1 /**
2  *  ServingXML
3  *
4  *  Copyright (C) 2006  Daniel Parker
5  *    daniel.parker@servingxml.com
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  *
19  **/
21 package samples.books;
23 import java.util.logging.Level;
24 import java.util.ArrayList;
25 import java.util.Iterator;
27 import com.servingxml.components.content.dynamic.DynamicContentHandler;
28 import com.servingxml.components.content.Cacheable;
29 import com.servingxml.app.ServiceContext;
30 import com.servingxml.components.content.dynamic.AttributeSet;
31 import com.servingxml.components.content.dynamic.ContentWriter;
33 /**
34  *
35  * @author Daniel A. Parker (daniel.parker@servingxml.com)
36  */
38 public class BookCatalog implements DynamicContentHandler, Cacheable {
39   private static final String sourceClass = BookCatalog.class.getName();
41   static class BookEntry {
42     private final String bookId;
43     private final String categoryCode;
44     private final String title;
45     private final String publisher;
46     private final String author;
47     private final double price;
48     private final int quantity;
49     private final double tax;
BookEntry(String bookId, String categoryCode, String title, String publisher, String author, double price, int quantity, double tax)51     public BookEntry(String bookId, String categoryCode, String title, String publisher,
52     String author, double price, int quantity, double tax) {
53       this.bookId = bookId;
54       this.categoryCode = categoryCode;
55       this.title = title;
56       this.publisher = publisher;
57       this.author = author;
58       this.price = price;
59       this.quantity = quantity;
60       this.tax = tax;
61     }
getBookId()63     public String getBookId() {
64       return bookId;
65     }
getCategoryCode()67     public String getCategoryCode() {
68       return categoryCode;
69     }
getTitle()71     public String getTitle() {
72       return title;
73     }
getPublisher()75     public String getPublisher() {
76       return publisher;
77     }
getAuthor()79     public String getAuthor() {
80       return author;
81     }
getPrice()83     public double getPrice() {
84       return price;
85     }
getQuantity()87     public int getQuantity() {
88       return quantity;
89     }
getTax()91     public double getTax() {
92       return tax;
93     }
94   }
96   //  All data members in a DynamicContentHandler should be declared as final
97   //  and initialized in the constructor
98   //  The onRequest method must be reentrant
99   private final String namespace = "";
100   private final ArrayList bookList;
BookCatalog()102   public BookCatalog() {
103     bookList = new ArrayList();
104     bookList.add(new BookEntry("1", "S","Number, the Language of Science", null, "Danzig", 5.95, 3, 0.0));
105     bookList.add(new BookEntry("2", "F","Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates", "Bantam BookEntrys", "Robbins, Tom", 19.95, 5, 0.0));
106     bookList.add(new BookEntry("3", "F","Pulp", "Black Sparrow Press", "Bukowski, Charles", 17.95, 5, 0.0));
107     bookList.add(new BookEntry("4", "S","Language & the Science of Number", null, "Danzig", 8.95, 5, 0.0));
108     bookList.add(new BookEntry("5", "S","Evolution of Complexity in Animal Culture", null, "Bonner", 5.95, 2, 0.0));
109     bookList.add(new BookEntry("6", "CHILD","Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone", "Raincoast BookEntrys", "J.K. Rowling", 31.50, 0, 0.0));
110     bookList.add(new BookEntry("7", "CHILD","Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", "Raincoast BookEntrys", "J.K. Rowling", 31.50, 0, 0.0));
111     bookList.add(new BookEntry("8", "CHILD","Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", "Raincoast BookEntrys", "J.K. Rowling", 31.50, 0, 0.0));
112     bookList.add(new BookEntry("9", "CHILD","Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", "Raincoast BookEntrys", "J.K. Rowling", 31.50, 0, 0.0));
113     bookList.add(new BookEntry("10", "F","When We Were Very Young", null, "Milne, A. A.", 12.50, 1, 7.5));
114     bookList.add(new BookEntry("11", "C","Java Servlet Programming", "O'Reilly", "Hunter, Jason", 65.95, 12, 0.0));
115     bookList.add(new BookEntry("12", "C","Design Patterns", "Addison Wesley", "Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides", 49.95, 2, 12.5));
116     bookList.add(new BookEntry("13", "C","creative html design", "New Riders", "Linda Weinman, William Weinman", 39.99, 2, 12.5));
117     bookList.add(new BookEntry("14", "P","The Book of Nothing", "Johnathan Cape", "Barrow, John D.", 33.25, 2, 12.5));
118     bookList.add(new BookEntry("15", "R","The Jesus Mysteries","Harmony BookEntrys", "Freke, Timothy, Peter Gandy", 33.25, 2, 12.5));
119   }
onRequest(ServiceContext context, Book parameters, ContentWriter contentWriter)121   public void onRequest(ServiceContext context, Book parameters,
122   ContentWriter contentWriter) {
123     final String sourceMethod = "onRequest";
125     context.trace(sourceClass,sourceMethod,"parameters = " + parameters.getCategory(),Level.FINEST);
127     String categoryCode = parameters.getCategory();
128     if (categoryCode == null) {
129       categoryCode = "";
130     }
131     AttributeSet attributes = contentWriter.newAttributeSet();
132     attributes.addAttribute(namespace,"cat",categoryCode);
133     contentWriter.startElement(namespace,"books",attributes);
135     context.trace(sourceClass,sourceMethod,"category = " + categoryCode,Level.FINEST);
136     if (categoryCode.length() > 0) {
137       Iterator iter = bookList.iterator();
138       while (iter.hasNext()) {
139         BookEntry bookEntry = (BookEntry)iter.next();
140         if (bookEntry.getCategoryCode().equals(categoryCode)) {
141           context.trace(sourceClass,sourceMethod,"processing = " + categoryCode,Level.FINEST);
142           writeBook(bookEntry,contentWriter);
143         }
144       }
145     }
147     contentWriter.endElement(namespace,"books");
148   }
writeBook(BookEntry bookEntry, ContentWriter contentWriter)150   private void writeBook(BookEntry bookEntry, ContentWriter contentWriter) {
152     AttributeSet itemAttributes = contentWriter.newAttributeSet();
153     itemAttributes.addAttribute(namespace,"bookId",bookEntry.getBookId());
154     itemAttributes.addAttribute(namespace,"cat",bookEntry.getCategoryCode());
155     contentWriter.startElement(namespace,"book",itemAttributes);
156       contentWriter.insertElement(namespace,"title", bookEntry.getTitle());
157       contentWriter.insertElement(namespace,"author", bookEntry.getAuthor());
158       if (bookEntry.getPublisher() != null) {
159         contentWriter.insertElement(namespace,"publisher", bookEntry.getPublisher());
160       }
161       contentWriter.insertElement(namespace,"price", bookEntry.getPrice());
162       contentWriter.insertElement(namespace,"quantity", bookEntry.getQuantity());
163     contentWriter.endElement(namespace,"book");
164   }
getLastModified(Book key, long timestamp, long elapsed)166   public long getLastModified(Book key, long timestamp, long elapsed) {
168     // changed if older than 10 seconds
169     return elapsed > 10000 ? timestamp : timestamp + elapsed;
170   }
171 }