1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2007 David Crawshaw <david@zentus.com>
3  *
4  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
5  * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
6  * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
7  *
15  */
17 package org.sqlite;
19 import java.sql.*;
21 class MetaData implements DatabaseMetaData
22 {
23     private Conn conn;
24     private PreparedStatement
25         getTables = null,
26         getTableTypes = null,
27         getTypeInfo = null,
28         getCrossReference = null,
29         getCatalogs = null,
30         getSchemas = null,
31         getUDTs = null,
32         getColumnsTblName = null,
33         getSuperTypes = null,
34         getSuperTables = null,
35         getTablePrivileges = null,
36         getExportedKeys = null,
37         getProcedures = null,
38         getProcedureColumns = null,
39         getAttributes = null,
40         getBestRowIdentifier = null,
41         getVersionColumns = null,
42         getColumnPrivileges = null;
44     /** Used by PrepStmt to save generating a new statement every call. */
45     private PreparedStatement getGeneratedKeys = null;
MetaData(Conn conn)47     MetaData(Conn conn) { this.conn = conn; }
checkOpen()49     void checkOpen() throws SQLException {
50         if (conn == null) throw new SQLException("connection closed"); }
close()52     synchronized void close() throws SQLException {
53         if (conn == null) return;
55         try {
56             if (getTables != null) getTables.close();
57             if (getTableTypes != null) getTableTypes.close();
58             if (getTypeInfo != null) getTypeInfo.close();
59             if (getCrossReference != null) getCrossReference.close();
60             if (getCatalogs != null) getCatalogs.close();
61             if (getSchemas != null) getSchemas.close();
62             if (getUDTs != null) getUDTs.close();
63             if (getColumnsTblName != null) getColumnsTblName.close();
64             if (getSuperTypes != null) getSuperTypes.close();
65             if (getSuperTables != null) getSuperTables.close();
66             if (getTablePrivileges != null) getTablePrivileges.close();
67             if (getExportedKeys != null) getExportedKeys.close();
68             if (getProcedures != null) getProcedures.close();
69             if (getProcedureColumns != null) getProcedureColumns.close();
70             if (getAttributes != null) getAttributes.close();
71             if (getBestRowIdentifier != null) getBestRowIdentifier.close();
72             if (getVersionColumns != null) getVersionColumns.close();
73             if (getColumnPrivileges != null) getColumnPrivileges.close();
74             if (getGeneratedKeys != null) getGeneratedKeys.close();
76             getTables = null;
77             getTableTypes = null;
78             getTypeInfo = null;
79             getCrossReference = null;
80             getCatalogs = null;
81             getSchemas = null;
82             getUDTs = null;
83             getColumnsTblName = null;
84             getSuperTypes = null;
85             getSuperTables = null;
86             getTablePrivileges = null;
87             getExportedKeys = null;
88             getProcedures = null;
89             getProcedureColumns = null;
90             getAttributes = null;
91             getBestRowIdentifier = null;
92             getVersionColumns = null;
93             getColumnPrivileges = null;
94             getGeneratedKeys = null;
95         } finally {
96             conn = null;
97         }
98     }
getConnection()100     public Connection getConnection() { return conn; }
getDatabaseMajorVersion()101     public int getDatabaseMajorVersion() { return 3; }
getDatabaseMinorVersion()102     public int getDatabaseMinorVersion() { return 0; }
getDriverMajorVersion()103     public int getDriverMajorVersion() { return 1; }
getDriverMinorVersion()104     public int getDriverMinorVersion() { return 1; }
getJDBCMajorVersion()105     public int getJDBCMajorVersion() { return 2; }
getJDBCMinorVersion()106     public int getJDBCMinorVersion() { return 1; }
getDefaultTransactionIsolation()107     public int getDefaultTransactionIsolation()
108         { return Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE; }
getMaxBinaryLiteralLength()109     public int getMaxBinaryLiteralLength() { return 0; }
getMaxCatalogNameLength()110     public int getMaxCatalogNameLength() { return 0; }
getMaxCharLiteralLength()111     public int getMaxCharLiteralLength() { return 0; }
getMaxColumnNameLength()112     public int getMaxColumnNameLength() { return 0; }
getMaxColumnsInGroupBy()113     public int getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() { return 0; }
getMaxColumnsInIndex()114     public int getMaxColumnsInIndex() { return 0; }
getMaxColumnsInOrderBy()115     public int getMaxColumnsInOrderBy() { return 0; }
getMaxColumnsInSelect()116     public int getMaxColumnsInSelect() { return 0; }
