testLeftShift(genMillion1(), 13, false);
165         testLeftShift(genMillion1(), 25, false);
166         testLeftShift(genMillion1(), 26, false);
167         testLeftShift(genMillion1(), 32, false);
168         testLeftShift(genMillion1(), 33, false);
169         testLeftShift(genMillion1(), 44, false);
170         testLeftShift(genMillion1(), 45, false);
172         testLeftShift(genMillion2(), 0, false);
173         testLeftShift(genMillion2(), 1, false);
174         testLeftShift(genMillion2(), 12, false);
175         testLeftShift(genMillion2(), 13, false);
176         testLeftShift(genMillion2(), 25, false);
177         testLeftShift(genMillion2(), 26, false);
178         testLeftShift(genMillion2(), 32, false);
179         testLeftShift(genMillion2(), 33, false);
180         testLeftShift(genMillion2(), 44, false);
181         testLeftShift(genMillion2(), 45, false);
182     }
testQuoRemIteration(FDBigInteger t, FDBigInteger s)184     private static void testQuoRemIteration(FDBigInteger t, FDBigInteger s) throws Exception {
185         BigInteger bt = t.toBigInteger();
186         BigInteger bs = s.toBigInteger();
187         int q = t.quoRemIteration(s);
188         BigInteger[] qr = bt.divideAndRemainder(bs);
189         if (!BigInteger.valueOf(q).equals(qr[0])) {
190             throw new Exception("quoRemIteration returns incorrect quo");
191         }
192         check(qr[1].multiply(BigInteger.TEN), t, "quoRemIteration returns incorrect rem");
193     }
testQuoRemIteration()195     private static void testQuoRemIteration() throws Exception {
196         // IMMUTABLE_TEN18 == 0de0b6b3a7640000
197         // q = 0
198         testQuoRemIteration(mutable("00000001", 0), IMMUTABLE_TEN18);
199         testQuoRemIteration(mutable("00000001", 1), IMMUTABLE_TEN18);
200         testQuoRemIteration(mutable("0de0b6b2", 1), IMMUTABLE_TEN18);
201         // q = 1 -> q = 0
202         testQuoRemIteration(mutable("0de0b6b3", 1), IMMUTABLE_TEN18);
203         testQuoRemIteration(mutable("0de0b6b3a763FFFF", 0), IMMUTABLE_TEN18);
204         // q = 1
205         testQuoRemIteration(mutable("0de0b6b3a7640000", 0), IMMUTABLE_TEN18);
206         testQuoRemIteration(mutable("0de0b6b3FFFFFFFF", 0), IMMUTABLE_TEN18);
207         testQuoRemIteration(mutable("8ac72304", 1), IMMUTABLE_TEN18);
208         testQuoRemIteration(mutable("0de0b6b400000000", 0), IMMUTABLE_TEN18);
209         testQuoRemIteration(mutable("8ac72305", 1), IMMUTABLE_TEN18);
210         // q = 18
211         testQuoRemIteration(mutable("FFFFFFFF", 1), IMMUTABLE_TEN18);
212     }
testCmp(FDBigInteger t, FDBigInteger o)214     private static void testCmp(FDBigInteger t, FDBigInteger o) throws Exception {
215         BigInteger bt = t.toBigInteger();
216         BigInteger bo = o.toBigInteger();
217         int cmp = t.cmp(o);
218         int bcmp = bt.compareTo(bo);
219         if (bcmp != cmp) {
220             throw new Exception("cmp returns " + cmp + " expected " + bcmp);
221         }
222         check(bt, t, "cmp corrupts this");
223         check(bo, o, "cmp corrupts other");
224         if (o.cmp(t) != -cmp) {
225             throw new Exception("asymmetrical cmp");
226         }
227         check(bt, t, "cmp corrupts this");
228         check(bo, o, "cmp corrupts other");
229     }
testCmp()231     private static void testCmp() throws Exception {
232         testCmp(mutable("FFFFFFFF", 0), mutable("100000000", 0));
233         testCmp(mutable("FFFFFFFF", 0), mutable("1", 1));
234         testCmp(mutable("5", 0), mutable("6", 0));
235         testCmp(mutable("5", 0), mutable("5", 0));
236         testCmp(mutable("5000000001", 0), mutable("500000001", 0));
237         testCmp(mutable("5000000001", 0), mutable("6", 1));
238         testCmp(mutable("5000000001", 0), mutable("5", 1));
239         testCmp(mutable("5000000000", 0), mutable("5", 1));
240     }
testCmpPow52(FDBigInteger t, int p5, int p2)242     private static void testCmpPow52(FDBigInteger t, int p5, int p2) throws Exception {
243         FDBigInteger o = FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(p5, p2);
244         BigInteger bt = t.toBigInteger();
245         BigInteger bo = biPow52(p5, p2);
246         int cmp = t.cmp(o);
247         int bcmp = bt.compareTo(bo);
248         if (bcmp != cmp) {
249             throw new Exception("cmpPow52 returns " + cmp + " expected " + bcmp);
250         }
251         check(bt, t, "cmpPow52 corrupts this");
252         check(bo, o, "cmpPow5 corrupts other");
253     }
testCmpPow52()255     private static void testCmpPow52() throws Exception {
256         testCmpPow52(mutable("00000002", 1), 0, 31);
257         testCmpPow52(mutable("00000002", 1), 0, 32);
258         testCmpPow52(mutable("00000002", 1), 0, 33);
259         testCmpPow52(mutable("00000002", 1), 0, 34);
260         testCmpPow52(mutable("00000002", 1), 0, 64);
261         testCmpPow52(mutable("00000003", 1), 0, 32);
262         testCmpPow52(mutable("00000003", 1), 0, 33);
