1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10  *
11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15  * accompanied this code).
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20  *
21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23  * questions.
24  */
26 #ifndef _MANIFEST_INFO_H
27 #define _MANIFEST_INFO_H
29 #include <sys/types.h>
31 /*
32  * Zip file header signatures
33  */
34 #define SIGSIZ 4                    /* size of all header signatures */
35 #define LOCSIG 0x04034b50L          /* "PK\003\004" */
36 #define EXTSIG 0x08074b50L          /* "PK\007\008" */
37 #define CENSIG 0x02014b50L          /* "PK\001\002" */
38 #define ENDSIG 0x06054b50L          /* "PK\005\006" */
40 #define ZIP64_ENDSIG 0x06064b50L    /* "PK\006\006" */
41 #define ZIP64_LOCSIG 0x07064b50L    /* "PK\006\007" */
42 /*
43  * Header sizes including signatures
44  */
45 #define LOCHDR 30
46 #define EXTHDR 16
47 #define CENHDR 46
48 #define ENDHDR 22
50 #define ZIP64_ENDHDR 56       // ZIP64 end header size
51 #define ZIP64_LOCHDR 20       // ZIP64 end loc header size
52 #define ZIP64_EXTHDR 24       // EXT header size
53 #define ZIP64_EXTID   1       // Extra field Zip64 header ID
55 #define ZIP64_MAGICVAL 0xffffffffLL
56 #define ZIP64_MAGICCOUNT 0xffff
58 /*
59  * Header field access macros
60  */
61 #define CH(b, n) (((unsigned char *)(b))[n])
62 #define SH(b, n) (CH(b, n) | (CH(b, n+1) << 8))
63 #define LG(b, n) ((SH(b, n) | (SH(b, n+2) << 16)) &0xffffffffUL)
64 #define LL(b, n) (((jlong)LG(b, n)) | (((jlong)LG(b, n+4)) << 32))
65 #define GETSIG(b) LG(b, 0)
67 /*
68  * Macros for getting local file (LOC) header fields
69  */
70 #define LOCVER(b) SH(b, 4)          /* version needed to extract */
71 #define LOCFLG(b) SH(b, 6)          /* general purpose bit flags */
72 #define LOCHOW(b) SH(b, 8)          /* compression method */
73 #define LOCTIM(b) LG(b, 10)         /* modification time */
74 #define LOCCRC(b) LG(b, 14)         /* crc of uncompressed data */
75 #define LOCSIZ(b) LG(b, 18)         /* compressed data size */
76 #define LOCLEN(b) LG(b, 22)         /* uncompressed data size */
77 #define LOCNAM(b) SH(b, 26)         /* filename length */
78 #define LOCEXT(b) SH(b, 28)         /* extra field length */
80 /*
81  * Macros for getting extra local (EXT) header fields
82  */
83 #define EXTCRC(b) LG(b, 4)          /* crc of uncompressed data */
84 #define EXTSIZ(b) LG(b, 8)          /* compressed size */
85 #define EXTLEN(b) LG(b, 12)         /* uncompressed size */
87 /*
88  * Macros for getting central directory header (CEN) fields
89  */
90 #define CENVEM(b) SH(b, 4)          /* version made by */
91 #define CENVER(b) SH(b, 6)          /* version needed to extract */
92 #define CENFLG(b) SH(b, 8)          /* general purpose bit flags */
93 #define CENHOW(b) SH(b, 10)         /* compression method */
94 #define CENTIM(b) LG(b, 12)         /* modification time */
95 #define CENCRC(b) LG(b, 16)         /* crc of uncompressed data */
96 #define CENSIZ(b) LG(b, 20)         /* compressed size */
97 #define CENLEN(b) LG(b, 24)         /* uncompressed size */
98 #define CENNAM(b) SH(b, 28)         /* length of filename */
99 #define CENEXT(b) SH(b, 30)         /* length of extra field */
100 #define CENCOM(b) SH(b, 32)         /* file comment length */
101 #define CENDSK(b) SH(b, 34)         /* disk number start */
102 #define CENATT(b) SH(b, 36)         /* internal file attributes */
103 #define CENATX(b) LG(b, 38)         /* external file attributes */