getMaxColumnsInTable()117     public int getMaxColumnsInTable() { return 0; }
getMaxConnections()118     public int getMaxConnections() { return 0; }
getMaxCursorNameLength()119     public int getMaxCursorNameLength() { return 0; }
getMaxIndexLength()120     public int getMaxIndexLength() { return 0; }
getMaxProcedureNameLength()121     public int getMaxProcedureNameLength() { return 0; }
getMaxRowSize()122     public int getMaxRowSize() { return 0; }
getMaxSchemaNameLength()123     public int getMaxSchemaNameLength() { return 0; }
getMaxStatementLength()124     public int getMaxStatementLength() { return 0; }
getMaxStatements()125     public int getMaxStatements() { return 0; }
getMaxTableNameLength()126     public int getMaxTableNameLength() { return 0; }
getMaxTablesInSelect()127     public int getMaxTablesInSelect() { return 0; }
getMaxUserNameLength()128     public int getMaxUserNameLength() { return 0; }
getResultSetHoldability()129     public int getResultSetHoldability()
130         { return ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT; }
getSQLStateType()131     public int getSQLStateType() { return sqlStateSQL99; }
getDatabaseProductName()133     public String getDatabaseProductName() { return "SQLite"; }
getDatabaseProductVersion()134     public String getDatabaseProductVersion() throws SQLException {
135         return conn.libversion();
136     }
getDriverName()137     public String getDriverName() { return "SQLiteJDBC"; }
getDriverVersion()138     public String getDriverVersion() { return conn.getDriverVersion(); }
getExtraNameCharacters()139     public String getExtraNameCharacters() { return ""; }
getCatalogSeparator()140     public String getCatalogSeparator() { return "."; }
getCatalogTerm()141     public String getCatalogTerm() { return "catalog"; }
getSchemaTerm()142     public String getSchemaTerm() { return "schema"; }
getProcedureTerm()143     public String getProcedureTerm() { return "not_implemented"; }
getSearchStringEscape()144     public String getSearchStringEscape() { return null; }
getIdentifierQuoteString()145     public String getIdentifierQuoteString() { return " "; }
getSQLKeywords()146     public String getSQLKeywords() { return ""; }
getNumericFunctions()147     public String getNumericFunctions() { return ""; }
getStringFunctions()148     public String getStringFunctions() { return ""; }
getSystemFunctions()149     public String getSystemFunctions() { return ""; }
getTimeDateFunctions()150     public String getTimeDateFunctions() { return ""; }
getURL()152     public String getURL() { return conn.url(); }
getUserName()153     public String getUserName() { return null; }
allProceduresAreCallable()155     public boolean allProceduresAreCallable() { return false; }
allTablesAreSelectable()156     public boolean allTablesAreSelectable() { return true; }
dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit()157     public boolean dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit() { return false; }
dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions()158     public boolean dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions() { return false; }
doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs()159     public boolean doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs() { return false; }
deletesAreDetected(int type)160     public boolean deletesAreDetected(int type) { return false; }
insertsAreDetected(int type)161     public boolean insertsAreDetected(int type) { return false; }
isCatalogAtStart()162     public boolean isCatalogAtStart() { return true; }
locatorsUpdateCopy()163     public boolean locatorsUpdateCopy() { return false; }
nullPlusNonNullIsNull()164     public boolean nullPlusNonNullIsNull() { return true; }
nullsAreSortedAtEnd()165     public boolean nullsAreSortedAtEnd() { return !nullsAreSortedAtStart(); }
nullsAreSortedAtStart()166     public boolean nullsAreSortedAtStart() { return true; }
nullsAreSortedHigh()167     public boolean nullsAreSortedHigh() { return true; }
nullsAreSortedLow()168     public boolean nullsAreSortedLow() { return !nullsAreSortedHigh(); }
othersDeletesAreVisible(int type)169     public boolean othersDeletesAreVisible(int type) { return false; }
othersInsertsAreVisible(int type)170     public boolean othersInsertsAreVisible(int type) { return false; }
othersUpdatesAreVisible(int type)171     public boolean othersUpdatesAreVisible(int type) { return false; }
ownDeletesAreVisible(int type)172     public boolean ownDeletesAreVisible(int type) { return false; }
ownInsertsAreVisible(int type)173     public boolean ownInsertsAreVisible(int type) { return false; }
ownUpdatesAreVisible(int type)174     public boolean ownUpdatesAreVisible(int type) { return false; }
storesLowerCaseIdentifiers()175     public boolean storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() { return false; }
storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers()176     public boolean storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() { return false; }