263         testCmpPow52(mutable("00000003", 1), 0, 34);
264     }
testAddAndCmp(FDBigInteger t, FDBigInteger x, FDBigInteger y)266     private static void testAddAndCmp(FDBigInteger t, FDBigInteger x, FDBigInteger y) throws Exception {
267         BigInteger bt = t.toBigInteger();
268         BigInteger bx = x.toBigInteger();
269         BigInteger by = y.toBigInteger();
270         int cmp = t.addAndCmp(x, y);
271         int bcmp = bt.compareTo(bx.add(by));
272         if (bcmp != cmp) {
273             throw new Exception("addAndCmp returns " + cmp + " expected " + bcmp);
274         }
275         check(bt, t, "addAndCmp corrupts this");
276         check(bx, x, "addAndCmp corrupts x");
277         check(by, y, "addAndCmp corrupts y");
278     }
testAddAndCmp()280     private static void testAddAndCmp() throws Exception {
282         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000001", 0), MUTABLE_ZERO, MUTABLE_ZERO);
283         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000001", 0), mutable("00000001", 0), MUTABLE_ZERO);
284         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000001", 0), MUTABLE_ZERO, mutable("00000001", 0));
285         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000001", 0), mutable("00000002", 0), MUTABLE_ZERO);
286         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000001", 0), MUTABLE_ZERO, mutable("00000002", 0));
287         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000001", 2), mutable("FFFFFFFF", 0), mutable("FFFFFFFF", 0));
288         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000001", 0), mutable("00000001", 1), mutable("00000001", 0));
290         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000001", 2), mutable("0F0F0F0F80000000", 1), mutable("F0F0F0F080000000", 1));
291         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000001", 2), mutable("0F0F0F0E80000000", 1), mutable("F0F0F0F080000000", 1));
293         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000002", 1), mutable("0000000180000000", 1), mutable("0000000280000000", 1));
294         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000003", 1), mutable("0000000180000000", 1), mutable("0000000280000000", 1));
295         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000004", 1), mutable("0000000180000000", 1), mutable("0000000280000000", 1));
296         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000005", 1), mutable("0000000180000000", 1), mutable("0000000280000000", 1));
298         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000001", 2), mutable("8000000000000000", 0), mutable("8000000000000000", 0));
299         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000001", 2), mutable("8000000000000000", 0), mutable("8000000000000001", 0));
300         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000002", 2), mutable("8000000000000000", 0), mutable("8000000000000000", 0));
301         testAddAndCmp(mutable("00000003", 2), mutable("8000000000000000", 0), mutable("8000000000000000", 0));
302     }
testMultBy10(FDBigInteger t, boolean isImmutable)304     private static void testMultBy10(FDBigInteger t, boolean isImmutable) throws Exception {
305         BigInteger bt = t.toBigInteger();
306         FDBigInteger r = t.multBy10();
307         if ((bt.signum() == 0 || !isImmutable) && r != t) {
308             throw new Exception("multBy10 of doesn't reuse its argument");
309         }
310         if (isImmutable) {
311             check(bt, t, "multBy10 corrupts its argument");
312         }
313         check(bt.multiply(BigInteger.TEN), r, "multBy10 returns wrong result");
314     }
testMultBy10()316     private static void testMultBy10() throws Exception {
317         for (int p5 = 0; p5 <= MAX_P5; p5++) {
318             for (int p2 = 0; p2 <= MAX_P2; p2++) {
319                 // This strange way of creating a value ensures that it is mutable.
320                 FDBigInteger value = FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(0, 0).multByPow52(p5, p2);
321                 testMultBy10(value, false);
322                 value.makeImmutable();
323                 testMultBy10(value, true);
324             }
325         }
326     }
testMultByPow52(FDBigInteger t, int p5, int p2)328     private static void testMultByPow52(FDBigInteger t, int p5, int p2) throws Exception {
329         BigInteger bt = t.toBigInteger();
330         FDBigInteger r = t.multByPow52(p5, p2);
331         if (bt.signum() == 0 && r != t) {
332             throw new Exception("multByPow52 of doesn't reuse its argument");
333         }
334         check(bt.multiply(biPow52(p5, p2)), r, "multByPow52 returns wrong result");
335     }
testMultByPow52()337     private static void testMultByPow52() throws Exception {
338         for (int p5 = 0; p5 <= MAX_P5; p5++) {
339             for (int p2 = 0; p2 <= MAX_P2; p2++) {
340                 // This strange way of creating a value ensures that it is mutable.