104 #define CENOFF(b) LG(b, 42)         /* offset of local header */
106 /*
107  * Macros for getting end of central directory header (END) fields
108  */
109 #define ENDSUB(b) SH(b, 8)          /* number of entries on this disk */
110 #define ENDTOT(b) SH(b, 10)         /* total number of entries */
111 #define ENDSIZ(b) LG(b, 12)         /* central directory size */
112 #define ENDOFF(b) LG(b, 16)         /* central directory offset */
113 #define ENDCOM(b) SH(b, 20)         /* size of zip file comment */
115 /*
116  * Macros for getting Zip64 end of central directory header fields
117  */
118 #define ZIP64_ENDLEN(b) LL(b, 4)      /* size of zip64 end of central dir */
119 #define ZIP64_ENDVEM(b) SH(b, 12)     /* version made by */
120 #define ZIP64_ENDVER(b) SH(b, 14)     /* version needed to extract */
121 #define ZIP64_ENDNMD(b) LG(b, 16)     /* number of this disk */
122 #define ZIP64_ENDDSK(b) LG(b, 20)     /* disk number of start */
123 #define ZIP64_ENDTOD(b) LL(b, 24)     /* total number of entries on this disk */
124 #define ZIP64_ENDTOT(b) LL(b, 32)     /* total number of entries */
125 #define ZIP64_ENDSIZ(b) LL(b, 40)     /* central directory size in bytes */
126 #define ZIP64_ENDOFF(b) LL(b, 48)     /* offset of first CEN header */
128 /*
129  * Macros for getting Zip64 end of central directory locator fields
130  */
131 #define ZIP64_LOCDSK(b) LG(b, 4)      /* disk number start */
132 #define ZIP64_LOCOFF(b) LL(b, 8)      /* offset of zip64 end */
133 #define ZIP64_LOCTOT(b) LG(b, 16)     /* total number of disks */
135 /*
136  * A comment of maximum length of 64kb can follow the END record. This
137  * is the furthest the END record can be from the end of the file.
138  */
139 #define END_MAXLEN      (0xFFFF + ENDHDR)
141 /*
142  * Supported compression methods.
143  */
144 #define STORED      0
145 #define DEFLATED    8
147 /*
148  * Information from the CEN entry to inflate a file.
149  */
150 typedef struct zentry { /* Zip file entry */
151     size_t      isize;  /* size of inflated data */
152     size_t      csize;  /* size of compressed data (zero if uncompressed) */
153     jlong       offset; /* position of compressed data */
154     int         how;    /* compression method (if any) */
155 } zentry;
157 /*
158  * Information returned from the Manifest file by the ParseManifest() routine.
159  * Certainly (much) more could be returned, but this is the information
160  * currently of interest to the C based Java utilities (particularly the
161  * Java launcher).
162  */
163 typedef struct manifest_info {  /* Interesting fields from the Manifest */
164     char        *manifest_version;      /* Manifest-Version string */
165     char        *main_class;            /* Main-Class entry */
166     char        *jre_version;           /* Appropriate J2SE release spec */
167     char        jre_restrict_search;    /* Restricted JRE search */
168     char        *splashscreen_image_file_name; /* splashscreen image file */
169 } manifest_info;
171 /*
172  * Attribute closure to provide to manifest_iterate.
173  */
174 typedef void (*attribute_closure)(const char *name, const char *value,
175         void *user_data);
177 /*
178  * Function prototypes.
179  */
180 int     JLI_ParseManifest(char *jarfile, manifest_info *info);
181 void    *JLI_JarUnpackFile(const char *jarfile, const char *filename,
182                 int *size);
183 void    JLI_FreeManifest(void);
184 int     JLI_ManifestIterate(const char *jarfile, attribute_closure ac,
185                 void *user_data);
187 #endif  /* _MANIFEST_INFO_H */