storesMixedCaseIdentifiers()177     public boolean storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() { return true; }
storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()178     public boolean storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() { return false; }
storesUpperCaseIdentifiers()179     public boolean storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() { return false; }
storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers()180     public boolean storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() { return false; }
supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn()181     public boolean supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn() { return false; }
supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn()182     public boolean supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() { return false; }
supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL()183     public boolean supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() { return false; }
supportsANSI92FullSQL()184     public boolean supportsANSI92FullSQL() { return false; }
supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL()185     public boolean supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL() { return false; }
supportsBatchUpdates()186     public boolean supportsBatchUpdates() { return true; }
supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation()187     public boolean supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() { return false; }
supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions()188     public boolean supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions() { return false; }
supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions()189     public boolean supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions() { return false; }
supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls()190     public boolean supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls() { return false; }
supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions()191     public boolean supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions() { return false; }
supportsColumnAliasing()192     public boolean supportsColumnAliasing() { return true; }
supportsConvert()193     public boolean supportsConvert() { return false; }
supportsConvert(int fromType, int toType)194     public boolean supportsConvert(int fromType, int toType) { return false; }
supportsCorrelatedSubqueries()195     public boolean supportsCorrelatedSubqueries() { return false; }
supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions()196     public boolean supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions()
197         { return true; }
supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly()198     public boolean supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly() { return false; }
supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames()199     public boolean supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames() { return false; }
supportsExpressionsInOrderBy()200     public boolean supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() { return true; }
supportsMinimumSQLGrammar()201     public boolean supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() { return true; }
supportsCoreSQLGrammar()202     public boolean supportsCoreSQLGrammar() { return true; }
supportsExtendedSQLGrammar()203     public boolean supportsExtendedSQLGrammar() { return false; }
supportsLimitedOuterJoins()204     public boolean supportsLimitedOuterJoins() { return true; }
supportsFullOuterJoins()205     public boolean supportsFullOuterJoins() { return false; }
supportsGetGeneratedKeys()206     public boolean supportsGetGeneratedKeys() { return false; }
supportsGroupBy()207     public boolean supportsGroupBy() { return true; }
supportsGroupByBeyondSelect()208     public boolean supportsGroupByBeyondSelect() { return false; }
supportsGroupByUnrelated()209     public boolean supportsGroupByUnrelated() { return false; }
supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility()210     public boolean supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() { return false; }
supportsLikeEscapeClause()211     public boolean supportsLikeEscapeClause() { return false; }
supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers()212     public boolean supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() { return true; }
supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()213     public boolean supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() { return false; }
supportsMultipleOpenResults()214     public boolean supportsMultipleOpenResults() { return false; }
supportsMultipleResultSets()215     public boolean supportsMultipleResultSets() { return false; }