341                 FDBigInteger value = FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(0, 0).multByPow52(p5, p2);
342                 testMultByPow52(value, p5, p2);
343             }
344         }
345     }
testLeftInplaceSub(FDBigInteger left, FDBigInteger right, boolean isImmutable)347     private static void testLeftInplaceSub(FDBigInteger left, FDBigInteger right, boolean isImmutable) throws Exception {
348         BigInteger biLeft = left.toBigInteger();
349         BigInteger biRight = right.toBigInteger();
350         FDBigInteger diff = left.leftInplaceSub(right);
351         if (!isImmutable && diff != left) {
352             throw new Exception("leftInplaceSub of doesn't reuse its argument");
353         }
354         if (isImmutable) {
355             check(biLeft, left, "leftInplaceSub corrupts its left immutable argument");
356         }
357         check(biRight, right, "leftInplaceSub corrupts its right argument");
358         check(biLeft.subtract(biRight), diff, "leftInplaceSub returns wrong result");
359     }
testLeftInplaceSub()361     private static void testLeftInplaceSub() throws Exception {
362         for (int p5 = 0; p5 <= MAX_P5; p5++) {
363             for (int p2 = 0; p2 <= MAX_P2; p2++) {
364 //                for (int p5r = 0; p5r <= p5; p5r += 10) {
365 //                    for (int p2r = 0; p2r <= p2; p2r += 10) {
366                 for (int p5r = 0; p5r <= p5; p5r++) {
367                     for (int p2r = 0; p2r <= p2; p2r++) {
368                         // This strange way of creating a value ensures that it is mutable.
369                         FDBigInteger left = FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(0, 0).multByPow52(p5, p2);
370                         FDBigInteger right = FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(0, 0).multByPow52(p5r, p2r);
371                         testLeftInplaceSub(left, right, false);
372                         left = FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(0, 0).multByPow52(p5, p2);
373                         left.makeImmutable();
374                         testLeftInplaceSub(left, right, true);
375                     }
376                 }
377             }
378         }
379     }
testRightInplaceSub(FDBigInteger left, FDBigInteger right, boolean isImmutable)381     private static void testRightInplaceSub(FDBigInteger left, FDBigInteger right, boolean isImmutable) throws Exception {
382         BigInteger biLeft = left.toBigInteger();
383         BigInteger biRight = right.toBigInteger();
384         FDBigInteger diff = left.rightInplaceSub(right);
385         if (!isImmutable && diff != right) {
386             throw new Exception("rightInplaceSub of doesn't reuse its argument");
387         }
388         check(biLeft, left, "leftInplaceSub corrupts its left argument");
389         if (isImmutable) {
390             check(biRight, right, "leftInplaceSub corrupts its right immutable argument");
391         }
392         try {
393             check(biLeft.subtract(biRight), diff, "rightInplaceSub returns wrong result");
394         } catch (Exception e) {
395             System.out.println(biLeft+" - "+biRight+" = "+biLeft.subtract(biRight));
396             throw e;
397         }
398     }
testRightInplaceSub()400     private static void testRightInplaceSub() throws Exception {
401         for (int p5 = 0; p5 <= MAX_P5; p5++) {
402             for (int p2 = 0; p2 <= MAX_P2; p2++) {
403 //                for (int p5r = 0; p5r <= p5; p5r += 10) {
404 //                    for (int p2r = 0; p2r <= p2; p2r += 10) {
405                 for (int p5r = 0; p5r <= p5; p5r++) {
406                     for (int p2r = 0; p2r <= p2; p2r++) {
407                         // This strange way of creating a value ensures that it is mutable.
408                         FDBigInteger left = FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(0, 0).multByPow52(p5, p2);
409                         FDBigInteger right = FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(0, 0).multByPow52(p5r, p2r);
410                         testRightInplaceSub(left, right, false);
411                         right = FDBigInteger.valueOfPow52(0, 0).multByPow52(p5r, p2r);
412                         right.makeImmutable();
413                         testRightInplaceSub(left, right, true);
414                     }
415                 }
416             }
417         }
418     }
main(String[] args)420     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
421         testValueOfPow52();
422         testValueOfMulPow52();
423         testLeftShift();
424         testQuoRemIteration();
425         testCmp();
426         testCmpPow52();
427         testAddAndCmp();
428         // Uncomment the following for more comprehensize but slow testing.
429         // testLeftInplaceSub();
430         // testMultBy10();
431         // testMultByPow52();
432         // testRightInplaceSub();
433     }
434 }