supportsMultipleTransactions()216     public boolean supportsMultipleTransactions() { return true; }
supportsNamedParameters()217     public boolean supportsNamedParameters() { return true; }
supportsNonNullableColumns()218     public boolean supportsNonNullableColumns() { return true; }
supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit()219     public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit() { return false; }
supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback()220     public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback() { return false; }
supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit()221     public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit() { return false; }
supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback()222     public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback() { return false; }
supportsOrderByUnrelated()223     public boolean supportsOrderByUnrelated() { return false; }
supportsOuterJoins()224     public boolean supportsOuterJoins() { return true; }
supportsPositionedDelete()225     public boolean supportsPositionedDelete() { return false; }
supportsPositionedUpdate()226     public boolean supportsPositionedUpdate() { return false; }
supportsResultSetConcurrency(int t, int c)227     public boolean supportsResultSetConcurrency(int t, int c)
228         { return t == ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY
229               && c == ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY; }
supportsResultSetHoldability(int h)230     public boolean supportsResultSetHoldability(int h)
231         { return h == ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT; }
supportsResultSetType(int t)232     public boolean supportsResultSetType(int t)
233         { return t == ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY; }
supportsSavepoints()234     public boolean supportsSavepoints() { return false; }
supportsSchemasInDataManipulation()235     public boolean supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() { return false; }
supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions()236     public boolean supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions() { return false; }
supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions()237     public boolean supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions() { return false; }
supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls()238     public boolean supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls() { return false; }
supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions()239     public boolean supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions() { return false; }
supportsSelectForUpdate()240     public boolean supportsSelectForUpdate() { return false; }
supportsStatementPooling()241     public boolean supportsStatementPooling() { return false; }
supportsStoredProcedures()242     public boolean supportsStoredProcedures() { return false; }
supportsSubqueriesInComparisons()243     public boolean supportsSubqueriesInComparisons() { return false; }
supportsSubqueriesInExists()244     public boolean supportsSubqueriesInExists() { return true; } // TODO: check
supportsSubqueriesInIns()245     public boolean supportsSubqueriesInIns() { return true; } // TODO: check
supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds()246     public boolean supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds() { return false; }
supportsTableCorrelationNames()247     public boolean supportsTableCorrelationNames() { return false; }
supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int level)248     public boolean supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int level)
249         { return level == Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE; }
supportsTransactions()250     public boolean supportsTransactions() { return true; }
supportsUnion()251     public boolean supportsUnion() { return true; }
supportsUnionAll()252     public boolean supportsUnionAll() { return true; }
updatesAreDetected(int type)253     public boolean updatesAreDetected(int type) { return false; }
usesLocalFilePerTable()254     public boolean usesLocalFilePerTable() { return false; }
usesLocalFiles()255     public boolean usesLocalFiles() { return true; }
isReadOnly()256     public boolean isReadOnly() throws SQLException
257         { return conn.isReadOnly(); }
getAttributes(String c, String s, String t, String a)259     public ResultSet getAttributes(String c, String s, String t, String a)
260             throws SQLException {
261         if (getAttributes == null) getAttributes = conn.prepareStatement(
262             "select "
263             + "null as TYPE_CAT, "
264             + "null as TYPE_SCHEM, "
265             + "null as TYPE_NAME, "
266             + "null as ATTR_NAME, "
267             + "null as DATA_TYPE, "
268             + "null as ATTR_TYPE_NAME, "
269             + "null as ATTR_SIZE, "
270             + "null as DECIMAL_DIGITS, "
271             + "null as NUM_PREC_RADIX, "
272             + "null as NULLABLE, "
273             + "null as REMARKS, "
274             + "null as ATTR_DEF, "
275             + "null as SQL_DATA_TYPE, "
276             + "null as SQL_DATETIME_SUB, "
277             + "null as CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH, "
278             + "null as ORDINAL_POSITION, "
279             + "null as IS_NULLABLE, "
280             + "null as SCOPE_CATALOG, "
281             + "null as SCOPE_SCHEMA, "
282             + "null as SCOPE_TABLE, "
283             + "null as SOURCE_DATA_TYPE limit 0;");
284         return getAttributes.executeQuery();
285     }
getBestRowIdentifier(String c, String s, String t, int scope, boolean n)287     public ResultSet getBestRowIdentifier(String c, String s, String t,
288             int scope, boolean n) throws SQLException {
289         if (getBestRowIdentifier == null)
290             getBestRowIdentifier = conn.prepareStatement(
291             "select "
292             + "null as SCOPE, "
293             + "null as COLUMN_NAME, "
294             + "null as DATA_TYPE, "
295             + "null as TYPE_NAME, "
296             + "null as COLUMN_SIZE, "
297             + "null as BUFFER_LENGTH, "
298             + "null as DECIMAL_DIGITS, "
299             + "null as PSEUDO_COLUMN limit 0;");
300         return getBestRowIdentifier.executeQuery();
301     }
getColumnPrivileges(String c, String s, String t, String colPat)303     public ResultSet getColumnPrivileges(String c, String s, String t,
304                                          String colPat)
305             throws SQLException {
306         if (getColumnPrivileges == null)
307             getColumnPrivileges = conn.prepareStatement(
308             "select "
309             + "null as TABLE_CAT, "
310             + "null as TABLE_SCHEM, "
311             + "null as TABLE_NAME, "
312             + "null as COLUMN_NAME, "
313             + "null as GRANTOR, "
314             + "null as GRANTEE, "
315             + "null as PRIVILEGE, "
316             + "null as IS_GRANTABLE limit 0;");
317         return getColumnPrivileges.executeQuery();
318     }
getColumns(String c, String s, String tbl, String colPat)320     public ResultSet getColumns(String c, String s, String tbl, String colPat)
321             throws SQLException {
322         Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
323         ResultSet rs;
324         String sql;
326         checkOpen();
328         if (getColumnsTblName == null)
329             getColumnsTblName = conn.prepareStatement(
330                 "select tbl_name from sqlite_master where tbl_name like ?;");
332         // determine exact table name
333         getColumnsTblName.setString(1, tbl);
334         rs = getColumnsTblName.executeQuery();
335         if (!rs.next())
336             return rs;
337         tbl = rs.getString(1);
338         rs.close();
340         sql = "select "
341             + "null as TABLE_CAT, "
342             + "null as TABLE_SCHEM, "
343             + "'" + escape(tbl) + "' as TABLE_NAME, "
344             + "cn as COLUMN_NAME, "
345             + "ct as DATA_TYPE, "
346             + "tn as TYPE_NAME, "
347             + "2000000000 as COLUMN_SIZE, "
348             + "2000000000 as BUFFER_LENGTH, "
349             + "10   as DECIMAL_DIGITS, "
350             + "10   as NUM_PREC_RADIX, "
351             + "colnullable as NULLABLE, "
352             + "null as REMARKS, "
353             + "null as COLUMN_DEF, "
354             + "0    as SQL_DATA_TYPE, "
355             + "0    as SQL_DATETIME_SUB, "
356             + "2000000000 as CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH, "
357             + "ordpos as ORDINAL_POSITION, "
358             + "(case colnullable when 0 then 'N' when 1 then 'Y' else '' end)"
359             + "    as IS_NULLABLE, "
360             + "null as SCOPE_CATLOG, "
361             + "null as SCOPE_SCHEMA, "
362             + "null as SCOPE_TABLE, "
363             + "null as SOURCE_DATA_TYPE from (";
365         // the command "pragma table_info('tablename')" does not embed
366         // like a normal select statement so we must extract the information
367         // and then build a resultset from unioned select statements
368         rs = stat.executeQuery("pragma table_info ('"+escape(tbl)+"');");
370         boolean colFound = false;
371         for (int i=0; rs.next(); i++) {
372             String colName = rs.getString(2);
373             String colType = rs.getString(3);
374             String colNotNull = rs.getString(4);
376             int colNullable = 2;
377             if (colNotNull != null) colNullable = colNotNull.equals("0") ? 1:0;
378             if (colFound) sql += " union all ";
379             colFound = true;
381             colType = colType == null ? "TEXT" : colType.toUpperCase();
382             int colJavaType = -1;
383             if (colType == "INT" || colType == "INTEGER")
384                 colJavaType = Types.INTEGER;
385             else if (colType == "TEXT")
386                 colJavaType = Types.VARCHAR;
387             else if (colType == "FLOAT")
388                 colJavaType = Types.FLOAT;
389             else
390                 colJavaType = Types.VARCHAR;
392             sql += "select "
393                 + i + " as ordpos, "
394                 + colNullable + " as colnullable, '"
395                 + colJavaType + "' as ct, '"
396                 + escape(colName) + "' as cn, '"
397                 + escape(colType) + "' as tn";
399             if (colPat != null)
400                 sql += " where upper(cn) like upper('" + escape(colPat) + "')";
401         }
402         sql += colFound ? ");" :
403             "select null as ordpos, null as colnullable, "
404             + "null as cn, null as tn) limit 0;";
405         rs.close();
407         return stat.executeQuery(sql);
408     }
getCrossReference(String pc, String ps, String pt, String fc, String fs, String ft)410     public ResultSet getCrossReference(String pc, String ps, String pt,
411                                        String fc, String fs, String ft)
412             throws SQLException {
413         if (getCrossReference == null)
414             getCrossReference = conn.prepareStatement("select "
415                 + "null as PKTABLE_CAT, "
416                 + "null as PKTABLE_SCHEM, "
417                 + "null as PKTABLE_NAME, "
418                 + "null as PKCOLUMN_NAME, "
419                 + "null as FKTABLE_CAT, "
420                 + "null as FKTABLE_SCHEM, "
421                 + "null as FKTABLE_NAME, "
422                 + "null as FKCOLUMN_NAME, "
423                 + "null as KEY_SEQ, "
424                 + "null as UPDATE_RULE, "
425                 + "null as DELETE_RULE, "
426                 + "null as FK_NAME, "
427                 + "null as PK_NAME, "
428                 + "null as DEFERRABILITY "
429                 + "limit 0;");
430         getCrossReference.clearParameters();
431         return getCrossReference.executeQuery();
432     }
getSchemas()434     public ResultSet getSchemas() throws SQLException {
435         if (getSchemas == null) getSchemas = conn.prepareStatement("select "
436                 + "null as TABLE_SCHEM, "
437                 + "null as TABLE_CATALOG "
438                 + "limit 0;");
439         getSchemas.clearParameters();
440         return getSchemas.executeQuery();
441     }
getCatalogs()443     public ResultSet getCatalogs() throws SQLException {
444         if (getCatalogs == null) getCatalogs = conn.prepareStatement(
445                 "select null as TABLE_CAT limit 0;");
446         getCatalogs.clearParameters();
447         return getCatalogs.executeQuery();
448     }
getPrimaryKeys(String c, String s, String table)450     public ResultSet getPrimaryKeys(String c, String s, String table)
451             throws SQLException {
452         String sql;
453         ResultSet rs;
454         Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
456         rs = stat.executeQuery("pragma table_info('"+escape(table)+"');");
458         sql = "select "
459             + "null as TABLE_CAT, "
460             + "null as TABLE_SCHEM, "
461             + "'" + escape(table) + "' as TABLE_NAME, "
462             + "cn as COLUMN_NAME, "
463             + "0 as KEY_SEQ, "
464             + "null as PK_NAME from (";
466         int i;
467         for (i=0; rs.next(); i++) {
468             String colName = rs.getString(2);
470             if (!rs.getBoolean(6)) { i--; continue; }
471             if (i > 0) sql += " union all ";
473             sql += "select '" + escape(colName) + "' as cn";
474         }
475         sql += i == 0 ? "select null as cn) limit 0;" : ");";
476         rs.close();
478         return stat.executeQuery(sql);
479     }
getExportedKeys(String c, String s, String t)481     public ResultSet getExportedKeys(String c, String s, String t)
482             throws SQLException {
483         if (getExportedKeys == null) getExportedKeys = conn.prepareStatement(
484                 "select "
485                 + "null as PKTABLE_CAT, "
486                 + "null as PKTABLE_SCHEM, "
487                 + "null as PKTABLE_NAME, "
488                 + "null as PKCOLUMN_NAME, "
489                 + "null as FKTABLE_CAT, "
490                 + "null as FKTABLE_SCHEM, "
491                 + "null as FKTABLE_NAME, "
492                 + "null as FKCOLUMN_NAME, "
493                 + "null as KEY_SEQ, "
494                 + "null as UPDATE_RULE, "
495                 + "null as DELETE_RULE, "
496                 + "null as FK_NAME, "
497                 + "null as PK_NAME, "
498                 + "null as DEFERRABILITY limit 0;");
499         return getExportedKeys.executeQuery();
500     }
getImportedKeys(String c, String s, String t)502     public ResultSet getImportedKeys(String c, String s, String t)
503         throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not yet implemented"); }
getIndexInfo(String c, String s, String t, boolean u, boolean approximate)504     public ResultSet getIndexInfo(String c, String s, String t,
505                                   boolean u, boolean approximate)
506         throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("not yet implemented"); }
getProcedureColumns(String c, String s, String p, String colPat)507     public ResultSet getProcedureColumns(String c, String s, String p,
508                                          String colPat)
509             throws SQLException {
510         if (getProcedures == null) getProcedureColumns = conn.prepareStatement(
511             "select "
512             + "null as PROCEDURE_CAT, "
513             + "null as PROCEDURE_SCHEM, "
514             + "null as PROCEDURE_NAME, "
515             + "null as COLUMN_NAME, "
516             + "null as COLUMN_TYPE, "
517             + "null as DATA_TYPE, "
518             + "null as TYPE_NAME, "
519             + "null as PRECISION, "
520             + "null as LENGTH, "
521             + "null as SCALE, "
522             + "null as RADIX, "
523             + "null as NULLABLE, "
524             + "null as REMARKS limit 0;");
525         return getProcedureColumns.executeQuery();
527     }
getProcedures(String c, String s, String p)529     public ResultSet getProcedures(String c, String s, String p)
530             throws SQLException {
531         if (getProcedures == null) getProcedures = conn.prepareStatement(
532             "select "
533             + "null as PROCEDURE_CAT, "
534             + "null as PROCEDURE_SCHEM, "
535             + "null as PROCEDURE_NAME, "
536             + "null as UNDEF1, "
537             + "null as UNDEF2, "
538             + "null as UNDEF3, "
539             + "null as REMARKS, "
540             + "null as PROCEDURE_TYPE limit 0;");
541         return getProcedures.executeQuery();
542     }
getSuperTables(String c, String s, String t)544     public ResultSet getSuperTables(String c, String s, String t)
545             throws SQLException {
546         if (getSuperTables == null) getSuperTables = conn.prepareStatement(
547             "select "
548             + "null as TABLE_CAT, "
549             + "null as TABLE_SCHEM, "
550             + "null as TABLE_NAME, "
551             + "null as SUPERTABLE_NAME limit 0;");
552         return getSuperTables.executeQuery();
553     }
getSuperTypes(String c, String s, String t)555     public ResultSet getSuperTypes(String c, String s, String t)
556             throws SQLException {
557         if (getSuperTypes == null) getSuperTypes = conn.prepareStatement(
558             "select "
559             + "null as TYPE_CAT, "
560             + "null as TYPE_SCHEM, "
561             + "null as TYPE_NAME, "
562             + "null as SUPERTYPE_CAT, "
563             + "null as SUPERTYPE_SCHEM, "
564             + "null as SUPERTYPE_NAME limit 0;");
565         return getSuperTypes.executeQuery();
566     }
getTablePrivileges(String c, String s, String t)568     public ResultSet getTablePrivileges(String c, String s, String t)
569             throws SQLException {
570         if (getTablePrivileges == null)
571             getTablePrivileges = conn.prepareStatement(
572             "select "
573             + "null as TABLE_CAT, "
574             + "null as TABLE_SCHEM, "
575             + "null as TABLE_NAME, "
576             + "null as GRANTOR, "
577             + "null as GRANTEE, "
578             + "null as PRIVILEGE, "
579             + "null as IS_GRANTABLE limit 0;");
580         return getTablePrivileges.executeQuery();
581     }
getTables(String c, String s, String t, String[] types)583     public synchronized ResultSet getTables(String c, String s,
584             String t, String[] types) throws SQLException {
585         checkOpen();
587         t = (t == null || "".equals(t)) ? "%" : t.toUpperCase();
589         String sql = "select"
590                 + " null as TABLE_CAT,"
591                 + " null as TABLE_SCHEM,"
592                 + " upper(name) as TABLE_NAME,"
593                 + " upper(type) as TABLE_TYPE,"
594                 + " null as REMARKS,"
595                 + " null as TYPE_CAT,"
596                 + " null as TYPE_SCHEM,"
597                 + " null as TYPE_NAME,"
598                 + " null as SELF_REFERENCING_COL_NAME,"
599                 + " null as REF_GENERATION"
600                 + " from (select name, type from sqlite_master union all"
601                 + "       select name, type from sqlite_temp_master)"
602                 + " where TABLE_NAME like '" + escape(t) + "'";
604         if (types != null) {
605             sql += " and TABLE_TYPE in (";
606             for (int i=0; i < types.length; i++) {
607                 if (i > 0) sql += ", ";
608                 sql += "'" + types[i].toUpperCase() + "'";
609             }
610             sql += ")";
611         }
613         sql += ";";
615         return conn.createStatement().executeQuery(sql);
616     }
getTableTypes()618     public ResultSet getTableTypes() throws SQLException {
619         checkOpen();
620         if (getTableTypes == null) getTableTypes = conn.prepareStatement(
621                 "select 'TABLE' as TABLE_TYPE"
622                 + " union select 'VIEW' as TABLE_TYPE;");
623         getTableTypes.clearParameters();
624         return getTableTypes.executeQuery();
625     }
getTypeInfo()627     public ResultSet getTypeInfo() throws SQLException {
628         if (getTypeInfo == null) {
629             getTypeInfo = conn.prepareStatement(
630                   "select "
631                 + "tn as TYPE_NAME, "
632                 + "dt as DATA_TYPE, "
633                 + "0 as PRECISION, "
634                 + "null as LITERAL_PREFIX, "
635                 + "null as LITERAL_SUFFIX, "
636                 + "null as CREATE_PARAMS, "
637                 + typeNullable + " as NULLABLE, "
638                 + "1 as CASE_SENSITIVE, "
639                 + typeSearchable + " as SEARCHABLE, "
640                 + "0 as UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE, "
641                 + "0 as FIXED_PREC_SCALE, "
642                 + "0 as AUTO_INCREMENT, "
643                 + "null as LOCAL_TYPE_NAME, "
644                 + "0 as MINIMUM_SCALE, "
645                 + "0 as MAXIMUM_SCALE, "
646                 + "0 as SQL_DATA_TYPE, "
647                 + "0 as SQL_DATETIME_SUB, "
648                 + "10 as NUM_PREC_RADIX from ("
649                 + "    select 'BLOB' as tn, " + Types.BLOB + " as dt union"
650                 + "    select 'NULL' as tn, " + Types.NULL + " as dt union"
651                 + "    select 'REAL' as tn, " + Types.REAL+ " as dt union"
652                 + "    select 'TEXT' as tn, " + Types.VARCHAR + " as dt union"
653                 + "    select 'INTEGER' as tn, "+ Types.INTEGER +" as dt"
654                 + ") order by TYPE_NAME;"
655             );
656         }
658         getTypeInfo.clearParameters();
659         return getTypeInfo.executeQuery();
660     }
getUDTs(String c, String s, String t, int[] types)662     public ResultSet getUDTs(String c, String s, String t, int[] types)
663             throws SQLException {
664         if (getUDTs == null) getUDTs = conn.prepareStatement("select "
665                 + "null as TYPE_CAT, "
666                 + "null as TYPE_SCHEM, "
667                 + "null as TYPE_NAME, "
668                 + "null as CLASS_NAME, "
669                 + "null as DATA_TYPE, "
670                 + "null as REMARKS, "
671                 + "null as BASE_TYPE "
672                 + "limit 0;");
674         getUDTs.clearParameters();
675         return getUDTs.executeQuery();
676     }
getVersionColumns(String c, String s, String t)677     public ResultSet getVersionColumns(String c, String s, String t)
678             throws SQLException {
679         if (getVersionColumns == null)
680             getVersionColumns = conn.prepareStatement(
681             "select "
682             + "null as SCOPE, "
683             + "null as COLUMN_NAME, "
684             + "null as DATA_TYPE, "
685             + "null as TYPE_NAME, "
686             + "null as COLUMN_SIZE, "
687             + "null as BUFFER_LENGTH, "
688             + "null as DECIMAL_DIGITS, "
689             + "null as PSEUDO_COLUMN limit 0;");
690         return getVersionColumns.executeQuery();
691     }
getGeneratedKeys()693     ResultSet getGeneratedKeys() throws SQLException {
694         if (getGeneratedKeys == null) getGeneratedKeys = conn.prepareStatement(
695             "select last_insert_rowid();");
696         return getGeneratedKeys.executeQuery();
697     }
699     /** Replace all instances of ' with '' */
escape(final String val)700     private String escape(final String val) {
701         // TODO: this function is ugly, pass this work off to SQLite, then we
702         //       don't have to worry about Unicode 4, other characters needing
703         //       escaping, etc.
704         int len = val.length();
705         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(len);
706         for (int i=0; i < len; i++) {
707             if (val.charAt(i) == '\'') buf.append('\'');
708             buf.append(val.charAt(i));
709         }
710         return buf.toString();
711     }
createStruct(String t, Object[] attr)713     public Struct createStruct(String t, Object[] attr) throws SQLException {
714         throw new SQLException("Not yet implemented by SQLite JDBC driver"); }
getFunctionColumns(String a, String b, String c, String d)715     public ResultSet getFunctionColumns(String a, String b, String c,
716                 String d) throws SQLException {
717         throw new SQLException("Not yet implemented by SQLite JDBC driver"); }
718 }